Trained or not they still lost family were beaten and some rapped by their masters. I'm sure there was a good owner once in awhile but most people are bullies when it comes to power over others.
Trained or not they still lost family were beaten and some rapped by their masters. I'm sure there was a good owner once in awhile but most people are bullies when it comes to power over others.
Are you responding to me? Then you wasted your time, you are preaching to the choir. Maybe you didn't read my comment, but stumbled upon a word or phrase that triggered you.
Trained or not they still lost family were beaten and some rapped by their masters. I'm sure there was a good owner once in awhile but most people are bullies when it comes to power over others.
Are you responding to me? Then you wasted your time, you are preaching to the choir. Maybe you didn't read my comment, but stumbled upon a word or phrase that triggered you.