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Anecdotal accounts of individual "home school" experiences can always be shown to support one point or another. There is a good article in today's (December 12, 2023) Washington Post about research on home schooling. It's very interesting. There are also news reports from all over the country over the years of the "home school" trend of children being dropped right through all of the cracks and gaps in all systems, most horrifically through any system that might protect them from monstrous "care takers" who are ostensibly doing "home schooling."

I'm sure you are not the exception but neither are you the rule.

As for me, I think PUBLIC elements of our society are a key part of what has set this country apart from all other countries in all other eras of human endeavor; it's been a beautiful thing, an enlightened thing: public education for all; public libraries, public parks, public swimming pools & swimming lessons, public hospitals, public HEALTH services of all kinds, public mail services, and on and on; and all of these facets of American life (and more) have been under relentless attack by "Republican" so-called "conservative" groups forever; they seem to have that schadenfreude view of life that anything that benefits all must surely take away from THEIR own entitlements! and "conservative" is in quotes because there is nothing conservative about those groups, except when it comes to "conserving" what THEY deem necessary to conserve, and that brand of "conservatism" will invariably mean that everyone will pay to conserve the "conservatives" demands: pay through the nose while losing what benefits ALL in order to provide for what benefits the "conservatives."

The "gummit is the enemy" crowd, the "get gummit out of our business" crowd, is currently slimey-alive in Texas (and similar knuckle-dragging locales) where enslaving women as vessels to carry embryos and produce fetuses is their m.o.

Seeing huge swaths of streets in other countries FILLED with people - men and women - who will NOT allow government to enslave women, to make health and family decisions for women/men/families is poignant because in AMERICA ("land of the free. home of the brave") it is becoming a secret underground railroad situation to help women get the health/reproductive/family planning care they need!

And finally, who in the HELL does that vile, abomination of a so-called human, Texas AG Ken Paxton - ugly, disgusting, contemptible crook - think he is?!!! And WHERE are the WOMEN of the United States of America??!!

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