But it was because of that. While all the other things may have occurred, the end cause was her inability to satisfy donors and the rest of the admin. Did you read his final line. If not, you should.
But it was because of that. While all the other things may have occurred, the end cause was her inability to satisfy donors and the rest of the admin. Did you read his final line. If not, you should.
Don't spread misinformation. A broad range of students, parents, alumni of all income levels and the Office of the Governor (hearing from parents and students) have been petitioning for months. Thousands of alumni have signed petitions and letters. I receive the alumni communications. I know what is going on. What direct experience do you have?
The Governor visited the Hillel House that was vandalized. Students have the right to gather at a house of worship without vandalism and an attack on their building. Penn was going to lose a big Title VI civil rights complaint case and lose a great deal of government money, so they took the steps to remedy the problem because then perhaps the Department of Education won't come down on them as much. The Trustees are responsible for keeping the students safe, and if the university president isn't succeeding at that, they need to hire someone else. You can't have a campus where people are throwing smoke bombs at the police and outsiders are staying 24/7 in the student union and students are getting death threats and building are vandalized.
But it was because of that. While all the other things may have occurred, the end cause was her inability to satisfy donors and the rest of the admin. Did you read his final line. If not, you should.
Don't spread misinformation. A broad range of students, parents, alumni of all income levels and the Office of the Governor (hearing from parents and students) have been petitioning for months. Thousands of alumni have signed petitions and letters. I receive the alumni communications. I know what is going on. What direct experience do you have?
The Governor visited the Hillel House that was vandalized. Students have the right to gather at a house of worship without vandalism and an attack on their building. Penn was going to lose a big Title VI civil rights complaint case and lose a great deal of government money, so they took the steps to remedy the problem because then perhaps the Department of Education won't come down on them as much. The Trustees are responsible for keeping the students safe, and if the university president isn't succeeding at that, they need to hire someone else. You can't have a campus where people are throwing smoke bombs at the police and outsiders are staying 24/7 in the student union and students are getting death threats and building are vandalized.