Easy Wendy. I have been defending Israel here and on Thom Harmann and Quora.
There are degrees of anti ZIonism and my anti Zionism is not at all an attempt to destroy Israel, although I recognize that most anti Zionism is.
Mine is restricted to Bibi, the Likkud, the the religious right in Israel, that harass and murder Arabs, with IDF looking on, to drive them out of their homes, so they can build Kibbutz.
I get a lot of shit for defending Israels right to exist and defend themselves and admire their citizens and culture for turning a wasted piece of desert into a prosperous nation.
Not all antizionists are anti semities there are a few of us, who have historical knowledge, not bullshit propaganda, and have the capacity for critical reasoning skills.
If I had two choices and two only, one was to live in a secular democracy as Israel is, at least for the time being, and in an Islamic country, I would take Israel,for I would last barely a day in an Islamic country.
And I do not buy Arab propaganda, and neither should anyway, the em effers basically own Exxon Mobil, for whom Trump wants to drill drill drill., and upon whom the Arabs have showered billions.
Apparently a long response of mine didn’t go through so this will be shorter. I fully agree with much of your post and especially on Bibi, the Likkud, and religious right. Leaders of the Mossad and military will likely resign after the war is over, accepting responsibility for the dreadful lack of preparedness and response on October 7th. Unlike them, Bibi will have to be forced out. He still has not accepted any responsibility even though the major responsibility is his. I hope to see him jailed.
I agree. Bibi is a war criminal and a traitor to his people, Israeli intelligence and thus Bibi, have known about this operation for years, but ignored it because Bibi has his own motives.
America is trapped in a dilemma,For one we can't abandon an ally to genocide, and that is what the Arabs have in store. They tried in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1972, 2006 and now in 2023.
HAMAS misjudged Israel, because of their success with Gilad Shalit, they thought that taking hundreds of hostages would give them the upper hand and a chance to wipe the Jews off the face of the Mideast
However Yahoo is to Israel as Trump is to America..
Easy Wendy. I have been defending Israel here and on Thom Harmann and Quora.
There are degrees of anti ZIonism and my anti Zionism is not at all an attempt to destroy Israel, although I recognize that most anti Zionism is.
Mine is restricted to Bibi, the Likkud, the the religious right in Israel, that harass and murder Arabs, with IDF looking on, to drive them out of their homes, so they can build Kibbutz.
I get a lot of shit for defending Israels right to exist and defend themselves and admire their citizens and culture for turning a wasted piece of desert into a prosperous nation.
Not all antizionists are anti semities there are a few of us, who have historical knowledge, not bullshit propaganda, and have the capacity for critical reasoning skills.
If I had two choices and two only, one was to live in a secular democracy as Israel is, at least for the time being, and in an Islamic country, I would take Israel,for I would last barely a day in an Islamic country.
And I do not buy Arab propaganda, and neither should anyway, the em effers basically own Exxon Mobil, for whom Trump wants to drill drill drill., and upon whom the Arabs have showered billions.
Apparently a long response of mine didn’t go through so this will be shorter. I fully agree with much of your post and especially on Bibi, the Likkud, and religious right. Leaders of the Mossad and military will likely resign after the war is over, accepting responsibility for the dreadful lack of preparedness and response on October 7th. Unlike them, Bibi will have to be forced out. He still has not accepted any responsibility even though the major responsibility is his. I hope to see him jailed.
I agree. Bibi is a war criminal and a traitor to his people, Israeli intelligence and thus Bibi, have known about this operation for years, but ignored it because Bibi has his own motives.
America is trapped in a dilemma,For one we can't abandon an ally to genocide, and that is what the Arabs have in store. They tried in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1972, 2006 and now in 2023.
HAMAS misjudged Israel, because of their success with Gilad Shalit, they thought that taking hundreds of hostages would give them the upper hand and a chance to wipe the Jews off the face of the Mideast
However Yahoo is to Israel as Trump is to America..