Keep in mind also the stated tRump and Republican plans to destroy the Civil Service system in U.S. government. Only the ignorant or craven crime syndicate would think that a good idea; it is another tentacle of the plans to utterly destroy America as we have known it, until recent years.
Keep in mind also the stated tRump and Republican plans to destroy the Civil Service system in U.S. government. Only the ignorant or craven crime syndicate would think that a good idea; it is another tentacle of the plans to utterly destroy America as we have known it, until recent years.
Same as post office, education, social safety net, etc. But more nefarious! For one, they want control of that Revenue. But number two, they also get more power over the lives of those employees! salaries, job security (employment at will), benefits (anti-union efforts), etc. You become dependent upon their will for you, and if you decide to strike or buck their system you and your family are screwed, because with no safety net, "if you don't work, you don't eat", and every aspect of your life, and quality there of, is controlled by them! Number 3, to infiltrate destroy Democracy- the power of the people! To eliminate our already weakened ability to decide who our representatives are and to cripple our limited ability to influence the policies that directly impact our lives. To replace democracy with an autocracy... fascism- a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Keep in mind also the stated tRump and Republican plans to destroy the Civil Service system in U.S. government. Only the ignorant or craven crime syndicate would think that a good idea; it is another tentacle of the plans to utterly destroy America as we have known it, until recent years.
Same as post office, education, social safety net, etc. But more nefarious! For one, they want control of that Revenue. But number two, they also get more power over the lives of those employees! salaries, job security (employment at will), benefits (anti-union efforts), etc. You become dependent upon their will for you, and if you decide to strike or buck their system you and your family are screwed, because with no safety net, "if you don't work, you don't eat", and every aspect of your life, and quality there of, is controlled by them! Number 3, to infiltrate destroy Democracy- the power of the people! To eliminate our already weakened ability to decide who our representatives are and to cripple our limited ability to influence the policies that directly impact our lives. To replace democracy with an autocracy... fascism- a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Why is PM DeJoy still there selling public owned post offices, etc. Stopping mail delivery, etc.
D_mn good question!!!