My small house that is only half paid for, 26-year-old truck I use for work, and 30-year-old car are taxed every year as wealth. They don’t generate any income for me. The money I make is also taxed, and I pay into SS and Medicare. I’m taxed out the wazoo.
My small house that is only half paid for, 26-year-old truck I use for work, and 30-year-old car are taxed every year as wealth. They don’t generate any income for me. The money I make is also taxed, and I pay into SS and Medicare. I’m taxed out the wazoo.
Even a small percentage of tax on say, anyone with a billion dollars or more, could cover a huge part (maybe all) of the taxes you (and everyone else) pays.
My small house that is only half paid for, 26-year-old truck I use for work, and 30-year-old car are taxed every year as wealth. They don’t generate any income for me. The money I make is also taxed, and I pay into SS and Medicare. I’m taxed out the wazoo.
Even a small percentage of tax on say, anyone with a billion dollars or more, could cover a huge part (maybe all) of the taxes you (and everyone else) pays.
But tax the billionaires? Nah, that's communism.