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The Palestine Arts/literary Festival (not sure of the exact name) that took place on the Penn campus in September (but was not coordinated nor funded by the school) occurred in September. Many weeks prior to the Hamas attack on Israel and not at all related. It seems that Magill was vilified for even “allowing” this to happen. Meanwhile, the right wingers clutch their pearls about supposed leftist attacks on free speech forgetting about their outright tolerance/support of Nazi speakers at Berkeley a few years ago. The hypocrisy is astounding. I wish these women had stood their ground and not resigned despite these arrogant, rich donor threats. That would have been a powerful statement. I am quite certain that men in their same positions wouldn’t have stepped down so readily.

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I obtained a masters degree from a Private University, back in 1972, and even back then there was a cadre of doltish Marxists, that were bent on making trouble.

It has only gotten worse. Berkeley is a den of snobbish, self congratulatory, immature and childish hypocrites. The champion equal rights, the rights of women for autonomy, then boycott speakers who dare call the suffocating abaya, chador, niqab and burga bee keeper suits, because they are demeaning and oppressive to woman, but that is alright with these dolts, because these are Muslim countries, and "everybody" knows that Muslims are persecuted peoples, despite the fact that they are the 2nd largest religious cult in the world and rule the Midast, the gulf, Iran, Iraq, Turkey Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia,, North Africa and many countries in Africa

Then again we have Christians who are the majority in America crying persecution.

Then again I have to blame those who turned persecution into a world wide public relations tool, to manipulate emotions and politics.

Success breeds imitation. Now every group is persecuted and persecution that is valid, has lost its punch. Like the boy who cried wolf.

Now antisemitism being recognized as a clarion call to genocide of the Jews, it is relegated to the same category as racism, misogyny, homophobia. Instead of evoking outrage, it evokes yawns, dismissal and so what isms.

The toothpaste is out of the tube.

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To be explicitly clear: those "boycotted" speakers incite hate openly; they were only not allowed to speak because the tiny hateful minority that invited them couldn't afford the security budget that university policies (which apply to all speakers/hosts) require.

No squeezing of tube -> no toothpaste.

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And what about the dear professor at. The Law School who is giving voice White Nationalism and racism? Where was donor outrage? Where was Stefanik?

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