That should give you warm fuzzy feelings and cause you to rejoice when elderly and disabled people lose their homes and end up homeless, living on the streets till they conveniently die from hunger and cold weather. Think of all the real estate you can gobble up.
That should give you warm fuzzy feelings and cause you to rejoice when elderly and disabled people lose their homes and end up homeless, living on the streets till they conveniently die from hunger and cold weather. Think of all the real estate you can gobble up.
Steve Mnuchin, Trump's Secretary of the Treasury, made billions off (some say he invented) the fake-mortgage-asset schemes that almost caused a depression, was called the "foreclosure king." Trump loved him, called him a financial genius.
That should give you warm fuzzy feelings and cause you to rejoice when elderly and disabled people lose their homes and end up homeless, living on the streets till they conveniently die from hunger and cold weather. Think of all the real estate you can gobble up.
Steve Mnuchin, Trump's Secretary of the Treasury, made billions off (some say he invented) the fake-mortgage-asset schemes that almost caused a depression, was called the "foreclosure king." Trump loved him, called him a financial genius.