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Bullshit. Hamas Terrorists Have Genocide In Their Hearts. They Say So Themselves https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-terrorists-have-genocide-their-hearts-they-say-so-themselves-opinion-1834360

You've exposed yourself.

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Clearly now, it appears so does the IOF. We have heard the Israeli Govt, Second Nakba, raze Gaza to rubble, human animals, etc. The IOF are armed to the teeth by the Western world. It is also ignorant to bypass the fact that it was Bibi Netanyahu who allowed money to flow into that region. He wanted a Hamas, to counter the PA and Fatah, so there would be no stable Palestinian Agency to be able to come to the table for establishing two States.

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Like the first Nakba, the Arabs have brought this upon themselves.

This old man knows history, not the bullshit ginned up in universities.

The Jews bought land from the Bedouins, made the desert bloom, cleaned up the garbage dump the Arabs left of Jerusalem, and the Arabs were shamed and envious and tried to genocide the Jews in 1948, they lost, but like idiots kept coming back in 1956, 9167, 1973, 2006 and Oct 7, only to get their asses handed to them and lose more territory (which Israel rightfully claimed for self defense, like the Golan Heights, they would have been remiss and guilty of misfeasance had they not.

Arabs can't learn becaus of their religion, their sacred text calls for the genocide of Jews

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You must go back much further than 1943 to see the real history of this region including Jerusalem and Judah when it was Jew v. Jew until the Assyrians came in and blew it all apart and aided Judah. If we only go back to 1943, the Arabs/ Palestinians have plenty of reason to hate the Israeli Government and Jews writ large. Prior to the birth of Jesus, the Jews were persecuted for generations by the Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, etc.

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That's bullshit propaganda.

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Didn't expect anything rational from you. The bias is clear. Bye.

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Pot calls kettle.

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So clever. Applause.

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I provided more and perhaps better answers above,not just in response to you, but in response to others, Ctr F, find William Farrar

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I appreciated the opinion column & worry about the war's endpoint & aftermath. So complicated, so many lives destroyed. So much dissension, even in this progressive-leaning forum.

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Why is the killing of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians by the IDF not considered genocide? Because Hamas struck first and committed atrocities to the Jewish people? That’s where I get stuck. 1200 barbaric deaths by a group hellbent on the decimation of the Jewish people deserves a retaliatory attack that results in the decimation of 1000 Hamas terrorists, responsible for the original attacks plus another 18,000+ innocents in Gaza. So, Israel should not be criticized and if you do criticize then you are antisemitic? 🤷🏽‍♂️

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The "killing of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians by the IDF" is if true, collateral damage to something that Hamas, and for that matter the PA, Qatar, Saudis etc can stop whenever they want, Maybe you are complicit if you don't see that there are hostages and that Hamas kills Palestinians too and refuse to negotiate. .

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Hamas is a known terrorist group. But is Netanyahu’s plan to bomb to oblivion all of Gaza, kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, all in order to kill every member of Hamas, not genocide? All in the name of ‘protecting Israelis’. I’d that

Is the answer, then there were never truer words than spoken by Ghandhi, “practicing an eye for an eye will do nothing then to leave us both blind.” Indiscriminate bombing of innocent Gazans will create another generation of young people with hatred for Jews and the Israeli government. This when young people were making advances. The true evil here, as usual, is the extremists in both countries. And to answer your question, am I complicit? Yes. As long as I stay silent about what Israel, the US, and other allies are doing that further creates humanitarian crises for women and children without any end game or ‘day after’ strategy. Netanyahu will be seen as a war criminal if this continues and innocents continue to die.

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An opinion by a Zionist. Go figure. The “but Hamas...” argument (if it can even be called that) is getting tired and old. Those who have “genocide in their hearts” are the ones actually committing the genocide. People are waking up to Israel’s lies and deception with every child they see murdered. Those who kill women and children are nothing but COWARDS. When the truth is spoken, all people like you can do is hurl insults. It is still not too late for Zionists to start seeing all humans as equals. But it will likely be soon.

This is by a former Israeli negotiator, Daniel Levy:


For those who prefer video, Daniel Levy interview:


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Dr who I am not a Zionist but I echo Daniel, plus some. I was raised white Christian, and am now an atheist and a progressive, a least as regards the culture war, and destroying the rule of the elite.

However I blame HAMAS for raining hell down on it's people, the citizens of Gaza and the west Bank are disposable tools to wage in their war against the Jews, and who is funding and mentoring them, but Iran, who has a long standing official war aagainst the Jews.

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I’m sorry you have eaten up all the lies you’ve been fed. I’m sorry you’re so gullible. And I’m sorry you likely won’t listen to rational opinions by fellow white Christian Americans who do not hold your views.

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Dr Who, you shouldn't talk to yourself, It isn't healthy. A sign of mental instability.

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