Bull shit. Read the HAMAS charter, it is a blue print for genocide of the Jews, hell read Islamic scripture, like the haddith of al Bukhari, which is copied word for word from al Buhari. Sahih 1395 and 1296, book 56 haddith 139, al Bukhari, both HAMAS and Islamic scripture calls for the genocide of the Jews. There is nothing in Zionism or Israel, much less the TeNACH (OT) that calls for the genocide of Arabs.
So William.; You are quoting HAMAS with those figures, But of course you believe the lies of HAMAS.
I guess murdering Jewish children would be more palatable to you and yours
Wait they already brutally murdered and burned alive, Jewish children on Oct 7th,but by your lights that is only justice isn't it? Jewish lives weighed against Arab lies? Jews don't have a chance in the mentality of dolts.
I'm quoting what news agencies are telling us. Have you seen the videos of the destruction in Gaza? Over 60% of the buildings have been destroyed or damaged. You seem to believe what you want to believe.
They call it mowing the grass or thinning the population but it's not bull. Read some of the comments from Netanyahu and this right wing government. They aren't hiding their feelings. I'm anti Zionism but not anti semitic. You are allowing yourself to be blinded when it comes to Israel.
Oh but your championing the Jew hatred of Islam, you are indeed antisemitic.
You see I am, according to the ADL, an antisemite, because I am anti Zionist, but not anti Israel., and I know that Muslims lie in the defense of Islam, and lying in defense of Islam is a sacred requirement, the punishment of failure it to burn in hell, with your flesh ripped off every morning. You see I am an Islamic Scholar, albeit an infidel, but I know so much, that by their lights I am murtadd, an apostate.
My antiZionism is restricted to Bibe and other orthodox right wing, especially the settlers who harass and murder Arabs, to drive them off their land, so they can build Kibbutz. That I do not sanction, what I do sanction is the pre Bbib Israel, a secular democracy, which you will never ever find in a Muslim nation, what you find in a Muslim nation is suppression and submission of women, and the death of atheist, polytheists and gays.
Iran is more "civilized" it claims there are no gays in Iran, that is because if got, they are forcibly subjected to surgery, sexual reassignment surgery. A solution I am sure that the Christians would like to perform on gays, maybe not though, they are seriously trans phobic, and believe that the transgendered wear dresses to expose themselves in women;s restrooms, Ignorant m effers think that women's rest rooms have urinals.
What you miss is that antisemitism is pervasive. Hamas wants you dead.
It's equally true that the Israeli government want to kill the Palestinians.
Bull shit. Read the HAMAS charter, it is a blue print for genocide of the Jews, hell read Islamic scripture, like the haddith of al Bukhari, which is copied word for word from al Buhari. Sahih 1395 and 1296, book 56 haddith 139, al Bukhari, both HAMAS and Islamic scripture calls for the genocide of the Jews. There is nothing in Zionism or Israel, much less the TeNACH (OT) that calls for the genocide of Arabs.
That is complete bull. War is hell. Your antisemitic collective subconscious is showing.
This isn't war, it's slaughter. Over 7,000 children killed by Israeli bombs. The worst bombing since WWII in a highly populated, defenseless area.
So William.; You are quoting HAMAS with those figures, But of course you believe the lies of HAMAS.
I guess murdering Jewish children would be more palatable to you and yours
Wait they already brutally murdered and burned alive, Jewish children on Oct 7th,but by your lights that is only justice isn't it? Jewish lives weighed against Arab lies? Jews don't have a chance in the mentality of dolts.
I'm quoting what news agencies are telling us. Have you seen the videos of the destruction in Gaza? Over 60% of the buildings have been destroyed or damaged. You seem to believe what you want to believe.
They call it mowing the grass or thinning the population but it's not bull. Read some of the comments from Netanyahu and this right wing government. They aren't hiding their feelings. I'm anti Zionism but not anti semitic. You are allowing yourself to be blinded when it comes to Israel.
Oh but your championing the Jew hatred of Islam, you are indeed antisemitic.
You see I am, according to the ADL, an antisemite, because I am anti Zionist, but not anti Israel., and I know that Muslims lie in the defense of Islam, and lying in defense of Islam is a sacred requirement, the punishment of failure it to burn in hell, with your flesh ripped off every morning. You see I am an Islamic Scholar, albeit an infidel, but I know so much, that by their lights I am murtadd, an apostate.
My antiZionism is restricted to Bibe and other orthodox right wing, especially the settlers who harass and murder Arabs, to drive them off their land, so they can build Kibbutz. That I do not sanction, what I do sanction is the pre Bbib Israel, a secular democracy, which you will never ever find in a Muslim nation, what you find in a Muslim nation is suppression and submission of women, and the death of atheist, polytheists and gays.
Iran is more "civilized" it claims there are no gays in Iran, that is because if got, they are forcibly subjected to surgery, sexual reassignment surgery. A solution I am sure that the Christians would like to perform on gays, maybe not though, they are seriously trans phobic, and believe that the transgendered wear dresses to expose themselves in women;s restrooms, Ignorant m effers think that women's rest rooms have urinals.
I'm telling you what Israeli leaders have said.