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What I think is being missed in all these comments - which, by the way, are all well taken - is that the MAGA insurrectionists were successfully marginalized in a bi-partisan way. To my thinking, that's the greater accomplishment than simply keeping the lights on in government.

And now, a word from Raskin (if you haven't heard it.): https://youtu.be/Sj26W042OsQ?si=Po0KMvAhiKF61UIf

And a little editorial wisdom from the '60s, a skit which >exactly< captures my view of recent events on Capitol Hill! https://youtube.com/shorts/-G7qd1RUtdk?si=5z0lz9ob6oKmNZjJ_ 🀣🀣😁

And while I'm at it, this is dedicated to "the former guy," ol' P01135809: https://youtu.be/uGqTZUcemrU?si=g8iVLDhBMAMWDxQL 😁😁🀣

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Jamie Raskin for president in 2028. He's a leader and a doer.

Laugh-In skit you provided a link to that was related to "capital Hill" actions of late was spot on and I chuckled at the ridiculousness of the house Republicans. So stupid and Robert gets the "interesting" partπŸ€ͺ

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BTW: Even >I'd< support a Raskin presidential bid if Biden were to "give it back to the Indians," as the saying goes out here, when things get out of hand! Let me hasten to add, I'm thumbing my nose at the gerontophobes here and elsewhere! If Biden dies in office during a 2nd term, I say prop him up on his damn horse and send him back into the fray!

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πŸ˜†πŸ€­. I’m sorry- tooo funny! I LOVE BIDEN’s WISDOM!!! Did you see BIDEN’s speech at McCain’s tribute?? Absolutely incredibleβ€” brought me to tears! Cindy McCain introduced https://www.youtube.com/live/7qhw0htNtzQ?si=Q6-ZQa0f9pV69Vtx

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A further delight just for you, dedicated to ol' P01135809: https://youtu.be/uGqTZUcemrU?si=g8iVLDhBMAMWDxQL

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Wonder why he’s not running for Cardon’s Senate seat...hmm

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Thanks for all the videos especially the last one. Needed a good laugh and remember so well the hysterical comedy of Laugh In.

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* β€œON” top of it!πŸ™„

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You can edit your postsβ€”just click on the 3 dots next to it πŸ˜€

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Kate- my three dots are somehow NOT giving me that option!😝. I will try to be more careful next time!πŸ™„

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You’re rightβ€”that’s so weird I’ve never seen that happen before! Ah well, oftentimes it’s the β€œducking” autocorrect that gets us too! 🀣 Have a good one!

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The edit feature doesn’t immediately show itself as an option. It appears much later.

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Same here!

I just got home, opened my email, and there’s RR’s news.

Thank you RR!

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I have great sympathy for Ukraine. Perhaps they can seek funding elsewhere (have done) & aid can be negotiated in the next 45 days. β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸŒŽ

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I don't like it one bit. Cowardice. Treason to democracy.

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I read somewhere that they might fund Ukraine out of the DOD budget. But that’s all I know.

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They should take the MAGAs pay and future benefits to fund Ukraine!

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That would be simply delicious if "they" could do that, as a penalty to Congressional MAGAs for supporting Putin above the welfare of our county and that of one of our best allies in eastern Europe, Ukraine. I thought I despised those MAGAs and Trump as much as I possibly could, but this just amps up what has now become hatred of them. The next level for me when they again do this in 45 days will be thoughts of, "I wish they would just "Eff Off and 'D' " and I don't like having those thoughts!

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Hear Hear I totally agree

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Sandra, I feel the same way about TUMP and those MAGAs myself. I don't like having those thoughts either, but they have already destroyed too much now just to show how loyal they are to that blob of lard full of orange protoplasm, Donald TUMP. They hate the average American citizens and want to destroy us all so they can enrich themselves and have total control over all of us. I hate and despise all of these MAGAs and all of the hate mongering Fascist GQP. To me, they are just as bad or worse than Adolf Hitler's minions before and during World War 2. What Hitler did to the Jewish population was the most horrific and despicable crimes against mankind in world history. For a short time, Hitler even had the disabled and old people killed. I won't discuss this any further, just thinking about what i just wrote makes me want to vomit.

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If given the WH in 2024, Trump will become the equivalent of Hitler. MAGA congressional members are Trump's equivalent to Hitler's Nazi Party members in the Reichstag whose numbers kept growing with each election after the Chancellor shuttered their "parliament" to call for a new election, which is similar to the Growing number of MAGAs in the Republican Caucus. While still president on 1/6/21, the events at the US Capitol were the failed attempt to recreate Germany's Reichstag Fire, which was blamed on Germany's Communist Party (MAGAs blamed Dems), and which ultimately gave Hitler complete control of Germany as both president and Chancellor. Trump's Oath Keepers and Proud boys are the equivalent of the Nazi's SS, and all the lone wolf MAGAs in our country who Trump sends dog whistles to via his nasty Truth Social rants will en masse and become the equivalent of Hitler's Brown Shirts.

Jews were not Hitler's only targets. He harbored hatred toward anyone who was not Aryan, including Roma and Sinti people (gypsies, if you will), and black people. Slavic people, such as those from Poland and Russia, were considered inferior and were targeted because they lived in areas needed for German expansion. Hitler wanted to β€˜improve’ the genetic make-up of the population, so disabled people, either mentally or physically, and gay people were "rounded up" or beaten to death. Obviously, all political opponents including Communists and Social Democrats, but also trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Freemasons were also persecuted. And let's not forget his attack on the literati in universities, as well as anti-Nazi publishers, which completely shitdown all communications which were not Nazi-friendly.

Trump is repeating the same with his hatred of all perceived POC, including not only blacks and Hispanics but also anyone who is not Christian, and the LGBTQ+ community, and anyone who disagrees with him. Given a second term in the WH, he will certainly and completely destroy democracy as we know it if more MAGAs are elected to both houses of Congress. Because they seem unable to control MAGAs now, conservative Republicans will go along with MAGAs in Congress, much as they are slowly doing now to protect their slim majority in the House. After the 2024 election and if Repubelicans retake the Senate and the WH, all H*ll will break loose in our beautiful country and Trump and Congressional MAGAs will quickly move to centralize power in the WH, giving Trump the power to legislate. Through whatever means necessary, SCOTUS will become completely right wing, and Trump will ensure that all their decisions will be reviewed by him and changed if they do not appeal to his liking. Essentially, democracy will gone, and we will be doomed.

Certainly, this is an extreme view of what could happen if Trump regains the WH and Repubelicans regain Congress. But Trump is so hungry to regain power and keep it until he drops dead that anything is possible if he is allowed the nomination in 2024 and wins. Trump desires to be a Dictator and he has shown how cruel he can be to anyone he deems "less than" himself...which is pretty much anyone who disagrees with him.

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Thank you for your detailed and complete description of all of the evils of Hitler and his nasty and evil agenda. I watch these Hitler documentaries over and over again, it is sickening to see how he rose up from a very poor person selling greeting cards to the Dictatorship of Germany. The actual film footage with the dead bodies piled up that had been starved and beaten to death were almost too much for me watch. I just can't imagine the suffering that went on because of Adolf Hitler. It would be great if your comment could be published all over the United States so some of the undecided voters could see just how horrible a second term of TUMP would really be.

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I hope so. Otherwise I am pissed.

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Just heard both Hakeem Jeffries and Jamie Raskin (YouTube) very supportive of working on funding for Ukraine very soon πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ as in next week if possible. Well aware of winter coming and the need. Yes, our team; #GoHakeemGoJamie

and Democratic Caucus. Vote proceeding through Senate on bipartisan bill CR now. It will be contentious no doubt but I trust our team! πŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠβ€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒŽπŸ•ŠοΈ

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I believe there is $$ on hand for existing commitments. I doubt the Dems will drop this because it was including in the future spending debt ceiling bill.

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usually monies can get moved around, at least for a while below certain thresholds.

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They can to avoid the Debt Ceilng when there is $$ additional revenue coming in that offsets expenditures or $$ on hand that can be moved.

This is about allocations expiring. It is not so simple. Many expire immediately - Head Start, tons of federal employees and contractors. TSA and others would not have funding but are considered β€˜essential’ and are to continue working without pay.

What can continue depends on the type of authorization for the funding. Some are β€œcontinuing” appropriations which are not affected - like paying the president & legislators due to a Constitutional provision. But not their staff. Others have separate revenue streams like Social Security payments - not necessarily staff to process applications.

The Courts also have revenue from fees to pay staff but not enough to stay open for the long haul. Judges are covered under the same provision as legislators. DOJ has continuing funding that should keep them going. Grantees may not be able to be reimbursed for services provided.

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talking about monies for Ukraine specifically. There are games.

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It was acknowledged about the time Zelensky was here and since there is a little over $5B left can be used for assisting Ukraine.

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Sep 30, 2023
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The 'pro -life' party does it again!

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How the hell are we to feel about the dem leadership backing off support for Ukraine. This is madness. This is cowardice. This is treason to democracy. No good. Not at all. A major victory for the anarchists on the right.

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Keep the govt running first. Then worry about Ukraine. If the govt closed they would get any help either. Think about it.

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Okay, let's take a beat here folks. We are not abandoning Ukraine. And I'm sorry Prof. Reich didn't explain this more accurately. It's not even a symbolic victory for Putin. It's just a pragmatic maneuver that pushes an essential funding bill across the finish line.

The House compromise agreement mirrors the Senate version, except that it does not include an ADDITIONAL amount of aid for Ukraine. A White House official is quoted by Roll Call as saying that the White House expects a follow-on Ukraine aid package to pass in both chambers.

It's not treason, or cowardice. And it most certainly is not a victory for MAGA or Trump whose stated intent was to shutdown the government.

Yes, it's temporary. But there are only so many hours in a day, and there are 12 appropriation bills that need to be passed by both chambers to fully fund the government through the next fiscal year. Temporary is the only possibility.


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Thank you Jerry,

I am a tiny bit concerned when so many different conclusions come forward before we have time to interpret the facts. Stay cool, stay smart. Read carefully and totally.

Mr.Weiss digests and places the facts on our plates in order that we can win the nutrition from well cooked facts.

Don’t ask for dessert before the bread is baked.

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How many tens of billions has the neo-fascist cocaine-fueled corrupt cutthroat-Capitalist oligarchic Ukrainian regime received already?

Anglo-Zio-CONning imperialism is passΓ©.

And this is NOT a pro-Putin post.

β€œInternal improvements, NOT foreign entanglements” - #AbrahamLincoln


#CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer)

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I so hope you are right.

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Here’s what I think about that: it is not an either or situation. We are not that stupid or that powerless to be able to stop these MAGA morons.

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THe MAGA morons must be stopped!

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They have been ! It was their desire to shut the government down, and then crow about how all powerful they are ! Problem is, for them, they didn't have the power to do that, because our Dems just stepped in and voted to pass the bill without funding for Ukraine, which was one of their most vehement demands. So it shocked the hell out of them when it happened and the government got funded. Problem is, for the Marginal Trailer Queen and her minions is, we'll just continue our support for Ukraine at a later date, and so what they think is a big win for them, will turn out to be an empty hamburger wrapper.

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And the reputation of America would be ruined internationally, we are already looked at, because of Trump, as an unreliable ally, and even a joke.

Because of Trump, we are not trusted, to uphold our end of the bargain. But I have no doubt that the CIA and DOJ, will interfere in another countries affairs, if big moneyed interests are threatend.

For example, Chavez had the audacity to think that Venezuelan oil belonged to Venezuela, not Exxon Mobil, and Exxon mobil has used their money power with the corporate media and the government, to destablize Venezuela, that they can get their grubby murderous hands on oil they consider theirs. Thus creating a problem, that Venezuelans flee from by flying to Mexico and trying to cross our border.

BTW those migrants are not the common people, they arrive in clean, designer clothes, with kids carrying soccer balls and dolls. No way in hell they crossed the Darian Gap and made their way north over the Bridge of the Americas, Panama,Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador Guatemala and Mexico.

I drove that trip from Texas to Panama, and I know the dangers of the Darien Gap, besides gangs that will steal from and/or kill you, there are Fer de Lance,the deadliest viper in the Americas, peccaries (which are bad tempered and vicious) and jaguars.

Kids certainly don't carry soccer balls and dolls with them, nor do designer clothes, survive the trip, looking brand new.

Sad to say, but Americans are lazy, uninformed and apparently not observant and lack critical thinking skills or else they wouldn't believe the propaganda, that these are ordinary people fleeing political oppression, when what they are are Upper and middle middle class people fleeing a country which can no longer support them in the parasitic style to which they are accustomed.

The same as the Cubans who fled Cuba after Castro closed the mafia casinos and restaurants, and the services which the entitled used to suck the blood of the people.

Castro was not, at first,a communist, but surrounded by an enemy who blockaded and boycotted him, he had no choice but to turn to Russia for support.

Again and again, from Cuba,to Peru, To Venezuela, Honduras, Chile and Iran, to the African continent the plutocrats have used the might of the CIA and DoD, to destablize countries and thus cause the problems that force allies to become enemies.

But when it comes to a real enemy like Putin, these same greedy mo fo's, they suddenly see an enemy, that short stops their sociopathic ventures.

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And McCarthy is not our friend.

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Boy ain’t that the truth.

McConnellis the greatest obstructionist since the civil war. That clown has to go!

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I am less than convinced but point well taken.

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Gary, I am with you on this one. It seems Democrats, just to keep some sense of order will compromise and we all lose. We get 45 days more of insanity from the Republican Toddler Caucus for the compromise and Ukraine gets no more aid from us, their ally. When do We the People say no? Are there no Republicans left in Congress who have not reverted to toddlerhood? Getting rid of McCarthy as Speaker should be a top priority with some Republican not in the playpen voted in. There must be some Republican who could do it, someone with integrity? We only need one with no stupid promises to let the toddlers rule.

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agree on all accounts

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To keep the government running and paychecks going to members of the military, aid to the working poor, single mothers, and the millions other government workers who would have been put on furlough. How is this treason to democracy? Your comment is hyperbolic.

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The problem is that it thinks inside a tiny box, and is short-sighted. We are only talking 45 days here. But we crack the door open for much more of this if we don’t stand firm. In answer to your question about Ukraine, it is our safety at risk, our democracy at risk. It is not either or, it all needs to be included.

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You are correct. After showing that Republicans are the pro-Putin party, conducting a first impeachment in which they proved their case, screaming about Trump back stabbing the Kurds, the President of Afghanistan... what do we do? Biden makes a big show of wanting to help Ukraine, "forever and no matter what the cost"... then allows Dems in Congress to help McCarthy by carving help to Ukraine out of the deal. So shameful! Putin just scored a huge win. Trump scored a huge win... but I repeat myself.

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Yep. I am pissed off.

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They will fund through the DOD.

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Oct 2, 2023
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We had better.

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Sep 30, 2023
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oh, and btw, many voices once told me there was no way trump would be elected. and that he would moderate and come under control of the checks and balances of our government. my faith has been shredded

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Sep 30, 2023Edited
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True that HRC was unlikable, and she made some stupid mistakes in the heat of the campaign, but when have we ever had a candidate for president who had served in the Senate, became Sec State, and lived in the WH, sleeping in the same bed with a sitting president, for eight years? That was like eight years of on the job training, before she ran for the same position. Who was ever more qualified, than that? I dunno, but she might have made a truly great president. Certainly better than the one we got..

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Oct 1, 2023
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Agree. She just wasn't a guy that you'd want to have a beer with at the corner, workingman's bar lol. And I think that tfg was groomed, by the GOP, to be their perfect god guns and guts candidate, and maybe for a very long time. He just doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who could figure out how to get masses of working people to vote for him, all by his money grubbing self, and mainly because of something that you just pointed out. He is, a wealthy, arrogant, dishonest New Yorker who you would think would repel working voters like.. I dunno, cops at crackhouses. For generations, Southern fathers taught their sons and daughters; "Never trust a New Yawka. EVER." Let alone a NY businessman. And yet, there he was, gathering them up at an unbelievable pace, and they began to worship him as if he was the second coming of their dear Jesus ! It just didn't, still doesn't, add up.

So that's my theory. The GOP has been trying to figure out how to harness the workingman/Christian/dumbazz crowd for more than 50 years, because they knew that they would be easilly fooled, available in humoungous numbers, and loyal as the day is long because they are too dumb to question, anything. And they, the GOP, are political masterminds. The Lee Attwater story sent chills down my spine. Tfg? Na. He was coached, perhaps for years, funded, and then inserted into our WH, I think, by the GOP, and at the bidding of our richest Americans. I know. Sounds like a movie, but this, is what scares me. More than anythng else.

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Indeed. Which makes it all the more dangerous to have such weaklings in the dem leadership. Now is the time for angry, vociferous opposition not statesmanship. This feels like early to mid nazi germany. The echoes are terrifying.

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Oct 1, 2023
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I pray you are correct. I am less than convinced. We are in an existential fight right now.

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Why do you think Schumer has to go ?

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I pray you are right. I fear the worse. This is a time for strong leadership and refusal to compromise with putin puppets.

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Your lips to god, ears because I am pissed.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Thank you. I did and I did. I just hope he is right. And I am concerned about the signal it sends.

So if I understand Jerry’s opinion correctly, the aid that was already promised to Ukraine will go forward, is that right? Or is it because the fiscal year has ended, any funding for Ukraine for FY2024 must be approved?

45 days is a very long time in a war such as this.

I am still pissed off at those mealy mouth MAGOt worms.

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Not a fan of our dribs and drabs go slow approach on Ukraine. When I was younger, I used to think, "well the guys in charge have more information, more resources and brains collectively to think things out". I have seen too much and am no longer that young/naive.

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Sep 30, 2023Edited
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I hope so.

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Sorry but I hope this doesn't pass the Senate. You don't cave to hostage taker demands. It ONLY gets worse if you do. We would lose so much more in November if we let them get away with this now.

A shut down will hurt ME but I'll take it if it means cutting the currently lopsided power of a small minority to hold OUR country hostage.


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Amen! Don’t cave

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I certainly may be wrong, but it seems to me that the hostage takers WANT to shut down the government! The ensuing chaos and suffering "proves" per their warped ideology that government is incompetent and should be reduced and eliminated as much as possible. Not passing the bill in the Senate plays into their sick hands. These folks are truly an evil force!

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No. Passing a stop gap leys them off the hook for their actions and lets them do it all over again in November.

Hold the line NOW. Repeatedly make it clear exactly who is responsible. The oath breaking few.

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Tim Baldwin : The MAGAs are at war with our entire country. Their Hubris will destroy them. They are power mad. Even if their illegitimate power only allows them to destroy!

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we failed in WW II and allowed more death than was necessary. we seem willing to do this again

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What does that have to do with either RR's note or my comment? Did you reply to the wrong thread?

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We dragged our feet in standing up during previous wars, and it cost us and others dearly. That is what Joanne was aptly referring to.

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Perhaps that was her intent. The situations have quite a few differences.

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Allowed more deaths than necessary? Remember that the US and her allies WON WWII. Had we NOT gotten in during WWII, many more deaths would have occurred. they were takin everyone to concentration camps. Or are you stating that we should have gone in *sooner*. Your comment isn't quite clear.

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I agree - Our involvement made a significant difference. And we declined to get involved for a long time. That delay had impacts. To learn from that, we could adopt a resolute position that allowing an authoritarian to take sovereign land without consequence encourages them to do it again. That would mean full defense of Ukraine as it stands for its existence as a sovereign nation. Does that help?

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The biggest causes of unnecessary deaths in World War II were dropping atomic bombs on civilians in Japan. I can't speak to the unnecessary deaths that happened all during the war--it ALWAYS happens. But I still consider WWII a "just" war; we had to stop it.

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Had we not dropped the atomic bombs on Japan and opted for a land invasion, millions of Japanese and hundreds of thousands of Allied troops would have died.

In fact, after Hiroshima, Emperor Hirohito was prepared to surrender, but Tojo threatened to assassinate him. It was only after the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki that Japan surrendered.

I would say that both bombings ultimately prevented many, many more unnecessary deaths than caused them.

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The bomb on Nagasaki wasn’t necessary. They should have waited longer after Hiroshima and let the Japanese surrender.

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I wasn't privy to the decision making process but from what I have read by political commentators and historians, it was not necessary--and certainly not a second bomb. Japan was about to surrender. And that radiation didn't go away the next day: it's still affecting people. You're presenting the standard (Truman) line (I mostly liked Truman, but not this decision.

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My Dad was a bombardier in WWII. He flew in the South Pacific. His squad was the Jolly Rogers. I am also a student of history with an undergraduate degree and I'm currently in school, taking more history classes.

Nagasaki was absolutely necessary. The hardliners in Japan were in no way prepared to surrender and were determined to fight until the last dog died. Imagine plotting to assassinate the Emperor, who is God's holy anointed, merely because you disagree with the way he chose to conduct the war.

And Truman might have had that whole, 'the buck stops here' thing going for him, but Sec. War Stinson made the decision.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki Possibly more time should have elapsed before Nagasaki was bombed. Not clear to me Japan was about to surrender. But the Russians came in against Japan on 9 Aug as well. You know firebombings equivalent to the damage of atomic bombs had been going on in months preceding. Truly the Japanese leadership was fanatical. I've never really liked the decision process surrounding the dropping of the 2nd bomb.

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Kathy, of course, you are right and Republicans proved this back in May when a "deal" was struck. They have proven they cannot be trusted with anything at any level. I guess their base is cool with lying and going back on one's word. I am sure they can tell themselves how Republicans are right to do that. Yep, even lying to themselves.

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Agreed - don’t cave.

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Write to your Senators: don't cave in to hostage takers! backstabbing Ukraine will cost us so much more in prestige and admiration around the globe. with that move, we are no better than Trump who backstabbed the Kurds or caused the withdrawal out of Afghanistan with the Doha agreements.

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But it's not about any individual getting hurt. Over a million people would not get paid. And that's just people who work directly for the government. Throw in contracts that get suspended and it's probably 2 million.

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My point was that I have no personal advantage in saying to let it be shut down. I am aware that millions will be affected. BUT they will be so much worse off if we let these jackals hold us hostage again and again. What they want for these same millions of people would be even more horrible. Look to the longer view, not the next few days. Too much is at stake.

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Maybe. The future has yet to unfold.

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We have to ACT now, not wait and see.

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I get it.

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Your summary was very helpful in deciphering the wrangling behind this decision.

I appreciate your concise way of bringing some clarity in the midst of chaos.

I was a pacifist and am no longer. Ukraine deserves to be protected from a horrendous aggression. I believe finding the money for that will be easier than reaching a bipartisan House agreement.

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Because if Putin isn't stopped in Ukraine, there could very well be a third land war in Europe. Something everyone wants, amirite?

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Started by the US.

Maidan coup. Look it up.

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Regardless of what happened in the past, the Ukrainian war is 100% Putin's fault! He started it. No one put a gun to his head and made him invade Ukraine!

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No, not true at all. Russia is responsible from Maidan to now. Stop falling for russofascist propaganda.

For centuries it has been Russian policy to stir up trouble in neighboring countries, take the side of the rebels, encourage the rebels to claim part of the country's territory as theirs, recognize the rebels' claim to that territory, give military assistance to those rebels, use attempts of that country to recover their territory as a pretext for invading that country, appropriate that territory & incorporate into Russia, maybe giving them status as a "republic" or oblast, then at some point eventually taking over all of that country. They've done that for centuries with country after country in order to keep expanding territory, which is why they grew from a small region around Moscow (Muscovy) to become more than twice as large as the next largest country in the world. Even with the breakup of the Soviet Union, they're still half again as large as the next largest country & busy trying to get back all the territory they lost & then some. It's an overwhelming obsession with them, & they never stop except by resolute force. They're like a cancer to the world.

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I did.

2014: Yanukovych was backed by Putin all the way. His people were more inclined to turn towards the West. In the election, Putin helped Yanukovych' 'win' but although he had tried to rebuild his reputation, corruption is a hard thing to kill once it is engrained. He was ousted by his own people and sought refuge in Russia. It is well documented, I'm sure that the US were on the side of the Ukrainians. But the US didn't fabricate their dislike for Russia out of whole cloth. Russia kept Crimea when they had no right to in 2014. It wasn't their land.

This newer war, started in 2019 had nothing to do with the Maidan revolution. Instead, with a new US President, Trump, who openly glorified and admired the Russian dictator, Putin got the nod that if he were to venture in Ukraine, Trump would not flinch. He would let him...

AND SO HE DID. Without Trump's silent consent, Putin would never have restarted his war against Ukraine. Ever since, Trump's statements have all been against Ukraine and for Putin. You can't deny that.

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Most republicans grotesquely call themselves christians, but there is absolutely nothing, nada, zero, christian about them. Democratic Ukraine has been attacked and being physically and emotionally demolished by one of our most dangerous and corrupt authoritarian enemies and Republicans (and other selfish, know-nothings types) are denying further funding and assistance to Ukraine solely because a psychopath former POS president wants to cozy up to any and every rich, murderous dictator. See Saudi Arabia.

Vote these MFers out. Vote decency, humanity. Vote Blue.

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precisely. thank you for saying with anger and adjectives what needs to be said.

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Judging from some of the comments here, I believe that people are misjudging the results. The fact of the matter is that if the Senate approves, the government will not be shut down and nothing is being cut. Funding for Ukraine was not rejected, but was not included. That means it will be dealt with separately and not be tied to this continuing resolution.

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Answers my comment/question. Thanks.

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This is beyond HORRIBLE!! I would never vote to take away funding for Ukraine. NEVER!

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I am concerned that there is no copy of what got passed for us to review and it lacks Ukraine Aid. The House GOP has a growing interest in stopping aid to Ukraine which is a win for Putin. Any alignment with that by the democrats rewards hostage taking and hurts the credibility of democracies throughout the world. You can't trust an ally who has a democracy because the crazies can side with the bad guys without punishment.

I also understood there is a pay raise for congress imbedded in this 'clean bill'. If that is true, it was NOT a clean bill and no one should call it that. The media uses the labels to communicate and headline - and it is the message that sticks. This was true with continued reporting of Trump going to michigan to support the UAW when his trip did no such thing.

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A symbolic victory for Putin, but could easily be devastation to Ukraine

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Gayle, Republicans have told us over and over from the 2016 campaign onward that they are for Putin even if it undermines our democracy. I don't know what the end game for them is, but it can't be good for the American people. I wish their pathetic base had even the slightest idea of what their darlings were up to and how it will ultimately do a lot of damage to themselves. I guess ignorance truly is bliss! Disgusting!

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Ruth, Republofascists want us to become an authoritarian state like Russia, & to have a strong dictator like Putin rule over us, which they see in Trump & DeSantis.

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Jaime, those folks only think they want that authoritarian system because they have never talked with an honest person living under such a system. That's because those honest people are not allowed to speak about anything. I am stunned at the level of ignorance of people living in this nation. It reminds me of what I have read about the fascists who wanted Hitler here before we got into WWII. That was insanity, but there is a significant fraction of our population that has no clue and can be extremely easily programmed to go along with almost anything, particularly the crazy stuff. I guess it makes them feel important until it doesn't. We the People need to work on some positive manipulative strategies to counter the insanity of Trump and Kump and the rest of the anti-democracy crowd.

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Exactly and Moscow mMorch is a good part of it

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And, if it is devastation to Ukraine, it is devastation to us, and to everyone around the world, every country.

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As an American whose grandfather came from Odesa, SHAME on these no class, short sighted fascists.

May their brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and Children have to go and face Putin’s war criminals in person.

The Ukrainian people are sacrificing themselves So We Don’t Have To. Spending Money Instead of Americans and their future seems like an Ignorant, ignorant Choice.

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Listening to McCarthy’s speech. He’s disgusting.

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The centrist republicans need to become independents, and caucus with the democrats. The FreeDumb caucus is insane.

Imagine what 10-20 sane republicans could accomplish with the democrats? And the icing on the cake would be to make the FreeDumb caucus and McCarthy back benchers.

Jeffries would be speaker and I believe democrats could also vote for the minority leader as well. Making the independent republicans the minority party; which would make McConnell and the rest of the looney-tunes party. Back, back benchers!

Hey, a man can dream, can’t he?....:)

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If only we could find or create those 10-20 sane centrist Republicans! They no longer exist. The last ones (e.g. Kinzinger) left in 2022.

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I find it interesting how often Democrats end up compromising what we all need to Republicans who care about no one and nothing but themselves and the money and power they can accumulate. Trump is their deity, but even without Trump, they have no positive moral compass. We can ditch aid to Ukraine because Little Kevvy doesn't want to be kicked out of the speakership, when Republicans have no one else to put in his place that could get elected. What a childish act! We the People should be able to do better, knowing we are all going to be held hostage to this Republican Trumpist insanity for at least another 45 days with the same threats, the same Republican whining, the same Democratic forbearance, with the same toddlers in the crib corner of our House of Representatives. What does 45 days get us? Another chance for Republicans to whine, blame, complain, and bow to their Trump who has told us he wants to destroy everything so he can be in charge of whatever is left. Do Republicans really want to end up living in the Trump/MAGA playpen? Democrats, start getting loud! Start making some news that points out Republican toddlerism! Do something instead of always folding and hoping somehow it will help, well, a little! It does not because it makes Dems look weak even if the efforts are on behalf of stopping a shut-down and protecting a whole lot of Americans. Trump is an obnoxious lout, but he gets media coverage where Biden hardly does and Biden is president, has ideas, has done a lot for the people so far and with next to no Republican help. This is messed up!

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Build a gallows and let the traitors receive what they deserve. Enough of the catering to bullies.

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A better idea and the only sane one is use of the legal system to determine legitimacy of accusations, process to determine a guilt or innocence verdict, and a prison sentence if convicted.

I remain opposed to use of the death sentence.

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Jan, I agree with you but my comment is a reflection of the degree of frustration and fury I feel at the law being abused to enable crimes high and low.

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No aid for Ukraine? Pro-Putin Republicans will answer for their shameless aid to Putin. Meantime, President Biden should expedite the delivery to Ukraine of materiel and arms that have already been funded, and rally our European allies to do the same and more. As bitter as this all is to me, I hold out hope that the radical GOP and its passive enablers are shooting themselves in both feet every day and digging their political graves once and for all.

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