I want to hear solutions. I want to hear the Democratic Party understanding messaging. And the priority of resistance. I don't want to hear, "we can work with him." You don't go from declaring him a fascist to "we can work with him."

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Gerry Connolly, Chuck Schumer, Fetterman have proven one thing, we have been suckered.

This is 1933, and I don't see any chance of reform or resistance from within.

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Hey Will, That's exactly where Maga wants us all to go. Give up!

We must stay the course. 2 Quotes that have helped me.

1. "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." MLK

2. "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept

the responsibility for changing them." D. Waitley

We must continue to move forward.

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That's all fine, but if you stay the course of an infantry battle using muskets against an enemy with M-16s, you will not move very far forward.

Unless the resistance starts using weapons much different from the ones currently being employed (votes in Congress? That's supposed to save us? Petitions? Giving yet more money to the DNC to squander on candidates "who could possibly flip three districts!!!!!!"? GAFB), we will continue to move forward into oligarchy and autocracy.

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We have been here before and worse. Listen to someone like John Meacham, Doris Keans Goodwinn & others.

David Hogg, Stoneham Douglas H.S. mass shooting survivor, common sense gun control "March For Our Lives" supporter said, it looks like we will have to wait until the white old Rs die. 80% of this country wants common sense gun regulation. There are more guns in the U.S. than ppl.

This entire shit show has unfolded because white men are terrified of our country's waning"white majority" becoming a "minority."

The realization of having a black prez in 2008, Mitch McConnell's promise to make him a one-term prez, that, was not happening, and then robbing Obama of the SCOTUS pick, sealed the deal for a malignant narcissist,

AXIS ll, CLUSTER B-4 crazy felon who will hopefully have "fake" nuclear codes.

McConnell and McCarthy could have prevented all this, yet didn't.

I have this sneaking suspicion that Vance may start a fire relating to not freeing all the "J-6 hostage patriots." You know, the "Patriots" who beat up on police. The orange one may insist it was all a "love fest" orchestrated by his base. Rep.Barry Laudermilk from Georgia and other Rs conducted tours in the Capitol, in the afternoon, on J/5.

Were there any Ds who gave tours that day?

This is not about muskets or M-16s.

This is about "resistance" to a changing demographic. One that has been waiting to happen for decades.

Fear, Hate & Money won this election for the orange one.

When the people come to, & find out they've been f'd over, left without programs their leader refers to as "entitlements" which we've paid into for ever, perhaps they too will find the truth behind "woke" or waking up.

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Muskets were of course an analogy, and I wouldn't bet the proverbial plugged nickel that "the people" will *ever* come to. What won the election, as Robert has emphasized (and aligns with Paul Krugman's analysis) is the belief of low-information voters that the businessman who promises them, if not a rose garden, an end to inflation plus higher wages. Which they were already getting from Biden, but one wouldn't know it on Fox.

The weapons I'm talking about are informational, of course, but they are not "politics as usual." And the politicians have to learn that active resistance (in delaying, even "sabotaging" - legally, of course - the legislative agenda that the new regime has) is essential. Republicans like McConnell (and many others) have long done this; we haven't even tried.

I used to believe that youth would save us, but there are plenty of young people in the Proud Boys (etc. etc.). It is not about waiting for us to die. The elderly at this point represent the majority of engaged voters, on both sides.

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It is important to flip districts. But I agree overall. This reminds me of that movie where the zulu's attack with stone age weapns against the British outpost with modern weaponry. Zulu's did win. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Isandlwana

The battlespace here is the information ecosphere. I subscribe to Dem and republican emails and the GOP emails are generally better, more effective, more creative, IMO.

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Totally agree about the information (can't comment on the emails!). Any and all publicity of useful information will help. Reich, Krugman and Snyder all have powerful resumes and present their work effectively; let's get it circulated to those who don't read it regularly.

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#2 please !

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William don't give up--it's way too early--something positive can emerge, as I know since many groups are gathering locally to protect one another and oppose harm, like Indivisible, ACLU, and non-official small town gatherings with good participation, like where I live. Remember, we outnumber them. We cannot sink!

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What gives me hope,is that the governors of Washington, Oregon and California will secede and petition Canada, I think Trump is afraid of that and that is why he wants to make Canada the 51st State.

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I can only hope! Heck, I'd be ok with Calif being their own country.

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We will be glad to have them!

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"Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach. Published in 1975, it's an environmental utopian novel that imagines a future where the Pacific Northwest states of California, Oregon, and Washington secede from the United States to form an independent nation called Ecotopia

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well good idea but I feel the country would be California with the Capital remaining Sacramento.

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Not giving up - on victory. But definitely giving up on any kind of "within the system" potential for change. This is NOT politiics as usual, and the weapons to win are NOT the ones that were useful against Reagan or Bush. This is real war, even if it doesn't involve firearms. It is a WIN/LOSE game; we win decisively or we lose, and not both.

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I totally agree. This is indeed war, and judging by our supposed "leadership" we have lost. They have caved in in a great example of cowardice and/or looking out for no. 1. Which apparently is what politics is all about.

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"This is real war, even if it doesn't involve firearms" , Yet!

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He did say he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and get away with it. Now he can and might. He got away with EVERTHING else.

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Except felony conviction. History will not be kind.

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True, we have the people. I read that there as we go from the 1% wealth bracket, to the 0.1% wealth bracket, the wealth goes up 5X. This trend continues upward, for each decade drop in population. Thus the middle class has more total money than the billionaires. But it is harder to organize a million people than a thousand. And it doesn't say anything about the disposable wealth. Sp maybe the poor can't outspend the rich. Who knows?

On the other hand, for voting the people have the power easily. If you can only get them to agree on what is the proper course of action to take. Apparently the media rules allows the rich to control the narrative. That is why we need somehow to counter the blatent missinformation that is being broadcast.

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' if you can only get them to agree on what is the proper course of action" People need to have learned what democracy and the Constitution mean in grade school and reinforced in high school to understand what their vote really meansand the importnce of everybody voting.

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"Thus the middle class has more total money than the billionaires. But it is harder to organize a million people than a thousand. And it doesn't say anything about the disposable wealth."REALLY???????

I read that 90% of the wealth is owned by 10% of the people, and the rest of us owns the remaining 10%.

So please explain to me how the "middle class" has greater wealth combined.

The growing "middle class" opportunity was only available to white ppl across the board. and still when there was an opportunity after WW2, black folk were not able to build generational wealth in this country, as those opportunities were not available to them, solely bc of the color of their skin.

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that's the challenge.

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He's pardoning his personal army/hit squad now, poor mistreated, pissed off MAGAts.

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we do that today in St Louis. Many advocacy groups gathering today along with some pol leaders. The challenge as always is to influence more people.

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Understand. But Republicans never give up. They have a 40-60 year timeline. Democrats give up after 2 weeks. In the 60's we never gave up fighting the Viet Nam war. We must have the same level of resistance. Schumer, Fetterman et al are not helping us.

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Yes Fetterman is a great disappointment to put it mildly.

He Ran as a progressive but disavowed that philosophy a year or two after we elected him. My husband and I then stopped supporting him. I don’t know what he is now.In any case, we cannot aid the mentally ill and vengeful Trump.

We must defend our families and our Democracy strongly and peacefully!

We must never give up.

Our very lives hang in the balance.

The scorched earth in California is symbolic of Trump’s mind.

We shall fight the fire that caused it and rise from the ashes a healthier and stronger people!

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Fetterman acts like a libertarian maggot.

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what has fetterman done that disappoints you? I have no problem with people going to see crooked Trump, so what else has he done?

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Kissing up to Felon47

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m dismayed Phillip. I was ecstatic when Kamala announced and Joe handed her the ball.

But she betrayed us, she couldn't wait to concede, t 4 pm Nov 6 while they were still counting votes, and there is evidence that, at least in Pennsylvania that the Republicans interfered in the vote counting. Russia sure did with psy ops, despite that Kamala couldn't concede fast enough. And rather take the party in a new direction, left wing populism, the Democratic party has opted for the same old tired playbook. They reward the old tried, true and tired race horses that have patiently plodded around the paddock, earning creds, proving loyalty and waiing their turn to be hauled to the starting gate. The fact that they keep losing tells me that they are insane.

Einstein said: doing the same thing again and again expecting different resuls is a sign of insanity.

All that I am hearing out of strategists, analysts and pundits is what Biden has done for us, they are still trying to live off the fat of the IRA, American Recovery Plan and CHIPS act. That didn't work in 2024, why do these fat heads think that it will work today. They don't,not really, they are just distracting with CYA excuses.

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If you'd said "In the 60s the Viet Cong never gave up fighting the ostensibly invincible American military machine", I would have applauded the comment. As it stands it's a terribly analogy.

Ho Chi Minh did indeed have a many-year timeline (and admiration for the principles of the American Revolution). So yes, there's a lesson there. I don't think many current U.S. politicians are acting on it

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Some of us never gave up fighting against the Vietnam "conflict/police action."

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You are right. There are too many DNC members willing to suck up to the fascist!

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It may turn out to be like 1933 in the US, not Germany. The veteran who committed a spectacular suicide outside a Trump hotel offers a clue as to what might happen next.

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He wasn't a vet he was an active duty a Special Forces MSgt, and something about that doesn't small right. First he was a Trump humper, second he shot himself in the head and then detonated the bomb.

That is impossible.

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It’s been suggested that his combat experiences (6 deployments to Middle East) may have affected his brain. Perhaps PTSD.

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I've heard a lot of things, including he had the bomb on a timer.

We,of course, will never know, and that leaves us with speculation.

What doesn't make sense is that the two men who shot or were targeting Trump and this guy are all Trump humpers.

There is a story here that no one is looking into.

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We have new words/ metaphors for them such as “Scarboroughing or Zuckerberging.”

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Right On ... It's critical to take account to what quiet Democrats have not been doing. This Klatch notes that the billionaires/oligarchs seem to have the upper hand. Many of us are keeping alert. Substack and my background as a child psychiatrist keep me alive.

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There is no viable solution except to break up the Trump/Musk duad. Trump is simply Musk's do-boy in the creation of an entity known as the North American Technate, consisting of the former sovereign states of the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Greenland, and certain strategic nations of Central America. The majority of Repugs have already signed on to this in the vain hope of retaining their prestigious positions, but they will be out on the street, replaced by the technicians being imported by Musk (whose grandfather was a Technocrat), who will then operate this new state. Knowing that these countries will not buy into this deal, Trump is the instrument to bully or initiate military action to get these areas into line. All the other nonsense we hear from Trump is strictly diversionary crap from the real game. The man/child himself will retire to Mar-a-Lago to continue his rants and cheat at golf with the smart balls designed by Musk's techies that will guide themselves into the hole, while he pats himself on the back for bringing down the government by the people that he truly despises as much as he does himself.

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Steve, this sounds like one of the conspiracy theories out there.

I do believe some of the shit contained in Project 2025.(created predominantly by white men)

Watch the following documentary and you will see how we got to where we are now.

It's less esoteric than what you posit.

It's more about the Evangelical Christian Nationalist Movement that has enmeshed itself into our politics so that the two have become one over the last 50+ years.

This eye-opening documentary is free and was released almost a year ago.

It too is frightening but has less to do with the "entity known as the North American Technate," and more to do with turning our country into a predominantly White, Christian, Oligarchy where women are seen as incubators living "under the eye."

Here's the documentary:


White men(not all!!! Ha!) in the Republican Party and their maga followers are threatened by women period. Harris had depth within her skill set & was far superior intellectually to the clown who was bought and sold by billionaires.

Just my opinion: He will either do as he is told by the ppl he appointed from Project 2025 or if not, the 25th Amendment will come to fruition.

"Now Project 2025 alums are slated to have key roles in his administration — particularly on the economy, immigration, and dismantling the administrative state."

I do believe the admin of 2025 will get rid of Musk if they find him impeding their plan.


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I went to High School in a small town in Michigan, Albion where. there is a small college by the same name where my father taught Political Science(oxymoron? maybe not always). Nearby, I rode my bicycle in the countryside a lot, was a town named Hillsdale, and an even smaller and more obscure college of the same name. That was the mid to late 60’s. If you look closely at some of the ads and offers of free CD’s and online classes for what is purported to be lessons on liberty and freedom and what this country should and was meant to be it is them. It was beginning there and then and is now in full fruition. The 2025 and Christian movement. Patient and determined soldiers. They also have an outpost in Hobe Sound, Fl. A prep school offering a true and classical education in government and TRUE liberty. All of this was co-opted by the current extreme right, MAGA, the oligarchs, etc. We must be very careful and not underestimate the opposition. It is strong, determined and deeply planned. Clarence Thomas did not speak a word in the Supreme Court for nearly 30 years until he was empowered and unleashed by his financiers. Let’s be true, stalwart, clear and intelligent as well as strategic in our opposition. As the saying went, “Keep The Faith” in the battle for the great dream of the founders of the United States. It has only begun and will not be easy.

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Excellent film documenting the rise of the christian white majority in the US and how the repugnants groomed them to become a voting bloc. Thank you, Jazz!

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Microtargeting voters. Min 54 or so.

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Painful but let's see if our lawmakers from federal to local gain courage to oppose these idiots!

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I doubt it.

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The Lorax

By Dr. Seuss

First published in 1971, ‘The Lorax’ is a whimsical creature who speaks for the trees, emphasizing the importance of environmental conservation.

Make the comparison with Robert Reich message about Oligarchs & The Middle Class in America. It's seems like a futile attempt, similar to The Lorax's message to the masses. Needless to say, the physical attributes, 😂 LOL. Just saying. I'm glad Robert has always championed the little guy. A humourous observation.

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I wrote a reply somewhere in these conversations about this land we call ours that was inhabited by peoples who lived much like the Lorax described. We called them savages and tried to destroy and eliminate them. Says something about why The Lorax is probably one of Theodore Geisel’s least known books. It’s just too woke (somehow a bad word now).

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Humorous, perhaps to some. Plain mean spirited to others especially considering how Dr. Reich has shared how bullied he was growing up.

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Did you read how Steve Bannon blasted Elon and called him racist, a child, and an evil enemy to the state? Why don't we have leading Democratic leaders saying the same? We need new leadership!

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All good points and I agree totally.

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I was commenting on Philip's comment

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I want to hear everyone ignore the comments Trump makes - it's all a smoke screen for the horrible efforts of the GOP. I hope the news and even this group has learned the lesson!

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You don't work with a facist like Trump. He thinks he knows everything but knows nothing. He is them most unintelligent man that ever was elected. He will let everyone he admires tell him what to do then suddenly ignore everything they say and give the speech of a 12 year old.

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The one's who voted for Trump will need support when they realize they are being duped by robber barons.

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They are too stupid to come to that conclusion.

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Maybe more uneducated and so voting out of ignorance rather than stupid. Being educated is not just all facts. The greatest value, I believe is in learning how to evaluate sources of information.

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Rick, the build up to the disasterous fires in SoCal has been building for decades. Biden has supported the EPA and pollution regulations during his career. The science deniers (e.g. Reagan, Trump 1, Trump 2, and most Republicans do not support environmental regulations and protections at all. Wait to see what happens to the states prone to fires (e.g. California, Oregon), the states affected by hurricanes, flooding and tornadoes once Trump rolls back regulations. It will be a free for all for the polluters, climate change will worsen, and there will be more destruction under any Republicon administration. Good luck with living in your fantasy world

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Rick, you want to prioritize the support for those who voted for Trump? Did you stumble into the wrong chat room?

I agree with Philip's comment at the very top of this page, about wanting solutions and not wanting the Dems in Congress to say things like "we can work with them." I think we are in serious trouble the next four years and we need to resist and to fight like our lives depend on it, because they might.

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The problem with people like you Ricard, is that you don’t even care about getting the name right.

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Rick Sender: You talkin' to me????

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Because you referenced the name, "Joanne" . . .

"The problem with people like you Joanne is you don’t understand that not everybody thinks like you nor wants what you want norlikes what you like

So you realize what’s happening in California is under Biden’s watch not Trump’s. Ooooops. I guess you got what you wanted what you voted for. ?!"

. . . and I didn't see another Joanne--and I couldn't figure out what I might have posted that caused your response.

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Got what she wanted? Under Biden's watch? That has nothing to do with absolutely nothing.

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The people lost their homes due to the fact that the ocean temperature in Calif. measure 2.5 degrees c, warmer than in 1950. It's called global warming. Scientists who study all this say that the fire risk is more than double since the risk present in 1980.

I agree that the state or LA could have been a little better prepared but that would only have helped a little; how do you prepare for 100 mile per hour winds? You lived in Calabasas, a place which is being threatened by fires now as we speak.

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You're a jerk

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Name calling does not contribute to intelligent conversation or debate.

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But accurate.

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Hey Rick,maybe you should go hide under a rock.If you think Dems are pussies,just wait.

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Rick,it is morons like you that will take the country down.

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I’m sure, do you need it?

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He forgets where he is. At Carter’s funeral he thought Obama actually wanted to hear what he had to say.

Their plan is to park the rump in a cushy chair, buy him McDonalds and then the oligarchs will take over the running of the country. Donny boy doesn’t get it.

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Absolutely correct!

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I am not certain of that--he just has no manners no matter the circumstances.

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And the GOP has set things up so that his co-presidents, Elon and Vance (Vance in name only) will be running the country and attempting to hide and camoflauge Trump's cognitive decline. God help us.

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What do you think of Timothy Snyder's idea of creating a "shadow cabinet" to

counter all the nonsense that Trump and his nutcase group are going to propose

and do?

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I like the idea Judith, but how practical is it. Trump had a shadow government running, but he was backed by infinite wealth (not just Musk, but the wealth that actually owns or runs the country.

A problem we face is technology in the hands of pschopathic sociopaths. They now have the capability of monitoring even your inclinations. Siri is used to snoop on you. when you order stuff over the internet, your buying purchases are stored. The NSA Data center at Bluffdale, UT sniffs electronic correspondences, tweets, text, emails are the speed of light.

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But there are ways around technology. I think folks willing to dedicate their time to being shadow members is excellent: it's a strategy to help advise those working openly, like lawmakers and agency officials. In-person meetings work!

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I can't stand Trump at all.

He has not one Decent moment where he ever said " Fogive Me" or "I am Sorry " or 'I was Wrong ' Rosaline George

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He doesn't have a shred of decency and sold his soul to the devil!

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You can't sell a soul you don't have. Therefore he is the devil.

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What soul?

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Being a sociopath means never having to say you are sorry.

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All the above!

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Here's the voting data:

In the November 2024 U.S. presidential election, approximately 63.9% of the voting-age population participated, indicating that about 36.1% did not vote.


With an estimated voting-age population of 239 million, this suggests that around 86 million eligible voters did not cast ballots. This non-voting group is larger than the number of votes received by either major candidate.


In the popular vote, Trump won by (only) a margin of 1.5 percentage points over Harris.


So braggadocio by MaGA on a mandate is false.

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What is not included here are what I call the 'vanity voters', Joan. I am EU but I know Americans here and I am appalled by their 'it isn't my problem anymore' attitudes. Several I know voted third party 'for her conscience' (after telling me she had, one woman said in a silly, middle school voice, "But I hope she wins!") I have no statistics of course, but if I am encountering people like this here, I wonder how many there were in the US who behaved this way. And I am saying 'behaved' because I am a teacher and I just want to put on my teacher voice and tell them, "You are not allowed to behave this way, girls!"

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Well, A LOT of this depends on the state you caste your vote in. There is some merit to this type of voting under certain circumstances. Because of the way our system is set up, it can be very confusing.

First, understand that BOTH of our major political parties are hopelessly corrupt. We desperately need a third party and the only way to get that is for a third party to win but to get federal funding for a 3rd party candidate, the party in question has to have received 5% of the popular vote to obtain that benefit. So WE NEED people to vote for 3rd party candidates.

Because of the Electoral College, if you reside in either a dark blue or dark red state, it really doesn't matter how you vote. Since the Electoral vote is winner-take-all electoral votes. (There are two exceptions. Nebraska and Maine split their electoral vote) But in very polarized states, there is an opportunity to push a 3rd party without risking giving the state to a bad candidate. These are states where those interested in reform SHOULD consider voting 3rd party. They DO need to keep in mind what the polls are doing in their state and not take chances.

States like Florida, Texas, Idaho are examples of dark red states. Whil like California, New York, Massachusetts are are dark blue states.

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I really appreciate this explanation, RG. Thank you. I think what set me up for having a problem with it was the very blatant, "it's not my problem anymore" attitude and I think, given the realities you have now explained me, that attitude isn't going to promote change.

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Ah! That is another matter. I was going to add an addendum to my response but I was afraid I was beating a dead horse. It would have been... "Don't try this at home unless you are willing to put in the time and work to evaluate the risk." I was a district leader for the Democrats for over 10 years. So I knew what I had to evaluate before voting for anyone 3rd party.

The US has been standing at the edge of a cliff for a very, very long time. But I realized that just holding back the far right was never going to be enough. The Democratic party had to start ACTING in the interests of their voters and stop pandering to their donors. It became increasingly clear that they were never going to do that. Too many vested interests. The party leadership was just too damn selfish. This time, it threw us into the abyss.

I don't spare any of them. The Clintons, Obamas, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer...they all pandered to the donor class. Sure, they would throw a few crumbs at their voter base when things got dicey. But it was just that - crumbs. People's lives were getting increasingly more vulnerable and miserable. The bottom 2/3 of the nation were choosing between food, heat, electricity, or seeing a doctor when they were sick. People are running around with chronic injuries because they can't afford care. This has been going on for YEARS.

So the masses would rebel and vote Republican because they needed SOMETHING to change. They hoped the lost votes would get them some attention. Then the Dems would fly into a rage of tantrums and finger-wagging when their base didn't vote for them! Why should they?????

When they would do this, as a district leader, I would respond with "Why on earth should they vote for us?" The answer was always "Look at the alternative!". My response to that was always "Running on a platform that you are less bad than Adolf Hitler is not a winning strategy."

So - I get why people are fed up and don't care anymore. But, how they can think that this won't be their problem is baffles me. Everyone will be impacted. Being abroad will not completely insulate you. When the US catches a cold, the world gets pneumonia. This election cycle, the crazies gave the US pneumonia. What that will do to the rest of the world, I can't say. But it can't be anything good.

I enjoyed your post because it shows a more universal concern about the state of the world. Sorry this response is so long. But there is a side to this that I CAN understand. It's been so bad for so long that people have thrown their hands in the air at the sheer futility of the situation.

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It looks like a mandate when you count electoral votes. I believe Democrats contribution were wasted on lame TV ads. What about candidates discussing policies and proposals. Sure, some generalities, but I believe they were afraid to give details, including how to pay for programs lest they be criticized. I heard the same campaign speeches again and again.

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The campaign speeches sounded like a broken record. But I don't think details matter much. If anything, there was TOO MUCH attention to details. Do the Republicans give details???? No. They seem to pull policies out of their a$$es including "concepts of ideas" with nothing to substantiate it - and they get away with it.

The biggest thing they did wrong was talk up the economy. Anyone looking for a job knew those numbers were cooked in some way. I lost my job in 2022 and have sent literally THOUSANDS of applications and almost ZERO response from any employer. Almost every job I applied for had over 1000 applicants within 204 hours. Often the jobs were taken down and re-posted 5 days later. It was all smoke and mirrors. Everyone else looking is reporting the same thing. It's been like this since mid to late 2022 and the salaries offered are so bad, by the time you pay for your commute, you wonder if the jobs are worth taking. For 2/3 of the country, the economy of 2024 SUCKED!!! And gaslighting them about it only infuriated them more.

On LinkedIn, one of the favorite cartoons post-election was a drawing of Harris and Biden in a garbage can being hauled to the curb. Don't tell people who have been looking for work for over a year and have used up their unemployment benefits and looking at life in the streets that the economy is great...It won't fly.

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Elon musk worries me more than Trump. Musk controls many of our satellites- communications, defense, and all the auxiliaries that accompany them. He now has Trump’s ear and can manipulate this feckless President. We are in clear and present danger.

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Trump is a tool. He is a fifth grade bully, manipulated by men with their own agenda's

Be they Vladimir Putin, Steven Miller, Musk or Thiel.

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Read my comment above about Steve Bannon. Where is democratic leadership saying the same???

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All of the above PLUS the legislative and policy agenda to maintain tax cuts for the rich and reduce social security, Medicare and Medicaid. The legislation his cronies are preparing to push through with their majority will hurt all of us including those who strongly support him.

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So we collectively resist from several fronts.

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I feel like we are literally about to enter the hunger games and I didn’t want this for anyone. I still feel absolute disgust for ALL who put this plan into reality. I am terrified for the future.

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This is probably the most important conversation we can have. How information is being controlled. Those with a voice are those who have power. I think democrats need to get on X in great numbers just to contradict all the misinformation. Short messages that reach millions have a lot of power, whether the messages are accurate, or misinformation.

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Will try to do so!

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Yay! Thank you! Perhaps the most effect thing you can do to help "THE TRUTH." The best possible use of your time to help our cause and save democracy.

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But Musk can start blocking--claiming there lies.

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Oh yes. That is why we have to have a lot of people doing this, not just one. And why we have to keep it up on other information outlets as well. So we need to go on BlueSky too, and others. And TikTok. Short messages that go out to millions is the key. Do whatever we can to keep talking, and not be silenced. But yes, it is complicated.

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Oh so intentionally lying is ok?

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It would make more sense to move to swing states.

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Is that easier than getting rid of the electoral college?

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Perhaps, but most people would not be able to uproot their lives that much.

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Yes, that seems like an extreme course to have to take and if the electoral college remains, it seems like a constant gamble, deciding how to put bodies where they are needed!

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I grew up with Polish parents who survived forced labor during WWII, along with many others like them, who also survived concentration camps. I remember the stories. My mother was born in the town of Oswiencim (renamed Auschwitz by the Nazis). My cousins live 5 minutes from Auschwitz. My mother was taken to forced labor at 17. Since my youth, I've asked the Universe why I was born into my particular family. When 2015 came around, the Universe answered my question. When this Orange Skinned Devil Clown was elected in 2016, the same rhetoric, hate filled tropes, lies he spewed were not unlike what was spewed between 1933 to 1939. The racist event held in Madison Square Garden in October of 2024 was a resounding example of that, similar to the Nazi event held in Madison Square on February 20, 1939. History, unfortunately, is once again, repeating itself.

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Thank you for the reminder. You should write more about this.

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Unite and resist! Don’t let those pricks who sold their souls make us follow suit. 💙🍸

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He’s people distracting from the fact that he won’t be able to deliver any of his campaign promises

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Shhhh….he’ll forget all about ‘em

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I’d be happier if he did. It’s not like his policies are great

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Aunt wait and see about his campaign promises instead of trying to be a fortune teller.

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Last term, he promised to lower the national debt (he added $8 trillion) and he also isn’t known for being honest. But if he does lower the price of eggs and gas, I will eat my words.

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The oligarchs are only going to let him do what they want him to do. They’ll humor him by making him think he’s making the decisions. We have a lot of things to fix before 2028 and after.

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Gonna have to get them fixed before 2028. Because, to quote Shakespeare, hell is empty and all the devils are here.

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Transformation of the DNC is necessary, and Marianne Williamson's integrity, brilliance, and dedication to the people make her the best Chair to lead that malfunctioning group. She has the capacity to deliver for America with ethical values and principles.

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Yep, all of the above gets my vote too

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I'm getting the impression that more and more people have lately become much more aware of the Oligarchy problem we have. Maybe it's just me, and maybe because I tend to visit my favorite "echo chambers" (this is one of them, and I don't think that's a bad thing).

Has anybody else been noticing that shift?

Dan Osborn, who ran for senate in Nebraska is one of the people who is carrying that message. He will be coming to my house for dinner tonight. I will ask him about whether he's aware of Robert Reich's messages and urge him to get in touch with Robert.

I am really hoping that pro-democracy people, like Robert and Dan, will coordinate their efforts more effectively than has been done in the past. I'd add a number of other people, too, like Adam Kinzinger.

I'm cautiously optimistic that people are starting to focus on the right things - the oligarchy / plutocracy and wealth inequality.

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I see too much capitulation even among Democrats in Congress.

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All of it and deflection from immigration issues, the Biden’s successes, and lingering illegality issues.

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