I think Jack Smith is the October surprise. And he's the gift that keeps on giving. Go Jack!!

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Jack Smith is the Advent Calendar of October!

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Court of Appeals reverses A. Canon on Docs case and removes her. Prosecdution files redacted charges that are made public.

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Aileen Cannon is a complete miscarriage of justice. She is Trump‘s creature and should be de-benched and disbarred for operating with extreme prejudice.

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I was going to say the same thing, but am happy to see others are already on the same page!

The next step: replace Merrick Garland with Jack Smith as Attorney General! We need someone who's not afraid to prosecute the higher level people who are really planning, financing, and directing the assaults on our democratic institutions.

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I totally agree. Merrick Garland is likely a very nice guy but too soft for the position he’s been placed in. The office of the Attorney General requires a person who is a tiger when it comes to recognizing and prosecuting the criminals amongst us. He or she must exhibit a vital balance between justice and mercy.

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Yes! But the Dems have to push it hard. We need ads and headlines saying “Mike Pence Tells it All! “. “Trump Always Knew He Lost” and Trumps Lies have Cost Americans millions.

Right now Trump and Vance spew out one lie after another. They lie about the economy, jobs, FEMA, Trump’s health, healthcare, migrants, crime and even that Melonia cares about women. We have to keep the truth in front of people. Use social media, write to your local paper, tell your neighbors. Don’t be shy.

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Not smith, but Chutkan!

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Both Smith and Chutkan are on the same team.

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I must respectfully disagree with the word choice, Laurie. Judge Chutkan is completely independent.

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joy ;Please tell me how Jack Smith has not worked to bring justice in this case. I know that he is not the judge, and has the role of prosecutor. I'm not a lawyer, or even a law student. I respectfully ask about my word choice. I realize that he has a different job completely. But he has worked to bring justice.

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Hi Laurie — I think of “team” as working together in concert. The role of a prosecutor is completely distinct from the role of the judge. In short, prosecutors assess evidence and determine which matters should be prosecuted within the bounds of the law, and pursue cases accordingly for the good of the public. The judge’s duty is to ensure a fair and impartial hearing and decision-making process, make sure that both sides are heard. To characterize the prosecutor and the judge as being on the same team could be construed as an attack on the judge’s integrity. And I know that was not your intention! I agree that the point of the work done by the prosecutor, defense counsel, and judge in this matter is to bring about justice. And Jack Smith does come across as honorable and the evidence he has presented so far looks quite persuasive. On the other hand, if you had said Trump’s counsel and Judge Cannon were on the same team, I would have agreed. Judge Cannon’s pro-Trump bias is overt and thwarted a fair and impartial outcome.

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Judge Chutkan is not bound by the DOJ rules against taking actions this late that could affect an election. I suspect that she released Jack Smith's filing because she concluded that Americans need to know what is in it before they vote. Frankly, I see nothing wrong with that; until now, almost everything in all four criminal cases has worked to cover up Trump's alleged wrongdoing to allow the election to proceed unimpeded by relevant information.

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WooHoo! You are so right, Karla! Keep at it, Jack!!!

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He can't do it all by himself. Support Democrat candidates both legislative and judicial in his district. You will find them on Ballotpedia.

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so funny (and what a long way that 'gift that keeps on giving' has come. Anyone besides me old enough to remember the (public health service?) commercials on TV calling veneral disease the same thing?

I can't get that out of my head, and personally think Jack Smith is rather a better phenomenon than a dose of the clap. BUT... just putting that out there.

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Dolly the sheep was an amazing cloning event call; now if we could only figure out how to clone Jack Smith and place him in strategic courtrooms around the country…

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Hey Mavens.... A couple of things regarding a possible Catastrophic October Surprise... On NPR yesterday, a Round-Table Discussion occurred regarding the possible next steps in the GAZA/ISRAEL/LEBANON/IRAN Conflict... It involved Ambassador Ryan Crocker, and others from the other Parties... Worth A Listen... Also, on the Bill Maher Show, for the past couple of Weeks, the Panel Guests were Ian Bremmer, of the Eurasia Group, and Yuval Harari , an very well regarded Israeli Intellectual... Both are worth a listen... Your Mileage May Vary...

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Vance isn’t gay, but his boyfriend is.

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Would explain the eyeliner.

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Just snorted my coffee. :D Thanks for the laugh.

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No matter... he's still really really weird!!

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Douglas, if Vance is gay, he will never admit it unless his sponsor tells him to.

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We are closer to this than you think: JD is Peter Thiel's protégé... and he IS gay & married to Matt Danzeisen.

JD could not have afforded Yale or his Senate seat without the help of Peter Thiel.


and also:


Peter Thiel has a habit of "keeping" men he is interested in in luxury and on a short leash. One of them took a dive off of a balcony after making a scene when he discovered that Thiel was married to this Matt.


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Very 😔 sad for the boyfriend's family.

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It is well known that Ernst Rohm, an early member of the Nazi Party and close to Hitler, was gay. This created a huge scandal in the party around 1931 which did not end well for Herr Rohm.


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As regards the claim that Vance is a skilled debater, I would that counter that he is a skilled propagator of a 'firehose of falsehoods' since that's all he had in his putrid attempt to debate Walz. To be regarded as valid, a debate position must be backed by a series of facts, or reasonable propositions for argument, and Vance had nothing.

Walz on the other hand, not having protection from this filth by a valid set of debate rules, did his best sort it out piecemeal, and provided some sharp zingers. He does not have the skill of Harris yet to cut through the bull, but he stood firm. If it weren't so damn serious, it would have been outright comical to have Vance run his mouth endlessly about how Harris, Biden, and every Democrat who ever lived are the source

of whatever is ill with the world, when the exact opposite would be the mark. Within the framework of a strict debate proceeding, Vance should have been dismissed after the first ten minutes.

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Walz could have have, and I think he should have, called Vance a liar right at the first lie, but he evidently was instructed to be nice and conciliatory. He was obviously uncomfortable through the whole ordeal.

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Wow... to be real clear..."he ain't playin' with a full deck!"😜

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That's Vance ... he's a parrot and ya know he's taken something from all the ones that he's met so you can be sure he'll be someone else tomorrow 😝

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Is the fate of the country a poker game to you?

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No 'smoke' Samm

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Just really weird!!

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Whereas Goering ..

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See quote of Herr Goering from the Nuremburg Trials: "This is a political trial by the victors, and it will be a good thing when Germany realizes that". He is not repentant, but rather is attempting to vindicate the heinous nature of the Nazi regime. He took poison rather than to face his sentencing.


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I was referring to Goering, like Rohm, possibly being gay--the make-up, the art collection, the self-designed uniform ..

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*sprays coffee laughing!* OMG that is funny! :oD

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More like bisexual.

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Vance or the couch?

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Ya know I'm wondering' why it matters... there's something wrong with the guy ... just think a minute and ask yourself ... why would he sign up with trump?? His love life is his... no matter just like everyones' but I know we agree " he's really weird"!!😜

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Assuming good faith, the best argument is that 9s James David Vance is a politically ambitious person, and will adopt any persona or ideology to get him where he wants.

He has no identity of his own, his identities have been crafted by others.

James David Vance formerly James Donald Hamel formerly James Donald Bowman

He was born James Donald Bowman, his parents divorced mom remarried and changed his name to James Donald Hamel,

Vance and his sister Lindsey were raised primarily by his maternal grandparents, James (1929–1997) and Bonnie Vance (née Blanton; 1933–2005), whom they called "Papaw" and "Mamaw". His grandparents moved to Ohio from Kentucky's Appalachia.[14][19]


His first fraud is depicting himself as a Hillbilly, based on the origins of his maternal grandparents, he was actually raised in Middleton, Ohio, not Appalachia

There are a lot contradictions under the hood of J D Vance.

Raised in poverty by a drug addled Mom, hand of to his mother parents, he none the less has the resources and ability to attend Yale, a university noted for it's snobbery and limited admissions policy (ex: George W Bush,a marginal intelligence, got in as a legacy brat)

He meets and marries a fellow student raised in a heritage of submission to the male, yet she uses him as a tool to politically advance., and despite her social and financial ambition, he becomes a world class misogynist, apparently with his wife's approval and help.

It would be helpful if he was dissected, but a progressive would have to abandon their own liberal prejudices.

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His "boyfriend" mentor, Peter Thiel, who bought him his Senate seat, actually is gay.

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Things I'm learning. Intriguing.

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Yup, Peter Thiel!

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😄😂 A Republicanesque comment!

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Suggestion: Trump accidentally endorses Harris.

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Well, he did contribute to her previously

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Man is hell freezing over lol

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Hahaha! Love it!

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Melania endorses Kamela.

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Yeah… and files for divorce

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16 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

All the undecided voters finally decided to vote for Harris as they just found out that under project 2025 their pornography will be illegal.

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Whatevah gets ‘em there. 😄

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Trumpet 🎺 wrecks the Republican Party and leads the Party into a Dick Nixon type of self destruction that leaves the Democrats back into Power.

Trumpet 🎺 has worn out his Base with his constant The Sky-Is-Falling approach to getting attention. Liz Cheney try’s to revive the R party but instead starts a new version of “the Bull Moose Party” of yesteryear .Democrats win both houses and are rudderless without a strong and persuasive Kennedy-Johnson leader flounders. Citizen J

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interesting-maybe-but Senate is doubtful

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I would have thought that any activity which can be monetarised was OK for the neo cons behind Project 2025.

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I wanted to vote ‘all of the above except oil’.

Trump certainly seems like he’s ready to implode. He knows he’s looking at the possibility of prison, desperation is overtaking. But, if you can’t do the time….

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I agree that Donald is really sweating going to jail bigly

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Yes, that makes him even more dangerous. He's cornered but I am not sure he realizes it. He will lie and manipulate his way out of anything. Look how he handled his claim that Jamie Dimon endorsed him, which he announced on his own personal TruthSocial account. He said someone else must have put it up. He is a lying 4 year old and we elected him President in 2016 and may very well do it again. Work for our country's future.

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Professor Reich: in your poll, i answered that the october surprise is trump's impending health crisis. (this would be tragic in my opinion, because trump must be compelled to pay for his many horrible crimes, and the american people MUST also see that trump is actually paying for his crimes -- "no MAGAt is above the law" and all that..)

i freely admit that i LOVE the improbable idea that creepy vance announces he's gay.

and heyyy, heather! you're in the catbird seat today! good for you!

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I'm fairly certain that the LGBTQ+ community have Vance's closet door bolted shut 😀

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Is anyone else troubled by the impression that seems to be floating through comments today that seeing Vance being outed as gay would be a negative shock? I don't give a damn whether Vance is gay or straight or closeted or bisexual or likes cats or dogs or what the hell? I care that he will not say that the last election was won by Joe Biden and that this election will be a legitimate choice for the American people. He is a sleazy wannabe dictator and he's going to be around longer than Donald Trump, whatever his sexual orientation or predilection. As Tim Walz says, "Mind you own damn business."

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i think it's vance's lies that bother people, but i could be wrong.

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Well said, Patrick, but not forget that it is the Republicans who introduced sex issues into the campaign.

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We don’t care but MAGA does.

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MAGA morality does not go above the belt line.

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Hehehe! :o)

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I’m with you GrrlScientist! I want trump to witness his landslide loss. He needs to be arrested immediately upon losing. Let his cell mates get to know him & never see his name in print again. THEN, the SCOTUS arrests should begin.

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Vote blue

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Viktor Orban is the darling of Trump and his cult.

The inflation rate in Hungary in the past 12 months is between 15 and 20%.

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If you consider historically low inflation high, then, uh, I guess you're right?! Really?

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

Move out of your parent's basement and get a job...

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The high inflation was originated when Donald TUMP was in office as the Dictator here in the United States. High inflation is not only here in the United States, Canada and all of Europe also had high inflation rates also. Take a look at the cost of a house in Canada. I already have, and the cost of rent in Canada and the cost of a house there is utterly outrageous! Rent for an apartment in Darthmouth, Nova Scotia is well over $2,000 a month when i checked it a few months ago.

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What happens if the Israelis Strike the Iranian Nuclear, and Oil Production Sites... In Retaliation, the Iranians strike Israel, the Saudis, the Iraqi Oil Sites? What will that do to inflation? Will the MAGAs blame the Biden/Harris/Walz Team for that Nightmare?

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Inflation is at roughly 2.5% according to David Wessel of the Brookings Institute. Thanks for playing.

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Carol=facts don't matter,lies are justified if they're in service of 'bigger truths'

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Facts don’t matter, true. Unless they’re… https://youtu.be/OdV_8TGswRA

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great song-i was being satirical-alternative facts may be true in an alternative universe,but not here

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Removed11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago
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Remember all the world’s business coming to a halt becuase of COVID? And remember that Obama put together a program on how to respond to a pandemic if one should occur? And remember that Trump trashed it and used “market forces” to dole out PPE but left out states where he lost:?

Remember how long it took to get China, now the world’s major manufacturer to get back online and supply the world with all the goodies we like so much now that they’re cheaper because China used to be the low wage country?

Remember all those shortages which resulted in massive hoarding of things like TP?

Do you understand what happens to make inflation rise? Scarcity, which leads to hoarding, corporate gouging, etc.

Your boy plans a hell on earth under Project 2025 even though he lies - yeah, again, and we muct be upt to 60000 lies by now - that he knows nothing about it even though over 70 people from his admin wrote it?

Take it elsewhere “Karl” bot.

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Not trashing Obama’s plan if a pandemic occurs

Not using market forces to dole out PPE,

Not denying PPE to states he lost

Ivermectin? Really?

No masks? Really?

Shoving light up your ass to kill the virus? Really?

Swallowing bleach to kill the virus? Really?

Not creating an $8 trillion deficit in 4 years. Really?

If your boy wins, Project 2025 will deny every right you and your family has enjoyed for your entire lifetime. Look it up.

We’re done here. Go with God.

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An idea might be to watch what he did and does, more than what he says.

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Idiot.Inflation is caused by the Federal Reserve and by greedy corporations. But you know that don't you. Oh and who runs the Federal Reserve? And the Fed just dropped the interest rate by 50 basis points.

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Federal reserve is independent- not political

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Your right, that is the way it was set up in the enabling legislation (Title 12 USC)

But the Board of Governors is comprised of men, and men aren't apolitical are they?

It is the board of governors, actually the chairman of the board, in this case Jerome Powell, that set interest rates via the Open Market Committee, they also set the reserve base. That fractional reserve which member banks have to have on hand, to loan out money. If the fractional reserve is 10% then need 10 dollars in reserve for every $100 they loan (i.e. create money)

How the members of the board of governors are selected is a mystery (seriously), someone is selected, the name is given to the President, the President then gives the name to the Senate for confirmation, which is always a rubber stamp.

And guess whose interests the Fed looks out for? Not yours, not mine, not the nations, but their employers, in which they also have an interest.

Here is a list of the board of governors: and their political affiliation:

Notice Jerome Powell, appointed by Trump is a Republican https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve_Board_of_Governors

The Chairman of the Board is the one with the power. Do the names Paul Volcker and Greenspan mean anything.

Paul Volcker, the 12th chairman of the Federal Reserve, testified before Congress in October 1979 that the standard of living for Americans would have to decline to reduce inflation

Then there was Andrea Mitchell's Husband Alan Greenspan's, a libertarian, whose policy was defined by the Great Moderation, or the long-term maintenance of low, stable inflation and economic growth. The expansionary monetary policy of "easy money" attributed to Greenspan's tenure has been blamed in part for stoking the 2000 dot-com bubble and the 2008 financial crisis.

Let me address inflation. If adjusted by honest cost of living raises, at best it is an inconvenience to the consumer, but it is murder, a crime, for banks and investors.

Financial institutions abhor inflation, and they love deflation (recessions)

Here is why. During the German hyperinflation of 1922, a factory worker paid off the mortgage on his home, with a paycheck of one day, or one hours work.

With deflation, financial institutions foreclose on real property, hold them, until there is a recovery, and sell them at huge profit,also profiting from the interest on the loans.

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) said in

p.'s 131 & 183 of the '83 Annual Report of the BIS the solution to inflation is to decrease the standard of living for the U.S. and world

The ultimate repository of our and other privately owned central banks is the Bank of International Settlements, Basel Switzerland The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is billed as the central bank of central bankers and it holds the reserves of the Group of Ten central banks (of which the Fed is a member much as the"Fed" holds reserves of its' member banks, this in essence makes the "Fed" a branch of the BIS. In the same fashion that the bank of Panama, as well as Liberia, are branches of the "Fed"(The Federal Reserve Act's Section 25(a), also known as the "Edge Act", authorizes the establishment of corporations that can engage in international banking or other financial operations. This legislation allows national banking associations with at least $1,000,000 in capital and surplus to:

Establish branches in foreign countries

Act as fiscal agents of the United States

(Source: 1983 Annual╖Report of the Bank of International Settlements(BIS), Basle, Switzerland, 188.pages, pages 170 171, also Moodys' Bank & Finance Manual, Item Assets & Liabilities of member banks(FRB) listed as an asset "Reserves with Federal Reserves and Central Banks"

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The Fed controls interest rates. Interest rates determine the elasticity of the demand for debt. Debt (public, corporate, private) is how money is created in a fractional reserve system,(which is the purpose of the Federal Reserve Inc).

There are two kinds of inflation, short term inflation, like what you pay for food, and long term inflation, what you pay for cars, homes and other sundries.

Short term inflation is also a factor of the supply chain, which is controlled by manufacturers and middlemen, the prices like those for gas and eggs will vary in the short term, however the trend is upwards in the long term.

The reason things cost more now, than they did, then is because of the cumulative effect of the interest on the debt, as all money's in existence are created out of debt, public, corporate, private).

As debts are paid off, the money thus created is wiped off the books, but the act of indebtedness did not create any money to pay the interest on the debt, and that is what causes long term inflation, it is why a Candy bar that cost $.05 now costs $1.50, why a house that costs $9,000 in 1960 costs $250,000 today, why acar that cost #2,000 in in 1964 costs $35,000 today.

Inflation is a result of the fractional reserve monetary system, managed by the Fed and is as unavoidable as the rotation of the earth on it's axis.

The Fed can "cool" the economy by raising interest rates, that should lead to a decrease in the demand for debt, and thus a decrease in the money supply, and a cooling of the short term money supply, and that leads to a recession,

Reduce the money supply and you reduce consumer demand, and a reduction in consumer demand leads to a reduction in production and that leads to a reduction in labor and the cost of labor.

Increase the money supply, by decreasing interest rates, and you get the opposite.

However the interest on all debts,public and private, produce a long term trend in costs of goods, aka inflation.

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Thank you for this important information, William. Do you have any idea about what effect cryptocurrency could have on inflation. It certainly has become an important political issue.

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If anything is prone to inflation it is cryptocurrency., as the value goes up it's purchasing power goes down.

The reason precious metals are valued is because they are scarce, yet the conquest of the America's produced gold inflation, and the silver mines of Potosi, Bolvia created a silver inflation, that actually brought down the Spanish Empire. Rome had the same problem when it conquered Dacia and exploited it's silver mines.

The discovery of the Comstock Lode, caused a silver inflation, which caused congress to demonitize silver and put us on the gold standard,and what ensued

was the The Crime of '73 https://www.usmint.gov/news/inside-the-mint/mint-history-crime-of-1873, which led to the 4 yr Panic of 1873, followed by the depression of 1882-1885, the panic of 1884,panic of 1890 and the long depression of 1893, which left a memory with William Jennings Bryan, Cross of Gold speech.

Cryptocurrency will strangle the nation, it is a tool of the wealthy libertarians, not the people. You can't buy a coke from a machine with crypto currency, you can't buy a hot dog from a street vendor, or dime bag of cocaine..

Much of the economy of the nation is under the table. you hire a day worker or someone recently unemployed to clean your gutters, are you going to pay them with crypto currency?

You go to work, and instead of a paycheck, you get a notice that your crypto currency account has been loaded, then you try to spend it on food, clothing, entertainment or habits, and the worse part the price is volatile.

The value of a bitcoin at 3:21 a.m today was $31,104.04, that is a years wages for a lot of people.

Will people be paid in a percentage of a bitcoin?

Here is a chart that shows how erratic the bitcoin is: https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+the+value+of+a+bitoin&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS751US751&oq=what+is+the+value+of+a+bitoin&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i13i512l6j0i22i30l3.7143j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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Joe Biden's inflation. LMAO, You really are ignorant,or just a Trump troll.

When the Fed lowers and raises interest rates, the impact on the economy is not immediate, it takes time for the decrease or increase in the money supply to be felt. It is not like turning on the tap in the sink.

The cause of the current round of inflation is linked to COVID, and the resulting shortages created by a lack of workers, material, and transportation - the supply chain.

And when the economy rebounded, the manufacturers and distributors didn't reduce prices. The never do, unless the products they produce and sell are perishable, like eggs.

Biden tackled that problem with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and it worked.

The Fed and Trump created the inflation by dropping the Open Market Window rate to virtually zero, thus flooding the country with money, to make him look good, but as I said, inflation, and deflation, take some time to work their way into the economy and be felt.

Try again Trump troll.

You have no evidence, no proof, no argument other than the typical right wing one sentence trolls.

It is put up or shut up, but you are an ignorant ass, who doesn't know shit, so can't put up.

Prove me wrong.

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Vote red for ignorance, as you've aptly shown.

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Then deflate on you, troll Karl Marx.

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Laurie, You got it. That’s a troll and they thrive in getting attention away from the commenters

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Seeking ; It's a short bit , but worth it. Could not resist.

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We are the envy of the world for how effectively we tackled our part of the world wide inflation caused by the pandemic. Regardless of what you've been told by your cult leader, repeating lies really don't make them true.

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Damn dude, just looked at your previous notes and you live in a dream world. Goodbye.

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Get back in your box, Karl, I'm warning you! Look in the mirror -- do you see a reflection?? You are DEAD! And, BTW, your books are tedious! AND... you have a ginormous ASS. A big, fat ASS. Get back in your box!

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Professor Reich and Heather Lofthouse: i'm not sure either of you will see this, but a year ago, The New Republic published an investigative piece that claims the involvement of the reagan administration in lengthening the iran hostage crisis before the election for reagan's political advantage is almost certainly true:


NOTE: edited to correct the name of the publication.

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thanks. reading those pieces now.

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I've known about the Christian Science Monitors article for over a decade, even tried to get it included in Ronald Reagan article on wikipedia, but a right wing hall monitor had RR's article on his Watch List, and no sooner than I posted it, with the reliable secondary source that WP requires, than it was reverted, I reverted the revert, he reverted my revert and if I reverted one more time he would have referred me to a committee that adjudicates these things, the only problem was and probably is, he is "in with the volunteers who consttiute the committee

Had the same problem when I edited the Nixon article, as to his treason when he struck a deal with Thieu during his run for presidency, that is also documented by the phone call between LBJ and Senator Dirksen.

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You may need allies William.

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Well I have been blocked from posting on WP, because in defiance of the rules to assume good faith, I called out some mother fuckers. I knew what would happen though, but proceeded because I had already started the 9 articles I was interested in, and they were approved, and had edited scores more.

Anyone can edit WP, so long as they abide by the rules and policy guidelines, and anyone can start an article, but getting it approved and published is another story, and once published anyone can edit it, There is no ownership of articles.

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Trump will order everyone to hold in their farts as his energy policy to reduce methane.

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Brilliant! 🏆

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Ever light a fart? It's explosive.

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You must have snuck into my junior high school boy’s gym locker room. I’ve seen it done.

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Butt: he would have to as well, wouldn't he?

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I don’t think he could, as that would entail holding his breath.

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Susanna Reilly ; Very Astute observation ; Mission Impossible, for him.

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Now that is funny

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Tell it to the cows 🐄.

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Thank you for another informative Coffee Klatch. Apparently the State Department people with weapons and armament manufacturers are the ones pushing to arm Netanyhahu )according to ProPublica. The only way I can see to quiet the Middle East effectively is to eliminate Netanyahu and Khomenei. The people who need our help in war, are the Ukranians who are valiantly fighting for their freedom. And, both Ukraine and Palestine (assuming we get a two State solution) will need all the humanitarian aid we can give,

As to the election, by October 22 most people will have made their decision. I expect Harris/Walz to have a large plurality in the popular vote and a narrow victory in he electoral college vote. Then it will depend on how well prepared we are to defend our Democracy against the corrupt maggots who will do all they can to steal the election and destroy democracy.

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My cousin said during Rosh Hoshannah that Harris will win more EC than we think and it will be close to a landslide! I am hoping he is right!

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Me too, Lisa.

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Thanks for that happy dose of positivity, Lisa! I believe Harris/Walz will win more EC votes than we think, too, & it will be a blue landslide. THAT will be THE Best "November Surprise" ever! Plus I'd love to see A Blue Wave at all levels of government all across the nation! A group of friends & I keep repeating & visualizing such positive outcomes. In the New Age crowd, affirmations & visualizations, i.e. thought intentions, like prayer, impact reality & positive thoughts impact positively (so it's best to avoid negative thinking). It can't hurt to pray & think positive (it also feels better than negativity) as long as good people don't take a Harris victory for granted. People still have to DO their part like vote blue, knock on doors, talk to friends & family, etc. & donate even a small amount to many blue campaigns in their own state & local races AND around the nation too if they can. This Beautiful Democracy and our Freedoms are so precious! Doing all The Good we can do to keep them is well worth the effort.

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From your cousin's mouth to God's ear, as the saying goes.

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We have to work to make it so.

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More and more Republican jump ship because Trump becomes more and more of a lunatic!

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Keith: especially after Jack Smith's success in getting the unredacted evidence out showing tRUMP'S intent to do crimes.

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I don't see that happening. They have the kaleidoscope goggles on.

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tRUMP can get crazier?

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Dare to dream! Whatever fowl sorcery is making his former detractors kiss his ruddy rump could lift and Lindsay Graham et al could finally admit they can't stand the jerk.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

In my view, the principal surprise for which we should prepare is a broadening conflagration of the conflict in the Middle East. Undoubtedly, Trump would try to make use of the chaos that invariably would manifest, while, as we know, images of war and growing conflict never are good for an incumbent party, expressly in October.

On a positive note, I understand, starting with Michigan, Harris plans to meet with American Arab and Muslim leadership, wherein I would hope serious and honest discussion would ensue, engendering productive enough ripples of influence to earn enough of this community’s vote, expressly in battleground states.

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I agree that Bibi and trumpo made a deal at Mar-a-logo about expanding the horrific war in mid east as Oct surprise. And what Harris should have done at DNC was have parents of both Jewish Israeli and Muslim Palestinian stand together at same time and speak to the worry or loss of their child/ren in the area and call for ceasefire together. Unfortunately, she blew it. Maybe conversations now might be helpful, but kinda late IMO. That said, she's never called for a Muslim ban like you know who!

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I read they told her to distance herself from Biden on the ME, as you would expect.

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Melania endorses Kamala😃

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You can almost feel the stress the orange guy is feeling. I don’t want to hope he has a heart attack before the election, but it feels imminent.

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Vance would be worse than Trump as president: religious ideologue, extremist attorney fully at ease with the awesome destruction Trump's Project 2025 would deliver, he passed the Ohio bar, and usually speaks in complete sentences.


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I want him alive to witness his landslide defeat. He may fake death after that but I say, throw the corpse in a prison cell

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The October surprise must by the realization by all Americans that we have been mishandled by a team of white supremacist men who believe in their divine right to rule and the inevitability of their dominance, so that they do and say anything with the righteous belief in their destiny. We have to face how Clarence Thomas got on the Supreme Court and we have to face Al Gore had his presidential win stolen from him by the same forces standing behind the reprobate of a former president, a blight on the often dirty history, but one that has reached depths of depravity so deep I have watched as our souls slip away with one callous act after another. My October surprise is for gender to take a back seat to humanity.

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