The liberal media should stop reporting Trump antics. If they did this in 2014, he would never have been elected. The media only wants a story and they never think of the consequences. That's why over one mil died of covid.
The other night, the news focused on people complaining about their finances with a total absence of any reporting of what Biden has done to fix problems. They briefly mentioned it takes time to see economic improvements. What was the point of this negative news among all of Biden’s successes?. I’d hardly refer to them as “liberal media.”
Thanks Joyce, I appreciate folks who think. The media started and continues to report on P01135809 like he is normal and tries so hard to report both sides of an issue even when there are not two sides. Some of the media does report more truth but, I agree even suggesting there is a liberal media misses reality by a mile. We need the return of the fairness doctrine IMO.
We need an anti-tyranny doctrine - a thriving country, world, and planet doctrine. Create the antidote for the festering malignancy that certain "media/propaganda" organizations nurtured into a full blown psychosis for ratings and wealth. Democrats know they are terrible at messaging - so "get it together people" AND go hire the worlds best publicity people and get in front of all of the cancerous BS and lead with messaging that kicks the GOP in the teeth. Help your BASE - Democrats and independent's FEEL excited, FEEL inspired and FEEL proud of the impacts "decades" of future thinking policies and work have created and demonstrate what forceful leadership is to make a better future for all. Contrast all the good created. I'm saying "LEAD like the 911 emergency that this is!
Take back the narrative. People like Donny Duetsch - the branding guy - described the Democratic party as the Protection party. Protecting women's rights, voter's rights, protecting our planet, protecting Democracy. Scream from the rooftops that it is the Protection Party that our children will have thank for a future with a functional society and environment. The GOP stoked the fires of hate and grievance back into the light and like the chaos they've created. Let's channel the fear and ANGER of the Dems and independant's BASE into a tsunami of fed up folks who aren't going back 60 years. Keep featuring all the women and young people who embrace a multicultural world and know People have damaged this one and only planet and know we don't have any time to waste. Show that the protection party is ready to crush the carnage party.
Dems often clean up after the R's messes- clean up after Bush jr's Wars, and financial catastrophes - and don't get credit because they don't take credit. Dems get the ugly work to try to clean up the disaster's and get blamed for it being "HARD" on everyone. Re-direct the blame - Point out who got us into the massive mess in the first place. Remind folks and go ahead and shame George W and Mr Cheney and the R's that went along with DJT's american carnage. Show that they are the culprits who tripled the debt, enriched the rich and powerful and used Leonard Leo and other's use Citizens United to continue to deliver to corporations (not people) and keep themselves rich and powerful. Say enough already!
Make Banning... look like the stupid stunt it is. Banning books or removing from teaching "uncomfortable" history is another example - get out the "we are Uncomfortable with Removal population" to stop the stupid. Make "not being ignorant" sexy again. Seeing the truth and knowing the full story about the past will save humanity.
Dems need to radically change - and go for it. THIS is war and LEAD and shout from the rooftops what is true and working for all of us. Get on with it - Revamp the supreme court, declare a national climate emergency and ask every country in the world to do the same. USE the media to fight back - and ask the likes of Tim Synder and Ruth Ben-Ghiat to give us the recovery road map with actions and counter messaging that has worked in the past to destroy and drive out the evil tyrants. Feature the antidote day in and day out - and offer clear "here's what YOU can do to help" steps to channel the outrage. Get out a film crew and broadcast every day what improves when you protect the future for all of us!
LEAD and fight like our lives and our future depends on it - because it does.
Melissa, yes, far too much attention paid to the "orange one." It has been this way since he rode down his ridiculous gold escalator. The media is so warped they think this jerk is worthy of anyone's time and they helped to be sure he would be. It's nuts!
It is all about what gets the attention. That is how Orange functions.
That is how he got where he is. He is entertaining. That's what people want. Reality is too painful for many people. So those of us who are aware need to move right along and be the grownups in the room.
Bravo, Ruth, only you got the direction of the escalator wrong. From whence he came, it should have been "up". And the element it's constructed of isn't gold; it's sulfur.
If the media don't focus on the orange one, the reality of his insanity, criminality and narcissism would be lost. We can't vote unless we know who's who and what's what.
Is there a single person in USA who does not already know of "his insanity, criminality and narcissism?" Even my friends in Europe are fully informed on this oddly - sociopathic heap of orange.
Bravo, Magic Girl, great ideas. We need to turn out the current staff of DNC, DCCC and hire young people trained in publicity and advertising who care more about saving America than collecting money. There are plenty of young people out here who would make great leaders, but need the backing, financial and moral, of a strong Democratic Party
And we humans can go back further than Bush and Cheney.
Go back to Ronnie boy who dumped all the people held in institutions onto the streets with no plan for how to help them. He said, they are not governments responsibility.
Mental health is and has always been a true problem because we just do not know how to deal with it. It is a puzzle that we can not put together.
And I do not have an answer for that. I just know we fall very short with even thinking about it.
"Old People" aren't the enemy here, I can say as one myself. (I've read some comments suggesting that only the young can solve current problems). While I understand, of course that the young will be inheriting whatever is left of the country and the planet, ruling out old farts like me to care / help is a fallacy. Many of us DO want the same things the young deserve. Divisiveness - whether by race, gender, sexual orientation or age is not the way to gain support. I do agree that Democrats have had to clean up after each Republican President before them and that as a Party we do need to gain more assertiveness and become a louder, clearer voice.
Before the pandemic, when I attended post carding/phone-banking and letters to voters events, we older folks (the majority in attendance) would cheer when we got a young person to come.
Sadly even though happiness and kindness are contagious, anger and hatred are as well.
I have a neighbor who I like very much who told me she was a Democrat but then changed and is now a Republican. I find that it is all about who a person listens to for news coverage that determines what their political beliefs and viewpoints become.
I vividly remember the last election when PBS channels hosted some of the Republican candidates and political figures and that every one without exception was rude, vile, and unable to conduct themselves in a civilized manner. It was quite striking. They just seem to want to demonstrate how tough they are, both male and female alike. I am convinced that being a right wing person means that you need to be nasty. That is not 100% the case but it seems to be the prevalent case for sure. They are all emulating Trump.
How on Earth did that happen to humanity? Why are so many humans so angry and mean? When did we make that turn as a species?
How do you message when no one is listening or even willing to !! Trump has 70,000,000 brain deaf followers. To them he's like the Pied Piper of Hamelin and will gladly lead them over the cliff as he knows they will follow. Good night and good luck. You is going to need it !!!
Keep in mind that the Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast TV and radio. It was a FCC rule. Would not apply to Fox Fake News (cable) or Social Media (internet). It would also require passage by both House and Senate with President's signature.
I am aware that the Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast radio and TV, but IMO it should not have been overturned. At least then, we had a chance of getting both sides of the political story. We even had real reporters who reported the facts. Today it seems that all we get is commentary and opinions carefully-framed to influence the public. And to be honest, it seems like we also get lots of lies.
Lois, I could not agree more -- in 87 congress passed a bill that would have made the Fairness Doctrine law and not just an FCC regulation, but good old Ronnie Raygun vetoed it. If it had remained in place then maybe we could have regulated cable news news since almost all TV moved to some form of cable. Does anyone still have broadcast TV? (We have not had TV for more than 20 years now since we retired and move to the mountains of western NC. But we sure do use the internet.)
Better than that-- seek out your local PBS station(s) and check out the news and all the other great programs they offer. It is FREE and if you want to contribute there are great perks! I have been donating to them for many years and always have wonderful programs to watch- many coming out of Britain where the talents are truly amazing.
Lois, if we do bring back the fairness doctrine, which I do like there need to be some provisions related to lies and insults. I am not sure what they should look like, but we can figure that out, right away, not years after lying becomes the coin of the realm as it is on many of the social media platforms.
As you know the right-wing uses the first amendment as an excuse and a cudgel. I'd like clarity on lying to the public and the first amendment. Something that seems more attainable is live fact-checking of debates while the debate is going on. It could be running as an inset on our TV screens. It is doable and worth doing.
What is fair? Are you going to give the global warming deniers equal time to the global warming realists? Are you going to give the election deniers equal time to the election realists? You need to think that through.
Any "side" wanting airtime should be required to provide fact-based evidence to support their viewpoint, rather than just allowing all and sundry to go on national TV and shout their biased, personally held, often outlandish opinions.
I have thought it through and my opinion is that telling both sides of an issue is preferable to only telling one side of it. Prior to 1980 the fairness doctrine while not perfect served the country better than one sided distorted news. Global warming deniers and election deniers, in my view, particularly need to hear truth. You are welcome to your opinion.
MT: "Fair" doesn't have to mean equal or identical. Little things like facts and/or truth should count. How long should it take before a decision is made? "You haven't proved your point, so we'll take the other path."
Of course, TELL both sides. 1A and all that. But once the bank robber has said "I didn't do anything wrong" with a bag of $$ in one hand and a gun in the other, it's time for the police to say "BS!" and slap the cuffs on him (or her -- in the interests of fairness).
I've hear the Journalism professional suggest the news should be communicated in a fair and "comprehensive", (eg., leaving out unsubstantiated or vetted information, propaganda too,) information. Context is everything.
MT2: I have thought it through and my opinion is that telling both sides of an issue is preferable to only telling one side of it.
GW2: Yes, I agree, but still an editor must decide the proper balance between the side which is rational, true, and/or probably true and the side which is irrational, false, and/or probably false. The editor should give more time to the former.
MT2: Prior to 1980 the fairness doctrine while not perfect served the country better than one sided distorted news.
GW2: Yes, I agree, but still the wrong side should not be given equal time to the right side. See above.
MT2: Global warming deniers and election deniers, in my view, particularly need to hear truth.
GW2: Of course they do! And they need to hear more truth than falsehood.
MT2: You are welcome to your opinion.
GW2: Of course I am, as are you. But I think your opinion needs some more refinement.
That would be "bothsideism" and not appropriate during times of upheaval, eg., in the interest of public safety, as has happened in recent years. Parsing propaganda is not legitimate broadcast news; (print "news" having a lot less potential for misleading the unsuspecting public, also not on our public airwaves.) There should be financial consequences!
Someone came to MSNBC during the Obama years and started clearing out the mavericks who used to talk there. (Remember Ed Schultz? Now dead.) You could tell that there was someone in the studio determined to insert polish onto the set. Women's hair began to be more stylish (unless you're Rachel Maddow); the graphics went to red and blue throughout, while all the individual color schemes disappeared (remember Morning Joe with blue and brown?) Now it's slick. I started watching about a dozen years ago when it was functioning by the seat of its pants. Now that out-of-sight director has begun to speed things up. I especially dislike what's happened to Morning Joe, since the tempo began beating faster. Sometimes Mika can't catch a breath. All the socialists who used to talk on MSNBC have VANISHED. Sad.
Folks who think are getting rarer by the day but don;t run away with the idea that it is just in the US. From my experience it equally applies to the UK and Australia where I live !!! It's a modern phenomena. WE probably need either a world war or a mega deep depression to knock it out of us !!!
In Canada, Europe & India, too. Much of the world, if not most of it.
Unfortunately, we seem to be headed for both disasters, which I think should be avoided if at all possible. Stopping & helping defeat Russia promptly & deterring China from invading Taiwan are crucial for avoiding the former. Prevailing on urgent & massive action on climate & the environment is critical for averting the latter. But both will be extremely difficult to navigate against such powerful if irrational foes.
Imo only Conservatives refer to media as "liberal." Those of us who've been complaining about it for years call it dangerous. It's become the exact opposite of what 1A is meant to protect.
Conservatives love playing "victim." It is profitable:
"A few months ago, Leonard Leo laid out his next audacious project. . . . Now, Leo declared in a slick but private video to potential donors, he planned to 'crush liberal dominance' across American life. The country was plagued by 'woke-ism' in corporations and education, 'one-sided journalism' and 'entertainment that’s really corrupting our youth,' said Leo amid snippets of cheery music and shots of sunsets and American flags." [<>]
Hmmm... I would say that true wokeism is probably beneficial overall. I agree that journalism is 1-sided, but I'm sure it's the opposite side he thinks. I'm not sure what kind of entertainment he thinks is corrupting our youth,, but there are some relatively new types of entertainment for more than just youth that have no appeal to me, & may be destructive in certain ways -- "gaming" comes to mind. Perhaps a campaign to make the public aware of problems with such entertainment might be in order. I'm not aware of such efforts. And I have my doubts that's what he finds objectionable. I don't see that "crushing liberal dominance" is the appropriate response to any of this.
Good comment. Personally, I've decided that I'm reclaiming the label "woke" and am proud to carry it. Re. his claims of "objectionable," I think he know that they don't have any substance . . . he's just manipulating w/ trigger words. The demographic he is targeting responds and reacts to them. Leo knows better . . . he's just bullsh*tting for fun and profit.
But the price of healthcare, housing and insurance are major stressors to the average citizen. That is what Americans are going to notice the most, as well as grocery prices. No matter that grocery chains are making out like bandits (how is that attempted Kroger merger going anyway?).
We should make healthcare accessible, high quality, universal and free. The government should guarantee a job for any person willing and able to work, a job that pays enough to live on. If people have good jobs in either the private or public sector, then they will be able to buy the things they need like housing, insurance, and food.
You make a lot of good points, but the fact is that even folks with good jobs now can't afford out of control housing, insurance, and food -- esp. if they live in expensive areas.
If I were president, what you describe would not happen. The federal government would set a minimum wage (or salary) such that everyone could afford all the basics for a decent living. This pay level would be reset every January 1 to keep pace with inflation and it would be geographically specific. Companies would be required to pay the minimum or they would be heavily fined. The ones who refused to meet the minimum for all their employees would go out of business, leaving more sales to the remaining businesses.
A lot of people I know are still greatly hurting at the grocery store, gas pump, utility bills, those every day things that are hard to ignore. Inflation may have gone down but until the people feel it in their actual life, they won't believe it and many of them blame this administration, wrong or right.
Joyce - I completely agree, and I find the complaining about finances by the bulk of americans to be foolish, self-centered, and inane. If we as a culture have the disposable income to spend billions on sports tickets, millions on guns, millions on tatoos, millions on fast food, alcohol, drugs, billions on gas guzzling suvs and their fuel, I find it hard to see the point of their complaining. but as I've said before, the media machine is run by the oligarchs, who ruthlessly disseminate lies, lies, and more lies. and people believe them. i don't think they can be beat. i think we've already lost to the oligarchs. remember they have no allegiance except to their money and power.
I don’t have disposable income. I am a widow alone on social security. When I hear GOP trying to sunset it it scares me to death. I would have to sell everything I owned and moved into some kind of section 8 retirement apartment. 😞
If there was "liberal media," I'd love to read it. I don't know what people are talking about when they say that there is liberal media.
President Biden has done a number of things to fix certain economic problems for ordinary people, such as implementing a $2,000 limit on prescription drug expenses for those on Medicare--starting in 2025, attempts to reduce the student loan burden for borrowers, and probably many other things. But it's kind of like chipping away at the iceberg that the Titanic just hit, and dumping out water one bucket at a time.
Many decades of Republican policies have made a decent and dignified life essentially impossible for so many people. It's a lot harder to put the genie back in the bottle than it might have been to prevent widening economic inequality, which by itself leads to greater social problems. It isn't that President Biden hasn't done far more for ordinary people than any Republican would do. It's that the problems have swelled to such an extent that they might require major revisions of the type that are impossible to obtain without a majority Democratic Congress and Supreme Court.
Joyce, in addition, the Fed is meeting now (in guess where, Wyoming, a place hard to get to, and expensive, and we are all paying for that, also a Republican stronghold) and Powell has hinted that he is going to pop the interest rate up more even though it is crushing the housing market already. He is desperate for a recession and is doing his best to make it happen. Where is the media on this one, they gleefully mention the meeting and play Powell's comments with no rebutle. That is what we are dealing with.
I only watch PBS. They are all professionals and if they say anything that is 'off' in my opinion ( which is very rare if at all) I send them a message.
There are plenty of people out there everywhere trying to spin news and events to promote their own bias. I recently watched a webinar where a well respected author interviewed a series of people who claim to channel higher beings (don't judge me, it was fascinating). One of the channelers, a woman who would probably fit well in the Trump camp (bottle blonde with way too much make up and big hair) claimed the message she was getting from higher beings said that Biden was a criminal, and we're all being hoodwinked by Democrats. She immediately lost all credibility, and in the comments section afterwards, she was roundly & soundly criticized for not only pushing her political agenda claiming higher beings said it, she proved that a lot of so-called channelers are indeed frauds.
I have a friend who is a fan of some so called mediums. I do not personally take anything those people ever say to heart.
I personally do believe that we each can get 'messages' that are for our own personal benefit. They are called intuition. And they are meant to help us use our own judgement wisely. So we really should pay attention to them. But they are not for commercial gain. They are for us personally.
Agreed, some have the ring of truth, but far more do not. I also am a huge believer in intuition. And the more you listen to it, the stronger and more accurate it gets.
The author that was interviewing the channelers looked horrified when she said that. I was thinking whoever vetted these characters must've missed a huge red flag on this one 😂🙄
Agreed! A 30-something low income person I know well has made a career out of minimum wage jobs and blames Biden for it. The "party of personal responsibility" and "bootstraps" sure loves to blame Biden for their lack of income. There's no getting through to those people, I have spent decades with charts, graphs, congressional voting records, and fact-based explanations, and it has been a complete waste of breath.
I think he is doing a great job. The inflation reduction act is tremendous, he is doing something to address climate change. This action will lead to good paying jobs which we need so desperately. It will give young people the chance to have a life on this planet. It’s already had a positive effect which republicans are trying to take credit. The only complaint I hear is stuff like he’s old, moves too slow and other comments that have to due with his age. I personally think this is prejudice and it has a name “ageism”. I don’t care how old he is, when he speaks he says things that make sense. Number 45 would just blurt out complete nonsense and he caused grave harm to our country. Biden is thoughtful about what he says and he has proven that he does care about everyday Americans. He also has the experience and knowledge to pull us out of the abyss trump put us in.
Roger, I worked with seniors in social services before I was one myself and I fully agree with you. I can not understand why the 5 senses are not taken seriously with respect to our health in medical care. They are vital. If you have dental issues you can not chew and assimilate the foods and therefore the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. If you can not hear you miss vital conversation and information that is conveyed and often important for your health and well being.
People quote the Bible with "money is the root of all evil" which is incorrect. It says "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil"
I find that to be the answer to why we have some of the very rich so distorted in their thinking.
And that includes the mega church pastors of course.
And I have a soap box too so I understand your feelings about educating the lost souls. I do it as often as I have the chance. You never know when or how words of truth may hit home. But it is tricky so not used without some sense of permission.
I live adjacent to a farm where cows and steer and one beautiful bull graze daily. I see a peaceful group of animals who do have a hierarchy but it is only regarding any treats that I offer over the fence. Other than that they just happily eat and move about as they wish within the boundaries of their world.
I was given a book called ' The Secret language of Cows' that was quite enlightening. They do communicate and behave with norms within the herd.
Agree totally Joan. The fault of a lot of this projection/marketing ploy, lies w/our lousy Media in this country. & it will be more of same until we bring back all the deregulated FCC & Anti-Trust Laws that at least kept a handle on non objective news bias reporting. A shame😢😧
My dear Mother taught me long ago that the best response to such folk, is no response at all. Unfortunately Media has used our responses to bloat the Fascist Demographic! Our actions when silent & covert, work best. It encourages self destruction of crazy thinking!
Totally agree Dann. P01135809 thrives on two things: adulation or hatred directed at him that he can redirect. The thing he, and all narcissists, fear the most, is indifference. This is why I appreciate MSNBC’s commitment to no longer show his live comments or “productions” (aka rallies).
I appreciate MSNBC's approach too, but I'd prefer "TFG had a rally tonight. Now the REAL news..." Don't ignore a fact, but don't dwell on it. He IS out there, and he IS dangerous -- largely because of media.
Don't inflate his importance (he's all about doing that and doesn't need help).
All companies want money. They all want a profit. Nothing wrong with that. If they do their jobs properly, then they should make a profit. Nothing wrong with that. I want to see factual reporting about all the candidates, and I want to see some analysis of the facts. Nothing wrong with that.
Reputation means profit ( profit IS money). NYTimes, Washington Post, rely on being responsible, to just another rag... on the other hand NYPost has it's reputation.. and across the board reputation ( quality) matters and relates to profitability.. just like everything in our society. Advertisers also need to cater to reputation, of their product and who and where they place their ads with.
Ignoring a bully is usually good path, but this HUGE error is too wrong and dangerous for America and democracy to ignore. Media should be smart and focus on facts and rule of law.
Unfortunately "no response" is too often misinterpreted to mean no ACTION. What you say next ("...actions when silent and covert...") proves you don't mean no action, but many people don't take that step.
I stand corrected, I meant action through silent means. Screaming about a perp only gives them power. Although didn’t mean to imply sitting on one’s hands! Stealthy work is more X effective w/such Bots😄
Reminds me of the story, told about King George III, that he hung a painting of George Washington in the Royal Privy. When asked about it Benjamin Franklin is said to reply that "nothing would make an Englishman shit faster than a picture of George".
Yeah, I couldn’t put that on. Even with the giant guilty emblazoned. On it. And maybe have some big guy with you if you wear it in public. Be safe first.
True, but we need to counter all of the hundreds of praising, worshiping, deifying shirts with Inmate #PO1135809's putrid orange scowling mug on them, soon to be worn by all of the MAGAt brownshirt faithful. ;)
I'll counter it with a photo of VP Harris smiling that says "Next President"! I refuse to have photos of Inmate PO1135809 anywhere near my house or person.
The mugshot will appeal to his followers, but is likely to repel the independents whose votes we need. This is a media fight. It's not only about getting press coverage of policies and achievements.
Democrats ought to flood media with this photo of President Biden:
While Biden is president, Trump still takes all the evening news attention, every night. We hear about Biden, briefly, as he gets off a plane in Hawaii, or says a few sentences on the WH lawn. I think he averages about twice a week, getting into the news. Trump is every day, all the time. The Press is enthralled with Trump; he won't be ignored. I'm not "blaming the media," just relating my observation. I'm retired and watch TV news 24/7, yes, even in my sleep. (I also regularly watch Young Sheldon.) Trump makes so much news every day, he can't be ignored by the Press..
Biden and Trump should both be on the evening news every night. They are candidates for the president of the United States after all. The public has a right to know the facts about them.
I think it is about finding the right balance. Biden should be on the news more than Trump.
Disagree. They are NOT doing their jobs. How does TFG get promoted without media? Are his followers hiring private planes to flood the US with leaflets?
Reminds me of the old Pogo saying, excuse the liberties: "we have met the marketplace and it is us." Unfortunately, crap news gets the attention and professional journalism often struggles. Yay for The Guardian, which usually resists temptation to grab for clicks.
I disagree. Their “both sides” coverage helped spread things like “ivermectin cures Covid.” Hear me out - even debunking it, they also put quotes by whomever was using it, etc., and people supporting Trump took the alternative information and believed the snake oil salesmen that it worked and vaccines would kill them. Others susceptible but not yet convinced go to web searches to learn more about “the other side,” don’t know enough to deal with it and end up supporting “freedom” instead of common good/rational thinking.
Sadly, where I live there are a lot of older folks who already are primed to not trust government or media, and it feels impossible to set them on the right path again. Pretty much I am told that if I value their friendship I will not say anything bad about their hero or anything he is selling them.
Sorry Gary about late reply. Wrong, the Media are the folks giving the crazies air x! Less of that & more of the hero’s who strive for a fair democracy & the people who actually do real service in our government, would be a huge step! The Media now thrives on Misinformation/ Disinformation & the negative Hyperbolic Baddies! All for a $$$ Sound bite!!🤪🤣👍 Just ask the Murdock’s 🤮!
Dann, I partly agree and partly disagree with you. I believe that media should cover controversial topics, especially political issues, but should cover them in a properly balanced and rational way. For example, the media should cover a scientist who says that there is no global warming, but give four times more coverage to scientists who say there is global warming. The media should not refuse to cover minority or inaccurate views.
Trump did seem a mite reserved (for him) and even shaken when he spoke after getting arraigned yesterday in GA. It's a good bet his lawyers cautioned him to zip it, except for approved statements. He has come up against reality and never wants to go back.
Amen brother Benjamin. That song was prescient--rather, accurate in its time, and still. “She can tell you ‘bout the plane crash, with a gleam in her eye.” Current media, from both the Left and the Right, co-created tRump (rather P01135809). Dirty Laundry sells!!! It’s the current national entertainment--the most profitable reality TV there is. Way too seductive for networks to not play along. The P01135809.
MUCH LIKE the availability of drugs is not the cause of massive addiction {it’s the consumer who drives the market!}, I suggest if we were not all so eager to see and hear and read lousy journalism, there’d be less of it.
People who have NOTHING good to say about our media, who think it is ALL of one piece, strike me as those who never read the decent stuff, and so don’t think there is any
It's the evolved inability to keep focussed as well.. the cop out to distraction... hot buttons. I try to vary my diet, to curate somewhat. There is too much coming at us and it's difficult. We are thus divided.
I agree the editors cop out as well. The news is a business. But it's about reputation as well. There is some excellent journalism.
When I talk about media, I put enormous blame on journalism itself for feeding into the image. The culpability IS there. And I lived in it during the worst parts of its recent dissolution [the profit motive overriding all other reasons to do the work, and the fall of journalism into the corporate maw]. But, I think if one looks back, there has been plenty of bad journalism since forever, though we had a hey-day of good journalism for a few years mid-to-late 20th Century, and a lot of us hark to that when comparing the enterprise to today, which is rife with sensationalism, a drug enhanced by screens and cameras and the profit motive, instead of “doing the people’s work, being their eyes and ears, and telling them what they NEED to know to live in our world.” This is what good journalism still is, if you can find it {if you bother to look for it’}
I was a community newspaper journalist and worked for a few state rags in various places … I come from a journalism family and know what people of conscience and integrity often spend their lives trying to produce.
There is STILL good journalism going on {what the hell do people think Prof. Reich is putting out?}, but like a drug, the sensational draws our eyes. I was also a volunteer EMT on an ambulance squad for a number of years, too, and I know that people are pulled to “rubbernecking” at a spectacle, too.
A little clarity about what journalism is, why it is, whether it still is .. and if it ever was… yeah, that might be useful.
“doing the people’s work, being their eyes and ears, and telling them what they NEED to know to live in our world.” which you put in quotes (?) I have trouble with abdicating to the old journalism because it's all changed... and probably for the better ( you call it dissolution, maybe you mean nostalgia). BUT you have to think and curate. This means not being fed or relying on some journalist, group of journalists, venue, to give you what you need.. or think you need. And yes, like the supermarket there are a lot of unhealthy products there for you to put in your body, but you have to choose... to keep informed, to know where or how to get the truth. And it takes work. People can just cop out to what is easy, what they don't have the time for, or know who to attach themselves to in order to sort out.
Prof Reich is doing good journalism because he has a moral sense, a way of looking at the world and assessing that appeals- to me, to you.
We are so fragmented, some are lost to their vulnerabilities. Our democracy depends on everyone... and it's scary now.
[Though i do mean the dissolution of better journalism, not just nostalgia. I think there is STILL a hell of a lot of good journalism being done — it’s just that there’s so much sensationalism in a world of 24-hour media that people have a SENSE of it being more garbage than good. I wonder, if someone did a survey and data analysis, what that might show …
What draws people’s attention, and what is out there to be seen and read may not all be the same thing. There’s still great work being done, even in the MSM, it remains for people to find it. . Unfortunately, it is not served up neatly on a plate. It is too often drowned out, and if we focus on the sensational crap, we are part of the problem. I include me in there, too. I’m not immune to seeing the sparkly thing.]
Potter : I agree that it really takes time and effort to write down what was offensive or exceptional that could be shared about a news item. It's worth it! I have seen improved reporting on a topic I criticized even the next day.
Yes, but soon it won’t matter as we’ll be down to 49 states after Florida either melts into the boiling ocean OR “DeSanctimonious” steers them into it. Wait…did I just use a P11035809 nickname there? DAMN!!! *Headsmack!*
reminds me of this from Tom Nichols - The Atlantic
"But the prodemocracy movement must fight with the confidence and maturity of adults:
Ditch all the coy, immature, and too-precious language about former President Donald Trump and the Republicans. No more GQP, no more Qevin McCarthy, no more Rethuglicans and Repuglicans. No more Drumpf. No more Orange Menace … Be the adult alternative to the bedlam around you.
Juvenile nicknames too easily blur the distinction between prodemocracy voters and the people they’re trying to defeat. If you’ve ever had to endure friends or family who parrot Fox-popular terms like Demonrats and Killary and other such nonsense, think for a moment how they instantly communicated to you that you never had to take them seriously again."
I think those names that Trump ( or his team) invented and the other cute phrases that people grab onto, appeal to their immaturity and ignorance, and are such insufficient quick fixes for their need to satisfy resentment hate and anger over the top partisanship.. but that said, DeSanctimonius is a good one . I like Steve Schmidt's "Fuckyou-ism" for Trump's movement/philosophy
Yes it's definitely school partly. You are exposed to teachers that are good or not so good. Some appeal to your sense of morality, or start you on a path of learning.. tell you about what citizesnship means, teach you to discern, to check your sources, ask questions. Your parents give you your base morality, negative, positive.. and your extended family do too. Your peers influence you as well. This is all education, learning, about life- emotions and reasoning. You gradually learn about yourself, your vulnerabilities, weaknesses and strengths. This is life long. But early education sets the path. Don't forget books!! And now the internet opens a lot of avenues--pitfalls too!.
Religion- another subject but religions educate, for better or worse.
Pat Goudey O'Brien : It is good that we can share our frustrations with media coverage, and even get specific, and name names, when we see/hear BS. Especially on MSNBC, which is more 'liberal' .
Rachel Maddow made a big show of NOT letting MSNBC’s cameras carry Trump’s remarks on the tarmac at the Atlanta airport following his arraignment. That’s fine; that was the correct course because there was no possibility that anything Trump said might have been newsworthy, or of value to MSNBC viewers, or even truthful. As commenters here have pointed out, Trump benefits from far too much free media publicity.
But then what did MSNBC’s cameras do as soon as Trump stopped talking? They remained focused on Trump’s plane, clearly marked “TRUMP” in big letters, for 20 minutes as it taxi’d, sat on the runway awaiting takeoff clearance, and then took off, like any aircraft at any airport. This sequence conveyed no information whatever, just kept an intent focus on Trump for no reason. It conveyed the silent message, “Wow, look, that’s Trump!”
Laurie Blair — yes. I read a lot of commentators, read the mainstream corporate press {you CAN find good stuff in there, among the chaff — hardly anything is all one thing or the other …}, and sample cable news of many stripes, but especially need to consult multiple sources on any one topic, to see what’s out there, and what might be added or missing. It’s no small job to try to remain informed. The Internet puts so much at our fingertips, and then stuffs us silly with more than we can manage … urf.
I think reader feedback is ESSENTIAL — as are consumer conversations among themselves …
If we could see the simplicity of the 2nd Amendment, only the local militia would have guns. All gun owners would have to report for duty twice a year for weekend exercises, all under federal/state control, of course. As it is now, "the militia" is off the books.
If congress and the president were to re-characterize the internet as a essential utility, we might be able to impose the fairness doctrine on the media. But even then it’s not likely.
Possibly — as they require ACCESS to utilities, and they might require ACCESS to the ‘net …but that’s for consumers, not necessary those providing the content … I’m not sure it would work. If it is too much of a stretch, to arcane an argument, I’m not sure it would fly.
The "Liberal Media" was never "Liberal." They used to stick to reporting facts, which seemed to our delusion-based friends to disagree with the lies in which they had been raised. To them, it seemed as if "facts" and "truth" had a liberal bias. It still does. That's part of the reason why they're attacking public schools and libraries. The Main Stream Media was long since bought up by big-money interests who make blessedly well sure that if reports nothing beyond "bread and circuses," and never, ever points its cameras at those who are obscenely rich but never satisfied that they have extracted enough from their fellow citizens.
Don't agree. Even if the liberal media stopped reporting on Trump, the Right wing media would continue to report on him. Since the Right wing media is the source of information for Trump voters, they will continue to support him and vote for him. However the bigger issue is motivating liberal voters to vote, and this requires the liberal media to tell the Trump story in all its ugliness. Only then will liberal minded voters be scared enough to think they must go to the voting stations.
Not liberal voters anymore imo. Indies are the group that needs to be reached. Liberals will vote Dem, conservatives will vote Repub. Indies will vote for the party that persuades them its position is better. This year.
Good comment. But I think these Indie voters also need to be persuaded by a liberal media. And then liberal voters also just need to be persuaded to simply get out of their homes and vote on election day. There are huge number of potential votes in this category. They can be persuaded when they get information that the alternative to their perferred candidate is really not who they want.
Good points, and I agree, Anthony -- except for thinking "liberal media" exists in the mainstream. I have no respect or trust for media news anymore, nor do I expect to glean anything useful from 99% of what it says.
MSNBC is leading the pack in their hyper-focus on Trump. If we were to count the number of times in one day we hear his name, see a photo of him, and hear the word “indictment,” it would undoubtedly be in the hundreds … perhaps, thousands.
I wish, instead, they spent time fact-checking. For example, how much misinformation were Republicans fed during the primary debate Wednesday? MSNBC should subcontract a portion of every news show to Politifact. The more we let the lies just lay there, the more “RedHats” are fortified and more moderate Republicans and Independents are led astray.
Unfortunately, the media is all about viewership, which translates into money. If and when the greed factor is ever removed, we might see more responsible reporting. It's also important to remember that the heads of some of the news and other corporations are big contributors to conservative causes.
That said, there are some networks that are refusing to repeat and report on his inane ranting. MSNBC is one I believe, but there need to be more, especially among the major networks.
I agree. I would love to have just ONE day when there is no "breaking news" concerning this pathetic excuse for a politician, president, presidential candidate, or human being.
Even if the putrid orange POS ends up incarcerated for life (fat effing chance :( ), we will still have to see his football pigskin orange face and puckered Big Mac inhaling pie hole, every single day from now on. :( :(
THIS is precisely what the egotistical narcissist, megalomaniacal, evil scum keeps breathing for, whether it is positive, or THE MOST negative attention and notoriety.
It really struck home last night when Lawrence O'Donnell stated that the mugshot will be the most viewed pic of ANYONE, going forward, for the next 300+ years (IF we are even around that long, as a species, to have to disgustingly experience that truth). :(
Ive been saying this for years as well. Trump gets as much or more press from the liberal media as he does from the conservative media. We need to stop giving Trump the time of day. As soon as he's no longer in the news he will fade his followers will fade and we can move the country forward away from this MAGA (MAKE AMERICAN GOONS AGAIN) nightmare! On the same note we need to develop a strategy to get rid of Ron DeceiverDeSantis as well! You know if every Democrat would get off their ass and go vote the Republican Party would be relegated to the dust heap of History they may be going there anyway but we don't need to help stop them!
People have responded to my comment so I want to add on. In 1985, Tony Schwartz who wrote Trumps' Art of the Deal was on the Coop Board of 90 Riverside Drive NYC. So was I. The Board was trying to get a new mortgage when the interest rates were 14%! Real Estate was a big topic then. The NY Media all knew the facts about The Donald and his real estate empire. Maybe I knew more dirt because of Tony, but Trump was a known quantity. If all the media outside of FOX etc. had refused to cover him, he wouldn't have been elected. My comments about the Media refer to their failure to publish the correct data: 65% of Americans are obese. The Media are all Wellness Bitches and look away. But we have a population that is physically damaged and very sick. Plus, the "eat healthy/beat up/your body with exercise/ over consume water is the mantra that has led the phony Wellness to $3 trillion. Great for biz but bad for bodies. I have tried for 15 years to expose the real stats, but no one will standup. If you have damaged bodies, nothing matters. What do you have if you don't have your health?? And for sure the majority of Americans are sick since we also have an aged population. I predicted this would happen in 1978. I am also the person responsible for making Pilates a household name. BTW, if you have a 35 inch waistline you are obese according to the WHO. Japan instituted mandatory waistline measurement in 2008 after looking at the bodies at Disneyland. I filed an FOIA with the CDC who refused to answer why they changed the Hamwi formula to the BMI in 1985. Here's why: a 5'6" female at 185 pounds is not obese. SHOP BUY EAT REPEAT. Now ht eMedia will try to kill Ozempic which is the salvation because they love the wellness subject. It is their religion. All of they info is in my Substack. Recently I was diagnosed with cancer so I have Chemotherapy. This experience has validated my ideas on how to downsize the bodies, but unless a powerful person like Robert Reich who should have some body awareness joins me nothing will be done. Yes this is an embarrassing subject. One billion people are starving while Americans are gorging. I am 82 so I remember when Americans were attractive. Look at the fat bodies now. This is not a disease because we couldn't have mutated in 50 years. The CDC made obesity a disease so the insurance companies will pay for Ozempic which will be in a pill very soon. It can fix the bodies but then we have to fix the minds .We have five eating disorders now. And practically everyone else is eating disordered-- particularly the Wellness Bitches who control the Media. African Americans will decline in numbers. Native Americans are done for. And Hispanics are in trouble too because these groups have a 50% greater chance of becoming g diabetic. Never hear these numbers from the Media. Let's talk instead about our great recipe for avocado toast!!
Joan, If you have not already read it get a copy of Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss. It was published some years ago but is a history of how the food corps manipulated our food supply to become the behemoths that they are today.
To your point, how many would have supported him if they were aware of his extramarital shenigans at the time? Information that was 'killed' until after the election.
I totally disagree. The media, liberal, conservative, and moderate, should report Trump's antics and the antics of any other person running for president of the US. The failure to cover this would be unethical.
Where did you hear that, Walter? All other mugshots were released soon after booking. Media have made clear Inmate No. P01135809 made up his reported weight and probably height, but nothing about his also supplying that image.
=> 315 sounds right to me! Darn shame they let him get away with that. Also, I recall he actually is 6'2", adds a fictional inch. Given Melaria's height, it's no wonder. Barron is—as I recall—6'6", which is said not to thrill his father.
A well-rehearsed pose was my very first reaction, Walter Kirkpatrick. A merch avalanche is about to bury us. I'm wondering what legal restrictions apply to use of a public domain image like this. Inmate No. P01135809 surely sees the shot as this era's Che T-shirt. Can we market our own merch with Photoshopped mugshot images? Fangs dripping blood, maybe? Plenty of banners could caption an unaltered image—starting with UNWANTED.
MANY pundits have said the same even BEFORE they had a chance to see the scowling, despotic, putrid orange visage, that has now been seen worldwide. ;)
That last picture looks like he just swallowed the fly and he's so proud of his ability to eat bugs. Trump's absence on that stage showed weakness to everyone with the ability to view life through discerning eyes. Donnie boy can't take confrontation on any level. He skipped the debate because he couldn't compete with the verbal onslaught of negativity his eager combatants would have asalied him with. Trump sits on the edge of political oblivion, even his own party sees no need to coddle to his vanity any further. All that remains is to hear the sound of a toilet flushing in the distance, and he will be nothing more than a dysfunctional memory.
John--If I was the officer taking the Mug shot I wouldn't have allowed Trump to pick the expression. It should have reflected a Pass Port Photo. But that might have reduced the amount of donations Trump got from the sale of that stupid picture. No matter how you view a rat its still just a rat.
I honestly wondered if he brought a personal photographer along to pose him for the camera. It is hard to know exactly the right angle, etc. without seeing through the viewfinder. He also could have gotten more than one chance... 😕
IF so, that should have been disallowed by Ms. Willis and company.
STOP treating this criminal fascist DESPOT as if he is something 'special' and 'exclusive', like he has been his whole putrid, privileged life, and EXPECTS to be with his threats of rightwingnut brownshirt violence if he is not.
Why did they let him pose like that? Surely it like a passport photo where they want a full face shot? They should have had someone on hand with the authority to demand he look straight into the camera with a neutral expression.
This was my initial response too, Nigel. But then I realized, behind every facade of anger, there is fear. So now, every time I see that photo, I see a scared, scared little man who is trying to project a facade of retribution. But failing at it.
PO1135809 aka Donald Trump has no inner beauty. Hate and blame and violence are ugly and they are inside of him through and through taking up all the space.
His mug shot should be his official Presidential Portrait. It should be hung in the White House public bathroom above the toilet. Trump is actively encouraging violence among his base, he brings up civil war all the time and it's not by accident. He wants nothing more than a repeat of Jan. 6th with weapons drawn. We can't let him succeed. Everyone should share and expose what he really is to the public every chance we get. He's a menace to society, to our country and to our democracy.
LOVE THIS! The mug shot is the facade. With tRump (oops, P01135809), it’s all about the facade, the show, the production, the fiction. There is NOTHING about him that is real or authentic (or even human) save for what Prof. Reich shows in the second photo. I would love it even more if, every time from now on the mug shot is shown, it is side-by-side with the second photo.
A great and witty analogy--as a biology nerd, I really appreciate that. Let’s continue to take our vitamins--gotta keep our immune system primed heading into this flu/election season!
Yes, an effective republican vaccine to protect the life of our democratic republic from infection by the autocrats is to nominate a non-Trumper. We may have invented an adjuvant to the vaccine with the 14th Amendment, Clause 3. We only used it once. Maybe we can use it again?
Unlike Republicans, Democrats have a hard time making their messages stick. I wish Democrats would just say simple things over and over again, like “A Democrat for Social Security.” “A Democrat for Medicare.” “ A Democrat for health care.”
John Bolton was on CNN last night, laughing at and making fun of the defendant. Bolton said the inmate and his advisors spent as much time rehearsing his facial expression as they did combing his hair.
I think he looks like Bozo the Clown! Does anybody else remember Bozo?
Ed: Bozo the Clown smiled all the time. It was painted on his face. Trump is painted with orange makeup, which is either funny or scary (just like Bozo was to my little brother 🤣).
The “mug” shot is mimicking “Uncle Sam wants you”. Check it out. So yes, it’s intense most of all. You can call it angry because that’s how you feel so you see it that way but it is far more diabolical and dangerous.
The only way through this is get out the vote! The more who vote, the better the outcome.
The liberal media should stop reporting Trump antics. If they did this in 2014, he would never have been elected. The media only wants a story and they never think of the consequences. That's why over one mil died of covid.
The other night, the news focused on people complaining about their finances with a total absence of any reporting of what Biden has done to fix problems. They briefly mentioned it takes time to see economic improvements. What was the point of this negative news among all of Biden’s successes?. I’d hardly refer to them as “liberal media.”
Thanks Joyce, I appreciate folks who think. The media started and continues to report on P01135809 like he is normal and tries so hard to report both sides of an issue even when there are not two sides. Some of the media does report more truth but, I agree even suggesting there is a liberal media misses reality by a mile. We need the return of the fairness doctrine IMO.
We need an anti-tyranny doctrine - a thriving country, world, and planet doctrine. Create the antidote for the festering malignancy that certain "media/propaganda" organizations nurtured into a full blown psychosis for ratings and wealth. Democrats know they are terrible at messaging - so "get it together people" AND go hire the worlds best publicity people and get in front of all of the cancerous BS and lead with messaging that kicks the GOP in the teeth. Help your BASE - Democrats and independent's FEEL excited, FEEL inspired and FEEL proud of the impacts "decades" of future thinking policies and work have created and demonstrate what forceful leadership is to make a better future for all. Contrast all the good created. I'm saying "LEAD like the 911 emergency that this is!
Take back the narrative. People like Donny Duetsch - the branding guy - described the Democratic party as the Protection party. Protecting women's rights, voter's rights, protecting our planet, protecting Democracy. Scream from the rooftops that it is the Protection Party that our children will have thank for a future with a functional society and environment. The GOP stoked the fires of hate and grievance back into the light and like the chaos they've created. Let's channel the fear and ANGER of the Dems and independant's BASE into a tsunami of fed up folks who aren't going back 60 years. Keep featuring all the women and young people who embrace a multicultural world and know People have damaged this one and only planet and know we don't have any time to waste. Show that the protection party is ready to crush the carnage party.
Dems often clean up after the R's messes- clean up after Bush jr's Wars, and financial catastrophes - and don't get credit because they don't take credit. Dems get the ugly work to try to clean up the disaster's and get blamed for it being "HARD" on everyone. Re-direct the blame - Point out who got us into the massive mess in the first place. Remind folks and go ahead and shame George W and Mr Cheney and the R's that went along with DJT's american carnage. Show that they are the culprits who tripled the debt, enriched the rich and powerful and used Leonard Leo and other's use Citizens United to continue to deliver to corporations (not people) and keep themselves rich and powerful. Say enough already!
Make Banning... look like the stupid stunt it is. Banning books or removing from teaching "uncomfortable" history is another example - get out the "we are Uncomfortable with Removal population" to stop the stupid. Make "not being ignorant" sexy again. Seeing the truth and knowing the full story about the past will save humanity.
Dems need to radically change - and go for it. THIS is war and LEAD and shout from the rooftops what is true and working for all of us. Get on with it - Revamp the supreme court, declare a national climate emergency and ask every country in the world to do the same. USE the media to fight back - and ask the likes of Tim Synder and Ruth Ben-Ghiat to give us the recovery road map with actions and counter messaging that has worked in the past to destroy and drive out the evil tyrants. Feature the antidote day in and day out - and offer clear "here's what YOU can do to help" steps to channel the outrage. Get out a film crew and broadcast every day what improves when you protect the future for all of us!
LEAD and fight like our lives and our future depends on it - because it does.
Well said! The Dems really need to preach from the rooftops- so much good is done, but buried because the focus is on the Orange one
Melissa, yes, far too much attention paid to the "orange one." It has been this way since he rode down his ridiculous gold escalator. The media is so warped they think this jerk is worthy of anyone's time and they helped to be sure he would be. It's nuts!
It is all about what gets the attention. That is how Orange functions.
That is how he got where he is. He is entertaining. That's what people want. Reality is too painful for many people. So those of us who are aware need to move right along and be the grownups in the room.
Bravo, Ruth, only you got the direction of the escalator wrong. From whence he came, it should have been "up". And the element it's constructed of isn't gold; it's sulfur.
Just posted more on this subject.
If the media don't focus on the orange one, the reality of his insanity, criminality and narcissism would be lost. We can't vote unless we know who's who and what's what.
Is there a single person in USA who does not already know of "his insanity, criminality and narcissism?" Even my friends in Europe are fully informed on this oddly - sociopathic heap of orange.
Bravo, Magic Girl, great ideas. We need to turn out the current staff of DNC, DCCC and hire young people trained in publicity and advertising who care more about saving America than collecting money. There are plenty of young people out here who would make great leaders, but need the backing, financial and moral, of a strong Democratic Party
Right on, Magicgirl.
Extremely well said Magicgirl ! All of us here need to read your comment twice!
Hey Magic Girl! Thanks for the magic. This is doable. We need to go for it and stop holding back!
And we humans can go back further than Bush and Cheney.
Go back to Ronnie boy who dumped all the people held in institutions onto the streets with no plan for how to help them. He said, they are not governments responsibility.
Mental health is and has always been a true problem because we just do not know how to deal with it. It is a puzzle that we can not put together.
And I do not have an answer for that. I just know we fall very short with even thinking about it.
"Old People" aren't the enemy here, I can say as one myself. (I've read some comments suggesting that only the young can solve current problems). While I understand, of course that the young will be inheriting whatever is left of the country and the planet, ruling out old farts like me to care / help is a fallacy. Many of us DO want the same things the young deserve. Divisiveness - whether by race, gender, sexual orientation or age is not the way to gain support. I do agree that Democrats have had to clean up after each Republican President before them and that as a Party we do need to gain more assertiveness and become a louder, clearer voice.
Before the pandemic, when I attended post carding/phone-banking and letters to voters events, we older folks (the majority in attendance) would cheer when we got a young person to come.
Unfortunately, many of those our age are right wing. 😢
Sadly even though happiness and kindness are contagious, anger and hatred are as well.
I have a neighbor who I like very much who told me she was a Democrat but then changed and is now a Republican. I find that it is all about who a person listens to for news coverage that determines what their political beliefs and viewpoints become.
I vividly remember the last election when PBS channels hosted some of the Republican candidates and political figures and that every one without exception was rude, vile, and unable to conduct themselves in a civilized manner. It was quite striking. They just seem to want to demonstrate how tough they are, both male and female alike. I am convinced that being a right wing person means that you need to be nasty. That is not 100% the case but it seems to be the prevalent case for sure. They are all emulating Trump.
How on Earth did that happen to humanity? Why are so many humans so angry and mean? When did we make that turn as a species?
How do you message when no one is listening or even willing to !! Trump has 70,000,000 brain deaf followers. To them he's like the Pied Piper of Hamelin and will gladly lead them over the cliff as he knows they will follow. Good night and good luck. You is going to need it !!!
I agree that we do need the return of the Fairness Doctrine. Good post!
Keep in mind that the Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast TV and radio. It was a FCC rule. Would not apply to Fox Fake News (cable) or Social Media (internet). It would also require passage by both House and Senate with President's signature.
I am aware that the Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast radio and TV, but IMO it should not have been overturned. At least then, we had a chance of getting both sides of the political story. We even had real reporters who reported the facts. Today it seems that all we get is commentary and opinions carefully-framed to influence the public. And to be honest, it seems like we also get lots of lies.
Lois, I could not agree more -- in 87 congress passed a bill that would have made the Fairness Doctrine law and not just an FCC regulation, but good old Ronnie Raygun vetoed it. If it had remained in place then maybe we could have regulated cable news news since almost all TV moved to some form of cable. Does anyone still have broadcast TV? (We have not had TV for more than 20 years now since we retired and move to the mountains of western NC. But we sure do use the internet.)
Can we talk about getting the FD broadened TO include cable and the internet?
Better than that-- seek out your local PBS station(s) and check out the news and all the other great programs they offer. It is FREE and if you want to contribute there are great perks! I have been donating to them for many years and always have wonderful programs to watch- many coming out of Britain where the talents are truly amazing.
If we are going to re-implement the fairness doctrine, shouldn't it also apply to the internet and cable companies?
It needs to be revamped, PRONTO! (Let's write to our legislators, everyone!!)
Lois, if we do bring back the fairness doctrine, which I do like there need to be some provisions related to lies and insults. I am not sure what they should look like, but we can figure that out, right away, not years after lying becomes the coin of the realm as it is on many of the social media platforms.
There used to be something called "truth in advertising" that could be applied here.
Jaime, yeah, what happened to that "Truth in Advertising?" It seems to have been lost in the ashbin of history. We do need it back.
Seems like business has been skirting that truth in advertising thing, until they are sued. Civil suits seem to be the only accountability.
As you know the right-wing uses the first amendment as an excuse and a cudgel. I'd like clarity on lying to the public and the first amendment. Something that seems more attainable is live fact-checking of debates while the debate is going on. It could be running as an inset on our TV screens. It is doable and worth doing.
What is fair? Are you going to give the global warming deniers equal time to the global warming realists? Are you going to give the election deniers equal time to the election realists? You need to think that through.
Any "side" wanting airtime should be required to provide fact-based evidence to support their viewpoint, rather than just allowing all and sundry to go on national TV and shout their biased, personally held, often outlandish opinions.
Interesting idea. Possible, but very expensive. Who is going to monitor and enforce this?
I have thought it through and my opinion is that telling both sides of an issue is preferable to only telling one side of it. Prior to 1980 the fairness doctrine while not perfect served the country better than one sided distorted news. Global warming deniers and election deniers, in my view, particularly need to hear truth. You are welcome to your opinion.
MT: "Fair" doesn't have to mean equal or identical. Little things like facts and/or truth should count. How long should it take before a decision is made? "You haven't proved your point, so we'll take the other path."
Of course, TELL both sides. 1A and all that. But once the bank robber has said "I didn't do anything wrong" with a bag of $$ in one hand and a gun in the other, it's time for the police to say "BS!" and slap the cuffs on him (or her -- in the interests of fairness).
I've hear the Journalism professional suggest the news should be communicated in a fair and "comprehensive", (eg., leaving out unsubstantiated or vetted information, propaganda too,) information. Context is everything.
MT2: I have thought it through and my opinion is that telling both sides of an issue is preferable to only telling one side of it.
GW2: Yes, I agree, but still an editor must decide the proper balance between the side which is rational, true, and/or probably true and the side which is irrational, false, and/or probably false. The editor should give more time to the former.
MT2: Prior to 1980 the fairness doctrine while not perfect served the country better than one sided distorted news.
GW2: Yes, I agree, but still the wrong side should not be given equal time to the right side. See above.
MT2: Global warming deniers and election deniers, in my view, particularly need to hear truth.
GW2: Of course they do! And they need to hear more truth than falsehood.
MT2: You are welcome to your opinion.
GW2: Of course I am, as are you. But I think your opinion needs some more refinement.
That would be "bothsideism" and not appropriate during times of upheaval, eg., in the interest of public safety, as has happened in recent years. Parsing propaganda is not legitimate broadcast news; (print "news" having a lot less potential for misleading the unsuspecting public, also not on our public airwaves.) There should be financial consequences!
Well, fox has to pay the better part of a billion dollars and more siuts are coming.
GW: Who makes sure reporting is "fair?" Do Faux viewers get "fair" reports?
"Reporting" in the US is just about $$ (and power).
That indeed is the flaw with the fairness doctrine.
Someone came to MSNBC during the Obama years and started clearing out the mavericks who used to talk there. (Remember Ed Schultz? Now dead.) You could tell that there was someone in the studio determined to insert polish onto the set. Women's hair began to be more stylish (unless you're Rachel Maddow); the graphics went to red and blue throughout, while all the individual color schemes disappeared (remember Morning Joe with blue and brown?) Now it's slick. I started watching about a dozen years ago when it was functioning by the seat of its pants. Now that out-of-sight director has begun to speed things up. I especially dislike what's happened to Morning Joe, since the tempo began beating faster. Sometimes Mika can't catch a breath. All the socialists who used to talk on MSNBC have VANISHED. Sad.
"Someone" went everywhere over time. 🙃
Folks who think are getting rarer by the day but don;t run away with the idea that it is just in the US. From my experience it equally applies to the UK and Australia where I live !!! It's a modern phenomena. WE probably need either a world war or a mega deep depression to knock it out of us !!!
In Canada, Europe & India, too. Much of the world, if not most of it.
Unfortunately, we seem to be headed for both disasters, which I think should be avoided if at all possible. Stopping & helping defeat Russia promptly & deterring China from invading Taiwan are crucial for avoiding the former. Prevailing on urgent & massive action on climate & the environment is critical for averting the latter. But both will be extremely difficult to navigate against such powerful if irrational foes.
Absolutely, spot on.
Debased is the word that comes to mind.
Imo only Conservatives refer to media as "liberal." Those of us who've been complaining about it for years call it dangerous. It's become the exact opposite of what 1A is meant to protect.
Conservatives love playing "victim." It is profitable:
"A few months ago, Leonard Leo laid out his next audacious project. . . . Now, Leo declared in a slick but private video to potential donors, he planned to 'crush liberal dominance' across American life. The country was plagued by 'woke-ism' in corporations and education, 'one-sided journalism' and 'entertainment that’s really corrupting our youth,' said Leo amid snippets of cheery music and shots of sunsets and American flags." [<>]
Hmmm... I would say that true wokeism is probably beneficial overall. I agree that journalism is 1-sided, but I'm sure it's the opposite side he thinks. I'm not sure what kind of entertainment he thinks is corrupting our youth,, but there are some relatively new types of entertainment for more than just youth that have no appeal to me, & may be destructive in certain ways -- "gaming" comes to mind. Perhaps a campaign to make the public aware of problems with such entertainment might be in order. I'm not aware of such efforts. And I have my doubts that's what he finds objectionable. I don't see that "crushing liberal dominance" is the appropriate response to any of this.
Good comment. Personally, I've decided that I'm reclaiming the label "woke" and am proud to carry it. Re. his claims of "objectionable," I think he know that they don't have any substance . . . he's just manipulating w/ trigger words. The demographic he is targeting responds and reacts to them. Leo knows better . . . he's just bullsh*tting for fun and profit.
A good analysis would explain why people believe the economy is so bad when it is actually doing pretty well.
But the price of healthcare, housing and insurance are major stressors to the average citizen. That is what Americans are going to notice the most, as well as grocery prices. No matter that grocery chains are making out like bandits (how is that attempted Kroger merger going anyway?).
We should make healthcare accessible, high quality, universal and free. The government should guarantee a job for any person willing and able to work, a job that pays enough to live on. If people have good jobs in either the private or public sector, then they will be able to buy the things they need like housing, insurance, and food.
You make a lot of good points, but the fact is that even folks with good jobs now can't afford out of control housing, insurance, and food -- esp. if they live in expensive areas.
If I were president, what you describe would not happen. The federal government would set a minimum wage (or salary) such that everyone could afford all the basics for a decent living. This pay level would be reset every January 1 to keep pace with inflation and it would be geographically specific. Companies would be required to pay the minimum or they would be heavily fined. The ones who refused to meet the minimum for all their employees would go out of business, leaving more sales to the remaining businesses.
Joyce : true! ; They just want to be able to say they were fair and mentioned some positives about Biden. But they always load on the negatives too.
They never mentioned Biden!
Joyce: Since he is President he does not have to be named. Blame is there waiting.
Exactly! However, there was nothing mentioned about the multiple fixes or interviews from people who are doing well financially.
A lot of people I know are still greatly hurting at the grocery store, gas pump, utility bills, those every day things that are hard to ignore. Inflation may have gone down but until the people feel it in their actual life, they won't believe it and many of them blame this administration, wrong or right.
Joyce : Yes, it's often what is not said that can make a network suck.
Joyce - I completely agree, and I find the complaining about finances by the bulk of americans to be foolish, self-centered, and inane. If we as a culture have the disposable income to spend billions on sports tickets, millions on guns, millions on tatoos, millions on fast food, alcohol, drugs, billions on gas guzzling suvs and their fuel, I find it hard to see the point of their complaining. but as I've said before, the media machine is run by the oligarchs, who ruthlessly disseminate lies, lies, and more lies. and people believe them. i don't think they can be beat. i think we've already lost to the oligarchs. remember they have no allegiance except to their money and power.
I don’t have disposable income. I am a widow alone on social security. When I hear GOP trying to sunset it it scares me to death. I would have to sell everything I owned and moved into some kind of section 8 retirement apartment. 😞
If there was "liberal media," I'd love to read it. I don't know what people are talking about when they say that there is liberal media.
President Biden has done a number of things to fix certain economic problems for ordinary people, such as implementing a $2,000 limit on prescription drug expenses for those on Medicare--starting in 2025, attempts to reduce the student loan burden for borrowers, and probably many other things. But it's kind of like chipping away at the iceberg that the Titanic just hit, and dumping out water one bucket at a time.
Many decades of Republican policies have made a decent and dignified life essentially impossible for so many people. It's a lot harder to put the genie back in the bottle than it might have been to prevent widening economic inequality, which by itself leads to greater social problems. It isn't that President Biden hasn't done far more for ordinary people than any Republican would do. It's that the problems have swelled to such an extent that they might require major revisions of the type that are impossible to obtain without a majority Democratic Congress and Supreme Court.
Joyce, in addition, the Fed is meeting now (in guess where, Wyoming, a place hard to get to, and expensive, and we are all paying for that, also a Republican stronghold) and Powell has hinted that he is going to pop the interest rate up more even though it is crushing the housing market already. He is desperate for a recession and is doing his best to make it happen. Where is the media on this one, they gleefully mention the meeting and play Powell's comments with no rebutle. That is what we are dealing with.
Maybe it is time to find a new news source.
I only watch PBS. They are all professionals and if they say anything that is 'off' in my opinion ( which is very rare if at all) I send them a message.
There are plenty of people out there everywhere trying to spin news and events to promote their own bias. I recently watched a webinar where a well respected author interviewed a series of people who claim to channel higher beings (don't judge me, it was fascinating). One of the channelers, a woman who would probably fit well in the Trump camp (bottle blonde with way too much make up and big hair) claimed the message she was getting from higher beings said that Biden was a criminal, and we're all being hoodwinked by Democrats. She immediately lost all credibility, and in the comments section afterwards, she was roundly & soundly criticized for not only pushing her political agenda claiming higher beings said it, she proved that a lot of so-called channelers are indeed frauds.
I have a friend who is a fan of some so called mediums. I do not personally take anything those people ever say to heart.
I personally do believe that we each can get 'messages' that are for our own personal benefit. They are called intuition. And they are meant to help us use our own judgement wisely. So we really should pay attention to them. But they are not for commercial gain. They are for us personally.
Agreed, some have the ring of truth, but far more do not. I also am a huge believer in intuition. And the more you listen to it, the stronger and more accurate it gets.
The author that was interviewing the channelers looked horrified when she said that. I was thinking whoever vetted these characters must've missed a huge red flag on this one 😂🙄
Agreed! A 30-something low income person I know well has made a career out of minimum wage jobs and blames Biden for it. The "party of personal responsibility" and "bootstraps" sure loves to blame Biden for their lack of income. There's no getting through to those people, I have spent decades with charts, graphs, congressional voting records, and fact-based explanations, and it has been a complete waste of breath.
I think he is doing a great job. The inflation reduction act is tremendous, he is doing something to address climate change. This action will lead to good paying jobs which we need so desperately. It will give young people the chance to have a life on this planet. It’s already had a positive effect which republicans are trying to take credit. The only complaint I hear is stuff like he’s old, moves too slow and other comments that have to due with his age. I personally think this is prejudice and it has a name “ageism”. I don’t care how old he is, when he speaks he says things that make sense. Number 45 would just blurt out complete nonsense and he caused grave harm to our country. Biden is thoughtful about what he says and he has proven that he does care about everyday Americans. He also has the experience and knowledge to pull us out of the abyss trump put us in.
Roger, I worked with seniors in social services before I was one myself and I fully agree with you. I can not understand why the 5 senses are not taken seriously with respect to our health in medical care. They are vital. If you have dental issues you can not chew and assimilate the foods and therefore the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. If you can not hear you miss vital conversation and information that is conveyed and often important for your health and well being.
I hear you Roger and I feel your pain.
People quote the Bible with "money is the root of all evil" which is incorrect. It says "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil"
I find that to be the answer to why we have some of the very rich so distorted in their thinking.
And that includes the mega church pastors of course.
And I have a soap box too so I understand your feelings about educating the lost souls. I do it as often as I have the chance. You never know when or how words of truth may hit home. But it is tricky so not used without some sense of permission.
I live adjacent to a farm where cows and steer and one beautiful bull graze daily. I see a peaceful group of animals who do have a hierarchy but it is only regarding any treats that I offer over the fence. Other than that they just happily eat and move about as they wish within the boundaries of their world.
I was given a book called ' The Secret language of Cows' that was quite enlightening. They do communicate and behave with norms within the herd.
Agree totally Joan. The fault of a lot of this projection/marketing ploy, lies w/our lousy Media in this country. & it will be more of same until we bring back all the deregulated FCC & Anti-Trust Laws that at least kept a handle on non objective news bias reporting. A shame😢😧
My dear Mother taught me long ago that the best response to such folk, is no response at all. Unfortunately Media has used our responses to bloat the Fascist Demographic! Our actions when silent & covert, work best. It encourages self destruction of crazy thinking!
Totally agree Dann. P01135809 thrives on two things: adulation or hatred directed at him that he can redirect. The thing he, and all narcissists, fear the most, is indifference. This is why I appreciate MSNBC’s commitment to no longer show his live comments or “productions” (aka rallies).
I appreciate MSNBC's approach too, but I'd prefer "TFG had a rally tonight. Now the REAL news..." Don't ignore a fact, but don't dwell on it. He IS out there, and he IS dangerous -- largely because of media.
Don't inflate his importance (he's all about doing that and doesn't need help).
Dann : The Media just want money!
All companies want money. They all want a profit. Nothing wrong with that. If they do their jobs properly, then they should make a profit. Nothing wrong with that. I want to see factual reporting about all the candidates, and I want to see some analysis of the facts. Nothing wrong with that.
For some it's not just $$. It's also power and influence.
And sometimes that is an even greater drive than money.
Leader of the pack.
No, they need a reputation. That digs into the war to manipulate or appeal to the facts as well as opinions which translates into politics.
Apparently, they don't worry about reputation. These days only money and profit is of value!
Murdock: "It's not the Red or the Blue. It's the green."
Reputation means profit ( profit IS money). NYTimes, Washington Post, rely on being responsible, to just another rag... on the other hand NYPost has it's reputation.. and across the board reputation ( quality) matters and relates to profitability.. just like everything in our society. Advertisers also need to cater to reputation, of their product and who and where they place their ads with.
All companies/businesses/people want money, but they aren't all morally equal. Some sleep better at night when they provide value for the money.
Ignoring a bully is usually good path, but this HUGE error is too wrong and dangerous for America and democracy to ignore. Media should be smart and focus on facts and rule of law.
Unfortunately "no response" is too often misinterpreted to mean no ACTION. What you say next ("...actions when silent and covert...") proves you don't mean no action, but many people don't take that step.
I stand corrected, I meant action through silent means. Screaming about a perp only gives them power. Although didn’t mean to imply sitting on one’s hands! Stealthy work is more X effective w/such Bots😄
Ugh! I would not want a photo of this disgusting face anywhere near my body.
Reminds me of the story, told about King George III, that he hung a painting of George Washington in the Royal Privy. When asked about it Benjamin Franklin is said to reply that "nothing would make an Englishman shit faster than a picture of George".
Love it!
Yeah, I couldn’t put that on. Even with the giant guilty emblazoned. On it. And maybe have some big guy with you if you wear it in public. Be safe first.
True, but we need to counter all of the hundreds of praising, worshiping, deifying shirts with Inmate #PO1135809's putrid orange scowling mug on them, soon to be worn by all of the MAGAt brownshirt faithful. ;)
I'll counter it with a photo of VP Harris smiling that says "Next President"! I refuse to have photos of Inmate PO1135809 anywhere near my house or person.
It'll be on billboards before the election.
The mugshot will appeal to his followers, but is likely to repel the independents whose votes we need. This is a media fight. It's not only about getting press coverage of policies and achievements.
Democrats ought to flood media with this photo of President Biden:
Put the photos side by side: One of Biden smiling confidently, and the other -- the mugshot of Trump. Who ya gonna choose? The leader or the criminal?
Someone give this idea to state Democratic parties.
Smiling leader vehemently pushing democracy, or scowling criminal DESPOT hellbent on forcing fascism on EVERYONE?
His opponents should wear it, too; it'll take the wind out of that sail.
My point EXACTLY!
Looks like a 2-year old on the edge of a tantrum.
@Roses. It should say "I'm coming for You!" LOL
With a little brush 'stache photoshopped in. ;)
Hitler 'stashes
are IN for
where's tfg djt's
herr Furor mustache?
where's his Nuremberg
Rally Spectacle background?
WHERE are his
Prison bars?
the Glare
says Nothing
sans a little Context.
Stop blaming the media. They are doing their jobs! The problem is Trump and the people who follow and promote him.
While Biden is president, Trump still takes all the evening news attention, every night. We hear about Biden, briefly, as he gets off a plane in Hawaii, or says a few sentences on the WH lawn. I think he averages about twice a week, getting into the news. Trump is every day, all the time. The Press is enthralled with Trump; he won't be ignored. I'm not "blaming the media," just relating my observation. I'm retired and watch TV news 24/7, yes, even in my sleep. (I also regularly watch Young Sheldon.) Trump makes so much news every day, he can't be ignored by the Press..
Biden and Trump should both be on the evening news every night. They are candidates for the president of the United States after all. The public has a right to know the facts about them.
I think it is about finding the right balance. Biden should be on the news more than Trump.
I love Young Sheldon!
Disagree. They are NOT doing their jobs. How does TFG get promoted without media? Are his followers hiring private planes to flood the US with leaflets?
Reminds me of the old Pogo saying, excuse the liberties: "we have met the marketplace and it is us." Unfortunately, crap news gets the attention and professional journalism often struggles. Yay for The Guardian, which usually resists temptation to grab for clicks.
I disagree. Their “both sides” coverage helped spread things like “ivermectin cures Covid.” Hear me out - even debunking it, they also put quotes by whomever was using it, etc., and people supporting Trump took the alternative information and believed the snake oil salesmen that it worked and vaccines would kill them. Others susceptible but not yet convinced go to web searches to learn more about “the other side,” don’t know enough to deal with it and end up supporting “freedom” instead of common good/rational thinking.
Sadly, where I live there are a lot of older folks who already are primed to not trust government or media, and it feels impossible to set them on the right path again. Pretty much I am told that if I value their friendship I will not say anything bad about their hero or anything he is selling them.
Sorry Gary about late reply. Wrong, the Media are the folks giving the crazies air x! Less of that & more of the hero’s who strive for a fair democracy & the people who actually do real service in our government, would be a huge step! The Media now thrives on Misinformation/ Disinformation & the negative Hyperbolic Baddies! All for a $$$ Sound bite!!🤪🤣👍 Just ask the Murdock’s 🤮!
Dann, I partly agree and partly disagree with you. I believe that media should cover controversial topics, especially political issues, but should cover them in a properly balanced and rational way. For example, the media should cover a scientist who says that there is no global warming, but give four times more coverage to scientists who say there is global warming. The media should not refuse to cover minority or inaccurate views.
Trump did seem a mite reserved (for him) and even shaken when he spoke after getting arraigned yesterday in GA. It's a good bet his lawyers cautioned him to zip it, except for approved statements. He has come up against reality and never wants to go back.
Vote in a majority of Democrats and make it so!
“We all know that crap is king, give us dirty laundry.”
~ Lyrics by Don Henley from “Dirty Laundry.”
@ Kert. She's a bubble-headed bleached blonde, comes on at 5...
Amen brother Benjamin. That song was prescient--rather, accurate in its time, and still. “She can tell you ‘bout the plane crash, with a gleam in her eye.” Current media, from both the Left and the Right, co-created tRump (rather P01135809). Dirty Laundry sells!!! It’s the current national entertainment--the most profitable reality TV there is. Way too seductive for networks to not play along. The P01135809.
May be be forever known by his number….he’s no Jean Valjean….but I hear it in my head: 🎶35809!🎶
SO GREAT! A Les Miz reference!!! Thank you Susan, fellow theater geek you!
Mr. Henley was quite the prophet, since ol' Laura and Co. were not even around yet when he wrote those lyrics. ;)
Laura!!! Yes!!! The perfect bubble-headed bleach blond!
MUCH LIKE the availability of drugs is not the cause of massive addiction {it’s the consumer who drives the market!}, I suggest if we were not all so eager to see and hear and read lousy journalism, there’d be less of it.
People who have NOTHING good to say about our media, who think it is ALL of one piece, strike me as those who never read the decent stuff, and so don’t think there is any
It's the evolved inability to keep focussed as well.. the cop out to distraction... hot buttons. I try to vary my diet, to curate somewhat. There is too much coming at us and it's difficult. We are thus divided.
I agree the editors cop out as well. The news is a business. But it's about reputation as well. There is some excellent journalism.
When I talk about media, I put enormous blame on journalism itself for feeding into the image. The culpability IS there. And I lived in it during the worst parts of its recent dissolution [the profit motive overriding all other reasons to do the work, and the fall of journalism into the corporate maw]. But, I think if one looks back, there has been plenty of bad journalism since forever, though we had a hey-day of good journalism for a few years mid-to-late 20th Century, and a lot of us hark to that when comparing the enterprise to today, which is rife with sensationalism, a drug enhanced by screens and cameras and the profit motive, instead of “doing the people’s work, being their eyes and ears, and telling them what they NEED to know to live in our world.” This is what good journalism still is, if you can find it {if you bother to look for it’}
I was a community newspaper journalist and worked for a few state rags in various places … I come from a journalism family and know what people of conscience and integrity often spend their lives trying to produce.
There is STILL good journalism going on {what the hell do people think Prof. Reich is putting out?}, but like a drug, the sensational draws our eyes. I was also a volunteer EMT on an ambulance squad for a number of years, too, and I know that people are pulled to “rubbernecking” at a spectacle, too.
A little clarity about what journalism is, why it is, whether it still is .. and if it ever was… yeah, that might be useful.
“doing the people’s work, being their eyes and ears, and telling them what they NEED to know to live in our world.” which you put in quotes (?) I have trouble with abdicating to the old journalism because it's all changed... and probably for the better ( you call it dissolution, maybe you mean nostalgia). BUT you have to think and curate. This means not being fed or relying on some journalist, group of journalists, venue, to give you what you need.. or think you need. And yes, like the supermarket there are a lot of unhealthy products there for you to put in your body, but you have to choose... to keep informed, to know where or how to get the truth. And it takes work. People can just cop out to what is easy, what they don't have the time for, or know who to attach themselves to in order to sort out.
Prof Reich is doing good journalism because he has a moral sense, a way of looking at the world and assessing that appeals- to me, to you.
We are so fragmented, some are lost to their vulnerabilities. Our democracy depends on everyone... and it's scary now.
[Though i do mean the dissolution of better journalism, not just nostalgia. I think there is STILL a hell of a lot of good journalism being done — it’s just that there’s so much sensationalism in a world of 24-hour media that people have a SENSE of it being more garbage than good. I wonder, if someone did a survey and data analysis, what that might show …
What draws people’s attention, and what is out there to be seen and read may not all be the same thing. There’s still great work being done, even in the MSM, it remains for people to find it. . Unfortunately, it is not served up neatly on a plate. It is too often drowned out, and if we focus on the sensational crap, we are part of the problem. I include me in there, too. I’m not immune to seeing the sparkly thing.]
Potter : I agree that it really takes time and effort to write down what was offensive or exceptional that could be shared about a news item. It's worth it! I have seen improved reporting on a topic I criticized even the next day.
It’s there for the people, and people’s comments, reactions, questions … all help to make it better.
So glad you do that!!!
Their are always critiques and comments on WAPO but nothing changes.
Consider the source. Who owns WAPO? Jeff Besos, who also owns Amazon.
I know who owns WAPO. Bezos
I actually go there only to look at the comments.
Psychologically it tells me a lot about the US.
The biggest are NOT the best … neither are they the only …
But we soldier on … Sigh.
Education is key...
As long as no one lives in Florida.
Even in Florida education is key.....especially!
Yes, but soon it won’t matter as we’ll be down to 49 states after Florida either melts into the boiling ocean OR “DeSanctimonious” steers them into it. Wait…did I just use a P11035809 nickname there? DAMN!!! *Headsmack!*
reminds me of this from Tom Nichols - The Atlantic
"But the prodemocracy movement must fight with the confidence and maturity of adults:
Ditch all the coy, immature, and too-precious language about former President Donald Trump and the Republicans. No more GQP, no more Qevin McCarthy, no more Rethuglicans and Repuglicans. No more Drumpf. No more Orange Menace … Be the adult alternative to the bedlam around you.
Juvenile nicknames too easily blur the distinction between prodemocracy voters and the people they’re trying to defeat. If you’ve ever had to endure friends or family who parrot Fox-popular terms like Demonrats and Killary and other such nonsense, think for a moment how they instantly communicated to you that you never had to take them seriously again."
I think those names that Trump ( or his team) invented and the other cute phrases that people grab onto, appeal to their immaturity and ignorance, and are such insufficient quick fixes for their need to satisfy resentment hate and anger over the top partisanship.. but that said, DeSanctimonius is a good one . I like Steve Schmidt's "Fuckyou-ism" for Trump's movement/philosophy
What is education? Is it school? I don't think so. What is education?
Yes it's definitely school partly. You are exposed to teachers that are good or not so good. Some appeal to your sense of morality, or start you on a path of learning.. tell you about what citizesnship means, teach you to discern, to check your sources, ask questions. Your parents give you your base morality, negative, positive.. and your extended family do too. Your peers influence you as well. This is all education, learning, about life- emotions and reasoning. You gradually learn about yourself, your vulnerabilities, weaknesses and strengths. This is life long. But early education sets the path. Don't forget books!! And now the internet opens a lot of avenues--pitfalls too!.
Religion- another subject but religions educate, for better or worse.
YES, which is why it’s been under attack for a couple of generations, at least …
Pat Goudey O'Brien : It is good that we can share our frustrations with media coverage, and even get specific, and name names, when we see/hear BS. Especially on MSNBC, which is more 'liberal' .
Rachel Maddow made a big show of NOT letting MSNBC’s cameras carry Trump’s remarks on the tarmac at the Atlanta airport following his arraignment. That’s fine; that was the correct course because there was no possibility that anything Trump said might have been newsworthy, or of value to MSNBC viewers, or even truthful. As commenters here have pointed out, Trump benefits from far too much free media publicity.
But then what did MSNBC’s cameras do as soon as Trump stopped talking? They remained focused on Trump’s plane, clearly marked “TRUMP” in big letters, for 20 minutes as it taxi’d, sat on the runway awaiting takeoff clearance, and then took off, like any aircraft at any airport. This sequence conveyed no information whatever, just kept an intent focus on Trump for no reason. It conveyed the silent message, “Wow, look, that’s Trump!”
More free help for Trump from MSNBC.
Maybe they were hoping it would crash on takeoff, and they'd be able to show it live??
Laurie Blair — yes. I read a lot of commentators, read the mainstream corporate press {you CAN find good stuff in there, among the chaff — hardly anything is all one thing or the other …}, and sample cable news of many stripes, but especially need to consult multiple sources on any one topic, to see what’s out there, and what might be added or missing. It’s no small job to try to remain informed. The Internet puts so much at our fingertips, and then stuffs us silly with more than we can manage … urf.
I think reader feedback is ESSENTIAL — as are consumer conversations among themselves …
Yet, “Guns don’t kill. People do.” It’s the same, lame argument!
If we could see the simplicity of the 2nd Amendment, only the local militia would have guns. All gun owners would have to report for duty twice a year for weekend exercises, all under federal/state control, of course. As it is now, "the militia" is off the books.
Pat, "the decent stuff" isn't mainstream for the most part.
It is a lot more in and among the mainstream than you give the mainstream credit for.
But you do have to sift. And you do have to read and compare. It is dismaying …
If congress and the president were to re-characterize the internet as a essential utility, we might be able to impose the fairness doctrine on the media. But even then it’s not likely.
Possibly — as they require ACCESS to utilities, and they might require ACCESS to the ‘net …but that’s for consumers, not necessary those providing the content … I’m not sure it would work. If it is too much of a stretch, to arcane an argument, I’m not sure it would fly.
The "Liberal Media" was never "Liberal." They used to stick to reporting facts, which seemed to our delusion-based friends to disagree with the lies in which they had been raised. To them, it seemed as if "facts" and "truth" had a liberal bias. It still does. That's part of the reason why they're attacking public schools and libraries. The Main Stream Media was long since bought up by big-money interests who make blessedly well sure that if reports nothing beyond "bread and circuses," and never, ever points its cameras at those who are obscenely rich but never satisfied that they have extracted enough from their fellow citizens.
Don't agree. Even if the liberal media stopped reporting on Trump, the Right wing media would continue to report on him. Since the Right wing media is the source of information for Trump voters, they will continue to support him and vote for him. However the bigger issue is motivating liberal voters to vote, and this requires the liberal media to tell the Trump story in all its ugliness. Only then will liberal minded voters be scared enough to think they must go to the voting stations.
Not liberal voters anymore imo. Indies are the group that needs to be reached. Liberals will vote Dem, conservatives will vote Repub. Indies will vote for the party that persuades them its position is better. This year.
Good comment. But I think these Indie voters also need to be persuaded by a liberal media. And then liberal voters also just need to be persuaded to simply get out of their homes and vote on election day. There are huge number of potential votes in this category. They can be persuaded when they get information that the alternative to their perferred candidate is really not who they want.
Good points, and I agree, Anthony -- except for thinking "liberal media" exists in the mainstream. I have no respect or trust for media news anymore, nor do I expect to glean anything useful from 99% of what it says.
SPOT ON Anthony, thank you.
Neo-liberal media. There is nothing "liberal" about the MSM. Just all RW CONjecture, lies, deflection and denialism.
Joan Breibart : The media is owned by those who want more and bigger tax breaks. They know where they would get the biggest bang for their support.
MSNBC is leading the pack in their hyper-focus on Trump. If we were to count the number of times in one day we hear his name, see a photo of him, and hear the word “indictment,” it would undoubtedly be in the hundreds … perhaps, thousands.
I wish, instead, they spent time fact-checking. For example, how much misinformation were Republicans fed during the primary debate Wednesday? MSNBC should subcontract a portion of every news show to Politifact. The more we let the lies just lay there, the more “RedHats” are fortified and more moderate Republicans and Independents are led astray.
Unfortunately, the media is all about viewership, which translates into money. If and when the greed factor is ever removed, we might see more responsible reporting. It's also important to remember that the heads of some of the news and other corporations are big contributors to conservative causes.
That said, there are some networks that are refusing to repeat and report on his inane ranting. MSNBC is one I believe, but there need to be more, especially among the major networks.
I agree. I would love to have just ONE day when there is no "breaking news" concerning this pathetic excuse for a politician, president, presidential candidate, or human being.
Even if the putrid orange POS ends up incarcerated for life (fat effing chance :( ), we will still have to see his football pigskin orange face and puckered Big Mac inhaling pie hole, every single day from now on. :( :(
THIS is precisely what the egotistical narcissist, megalomaniacal, evil scum keeps breathing for, whether it is positive, or THE MOST negative attention and notoriety.
It really struck home last night when Lawrence O'Donnell stated that the mugshot will be the most viewed pic of ANYONE, going forward, for the next 300+ years (IF we are even around that long, as a species, to have to disgustingly experience that truth). :(
Ive been saying this for years as well. Trump gets as much or more press from the liberal media as he does from the conservative media. We need to stop giving Trump the time of day. As soon as he's no longer in the news he will fade his followers will fade and we can move the country forward away from this MAGA (MAKE AMERICAN GOONS AGAIN) nightmare! On the same note we need to develop a strategy to get rid of Ron DeceiverDeSantis as well! You know if every Democrat would get off their ass and go vote the Republican Party would be relegated to the dust heap of History they may be going there anyway but we don't need to help stop them!
People have responded to my comment so I want to add on. In 1985, Tony Schwartz who wrote Trumps' Art of the Deal was on the Coop Board of 90 Riverside Drive NYC. So was I. The Board was trying to get a new mortgage when the interest rates were 14%! Real Estate was a big topic then. The NY Media all knew the facts about The Donald and his real estate empire. Maybe I knew more dirt because of Tony, but Trump was a known quantity. If all the media outside of FOX etc. had refused to cover him, he wouldn't have been elected. My comments about the Media refer to their failure to publish the correct data: 65% of Americans are obese. The Media are all Wellness Bitches and look away. But we have a population that is physically damaged and very sick. Plus, the "eat healthy/beat up/your body with exercise/ over consume water is the mantra that has led the phony Wellness to $3 trillion. Great for biz but bad for bodies. I have tried for 15 years to expose the real stats, but no one will standup. If you have damaged bodies, nothing matters. What do you have if you don't have your health?? And for sure the majority of Americans are sick since we also have an aged population. I predicted this would happen in 1978. I am also the person responsible for making Pilates a household name. BTW, if you have a 35 inch waistline you are obese according to the WHO. Japan instituted mandatory waistline measurement in 2008 after looking at the bodies at Disneyland. I filed an FOIA with the CDC who refused to answer why they changed the Hamwi formula to the BMI in 1985. Here's why: a 5'6" female at 185 pounds is not obese. SHOP BUY EAT REPEAT. Now ht eMedia will try to kill Ozempic which is the salvation because they love the wellness subject. It is their religion. All of they info is in my Substack. Recently I was diagnosed with cancer so I have Chemotherapy. This experience has validated my ideas on how to downsize the bodies, but unless a powerful person like Robert Reich who should have some body awareness joins me nothing will be done. Yes this is an embarrassing subject. One billion people are starving while Americans are gorging. I am 82 so I remember when Americans were attractive. Look at the fat bodies now. This is not a disease because we couldn't have mutated in 50 years. The CDC made obesity a disease so the insurance companies will pay for Ozempic which will be in a pill very soon. It can fix the bodies but then we have to fix the minds .We have five eating disorders now. And practically everyone else is eating disordered-- particularly the Wellness Bitches who control the Media. African Americans will decline in numbers. Native Americans are done for. And Hispanics are in trouble too because these groups have a 50% greater chance of becoming g diabetic. Never hear these numbers from the Media. Let's talk instead about our great recipe for avocado toast!!
Joan, If you have not already read it get a copy of Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss. It was published some years ago but is a history of how the food corps manipulated our food supply to become the behemoths that they are today.
It is a real eye opener.
To your point, how many would have supported him if they were aware of his extramarital shenigans at the time? Information that was 'killed' until after the election.
I totally disagree. The media, liberal, conservative, and moderate, should report Trump's antics and the antics of any other person running for president of the US. The failure to cover this would be unethical.
Exactly. They don’t care about the consequences. They are about “today” & tomorrow is only the next “today”.
You know he practiced this pose for many hours in the mirror.
I believe Hitler practiced poses too and had a photographer at work so he could compare later. What Horror!
Booking shots should be restricted like passport photos..neutral expression
I think that Trump posted his own mug shot like a movie star glossy. I heard his real mug shot will be released around 4:30 today.
Where did you hear that, Walter? All other mugshots were released soon after booking. Media have made clear Inmate No. P01135809 made up his reported weight and probably height, but nothing about his also supplying that image.
I would NOT believe even 315 lbs., let alone 215!
=> 315 sounds right to me! Darn shame they let him get away with that. Also, I recall he actually is 6'2", adds a fictional inch. Given Melaria's height, it's no wonder. Barron is—as I recall—6'6", which is said not to thrill his father.
Yes, somehow he delusionally sees himself as the 'perfect, Aryan, Lebensborn ideal'.
A well-rehearsed pose was my very first reaction, Walter Kirkpatrick. A merch avalanche is about to bury us. I'm wondering what legal restrictions apply to use of a public domain image like this. Inmate No. P01135809 surely sees the shot as this era's Che T-shirt. Can we market our own merch with Photoshopped mugshot images? Fangs dripping blood, maybe? Plenty of banners could caption an unaltered image—starting with UNWANTED.
Maybe among it's MAGAt flock of worshipers.
I want one with a swastika pin in it's lapel, and a darker brush 'stache photoshopped in, and a big "NEVER!" underneath.
MANY pundits have said the same even BEFORE they had a chance to see the scowling, despotic, putrid orange visage, that has now been seen worldwide. ;)
I kind'a like ol' P01135809's mug shot. I can make multiple copies and take it out to the range!
ol' P01135809. I don't think we should refer to defendant Tweety by any other name, ever again.
And In This Corner ..
the Six Foot Three, Hair Stawberree
Eyes Blue, with Coming After Glee
Two hundred Fifteen pounds . .still Mean and Lean Clown
the Chosen One, still Totally Out of his Tree
#the P O'd . .from Alt Heaven . .Flirty Snide . .Hate Show Whine!!
Hell! And here I thought it was dyspepsia! LOL! 🤣😁👍
That last picture looks like he just swallowed the fly and he's so proud of his ability to eat bugs. Trump's absence on that stage showed weakness to everyone with the ability to view life through discerning eyes. Donnie boy can't take confrontation on any level. He skipped the debate because he couldn't compete with the verbal onslaught of negativity his eager combatants would have asalied him with. Trump sits on the edge of political oblivion, even his own party sees no need to coddle to his vanity any further. All that remains is to hear the sound of a toilet flushing in the distance, and he will be nothing more than a dysfunctional memory.
I greatly admire your optimism!
Regrettably, I gave up optimism for Lent decades ago, and it just doesn't seem to intend a return! Target practice makes me feel better, though!
DZK--Maybe its the religion that's the problem. Try a new lint brush.
DZK--Try a 300 Winchester short Mag. It'll warm the shoulder.
@Donald H. This post I agree with... Thank you for putting this sentiment into words and may your predictions become history!
Ben--Let's hope.
Well, Pepe The Frog IS one of the fascist/NAZI memes among the Hitler Jugend on the interwebz, no??
David--I have absolutely no idea
The Scowl That Reached . .
It had to be Practiced . .got Just Right ..
Not just enthuse but Infuse Fight Fight Fight . .
It so Seriously Now Mattered . . when the mirror
Cracked and Shattered . . .so Intense the Ur Fired On
Alt Reality True Light . .
#Beneath Every Rock . .Clown Blight . ..
John--If I was the officer taking the Mug shot I wouldn't have allowed Trump to pick the expression. It should have reflected a Pass Port Photo. But that might have reduced the amount of donations Trump got from the sale of that stupid picture. No matter how you view a rat its still just a rat.
It was the Scowl that Shook things Up . .
Alt Reality Clown Show Tuff ..
a You Can't let it Happen . Your Warrior Savior crapped on!
Dig those fury-focused Eyes! . .No Scared Pup's . .
# Karma Shave . . .
Let’s hope the toilet has adequate water pressure.
Kent--I keep a bucket of water near by just in case.
Nope, only a full diaper.
As soon as they flashed it across the bottom of the screen on MSNBC yesterday, I though the same EXACT thing! (Only with INMATE# in front of it!) ;)
I honestly wondered if he brought a personal photographer along to pose him for the camera. It is hard to know exactly the right angle, etc. without seeing through the viewfinder. He also could have gotten more than one chance... 😕
IF so, that should have been disallowed by Ms. Willis and company.
STOP treating this criminal fascist DESPOT as if he is something 'special' and 'exclusive', like he has been his whole putrid, privileged life, and EXPECTS to be with his threats of rightwingnut brownshirt violence if he is not.
A humorous - and prophetic - metaphor for ol' P01135809 and his MAGA followers:
Why did they let him pose like that? Surely it like a passport photo where they want a full face shot? They should have had someone on hand with the authority to demand he look straight into the camera with a neutral expression.
This was my initial response too, Nigel. But then I realized, behind every facade of anger, there is fear. So now, every time I see that photo, I see a scared, scared little man who is trying to project a facade of retribution. But failing at it.
If you see the other mugshots, some of them are smiling (seriously?).
My only reply to this: Make them all go back and have a proper pic. taken.
Yeah, Ms. Ellis was BEAMING.
Quite inexplicable considering her orange fuehrer is NOT paying her gargantuan legal bills for this trial.
Maybe she already cut a 'deal' with Ms. Willis??
The former fascist guy’s mugshot is indicative or the kind of retribution he would inflict on the US if he were elected.
I find him increasingly more ugly as the days pass.
I agree Ruthie. And THAT’s an insult to ugly people.
LAUGH elicited ~ Thank You!
Yes, but beauty lies inside.
For everyone but P01135809. Right?
PO1135809 aka Donald Trump has no inner beauty. Hate and blame and violence are ugly and they are inside of him through and through taking up all the space.
@ Kert. Yes! We don't need to mention "45" anymore. Now we can say P01135809. "809" for short!
HURT lies inside!
Buried deep beneath a black and tarry stool for this one.
He is the Devil reincarnated-
My first thought was Damien from The Omen (1970s film), the Antichrist fully grown and ready to unleash carnage:
‘When the Jews return to Zion
And a comet fills the sky
When the Holy Roman Empire rises
Then you and I must die
From the eternal sea he rises
Making waves on every shore
Turning man against his brother
Till man shall rule no more.’
Hopefully to become the devil incarcerated!
The purpose of the Antichrist is to rip off all the bandaids, at the same time.
His mug shot should be his official Presidential Portrait. It should be hung in the White House public bathroom above the toilet. Trump is actively encouraging violence among his base, he brings up civil war all the time and it's not by accident. He wants nothing more than a repeat of Jan. 6th with weapons drawn. We can't let him succeed. Everyone should share and expose what he really is to the public every chance we get. He's a menace to society, to our country and to our democracy.
Hell, TO THE WORLD at large! :(
Start with a dialogue of those you know who support Trump. It may be painful for all concerned to do so.
His mug shot looks like AI generated.
LOVE THIS! The mug shot is the facade. With tRump (oops, P01135809), it’s all about the facade, the show, the production, the fiction. There is NOTHING about him that is real or authentic (or even human) save for what Prof. Reich shows in the second photo. I would love it even more if, every time from now on the mug shot is shown, it is side-by-side with the second photo.
Medical Alchemy: P01135809 is an antigen. The Departments of Justice are the antibodies. The T-cells are the juries.
A great and witty analogy--as a biology nerd, I really appreciate that. Let’s continue to take our vitamins--gotta keep our immune system primed heading into this flu/election season!
Yes, an effective republican vaccine to protect the life of our democratic republic from infection by the autocrats is to nominate a non-Trumper. We may have invented an adjuvant to the vaccine with the 14th Amendment, Clause 3. We only used it once. Maybe we can use it again?
As usual he looks like a demented buffoon.
Unlike Republicans, Democrats have a hard time making their messages stick. I wish Democrats would just say simple things over and over again, like “A Democrat for Social Security.” “A Democrat for Medicare.” “ A Democrat for health care.”
See whether simple messages can stick.
“A Democrat for Democracy!”
“A Democrat for sanity.”
The media is owned by wealthy Republicans who make blessedly well sure that no Democratic slogan can stick.
John Bolton was on CNN last night, laughing at and making fun of the defendant. Bolton said the inmate and his advisors spent as much time rehearsing his facial expression as they did combing his hair.
I think he looks like Bozo the Clown! Does anybody else remember Bozo?
Ed: Bozo the Clown smiled all the time. It was painted on his face. Trump is painted with orange makeup, which is either funny or scary (just like Bozo was to my little brother 🤣).
Yes, Bozo was a media celebrity.
The “mug” shot is mimicking “Uncle Sam wants you”. Check it out. So yes, it’s intense most of all. You can call it angry because that’s how you feel so you see it that way but it is far more diabolical and dangerous.
The only way through this is get out the vote! The more who vote, the better the outcome.
Think Wizard of OZ, a scared little man behind the curtain of a practiced face. This is his ONLY defense.
He’s nothing but a very dangerous buffoon!
His mama was known to say that he was an actor.
I read Mama said more than that. Look at his child pictures and see he was a brat.
He never outgrew that trait. Just bigger and nastier.
It’s a mugshot of a Mafia Boss. Highly appropriate given the racketeering charges.
Meanwhile his codefendants are smiling stupidly.
Perhaps convictions will wipe all these dumb expressions off of their faces.
Prison time would do that, too.