The only reason Trump is supposedly tied with Kamala comes down to money 💰! Most of the oligarchs in America and overseas are throwing millions to get Trump elected because it benefits them! My hope is that the majority of Americans will not succumb to being bought by these corrupt politicians and their wealthy donors!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Citizens United. Get big business out of politics. Limit their maximum donation.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Businesses should not be allowed to donate at all! The government should be for the people, by the people. Yes, people can decide on things to help businesses. People do need to be educated about business. But business should not be allowed to buy politicians.

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Agreed. Thats what citizen United is and is working towards. George W Bush made it so businesses have the same “rights” as individual citizens when donating and courting politicians.

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Same goes for Ellon Muck who has 100+ million followers to whom he peddles his crap. But people will surely be sorry if we get the idiot shyster again, with his much more prepared handlers, financed by Muck's money.

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Gordon - What scares me is that Muck has been promised a position to “consult” (which is bs because he would not have poured his money in to trump without more reassurances and a cushier job) if the criminal gets elected. What scares me more is that RFK JR has been promised a position to tell people what they can do with their health and/or agriculture. What keeps me up at night is that not only the criminal might be elected at all but that we will end up with Vance. Elon has rigged his twitter just as much as trump has rigged his campaign.

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Yes, yours illuminates something that ought to dictate the law, “Companies, public or private, cannot vote. Only an individual can vote. Only an individual can donate politically.”

Plus, consider, Political donations are not tax deductible—but so at a certain level, POLITICAL donations should be TAXED as income!—like, say an INDIVIDUAL (no business contributions allowed, only a VOTER can contribute) donates any amount greater than their annual income, the amount they donate that is above their reported yearly income gets taxed at their annual rate as if earned (again) (though donated to their political party), which wealthy people understate, in order to minimize their income tax owing.

Some way to curb donations by wealthy individuals, trying to buy a party and a government.

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@Midwest... or even rent them.

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I forget who I stole this from, but...

"I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one."

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That's not it.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

She received a billion dollars since August and has a huge PAC balance but still sends me campaign begging letters. There are Democratic billionaires, too. BUT I do think that if she is not elected (I voted for her already), fascism as it’s being manufactured in Florida will become widespread. People are easily led and, as we’ve seen all too well, easily swindled. I agree with the pundit (maybe Mr. Reich.) who mentioned that voters today are irresponsible about fact-checking. It’s not all the media’s fault though corporate media and Russian disinformation lackeys are most to blame.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Under our gov Deshitus, FL is already under fascist control. The sooner Rick Scott is voted out the better FL & the nation will be served. I still maintain VANCE is the one to beware of if Don-Old is elected; his ties to Project 2025 are undeniable...even more reason to be sure Don-Old is kept out of the White House. I hope Latinos/Latinas were paying close attention to his Univision town hall and turn away from him. I am dropping off my ballot as soon as polls open here...vote Blue!

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Agreed. Kate, it actually IS jd Vance we should fear. Trump is obviously melting down in public, and I am sure he'll be declared incompetent 5 minutes after being sworn in. Then our government will be solidly in the hands of the tech bros and Project 2025.

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I will be voting Monday as our early voting opens then. You might check and see if there is early voting where you live. Blue is True!

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As I remember it, Rick Scott was a crook in the first place. He had swindled the federal government out of millions of dollars but resigned before the government brought charges to recover the funds. He was then elected from Florida. I'm sure he served Florida (his pocket). We in Texas are fighting much the same thing with Cancon Cruz. He has done nothing for Texas but has backer Trump.

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We've got to watch it because, what I am reading, Musk is contributing tons of money to Trump's campaign too. At this point, I think he is trying to buy a position on Trump's executive committee.

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Re Musk, trying to buy a position in government. Charge tax to Musk at exactly the amount he contributes to a political party, anything over the annual amount his barber or his dentist earns each year, tax the excess at 100%. It will only cost Musk double, to donate. But people in that league should not be able to purchase a country’s government.

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Harvey - He already has his position bought and paid for but they are trying to say that he will only be a “consultant”. RFK JR also has been promised a position over health or agriculture so he would drop out of the race but only in select states. We should all be worried but I am trying to help change others perspectives the best that I can - by telling them the truth repeatedly. I figured that if they continue to repeat lies then I will repeat the truth.

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Seriously. Shady Vance is Troomp's insurance policy. And the one that the likes of Musk, Thiel, Mellon, and the pillow guy are counting on to make sure he sticks to the capitalist line, I mean lyin'.

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I agree regarding Vance is the one we need to watch out for, he’s more dangerous than DonOLD.

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Shady Vance is a smooth operator, and very convincing. I think Darnold is fading, but it might be awhile before the supporters figure it out. Getting scarly close.

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It's hard to narrow it down. Those two you mention, Fox, X, Facebook, and fundamentalist faux Christan zealot radio hosts account for the vast majority of the misinformation, fear mongering and hate. They must be held accountable for their lies, distortions and hate speech.

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It's "Twitter," come now! No dim loser who stole enough to become THE richest 'hole in history can change that.

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From Wisconsin, let's name names. Billionaires Liz Uihlein (Schlitz Brewing Heiress) and Diane Hendricks (ABC Supply Co.) could supply Trump with mega $$ by themselves.

The queens of disinformation.

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I know the right wing PAC donors have scads of , too. It’s a crying shame. Just saying that she’s raised some serious money in a couple of months. We have to hope the Uihlein, Hendricks, Crow, Melon, Musk, Koch, etc club won’t risk everything just to save on taxes.

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The working class will never outspend the modern day robber Barron's, especially since the rise of Crypto currency. Millions of working class families cannot compete with people like Musk who is buying access to strip protections and derail our once great Democracy. Enough is enough. No dark money and one person one vote by abolishing the Electoral College. Can you imagine if a politician would tell the people of 42 states, "Your vote should count. It's tine for a popular vote. It's not right that only swing states matter. Changing to a lapar vote immediately changes this undemocratic process." Who would argue that? Indeed, the unlimited spending on elections must stop too.

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I totally agree with you! I have donated what I can afford. My husband and I live in a Red state on a fixed income and help our daughter and granddaughter. I want my vote to count!!

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The flip side of this is that oligarch money is an anathema to the 90% of Trump supporters who vote against their own economic and physical health.

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Than vote for Kamala.

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I agree. I resent having to spend my spare cash on election campaigns. But better than fascism.

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I think you are wrong here. "IF" Trump is elected, he is promising to raise sanctions on everything coming into America. That will increase the price on those items for us. We'll start buying American products because they will be cheaper. Then we have to fight the price gouging going on here. Of course he'll never do it.

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From what I am reading funds are drying up from Trump's contributors too. They can see dementia creeping in just as we do.

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Is it just about taxes with them? I think there are other things involved too.

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Don't forget Betsy DeVious.

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Re Harris, still asking for campaign donations. Consider she gathers funds widely, helping bankroll House district candidates, or Senate state candidates, because if those don’t campaign successfully she’s a lame duck (am I right?).

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VJ - Yes, I believe you are correct because Harris has given some of her contributions to others whereas the criminal has not given one dime of his money to anyone else. He rigged the RNC to where he is the only benefactor. Some of the people running (especially the Senate) are mostly self funding but trying to pass themselves off as your average working man. They wouldn’t even know what to do if they got a paper cut or a blister from working. We desperately need people to vote up and down the ballot and get the republican candidates and election deniers out of their positions.

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Great discussion! I haven't even heard half of it yet, and they've already made so many great points. Thank you, both! An observation and two quick points:

Observation: Of the more than 32,000 documented lies that Trump has told Americans, the most deranged rambling about Democrats being socialist, Marxist, extremists and enemies must STOP!

How dare anyone demonize other people simply because we have a more educated, informed understanding of markets, labor and priorities. In fact, I'm a capitalist! In fact, I've always worked for Capitalist. To call us Marxist and Communists because we believe in regulations and consumer and environmental protections is the most outrageous, hurtful and fallacious lie of all his 32,000 plus lies.

How dare he vilify Democrats with accusations of being Communists. Has he "no decency?" No! His former Cabinet members and military leaders all agree.

First point: Trump must be called out for attacking Democrats as Communists and enemies. It's totally false, defamatory and inciting violence. His unhinged and defamatory rhetoric must stop.

Point two: I recently watched a documentary on PBS called "The Guided Age." I highly recommend it. It's amazing how history is being repeated, as the twin-span bridge data shows. The richest person in the world may soon be a TRILLiONAIRE, while wages would shrink with Trump as President.

We are in the Second Guilded Age, and we must address it for the future middle-class and economic security for ALL Americans. Our labor/civil rights would be stripped under Trickle-down Trump Muskism. Deregulation would rollback the clock decades.

We must keep making progress for workers and embrace a sustainable energy policy while not deregulating industry. Good green jobs, sustainability and continued infrastructure investment most matter NOW due to the increasing inequality and climate driven disasters like Milton, Katrina and mass wild fires in the West and Canada. We cannot have a World leader who mocks facts and ignores the science .

I encourage people to post documentaries like PBS's "the Guilded Age," Inequality Media videos, and other powerful, truthful stories, including Woman's battle for the Right to Healthcare. Have House Parties for Truth, Justice and the Working Class. In this closing election argument period, it's time to stand up for truth, justice, liberty, decency, the environment and labor.





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Danny - I have always been curious why they would call us communists when they are the ones who suck up to Russia. I still haven’t figured it out.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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All I can say here is that that assination attempt sure messed up. I spent 17 years in the National Guard and I have a Marksman badge.

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Danny Piper. Maybe I am mis reading or not understanding what you are saying in the first few paragraphs of your writing. I thought that capitalists were AGAINST regulations and consumer and environmental protections. You seem to be saying that capitalists are FOR them. Please explain.

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Responsible capitalists understand regulations are better for all of us, the rest are just greedy con men.

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Good question. Thank you! Im sure others here can explain it better than I, but I will try.

Capitalism comes in many forms.

One side of the Capitalism spectrum is responsible regulation to protect consumers, workers, stock/share holders, and the environment. I believe Democrats are more aligned with this phiosphy. Without rules, regulations and laws, history has shown that greedy people and sociopaths will do major damage to workers, consumers, businesses and the environment.

On the other side of the spectrum is laissez-faire Capitalism with zero regulation. I believe Republicans like Trump are in this camp. IMO, Republicans have never met a regulation they liked, especially when it comes to labor and the environment.

The problem is without regulation and laws, Do and Trump can say he is a brain surgeon or OBGYN. Kennesy can dump a dead bear in Central Park. Trump can dump his trash from his casino in a school playground. He can sell people fake University diplomas. He can sell Chinese rodents as steaks. You get the picture. Without rules and regulations, anything goes and consumers and society pays a for their disasters.

In brief, Trump is making the outrageous, dangerous and false statement that Democrats are "communists and Marxists" because we don't agree with his brand of irresponsible, no regulation laissez-faire capitalism. They will agree that regulations that sop unlicensed people from operating as OBGYN's are necessary. However, they still hate regulation, rules and laws because it stops them from making more money, even if the rules protect consumers,workers and the health of society. Call me crazy, but rules and regulations are necessary to protect society and the environment from sociopaths like DJT, Musk, and China.

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Keith--The wealthy represent such a small proposition of the voting public their voice will account for very little. It's the struggling remainder of our population that will determine who wins and who loses.

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$$$ are persuasive power!!

The wealthy buy the means to convince people to vote AGAINST THEIR OWN INTERESTS.

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I have posted many times to Trump supporters, "Be Careful What You Wish For". If he does get elected, I can't wait to see his MAGA crew get decimated by his policies.

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The one man, one vote thing….. don’t mean anything with the electoral college…. Bring back the popular vote. Electoral college is just a plan of control over the placement of a PotUS

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Bring BACK the popular vote? I'm not sure we've ever had the popular vote in the US. Far as I know, the electoral college has been around since the beginning.

Not trying to be argumentative. Just putting it out there...

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You’re correct. The electoral college was implemented in 1787. 11 years after the founding of our Nation.

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There were several ideas put forth in that Congress. This was the consensus. I don’t like it because it’s very OPAQUE. People don’t/can’t grasp why it is this way. Like I said before. It’s a “control measure”. Nowadays it would be absolutely nothing to use the popular vote with electronic scanning. 50 years ago this wasn’t possible. It would take months to count the 400,000,000 ballots by hand. Now it can be done in hours.

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Thank you for your kind reply. After being on Twitter, I wasn't sure what to expect. I think I may have found my new platform :)

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You're right. the electoral college was negotiated for southern state "slave owners" to give them more power when they voted.

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It was implemented by the Funding Fathers (not "founding") to keep the working class and especially Black people from having a voice in our governance.

Consulting my Kindle copy of the Constitution (thanks, Jeff Bozos), I can remind those of you who may have forgotten that the Senate was originally elected by state legislatures, NOT by popular vote, for similar reasons. Article I, Section 3.

Read "The Many-Headed Hydra" by Linebaugh and Rediker (also on Kindle, LOL... "When we hang the capitalists....")

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Most Americans are too busy or uneducated to understand how this works

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The Republicans can't win without the Electoral College.

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If trump wins, he says you will never have to vote again.

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So scary, what exactly does he mean by that and why is no one asking!!

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It’s so diabolical the way he said it like he was doing us a favor!! Evil.

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He meant that his right-wing minions won't have to worry about politics if he's elected, because he'll instantly fix everything so they'll have their hearts' desires. Those desires likely include turning America into a one-party system (his).

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You can certainly count on that because Trump will certainly replace anyone that does not agree with him.

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@Keith. "Supposedly" is the operative word. At best polls are just opinions.


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"Never be deceived that the rich will permit you to vote away their wealth." (Lucy Parsons, Industrial Workers of the World founding convention, 1905)

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That is an easy, but unfortunately incorrect answer. Harris has raised over $1 billion, well outpacing Trump, with more billionaire donors. The huge amount amounts of money that she has successfully raised, is one reason the Democrats, like the Republicans, are in the pockets of the plutocrats.

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If they are plutocrats, send them to Pluto where they belong.

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You've got it wrong here because most of Kamala's contributions are from the American people with small amounts

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I agree that Harris has had a huge outpouring a small donors. However, to reach the stratospheric numbers she has reported, also takes plenty of large checks. Here’s an extract on super pacs from the most recent Forbes report.

“FEC filings through Aug. 21 show super PACs have spent approximately $167 million supporting Harris since the beginning of July, while PACs have spent approximately $55.2 million supporting Trump during that same period.”

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And, Musk is paying folks $100 to sign his bogus gun petition


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Mitch - All he is doing is stealing people’s information with those bogus petitions. Same as the website that was supposed to send you to a voter registration site but only once you gave them your information it went to a different website.

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The good news? I've heard that many billionaires are supporting PRESIDENT HARRIS! (Sorry, but is anyone but the Deathcult honestly worried at this point?)

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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Harris has outspent Trump.

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@Undoc: tRump is reportedly outspending Harris in the 7 swing states. Unfortunately I can't remember the source of this info offhand (maybe Daily Kos?) as I consume too much media. But if you care, it should be possible to find out.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

trump is definitely a fascist.

, the worst kind

Go vote people!

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Speaking truth to power, she did her job well.

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Stuff we can do,

FT 6 and Movement Labs are still registering Democrats in selected states. Texting today 2 pm to unregistered folk . https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/

DNC Anytime Training signup link (call on your schedule!) Share the link with your own message in an email or text: https://events.democrats.org/event/551644/

To share on any platform, just click on the link and share from there!













We have the capacity to flip Trump 2020 voters. . https://rvat.org/

Place comments on social media...."Not suckers or losers" to vets groups, military, military dependents, history sites. Vote vets has thousands of testimonials of 2020 Trump voters that flipped. According to Facebook, there are 4 million veterans or active duty members on Facebook, and 12.5 million family members of veterans or active duty members on Facebook.

Trump hates dogs. Pet/animal charity sites.

Trump stole from kids with cancer.

Don't slit your own throat.

In your gut you know he's nuts.

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Trump is a man who doesn't understand decency. Dictatorial in logic, heartless in meaning, Donald Trump is this country's incubus.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

In an interview the past week, Trump let something slip -- no pun about sharts intended -- about January 6. He asserted that he told his followers to be peaceful and patriotic, neglecting the fact he also told them to fight like hell.

But the key happened when he said that his gang wasn't armed, while "the other side" had guns. Us and them, with the "other side" being law enforcement. Over 150 police injured.

He then pronounced January 6 as a "day of love." That should let anyone with more than two brain cells all they need to know about Trump.

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Trump would obviously call it a day of love -- supporters showing Love for HIM.

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He spoke like the true narcissist that he is.

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Poor deluded people.

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Trump is a very sick man - the older he gets … the sicker

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It's called "DEMENTIA."

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What Trump let slip and we all hope Jack Smith was listening and taking notes, was his (Trump’s) use and placement of the word “We”. Self incrimination.

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He also used the word "we" when describing the rioters.

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According to testimony before the J6 committee, he KNEW some of his minions were armed.

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Thomas, in as much as Trump is solipsistic, Jan 6th was a day of love...for him.

Just as conservatives talk in code,(pro life means patriarchal supremacy as does family values) and you need a decoder ring to understand what they are really saying.

So it is with Trump, only you don't need a decoder ring, just realize that everything he says is self referential, all thoughts begin and end with me and I., and where harm and violence are mentioned he is talking of anybody who doesn't worship him.

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Thomas - IMO his best rally was on Friday where his microphone went out for over twenty minutes and he couldn’t spout his hate. He was walking around the stage in a downward spiral and admitted that he wasn’t going to pay the company (not shocking considering how many states and places he still owes from past events).

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True Donald: Yet half the country, not only will vote for him, but as Bill Maher said, will vote for him even if he had sex with a dead girl or a live boy.. Europe is aghast at America, it's leadership have no respect, yet they still kiss his ass, because they are afraid he will win. What does that say about us. Anybody watch Bill Maher last night, guess were Mark Cuban and Joe Scarborough, It is probably on youtube.

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Not half the country. Recent data shows ex-Trump supporters support Kamala. New York Times/Siena College/Philadelphia Inquirer poll found Harris winning 12% of Republicans in Pennsylvania.



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I think the people who walk the halls of power are more afraid of the people BEHIND Trump than they are of him personally. People in media fawn after him and court his attention — but the real power brokers are bowing to the Oligarchs who wield those $billions$ we keep talking about. There’s no other logic to it, because Trump is OPENLY and OBVIOUSLY the charlatan and doofus we always thought he was, only now he prances around like a faux-leader instead of a faux-businessman or reality-TV celebrity.

Sadly, too many people who aren’t well informed fall for his sh*t-show.

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That's the half of it. "Lobbying" as commonly practiced is nothing more than legalized bribery.

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Yes. It’s the corruption of a reasonable idea — that we should be able to petition our government leaders for redress of wrongs, and to advocate to our “representatives” for the kind of law and government we want. Money is what corrupts lobbying, not the act of approaching our elected representatives to let them know our preferences. Sadly, the current SCOTUS has made the lobbying process worse with the ludicrous declarations that money is speech and contractual entities are people…

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You are correct Daniel, I should have used a qualifier - nearly half. 45% per Robert, 47-48% per the polls.

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Yes Europe is sickened by Trump - where does that leave us if he is elected?

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If Trump becomes dictator it is not because he was elected,it will be because of a coup pulled off by almost half of America.

It leaves us, where Italy was in 1922, where Germany was 11 years later, where Spain was in 1936.

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I agree with you, but it felt awful to click a heart under your comment.

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I hear you SLSRPH

I imagine that your screen name is an acronym. Care to share it? Just curious.

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Not all of Europe is against Trump just the ones enamored with fascist socialism

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I'm no economist, but is there such a thing as "fascist socialism"? I think not.

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Which countries are those? Besides Hungary and possibly Slovakia

15 of them are Democratic Socialists and not at all fascist. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-15-democratic-socialist-countries-181857008.html

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Moldova, which currently leans toward democracy and is looking to join NATO, is voting this weekend. According to the Guardian, it could go either way. There is a strong fear that Russia sympathizers could gain power there.

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I know, I subscribe to the substack Moldova matters. It's eastern border is Transnistria. Transnistria is a quasi Soviet country, It's flag has the old Hammer and Sickle and star in the upper left of the field, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Transnistria

Transnistria's eastern border is with Ukraine, Ukraine falls, Moldova Falls ..

Moldova has an army of 5,400 men, and shares a border with Romania to the west. you can see where this is going.

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Yes really.!!!!!

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First panel in months that didn't have a pro Republican apologist for 'balance.' As usual he got into his 'anti-woke' spiel against student protestors of the Zion Nazi genocide against Palestinians, as if they were all on the side of the Hamas terrorists. Never seen one commentator on his show point this out in a year!

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I disagree there is no Zion NAZI genocide against Palestinians, you have been sucked into the Arab Muslim propaganda machine.

Here is a little fact. A Jewish state on sacred Arab soil is untenable. Israel is a country that occupies the third holiest site in Islam, behind Mecca and Medina, where Muhammad was born and died, all of Arabia is sacred Arab soil, in their eyes.

As is Israel, because of Haram al Shariff, the Dome of the Rock and al Aqsa Mosque.

Haram al Shariff is the rock that Muhammads chimera beast, body of a horse, face of a human, wings of an eagle, picked him up and flew to, where it leaped on that rock into the seven layers of heaven, where Muhammad encounter the prophets, Abraham,Jacob, Jesus before meeting Allah and negotiating with Allah for how many times a day they would prey, he "Jewed" him down from 500, to 50, then 5 with the help of Abraham.

There is on the rock what looks like a footprint of an animal, the Muslims have been told it is the hoof of the beast.

I am not making this up, it is in the Quran.

The Arabs tried in 1948 to obliterate (genocide) the Jews, they failed lost land, tried again in 1956, 1967, 1973, 2006 and Oct 7 was only the latest.

Yahya Sinwar and Ishmael Haniyeh, both dead now, have said that they will sacrifice as many Palestinians as needed to drive the Jews out.

From the river to the sea is a call to Genocide in between Jordan and the Mediterranean is Israel.

Genocide requires intention (Art II, UN Convention on Prevention of Genocide) the Jews have made no intention of genociding the Palestinians which they couldn't do if they wanted to.

But the Muslims, the Arabs have announced their intention of Jewish genocide, in public, and in the HAMAS Covenant.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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Allow me to discuss the subject of progressive media.

There is none, save for non profit and basically non profit like Free Speech TV which relies on contributions, small circulation periodicals like The Nation and Mother Jones, the rest of the media is corporate.

Corporations are run by a board of directors, elected or appointed by (principal) shareholders, the chair is often the majority individual shareholder, and in many cases like Robert Iger of

The Walt Disney Company owns many media companies, including:

Television networks: ABC, Disney Channel, ESPN, Freeform, FX, and National Geographic

Streaming services: Disney+, ESPN+, Hulu, and Hotstar

The Walt Disney Company owns many media companies, including:

Television networks: ABC, Disney Channel, ESPN, Freeform, FX, and National Geographic

Streaming services: Disney+, ESPN+, Hulu, and Hotstar

Robert is the major indivdual shareholder, Chairman of the Board and CEO.

MSNBC and NBC are owned by NBCUniversal,which is owned by Comcast, whose chairman and CEO is Brian L. Roberts

CBS is owned by Paramount Global, which is owned by National Amusements which is owned by the Redstone family

And it gets worse the institutional stockholders of all are Vanguard, Blackrock, States Street and some minor others, but the controlling shares of Blackrock ,its CEO and Chair is Larry Fink.

They quite literally hold a slice of every pie in the world. In fact, they have a whopping $10 trillion in assets — nearly half America’s total GDP.

BlackRock is so influential that the US and Chinese Governments even relied on the company to escape recessions.

Being the Founder & CEO of such a mega-conglomerate, Fink is now quite powerful as well. He currently sits on both the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Economic Forum.

In the words of Henry Kissinger, “Whoever controls the money controls the world”. No other company in history has had as much influence as BlackRock.

The fact that BlackRock is a major shareholder in dozens of major companies (Twitter, Amazon, Google, and Facebook, just to name a few) is very important because it means that for any of these companies to decide on company policy, they must now also consult with BlackRock before doing so.

BlackRock’s influence over 90% of the mainstream media might also be why you’ve probably never heard of them (and why most people haven’t).

Controlling media is a very important step in BlackRock continuing to extend its control over the world, because if everyone knew the consequences of them holding nearly $10 trillion in assets, questions would start to be raised.

Such an unchecked amount of power (especially under the wing of Fink being the sole company owner) means that the guy has unparalleled amounts of power over the world that we may yet to truly understand.


From the NYT owned by the Ochs Sulzberger family WAPO owned by Jeff Bezos, to Larry Fink, Robert Iger, Brian L Roberts, the Redstone family, the Newhouse family, there is not a progressive among them

Salon Media group owns Salon and it's investors include Adobe, Apple, Granite Ventures, Dotcom venures and an angel investor Bruce Katz.

Another "liberal" publication is the Atlantic magazine is owned primarily by the widow of Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell Jobs's Emerson Collective, she is a friend and sponsor of Kamala Harris

The New Yorker Magazine is owned by Conde Naste which is owned by the Redstones, mentioned above.

There is no such thing as a progressive or even liberal media, it is corporate media, what liberal media there is is limited to non profits like Free Speech TV, or small distribution publications.

I get a daily newsletter from Salon, and it is pretty damn good, but doesn't break through the echo chambers you are trying to reach.

Here is a sample: https://www.salon.com/2024/10/15/brain-flaws-understanding-maga-as-an-epidemic-disease/?lh_aid=112154&lh_cid=mwkve371by&lh_em=myocicats%40gmail.com&di=b3d0c78c15689c5f0f9f1cb7a478ca2c

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Robert related that about 45% of citizens are locked into Drumpf's insanity. In Nazi Germany of 1933 it is estimated that only one-third of voters had chosen Hitler. To consolidate power, he created a ruse, the Reichstag fire, to shut down the government, and seize control. Trump on Jan. 6 showed his true intentions. Win or lose the election, he fully intends to usurp the government from the people. He will do anything whatsoever to regain power, and to make it absolute. Trump is taking a huge gamble that his politics of hate will further consolidate his base, as well as to fire up the potential for violence from neofascists. Deny it all he wants, he is a student of 20th Century fascism, and his rhetoric has devolved into the vilest as delivered by the apex predators of the 20th century: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Mao to name a few murderers of millions. I haven't any intention to be confronted by mass death on my native soil by this monster, ever again. Read Anne Applebaum's account of his descent into madness.


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It happened once — Germany, mid-20th Century.

They are following that play-book.

There is no reason to think it MUST happen again … The playbook can fail this time.

WE make it fail. WE do not fall for it. WE vote him OUT.

Let’s hold the line,

And Vote Blue!

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Sadly, even if tfg doesn’t win, the rhetoric and fascist narrative has gotten into the American psyche. Vance & his cohorts will continue with the propaganda. It is more & more creeping into European politics. Italy, France, Turkey, Austria. It is being touted all over Europe. Even here in Britain Farage & his followers are around. Fortunately, not as strong. But the ideology is on the rise! We all must be vigilant!

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That’s true (I don’t really “like” it, but I agree).

What’s needed from us IS vigilance, and active refutation .. ongoing education of the people. The public conversation needs to be clear and have content and context — hopefully some of it will get through

And, knowing that she was ABSOLUTELY up to the challenge {I will admit I was worried…}, I have to say that it was terrific that Harris went on Fox and brought the message to the people who are siloed there … !

We have to break out of thee silos.

I talk to a lot of people on non-MAGA threads … but I don’t know how many are independents or centrist liberals. We MUST reach across ideological lines with fact and reason — be willing to listen to opposing arguments, and be willing and ABLE to support our own.

Big job. Doable, but BIG.

It needs to be done.

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Many other places -- south America -- Spain, Italy, check out Lebanon. Iraq, Syria.

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Fascism thrives in religion, South America, Spain, Italy - Catholic

Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Qatar Muslim.

Mussolini had an accord with the Vatican. Hitler with Pius XII and the Lutheran church

Franco was support by the Vatican and the Spanish Legion, the most blood thirsty and ruthless, is today a National Treasure admired by all

check this video as they carry a huge cross of Jesus, singing Novio de le Muerte (Bridefroom of death) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XULTHbK5z8

I notice a similarity between The legion and the SS both wear/worr homoerotic clothing. Spain doesn't have the money for expensive dress uniforms and it is a warm climate, but the legion shirt is designed so there is no top button and the hairy chest is exposed.

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Yes, I know fascism has found a home in many places — I’m talking about the Hitler playbook specifically. I suspect Trump sees himself as the “better” version of Adolph, as Trump thinks he will win and be more successful than Der Führer. But I’m well aware that fascism had and has its adherents. I actually see little difference between it and the so-called left-wing dictatorships, anyway, as they all spout false claims about their “principles,” while all wielding iron control over all aspects of their societies, over business and commerce and the lives of their “subjects,” both personal and public.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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Going back to D-Day, I'll never understand it that the allies held back for Stalin (Russia) to take the remaining area to Berlin. They raped and pillaged all the way into Germany.

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11 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Here are a couple of really obscure old songs - that didn't get much airtime - the felon could probably use at his rallies without getting sued by the artist.

(WARNING: The language is quite course and not for delicate sensibilities - but just the thing for MAGAt types. On the other hand, they're spot-on!):




As an afterthought, I'm thinkin' that someone with the resources and skills could probably craft a good, viral video or videos based on these songs used as the soundtrack for sequences of clips of the felon at his rallies or in interviews - maybe overdubbed with things he says in those clips that reflect the lyrics of the song.

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DZK - Try pitching your idea to the Lincoln Project.

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I just sent my full comment to the Lincoln Project. Thanks again for the suggestion!

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Good idea! I'll look into it.

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Donald Trump ONLY understands "money into his pocket."

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

I am the grandson of proud Democrats, in fact FDR Democrats they called themselves. As I grew older, I had always an intense mistrust of the GOP - POTUSs and otherwise. I live in La. deep MAGA country. I am outnumbered by Trump people and those who want no part of politics. Pretty dismal yes? Nonetheless Kamala speaks the language of two FDR Democrats taught me a long time ago. Go Kamala WIN baby!

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My ex sister-in-law is a blue dot in red Oklahoma. It’s not easy.

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I am a green dot in a red district in a blue state.

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Blue dot describes me perfectly here in La. There are pockets of pro Kamala folks, but it is almost useless to talk about even voting.

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That’s sad, but vote anyway. At least you’ll be counted in the overall popular vote that underwrites the Electoral College we WILL WIN! Proving how much the country is AGAINST the Idiotic Man!

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Ron, I am the son of two FDR Democrats here in a politically split sector of SE Wisconsin, and I am with you! Along a one-mile section of my rural road, Trump signs popped up like toadstools about a month ago. From about a half mile south from my crossroad, no signs appeared, and going about a mile north there are few if any signs of any preference. It seems as though the locals closer to my old farm are keeping their political alignments from public view as am I. Since there are some mighty strident right-wingers out here, I'm afraid that if I set out a Harris/Walz sign it might get blown up! I have had friction with certain locals in the past and I do not wish to renew the animosity. It's a shame that a maniac like T, steeped in hate should create such division.

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Vote for Decency over Dictatorship,

Fellowship against Fascism,

HARRIS against hate

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Harris has been part of the cabal that wants censorship, control over parents, disarming American citizens, and allow non citizens the right to vote, and much more damage to come

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When did you decide to become a traitor to America, roger?

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I am wondering if the individuals who are willing to sell themselves for their greed ... to this tyrant we have running for office if they have thought about their families and their children who will suffer after they are gone??

You read about 3rd world countries that sell their children into slavery .. is it going to be the same here eventually? Money? Has it been able to buy your soul ?

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Biden and Harris have made it almost impossible for young adults to have a family and a home. Why hire someone the funds failing businesses, tasked with billions for broadband and over 1000 days later no one has it

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Fascist talking points Roger, you are as full of shit as a Xmas turkey.

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I am a patriot, As a disabled Vietnam Veteran I took the oath against enemies foreign and domestic. How about you Tommy

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You spit on the service of others -- traitor.

The oath is to protect and defend the Constitution. And you shill for a pos who was as faithful to HIS oath as he was to his wedding vows, traitor.

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I have great respect for most veterans, especially those in the combat arms.

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Democrats have been playing very loose with the Constitution

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Trump calls vets and military losers and suckers. Feigned a bone spur and said he is going to get rid of the constitution that you profess to love.

Your disabled you say, well the Republicans have no use for the disabled, they are a drain on resource. Neither did Hitler, neither did Stalin.

The disabled vets hanging around Moscow were such an embarrassment to Stalin, that in one night they all disappeared.

Hitler used portable gas chambers, carbon monoxide from vehicles.

The constitution did not make the U.S. a Christian nation, it merely said that congress shall make no law recognizing a religion, but the Christians are interpreting that as a Christian nation, so who is playing fast and loose with the constitution.Treaties superscede any laws, and the Treaty with the Barbary Pirates states that the United States is not a Christian Nation.

The second amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

We have 51 well regulated militias, each states National Guard and the Department of Defense, so there is no need anymore for people to own war weapons and bump stocks.

I'll tell you who will take your guns, after the fascist government, of which Trump is the fool and tool, gets settled and all libs, people of color, black, brown , feminists and gay people are disposed of, your guns will be outlawed and you patriots will rush to turn in your neighbors, under fear of arrest for not snitching.

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An inquiring mind wants to know, are you not voting? You couldn’t possibly be voting for the man who calls veterans like you suckers and losers? But, maybe you are! It seems that you have fallen , hook, line and sinker for his corrosive lies.

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Yet another hoax, you guys are like a broken record repeating crap that has been proven false

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The following are direct comments from John F. Kelly, U.S.M.C.General Retired, on August 23, 2023 regarding Trumps comments on U.S. military personnel. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

He also confirmed the following statement by Trump on Memorial Day 2017, as they stood among those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq in Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery, and saying, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html

How could you as a veteran who served in Vietnam admire a man who was too cowardly to serve his country in the same war.

For your information I never comment on anything I have not thoroughly researched.

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Yeh a hoax, reality is a hoax Roger when you live in a fantasy.

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You sound like you listen to Fox News. You need to question your information more thoroughly.

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Let's see you are a diabled vet, worked for CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and PBS from 1987-1999. What else did you do Walter Mitty

What was your job, gofer, copy boy, janitor, it most certainly wasn't journalist.

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Disabled by TBI? That's the only thing that would make sense with your coment above. I'm sorry that happened to you.

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Lost my hearing in battle

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Well there’s a domestic enemy running for office - Trump - what r you gonna do about it ?

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I suppose Trump is allowing inverted illegals into our country. We already have immigration laws on the books; however, the current administration chooses to n’ignore those laws

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Roger the current administration put forth a bipartisan immigration bill that had the apprpoval of the most conservative senators, bu Trump told Mike Johnson to kill it, because he wanted to run in immigration as an agenda item.

But tell me why immigration is such and issue with you, how is it a threat to you. Are migrants going to take your job as a disabled vet?

Are you able to explain why immigration is a hot button issue with you?

I don't think so, it is just another racist right wing talking point.

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Thank you for your service!

Trump wouldn’t want you @ in his line of sight He likes people who weren’t disabled. He does not understand your sacrifice, let alone respect it. He considers you a loser and a sucker.

FYI, I HAVE taken and still honor that lifetime oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. So help me God.

So has Trump and he casually disregards and discards it. Trump is an enemy of the Constitution; he thinks it secondary to his vengeance and annoyance @ being shown up a liar and fool.

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Thank you for your service Roger.

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I and I am a retired mustang, with 26 years in special ops,

If you honored your oath you would invest your energy in defeating the traitors to our constitution, who are striving to make this a rich man's paradise, using people like you who believe their bullshit.

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@ Roger Hopkins. Your hero wans to "sunset" all your benefits. Wants to eliminate the VA.

Besides, Trump is whacky, corrupt and a Fascist. https://votevets.org/press-releases/retired-major-general-to-mattis-milley-whispering-to-bob-woodward-does-no-good

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And impulsive. There are truly frightening stories about what his initial ideas for responding to challenges have been.

A current example: for the response to the Iranian 180-rocket attack ( which killed one person — a Palestinian in the west Bank) Trump’s recommendation was for the Israelis to take out Iranian nuclear sites. Bibi, not a model of restraint, now “assures” us he will go after military targets, not their nuclear or oil.

What will happen if our military pledges its loyalty and obedience to this man? God help us all.

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FOS He tried to defund the VA. The plan is to eliminate it. Eliminate VA disability. Same for Social Security. . https://fpwellman.substack.com/

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Refreshing is the word I choose to use for this. Thank you both. 16 days to the finish line.

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A strange take on restricting Hate speech, women having control over their own bodies, sensible restrictions on war weaponry to save school children's lives from Americas biggest killer disease, and there is only one party that constantly attempts to repress voting rights of the electorate.

So you would allow a convicted rapist, fraudster, bankrupt who never pays suppliers or contractors to attack your human rights?

Rights our forefathers fought for against those of the same beliefs.

Support equality & equity over retarded ideology.


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I am a conservative and we feel your hate and disregard for those that work hard

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And do you really believe that liberals don't work hard, or even work? Are you that stupid?.

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That's pretty funny

She would have to turn in her own gun, Not to mention her v-p's hunting rifles.

I don't know where you got information about the rest of your charges. Please give some Harris quotes or at least some sources we can fact check.

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That’s the usual dodge.. Harris’ history has been on display for decades

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Not a dodge fool, this is the court of public opinion, you can stand on a soap box and blather all you want, but we have the right and responsibility to demand proof.

You are the one dodging Roger, because you can't back up your bullshit, All you have is repeating rants and lies you've heard in your bubble.

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What are you talking about ? Turn in her own gun?

The facts on Trump are in the courtrooms - he was convicted

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Kamela Harris owns a handgun. If she was part of this so-called cabal that's going to take everybody's guns away then she'd have to hand her own gun in. I was just pointing out how stupid the writer's conspiracy theory is.

She is against civilians owning battlefield guns.that are weapons of.war - not all guns, obviously, because she owns one.

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How about the 1200 judges that Trump appointed and who suck his phallus.

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Roger Hopkins : project any? Are you sure you are not tRUMP?

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He sounds more like a bot than a person — the complete tRUMP line of BS. Gad.

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Pat ; yes ; a bot clone.

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I am real just google.

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Google what ? Roger Hopkins

Hopkins In 2000, Hopkins was ranked as the 289th most common surname, but by 2010 it had slipped to the 322nd position, a decrease of 11.42%. Despite the drop in rank, the actual count of people with this surname increased from 94,603 in 2000 to 96,810 in 2010,

The name Roger is not considered rare, ranking 1,557th in the United States for births overall and 759th for boys. In 2024,

You are a bot.

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By censorship you mean exposing hateful harmful falsehoods, i guess.

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Roger Hopkins is a bot, his response above proves it.

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They suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop and none the 50 plus intelligence people and networks that lied about it have apologized

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A completely false statement for which there is evidence to prove it is false. Roger please proffer at least a modicum of truth to support this abhorrent lie or retract your statement!

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Your on the wrong page again Roger

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Nonsense. She is being represented this way by fascists.

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She wouldn’t make a credible President… Not enough gravitas…

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Don’t confuse gravitas with gravity

What Trump has is gravity ie, mass.

in his serious pronouncements he’s a laughingstock and an embarrassment: ivermectin, bleach injections, nuking hurricanes, eating pets, negotiating to avoid civil war, Chinese Bibles, the gay porn he calls trading cards, trump “university”, “his” generals, articles cs amendments of the Constitution, hydroxychlolquine, paper towel toss to hurricane victims, watches, sneakers, love letters with Kim, enough

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Roger, you represent America,s real problem

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I have to wonder if “Roger” is a real person. Those are some pretty dumb-a** things to say. Make no sense at all!

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I just read that those who ban abortion before you allow assault type guns are not allowed to be "pro-life"

That's certainly true I think!!

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There is hope people. I live in a deep red portion of Ohio. I am surrounded by angry misinformed dedicated Fox/Newsmax viewers who just don't care about the current principles and constitution of the United States, or the U.S. position in the world. They just want to blow everything up with the Donald because it is reality TV and it will show the world that "we" can. However, in this part of Ohio, I have seen two or three times as many Harris/Walz signs throughout the county than I saw Biden/Harris signs in 2020. If Kamala can win just 40% of this county, she could pull off an upset in Ohio. I know I'm dreaming, but there is hope.

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Christopher - One can hope that Ohio comes to its senses and votes not only for Harris/Walz but also for Sherrod Brown and “Yes” on Issue One as well as the other qualified candidates and issues.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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Yes, he's a total facist, totalitarian, authoritarian. He's always been a thug and a self-serving narcisist. Growing up in the NYC metro area seeing him with regularity in all media outlets, he NOT only made my skin crawl. He's made it tear itself from my frame and gone running, screaming down the avenue."You've got a good eye for people son. It's a gift." And I believe his followers and supporters are comprised of, not only a simpler minded, pliable, gullible cross-section of our populace but, also those who dwell in and on the baser, less humanistic aspects of the human paradigm. Sucked in by those such as past draft dodger and chief, Musk and the front pew worshippers of the Almighty, filthy lucre, users and the 'smarter tan thou' crowd, I believe they don't represent the majority of Americans. Hope looms eternal. And this election is the purest of examples of the eternal struggle between right and wrong. And anyone with an ounce of personal perception can see the 'WRONG' tatooed on The Donald's forehead. "A day of love."? Let's ask the law enforcement victimized by the traitor, the insurrectionist, the then President ! ? A total embarrassment to our nation, people and humanity. I KNOW we can do better. I BELIEVE we will do better. HARRIS/WALZ 2024 ! !

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Mark - From your lips to everyone’s ears!

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Early voting in person here in Georgia started on Tuesday, the 15th. The first four days have shattered all records -- with over a MILLION voting so far. And it has been women voting so far more than men -- by a 60/40 margin by many accounts.

In my county, voting will be open today in all ten or so voting locations, and open for Sunday afternoon in only some locations. And then another full schedule all next week, when I will get out to vote.

Our county has a website that shows current wait times at all of the polling places, and I monitor the two that are served by mass transit. Both have been extremely busy all days. All the above bodes extremely well for Harris-Walz. This past week, a state judge struck down ALL seven proposed rules changes by the MAGA dominated state elections board.

Just a few reasons to say that things are looking bright here in the Peach State.

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Thomas, I also read that North Carolina, even after be devastated by Hurricane Helene, had the highest amount of early voting on the first day than ever recorded! Let's go, Kamala! We can win this thing! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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I heard that too! ... Mark Robinson is the gift that keeps on giving.

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Isn't he just? My sister lives in Georgia and she said that man gave her the heebie-jeebies!

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YAY! I wrote about a third of my voting letters to Georgia voters. I focused on politicians selling “we the people” out to corporate and rich donors.

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Thank you!! ... We're trying hard not to let y'all down.

I LOVE our two senators. Warnock and Ossoff. Just plain good human beings.

Here in Georgia, this year.... WWJD means "What Would Jimmy Do?' And we're not going to let him leave this world disappointed.

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So beautifully said, Thomas! I cried when I read that President Carter voted for Kamala Harris! He told his grandson he just had to make it to the election. A great motto for this year's election - WWJD!

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A truly inspiring man!!!!

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Even after his presidency, President Carter and Rosalynn went on to do so many wonderful things! I have contributed often to their causes. You are right, he is a truly inspiring man!!

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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Trump is disgusting, dangerous and is ruining the US

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Trump is the perfect narcissist — he has no ability to feel compassion or loyalty to anything but himself. This includes not having an atom of real patriotism anywhere in his body or mind.

That’s why he calls soldiers suckers and losers; he can’t comprehend “what’s in it for them” in any form of sacrifice.

When he talks about ending wars he always says he wants to end the killing, never recognizing or respecting the higher aspirations of people for freedom and self- determination. Such ideals mean nothing to his shriveled soul.

If we’d had a president like him in WWIi, i have not a doubt in the world he would have sold us out to Hitler in a heartbeat.

The only time he supports fighting is when it’s for his greater power or glory.

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He is the enemy within.

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The enemy within are the greedy that are willing to set us on a path of destruction for a few bucks they should be ashamed that they are allowing their children to that awful fact... but money is what is most important ... in the ME ME ME atmosphere we are living in right now

Better wake up you ain't gonna live forever!!

I live in a resort where the wealthy go to the same doctors ( in their Bentleys etc..) that I do and they are sick and miserable and the money doesn't make it better??

I would vote for "Barbie" rather than trump !!

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14 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Thank you for your work on behalf of the nation, Secretary Reich. I now sometimes regret being a life-long Republican because of this horrid person. I am also a 100% disabled veteran. I have one observation: This is not the same nation for which I shed blood sixty years ago. I am near overwhelmed with sadness.

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Thank you for your service. Stay strong.

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Ward - Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Fascism is already here. Believed and propelled by some big donors, politicians, judges, media screamers, church leaders, parents, etc. I never knew so many entrenched, widespread anti-democratic beliefs and intentions, and thirst for violence, existed in our nation. It is shocking. and hard to process.

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M Tree: Most of the big donors only believe in money. For themselves.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


Donald Trump is now the favorite to win November's presidential election, according to the latest data published by 338Canada.

The study, released by the election analysis website on Monday, gave Trump a 51 percent chance of winning, compared with 49 percent for Harris. It was a notable change from the last 338Canada analysis, from October 8, which gave Harris a 52 percent change of victory versus 47 percent for Trump, with a 1 percent chance of a tie.

The key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all switched from being more likely to back Harris to Trump between October 8 and 15. Polling also suggests Trump's position has improved over the past couple of weeks.

A recent Quinnipiac University survey gave Trump a 3 point lead over Harris in Michigan, and a 2 point lead in Wisconsin. A forecast released by The Economist last week, based on "over 10,000 simulations of the election," had Trump receiving an average of 270 Electoral College votes, just enough for victory. Two weeks earlier, The Economist gave Trump an average of 257 Electoral College votes, which would hand Harris the race.

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I said "No and No." Trump is a seriously mentally ill, brain-fried lunatic who will end up in an asylum for the criminally insane . . . How could he help but not? All that grease he slops down . . . America will not become a fascist nation. We are not going to let that happen. As for me, I am going to switch over to Dan Rather and see what he has to say about all of this . . . Surely saner voices prevail elsewhere!

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I chose "No and Possibly", because anything is possible - though with tRumPutin melting down so dramatically, I don't think he'll have many supporters left by election day. I'm glad his campaign has discouraged mail- in voting because that helps us too. I'm also relieved that Biden has finally threatened to end support for Netanyahu, better late than never. Kamala taking on Fox News was absolutely brilliant, because it showed how she will stand up to any bully - foreign and domestic.

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A 10 year old asked Trump yesterday (on Fox & Friends) what his favorite farm animal was, and Trump managed to put "radical extremist lunatic" in his reply to the kid.

Like you, joe, Trump is nucking futz.

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Your brain is so fouled by stench news like Faux and NewsLess that you can’t decipher the truth

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Outright fascism. Not neo.

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I assume this comment refers to Mr. Reich’s delicacy of phrasing? I agree.

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If Trump dies/expires tomorrow I will be happy.

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Yes, but then you get Vance...he may lie like a rug but don't doubt his ties to Project 2025.

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Whatever Vance does, he is not a psychopath and has some potential for reasonableness. He wouldn't suggest bombing a hurricane to destroy it, for example.

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Potential for reasonableness is a stretch at best considering his deep connection to Project 2025. And, I never referred to him as a psychopath.

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Yes indeed, the potential for reasonableness from Vance is a "stretch at best" but is still possible to a certain extent because he isn't a psychopath as is Trump.

Right, you never referred to him as a psychopath. I know you didn't. When I said, "he (Vance) is not a psychopath", I meant *relative to Trump*. I focused on the Vance-Trump connection while it seems you saw the Vance-Project 2025 connection. I apologize for my less-than-clear and confusing remarks. Btw . . .

In my opinion, on a "reasonableness scale of 0-10, where 0 is totally unreasonable and 10 is totally reasonable, Trump is a 0 and Vance is a

4. Neither should be in any elected public office, ever. Harris is a 10.

(not necessarily a 10 in the way many men rate women) :-)

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You are wrong -he is an insidious snake! Trump is an obvious threat and makes a choice so much easier!

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DON'T Elect, a "Demented-Fallen-Felon-PerpeTraitor-Faux-Prez" (Trump-a-Pum-Pump!)

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It's really really beyond me what people see in that bleached painted old tyrant??

He's scammed and conned lots of people who believe his lies until they find out he's screwed them !! Then they are so embarrassed they don't want anyone to know they feel for his scam!!

Is that you?

You do know he's gonna " get rid of the federal governments dole "


yer pension is probably subsidized by the fed, VA is the fed... does that worry you at all??

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Yes- it’s sponsored that these poor folks in backwards states would vote against their own protections like unions, Social

Security and Medicare, ACA

Are they so uneducated that they have lost all respect for human decency?

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