
I'll be watching you two! Thanks for providing us all with your insights, takes, humor, facts, and banter! You'll make it more bearable and remind us of the big picture. I'll be back in the Coffee Klatch saddle / café chair soon! Pinched nerves are no fun. Best to you all!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

Yikes. Get better soon.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

Miss you! Feel better soon. ❤️

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4 hrs agoLiked by Heather Lofthouse

Always follow your doctor's instructions and get better soon.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

We miss you Heather and hope you feel better real soon!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Heather Lofthouse

We will miss you but feel good soon! ❤️

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3 hrs agoLiked by Heather Lofthouse

Feel better soon!

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3 hrs agoLiked by Heather Lofthouse

So sorry that you are in pain. I know I am not alone in wishing you a speedy recovery, and thank you for all you do.

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27 mins agoLiked by Heather Lofthouse

And you as well! I always enjoy guesthosts, but not if it means NO Ms. Lofthouse!!! I hope you feel better before the weekend at least!

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34 mins agoLiked by Heather Lofthouse

Just got thru that with an injection after 2 mos id delay. No fun at all. Best of luck getting better!

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2 hrs agoLiked by Heather Lofthouse

Oh no! Hope you’re better soon. And yes, we all miss you! Take care 🤗

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Every time I see a picture of JDV he looks like a villain out of central casting. "We need an obnoxious tech bro type who is smug, has a beard and thinks he is the shit. You know, a Vance type. Think weasel in an expensive suit."

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You pegged Vance !

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I honestly gotta say I’m afraid to watch.

JD Vance is a double speaking villain of the highest order. His smug mug spewing falsehoods and outright lies may be too much for me to stomach.

I’m afraid for my country.

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Timon, you are right about JD Vance. He is an execrable human being, but he a gifted powerful speaker and debater. too I know Tim and consider him one of the best, most genuine people I know. But I am worried. Viewers may not not pick up on that.

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Many thanks to you and Mr. Lahanas-Calderón for offering your insights into this debate!

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Sorry to just read that Heather Lofthouse is out with a pinched nerve (in fact, I may have one myself in my right shoulder, but I'll only know at the end of the month when I talk to my doctor about the results of my magnetic resonance exam on the 22nd of this month). Keep up the great work, folks, but don't worry too much - Kamala and Tim will win handsomely (or should I say beautiifully?).

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I see no real logic behind this upcoming debate between the two prospective VPs. All they can do is reiterate or regurgitate, which ever you prefer, what we already know. They are literally extensions of their respect commander and chiefs. VPs have no power to do anything but what they are directed to do. Calling Kamala, the Border Czar was basically stupid, only the uneducated MAGA goon squad would think she had the ability to make decisions on her own. The VP is just an extension of the President.

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Think about this, Donald, most people, even Republicans agree that donald john trump has slipped into dementia and becomes more incoherent by day. If by some nefarious scheme he (DJT) wins the Presidency I'm willing to bet that before the end of January Amendment 25 will be invoked and the new dictator for life will be vance who could never win the p[residency on his own. I agree the Tim Walz will be an extension of Kamala Harris as Kamala was an extension (and mentee of Joe Biden). But not the devil incarnate that jd would be,

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I think that is the logic behind this debate; they are extensions of the president. Since it’s unlikely that we see another presidential debate this is the last opportunity we have to see “both sides talk to each other.” It’ll most likely be them trading slogans and rehearsed lines but both sides will highlight what they see to be the issues and the solutions. Hopefully Tim does good lol

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You make a good point. We Americans are now several generations into a media-curated culture. The important question today is: 'Is it entertaining?' And iIt makes us shallow and easily manipulated.

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Dear Eat The Poor,

I object to the premise of your moniker. The poor are notoriously unhealthy and underfed. Many of them live in fresh food deserts, miles from the nearest fresh vegetables. Think how few states provide free school breakfast and lunch year round for all kids. Just like Trump and Vance recommend, we should eat the fat cats. Think of the foie gras available in your city parks. Dogs are not a part of Caribbean diets, but we could ask many Asian countries for recipes; why, I think DJT has a dear, dear friend in Korea. "They're eating the pets" wasn't the cultural insult we thought it was. That was just Donald showing us the way forward after his tariffs make everything unaffordable.

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Hoping Walz "gives Vance hell," as we say, shows Vance up as the vicious, frightening, and hateful "character" he is, as well as totally weird!

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Tim Walz should not try to be an attack dog. If he does that, and if he tries to "give Vance hell", I think Tim would come across as insincere, a pretender, phony. And a flop.

This is a small place, and people out here figure you out pretty quickly. I have spent some little time with Tim. His greatest asset is that Tim is exactly who and what he appears to be. He passionately loves this state and he loves our country. I always feel better after I listen to him. His passion comes from the heart.

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Yes, of course. There many ways that Walz can give Vance hell without resorting to attack tactics... and Walz is a master at those. Exposing Vance's lies would be one of these as would be some sly (but not necessarily seemingly vicious) retorts.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

I wasn't going to watch, but will now with you two!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Thank you. Not for the watch-along, but for correctly quoting Nance Garner and not the bowdlerized "...warm bucket of spit."

Oh, OK, thanks for the watch-along.

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Sad society that has legitimised swearing so much that we can’t ask our children to watch politicians & comedians.

If people wouldn’t swear in front of the President or King Charles, why can’t they treat us with the same respect?

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I am curious who will be more enthusiastic about sending more arms to Israel. Are the Democrats in complete denial that the continued support of white supremacist colonialism in the Middle East is an anathema to many voters?

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From my perspective Dems have a wide variety of views on what has gone on recently and what is going on in the Middle East. One thing Dems can agree on is that Harris will be much, much, much better for the Middle East -- and world peace in general -- than trump.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

No, I cannot agree on this, and yes, I'm a Dem. Biden and Harris have been terrible regarding Israel. JFK and LBJ had Vietnam, and Biden and Harris apoear to be behaving similarly. It's a sham because on the domestic side, we probably agree that Harris is an incredibly compelling candidate regardless of the horror of her adversary. My point is that some Dems are so upset with her Israel uber alles stance that they won't vote for her. This is real.

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I wonder how much that Helene and climate change will come up.

But this is serious, and VERY important: (From the New Republic, hours ago) >> "Congressional Dysfunction Has Helene Relief Efforts in Limbo"

Lawmakers left town last week without passing additional natural disaster funding.

This could be horrendous.

Despite the knowledge that Helene would make landfall on Thursday, lawmakers embarked on a six-week recess for the pre-election campaign sprint last Wednesday, after passing a bill keeping the government funded temporarily through December. Left out of the measure: billions of dollars in supplemental disaster funding. Although the temporary measure extended funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency through December 20, the agency’s disaster relief fund is facing a $3 billion deficit by February.

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We had a Congress that was out for an 8-week summer recess, then back for 2 weeks, and out again for nearly 7 weeks.

And people wonder why people are so negative on Congress.

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I just know that couch is getting brought up 😂

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She said it is a pinched nerve. Why not believe her?

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Republicans and their corporate sponsors have denied climate change and and has stood in the way of domestic solar manufacturing for decades.

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Fay--What happens to this country if Trump slips even further into the world of stupidity and JD is called upon to take the orange guy's place at the table. That is a true horror story.

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I already know who I’m voting for, so won’t be subjecting myself to more MAGA lies and nonsense.

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I remember Lieberman's weak debate showing against Cheney. Walz better be tough tonight.

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