I am ashamed that Trump is our president and that our elected officials have whimped out completely especially the Rs. That display was a set-up. They ambushed Zelensky. Trump just wanted to set up the handover to Putin, making it look like we shouldn't support the upstart.
Yes! Trump, Musk and Vance deliberately set up a media situation to trap Zelensky into an argument for all to see. A deliberate effort, planned in advance, to humiliate and slander and lie. Disgusting! Never before has a foreign diplomat or President been treated so viciously!
Yes. It was all planned in advance. It was just despicable how they mistreated, disrespected, lied and humiliated Zelensky. It was shocking to watch. What a total lack of decency and unbelievable cruelty. I cried watching this and my heart is breaking for Zelensky. We all need to help Ukraine however we can. I've never been this ashamed to be an American.
When they accused Zelensky of setting it up, I did not understand. Now I see they were projecting again.
The good thing that I predict will come out of this is.......the entire world will see Zelensky and Ukraine as the freedom fighters they are. And our idiot leaders as the shameful traitors they are. Hopefully, Ukraine will get the support they need. And Russia will get more sanctions.
most of the world saw what Hitler was too but that didn't prevent the disaster of years of war and death and suffering for millions. I know we have lots of people here and abroad agree with us (and even people who voted for the despicable one seeing their mistake) but I fear that will not save us. And the climate consequences increasing.
That guy has lived under missile and drone barrages and in a state of war for years - he's hardly going to be unnerved by a couple of bullies running what amounts to a protection racket. Trump even expressed his anger at Zelensky's apparel even though he has dressed in fatigues almost from the beginning of the invasion.
As Jonathan Chait said in The Atlantic, Zelensky was ambushed. I had this horrible feeling over the last few days that Zelensky was walking into a trap. I wish that I had been wrong.
He knew that he was walking into a trap. He knew that Trump was trying to bounce him into a deal. He nevertheless went to put Ukraine's case to the president of the United States and to the world, and boy did he succeed. There's nobody in the western world rooting for Trump and his band of rascals after this. Robert Reich mentioned yesterday that there were around 1,000 elections of some description or another up and down the country this year so there's an opportunity ahead of the mid-terms for Americans to give the Republicans a bloody nose. The Democrats should be working hard to get this done.
Few Republicans are prepared to stand up to Trump. This could cost them if Trump loses popularity due to firing too many people (including MAGAs) and economic malaise due to tariffs and tax cuts for billionaires.
I am not ashamed of America, I still believe most Americans are decent honorable people who want a multiracial pluralistic democracy and want to support our allies and the human rights of others, I am ashamed of the few billionaires and Christian Nationalists who want to impose their will on the majority for their own greed and. power, I am proud of all those who had the courage to tell the truth that this was just a small selfish broken little man acting a bully. We all need to do all we can to fight this digital COUP, push back and don’t support the monopolies, whenever possible don’t buy from them and don’t support school vouchers, book bannings, or any religious brainwashing
I want to agree with you but for the fact that almost half of the voters chose Trump. I worry for our country. I hope the Trump voters can recalibrate.
Meredith, some say voter suppression really won. And even without that, keep in mind that by the numbers more people did not vote, voted third party, or voted for Harris than voted for the R candidate.
It is an indictment of American society in general that such a vile individual could get elected. In general, society has shown itself to be shallow, uncaring, disingenuous, unserious and deeply addicted to empty celebrity and reality tv. It’s been helped along by legacy media chasing notoriety, whatever is salacious and will pander to the basest tastes of Americans. How did we ever let this happen?
We watched their ads and bought their products. In addition, through deteriorating worker benefits, labor cutbacks and monopolization, they got richer and richer - and decided they could become full-fledged oligarchs in the Power Boys Club if they voted for trump and got rid of all those pesky regulations.
I think most Trump voters don't care about democracy or Ukraine. They just want the price of eggs to go down and think Trump will make that happen. If it doesn't they will vote Democratic.
I have heard some people speak about fears of immigrants, other dangers, and the economy. They are also the people who failed to appreciate the accomplishments of our wonderful form of President, President Biden. They listen to the wrong people, and they become brainwashed. I do not think their prejudices could be built-in. However their prejudices came about, those people’s voting choices were affected, and here we are, for now.
THIS! People need to be reminded at every opportunity that Felon 47 did NOT win by a landslide or receive a mandate. He got less than 50% of all votes cast. And “won” by a 1.7% margin.
Once their "groceries" go sky high they will wake up. And once they are fired from jobs they have had for years (with no reason except Musk thought it a good idea) they may reconsider.
I sometimes wonder about people who did not vote, Whether they wanted to vote and could not, or whether they thought their vote did not matter, or in some instances, simply felt they did not want to vote for either candidate so did not. I have known people who voted early and then found that something happened to their particular choice before the election was over. The result was that they will no longer vote early. On the other hand, How many people, I wonder, had planned to vote and we’re counting in it, but something happened to prevent them from reaching the polls? We never know for sure what peace reasons are unless they tell us. I say the percentages are of the population who did vote rather than of our whole population of registered voters, or of our whole population of voting age
people. I am thankful for all of the good people who can see what needs to be done regarding voting, and I hope they will be able to and will choose to vote in every election to help put our country back up back on the right track. I am extremely worried about the people who have been arrested and deported or taken to horrible places to be held prisoners sometimes within the last 30 days. They, the people of Ukraine, and all of the people who are losing jobs and who depend on our services, in and out of this country, are hurting. I believe much more harm will be done if our government does not act responsibly to stop this aggressive power grab, and nonsense. We have the Constitution, We have people holding position to have taken an oath to it, And we must find ways to give them strength to uphold the oath they each took. Lives will be saved, families and our country will be saved, and Other countries and freedoms will also be saved if Every elected and appointed person would do the right thing.
I spy on them. And you need to know that they do not know what we know. Their media "feed" is so incredibly censored, I wouldn't know where to begin telling you. They are beginning to see the light though.
Yes, you are right. I think we the people, standing for democracy around the world, should form a philanthropy group to send support - $$$$ - to the Ukrainian defense, headed by ? who? so that the Ukrainian people know Americans are with them.
If you are thinking today about how to help Ukrainians, here are some possibilities: Come Back Alive (Ukrainian NGO that supports soldiers on the battlefield and veterans), United 24 (the Ukrainian state platform for donations, with many excellent projects), RAZOM (an American NGO, tax-deductible for US citizens, which cooperates with Ukrainian NGOS to support civilians), and Documenting Ukraine (a project that helps to give Ukrainians a voice, also tax-deductible for Americans).
They are not. They should be called antichristians. Unfortunately they cause many people to walk away or to throw the baby out with the bath water. One day the backlash will be severe and good, true Christians will suffer as well as these false, delusional Christians
I am ashamed of the man in the Oval Office who supposedly represents us to the world What a disgusting little piece of shit he is and Vance, Musk and all the Repubs in Congress.
I agree totally! I have to believe that more Americans think like us. We need to encourage our fellow Americans to let our congressmen and seniors know how we feel.
i am ashamed of what this country has become, that we actually have this ugly piece of crap as our representative. We must get this guy impeached and out of here. he is a disgrace, a cruel creepy sludge.
Linda Querry, thank you for defining and expanding those feelings with helpful suggestions.
I believe there used to be lists of what products we could buy that would support Democratic causes. Is there a list available somewhere now? They also used to be a list of what products Financially supported Republican causes. I would like to have both lists up-to-date if possible. I think many of us are not even aware of we are buying something that supports someone we are not wanting to be in office. Minding our purchases that way would be small ways, but they would add up due to the number of consumers.
Marina, I am ashamed of everyone in this country who voted for Trump, or who didn't vote unless they were on their deathbed. There is simply no reason to allow a confirmed traitor to threaten all of our existences. He and his criminal cadre must be prosecuted. He is not the law, regardless of the blather from his sycophants and media moguls, or of the silence from the weaklings in Congress. Noteworthy is that Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) as well as other patriots spoke out in defense of The American People as well as of President Zelensky today.
The greatest blame belongs with the Republican Party for legitimizing this conman. Trump carried his party's stamp of approval for three election cycles. It is Republican elites who put lipstick on a pig and paraded him as their standard bearer. Donald Trump told them who he was and they endorsed him.
After learning how many (mostly Black) voters were disenfranchised by voter suppression, I’d like to amend “didn’t vote” to “couldn’t be bothered to vote”.
Marina, it was shameful, indeed. President Trump and JD Vance were despicable. I immediately called my Republican Representative in Congress and said I want him to speak out against Trump and Vance and their disrespectful treatment of President Zelensky. Trump sounded like Putin! Disgusting!
You are not alone, Marina. I hope we can support Ukraine in a joint outreach, a statement from the people of our country, as contrasted with Trump & Vance. This is needed.
It was a culmination of donations from children in France that paid to have their gift of our Statue of Liberty brought here and placed where she is. Their collective generosity and sacrifice is one example of how small amounts and maybe some larger donations can add up to make a positive difference.
I am ashamed of the people in the country who are allowing this horrific disgrace to happen, and of the image these greedy power mongers are giving our country by misusing their positions and in defying our Constitition in numerous ways while still not being held accountable. Thank goodness good people are standing up to them!
Remember,it's not the country,it's DJT's despicable behavior along w/ some of the Maga Thugs in Congress.THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE! Though I' am absolutely heartbroken and it's very frightening,I find a place where I can look past this and know somehow this will be dealt with! We are a resilient nation.
I think you are on to something Betty. I'm just finishing reading STRONGMEN, By Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Chapter 6 addresses this topic specifically. Krasnov (trump's russian code name) is a narcissist. I don't think he had the intellect to 'be' an actual dictator...he copy-cats...that's why he 'tries' so surround himself with people who will do his bidding, hence the 'circus' cabinet and 27 yr old press secretary. Musk is the wild card, with $$$. HE is not smart either...just another bully.
After that performance the tiniest. He reminds me of a security guard pushing his authority on anyone he can when the real power Musk tells him what to do and he resents it greatly.
I do not understand why we have not arrested the criminals in the White House who have broken laws, ignored court orders and judgements, and reversed our country’s norms. Again I say, drastic times call for drastic measures.
Who believes that we can simply vote ourselves out of this mess? They have a plan for staying in power; we know this. We cannot rely on our normal democratic procedures anymore - they’ve been destroyed. So - we need to use an “emergency” plan - one that relies on trusted and tried patriots - those who actually believe in their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.
“trusted and tried patriots - those who actually believe in their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.” Sadly, there are none in DC. why are the democrat governors the only ones speaking out? Where are the senators & representatives from BOTH parties who should demand an accounting of this abhorrent behavior? We the people don’t hold the power of immediate action that they do.
I doubt our soldiers are ready willing and able to conduct a coup. And wouldn’t that leave us with President Vance??? What a piece of work that man is. His performance with Zelenskyy showed his presidential disabilities!
Okay, here's where it gets complicated; I'm thinking of our retired generals coming out of retirement to lead our soldiers in a counter coup and take our country/democracy back from the traitors. We are witnessing a coup, as we speak, against our country. We have "occupiers" in power now that need to be brought down. How else to do it? Right now, I cannot imagine that we'll have a normal election ever again - as long as Trump and his administration is in power.
This would be an economic secession. Without tax money from these states, a place like Kentucky would no longer exist. Our country has already been usuped. Just as everyone predicted, a Trump victory would mean the end of democracy. Do we really want to sit back and see the U.S. part of the axis of evil? Action is required.
The trump/musk "regime" hasn't been treating the military and vets very well lately. This lunatic adm doesn't put a lot of thought into the good people they continue to alienate (cuts, firings, layoffs, discrimination, etc). They do, however, put a lot of thought into the bad people to want to bring into the fold: criminal Jan 6ers, the Tates , morons, alcohol /drug addled nut jobs, nazis, sex offenders, christo-cult nuts - stacking the deck with the most inept people they can find:. All of them not so smart and woefully unqualified for the jobs they're supposed to be doing. Who in that motley crew is going to inspire, lead and organize the troops to shoot up their fellow Americans? The only group i would worry about is eric prince and his blackwater mercenaries. I hear he's negotiating a deal to terrorize and round up illegals to put the in newly built camps (slave labour).
We have such a mix throughout our population that the idea would not work, although I am proud of our states as a whole standing up for what is right and honest.
I really am beginning to believe this is it. We had a pretty good run while it lasted. They have a plan in place and the traditional means will not save us. Time to figure out the "emergency" plan...fast.
trump has been gathering all the enforcement authority under him, military, doj, fbi, border patrol. He has put his sycophants in charge everywhere. Next time he wants to declare martial law, there will be no one to stop him. You are right, there is a plan.
Let's hope when impeachment finally comes that it include both Trump and Vance. Right now Vance's behavior may actually delay impeachment of Trump because Vance as President might even be worse.
Vance's arrogance and condescension will be the death of the United States. He employed the same tactics he does in interviews if he is asked a question he doesn't agree with. Talk, talk, talk, smiling with a sneer, and do not let anyone else say a word.
Of course, we may want to wait until the Democrats take back the House so that Hakeem Jeffries is Speaker and 2nd in line. Right now the next 3 after Vance are Speaker Mike Johnson, President pro temp Chuck Grassley, and Secretary of State Marco Rubio...
About these republican hawks abruptly changing their minds. Why is it so hard to for them to do right by their country? Are they mentioned in the Epstein files, are they closeting something bad that Putin is dangling in their faces, are their children being threatened? They are harming their country and they likely know it.
As a Canadian onlooker to the destruction of your country in real time, I do believe the rest of the sane world has given up hope that the USA will remain a viable partner. We are going to have to move on, the sooner the better. The bullying, mob boss shakedowns, the threats, the nasty conduct of trump, vance, musk and that entire group of fascist idiots is stomach churning. One suggestion, blue states (money and brains) might consider withdrawing from the Union to seek alliances with the rest of your now 'former' allies . Strength in numbers.
You are really showing YOUR hatred and stupidity here. I want Trump impeached and removed from office. The first step is filing an article of impeachment...
Yes, “again” is the defining emphasis. It is do long until the 2026 election, and if the balance is adjusted to support the needed votes by honesty, it is so long to wait. Too much is happening, and all too fast. There are many people being harmed right now because of the current situation, and many more people are in harm’s way for choices being made or promoted as it is.
Sandra, I do not see exscylyvehstvyour reference is to, but when I mentioned wanting a list, I was recalling this I saw round 2015. They indicated who profited from sales of particular brands of paper, towel, towels, or toilet paper for example. The first list I saw told of people who had lots of money and were supporting the very person who was elected then and is in now. I believe there are lists of other products. Most people would buy from the grocery store or other stores, and profits go to people we cannot identify. Until I learned about those products and who was making the money, and some instances a pair of brothers who supported the currentbirtdonnin office, for example, I had never thought about anyone but The local merchant earning from my
purchase. The kind people who shared that information with me are no longer living, They would be appalled at what is happening now. I am grateful for them and to them, Because they changed my life to make me more aware of what is happening. If they had not, I would be missing out on these posts and messages, And I need them. You might not have been referring to what I wrote. I really don’t know. I do know that it’s really hard to see, and it’s really hard to get back to that spot wherever it is. I am thankful to see the tiny spot on my phone at a time to be able to read messages or posts here when I csn. I thought I should clarify what I meant by products in case there is any question.
I believe in our Constitution -- I swore an oath to it when I joined the Navy. I believe in rule of law. You apparently do not. Trump wants to "lock people up."
Charges were filed, and he was found guilty of some of them. If the courts had not moved so slowly and found him guilty of the rest of the charges, perhaps he would be in jail instead of the oval office.
Our constitution must be changed to reflect that a felon can not run for office. It's unconscionable that it's not in there now.
Amendment 14, Section 3 already states that a felon cannot be on the ballot. The problem is that the states must vote on it, I forget exactly how. Colorado is the first state to vote to uphold that amendment, but a judge threw out the decision or blocked it somehow. I am sorry not to recall all of the details at the moment. Some other states followed and also were rebuked.
Thomas, you are absolutely right about taking the oath, upholding the Constitution, using the constitution to keep every felon off the ballot. Write ins of a felon’s name also should be blocked. Thank you for your service to our country.
Thomas, thank you so much for your service. I am glad you were able to come home. I know a number of friends and classmates who could not. My father was a veteran of W. W. II. He gave about five years of his young life to the Army. We value each person who sacrificed so much for us.
I also value each person here who cares, and I wish so much that our discussions would always be respectful. We all want good things for our country and the world. We share ideas, and we need to respect each other for caring and to try to understand that we each care and are searching and sharing thoughts to examine, not arguing and not criticizing each other.
Prof. Robert Reich is
so kind and wise to give us this opportunity to share among each other, based on his information, expertise, and kind guidance. We all owe him our thanks, and I hope we can support each other kindly as well. We need each other in this increasingly cruel world with its unprecedented tragedies, and we all want solutions, especially the right ones that will work, according to our Constitution, our upholders of it, and our opportunity to share here will help us be strong in faith, kindness, and thinking. It helps us to know we are not alone. I appreciate each person for trying to help.
The election deniers are in violation of their oaths and should be kicked out of government and off the courts. The 14th amendment section 3, should be upheld.
Yes - they have gotten away with too many broken laws and norms; Trump should not even have been allowed to run again after inciting that insurrection!!
Irrelevant. All it takes is just one person with honor and integrity. There is NO political cost to filing an article -- and Trump to this point has at least 15 violations.
I agree. Even if it won't go anywhere, someone has to stand up and say Enough Is Enough. The Repukes will have a sissy fit, calling it political, but who cares. We're being walked right into a Dictatorship. tRump is following the exact playbook of Putin, Hitler, and Victor Orban of Hungary. To the letter. We're almost at end-game here already, and it may be too late. TREASON should be enough justification.
I would like to see those filed, too, but when they come to the necessary, determining vote at the end of the trial, I want to be sure that the guilty verdict carries and the proper legal/Constitutional action is carried out as it should be.
I believe they need to know they have the votes from both sides of the aisle. Yes, they have ample reasons to impeach. When it was tried before, and it was justified, they lacked the votes on the other side of the aisle and the support of Mitch McConnell. Without the dependable support, their best efforts would be wasted, as I see it now. How can we get the support we need?
They have not been arrested because they control the departments that can do the arresting and have more than willing and cowardly accomplices in the Republicans in the House and the Senate.
I am heartbroken and outraged by America’s cruel turn on Ukraine and Zelensky - a man and a people who have endured the agonizing inevitability of traitorous leaders.
What is most shameful about the meeting in the Oval Office is that Zelensky was being shaken down in the way a mob boss would do if he wants protection money. Zelensky doesn't need to thank us. Our armaments manufacturers are doing quite well with the weapons we send Ukraine. What Zelensky deserves is an apology. Trump has reneged on the promise we gave to Ukraine in 1994 in the Budapest Memorandum. We said we would guarantee Ukraine's sovereignty if they would give up their nukes. They did so. Now Trump is shamefully going back on our word.
We all know there will be no apology to Zelensky. His main concern in this negotiation was the assurance that putin would live up to his end of the bargain. Instead, he was attacked with very aggressive, very loud, very obnoxious "gibberish"....Trump's.'art of the deal' (mob boss style).
I could barely watch, it made me so sick to my stomach. It was a complete bullying dogpile, Zelensky all alone with no support. How the heck did that happen? We already knew Fuckhead 1 (and now Fuckhead 2) are in Putin's pockets, but this was a blatant pronouncement of such. Zelensky is a hero that I hope never gives up. Whatever we the people can do to support him we must.
It happened because it was planned to go that way. When it became clear that Zelensky would not be signing the agreement on mineral rights, the gloves came off before all the world to see. Government reality TV!
Respect is something that is hard earned. It should not be frittered away in needless public displays of arrogance. If this is the US you want to have the world remember then God help you. None of the rest of the world, apart from the few strong men (notice no women?), can view this without thinking we’re next. This is not a government we Aussies should be doing business with. Shame America, shame!
The two faced turncoats, like LG, are even lower on the scale than the dictator. There is a special place for them in history. In spite of our feelings toward Trump; at least he is credible in his objectives, despicable as they are.
Check out the People's Union USA. They have a whole schedule of events, mostly boycotts (realistic ones) and I know I saw at least one March in DC planned, I don't recall if there are others scheduled right now, but that doesn't mean they can't still be put on the schedule.
I have attended the marches at my state capitol as have many others across the country. What I believe we need at this point is a massive demonstration in our nation’s capital, while we still have one….
I felt nauseous after watching the White House grilling. It was not an even- sided altercation ; it was a public humiliation of Zelensky by two uncouth bullies. The bullies clearly wanted to make Zelensky grovel at their feet. But the true humiliation was for the US leaders.
Exactly. I know there's a set of people who think Zelensky got humiliated today. But I think there are way more people who think the United States got humiliated today.
I know, I said there are a lot of people who think he did. I didn't say he actually was, nor that I personally think he was. To the contrary, he was rational and calm, tried to negotiate a deal in good faith, and ultimately realized there was no point sticking around so he left.
I am beyond impressed with Zelensky. His attempts to negotiate in good faith for the people of Ukraine shows a true selflessnes and deep strength.
Watching our president and VP behave in a way that is well outside the spectrum of acceptable social interactions, and act in such a short sighted, selfish, and cruel manner has left me despondent.
That is a wise assessment, Karen Arnett. I think the two bullies will be unphased. Instead they will lie about what happened and brag about themselves, typical bully fashion. That is further embarrassment and misuse of their elected positions still. I think they are being unconstitutional in many ways. Would action taken be better to try them for individual crimes each person has committed, or for groups of their crimes in one impeachment trial? It seems that more impeachments for a single crime at a time would allow more chance of the Guilty carrying. What is the best way?
There are two sides in America today. I know which side I’m on. It may be the losing side at this singular moment in time but it is the side I am willing to die fighting for.
Thanks for this. I know the views expressed do not represent the views of the majority in usa. The world needs reminding of this fact as many people will use today's words as a excuse for anti American rhetoric. This must not be allowed to go unchallenged.
Yes, thank you for sharing that huge concern that many of us share. In addition to this monumental travesty, there also is the ongoing arresting and mistreatment of immigrants. I believe still more atrocities are happening under the current people, and our whole country should not be identified as bring in favor. How we can stop them is a huge question. I believe the impeachments would be a start.
This was the worst I have ever felt as an American, and that is saying a lot. I am thoroughly ashamed of my country.
I am ashamed that Trump is our president and that our elected officials have whimped out completely especially the Rs. That display was a set-up. They ambushed Zelensky. Trump just wanted to set up the handover to Putin, making it look like we shouldn't support the upstart.
afterwards, Trump said that this was good TV. Motives revealed, what a vile degenerate,
Is there a word despicable enough?
None that I can think of -- but I'm willing to try. 🤮
That word would be trump.
Vile degenerate indeed!
it's moments like this I wish I believed in Hell. I hope they end up in prison or worse
Disgusting 🤮.
Yes! Trump, Musk and Vance deliberately set up a media situation to trap Zelensky into an argument for all to see. A deliberate effort, planned in advance, to humiliate and slander and lie. Disgusting! Never before has a foreign diplomat or President been treated so viciously!
Yes. It was all planned in advance. It was just despicable how they mistreated, disrespected, lied and humiliated Zelensky. It was shocking to watch. What a total lack of decency and unbelievable cruelty. I cried watching this and my heart is breaking for Zelensky. We all need to help Ukraine however we can. I've never been this ashamed to be an American.
They tried to humiliate Zelensky but they couldn't do it. He handled himself with dignity that they can't begin to understand or match.
And when Vance couldn't shout him down, Trump weighed in with his booming voice in full Apprentice mode.
When they accused Zelensky of setting it up, I did not understand. Now I see they were projecting again.
The good thing that I predict will come out of this is.......the entire world will see Zelensky and Ukraine as the freedom fighters they are. And our idiot leaders as the shameful traitors they are. Hopefully, Ukraine will get the support they need. And Russia will get more sanctions.
most of the world saw what Hitler was too but that didn't prevent the disaster of years of war and death and suffering for millions. I know we have lots of people here and abroad agree with us (and even people who voted for the despicable one seeing their mistake) but I fear that will not save us. And the climate consequences increasing.
Mr.Zelensky didn't take the bait,just expressed himself.He,to me was actually the victor with his composure.
Yes! We need a president more like Mr. Zelensky.
That guy has lived under missile and drone barrages and in a state of war for years - he's hardly going to be unnerved by a couple of bullies running what amounts to a protection racket. Trump even expressed his anger at Zelensky's apparel even though he has dressed in fatigues almost from the beginning of the invasion.
As Jonathan Chait said in The Atlantic, Zelensky was ambushed. I had this horrible feeling over the last few days that Zelensky was walking into a trap. I wish that I had been wrong.
I think Zelensky knew. But he was standing up for what was right, so he did it anyway. And right is might. And they will win in the end.
Mr. Zelensky looked strong. Trump looked like Trump -- a hollow, shallow bully.
"Good t.v." cuts 2 ways.
And as usual, Trump was full of bullyship!
Zelenskyy was the ONLY real man in that room..
He knew that he was walking into a trap. He knew that Trump was trying to bounce him into a deal. He nevertheless went to put Ukraine's case to the president of the United States and to the world, and boy did he succeed. There's nobody in the western world rooting for Trump and his band of rascals after this. Robert Reich mentioned yesterday that there were around 1,000 elections of some description or another up and down the country this year so there's an opportunity ahead of the mid-terms for Americans to give the Republicans a bloody nose. The Democrats should be working hard to get this done.
Well it just galvanized me to donate to support Ukraine's defense. Suck on that, Dumpster Fire.
Me too!
Me, three!
Razom is a good place to donate.
I believe Zelensky was set up also!!! This was just day 40?? If we last that long what will it be like in a year???
"Fourteen Democratic governors have released a joint statement condemning what occurred." Which means 36 governors did not.
Watching Trump was like watching a mob boss intimidating someone who has dared to speak out.
The only surprise was the absence of a baseball bat.
Disgusting and shameful. What did we expect?
Few Republicans are prepared to stand up to Trump. This could cost them if Trump loses popularity due to firing too many people (including MAGAs) and economic malaise due to tariffs and tax cuts for billionaires.
Maybe many of those Republicans have been listening hopefully to James Carville's recent prognostication - https://www.foxnews.com/media/ragin-cajun-james-carville-insists-trump-collapse-underway-tells-democrats-sit-back?msockid=1b3548f3f3dd6fe401c45a95f23d6ef7
I am not ashamed of America, I still believe most Americans are decent honorable people who want a multiracial pluralistic democracy and want to support our allies and the human rights of others, I am ashamed of the few billionaires and Christian Nationalists who want to impose their will on the majority for their own greed and. power, I am proud of all those who had the courage to tell the truth that this was just a small selfish broken little man acting a bully. We all need to do all we can to fight this digital COUP, push back and don’t support the monopolies, whenever possible don’t buy from them and don’t support school vouchers, book bannings, or any religious brainwashing
I want to agree with you but for the fact that almost half of the voters chose Trump. I worry for our country. I hope the Trump voters can recalibrate.
Meredith, some say voter suppression really won. And even without that, keep in mind that by the numbers more people did not vote, voted third party, or voted for Harris than voted for the R candidate.
It is an indictment of American society in general that such a vile individual could get elected. In general, society has shown itself to be shallow, uncaring, disingenuous, unserious and deeply addicted to empty celebrity and reality tv. It’s been helped along by legacy media chasing notoriety, whatever is salacious and will pander to the basest tastes of Americans. How did we ever let this happen?
We watched their ads and bought their products. In addition, through deteriorating worker benefits, labor cutbacks and monopolization, they got richer and richer - and decided they could become full-fledged oligarchs in the Power Boys Club if they voted for trump and got rid of all those pesky regulations.
I think most Trump voters don't care about democracy or Ukraine. They just want the price of eggs to go down and think Trump will make that happen. If it doesn't they will vote Democratic.
I just don't believe that we'll ever have a normal election again; I think they have a plan to stay in power.
Absolutely true, Sally!
In less than a week eggs at the local market went up to $10. Not organic eggs. Just eggs.
I have heard some people speak about fears of immigrants, other dangers, and the economy. They are also the people who failed to appreciate the accomplishments of our wonderful form of President, President Biden. They listen to the wrong people, and they become brainwashed. I do not think their prejudices could be built-in. However their prejudices came about, those people’s voting choices were affected, and here we are, for now.
The price of eggs won’t go down. Musk is firing the people who are studying and monitoring bird flu.
In that case, there are going to be a lot of transactional Democrats prety soon.
Actually, just about a third of eligible voters chose Trump. About a third chose Harris, and about a third couldn’t be bothered to vote.
THIS! People need to be reminded at every opportunity that Felon 47 did NOT win by a landslide or receive a mandate. He got less than 50% of all votes cast. And “won” by a 1.7% margin.
Only if you ignore the growing amount of info that implies voter suppression and possible outright manipulation were involved in the election.
Once their "groceries" go sky high they will wake up. And once they are fired from jobs they have had for years (with no reason except Musk thought it a good idea) they may reconsider.
I sometimes wonder about people who did not vote, Whether they wanted to vote and could not, or whether they thought their vote did not matter, or in some instances, simply felt they did not want to vote for either candidate so did not. I have known people who voted early and then found that something happened to their particular choice before the election was over. The result was that they will no longer vote early. On the other hand, How many people, I wonder, had planned to vote and we’re counting in it, but something happened to prevent them from reaching the polls? We never know for sure what peace reasons are unless they tell us. I say the percentages are of the population who did vote rather than of our whole population of registered voters, or of our whole population of voting age
people. I am thankful for all of the good people who can see what needs to be done regarding voting, and I hope they will be able to and will choose to vote in every election to help put our country back up back on the right track. I am extremely worried about the people who have been arrested and deported or taken to horrible places to be held prisoners sometimes within the last 30 days. They, the people of Ukraine, and all of the people who are losing jobs and who depend on our services, in and out of this country, are hurting. I believe much more harm will be done if our government does not act responsibly to stop this aggressive power grab, and nonsense. We have the Constitution, We have people holding position to have taken an oath to it, And we must find ways to give them strength to uphold the oath they each took. Lives will be saved, families and our country will be saved, and Other countries and freedoms will also be saved if Every elected and appointed person would do the right thing.
I spy on them. And you need to know that they do not know what we know. Their media "feed" is so incredibly censored, I wouldn't know where to begin telling you. They are beginning to see the light though.
Fox News.
TOO MANY PEOPLE DID NOT VOTE. it was just what they worked hard to do - disenfranchise voters.
Yes, you are right. I think we the people, standing for democracy around the world, should form a philanthropy group to send support - $$$$ - to the Ukrainian defense, headed by ? who? so that the Ukrainian people know Americans are with them.
Prof. Timothy Snyder just posted this:
If you are thinking today about how to help Ukrainians, here are some possibilities: Come Back Alive (Ukrainian NGO that supports soldiers on the battlefield and veterans), United 24 (the Ukrainian state platform for donations, with many excellent projects), RAZOM (an American NGO, tax-deductible for US citizens, which cooperates with Ukrainian NGOS to support civilians), and Documenting Ukraine (a project that helps to give Ukrainians a voice, also tax-deductible for Americans).
Thanks, Greg!
Thank you, Gregg Bender.
I think that's a wonderful idea.
Linda, I still have faith in most of us too. And I apologize for the insanity of some of us. I hope that I can keep my faith.
And they call themselves Christians!
They are not. They should be called antichristians. Unfortunately they cause many people to walk away or to throw the baby out with the bath water. One day the backlash will be severe and good, true Christians will suffer as well as these false, delusional Christians
I think it quite likely that some anti semitism is involved in this televised ambush.
I am ashamed of the man in the Oval Office who supposedly represents us to the world What a disgusting little piece of shit he is and Vance, Musk and all the Repubs in Congress.
I agree totally! I have to believe that more Americans think like us. We need to encourage our fellow Americans to let our congressmen and seniors know how we feel.
i am ashamed of what this country has become, that we actually have this ugly piece of crap as our representative. We must get this guy impeached and out of here. he is a disgrace, a cruel creepy sludge.
Linda Querry, thank you for defining and expanding those feelings with helpful suggestions.
I believe there used to be lists of what products we could buy that would support Democratic causes. Is there a list available somewhere now? They also used to be a list of what products Financially supported Republican causes. I would like to have both lists up-to-date if possible. I think many of us are not even aware of we are buying something that supports someone we are not wanting to be in office. Minding our purchases that way would be small ways, but they would add up due to the number of consumers.
But you've voted for Trump twice! American society is fractured and has been for a long time. Trump has been the beneficiary of this dislocation.
Marina, I am ashamed of everyone in this country who voted for Trump, or who didn't vote unless they were on their deathbed. There is simply no reason to allow a confirmed traitor to threaten all of our existences. He and his criminal cadre must be prosecuted. He is not the law, regardless of the blather from his sycophants and media moguls, or of the silence from the weaklings in Congress. Noteworthy is that Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) as well as other patriots spoke out in defense of The American People as well as of President Zelensky today.
Prof. Reich, you will never be intruding on my days with your messages, especially in such times of trial.
Prof. Reich keeps us well informed and shines like a billion bright stars in the nightime sky!
Ditto. I think we all feel gratitude.
The greatest blame belongs with the Republican Party for legitimizing this conman. Trump carried his party's stamp of approval for three election cycles. It is Republican elites who put lipstick on a pig and paraded him as their standard bearer. Donald Trump told them who he was and they endorsed him.
After learning how many (mostly Black) voters were disenfranchised by voter suppression, I’d like to amend “didn’t vote” to “couldn’t be bothered to vote”.
Marina, it was shameful, indeed. President Trump and JD Vance were despicable. I immediately called my Republican Representative in Congress and said I want him to speak out against Trump and Vance and their disrespectful treatment of President Zelensky. Trump sounded like Putin! Disgusting!
DJT and Vance both need strait jackets and big tape on their mouths!
Trump is a Putin wannabe.
Agree, Marina. We US citizens, are ashamed and diminished by association with Trump.
You are not alone, Marina. I hope we can support Ukraine in a joint outreach, a statement from the people of our country, as contrasted with Trump & Vance. This is needed.
Pres. Zelensky is now more loved,more respected and more supported.
I hope and pray the Good Lord will turn this around for him.He's a true man,he stepped up for his country with commitment and devotion.
Zelensky should feel pride for walking out without handing over those mineral rights. He left holding the Trump Card.
It was a culmination of donations from children in France that paid to have their gift of our Statue of Liberty brought here and placed where she is. Their collective generosity and sacrifice is one example of how small amounts and maybe some larger donations can add up to make a positive difference.
I am ashamed of the people in the country who are allowing this horrific disgrace to happen, and of the image these greedy power mongers are giving our country by misusing their positions and in defying our Constitition in numerous ways while still not being held accountable. Thank goodness good people are standing up to them!
Remember,it's not the country,it's DJT's despicable behavior along w/ some of the Maga Thugs in Congress.THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE! Though I' am absolutely heartbroken and it's very frightening,I find a place where I can look past this and know somehow this will be dealt with! We are a resilient nation.
Hooray for your message! Yes, we are a resilient nation!
I try not to hate. It's bad for body and soul. I'm trying today, my most difficult effort so far.
I am going to keep on trying and fighting. I certainly blame the many obtuse people who voted for Don the Con. I am ashamed BUT WE CAN'T GIVE UP!!
Exactly what I feel.
Sadly, yes. :(
Agree Marina
They should be ashamed of themselves.
Trump was the “arrogant small man” in his interaction with Zelenskyy.
In a word, an "ADULT TODDLER."
The French 'Enfant Terrible' sounds so much classier. Nothing short of a trip to the Guillotine is appropriate for him.
I would not weep for even a millisecond if the news of the night was that Trump was finally assassinated!
We don't wish harm ,but it wouldn't break our hearts!
Yup, and the price of eggs would come down!!
I am deeply ashamed by Trump's and Vance's behavior. They are in the process of destroying this country, if. not the world.
The Terrible Infant. I like it
But he’s not classy
That’s funny!
His dick must be tiny!
I think you are on to something Betty. I'm just finishing reading STRONGMEN, By Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Chapter 6 addresses this topic specifically. Krasnov (trump's russian code name) is a narcissist. I don't think he had the intellect to 'be' an actual dictator...he copy-cats...that's why he 'tries' so surround himself with people who will do his bidding, hence the 'circus' cabinet and 27 yr old press secretary. Musk is the wild card, with $$$. HE is not smart either...just another bully.
After that performance the tiniest. He reminds me of a security guard pushing his authority on anyone he can when the real power Musk tells him what to do and he resents it greatly.
Mall cop
Well put, Dave Terrill.
I do not understand why we have not arrested the criminals in the White House who have broken laws, ignored court orders and judgements, and reversed our country’s norms. Again I say, drastic times call for drastic measures.
Who believes that we can simply vote ourselves out of this mess? They have a plan for staying in power; we know this. We cannot rely on our normal democratic procedures anymore - they’ve been destroyed. So - we need to use an “emergency” plan - one that relies on trusted and tried patriots - those who actually believe in their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.
“trusted and tried patriots - those who actually believe in their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the U.S.” Sadly, there are none in DC. why are the democrat governors the only ones speaking out? Where are the senators & representatives from BOTH parties who should demand an accounting of this abhorrent behavior? We the people don’t hold the power of immediate action that they do.
I’m thinking of our soldiers.
I doubt our soldiers are ready willing and able to conduct a coup. And wouldn’t that leave us with President Vance??? What a piece of work that man is. His performance with Zelenskyy showed his presidential disabilities!
Our soldiers support trump. 62% voted for him and he has replaced the leaders who might have shown some independence.
Time for secession led by California, Illinois and New York. Take those three economic powerhouse out of Trump's evil empire and rescue America.
They would welcome the opportunity to send the military in to destroy the Blue States in a modern Civil War.
Okay, here's where it gets complicated; I'm thinking of our retired generals coming out of retirement to lead our soldiers in a counter coup and take our country/democracy back from the traitors. We are witnessing a coup, as we speak, against our country. We have "occupiers" in power now that need to be brought down. How else to do it? Right now, I cannot imagine that we'll have a normal election ever again - as long as Trump and his administration is in power.
It might not be as easy as you think.
This would be an economic secession. Without tax money from these states, a place like Kentucky would no longer exist. Our country has already been usuped. Just as everyone predicted, a Trump victory would mean the end of democracy. Do we really want to sit back and see the U.S. part of the axis of evil? Action is required.
The trump/musk "regime" hasn't been treating the military and vets very well lately. This lunatic adm doesn't put a lot of thought into the good people they continue to alienate (cuts, firings, layoffs, discrimination, etc). They do, however, put a lot of thought into the bad people to want to bring into the fold: criminal Jan 6ers, the Tates , morons, alcohol /drug addled nut jobs, nazis, sex offenders, christo-cult nuts - stacking the deck with the most inept people they can find:. All of them not so smart and woefully unqualified for the jobs they're supposed to be doing. Who in that motley crew is going to inspire, lead and organize the troops to shoot up their fellow Americans? The only group i would worry about is eric prince and his blackwater mercenaries. I hear he's negotiating a deal to terrorize and round up illegals to put the in newly built camps (slave labour).
We have such a mix throughout our population that the idea would not work, although I am proud of our states as a whole standing up for what is right and honest.
Good one Ed!
I really am beginning to believe this is it. We had a pretty good run while it lasted. They have a plan in place and the traditional means will not save us. Time to figure out the "emergency" plan...fast.
trump has been gathering all the enforcement authority under him, military, doj, fbi, border patrol. He has put his sycophants in charge everywhere. Next time he wants to declare martial law, there will be no one to stop him. You are right, there is a plan.
Let's hope when impeachment finally comes that it include both Trump and Vance. Right now Vance's behavior may actually delay impeachment of Trump because Vance as President might even be worse.
Vance's arrogance and condescension will be the death of the United States. He employed the same tactics he does in interviews if he is asked a question he doesn't agree with. Talk, talk, talk, smiling with a sneer, and do not let anyone else say a word.
My nickname for Vance is "Clueless". About women, about foreign policy, about just about everything except how to cuddle up to the oligarchs.
They are both disqualified oath breakers,
Of course, we may want to wait until the Democrats take back the House so that Hakeem Jeffries is Speaker and 2nd in line. Right now the next 3 after Vance are Speaker Mike Johnson, President pro temp Chuck Grassley, and Secretary of State Marco Rubio...
You forgot one. It commited HIGH "TREASON" by fomenting an insurrection DURING W Bush's asinine "war on terror." This carries a DEATH SENTENCE.
I’m all in. Someone PLEASE DO IT!!!
I’m still waiting!
About these republican hawks abruptly changing their minds. Why is it so hard to for them to do right by their country? Are they mentioned in the Epstein files, are they closeting something bad that Putin is dangling in their faces, are their children being threatened? They are harming their country and they likely know it.
As a Canadian onlooker to the destruction of your country in real time, I do believe the rest of the sane world has given up hope that the USA will remain a viable partner. We are going to have to move on, the sooner the better. The bullying, mob boss shakedowns, the threats, the nasty conduct of trump, vance, musk and that entire group of fascist idiots is stomach churning. One suggestion, blue states (money and brains) might consider withdrawing from the Union to seek alliances with the rest of your now 'former' allies . Strength in numbers.
Being a native Californian, I wholeheartedly agree with this!
Amen Judith!
from Toronto
Because we have a constitution. Impeachment has to be undertaken -- and to this point, the Democrats don't have any taste for that.
Don’t blame the Democrats! The maga GOP don’t have the balls to take down felon Trump!
That's pretty ignorant. Any Democrat can submit an article of impeachment to the House. Don't you care about our Constitution?
You MAGAs put this felon traitor back in office when he belongs in jail or a straight jacket
You are really showing YOUR hatred and stupidity here. I want Trump impeached and removed from office. The first step is filing an article of impeachment...
Why do you hate America so much?
Why do you hate America so much? That is a Republican staple when someone disagrees with them. You should be ashamed
You hate America! MAGA is not America! Obviously, you do not k ow how to critical think! 🤔
The GOP would let him off. Again.
Yes, “again” is the defining emphasis. It is do long until the 2026 election, and if the balance is adjusted to support the needed votes by honesty, it is so long to wait. Too much is happening, and all too fast. There are many people being harmed right now because of the current situation, and many more people are in harm’s way for choices being made or promoted as it is.
They don't have the votes to do it. They impeached him twice and the senate republicans rescued him. Don't blame the democrats.
Of course we go, but you are the stupid one who doesn’t recognize how many votes it requires!
I don't know why you hate America so much. That's why we have Trump.
Filing an article of impeachment does not require any votes.
It requires honor and integrity -- which you don't understand.
How would you know what was ignorant? Go buy some more Trump junk!
Sandra, I do not see exscylyvehstvyour reference is to, but when I mentioned wanting a list, I was recalling this I saw round 2015. They indicated who profited from sales of particular brands of paper, towel, towels, or toilet paper for example. The first list I saw told of people who had lots of money and were supporting the very person who was elected then and is in now. I believe there are lists of other products. Most people would buy from the grocery store or other stores, and profits go to people we cannot identify. Until I learned about those products and who was making the money, and some instances a pair of brothers who supported the currentbirtdonnin office, for example, I had never thought about anyone but The local merchant earning from my
purchase. The kind people who shared that information with me are no longer living, They would be appalled at what is happening now. I am grateful for them and to them, Because they changed my life to make me more aware of what is happening. If they had not, I would be missing out on these posts and messages, And I need them. You might not have been referring to what I wrote. I really don’t know. I do know that it’s really hard to see, and it’s really hard to get back to that spot wherever it is. I am thankful to see the tiny spot on my phone at a time to be able to read messages or posts here when I csn. I thought I should clarify what I meant by products in case there is any question.
Yup! They will be done as a party!
Bullshit! He was impeached twice! What did that get us???
Another term. Get rid of him for good. Lock him up! Lock him up!
I believe in our Constitution -- I swore an oath to it when I joined the Navy. I believe in rule of law. You apparently do not. Trump wants to "lock people up."
Charges were filed, and he was found guilty of some of them. If the courts had not moved so slowly and found him guilty of the rest of the charges, perhaps he would be in jail instead of the oval office.
Our constitution must be changed to reflect that a felon can not run for office. It's unconscionable that it's not in there now.
Amendment 14, Section 3 already states that a felon cannot be on the ballot. The problem is that the states must vote on it, I forget exactly how. Colorado is the first state to vote to uphold that amendment, but a judge threw out the decision or blocked it somehow. I am sorry not to recall all of the details at the moment. Some other states followed and also were rebuked.
Thomas, you are absolutely right about taking the oath, upholding the Constitution, using the constitution to keep every felon off the ballot. Write ins of a felon’s name also should be blocked. Thank you for your service to our country.
I also believe in our Constitution and the rule of law. We need to save people.
You maga GOP don’t believe in the constitution! Get your head out of Fox News and out of your ass and you could see who caused this dictatorship!
I'm a Navy vet ... Vietnam service. Do you want to spit on it?
No, Thomas. Thank you for your service.
Thomas, thank you so much for your service. I am glad you were able to come home. I know a number of friends and classmates who could not. My father was a veteran of W. W. II. He gave about five years of his young life to the Army. We value each person who sacrificed so much for us.
I also value each person here who cares, and I wish so much that our discussions would always be respectful. We all want good things for our country and the world. We share ideas, and we need to respect each other for caring and to try to understand that we each care and are searching and sharing thoughts to examine, not arguing and not criticizing each other.
Prof. Robert Reich is
so kind and wise to give us this opportunity to share among each other, based on his information, expertise, and kind guidance. We all owe him our thanks, and I hope we can support each other kindly as well. We need each other in this increasingly cruel world with its unprecedented tragedies, and we all want solutions, especially the right ones that will work, according to our Constitution, our upholders of it, and our opportunity to share here will help us be strong in faith, kindness, and thinking. It helps us to know we are not alone. I appreciate each person for trying to help.
You can be anything you want to be out here.
IF we didn’t have a co-opted Congress and Supreme Court, I would agree with you.
The election deniers are in violation of their oaths and should be kicked out of government and off the courts. The 14th amendment section 3, should be upheld.
Yes - they have gotten away with too many broken laws and norms; Trump should not even have been allowed to run again after inciting that insurrection!!
Irrelevant. All it takes is just one person with honor and integrity. There is NO political cost to filing an article -- and Trump to this point has at least 15 violations.
Rep. Al Green from TX has filed a new impeachment. It won't go anywhere, but at least someone is taking a stand.
Thank you, Tina. If I knew that, it had slipped my mind although I do not know how anything that important could!
I agree. Even if it won't go anywhere, someone has to stand up and say Enough Is Enough. The Repukes will have a sissy fit, calling it political, but who cares. We're being walked right into a Dictatorship. tRump is following the exact playbook of Putin, Hitler, and Victor Orban of Hungary. To the letter. We're almost at end-game here already, and it may be too late. TREASON should be enough justification.
I would like to see those filed, too, but when they come to the necessary, determining vote at the end of the trial, I want to be sure that the guilty verdict carries and the proper legal/Constitutional action is carried out as it should be.
I believe they need to know they have the votes from both sides of the aisle. Yes, they have ample reasons to impeach. When it was tried before, and it was justified, they lacked the votes on the other side of the aisle and the support of Mitch McConnell. Without the dependable support, their best efforts would be wasted, as I see it now. How can we get the support we need?
They don’t have the numbers for that. And another failed impeachment would only strengthen trump’s hand.
Please everyone just stop the nastiness I have heard--we need to work together!
Get back on X and trump’d lying social!
They have not been arrested because they control the departments that can do the arresting and have more than willing and cowardly accomplices in the Republicans in the House and the Senate.
I’ve been saying this for years!
If Trump’s lawyers can find all these loopholes to save his ass surely someone can find one to put it in the slammer.
You maga GOP are the hatred and stupid ones! Stop deflecting which is what you brainwashed cult are best at!
Leave Thomas alone. Clearly you don't understand what he is trying to tell you.
Clearly, he must need your help!
i AGREE! Why can't they be arrested/
I have often wondered the exact same thing in the last couple of months!
They are all traitors!
I am heartbroken and outraged by America’s cruel turn on Ukraine and Zelensky - a man and a people who have endured the agonizing inevitability of traitorous leaders.
What is most shameful about the meeting in the Oval Office is that Zelensky was being shaken down in the way a mob boss would do if he wants protection money. Zelensky doesn't need to thank us. Our armaments manufacturers are doing quite well with the weapons we send Ukraine. What Zelensky deserves is an apology. Trump has reneged on the promise we gave to Ukraine in 1994 in the Budapest Memorandum. We said we would guarantee Ukraine's sovereignty if they would give up their nukes. They did so. Now Trump is shamefully going back on our word.
We all know there will be no apology to Zelensky. His main concern in this negotiation was the assurance that putin would live up to his end of the bargain. Instead, he was attacked with very aggressive, very loud, very obnoxious "gibberish"....Trump's.'art of the deal' (mob boss style).
Felon Trump is the mob boss!
I hope the raw minerals deal is no longer on the table. Please give it to Europe!
Someone needs to amplify that statement
I could barely watch, it made me so sick to my stomach. It was a complete bullying dogpile, Zelensky all alone with no support. How the heck did that happen? We already knew Fuckhead 1 (and now Fuckhead 2) are in Putin's pockets, but this was a blatant pronouncement of such. Zelensky is a hero that I hope never gives up. Whatever we the people can do to support him we must.
It happened because it was planned to go that way. When it became clear that Zelensky would not be signing the agreement on mineral rights, the gloves came off before all the world to see. Government reality TV!
Yes, mine was a rhetorical question.
Type of snuff show. 👹
Respect is something that is hard earned. It should not be frittered away in needless public displays of arrogance. If this is the US you want to have the world remember then God help you. None of the rest of the world, apart from the few strong men (notice no women?), can view this without thinking we’re next. This is not a government we Aussies should be doing business with. Shame America, shame!
I agree-trump & vance’s behavior in the oval today was beyond shameful.
These traitors need to be FIRED immediately.
Lindsay Graham is the one who should resign . I hope he is one that will get voted out of office.
So two-faced.
The two faced turncoats, like LG, are even lower on the scale than the dictator. There is a special place for them in history. In spite of our feelings toward Trump; at least he is credible in his objectives, despicable as they are.
He is perhaps more disgusting than agent orange, only because of his constant flip flopping.
I've stated this several times today, after calling my senators and representative to express my outrage: We need a march on Washington asap.
Check out the People's Union USA. They have a whole schedule of events, mostly boycotts (realistic ones) and I know I saw at least one March in DC planned, I don't recall if there are others scheduled right now, but that doesn't mean they can't still be put on the schedule.
I have attended the marches at my state capitol as have many others across the country. What I believe we need at this point is a massive demonstration in our nation’s capital, while we still have one….
I agree with you, Marina. I worry about his private J6 militia but we need mass demonstration, and fast.
Thank you for your calls. Marched might help for the people who are able. Thank you for suggesting two ways to help.
I felt nauseous after watching the White House grilling. It was not an even- sided altercation ; it was a public humiliation of Zelensky by two uncouth bullies. The bullies clearly wanted to make Zelensky grovel at their feet. But the true humiliation was for the US leaders.
Exactly. I know there's a set of people who think Zelensky got humiliated today. But I think there are way more people who think the United States got humiliated today.
Zelensky did not get humiliated.
I know, I said there are a lot of people who think he did. I didn't say he actually was, nor that I personally think he was. To the contrary, he was rational and calm, tried to negotiate a deal in good faith, and ultimately realized there was no point sticking around so he left.
I am beyond impressed with Zelensky. His attempts to negotiate in good faith for the people of Ukraine shows a true selflessnes and deep strength.
Watching our president and VP behave in a way that is well outside the spectrum of acceptable social interactions, and act in such a short sighted, selfish, and cruel manner has left me despondent.
"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" ~Bluto in "Animal House"
"...You should have never started it. You could have made a deal.” ~Trump & Brutus in Animal White House
What a waste of Vance education?
I wonder what his wife thought of this.I heard she was an atty.
"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" ~Bluto in "Animal House"
"...You should have never started it. You could have made a deal.” ~Trump & Brutus in Animal White House
That is a wise assessment, Karen Arnett. I think the two bullies will be unphased. Instead they will lie about what happened and brag about themselves, typical bully fashion. That is further embarrassment and misuse of their elected positions still. I think they are being unconstitutional in many ways. Would action taken be better to try them for individual crimes each person has committed, or for groups of their crimes in one impeachment trial? It seems that more impeachments for a single crime at a time would allow more chance of the Guilty carrying. What is the best way?
Trump makes Neville Chamberlain look like a genius And Vance I am sorry the people of Ohio voted for him
Canadians cancel your vacation plans to the US
There are two sides in America today. I know which side I’m on. It may be the losing side at this singular moment in time but it is the side I am willing to die fighting for.
Krasnov following orders.
Thanks for this. I know the views expressed do not represent the views of the majority in usa. The world needs reminding of this fact as many people will use today's words as a excuse for anti American rhetoric. This must not be allowed to go unchallenged.
Hell, I'm anti American right now.... :(
Be anti- Scump and JD.
Yes, thank you for sharing that huge concern that many of us share. In addition to this monumental travesty, there also is the ongoing arresting and mistreatment of immigrants. I believe still more atrocities are happening under the current people, and our whole country should not be identified as bring in favor. How we can stop them is a huge question. I believe the impeachments would be a start.
What a shameful embarrassment for America. He’s nothing but an arrogant bully!
"Flimsy" Graham is a balless coward and Trumpaholic who should be stripped of his military uniform! Another Benedict Arnold!