Soon, we’ll have an “unprecedented” Convicted Felon President. For Sale: America. A bargain for Oligarchs.

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Public servants will protect our sacred Democracy from felon presidents and oligarchs. We will undermine Trump in his second term, just like we did in the first. January 6 was the worst attack on democracy in history and all MAGAts involved including the orange menace should be thrown in prison for it: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/january-6-worst-attack-on-our-democracy

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I sincerely hope you are right, but you know he’ll be better prepared this term. With the threat of being fired for not being loyal, they must be prepared, too. Scary times…

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I'm a public servant at the municipal level and I will do my job. I expect my state-level cohorts will do the same. There will be hell to pay if the Pumpkin screws around with Federal employees that make stuff run like the IRS and Social Security and so on. He's carvable squash.

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I love your last sentence. It's worth remembering.

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Definitely - "carvable squash" - don't mind if I use that one myself - and thank you for doing your job - we need people like you to standup to this sick menace.

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I'm pleased that so many agree with my sentiment!

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Jan 5Edited
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... and we know how carvable squash decomposes quickly, don't we? Go for it public servant. We're with you!!!!

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More bluntness please

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This a very scary 4-year Halloween

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Oh I love what you are saying!

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All we can hope for is that WE are also better prepared. As Pete Buttigieg said, we can't just watch in awe and disbelief. We must be pro-active.

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as Pete said: Maturnity leave!!

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Stop with the "hope." Hope is a passive posture.

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His CULT maybe, but THE MAN-CHILD has advanced Alzheimer's now. He is of liddle consequence now, especially now that president elon usurped his position.

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Yes!- You are absolutely right on! Why is no one trying this guy on National Media???🥺🥺Muskrat is not deterred by what people say or think. He has every intention of being an unstoppable force. Is any one going to stop his oligarchy and its consequences to our citizens??😫😫😫

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He is as intimidating as Johnson once was and maybe has less scruples

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Jan 6
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Naturally; how many innocent good people will he be responsible for hurting (like those poor serfs of the pre-revolution of 1776) How many will suffer and die before “he be dead.”?

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Can you imagine a worse choice for our leader than a man child malignant narcissist who has Alzheimers. Post your selection here:

. . .

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Jan 6
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Cut from the same cloth…..

History repeats itself…….

The “Great Uneducated Society” is selling all of us out……😩

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Vance is one of those broken people, like Trump, & Elon. He is profoundly confused willing to do whatever someone telles him to do. You can see it on his face. Broken.

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Fear Not.

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The need to protect Democracy stems directly from the kingly powers bestowed upon POTUS by the Constitution, which means in practice that POTUS has exactly the same tyrannical powers as George III.

In particular:

1) The power of pardon.

2) The power to raise armies for 60 days without Congressional approval (JFK used this in Vietnam, George III used it to get large armies into America in 1776).

3) The power of Executive Privilege.

4) The power of veto.

5) The power to adjourn Congress.

When George Mason, who had signed the Declaration of Independence, refused to sign the Constitution because of the Office of the President, he was scolded by Madison, who told him basically that the Constitution had checks and balances on the President.

Well, how well did those work out? With the benefit of hindsight we can now see that Mason was right.

America is not great because of POTUS but despite him. We are in very grave danger because of two things: 1) A deeply rooted racism, all over the country, but especially in the slave states: 30-35% of the US population will lie down in traffic in their unwavering loyalty to Trump. and 2) POTUS himself.

There is nothing we can realistically do about the office of President, however, we can, and must, appeal to the 70% of voters who just want universal healthcare and higher taxes on the wealthy. The DNC must vocally, and forcefully, promote these popular issues, and risk losing their corporate donors.

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"The DNC must vocally, and forcefully, promote these popular issues, and risk losing their corporate donors."

You're exactly right, Michael. But your last phrase hits on the immovable obstacle. The Dems will NEVER alienate their corporate donors and owners, any more than the Repugs will. That's why mango man is about to desecrate the Oval Office again.

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Maybe I'm too optimistic, but there is a chance. Remember, 1) their corporate donors failed to deliver the presidency, and 2) Harris-Walz received a lot more money from small donors than they did from corporate sponsors. That said, although I donated to, and voted for, Harris, I was dismayed that her husband made his money on Wall Street.

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Biden could've used the powers he's been granted by the Constitution, & more recently SCOTUS, for good & prevented Benedict Donald from reassuming power (at many points in his presidency), but he failed at this most basic & important duties of his, to enforce the Constitution & protect & defend us from enemies both foreign & domestic.

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Biden has the legal, moral, ethical, and political obligation to support and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. The president, acting in accordance with his stated duties, has been given carte blanche by the corrupt6 on the supreme court to arrest and incarcerate, sans habeas corpus or any legal remedies, in a federal supermax facility for life, all the coup d’etat plotters, participants, and enablers. This would include all congressional participants, the corrupt6 on the supreme court, the 11th circuit and loose cannon in Florida, dumpster and his family, Bannon, Leo Leonard, stone, Flynn, the techbroligarchs who have been financing this march to fascism, Ginni Thomas, all the president’s lawyers, all the compromised elections officials. the list is enormous. There are, however enough US Marshalls, ATF, FBI and Secret Service personnel still loyal to the constitution to carry out the mass arrests.

The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence to resolve political differences. The republican party is a terrorist organization that has worked for 4 years to subvert, undermine, and corrupt this past election and the constitution. The republican party is a terrorist organization that openly subverts, flouts, makes mockery of the rule of law, of evidence, of precedent and of truth. The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence against women and children, minorities, any “other” of the moment. The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes a white Christian fascist theocracy to replace our constitutional democracy.

If Biden does not carry out his duty before Jan 20th, he will be complicit and responsible for the destruction of our democracy. The rule of law is no more; that has been so ruled by the corrupt6. Accordingly, extrajudicial and extralegal means are required to rid this cancer from our body politic. dumpster has plainly stated that he will jail the “Biden crime family”. Biden has stated that he will attend the coronation on jan. 20. wouldn’t it be rich if he were escorted from the ceremonies in handcuffs? think about it folks. believe a psychopath when he tells you what he’s going to do.

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Indeed, people are too complacent that got us into this horrid mess!

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True thing. Well said. As each person begins to realize the Broligarchs & the Billionaires seek to turn America into a Slave based Economy and each American into a Slave there will be another Revolution. Freedom courses deeply in the veins of Americans. That Obscene 1% is not going to know what is coming. Lazy, corrupt, decadent, spiritually bankrupt and weak they remind me of the French Nobles who lost their heads as the Revolution began.

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Even easier - "That Obscene 1%" is actually only only 'that Obscene 0.1%!!

Some College Football and Basketball coaches are in the Upper 1%. And last year, Taylor Swift became a Billionairess ;)

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Biden is already complicit in supporting crimes against humanity in Gaza. Why would he suddenly develop a backbone to perform the actions you describe in support of our democracy. He's bought and sold. Full stop.

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I am disgusted with Joe BIden, and saying he's better than Trump is a very low bar.

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I keep asking, and no one has answered yet: how does Biden have absolute, unquestioned authority to do anything to stop mango man? According to my reading, SCOTUS ruled on the orange fungus' cases only, in regard only to the charges made against him. Per the legal opinions I've read, that ruling doesn’t translate to, "Joe can also do anything he wants, in any context." I'd really like to see a legit reference article or two explaining how Biden has been granted this power, because I wish to god that he could do something before January 20th.

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Denise - I refer you to these videos on Meidas touch.



I've watched several with Michael Luttig, and he is unequivocal about the meaning and consequences of the decision.

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I agree 100% with everything you say here. I fervently hope that what you describe at the end occurs. Then Biden & this administration would be heroes, celebrated all around the world (except in Moscow & other dark places like that). Heroes or accomplices? The Democrats in power have a choice to make (but not much time to make it).

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Biden always was the interim prez, or interregnum. This has been All Trump All-the-time since 2015.

The fact that Biden let Garland take his sweet time, let alone being selected as DOJ , tells you all you need to know.

Continued support of the Democratic party is futile.

Time to set a new party on the path...

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I have heard that charge made, & his actions & especially his inactions seem to support that thesis.

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Amen to that! I am totally fed up with the Democratic Party.We need a party which is responsive to the needs of the poor, working, and middle classes. The Democratic Party and the current administration should have been on this from the moment it became clear that the election was suspect: voter purges, destruction of ballot boxes, people saying they got ballots returned as "undeliverable", Musk bribing people to vote for Trump, bomb threats at polling places and God-only-knows what other shenanigans.

As you point out, the SCOTUS granted sweeping immunity to the President. But what did Biden do? Basically nothing. Certainly nothing to keep us and our democracy safe. Just issuing pardons and mouthing platitudes about "the peaceful transfer of power" and saying that he'll show up at that farce being passed off as an inauguration. He's not fulfilling his oath to "preserve, protect, and defend" our Constitution". When I vote for President, that is what I expect him or her to do: preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution.

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Another 3rd Party will only ensure RepugLieCons and MAGAzis are elected and re-elected - until the GNoP and MAGAzis have a blowup and become seperated "Siamese Twins". Then, with them battling each other (and there seem to be damned few RepugLieCon remaining (at least, ones without a spinectomy), a group MIGHT be able to launch a successful 3rd Party. While commonplace in Europe, they have not fared well in the History of the US.

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I have the same feeling about Biden. He wimped out.

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Big time!

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BUT, Joe still has 15 days....

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Joe is just a tired old man and wants to live the rest of his days in relative peace. But we will suffer for it.

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I'm a historian of dissenting movements, and we need to take away the self-serving "Episcopal" power of the Supreme Court, along with the President's extreme power--or would Trump prefer his spelling? He is almost certainly the most illiterate and uneducated of our "Precedents"--even the Dixiecrat ones.

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We can March, Again! Like we did in the 50s, 60s, & 70s. (Donnie didn't, tho.)

We can repeat over and over praise of Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden as the 2 most productive Presidents since FDR & HST. We can do likewise about how Bubba Bill and Barack O'Bama are the 2 most Popular Presidents since FDR & JFK. And we can do likewise about Kamala's Crowd sizes being the largest in History.

We can drive the Pumpkin Krazy Orange. He will pop a blood vessel. And, it's over. Elon will be without 'friends', again.

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Donnie did not march, tho. Must have been the bone spurs.

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3 days Jan 3, 4, 5 was marching 🙌🏽 Join the movement https://nowmarch.org/

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What ever you say west....

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Jan 6
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LBJ was in the process of ending the War in early 1968, unfortunately Nixon found out about his effort and blew up the process with NV ... and then reneged on his promises to the North and South Vietnamese, and to all the kids and their families who died after the Spring of 1968. That's what Republicans do.

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And HW and some senior advisors did it in Oct '80 when 2 or 3 flew to Paris on a turnaround to meet with reps of Komeni about holding the Hostages awhile longer ... until after the November Election or so.

Which turned out to be about Lunchtime on Inauguration Day in January. Republicons and MAGAzis are more treacherous and dangerous that any Enemy we have met on a battlefield....

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Parties without 'public financing' of elections will get us nowhere. At best, we must unite nonprofits into coalitions to overcome the deficiencies of political parties--generating both votes/policies at all levels of government.

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And work slow downs will break the backs of the Kleptocrats.

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Those 5 powers need to be removed. That is the only guarantee against their misuse.

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Nothing can be done now, BUT, if the Democrats, or a third party, ever did win a sweeping majority in the future, then sweeping Constitutional amendments should be on the table.

It's about time America got its collective head out of the 18th Century. The Constitution was written by, and for, plutocrats, on the back of the Declaration of Independence.. Where the latter states "All men are created equal," do you think the signatories included women in their thinking, or indeed black men and women? A great document, but it really is time to move on and evolve.

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Oh, the Dems will Win, again. Donny is a 1 trick pony and many of those who voted for him this time are already regretting it. He will not make it through his 1st year ... probably alive, definitely with a pliant Congress.

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Well said! Thanks for posting.

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Power of the pardon-- speaking of Biden??

ha ha ha- relaly!! ever lsitn to yourself?

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m. hutchinson, the Pardon is perhaps the most glaring and egregious of the many mistakes made by the Federalist bully boys. I have rarely seen it used fairly.

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I wish I could believe that. We seem to be a rickety roller coaster. Those with the skills to repair it (and I'm talking Democrats) have tried to shore it up, but it's grown too old and weak to withstand a heavy carload of Republicans who insist on riding it again and again, further weakening the structure. I don't think any amount of due diligence and hard work will keep it from crumbling. I think America has had her day, like the roller coaster which once stood strong and offered happiness to those who rode its cars. I fear it will soon crumble and fall, taking everyone down with it.

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I refuse to believe that..period! But where is a (our) leader? I hear nothing..where is our Navalny? Such a pity!

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The Dems had a leader who would have beaten the orange fungus in 2016: Bernie Sanders. But the DNC caved and insisted on the corporate shill Hillary.

Recently, a young, vibrant woman of the people, AOC, made her bid at leadership, but dried-up ol' Nancy derailed her. Basically told her---again---to sit down and shut up.

The Dems have leaders available, but they keep using their own feet for targets.

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The problem, as you note, is that Democrats do not believe in democracy; they believe in rule by the elite--exactly what they accuse Republicans of. Interesting? no?

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Yu nailed it..thank u!

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Jan 5
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Bernie did not get enough votes to cinch the nomination. He's not even a Democrat. And because they didn't get their way (I voted for Bernie in the primary), the Bernie Bros threw their little temper tantrum--between that and those too lazy to vote and Russian interference, we were saddled with the orange fool.

I think Hillary is great, too. So is Kamala--she did very well in the time alloted to her. Joe should have decided to not run for a second term. This is the second time America has been cheated of a woman president.

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Bernie Did get enough votes and at the convention did not get the bid, because current Dem's are also beholden to cooperate and big money PAC's and decided not to give him the candidacy. We needed a change in Party politics!!

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Were you one of the ones who threw a political temper tantrum by not voting or voting non-Democratic, thus bringing Trump to power? I'm tired of everything centered on on men. Hilary would have made a wonderful oresident.

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Did he ever bother to become a Democrat? If he is not, the Party owes him nothing.

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Sadly where is Navalny?

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Putin had Navalny eliminated.

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Yes, my point

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Jan 6
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Sorry..don't agree; he cud have advised our people on how to deal with the monster Putin. I too love Russia as I always have..and my heart bleeds for my friends..but we must stop this horrible war; insanity has taken over. I hope I live long enough to hear of Putins demise...it's long overdue..

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Jan 5
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Ronald, Gjay, Marcie, et al,

A reminder: Thomas Jefferson once wrote that a little revolution from time to time is a good thing.

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He sure did!

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Unfortunately, Trump & Company have the Power of HR. (The power of the Human Resources Dept to fire and hire.) All T & Co. have to do is appoint every State, County, and Community GOP leadership to do the firing and hiring, making sure EVERY government position worth having is held by a GOP loyalist. As someone mentioned, Trump & Co. are MUCH more prepared this time. They even come with a detailed plan for "How To Take Control Of A Nation For Dummies" in the Project 2025 template. https://archive.org/details/project-2025-mandate-for-leadership-full_202309-manifesto/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL/

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And all of them have heirs and scions just waiting to step up to become CEO or Chairman of the Board.

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Jan 6
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Go back to your right-wing swamp.

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100% agree!

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In foreseeable future you will be under the thumbs of Republicans. You didn't have the guts to put ring leader Trump in prison in 4 years and derived satisfaction by putting few foot soldiers in prison. Fortune never favours the weak.

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no felony on appeal- in a real court and it may have to go to a federal appeal. a real court will throw this out. what a cluster... stupid.

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Sadly public....that day has passed.

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Public servants, you mean congress????? They have had four years now to respond and render a response to the atrocities of the day. By response I refer to consequences to the menace, DJ Trump. Good luck .

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Trump, the Putin agent/ madman has done this! I was starting to trust Trump! Taking Greenland or even hinting at it, is an outrage against the world order!! How low can Trump go!

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Jan 5
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Yes, this is true. How much respect do they have for democracy and the Constitution? Zero.

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Next time Trump says he'll pay the legal fees of his violent rally goers, we must stage a scene that results in sufficient evidence to sue Trump for those legal fees.... OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!😁

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...legal fees that Trump began offering WAY BACK in 2015!!!

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PowerCorrupts - He learned from Musk about how not to pay for anything. The people who signed musk’s “petition” during the campaign are still waiting to be paid. Plus, trump will just hawk more useless stuff and ask his supporters for more money.

Also, if your scenario means protesting, check your local and state laws first because in our state if you wear a mask you can get arrested (unless you’re the KKK apparently).

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If you mean a public gathering or demonstration, America has proven that assembling anywhere is fraught with danger; either you get sprayed with bullets or rammed with cars. No way will I be caught in any kind of public gathering ever again.

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My bet is the Gandhi was faced with a similar conundrum. He chose peaceful resistance. This may be the most effective way to manage a baiter and a violent man.

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Putin is happy…

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Jan 5
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Robert, I can't make much sense of this. The United States is already an energy powerhouse; I doubt we can produce much more. Wholesale cancelation of Biden's executive orders may be satisfying, but it's not necessarily sensible. Handwriting samples? You have lost me! Finally,I believe I need a translation for the last paragraph.

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I thought the last sentence was a reference to the Liberal British PM, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman.

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Jan 6
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When you have to explain a joke, it’s no longer a joke.

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Putin like Trump will dress his defeats as Massive Victories no matter reality happens.

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You sound like the Legend of a pro Russian/ anti -American provocateur.

Be Gone

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Jan 5
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I call him "putain".

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He's a troll magat. He LOVES the orange malignancy. Blocked.

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WHAT are you talking about???

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PHYSICSally speaking, the USA isn't about to increase Energy production any time soon. Any increased oil production MUST be exported to refineries abroad because the current US refineries can't process the grade of oil that the US produces. (We import the grade of oil that our refineries CAN process.) https://www.ncesc.com/geographic-pedia/why-does-the-us-get-oil-from-other-countries/

As for building more nuclear powerplants (or any other kind of powerplants for that matter) takes TIME. https://www.sustainabilitybynumbers.com/p/nuclear-construction-time (6-8 years)

The number of solar, wind, or geothermal plants that would produce as much energy as a single nuclear powerplant would take about as long to build

The main restraint isn't physical though; it's financial. The Energy infrastructure expansion WILL cost ***hundreds of billions of dollars***, mostly from the private sector (as Big Energy is for-Profit enterprises). Which they are motivated to NOT make the USA easily energy-independent. LARGE Supply means SMALL price/unit, reducing Big Energy's Profit margin. Why would they want to invest hundreds of billions of dollars if it drastically reduces their Profit margin?

At any rate, the USA isn't about to become an "energy powerhouse" until well after Trump finishes this next term in office. (Which, for him, is motivation enough to NOT invest in domestic energy production.) [But I have no doubt that the motto "drill, baby, drill" is going to resurface. Mainly so Big Oil can be more competitive with OPEC overseas.]

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Jan 5
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Maybe the DoJ is preemptively freeing the violent, racist, fascist, anti-Semitic, 1/6 MAGAtNAZIS in acquiescent fealty and submission to the SHITler, and releasing them even BEFORE the evil scummy orange slime commands such??

Much the same way as too many in/of the mainstream media are doing.

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Sad yet true. For now…

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Two years. We MUST turn this around.

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We could now, by enforcing the 14th Amendment. It would be a lot easier now than trying to pick up the pieces from the damage caused by an entrenched fascist Trump/Vance/Musk/Thiel/Putin administration.

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How could we do that, please? Now that SCOTUS has ruled? Biden doesn’t have the authority, and the House won't move, so....?

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By Congress refusing to certify votes for Trump tomorrow.

By Biden using his extraordinary executive powers to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution (which is actually supposed to be self-executing), not only against Trump but also the scores of Republican members of Congress who aided & abetted Trump's treachery (Democrats would then have the majority in both Houses as well).

Or by arresting & incarcerating Trump for his felonies and/or for being a national security threat, as he very obviously is, & which would be applied against practically anyone else who had done anything close to what he had done.

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Oh, that last one could occur on the 10th of this month when Judge Merchan sentences Trump for his felonies. Merchan is indicating he won't give him any jail sentence while still leaving the felony on Trump's record, but some authority like Biden or Garland could lean on him (fat chance!).

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Tell that to those who stayed home and DID NOT VOTE.

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The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.

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Two years!!!😵‍💫You are so naively proclaiming your totally unreasonable expectation that (state-wide)elections will be held in two years!! You need to read up on the way Fascist dictatorships operate-it isn’t by holding free and fair elections. In Nazi Germany the last free and fair election was in 1932 where Hitler did not run and was not elected but appointed by the President Hindenburg as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler used this position to convince President Hindenburg to declare an emergency decree suspending many civil liberties throughout Germany, including freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and the right to hold public assemblies. The police were authorized to detain citizens without cause, and the authority usually exercised by regional governments (states’ rights anyone???😱😱😱) became subject to control by Hitler’s national regime. On the 28 February 1933, President Hindenburg signed the Emergency Decree for the Protection of the German People. This decree suspended the democratic aspects of the Weimar Republic and declared a state of emergency.

This decree gave the Nazis a legal basis for the persecution and oppression of any opponents, who were be framed as traitors to the republic. People could be imprisoned for any or no reason.

The decree also removed basic personal freedoms, such as the freedom of speech, the right to own property, and the right to trial before imprisonment.

Through these aspects the Nazis suppressed any opposition to their power, and were able to start the road from democracy to a dictatorship.When Hindenburg died the following year, Hitler took the titles of führer, chancellor, and commander. As commander in chief of the army, he expanded the army tremendously and gained dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act and suppressed opposition with assistance from Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Goebbels. Hitler was a popular and effective public speaker at a time when politicians had to speak at public meetings on a regular basis. He used these meetings to tell many Germans what they wanted to hear – that there was a political party that would solve all their problems.

Who does this remind you of, Guys???😳😳😳The mango muppet wasn’t ‘smart enuf to engineer this plan. The man behind this rather transparent curtain has a name that rhymes with tusk like the elephant party.)

Can’t happen here?!!! It already has!!!!😱

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My son is a convicted felon, went to prison for a year, and served probation for three more. He can't get a job for more than $15 an hour. I say pay Trump $15 per hour and reimburse Elon and all the PAC monies he's "appropriated" to pay his lawyers and finally impound all the grifted profits from Trump merchandise.

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My sympathies to you and your son. Mine had similar problems. The same law that has a foot on your son's neck somehow slaps Trump's wrist and shakes its finger at him. I am not a believer, but I have to admit I actually think selling your soul to the devil for protection is a thing. Justice for Trump is not justice for the rest of us - such a sad, unfair, maddening situation to say the least.

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And when he orders the rounding up of immigrants, I’d bet that the targets ARE COMPETITORS OF OLIGARCHS that Trump has picked for his administration. Raiding orange groves? Not those of his backers. Raiding hotels for housekeeping staff? Not those with Trump allies as board members.

You know this is how #DonaldDuce will roll. Isn’t that right, Robert? Show the country that he’s going ofter his “illegals” but only detaining those that increase his buddies’ bottom lines.

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I was in several high end hotels the last couple by of month both were staffed by non Americans they were high tech desk clerks …

More polite than their American counterparts both from Jamaica.

Nice but at the loss of jobs for native Americans true indentured, servants !!!

What could be better? ???

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It has worked in the US, too, at least in the blue states where diversity is welcomed. Things had been gradually been getting better among the races until Trump & MAGA, although underlying economic injustice & growing wealth & power disparity made MAGA possible.

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My theory is that they import polite educated native Jamaicans rather than take the trouble to train native American’s.

These are not high tech workers but they business try’s to give the impression that all Hb-1 imports are Rocket 🚀 Scientists .

Just a way to bring indentured wage slaves to the New World at the least amount of cost

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And there’s the problem. The greedy oligarch CEOs don’t want to pay workers properly. They want cheap labor to make ever bigger profits. I don’t know why people would vote for someone who has a wealthy CEO (Musk) as his sidekick, and actually think that someone (Trump) is looking out for their economic interests.

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What I CAN'T believe is the "other side" finally saw more January 6th true recordings finally, but they DO NOT believe they are real. Let that sink in.

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Donna - What is just as bad/worse are the lawmakers who witnessed it firsthand and now they have collective amnesia and work hard to change the narrative.

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This doesn’t surprise me. They are ALL IN.

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It (sadly) leads me to believe that they are TRUE, died in the wool, effing actual NAZIS who 'think' that those 1/6 asswipes did not go 1/10th far enough, and who would themselves have turned against this country and fought for (S)Hitler 1.0's 3rd Reich, and abject genocidal fascism, some 85 years ago.

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Hence the practice of science.

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Sadly , Frustratingly and Frighteningly. America land of the greed home of the knave

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Jan 5
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Those bicentennial folks screwed up that quarter *royally*-!

= D

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Face it, a quarter billion is a bargain price for the US.

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In 3or4years, a quarter billion will be greater than market value.

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We may have a constitution that of late is either being ignored by the S.C. or suffering from a severe case of ‘lack-of-enforcement’ due to a virulent flu of dark money and incompetence in the justice department. But the American dream has long since stopped referring to the constitution and now is all about a strong economy and happy consumers. Moreover, there is an overwhelming emphasis on ‘MORE, GROWTH & BIGGER’. In order to grow corporations need more consumers so anti-abortion laws make economic sense while simultaneously endangering global ecosystems and promoting global warming. It’s an unholy mess and greed & domination are ascendant.

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Frighteningly true.

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“I’m sorry. That’s been sold already”.

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So well said. And unfortunately true! God bless us one and all!!

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Goodbye us alliances, nato , common market. - all in one fell stroke!!

Trump is incompetent, a madman ! The way he did this insult to the common market shows he works for Putin.

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Thusly, he said he was seizing Greenland enough to destroy much of our good will and make our allies less dependable!! We will desertion more than very little with such behavior!!!

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Frankly, I think it is foolish to turn power over to an insurrectionist. The ideal of peaceful transfer of power is no history so I think it’s just ridiculous that Americans are handing him the keys to the nation so he can destroy democracy worldwide. You people need to get rid of him somehow.

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I agree. I don’t know how we can actually get rid of him now, but I do agree that the country has made a horrible mistake in electing this crooked businessman come showman back into the White House. We will definitely see how bad that mistake was by the end of this month by which time Trump will have enacted his day of autocracy. As he promised, I think we will see some outrageous and disgusting plans outlined as executive orders on or very soon after Jan 20th.

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We did not elect him. He stole the election, plain and simple. His extensive criminal history includes two previous attempts to steal elections, one of which was successful. How does anyone not see this?

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And why is there no remedy to prevent things to get to this point?

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A severely flawed Constitution in which the founders had no crystal ball to see what could happen two and a half centuries later is in evidence today. Just as the Second Amendment was written for rifles that fired once per minute, they couldn't know what evil would truly transpire to transform the nation they founded.

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It turns out that they indeed were NOT quite as fearful and loathing of a monarchy/autocracy or theocracy (actual, defined fascism was not yet a 'thing' way back then), as they have claimed to be so vehemently. :(

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Jan 5
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I would not even let them in.

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I would not let them butter toast or apply mustard to a hot dog for fear of their gross ineptitude and criminal tendancies.

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Adam; that is prudent!

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Enforce the Constitution which says that since he broke his oath of office by planning, organizing & inciting an insurrection against the government, Trump is automatically disqualified from taking office. Investigate & audit the election, especially the swing states. Should've been done as a matter of course, but especially given the many suspicious irregularities surrounding the election & the record of deceit, corruption, criminality & treachery associated with Trump & his confederates. Then you'd have proof of cheating to further bolster the constitutional imperative.

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I remember retired Judge J. Michael Luttig saying that the disqualification clause was " self-enforcing". when it did not happen, we knew something very serious was up. or down. Professor Lawrence Tribe concurred.

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the j6 committee did just that and handed it to garland who did nothing

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Nebbish, squeamish Garland MUST share much of the 'infamy' as well, as he could have stopped the fascist takeover even BEFORE the brain dead ignoramus and brown shirt/SA shithead voters installed this evil regime into power.

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Jaime - The proof might be that he immediately stopped bitching about cheating, mail in voting and illegals voting once he started seeing the results. They played the long game to get their people into positions that others ignored and then used them. McConnell should have voted to impeach him and then we would not have been here.

If trump tries to run for a third term then I say that we bring back Obama to run against him.

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Yes, Jaime, at minimum, a hand recount done by professional election security professionals in at least two precincts per swing state. look at how much media time took up their 2020 investigations in Arizona, with comic book characters (Some kinda Ninjas?). It was a farce paid for by taxpayers I bet. Yet somehow, Silence, crickets, everywhere in relation to any discussions of hand counts (The only way to catch the hacking, because the tabulators in a machine count will not show it up. They even planned ahead with the bomb threats, because the "Chain of custody" lawsuit will be used to delay again or of course, deny a recount. the argument is that, during the bomb threat, the building would have to be cleared, and who knows if there was any tampering then? B. S, the way it was set up took at least two years, according to the election security expert, Stephen Spooner. It was programmed.

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Jan 5
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But We are still here. And we don't have to stay in the barn.

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Jan 7
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I'll burn the m*t#ereffer down, if that is what it takes.

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Civil lawsuits are the only thing I can think of. Make him pay

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Fascist DESPOTS, and their quisling, prostrated before their master, sycophants LAUGH at 'civil law' (or ANY law for that matter).

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Jan 5
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In the meantime, call your representatives and tell them to not accept the Electoral College fake. illegitimate Votes. If they do, we will, like Pepperidge Farm, remember! there WIll be consequences. ditto for corrupt "Electors". WE the people, as in Humans are the voters! NO MORE BULLSHIt! fake effing elections! MAGAs are not the only ones who can get fed up!

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Yes, Ronald Kirchem , It would be a revolution to have every person who can, call their Congress representative. If it's a good idea to put a bee in the Senator's bonnets, call them too.

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Jan 7
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We have seen that. We can still demand that our representatives seek a hand recount by respected IT election security experts . I just watched Joy Reid bravely report on the questions surrounding the election, and the lock step of billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, who owns Facebook/Meta and has removed fact checking that certain "people" do not like. There must be pushback to this mob that has a history of blocking the votes and threatening election officials, and refusing to certify a well proven legitimate election that survived some 61 legal challenges by judges on both sides of the aisle. the same ones who want to "win" by purging voters from the rolls. and gerrymander, and discarding "spoiled" ballots. They can lie, and we can challenge them with the truth.

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We can refuse to cooperate with our own subjugation and robbery.

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"A slave who can't be whipped is half free." Stand up and look them in the eye. Demand justice, do not give them permission to lie and cheat, to oppress and dominate. Refuse to be used. Fight like Hell.

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Jan 8
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No, I did not .

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Jan 8
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None of their victims had it easy from what I saw. I stand by what i said, it is best to stand up to them and look them in the eye before they get even more power . DEMAND a hand re- count in at least 2 precincts in each of the blue wall swing states! By experienced nonpartisan IT election security experts. Machine re-counts do not count, because the machines are rigged.

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Jan 8
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I read that Trans people are .06 % of our population. The extreme "right" like to gin up fear and revulshion about as much as they can.

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I agree. I do think that he was able somehow to steal this election. That was of course the plan all along. He would never have run if he wasn’t assured of winning. His ego would not have allowed it. Yet, now he is the President and we have to accept that. But we don’t have to accept what he says and does as legitimate. We can oppose all the anti democratic, non judicial, flagrantly racist and autocratic plans he tries to enact together with the sycophantic GOP Congress and Senate. Firstly, we must support every legal means of opposing the laws they try to enact. Secondly, we must, going forward, try to elect Democratic candidates in as many vacant seats that become available before and of course during the mid term elections in 2026. And then we MUST elect a Democratic President again in 2028 - even if Trump claims the right to run again in 2028, and even if he does not, we cannot allow Trump, or his chosen successor, to win an election, fairly or unfairly, ever again!!!!!

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Of course, this election was stolen, as well as many before, through the auspices of the wonderful Electoral College. Why this "institution" has been allowed to remain so long is unfathomable. Remind me again of how many million he lost the popular vote!

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Actually, I was referring to the flipping of Harris votes to dump votes and other forms of hacking, but yeah, the Electoral College has to go too.

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Has anyone ever seen a roster of the electoral college? Who are these people anyway? And how are they even chosen?

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Some of the electors who will be casting their votes tomorrow were fake electors in the 2020 election. Their votes should not be counted tomorrow!

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Definitely. That’s why we need to see a list of all of the electors for both 2020 and 2024. The United States election season is not a perpetual Venetian Carnevale; all masks should be taken off.

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The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.

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Sounds a very plausible explanation for how he might have manipulated the election. Do you have any references that might support these notions. If true, then, of course, we are all f’d!!!!!

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We may not be effed if we have our own "tech brolios"!

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Charles; Stephen Spooner is an IT tech election security expert, who helped to solve how the 2004 election was stolen from John Kerry to incumbent George W. Bush in Ohio. This is well documented and archived. He has a Substack. The same thing happened with the 2024 election; the exit poll was completely out of line with the results. Hordes of voters showed up everywhere early, and it was the biggest turnout ever seen even by longtime election workers. then the numbers were low, and swing states were oddly out of sync with non-swing states. It was evident that things were not making statistical sense. It was hacked. It is explained in the links on his site; 9 ways to know if an election was hacked. Matts' "Tin hat times." the British call a "propellerhead" (oldU.S. term for IT Geek), a "tin hat'.

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From your mouth to God's ear...

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Somewhere deep down in my heart I refuse to believe that intelligent beings actually did reelect this person, because it defies logic.

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Your logic is correct: no intelligent beings reelected Mr. Trump!

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Yep, and it also defies logic that someone with the very long and varied criminal history and the apparent belief that cheating makes him smarter than everyone else, such as Trump‘s, would suddenly play by the rules late in the eighth decade of his life, especially at a time when he could least afford to abandon the old ways that have historically worked so well for him.

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Failure would likely mean more trials & incarceration for Trump, so he has more motive than ever before to cheat, & some very willing, very rich, very powerful partners (Musk, Thiel & Putin, for example) with access to technology capable of manipulating election results & a high stake in Trump "winning" to help him steal the election.

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Couldn't agree more, Tracy. But the Dems couldn’t wait to concede, which is....odd.

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Yes, 1 of the most peculiar aspects of this whole spectacle. They rightly called Trump "fascist", "dangerous", "criminal", "authoritarian", "megalomaniac", "corrupt", "cheater", "traitor", "pathological liar", "conman" & malignant narcissist" before the election, & became silent afterwards (except for AOC & Raskin, who have pointed out Trump's constitutional ineligibility, & Bernie, who has been hammering his issues & challenging the hierarchy rhetorically as always, although at a stepped up pace, Whitehouse to some extent, too, but hardly anything from anyone else). It's as if some powerful authority told them all, "you'd better not rock the boat, or else". Someone beyond the usual suspects.

Based on the questionable circumstances, the characters, their history, motives & capabilities, an investigation & recount are an obvious, natural response by the opposition & legal authorities, but instead we have virtually no response, even to their constituents who have been clamoring for these things. Even my senator, who has been 1 of the most conscientious progressives, always looking to serve his constituents in the best way possible, who nearly always responds to petitions I send him, even occasionally by actual mail (post), has remained silent on this issue. I feel let down & betrayed by the Democratic Party & all our federal government institutions.

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They knew exactly what they were doing and at the same time some unfortunately had no understanding of what the short or long term consequences would be... others knew exactly what the consequences would be.

They all are like hungry little children... left alone in a candy store having been told they have 10 days to feast on all they want, starting on the 20th. 10 days after the 20th most will begin to realize their mistake...to late for themselves, their Democracy and vote options they so enjoyed for 2+ centuries.

This whole debacle is a direct result of our government allowing the financial guard rails to be removed or ignored along with the lies and the crimes of con artists the Oligarchs to go unpunished.

Apparently this is what 50+% of voting Americans wanted. They knew exactly want they were doing, exactly what the oligarchs and con artists wanted them to.

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Willful ignorance and blindness along with the inability of too many people that refuse to admit when they are wrong.

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Along with ignorance and blindness there is a religious factor like those who believe that Trump was endorsed by God Himself: Or maybe Trump is God Himself!!!!

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Gary, history is rife with demented people declaring themselves as the promised ‘messiah’. If God ever returns from his/her eons-long lunch break, goodness, won’t They be surprised?

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Jan 5
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That ain't gold. No siree Bob! More of a doo-doo bronze hue.

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I did! Oh, who are you? Exactly, just an American patriot who pays a fair tax back into her country , who obeys the laws that keep us safe by order., who believes truth and truthful education including of her history, of boundaries and capitalism that is controlled with regulation…., enough? Of fair unionized work, with healthcare that is what a doctor does not an insurance big business, of the belief that being better than you thought you could be is a legitimate goal for all!!! Enough? Of standing up to bullies, who believes in choice( my business), and in being able to buy and one day own a house…. Not rent it from Wall Street! Jesus…. Is that enough. Do I feel let down ! Just imagine… every hope broken.

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I truly believe this but will it ever be proven?

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You’re right. Outrageous and disgusting will be mild descriptors of what will happen.

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My only hope is that his followers finally see the truth about him and musk.

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Jan 5
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Yes, he is but JD is merely Trump‘s shadow. With no body in front of them shadows disappear. Musk is the one to worry about.

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his maggots are going to be pissed off when things don't change like he 'promised.' They are uneducated...they will go after him.

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I wish it was only his maggots that will suffer. Unfortunately, the rest of the American citizenship will as well and doubly unfortunately so will the rest of the world. There are creeps in every country who will follow Trump‘s destructive playbook just like the conservative leader, Pierre Polievre has done in Canada. And unfortunately, we also have a far right wing conservative faction who have too little intelligence or education to understand what they are doing.

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Yes. The world of liberal democracy faces a major challenge over the next few years as illiberal democrats such as Orban, Le Pen, Nigel Farange, the AFD and others in Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Argentina and other nations try their best to destroy the principles that led, until the latter part of the 20th Century, to a better standard of living and overall life for the majority of the world’s citizens. Our biggest danger is that so much money is now concentrated in the hands of so few individuals and families that it will be hard, coupled with the worsening of our education systems, to prevent them from harnessing their money in favor of the establishment of illiberal democracies in many presently free countries. This will be a tragedy for the world in both the short and long term as it leads to a further severe erosion in healthcare, education and climate management. This will all lead to further discontent and misguided world politics and stability. A sad time and moment in history indeed. The key now is for those who believe in a better future in this world to unite together in bringing about a change in where we are headed. It has happened before. The world has recovered from previous moments on the precipice and survived to create new hope and new advances under circumstances that appeared dire and hopeless. We must strive to do this again. United we stand! As so many good people have been saying over the past months: “we are in this together”. Let’s do it. Let’s get the job done, one foot forward, one person at a time!

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Yes, It is laudable to say, "We are in this together." But please remember that political parties are intramural institutions. If we confine our efforts to particular political parties we will probably get nowhere. We have to include everyone in this movement regardless of what (if any) political party they may "belong" to.

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Karin Desrochers, c politicians understand quite well serving themselves vs serving all the people.

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M Tree: A decent politician should be willing to risk (or give up) serving his/her position in any legislature by having the courage to stand up and vote for the truth. Our soldiers willingly risk losing their very lives. Why can't legislators risk losing their offices after showing up for the truth? They can always find new fields of work and still be alive.

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Gary Epstein, you really put it in perspective. I agree. Our service people's willingness to give the ultimate sacrifice has always been woefully undervalued. And to me, being a good patriot civilian citizen means seeing the big picture and sacrificing for country when necessary and as needed. It doesn't seem like to much to ask, to go beyond the selfishness of the ego. But sadly, for some of our electeds, it is.

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Gary - most of them go on to jobs paying far more than they earn as reps. lobbyists, law firms, "think tanks", PR firms.

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...and OUR minimum wage has been stuck in the 1970's.

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The operative word here is 'decent'.

Just how many (of EITHER party) are truly that??

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Europe was warned 5 years ago that it must put on their big boy pants and prepare to defend themselves against the cancer of Russian aggression. They need to ramp it up. Why are some thinking D will support Ukraine?? Russia & Putin have helped D financially for 40 years & aided in electing him twice. He ain't gonna bite hand that feeds him.

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They just want to control what we think, say and do! Total domination is their objective!

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Is Polievre a transplant, leftover Vichy assholic POS, imported from France, and cut from the same devoutly fascist cloth as Le Pen?

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Old Bob's a humble MF too!

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Hi Ann. You are probably right that the MAGA will be pissed off, but DT will blame it on any DEM who will try to stop or block his agenda and the dummies will believe him just like they believed him about the stolen election in 2020.

Can't fix stupid... GH

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GH - I said the same thing before I scrolled down to see your comment…sorry.

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I will lose no sleep and have not one iota of empathy/sympathy while watching any MAGA suffer in penury.

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“Grocery prices will drop by numbers we’ve never seen!” said the Con man.

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eggs, 10.99

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We can only hope...or they most likely will simply blame the Democrats and Biden for all that goes wrong over the next 2 to 4 years...because we don't have any laws in place to punish the lying creatures, that so successfully stole this election.

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Henry - And he will take credit for all of the successes that come from the things that Biden put in place too.

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Ann - he'll just tell them it's the libs' fault and point them in our direction. they'll believe him.

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No they won't. They'll never abandon their fuhrer.

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Jan 5
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Except the officers who tried to assassinate him - more than once

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Some of the devout NAZI scum, even well AFTER the end.

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Ann - Unfortunately when things are not changed for the people who voted for him he will turn around and place the blame on the democrats and his followers will believe him. Vicious cycle.

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Sure, the MAGAts will be pissed, but they are deathly afraid of him and his billionaire henchmen so they will find another way to vent their anger, and you can be sure it’s not going to be a peaceful one.

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Jan 5
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Ronald, we are all at risk here, whether you post comments, or whether you simply ‘like them’. That is what actually worries me. Nevertheless, considering the number of people online it would be a herculean task to root out and act against all of them.

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That is my strongest wish, Ann!

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The Constitution (Amendment 14, section 3) has been ignored. The SCOTUS made up presidential immunity specifically for 45. So much for the rule of law.

Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, was NOT tried for treason in technicalities. Then came the lies of the Lost Cause, usually promoted by the United Daughters of the Confederacy because they could not bear to believe the south lost. I grew up in NC and did not learn the real facts of history until the last 15 years, when I went looking for facts. So much for the truth.

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I don’t know why so many people believe his lies.

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Our media no longer has the guardrails , like the "fairness Doctrine." After the horrors of World War two, leaders were wary of misinformation campaigns for Demogogues . When Wealth Inequality became obscene the stage was set for a tRUMP..I remember election stealing George w. Bush talking about a "New World Order". This was a long game. With the Federalist Society indoctrination of judges that sycophants in power stacked the courts with. Up to the Supreme Court. The Heritage Society was another supporter of wealth Inequality.

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It's only been 4 years that Democrats have awoken & realized that the right was executing a 40 year plan to dominate ALL the courts. So the other day Dems are crowing about their 325 judges confirmed....no small feat. But...D now has 4 MORE years to tighten their grip on courts..in fact the Supreme Court that may be 8-1 (or worse) in 4 freekin years...all because Dems & institutionalist Biden don't want to rebalance the court by adding 5 seats. But since Biden didn't want to use his power Drumpf WILL. You will see moves never seen before....shocking & debilitating for Democrats. All because they viewed this not as an existential crisis but an election like any other. Your children's children will STILL be experiencing the deleterious effects of the MAGA ideology...

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Douglas; I think you may have missed posts by our Author, and others that pointed out that President Biden has placed more federal court judges than any placed by any president recently (or ever), more than tRUMP,. Sometimes there is so much negativity in these threads that I wonder if there are more trolls than before. The reason he did not support the plan to add 5 seats is because he knows what will happen. The republicans will take them. Remember, precedent and the law, even decency, is off the table with these criminals.

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Jan 5
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the programmed tabulators did a lot of that voting. the only reason that trump is "Winning" is the damned Electoral college votes. Trump did not get a majority of votes! that is fake news, and we are all susceptible.

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They want to. They want to be mad. They are emotional. They want to blame the Dems. (Heck, the Dems are blaming themselves which is absolutely ridiculous.) The question is will they ever admit they were wrong, or will they always find some reason to back Trump--(something was unfair)?

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If Germany after WWII is any indication then nobody will regret anything. The usual excuses were "I didn't know this", "I didn't want this" and "I was just following orders". At least Germany worked hard on it's past, but knowing how the US deals with its past history of slavery, how it treated Native Americans and Asians this will not happen. This will be tough decade.

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Agree 💯. Stop.

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So puzzling. We are seeing live on channel five how easy it is to tip a nation to fascism. The burden on those who have studied history and know where this is going is overwhelming.

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Because he hates ppl of color and smart women and so do they.

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Jan 5
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'Stockholm Syndrome' at BEST.

Totally self destructive behavior at worst.

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They're not people. They're MAGAts.

Nuff said.

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We need stronger requirements for attaining office: IRS returns, no criminal indictments or convictions, etc. Seems like common sense.

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It's laughable, though not funny, that as a convicted felon he cannot vote....but can run for the highest office in the land. What's wrong with this picture???

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Indeed - he should’ve never been allowed to run. It’s a stain on the shreds of democracy we have left that he was even allowed to run, and that the Supreme Court has basically given him a literal ‘get out of jail free’ card - we are in for some bad times and the petty part of me can’t wait to see the people that voted for this complain so I can say I told you so. Sad that these people decided that racism, transphobia, and tax cuts for billionaires and corporations were more important than democracy, more important than even their own wellbeing. This is what propaganda does and I can only hope we all learn the lesson well and keep talking about this for a long time to come.

If future generations don’t learn history any better than we have, I fear we are doomed to repeat these cycles of oppression in perpetuum.

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“You people”? What would you suggest? Why do you Canadians always sound so morally superior to Americans? Well I wish we could get rid of Trump too, but his reelection is about more than just him. Ever heard of Project 2025 and its backers? However, Trump didn’t get a majority of the votes. I am quite sure that Russia, and Russian bots, helped him get elected again.

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There is only one sure-fire way to 'get rid of him' but I can't describe it here. Even if we could, we'd be stuck with Vance, and who knows what fresh horror that would bring? We may even see new amendments allowing Musk to run for president. I'm 77 and I see nothing but sheer hell for America to the end of my lifetime.

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Sadly so true.

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Karin: Not only is it "foolish" to turn power over to an insurrectionist, but it is actually against the Constitution itself (14th Amendment section 3). The Supreme Court in effect found that part of the Constitution to be unconstitutional! They gave all presidents from Biden and Trump and all future presidents immunity from prosecutions for crimes committed while in office. It looks like Biden will not use these new powers but Trump most likely will.

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Biden has the legal, moral, ethical, and political obligation to support and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. The president, acting in accordance with his stated duties, has been given carte blanche by the corrupt6 on the supreme court to arrest and incarcerate, sans habeas corpus or any legal remedies, in a federal supermax facility for life, all the coup d’etat plotters, participants, and enablers. This would include all congressional participants, the corrupt6 on the supreme court, the 11th circuit and loose cannon in Florida, dumpster and his family, Bannon, Leo Leonard, stone, Flynn, the techbroligarchs who have been financing this march to fascism, Ginni Thomas, all the president’s lawyers, all the compromised elections officials. the list is enormous. There are, however enough US Marshalls, ATF, FBI and Secret Service personnel still loyal to the constitution to carry out the mass arrests.

The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence to resolve political differences. The republican party is a terrorist organization that has worked for 4 years to subvert, undermine, and corrupt this past election and the constitution. The republican party is a terrorist organization that openly subverts, flouts, makes mockery of the rule of law, of evidence, of precedent and of truth. The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence against women and children, minorities, any “other” of the moment. The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes a white Christian fascist theocracy to replace our constitutional democracy.

If Biden does not carry out his duty before Jan 20th, he will be complicit and responsible for the destruction of our democracy. The rule of law is no more; that has been so ruled by the corrupt6. Accordingly, extrajudicial and extralegal means are required to rid this cancer from our body politic. dumpster has plainly stated that he will jail the “Biden crime family”. Biden has stated that he will attend the coronation on jan. 20. wouldn’t it be rich if he were escorted from the ceremonies in handcuffs? think about it folks. believe a psychopath when he tells you what he’s going to do.

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"YOUR" Constitution?!?!

WHERE TF are YOU responding from, fascist POS POOtin's troll farm in St. Petersburg??

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The Democratic leadership is elderly and worn down. Even in their heyday they would not have had the imagination and ruthlessness to defeat this entity. Look at how Sullivan, & Biden folded like a tent when Putin proposed using nuclear weapons. This administration and party never had the courage it took to match MAGA & Putins ruthlessness, determination & laser like focus. Does anybody really think weak kneed Schumer & an inarticulate Biden could rally an American populace?? The 'enemy' is playing chess & the Democrats are acting like its 1970 politics as usual.

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How about you? Will you help?

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I sure would.

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Wish we could…

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Precisely Karen. There is every legal right to stop the certification of this seditionist. But we are refusing to use it.

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Jimmy Carter said the Russians interfered in our election that resulted in Trump winning his first four years in office.

I believe Jimmy Carter and I believe that Donald Trump will be betrayed the United States to the advantage of Putin .

His January 6 excursion and attempt to overthrow the government was just a following one from his getting into office with the aid of the Russians .

Let’s see what new stupidities he attempts

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And You voted for Who!? ROTFL!!

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One of the most disturbing elements of this reality is that such a large swath of the American electorate, as well as future voters, seem to be incapable of critical thought. So many I think, just don’t want to be bothered with such things and have abdicated the process entirely to media pundits and whoever shouts loudest. We’ve adopted a sports team fan mentality for just about every issue.

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I've come to look at this differently. There hasn't been a decline in critical thinking. The electorate always took direction from the elites and media----which used to share basic assumptions. Now they don't (divided), and so the public does not.


I've been trying to figure out why formal logic never made it into high school curricula (apart from a few schools around Cambridge MA cause they figured it out). It would take alot to get this changed. First off, the people on the state school board likely have not taken logic so they will have no clue, then the accreditors would have to change national standards so that the colleges and entrance exams change, then one would have to dislodge existing courses with their supporters, etc etc.

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I agree with the last part of your comment. But I do think we’ve seen a decline in the ability to think critically overall. Our culture requires it less and less, and our education system is outmoded almost entirely.

To your point on the influence of the media and elites, the “barriers to entry” for having a national media platform, along with the rise of social media have all but relegated “expert journalism” to the dust bin.

Along with our sports team fan mentality is the very disturbing trend of worshipping the top 1% of the top 1%, or, the oligarchs who are buying-up influence like it’s on sale at Walmart…

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Isaac Asimov’s quote seems quite relevant here: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’

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Wow, Kathy Hughes! Thank You for sharing that quote!

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There may have been a decline of critical thinking-whatever that is. A complicated issue and not easy to measure. My point is that the former reasonableness of our neighbors and groups (as we judged things) could be attributed to the unanimity of leaders and US media rather than people's critical thinking abilities. i.e. the iceberg of the deficit of critical thinking ability/skills was always there, waiting to do damage.

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Steve Reed, critical thinking skills may play a role. For me, 40 plus years of strong conditioning of minds has played the strongest role. Institutions, such as many churches, politicians, media, business and related fields departments at colleges, etc have pounded the message R good, D bad. If a person or a group hears the repeated same message from numerous seemingly unrelated sources with nary a counter message, they believe they have the truth.

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Yes.....propaganda works!

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“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

This quote is usually attributed to (S)Hitler's scummy POS 'propaganda minister' Josef Goebbels, although there is much dispute over whether he actually said it or not.

In any case it is a clear NAZI (or any despotic, REICHwing fascist, and/or genocidal, evil regime) concept which the MAGAts in charge use to full and complete effectiveness on their gullible (but also; racist, fascist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and full spectrum xenophobic) sheeple

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That's true, even to the extent that many Democratic candidates in Missouri shy way from burnishing their party identity esp. in rural areas. We are in an information war and we are losing. I have to stop before I get on that soapbox.

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Steve Reed, agree. I'm right with ya.

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I seem to hear and see a lot of written about education being the cause of problems. Granted, that may be part of the issue, but there are many social issues. Children are growing up basically taking care of themselves. Economic issues are rough for most families when salaries have not changed in decades, but costs have skyrocketed. Quality healthcare is hard to find and medicine is expensive. It is sad, but everywhere we go people are asking for money.

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If you study the history of education in the USA, expertise in subject areas have never been the criteria for being elected, appointed to positions on public school boards, superintendency, Commissioner /Regent or Chancellor. Those positions were usually achieved by connections to businessmen and politicians. Developing curricula to produce proficiency in civics and life skills essential for citizens in a functioning democracy has never been the goal of most state education boards and think tanks in the USA. The development and implementation of progressive policies are few and far between and have been resisted by most politicians and educational leaders who fear the loss of being backed by the business powerhouses of their times. Most educational educational policies and regulations have mimicked the racist, classist laws, policies and regulations of their communities to produce what they think will be compliant worker bees for whatever business entities control the economic power structures of the time. This is no different from what Japan, India, China, Singapore, European and African countries have done whether or not they have flirted with democracy in their political activities. What has been ignored is while most worker bees do comply for their survival, there are some that seethe with resentment because they recognize the dissonance of the political rhetoric of democracy and their conditions. Just like beehives, populations will survive or die off based on the resiliency of the members of the beehive in adapting to their conditions or forsaking the nest for better conditions elsewhere. In some hives, the new bees produced by the queen will attack and kill her because she will continue to produce worker bees loyal to her and the hive if she continues to live. Although I am using bees as a metaphor to describe human behaviors, I am in no wzy insinuating that all humans have beehive mentalities. However I find it interesting to see some parallels between some bee and some human populations. Some human worker bees are beyond angry and have allied themselves with leaders that they think will make hive conditions better or lead them to new and better conditions to build better hives elsewhere. Sadly many human worker bees are ignoring the larger world conditions that affect their present and future abilities to safely and happily live and reproduce anywhere on planet Earth. They are infatuated with the human leader bees of the moment instead of using their intelligence to make decisions to wisely use resources that will benefit most of the inhabitants of the hive and its ecosystem. Those human leader bees who make poor decisions will destroy the hive and its ecosystem faster than the worker bees who work cooperatively. That's how life has played out for millenia in the bee world and the human world. The question is what are we human worker bees going to do with our intelligence about the situation.

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I believe that all the purging of voters, discarding of votes and hacking tabulators helped him "win" . Truth is that not as many voted for him. Why is there no attempt to allow election security professionals to sample votes in at least 2 precincts in swing states? Why isn't that happening when experts in IT know what was done. It was done in 2004 when John Kerry "lost" to incumbent G W Bush. The same hack was used in Ohio during that election .there is documented evidence, but we can't count on the media to divulge this. TRump has threatened them, too. With Jail. He is Putin.

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That’s his MO threats of retribution, law suits, and other madmen tactics designed to keep the weak minded intimidated and afraid to challenge his delusions of dominance! We must bombard our elected representatives with calls, e-mails, social media, post, etc. to keep them well aware if our discontent with a tyrant criminal regime!

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Ballard Graham; Absolutely!

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Share some of that concern with fellow citizens. We're in an information war and we have been losing.

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So true! Wrestling! The WWW players are now a microcosm of our government.

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Trump doesn’t deserve the oxygen in his lungs. He’s a parasite deserving of anti-parasitics. His enablers are not any better…

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Maybe explaining his love for Ivermectin?

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He wanted to kill people.

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My children would call him "a waste of carbon"!

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Jan 6th is now Benedict Arnold day. Biden should proclaim it and order flags at half staff.

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This would be the time to fly the flag in distress mode.

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Just like those collaborators in the Supreme Court did.

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I'll have my flag in distress mode on Inauguration Day - we'll see if I keep it up all 4 years.

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I have been, since NOV 6th and the flag will remain as such will for the next 4 years

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It’s going to be a long four years and I’m sad about it….

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sad, and terrified

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And deeply angry

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That Trump has not been held accountable can be laid almost entirely at the feet of one man: Merrick Garland, who may not go down as the most corrupt Attorney General in American history but certainly will go down as the most incompetent.

That Trump has been able to convince tens of millions of Americans that January 6th, 2021, was not an attempted insurrection, but an attempt to save a stolen election, is proof that Trump is one of the two most successful conmen I can think of in all of recorded history. It also proves that those same tens of millions have lost their ability, and perhaps even their desire, to think for themselves or to even believe their own eyes.

For the truth of what happened on that awful day, here's a link to a story by someone who was there.


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Joel Parkes, I put Mitch in front of the AG. He had the power to put country over party and didn't.

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I think Mitch McConnell is an evil man who has possibly done more damage to the country than any other living politician at this moment. However, he is a Republican and as such has abdicated all pretense at fairness, justice, or working for the good of the country. That's been a given for over a decade.

Garland, however, is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, and it is his job specifically to make sure all the country's laws are enforced, that evidence is followed wherever it leads, and to see that justice is done and that no one is above the law. Because of his very specific responsibilities, while I acknowledge and respect your point of view regarding Mitch McConnell, I stand by my own opinion. Cheers.

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I agree that Garland's inaction was incredibly disappointing. Not being a mind reader, I don't know why he chose not to act promptly. Yes, I've read many opinions on this.

But, more to the point: I'm so tired of this blame game. All the harm caused by Trump is the fault of someone else, whether H. Clinton, J. Biden, K. Harris, the Democratic Party, etc.

I have a novel suggestion: maybe the fault for that harm should be laid on Trump or Mitch or the GOP or [any of the moneyed interests who continue to fund Trump].

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I'm fine with that. The way I see it, the post-mortems going on over this and that can be likened to the five stages of grief and just have to be gotten through in order to find a way to move forward.

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Sadly, we do not have the time for said five stages of grief at this point, and the cruel ferocity, and speed, at which this abjectly EVIL, fascist regime will move and operate.

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Joel Parkes, you make a good point. We can disagree. It seems to me that it might be potato --- potatoe.

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I'm sure going forward that you and I will agree more than we will disagree. However, I will always try to disagree agreeable. However it's pronounced, it's still food for thought. Cheers.

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Should be "agreeably". Oops.

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I know I'm critical....but Biden needs to accept responsibility for choosing Garland for AG. Joe has a history of making some poor decisions that effect many for decades.

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I believe Garland did exactly what Biden was Ted him to do....NOT act politically. Garland misinterpreted concept of justice by not wanting to appear political. A worse judgement than what Neville Chamberlain did. Or...is Garland a MAGA, a Federalist society hack that was idiotically installed by Biden in the effort to make nice with the right wing (cause THAT is what idiot Dems do to suck up to their Daddys (republicans). Obama, for all his flaws, DID pick the best AG in my lifetime. If Biden had done the same history would be different. But he didnt.

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There are many people to blame for Trump 2.0. McConnell putting party over country by refusing to vote to impeach Trump. Merrick Garland dragging his feet on prosecuting Trump. Biden failing to replace Garland when he saw him dragging his feet. Biden should not have nominated Garland in the first place - he is another Republican who puts party before country. The right wing radicals on the Supreme Court who gave Trump a get out of jail free card.

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I am NOT defending Garland, since I believe that much of the terror we will be facing going forward IS his fault, directly, due to his milquetoast non-actions, and way WAY too slow-crawling of everything concerning the evil putrid orange fuehrer & regime/cohorts/sycophants/minions, etc.

But, I keep hearing that nebbish Merrick is a RepugnaCAN'T, which makes me wonder WHY TF did Moscow Mitch, POOtin's B*tch fight Obama soooo effing ferociously hard, tooth and nail, on his SCOTUS nomination.

Was it simply to deny Barry ANY power at all, keeping with his racist BS theme of "Making SURE that he is a one term POTUS" agenda, or was it something else??

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Bill Barr acted far more corruptly than Garland. He blocked for, lied on behalf of and coerced federal prosecutors offices upon the Biden’s and away from Trumpler. He just wouldn’t go as far as declaring widespread evidence of election fraud on behalf of Trumpler, the damn sore loser when he lost to Biden in 2020.

Garland and Biden’s failures akin to 1930s-era Germany’s Paul Von Hindenburg - weak, somewhat naive men, vertebrae missing from their spines, lacking in imagination, missing the countless neon blinking road signs, and then enabling a dangerous insurrectionist and his cadre of bootlickers return to power.

We know what happened in Germany and to the world when Von Hindenburg failed. The question is what is in store for us, some 90+ years later..?

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Hi, theOriginalNicole -

If you check my original comment, I specifically said that Garland is not the most corrupt AG in history but is certainly the most incompetent. For corruption, I'd agree with you about Barr even though he has some stiff competition from previous Republican administrations.

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Why didn’t Garland immediately charge trump after the impeachment, and why did the dilatory Jack Smith not ever charge Trump with insurrection instead of the charges he did finally being?

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I can't speak about Smith, but everything I've read about Garland indicates that he was very afraid of being thought of as partisan and "out to get" Trump. in short, he was timid. I find that inexcusable. Here's a link to an interview with Adam Kinzinger, the second Republican to serve on the January 6th Committee. He has some things to say about Garland.


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JACK SMITH was and has been strong and brave.

Smith was deeply handicapped by lateness of his appointment, corrupt partisan, Trumpler-appointed federal judge, Aileen Cannon’s outrageous rulings on stolen government docs and most of all…. RUNAWAY, RIGHT, WING-NUT SCOTUS’s CORRUPT, PURPOSEFUL DELAY OF 1/6 “SEDITION AGAINST THE USA” CASE, PLUS REDEFINITION OF PRESIDENTIAL POWERS - IN ESSENCE ALTERING OUR PRECIOUS 237 YEAR OLD AMERICAN CONSTITUTION AND ELEVATING ONE MAN ABOVE THE LAW.


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John Roberts in my view has now reached the extremely low legal and moral plane previously only occupied by Roland Freisler, the infamous German judge of the thirties and forties who twisted German law into a pretzel to enable Hitler to first seize, and then maintain, power. Freisler was killed in 1945 in an air raid carried out by an American bomber squadron commanded by a Jew. Poetic justice. History is a bitch!

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Yes, this majority insidiously fascist SCOTUS are students of that evil scumbag, as well as of POS Carl Schmitt.

They basically handed their master and fuehrer SCUMp his very own personal Enabling Act Of 1933 when they granted their SHITler complete and total, 'above the law' immunity for whatever he wants to do, even if it is something that anyone/everyone else in this land would be put to death for committing.

They ARE following the Third Reich takeover playbook, and being quite overt, loud and arrogant about doing such.

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Agreed, Joel. FYI I don’t like the word “corrupt.” I don’t think it applies to Merrick. He’s clearly a good man, like Joe. They just stood there, thumbs in asses as the final links in democracy chain failed. They had the crimper tool and metalware in their hands to try and mend the chain, but they stood still. Missed the moment…

Perhaps I’m particularly sensitive of all the projectionism coming from the criminal offenders on the right. They call the left criminals, etc, when they in fact are - just like Hitler. These are the characteristics of rising authoritarians.

History; I hope she’s a bitch!

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Hi, theOriginalNicole

Your last sentence made me laugh and also made me realize you think very much like my wife. I have studied history seriously since I was eight years old and lived right on the channel leading into and out of Pearly Harbor. My dad was a colonel in the Air Force, as we lived on Hickam Air Force Base. He taught me all about December 7, and I was off to the races and never stopped. I now teach History to 7th and 8th graders in a Los Angeles public school.

Based on everything I've learned about history over the decades, she is indeed a bitch and always - always catches up with malefactors. The bad thing about our country right now is that about 40% of us are either idiots or potential Nazis. The good thing is that there are more of "us" than "them", and we can now have fun doing what the Republicans normally do - everything we can to gum up the works of the Trump administration and make sure it fails.

See you on the barricades. Cheers.

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Oh, glad you got a chuckle and THANK YOU! More power to you teacher!! Teaching —- and learning — history, civics, truth are critically important (k-12) and deeply missing in this stupid, selfish, corrupt country of ours.

And, what a shock; which party continues to attack education, books and truth, whilst they shift 99% of American treasure to top 5,000 families and flood our streets with more guns than people?

We are living inside the outcome of decades of poor and corrupt legislative decisions

- and non-decisions - that have relegated the mass of society to the very outer edges of opportunity in health, education, employment, banking, housing and more.

Waiting for the bitch and fighting all the way to the end…


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68 yo retired public school teacher here. Love your comment. I have maintained that it’s 30% and not 40. Would love to hear your assessment on why you believe it to be higher.

Approximately 1/3, non the less, it’s dangerous. I believe it took many factors to get to a shockingly uninformed electorate. The feeling of hopelessness comes from knowing there are so many areas that are influencing this problem. How on earth do we tackle so many things at once. Media is nothing more than infotainment now. Education is being used to create more division. Profit over people powers our economy. The judicial system appears to be bought and paid for. 1 party is ready for war and the other is meekly setting the table for tea time with the old guard while the fiery young ones are forced to wait for their turn. Fully 1/3 of eligible voters think our democracy is not even worth voting for.

It’s really hard to see how this gets turned around.

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Hi, Debra -

My methodology is as much anecdotal as scientific. Part of my guess is that about 30% of Trump voters are hard-core MAGAts who actively want an authoritarian state. Those are the potential Nazis. That estimate is largely informed by the book, "Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers", by John Dean and Bob Altemeyer. It's the most frightening single book I've read in the last ten years. As for the other ten percent, I think they either willfully or out of laziness get their news from poor sources, don't bother to fact-check it, and simply don't like to think. This has been the conclusion of many different analysts from Michael Tomasky of the New Republic to Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer. Here's a link to one of Bunch's columns.


As for how we tackle the problems we face, I have no idea. The entire scenario you describe, from the media being infotainment to the bought-and-paid-for SCOTUS to the Republicans having control of all three branches of government is the culmination of an organized and well-funded effort going back to 1971. Right now, they've won. But one thing is for sure: they will overreach, screw up the economy for regular people, and face a very angry electorate in two years. Cheers.

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FULLY agreed, but make that SCUMp fascist REGIME, not administration. ;)

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THANK YOU! Especially for the resources. I try to focus on the "more of us" thing. Be well. Fight on. Batten down the hatches.

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Corrupt maybe Misdirected for sure what school of law did he graduate from?

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Naive old guys; both Joe and Merrick. I continue to bitch that Dems are stupid and naive, whilst the GOP evil corrupt liars. Formula for failure of a once almost-great nation.

Who said, “…democracy, if you can keep it…?”

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Franklin ???

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Yes, Benjamin Franklin.

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Nope. It falls squarely on the head of President Gerald R. Ford with his pardoning of Nixon. He proved that some men are above the law. And that was all the gop needed to know for the path forward.

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I don't disagree. If Nixon had been tried and put in the slammer, then Trump, coward that he is, never would have incited the 1/6/21 insurrection.

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He most likely had some scummy, fascist lawyers telling him that he would be able to use Ford's pardon of PriXXon 'precedent' as a defense if tried for his PUTSCH, and knew that it would fall upon the much more than merely friendly ears of his bought and fully paid for, authoritarian demanding majority SCOTUS.

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I do remember, vividly. I have PTSD symptoms as we approach the date. And I only watched it on television from the safety of my home. I can only imagine what people who were there are experiencing.

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We will lose by a death of a thousand cuts abolish the Electoral College the last remnants of slavery…

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The EC was the enabling law, you are absolutely right.

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I think I will make a list of all Senators who voted against that impeachment and make it my goal to to work to defeat them in their next run. I will write LTEs to the newspapers in their states to comment on every vote the make against democracy and for autocracy. I will report how the state they represent fairs with each vote. It is time to shine light on who these people really represent.

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Ditto and, when any brave legislator speaks out against Trumpler & Co, I go directly to their site and make a small donation - again and again and again.

Strengthen the strong and principled actors with whatever support we can…

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Great idea. I will do the same.

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We fight back - talking , donating, learning, voting, rising up…🤞🏿🤞🏾🤞🏼

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Like Pearl Harbor on December 7, January 6 must be a “date that will live in infamy. “The United States was again “ suddenly and deliberately attacked “ this time by her own citizens driven by a man so greedy for power he was willing to betray the laws of our country.

We must not let it be diminished or rewritten.

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It’s so chilling to read/see accounts of Jan 6. With our fast paced news cycles, 24/7 coverage, and bombardment of social media it’s so easy to forget the impact of that day. Thank you for sharing to remind us of what happened that day and the role our president (then and soon to be) had to play.

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Shows how gerrymandered the United States are, and how suppressed the voices of ‘We the People of the United States’ have become! The Republicans have implemented this slow moving coup as an attempt to hold power and place our country in the hands of Oligarchs as far back as Nixon, Presidents Ford and Carter were able to stop it for awhile, but Reagan really rolled it along with much government and media deregulations. Now they created a monster that fell in the hands of wealthy, selfish men that cannot be contained!

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Vice President Harris must decertify this election. Votes were cast, and many more were artificially created, for a candidate who is disqualified from holding office. It really is that simple. So what if they call her a poor sport or a hypocrite?

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No way to short circuit this s*** show ;

She ran a great protrans campaign and had 99% of the trans vote but that was one of the many missteps of that goofus operation.

Give Trump enough rope and see if he hangs himself…

Maybe Putin will step in again and lend him a hand…

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So... who else should someone concerned about transgender rights vote for, i.e. if that is what one means by "trans vote"? (Would we have expected those folks to vote some other way? Is there something wrong with winning such votes?)

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It’s too late for Harris to call for an investigation or a decertification. The deadline was a few days or maybe a week after the election. Since she was the one who was directly harmed, she would’ve had to call for an investigation, not anyone else.

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Are you sure of that? It might be too late to call for an investigation, but tomorrow’s the day she’s supposed to certify the election. She could show up and say no. Anyway, I found a phone number to text her at. It’s 310-861-2977.

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Heather Cox Richardson posted an exchange between Trump and Liz Cheney two days ago that is a worthy postscript to Robert's message today.

Liz Cheney is a person of tremendous courage. If only there were more Republicans who would stand with her!

Here's what HCR posted:

Yesterday, Biden awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal, given to those “who have performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens,” to twenty Americans including former Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY), who served on the January 6 committee. Today, Trump attacked Cheney and others who investigated the events of January 6, 2021, as “dishonest Thugs.”

Cheney responded: “Donald, this is not the Soviet Union. You can’t change the truth and you cannot silence us. Remember all your lies about the voting machines, the election workers, your countless allegations of fraud that never happened? Many of your lawyers have been sanctioned, disciplined or disbarred, the courts ruled against you, and dozens of your own White House, administration, and campaign aides testified against you. Remember how you sent a mob to our Capitol and then watched the violence on television and refused for hours to instruct the mob to leave? Remember how your former Vice President prevented you from overturning our Republic? We remember. And now, as you take office again, the American people need to reject your latest malicious falsehoods and stand as the guardrails of our Constitutional Republic—to protect the America we love from you.”

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I restacked that post also. Kudos to Liz Cheney and Heather Cox Richardson.

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Clearly Donald Trump will go down in history as THE worst president ever to reside in the oval office of the United States

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Alas Biden has forgotten his treachery, First he invited him back to the Oval Office (tempted to say Offal Office when Trump invades) now he is going to bless Trump's regime, by attending the inauguration.

I guess if he didn't Trump would use that as an excuse to have his FBI and DOJ persecute Biden and Kamala.

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❤️ "Offal Office"!

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While I respect Joe’s loyalty to the Constitution I would prefer that he send a letter to the trump White House to acknowledge the legality of the day and his selfish danger to our country. Actually appearing the inauguration wouldn’t be appropriate & enable him participate in trump’s forthcoming impeachment.

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How much did your fascist master POOtin pay you for writing that one, Ivan??

How much snow is on the ground now in good ol' St. Pete's RUSSIA??

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The SHITler and his despotic 4th Reich regime will ANYWAY, (persecute and falsely prosecute ALL of his 'enemies', and dissenters) regardless of how passive and acquiescent any of them behave towards the putrid orange sack of shit.

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I totally agree. This is indeed 1933, I've been watching documentaries on that era including the SS, and the parallels are unsettling, to say the least. And like in 1933, those that think they can sieg heil der Fuhrer, keep a low profile will pay the same price as their victims.

It is an excellent irony that the German people suffered the same devastation, pain, hardships, hunger and fear as that inflicted on their victims.

The same shit will happen to the MAGAts, unfortunately not right away, there will be a period of ejaculation and elation as they "own the libs" and show the "woke" who is boss, but there will be a reckoning, there always is.

It will come because the system, the regime, which they have brought into being, cannot be maintained.

Systems are either entropic or extropic, authoritarian systems are entropic and eventually the snake eats its tail..

Take the Stock Market, the numbers are unrealistic, in defiance of the laws of nature.

Any tree that outgrows it's roots will tumble and die

Round up works, because it causes the plant to accelerate it's growth

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D is gonna screw Biden and K anyway. All Biden has done is shown MAGA he's Ds little bitch. Sad.

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He'll try... but that doesn't mean Biden shouldn't be presidential.

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I don't want to agree with you, but I find myself forced to.

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