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Frankly, I think it is foolish to turn power over to an insurrectionist. The ideal of peaceful transfer of power is no history so I think it’s just ridiculous that Americans are handing him the keys to the nation so he can destroy democracy worldwide. You people need to get rid of him somehow.

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I agree. I don’t know how we can actually get rid of him now, but I do agree that the country has made a horrible mistake in electing this crooked businessman come showman back into the White House. We will definitely see how bad that mistake was by the end of this month by which time Trump will have enacted his day of autocracy. As he promised, I think we will see some outrageous and disgusting plans outlined as executive orders on or very soon after Jan 20th.

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We did not elect him. He stole the election, plain and simple. His extensive criminal history includes two previous attempts to steal elections, one of which was successful. How does anyone not see this?

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And why is there no remedy to prevent things to get to this point?

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A severely flawed Constitution in which the founders had no crystal ball to see what could happen two and a half centuries later is in evidence today. Just as the Second Amendment was written for rifles that fired once per minute, they couldn't know what evil would truly transpire to transform the nation they founded.

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It turns out that they indeed were NOT quite as fearful and loathing of a monarchy/autocracy or theocracy (actual, defined fascism was not yet a 'thing' way back then), as they have claimed to be so vehemently. :(

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Jan 5
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I would not even let them in.

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I would not let them butter toast or apply mustard to a hot dog for fear of their gross ineptitude and criminal tendancies.

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Adam; that is prudent!

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Enforce the Constitution which says that since he broke his oath of office by planning, organizing & inciting an insurrection against the government, Trump is automatically disqualified from taking office. Investigate & audit the election, especially the swing states. Should've been done as a matter of course, but especially given the many suspicious irregularities surrounding the election & the record of deceit, corruption, criminality & treachery associated with Trump & his confederates. Then you'd have proof of cheating to further bolster the constitutional imperative.

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I remember retired Judge J. Michael Luttig saying that the disqualification clause was " self-enforcing". when it did not happen, we knew something very serious was up. or down. Professor Lawrence Tribe concurred.

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the j6 committee did just that and handed it to garland who did nothing

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Nebbish, squeamish Garland MUST share much of the 'infamy' as well, as he could have stopped the fascist takeover even BEFORE the brain dead ignoramus and brown shirt/SA shithead voters installed this evil regime into power.

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Jaime - The proof might be that he immediately stopped bitching about cheating, mail in voting and illegals voting once he started seeing the results. They played the long game to get their people into positions that others ignored and then used them. McConnell should have voted to impeach him and then we would not have been here.

If trump tries to run for a third term then I say that we bring back Obama to run against him.

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Yes, Jaime, at minimum, a hand recount done by professional election security professionals in at least two precincts per swing state. look at how much media time took up their 2020 investigations in Arizona, with comic book characters (Some kinda Ninjas?). It was a farce paid for by taxpayers I bet. Yet somehow, Silence, crickets, everywhere in relation to any discussions of hand counts (The only way to catch the hacking, because the tabulators in a machine count will not show it up. They even planned ahead with the bomb threats, because the "Chain of custody" lawsuit will be used to delay again or of course, deny a recount. the argument is that, during the bomb threat, the building would have to be cleared, and who knows if there was any tampering then? B. S, the way it was set up took at least two years, according to the election security expert, Stephen Spooner. It was programmed.

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Jan 5
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But We are still here. And we don't have to stay in the barn.

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Jan 7
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I'll burn the m*t#ereffer down, if that is what it takes.

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Civil lawsuits are the only thing I can think of. Make him pay

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Fascist DESPOTS, and their quisling, prostrated before their master, sycophants LAUGH at 'civil law' (or ANY law for that matter).

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Jan 5
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In the meantime, call your representatives and tell them to not accept the Electoral College fake. illegitimate Votes. If they do, we will, like Pepperidge Farm, remember! there WIll be consequences. ditto for corrupt "Electors". WE the people, as in Humans are the voters! NO MORE BULLSHIt! fake effing elections! MAGAs are not the only ones who can get fed up!

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Yes, Ronald Kirchem , It would be a revolution to have every person who can, call their Congress representative. If it's a good idea to put a bee in the Senator's bonnets, call them too.

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Jan 7
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We have seen that. We can still demand that our representatives seek a hand recount by respected IT election security experts . I just watched Joy Reid bravely report on the questions surrounding the election, and the lock step of billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, who owns Facebook/Meta and has removed fact checking that certain "people" do not like. There must be pushback to this mob that has a history of blocking the votes and threatening election officials, and refusing to certify a well proven legitimate election that survived some 61 legal challenges by judges on both sides of the aisle. the same ones who want to "win" by purging voters from the rolls. and gerrymander, and discarding "spoiled" ballots. They can lie, and we can challenge them with the truth.

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We can refuse to cooperate with our own subjugation and robbery.

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"A slave who can't be whipped is half free." Stand up and look them in the eye. Demand justice, do not give them permission to lie and cheat, to oppress and dominate. Refuse to be used. Fight like Hell.

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Jan 8
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No, I did not .

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Jan 8
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None of their victims had it easy from what I saw. I stand by what i said, it is best to stand up to them and look them in the eye before they get even more power . DEMAND a hand re- count in at least 2 precincts in each of the blue wall swing states! By experienced nonpartisan IT election security experts. Machine re-counts do not count, because the machines are rigged.

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Jan 8
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I read that Trans people are .06 % of our population. The extreme "right" like to gin up fear and revulshion about as much as they can.

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I agree. I do think that he was able somehow to steal this election. That was of course the plan all along. He would never have run if he wasn’t assured of winning. His ego would not have allowed it. Yet, now he is the President and we have to accept that. But we don’t have to accept what he says and does as legitimate. We can oppose all the anti democratic, non judicial, flagrantly racist and autocratic plans he tries to enact together with the sycophantic GOP Congress and Senate. Firstly, we must support every legal means of opposing the laws they try to enact. Secondly, we must, going forward, try to elect Democratic candidates in as many vacant seats that become available before and of course during the mid term elections in 2026. And then we MUST elect a Democratic President again in 2028 - even if Trump claims the right to run again in 2028, and even if he does not, we cannot allow Trump, or his chosen successor, to win an election, fairly or unfairly, ever again!!!!!

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Of course, this election was stolen, as well as many before, through the auspices of the wonderful Electoral College. Why this "institution" has been allowed to remain so long is unfathomable. Remind me again of how many million he lost the popular vote!

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Actually, I was referring to the flipping of Harris votes to dump votes and other forms of hacking, but yeah, the Electoral College has to go too.

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Has anyone ever seen a roster of the electoral college? Who are these people anyway? And how are they even chosen?

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Some of the electors who will be casting their votes tomorrow were fake electors in the 2020 election. Their votes should not be counted tomorrow!

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Definitely. That’s why we need to see a list of all of the electors for both 2020 and 2024. The United States election season is not a perpetual Venetian Carnevale; all masks should be taken off.

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The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.

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Sounds a very plausible explanation for how he might have manipulated the election. Do you have any references that might support these notions. If true, then, of course, we are all f’d!!!!!

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We may not be effed if we have our own "tech brolios"!

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Charles; Stephen Spooner is an IT tech election security expert, who helped to solve how the 2004 election was stolen from John Kerry to incumbent George W. Bush in Ohio. This is well documented and archived. He has a Substack. The same thing happened with the 2024 election; the exit poll was completely out of line with the results. Hordes of voters showed up everywhere early, and it was the biggest turnout ever seen even by longtime election workers. then the numbers were low, and swing states were oddly out of sync with non-swing states. It was evident that things were not making statistical sense. It was hacked. It is explained in the links on his site; 9 ways to know if an election was hacked. Matts' "Tin hat times." the British call a "propellerhead" (oldU.S. term for IT Geek), a "tin hat'.

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From your mouth to God's ear...

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Somewhere deep down in my heart I refuse to believe that intelligent beings actually did reelect this person, because it defies logic.

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Your logic is correct: no intelligent beings reelected Mr. Trump!

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Yep, and it also defies logic that someone with the very long and varied criminal history and the apparent belief that cheating makes him smarter than everyone else, such as Trump‘s, would suddenly play by the rules late in the eighth decade of his life, especially at a time when he could least afford to abandon the old ways that have historically worked so well for him.

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Failure would likely mean more trials & incarceration for Trump, so he has more motive than ever before to cheat, & some very willing, very rich, very powerful partners (Musk, Thiel & Putin, for example) with access to technology capable of manipulating election results & a high stake in Trump "winning" to help him steal the election.

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Couldn't agree more, Tracy. But the Dems couldn’t wait to concede, which is....odd.

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Yes, 1 of the most peculiar aspects of this whole spectacle. They rightly called Trump "fascist", "dangerous", "criminal", "authoritarian", "megalomaniac", "corrupt", "cheater", "traitor", "pathological liar", "conman" & malignant narcissist" before the election, & became silent afterwards (except for AOC & Raskin, who have pointed out Trump's constitutional ineligibility, & Bernie, who has been hammering his issues & challenging the hierarchy rhetorically as always, although at a stepped up pace, Whitehouse to some extent, too, but hardly anything from anyone else). It's as if some powerful authority told them all, "you'd better not rock the boat, or else". Someone beyond the usual suspects.

Based on the questionable circumstances, the characters, their history, motives & capabilities, an investigation & recount are an obvious, natural response by the opposition & legal authorities, but instead we have virtually no response, even to their constituents who have been clamoring for these things. Even my senator, who has been 1 of the most conscientious progressives, always looking to serve his constituents in the best way possible, who nearly always responds to petitions I send him, even occasionally by actual mail (post), has remained silent on this issue. I feel let down & betrayed by the Democratic Party & all our federal government institutions.

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They knew exactly what they were doing and at the same time some unfortunately had no understanding of what the short or long term consequences would be... others knew exactly what the consequences would be.

They all are like hungry little children... left alone in a candy store having been told they have 10 days to feast on all they want, starting on the 20th. 10 days after the 20th most will begin to realize their mistake...to late for themselves, their Democracy and vote options they so enjoyed for 2+ centuries.

This whole debacle is a direct result of our government allowing the financial guard rails to be removed or ignored along with the lies and the crimes of con artists the Oligarchs to go unpunished.

Apparently this is what 50+% of voting Americans wanted. They knew exactly want they were doing, exactly what the oligarchs and con artists wanted them to.

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Willful ignorance and blindness along with the inability of too many people that refuse to admit when they are wrong.

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Along with ignorance and blindness there is a religious factor like those who believe that Trump was endorsed by God Himself: Or maybe Trump is God Himself!!!!

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Gary, history is rife with demented people declaring themselves as the promised ‘messiah’. If God ever returns from his/her eons-long lunch break, goodness, won’t They be surprised?

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Jan 5
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That ain't gold. No siree Bob! More of a doo-doo bronze hue.

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I did! Oh, who are you? Exactly, just an American patriot who pays a fair tax back into her country , who obeys the laws that keep us safe by order., who believes truth and truthful education including of her history, of boundaries and capitalism that is controlled with regulation…., enough? Of fair unionized work, with healthcare that is what a doctor does not an insurance big business, of the belief that being better than you thought you could be is a legitimate goal for all!!! Enough? Of standing up to bullies, who believes in choice( my business), and in being able to buy and one day own a house…. Not rent it from Wall Street! Jesus…. Is that enough. Do I feel let down ! Just imagine… every hope broken.

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I truly believe this but will it ever be proven?

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You’re right. Outrageous and disgusting will be mild descriptors of what will happen.

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My only hope is that his followers finally see the truth about him and musk.

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Jan 5
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Yes, he is but JD is merely Trump‘s shadow. With no body in front of them shadows disappear. Musk is the one to worry about.

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his maggots are going to be pissed off when things don't change like he 'promised.' They are uneducated...they will go after him.

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I wish it was only his maggots that will suffer. Unfortunately, the rest of the American citizenship will as well and doubly unfortunately so will the rest of the world. There are creeps in every country who will follow Trump‘s destructive playbook just like the conservative leader, Pierre Polievre has done in Canada. And unfortunately, we also have a far right wing conservative faction who have too little intelligence or education to understand what they are doing.

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Yes. The world of liberal democracy faces a major challenge over the next few years as illiberal democrats such as Orban, Le Pen, Nigel Farange, the AFD and others in Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Argentina and other nations try their best to destroy the principles that led, until the latter part of the 20th Century, to a better standard of living and overall life for the majority of the world’s citizens. Our biggest danger is that so much money is now concentrated in the hands of so few individuals and families that it will be hard, coupled with the worsening of our education systems, to prevent them from harnessing their money in favor of the establishment of illiberal democracies in many presently free countries. This will be a tragedy for the world in both the short and long term as it leads to a further severe erosion in healthcare, education and climate management. This will all lead to further discontent and misguided world politics and stability. A sad time and moment in history indeed. The key now is for those who believe in a better future in this world to unite together in bringing about a change in where we are headed. It has happened before. The world has recovered from previous moments on the precipice and survived to create new hope and new advances under circumstances that appeared dire and hopeless. We must strive to do this again. United we stand! As so many good people have been saying over the past months: “we are in this together”. Let’s do it. Let’s get the job done, one foot forward, one person at a time!

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Yes, It is laudable to say, "We are in this together." But please remember that political parties are intramural institutions. If we confine our efforts to particular political parties we will probably get nowhere. We have to include everyone in this movement regardless of what (if any) political party they may "belong" to.

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Karin Desrochers, c politicians understand quite well serving themselves vs serving all the people.

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M Tree: A decent politician should be willing to risk (or give up) serving his/her position in any legislature by having the courage to stand up and vote for the truth. Our soldiers willingly risk losing their very lives. Why can't legislators risk losing their offices after showing up for the truth? They can always find new fields of work and still be alive.

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Gary Epstein, you really put it in perspective. I agree. Our service people's willingness to give the ultimate sacrifice has always been woefully undervalued. And to me, being a good patriot civilian citizen means seeing the big picture and sacrificing for country when necessary and as needed. It doesn't seem like to much to ask, to go beyond the selfishness of the ego. But sadly, for some of our electeds, it is.

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Gary - most of them go on to jobs paying far more than they earn as reps. lobbyists, law firms, "think tanks", PR firms.

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...and OUR minimum wage has been stuck in the 1970's.

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The operative word here is 'decent'.

Just how many (of EITHER party) are truly that??

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Europe was warned 5 years ago that it must put on their big boy pants and prepare to defend themselves against the cancer of Russian aggression. They need to ramp it up. Why are some thinking D will support Ukraine?? Russia & Putin have helped D financially for 40 years & aided in electing him twice. He ain't gonna bite hand that feeds him.

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They just want to control what we think, say and do! Total domination is their objective!

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Is Polievre a transplant, leftover Vichy assholic POS, imported from France, and cut from the same devoutly fascist cloth as Le Pen?

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Old Bob's a humble MF too!

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Hi Ann. You are probably right that the MAGA will be pissed off, but DT will blame it on any DEM who will try to stop or block his agenda and the dummies will believe him just like they believed him about the stolen election in 2020.

Can't fix stupid... GH

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GH - I said the same thing before I scrolled down to see your comment…sorry.

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I will lose no sleep and have not one iota of empathy/sympathy while watching any MAGA suffer in penury.

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“Grocery prices will drop by numbers we’ve never seen!” said the Con man.

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eggs, 10.99

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We can only hope...or they most likely will simply blame the Democrats and Biden for all that goes wrong over the next 2 to 4 years...because we don't have any laws in place to punish the lying creatures, that so successfully stole this election.

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Henry - And he will take credit for all of the successes that come from the things that Biden put in place too.

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Ann - he'll just tell them it's the libs' fault and point them in our direction. they'll believe him.

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No they won't. They'll never abandon their fuhrer.

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Jan 5
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Except the officers who tried to assassinate him - more than once

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Some of the devout NAZI scum, even well AFTER the end.

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Ann - Unfortunately when things are not changed for the people who voted for him he will turn around and place the blame on the democrats and his followers will believe him. Vicious cycle.

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Sure, the MAGAts will be pissed, but they are deathly afraid of him and his billionaire henchmen so they will find another way to vent their anger, and you can be sure it’s not going to be a peaceful one.

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Jan 5
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Ronald, we are all at risk here, whether you post comments, or whether you simply ‘like them’. That is what actually worries me. Nevertheless, considering the number of people online it would be a herculean task to root out and act against all of them.

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That is my strongest wish, Ann!

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The Constitution (Amendment 14, section 3) has been ignored. The SCOTUS made up presidential immunity specifically for 45. So much for the rule of law.

Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, was NOT tried for treason in technicalities. Then came the lies of the Lost Cause, usually promoted by the United Daughters of the Confederacy because they could not bear to believe the south lost. I grew up in NC and did not learn the real facts of history until the last 15 years, when I went looking for facts. So much for the truth.

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I don’t know why so many people believe his lies.

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Our media no longer has the guardrails , like the "fairness Doctrine." After the horrors of World War two, leaders were wary of misinformation campaigns for Demogogues . When Wealth Inequality became obscene the stage was set for a tRUMP..I remember election stealing George w. Bush talking about a "New World Order". This was a long game. With the Federalist Society indoctrination of judges that sycophants in power stacked the courts with. Up to the Supreme Court. The Heritage Society was another supporter of wealth Inequality.

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It's only been 4 years that Democrats have awoken & realized that the right was executing a 40 year plan to dominate ALL the courts. So the other day Dems are crowing about their 325 judges confirmed....no small feat. But...D now has 4 MORE years to tighten their grip on courts..in fact the Supreme Court that may be 8-1 (or worse) in 4 freekin years...all because Dems & institutionalist Biden don't want to rebalance the court by adding 5 seats. But since Biden didn't want to use his power Drumpf WILL. You will see moves never seen before....shocking & debilitating for Democrats. All because they viewed this not as an existential crisis but an election like any other. Your children's children will STILL be experiencing the deleterious effects of the MAGA ideology...

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Douglas; I think you may have missed posts by our Author, and others that pointed out that President Biden has placed more federal court judges than any placed by any president recently (or ever), more than tRUMP,. Sometimes there is so much negativity in these threads that I wonder if there are more trolls than before. The reason he did not support the plan to add 5 seats is because he knows what will happen. The republicans will take them. Remember, precedent and the law, even decency, is off the table with these criminals.

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Jan 5
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the programmed tabulators did a lot of that voting. the only reason that trump is "Winning" is the damned Electoral college votes. Trump did not get a majority of votes! that is fake news, and we are all susceptible.

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They want to. They want to be mad. They are emotional. They want to blame the Dems. (Heck, the Dems are blaming themselves which is absolutely ridiculous.) The question is will they ever admit they were wrong, or will they always find some reason to back Trump--(something was unfair)?

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If Germany after WWII is any indication then nobody will regret anything. The usual excuses were "I didn't know this", "I didn't want this" and "I was just following orders". At least Germany worked hard on it's past, but knowing how the US deals with its past history of slavery, how it treated Native Americans and Asians this will not happen. This will be tough decade.

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Agree 💯. Stop.

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So puzzling. We are seeing live on channel five how easy it is to tip a nation to fascism. The burden on those who have studied history and know where this is going is overwhelming.

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Because he hates ppl of color and smart women and so do they.

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Jan 5
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'Stockholm Syndrome' at BEST.

Totally self destructive behavior at worst.

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They're not people. They're MAGAts.

Nuff said.

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We need stronger requirements for attaining office: IRS returns, no criminal indictments or convictions, etc. Seems like common sense.

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It's laughable, though not funny, that as a convicted felon he cannot vote....but can run for the highest office in the land. What's wrong with this picture???

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Indeed - he should’ve never been allowed to run. It’s a stain on the shreds of democracy we have left that he was even allowed to run, and that the Supreme Court has basically given him a literal ‘get out of jail free’ card - we are in for some bad times and the petty part of me can’t wait to see the people that voted for this complain so I can say I told you so. Sad that these people decided that racism, transphobia, and tax cuts for billionaires and corporations were more important than democracy, more important than even their own wellbeing. This is what propaganda does and I can only hope we all learn the lesson well and keep talking about this for a long time to come.

If future generations don’t learn history any better than we have, I fear we are doomed to repeat these cycles of oppression in perpetuum.

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“You people”? What would you suggest? Why do you Canadians always sound so morally superior to Americans? Well I wish we could get rid of Trump too, but his reelection is about more than just him. Ever heard of Project 2025 and its backers? However, Trump didn’t get a majority of the votes. I am quite sure that Russia, and Russian bots, helped him get elected again.

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There is only one sure-fire way to 'get rid of him' but I can't describe it here. Even if we could, we'd be stuck with Vance, and who knows what fresh horror that would bring? We may even see new amendments allowing Musk to run for president. I'm 77 and I see nothing but sheer hell for America to the end of my lifetime.

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Sadly so true.

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Karin: Not only is it "foolish" to turn power over to an insurrectionist, but it is actually against the Constitution itself (14th Amendment section 3). The Supreme Court in effect found that part of the Constitution to be unconstitutional! They gave all presidents from Biden and Trump and all future presidents immunity from prosecutions for crimes committed while in office. It looks like Biden will not use these new powers but Trump most likely will.

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Biden has the legal, moral, ethical, and political obligation to support and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. The president, acting in accordance with his stated duties, has been given carte blanche by the corrupt6 on the supreme court to arrest and incarcerate, sans habeas corpus or any legal remedies, in a federal supermax facility for life, all the coup d’etat plotters, participants, and enablers. This would include all congressional participants, the corrupt6 on the supreme court, the 11th circuit and loose cannon in Florida, dumpster and his family, Bannon, Leo Leonard, stone, Flynn, the techbroligarchs who have been financing this march to fascism, Ginni Thomas, all the president’s lawyers, all the compromised elections officials. the list is enormous. There are, however enough US Marshalls, ATF, FBI and Secret Service personnel still loyal to the constitution to carry out the mass arrests.

The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence to resolve political differences. The republican party is a terrorist organization that has worked for 4 years to subvert, undermine, and corrupt this past election and the constitution. The republican party is a terrorist organization that openly subverts, flouts, makes mockery of the rule of law, of evidence, of precedent and of truth. The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes violence against women and children, minorities, any “other” of the moment. The republican party is a terrorist organization that promotes a white Christian fascist theocracy to replace our constitutional democracy.

If Biden does not carry out his duty before Jan 20th, he will be complicit and responsible for the destruction of our democracy. The rule of law is no more; that has been so ruled by the corrupt6. Accordingly, extrajudicial and extralegal means are required to rid this cancer from our body politic. dumpster has plainly stated that he will jail the “Biden crime family”. Biden has stated that he will attend the coronation on jan. 20. wouldn’t it be rich if he were escorted from the ceremonies in handcuffs? think about it folks. believe a psychopath when he tells you what he’s going to do.

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Jan 6
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"YOUR" Constitution?!?!

WHERE TF are YOU responding from, fascist POS POOtin's troll farm in St. Petersburg??

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The Democratic leadership is elderly and worn down. Even in their heyday they would not have had the imagination and ruthlessness to defeat this entity. Look at how Sullivan, & Biden folded like a tent when Putin proposed using nuclear weapons. This administration and party never had the courage it took to match MAGA & Putins ruthlessness, determination & laser like focus. Does anybody really think weak kneed Schumer & an inarticulate Biden could rally an American populace?? The 'enemy' is playing chess & the Democrats are acting like its 1970 politics as usual.

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How about you? Will you help?

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I sure would.

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Wish we could…

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Precisely Karen. There is every legal right to stop the certification of this seditionist. But we are refusing to use it.

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