America needs a Volodymyr Zelenskyy now more than ever!
A President who LEADS by example and truly cares about his country and his people!
We all watched yesterday as our Putin backed bully and his vice president embarrassed us all as they rudely pressured Ukraine’s president!
This was one of Trump’s “I” quotes, “The problem is, I've empowered you to be a tough guy, and I don't think you'd be a tough guy without the U.S. Your people are very brave, but you're either going to make a deal or we're out, and if we're out, you'll fight it out. I don't think that’s going to be pretty. You’re in a much better position with us, but you’re not acting at all thankful, and that's not a nice thing. I'll be honest. That's not a nice thing.”
That is Mob Boss rhetoric to a T!
Today I am ashamed to be an American!
I believe that all of our Patriotic Americans have to stop this GOP, totalitarian regime, while we still have Time!
We have to restore our government back to a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
The thing is, what can we do about it??? I make phone calls to senators and congressmen DAILY, telling them they need to remove Trump, impeach him, kick Musk out of the White House, etc. They are not nice phone calls either. How many other people out here are trying to get him out of office???
Yeah, I cannot call, so I email my officials a few times a week. Last night I also emailed the Felon-In-Chief, his flunky, Shady Vance, and I sent an apology to the Ukrainian embassy
I do the same. Good idea sending an apology to the Ukrainian embassy, I will do that too. It might help them to understand that most of the American people support Ukraine.
I too sent an email "I stand with Zelenskyy" in the subject like and apologized for the rude treatment her received. I think Z outfoxed Trump and Vance as he wanted security guarantees they ignored. How many times has Putin ignored security guarantees. Trump and Vance wanted Zelensky to sign on the dotted line and accept the trap they set. He out maneuvered them and exposed the thugs in the White House.
Trump is a psychopathic criminal. No surprise here. He has been emboldened with a lack of consequences from our gov’t & so called military who watched a coup and did nothing!
I have been looking for the contact info for the Ukrainian Embassy, but the email doesn't seem to work. I wonder if they have disabled it? What contact did you find?
Good for you, Rocco! How do I send my apologies to the Ukranian Embassy? I want them to know that American people absolutely do NOT agree with that orange POS!
I told Robert that weeks ago but he told me I was a little over reacting at that point. I'm just disappointed that the guy that grazed Trump's ear was such a bad shot.
Trump was shot and wounded in his upper right ear by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, who fired eight rounds from an AR-15–style rifle from the roof of a nearby building. Crooks also killed one audience member and critically injured two others.
People died including the only 20 year old sadly misinformed man that tried to kill Trump. This kind of violence and loss is never the answer. I agree Trump is vile, but if we w at to live in a civil society, then we have to find a way to use the law to defeat him.
Precisely!! Any decent shooter with a AR15 should be able to hit a target as big as trumpie boy at 150 yards. And who does a fist bump if you know that someone just tried to kill you? Not a coward like this fat fart.
Trump was shot and wounded in his upper right ear by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, who fired eight rounds from an AR-15–style rifle from the roof of a nearby building. Crooks also killed one audience member and critically injured two others.
I have been writing letters and calling. I am starting to feel desperate about not doing enough to stop them. Our elected officials don't seem to be able to do it. WE HAVE TO DO IT.
MY US Reps and U Senator are all Democrats...and good people. We have a nightmare as trump wants to be like Putin and NOT listen to the Democrats in the House or Senate.
Robert make an important point about the thousands of elections that are coming up. People need to mobilise and get out and vote in every election they can, and ensure others vote. I would say vote for anyone other than the fascists Republicans but that is too dangerous. Whether you are a Democrat or not, if you oppose the fascists then you need to vote Democrat. Trump & Co won the 2024 election in no small part because they relied on voter apathy and complacency: people didn't vote, people spoiled their ballot papers or voted for some 3rd party. The Republicans will do their best to cheat; gerrymander; challenge and disenfranchise voters in every election they can. The only way to stop them is to knock on doors, encourage people to vote (Democrat) in every election they can and probably in person since the USPS is going down the tubes.
The other thing is more economic blackouts, I disagree with Robert on that one, one day is not enough. Only continuous action works. Do research and pick companies that support, hire and donate to Republicans. Boycott those. Once a Republican is voted out of office, keep the boycott going, these people need to held to account for their treason. Make sure they never work again and never get a chance to get their snouts in the trough again.
I take issue with the idea that Trump won the last election fair and square. Musk's money and the profiles of voters in the swing states made a big difference. Remember the Cambridge Analytica scandal that used private data used to target voters -- could that be why Musk and is data brigade are collecting names to buy the next election via ads that push people's buttons.
I believe Musk is already doing that. I also believe he interfered in this election. No forensic recount was called and prior to the election Trump declared that he’d win even if you didn’t vote.
Thank you. Keep calling! I am too. They may be throwing gut punches, but I'm staying up as long as I can. I have children and grandchildren and I want them to enjoy the freedoms we had and more, working towards a more equitable and compassionate world, not move backward.
What do we do? We don’t give up and we don’t give in. I’m a veteran who often hears “Thank you for your service.” You don’t have the wear a uniform to fight for freedom, to fight for democracy. We’re all in service when we stand together against tyranny. We support each other and call out those corrupted by this cult.
More than we think.I cld. my Republican(thug) to me yesterday about my heart condition,my income(Social Security),and my food assistance(food stamps.I even teared up when I was talking.I wonder if anyone will notice.
Klare K - I haven’t stopped emailing all of my repubs in years even though I know that they are not being read. It makes me feel better anyway. I save calling for certain occasions because my disability has affected my speech and most times people assume I am deaf. Love it when they raise their voice - I am on the phone people (!) and if I was actually hearing impaired I would have used TTD. But I called the other day after the sh*t show. I think I was the one raising my voice in that call.
Klare,thank you for calling and trying to mobliize others to do the same.What do you think about getting the advertisers on Fox,calling them to say,we are going to have a Nationwide boycott of their products. Do you think people will participate?
During Trump running off in the mouth, I thought, many times that I would have got up and walked out, Trump still blathering. I think Vance can hang it up ever getting elected to anything ever again.
You are absolutely right here. As long as Trump is pulling the strings, we will eventually end up in another war. I hope not. The American public has to wake up first and stop it. So far Trump is going slow enough to even fool the MAGAs. The voters have their fingers crossed hoping and still are denying what he is doing. I put his goals together this morning in another post. check it out.
Steve,Trump is a 4 time draft dodger.When he realized he mjght get drafted during Vietnam,he wet his pants.He then went to daddy who helped get a deferment for heel spurs,written by a podiatrist in Queens New York. No heel spurs.
Absolutely disgusting and embarrassing to be an American right now. And what’s even sadder is the trash that voted for this trash in the White House is loving this. Just horrific and so ignorant.
When those words, love thy neighbor, were written the world was a much different place and neighbor had a much different meaning.
1700 years ago, when those words were actually written, your neighbor was your tribal kinsman, shared race, ethnicity, religion, you even worshiped at the same temple. Food for thought.
Jewish missionaries (we give them names like Peter, Paul, Luke, Timothy,Matthew) had success in Anatolia, But not in Arabia.
The Arabs were well acquainted with the Jews, before Muhammad, and he had his troupe behead the members of the Jewish Tribe Quaryza because he coveted their wealth.
But the Arabs knew nothing of Christians until after his death, when the Successors flew out of the desert waving scimitars on the backs of horses and camels, then they came up against, what they call in the Quran, Rum, the eastern Empire, Which was, at that time in Anatolia, fat, dumb, happy and lazy, and unprepared to deal with a bunch of scimitar wielding Arabs, and that is how and when Islam came in contact with the Jewish export cult called Christianity.
It was during the Rashidun and Ummayad Caliphates, my guess is the Ummayad Caliphate that the Quran was actually written as well as many of the haddiths.
It was during the Abbasid caliphate that ibn Ishaq wrote "Sīrat Rasūl Allāh" (Life of the Messenger of Allah) the biography of Muhammad, which taken with the Quran and hadiths form the basis of Shariah (Islamic jurisprudence)
I, too, was repulsed by Trump's despicable behavior in the oval office, so much so, that I made a donation to United 24 for the war effort. If Trump won't help Ukraine, we must do it ourselves and hope we and they weather the storm.
Your passionate comment brought a huge smile to my face. For many politicians on the opposite side of the fence, while not in agreement I was previously alright in hearing another perspective. But Trump is something entirely different. The rage and disgust I feel about this low-life, self-serving, EVIL, greedy, narcissistic sociopath must register at the pinnacle of the Richter Scale of FASCISM. I actually find myself wringing my hands as he rapidly destroys our democracy each day, step by step. How in the world did so many ignorant Americans fall for his malarky?
Call your congressional representatives 202-224-3121 and voice your concerns/outrage, I'll do the same. Support Ukraine, no on budget that will hurt the most vulnerable people of our country just to give tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. No extension on tax cuts. I too am mad as hell! Impeach the two idiots that bullied Zelensky, our ally; they are pukin sympathizer.
I am sure you know ALL CAPS is shouting. It's not time to get angry. It's time to get even. First, put all the resources you can into Dems winning the upcoming special elections so we might retake the House before 2026. Then, contact your (however) elected representatives and hammer them with your concerns. Jam the phone lines. Visit the offices (I did and left my rep a model of a spine I had made as she obviously needs one!). Finally, keep the faith and do your best to stay calm under duress.
Make a small donation to help Ukraine. If we all gave $5, Zelenskii would have enough to win. There's several charities both here and in Ukraine, with the only difference being that donations to US charities are tax deductible. I got my list from Timothy Snyder's Substack "Thinking About....Ukraine"
You can only deduct charitable contributions if you itemize your deductions on schedule E, Very few have enough itemized deductions greater than the standard deduction.
It was easy to itemize deductions, before Trump 45, during Trump 45 Congress passed a budget bill that eliminated the mortgage interest deduction.
Primary designed to punish blue states. Rural America has a higher percentage of property that is not mortgaged due to it being passed on to heirs, and the lower mobility rate. Also property in rural (red) America is not so expensive, not to the extend that the mortgage interest is such that mortgage holders are incentivized to itemize deductions on schedule E.
In other words red state America didn't notice the change, so didn't complain because red state America doesn't itemize (Schedule E)
The mortgage interest deduction is still available for those that file Schedule I, (for business, including landlords) as a business expense.
Valuable information, William, very perceptive. My opinion: Businesses get many deductions they don't deserve. University students should get tax credits for investing in their education..
Wish we could, perhaps, devote a specific date for a collective donation to Ukraine. Yesterday we resolved to NOT subsidize big about a day devoted to raising money for allow the World to see just what Americans are all about....the REAL heart & soul of Americans !.The World sees only the bully boy lying grifter in chief....why not show the world what Americans ....the real grass roots Americans who care deeply about our world neighbors...this is who WE REALLY ARE AS A NATION.
I donated with my son. I told my husband when our neighborhood has its annual garage sale, we will sell stuff we don't need and donate all the proceeds to Ukraine.
I would hope the rest of the free world would organize and help Zelenskyy kick the Russians out of Ukraine. It's obvious that our President and his DOGE henchmen will do all they can to counter any effort to help anyone except Trump. It's all about the money to them.
Harvey--NATO has everything to lose, it's their move to put Putin in check. They really don't need Trump, or his toys. Russia has been severely weakened by the war they should have never started. The threat of WWIII has been held over our heads long enough. It's time to force the bully to stop bullying. NATO can do it on their own.
Agree!!! Now would be a great time for the European NATO countries to band together bolstering Ukraine and when the opportunity presents itself, take out Putin and neutralize Russia. Russia is weak and will work to rebuild as soon as they can. Putin needs trumpie boy to help him.
After WW2, General Patton said that while we have the armies in Europe, we should move against the Soviet Union. There were so many cries against that. There was a German tank commander who wrote a book on his experiences in the war. He talked about Stalin building a war machine that would go through Europe to the Atlantic Ocean. That is why Hitler launched operation barbarossa. Unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the author. My neighbor at that time who is Russian had the book written in Russian or German.
Hitler envisioned Slavic Eastern Europe as part of Germany's "manifest destiny." He launched Operation Barbarossa at the time he did because he saw the window of opportunity closing.
Yes I know. We formed NATO way back to counter the USSRs push trying to advance their ability to take over different parts of the world aa their own. That is why Putin wants to do away with it. I guess he figures that if we pull out the rest of the world will pull out to.
Right now Ukraine is not a member. That is why we haven't stepped in to defend them. I wonder if it is possible to accept them now. We could move in and kick Russia out then. I don't think Russia stands a chance if we move in to help them. I figure Putin will run like hell then.
It takes a 100% vote by member states for a nation to enter NATO Harvey.
Finland and Sweden were estopped by Turkey, until concessions could be made, namely criminalize burning of the Quran, and putting the Kurds on the terrorist list. In that regard Turkey is, and always has been, an enemy of the west. It committed genocide of the Armenians, and is ethnically cleansing the Kurds.
Armenia and Russia are both members of a military alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), along with four other ex-Soviet countries
The Kurds were a major ethnic group that should have their own country, Kurdistan, that occupies North East Turkey, northern Iraq and north western Iran.
They were cast aside when the present countries were created in the debris of WWII.
Salah al din, righteousness of the faith, whom we know as Saladin was a Kurd.
I don't watch CPAC, just snippetsfrom MSNBC, and I think it might have been Orban.
There is an Orban -Turkish connection. The cannon maker that built the Canons used by the Turks to bombard Constantinople was a man named Orban, the ancestor of Viktor Orban, dictator of Hungary?
I totally agree Donald, and Estonia, the smallest of the Baltic states has led the way.
If all of Europe, without invoking art 5, of the charter (which would be estopped by the two stooges of Hungary and Slovenia), would send troops and material to Ukraines aid, they would call Putin's bluff about nukes.
I personally doubt that Putin's nukes will all fly, or that they will detonate, because the components degrade, and it has happened in America, we lost the knowledge, and tools to build plutonium pits, a basket ball sized, hollow sphere, because the production was halted with the end of the cold war. The Pentagon had to contract with Livermore Labs to rediscover and reinvent the technology.
Russia is worse off because of corruption and inefficiency, even their army is in worse shape than it was in WWII, poorly, equipped,poorly trained, poorly led, the only tactic that Putin has is the one Stalin had and that is to send in wave after wave of Cannon fodder, and even then it was no help, so he has had to rely on specially trained and brainwashed North Koreans.
If Europe stepped in,hell if the Baltics, Poland stepped in, the fight would be over in a week. Ukraine would be saved,Europe would be saved, and Trump and Musk would be gone.
The only defense is a good offense. There are times in history where a city held out against a siege, but when the siege was lifted, half or more of the city was dead, and cannibalism reigned.
The defense of New Orleans was not a defensive victory, but loss on the part of the British, poorly led, bad decisions, and no knowledge of the terrain.
The Baltic states aren't afraid of Putin, they see clearly his weakness, and that his only strength is mass assault pushing bullet absorbers ahead until the opposition runs out of bullets are is overwhelmed. Problem is that Putin has one hell of a large front to contend with, at the moment it is too oblast in Ukraine and the intrusion into Kursk, he can't handle the Baltics and Finland as well, not at the moment, maybe if Trump and Europe give him a couple of years to regroup and rebuild.
Logistics and communications, We beat Germany because Mrs Jones was able to send a chocolate birthday cake to her son in the Huertgen Forest.
maybe it's a hangover from the days of the ussr-i should've said wariness-but they have to be convinced of russia's weakness,and that'll take some doig
On a lighter note.Since all this DOGE insanity,I read somewhere to call the major credit bureaus (Experian,Transunion and Equifax)Request a credit freeze on your Social Security #.
Keith--Zalenskyy and Ukraine are like we were when George and the colonies had their hands full with the British. Freedom comes at a cost, it's too bad all Trump wants to donate are the pennies he feels we no longer need.
Thanks, Donald. Trump is even more vile than George III. He is a complete extortionist and racketeer. His berating of Zelensky was classic, reverting to his 2018 form and worse, when he attempted to extort false accusations on the "Biden Crime Family" from him in exchange for "protection" in the form of armaments to protect Ukraine from Russian aggression. He is one of Putin's mob cronies. The word to describe Trump's species of quasi-leadership is called 'patrimonialism', described by the German sociologist Max Weber 100 years ago (link to Atlantic archives). This is a primitive form wherein all political power flows from the patriarch of the tribe and allows for no dissent.
With Trump and Putin, we are reverted to Attila the Hun. All of us who value freedom need to pull together with Europe's non-fascist nations and support them to integrate Ukraine into their Union. Zelensky will be at the vanguard to push Russian aggression back to Moscow. There will be no deal for Ukrainian minerals, that's another trumpian scam.
Trump, Republicans, and oligarchs are conducting an insurrection that violates federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383) which defines a felony crime as “whoever assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof”. The insurrection wants to take America back to before 1776 with a KING (Trump as KING) and run the country as the old South which provided all the wealth to rich white men as property holders who exploited inhuman cruel slavery and treated white women as slaves.
William, excellent point. I would like to know which Federal court might display some legitimacy and support a lawsuit by the American People in order to topple these transgressors from power. Millions of us must be ready to stand up.
Jamie Raskin,who is so knowledgable and has so much integrity,mentioned we might be able to do a class action suit on Muck because of this DOGE stupidity he has done.That would be divine!!! I saw the kids with bookbags walking into the bldg. the other day.Since when did we ever have anything like that happening.
Dennis - No federal court while Trump in office controlling the DOJ. The solution is enacting and enforcing a new state law modeled after the federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383) in 7 states where Democrats control the state government. California could be the first state to enact and enforce the law within 90 days which would remove the 9 Republican representatives from California in the Congressional House. The House would then have a Democratic majority of 2024 to 2009 with Jefferies as Speaker of the House to control the budget and make sure Ukraine and Medicaid are fully funded and there will be no tax cuts for the rich. Maryland, New Jersey and Colorado could follow to collectively remove another 8 Republican representatives in the House and then also remove 4 conservative justices from the Supreme Court changing the Court to 3 liberals and 2 conservatives to block any more conservative Court actions favorable to Trump, Republicans, and oligarchs.
The Constitution in Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 allows members of Congress to be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection that violates state law enforced with imprisonment up to ten years with mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
The Constitution does not establish judicial immunity for any judge including federal judges or Supreme Court Justices. Therefore, Supreme Court Justices can be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection and enforced with imprisonment up to ten years and mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
Thank you, William, I suspected so about the trump DOJ. I will supply your take on this to my Dem Gov. Tony Evers here in WI, since our state legislature is controlled by the far-right.
Except Ukraine was not a colony of Russia, Donald.It is Putin's mythology that Ukraine is and has been a part of Russia.
Historically Lyiv was the trading post of the Swedish Vikings, the Rus. The Russians aren't Rus sians, they are are Slavs, Turks, Bulgars, and Asiatics.
Zelensky has had to deal with Ukrainian and Russian generals who are a lot more forceful than the two puddles of fat that attempted to bully him. Trump gets a soundbite victory yet Zelensky stood up to the corrupt leader of the US. Thats honorable and brave. I and his people and most of the world will respect him for that.
Since yesterday, America has become a pariah nation, and I am no longer proud of being and American. This should solve the immigration problem, who in their right mind would want to immigrate to hell, maybe it is not so hot on the fringes of hell, as it is in the center.
William - The only people that they want to come to America are the Tate brothers (thanks to T pushing for it). Nothing like claiming that they are deporting criminals from other countries because they are parasites but the welcoming of the brothers makes me sick. But they are his kind of people - rapists and traffickers. Sure makes me feel safer for my family (sarcasm).
An abomination Anon, and yet despite (maybe because ) of Trump's perversions, criminality and amorality the Catholics, Evangelicals love him.
That tells you all you need to know about religion, and what religion is really all about, it has nothing to with saving souls, morality, a safer more humane world, it is about patriarchal privilege and dominance.
I think Trump is really jealous of Zelensky. He knows Zelensky enjoys great respect and an approval rating in his own country that Trump will never achieve. He knows that Zelensky obtains help due to the righteousness of his cause and the power of his personality. Trump, in contrast, can only get what he wants by bullying and force. On a subconscious level he knows that he is not loved or respected by the multitudes.
My response to today's question was "other" because the convicted felon currently occupying the Oval Office is a long-term Kremlin asset. I'm including quite a few links that convey my thinking much better than if I belabor you all with 5000 words in support of my assertion. I urge you all to review them. But to cite things we already know because they happened in plain sight:
He publicly called on the Kremlin for support in the '16 election campaign.
Among his first acts as president after winning the '16 election, he hosted an unchaperoned meeting in the Oval Office with Lavrov and Kislyak along with their entourage of Kremlin agents in the Oval Office, with only Russian foreign correspondents, and where no US personnel were allowed.
And that's only the things we have >all< seen him publicly flaunt as we averted our eyes, our wits, and our common sense, since it was all taking place within a proliferation of conspiracy theories and Q-anon slogans that distracted attention away from what was happening in plain sight, and to suggest some kind of "Manchurian Candidate" at that time came off as just another conspiracy theory.
It is established in the clips that his KGB codename is "Krasnov," but I suspect he later decided to have it changed to MAGA, possibly to flatter himself:
He likes to in include MAGA as his signature at the end of his "tweets."
Just as an afterthought to all this, back in the '90s I saw on the McNeil, Lehrer News Hour an interview with Oleg Kalugin, the former Washington KGB Bureau Chief. What I found disturbing is that he studied as a journalist for his graduate training, after graduating from KGB spy school, at Columbia University School of Journalism - which gave him access to a lot of budding US journalists, the way CIA always accessed others, such as William F Buckley when he was young. I could >easily< suspect a budding Faux news connection.
Kalugin later made a number of appearances on the News Hour.
And finally, not to put too fine a point on it, this guy can definitely see the political vector being established in the agency head appointments:
Question: Why is it important for Zelinski to wear a suit instead of his wartime attire, when Musk dresses much the same daily "to the office" - and with a hat - for no reason at all - contravening standard government dress codes - and is never questioned about it?
Senior military leaders show up to high level diplomatic events all the time, neatly dressed. Zelensky in his statesmanlike garb was more impressive than any of the Washington thugs in their zoot suits, because he has command while they have blubber.
DZK July 1987: Trump and his wife, Ivana, who speaks Russian, make their first visit to the Soviet Union (which included the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [RSFSR]). They scout potential construction sites for a Trump Tower Moscow.
Perfect settings for cultivating an asset. Money, business opportunities, plenty of quid pro quo. That alone is plenty of компромат. So we've been worrying about pee-pee tapes ‽‽
RedElisa - Adam Kissinger had an interesting video about their behavior. Basically he said that if your best friend was married to a guy who acted like they just did wouldn’t you encourage her to get away from them as quickly as possible.
Interesting is that he brings up a TV series I simply can't watch, that is literally set in a neighborhood where I lived at the time the series is to be taking place.
My money is on Musk being Chinese. He appears to hold current production assets there beholden to Beijing, although he's also financially connected to the Kremlin. By my reckoning, he appears to be a double agent for both Beijing and the Kremlin, perhaps with stronger ties to Beijing.
All true and well said. However, Zylensky played his cards well and Trump knows it. That’s why Trump lost his cool. The Ukrainian President is heading to Europe and will seal the deal as he sweetens their pot with rare earths.
trumpie is a mafia guy. Russian mob and has been for several decades. This is how he got all the financing he needed after going bankrupt so many time. We need a coup to take all the maga guys out and put them in a prison cell for the rest of their days. Maybe a good use for Guantanimo.
Did anyone else notice that the failed casino owner currently occupying the Oval Office was badgering Zelinski with references to "cards" and "gambling?"
Keith, I cannot agree more. What tRump and vance did in that staged press conference was deplorable and against everything this country used to stand for.
The worst part is that if you look at this young man and get a sense of where he comes from, you'll realize he runs a high risk of being deported, just to put a cherry on top of his experience.
Thanks DZK, Keith speaks for me. I am only a few minutes in. That MSNBC fired him was evidence long ago of the corruption of Brian L.. Roberts, Vanguard, Blackrock and State street., then they fired a black girl Tiffany Cross, then Joy Reid and Katie Phang. I wonder how much time Rachel has.?
Trump was never going to come to an agreement with Zelensky. It was an argument just for show -- a disgusting show befitting a bullying mob boss. It accomplished what he wanted: to have an excuse to side with Putin and make it palatable to Republicans in Congress. Look at how many did a 180 when Zelensky left: from a welcome to a cold shoulder. Trump knows how to manipulate his cowed "loyalists." He's with Putin all the way.
By this point I think Zalenskyy knows that as long as Trump remains in power that all is lost here. The rest of the "FREE WORLD" has told him they are still behind him in his efforts. I hope they will organize and help him withstand the Russians till we throw Trump and his henchmen out of office. Trump has assured us that him and the Republican Party will not retain power, no matter who helps them run for any office,
I call my two Senators up almost daily to let them know we are unhappy. Maybe this will help convince them we are right. One of my Senators,, Cancun Cruz, is in the same boat as Trump, a MAGA. He's been sucking up to Trump for a long time. For Cornyn it's the power. He wants the position of leader of the Senate. So you see, it is sort of a loosing battle for me in this state.
They don't even respond to my calls to Washington anymore.
Right now I'm responding to Gov. Abbott's (Tx) determination to give taxpayer money to private schools vouchers. I keep telling them it would help to give that money to the teachers salaries. I read that Texas was among the lowest paid teachers of the states.
Trump may be dancing to Putin’s tune right now, but do the oligarchs really want that too? It seems there’s likely to be major economic fallout of one sort or another in the very near future and the billionaires don’t like the way that will look in their portfolios.
Surely there’s some pragmatic billionaires out there who know that the best way to protect their wealth, and of course, democracy if they care about it, is to push members of the House towards #PresidentialCensure.
And let’s see if we can include a deal that Trump needs to agree to or face another impeachment. How about kicking Musk to the curb and undoing everything that DOGE did without legal authority?
Maybe eject a few of the unqualified cabinet picks too…
Cannot foresee. congressional " pino" synchophants moving one bloody inch off their entrenched " brown nosed " posture. Cowards...unprincipled craven cowards...the lot of them! Traitors to the oath they swore to " protect and defend the ..
Constitution of the United States of America
Do you really expect them to desert the " gold escalator gravy train" they jumped on so williinglly and with such gleeful avarice?
They've made their deal with " the Devil known"... bought & paid for with their backbone askewed ...integrity/ legacy in putrid tatters...for all the world to see!
Boy, you hit the nail on the head completely with every word here. I think I am going to use your words when I call my senators office the next time. Thanks Lynn.
Do you know how impeachment works Achieving? The House of Representatives brings articles (charges) of impeachment against an official. Learn more about the House's role in impeachment. If the House adopts the articles by a simple majority vote, the official has been impeached. The Senate holds an impeachment trial.
Who controls the House? Answer: Trump and his MAGAt's, who controls the Senate? Answer Trump and his MAGAts.
What I’m saying is that there may be four or five House Republicans, who are willing to put their careers aside to save us from fascism and the complete collapse of the American dream.
I think that less than half of them truly support what’s going on but the others, the #SecretSaneGOPCaucus, might join the revolt after the first one stands up.
If none do, then, they and their families will be marked as complicit until the end of civilization, which may only be a few decades away.
"Bushwhack" is perfect. "Ambush" also. They set up the trap for Zelenskii, and sprung it on live TV. Sickening and dishonest, but par for the course with tRumPutin. It will backfire....if there is a god.
I think Vance can hang it up. Even in his home state will they ever back him for anything ever again. The whole world already knows that Putin has Trump in his back pocket.
trump and musk appear to enact every America-weakening agenda item Russia's Vladimir Putin has for America. They took out our effective military leadership. They undermine and destroy confidence in the Federal Govt, agency by agency. Efficiency? DESTROY it complies with Putin's agenda! Ukraine and NATO? Russia benefits!! The sold-out and spineless MAGA-led GOP AND Right-wing media echo every word of anti-America pro-Russia disinformation/ misrepresentation/distraction/denial/defiance to WEAKEN America. SCOTUS? They have long defended trump's authoritarian America-weakening behavior and agenda. The Federal Courts appear to stand as Democracy's last hope!
I contend America was duped by Russian disinformation to get their Russian asset and useful idiot donald trump elected president. Our elected president behaves like a traitor.
It would not surprise me if the Russians don't have compromising intelligence over Trump. But you don't need to suppose this to explain Trump's behaviour. He is instinctively totalitarian: he likes and admires others of the same ilk. He makes the assumption that in a totalitarian system of government, he would be a favoured person: he ignores the treatment of Russian oligarchs by Putin. And Musk will go the same way, whether it is imprisonment for crossing Trump or an unfortunate fall from a building.
When he accuses Zemlinsky of being a dictator, he (and Vance) mean the opposite: he is feeble because he is the democratically-elected leader of a state, but has not enlarged his powers to become a dictator. So he is a failure. Not worthy of joining the club. There may be martial law in the Ukraine at the moment, that is true, but that is a legal stricture rather than the naked [ab]use of power on the Presidential signature which characterises the US at the moment.
There's something humiliating from before he was president. It has to be big, like child pornography or secret footage of him in some compromising situation. Putin putting nude pictures of trumps wife on the Russian news was a message to him that he owns him.
Growing up, my children learned that you can't make yourself look bigger by trying to make someone else look smaller. It's too bad Donald Trump never learned that important lesson. Trump is a little man, trying to come across like a tough guy. He is more like a spoiled toddler, grabbing at shiny things, screaming "mine"! What goes around, comes around.
Trump seems to enjoy humiliating, demeaning others. I never watched his TV show. Wasn't it about making him appear tough and strong by being cruel to others? Is this why he supports Musk's firings? His wanton disregard for due process is leading us toward a constitutional crisis, and chances are, he will ignore the Supreme Court.
It was hard to get out of bed this morning , the day after the so-called president of the United States totally abandoned this country’s principles and values and attempted to bully a courageous ally into submission to his craven will. It made for good television alright. So good that it exposed him for exactly what he is — a wannabe Putin. Let’s hope it’s a wake up call to the misguided many who voted for him and a giant step toward the unraveling of his and Vance’s regime.
"Joe Morelle, the top congressional Democrat on the committee on house administration, wrote to Trump on Wednesday denouncing the order as “an unprecedented violation of American rule of law” that “opens the floodgates to political corruption and immeasurable money in politics”. "
"The paragraph has alarmed even some constitutional conservatives who otherwise agree with many of Trump’s actions. Other critics characterise it as another step toward an American brand of despotism."
"But critics have further warned that, taken with other measures, the directive poses a more fundamental threat to democracy as it advances the Republican right’s “unitary executive theory”, which casts aside the constitution’s checks and balances in favour of a claim that THE PRESIDENT'S AUTHORITY IS PARAMOUNT" (emphasis added)
Project 2025 is predicated on making Congress ineffective thereby requiring the President to assume extraordinary powers. Now you know why Republicans have made Congress ineffective.
Republicans MUST tell their representatives and senators that they want them to push back against trump on the Ukraine 🇺🇦 issue! Republican lawmakers have to feel their constituents’ support so that they feel confident to support President Zelensky! We all have to pull together on this issue!
Like! (My like button doesn't work.) But what I hear is there is big, loud support for Ukraine along with the WTF outrage against Musk's scorched earth program. Polls over 80% for Ukraine. Seeing some clips of the so-called "representatives," it looks scarily like they are truly high on the koolaid. Some truly evil people have been elected.
Individuals can support Ukraine and it really does make a difference. Come Back Alive provides no ammunition or weapons. It supplies helmets, vests etc. No contribution is too small and at least one feels like one is doing SOMETHING!
Absolutely, by the uninformed or misinformed, uneducated, gullible maga voters. Hope they wake up soon before it's too late and their benefits are gone, their jobs are gone, their homes are gone, cars are repossessed, etc. WTH people wake up!
Re: your poll, it’s obviously all four of the choices you gave us! Putin helped him get elected, has something on him, wants to carve up the world together and of course will make him richer. The two of them together are definitely an axis of evil.
I think Trump, a hollow person, would like to be Zelenskyy. Jealousy... Vance is all performance art and ignorance. Stupidity... So this morning, I looked around. There is so much. I cruised the internet archives to see what is lost and what is true coming from so many diverse voices in our history telling our story. Then I took a look at the White House website. Gross... I saw that the Spanish language version is 404. Frightening...Didn't Noam Chomsky say something once about a terrible coherence? Then there is the vote in the House. Heartbreaking... Then of course, the total destruction of federal agencies and the deliberate isolation from allies - both of which reminds one of the profile of domestic abuse, which includes gaslighting and isolation, applied to a whole country...With all this evidence, I can only ask Congress, the courts, and the rest of us...why are these guys still around.
Unless the Republicans take actin to reverse anything Trump has done to this point, the party is doomed to ever get anyone elected again, regardless of how much money they throw into the picture.
I'm wondering if we will ever be able to vote again? The Republicans in this state (Tx) seem to be trying to make us carry a birth certificate in to be able to ever vote again.
I remember several years back when I went in to renew my drivers license. They wouldn't do it without a birth certificate so I drove back home and got the only birth certificate I had. Drove back and presented that. They wouldn't accept that either because it came from the hospital I was born in. Then I drove back home and got my passport. They accepted that. They told me that the election boards used that to issue ballots to be able to vote. Now I understand that we have to have a birth certificate to vote too. I have a cousin that has no birth certificate because his mother gave birth to him at home.
I vote by mail but I have to reregister every January.
I wanted to smack trump and jd so badly I almost broke through the TV. How dare they get so smug. Neither of them has even a tiny smidge of the courage and brilliance that Zelensky does. Made me angry and broke my heart at the same time. 💔🤨
Trump is Putin's useful idiot. Putin couldn't care less about that slavering moron. When Dumpy Donnie is confronted by an intelligent person, he has no other means to respond other than insulting and demeaning the persons intelligence. Leaders support their people, unlike a bully like Trump, who is nothing more than a perforated colostomy bag. He only cares about himself. He has never has had "it" together and he never will. This was a battle between leadership and bullyship.
We've got the mid-term elections coming up soon. We can start then to throw as many as possible out of office. Just maybe they will wake up and change course from backing Trump.
Yes, I'm sure political season will be coming up soon too. We need everyone to keep reminding them that a vo0te for the Trump candidate is a vote for a Putin follower.
America needs a Volodymyr Zelenskyy now more than ever!
A President who LEADS by example and truly cares about his country and his people!
We all watched yesterday as our Putin backed bully and his vice president embarrassed us all as they rudely pressured Ukraine’s president!
This was one of Trump’s “I” quotes, “The problem is, I've empowered you to be a tough guy, and I don't think you'd be a tough guy without the U.S. Your people are very brave, but you're either going to make a deal or we're out, and if we're out, you'll fight it out. I don't think that’s going to be pretty. You’re in a much better position with us, but you’re not acting at all thankful, and that's not a nice thing. I'll be honest. That's not a nice thing.”
That is Mob Boss rhetoric to a T!
Today I am ashamed to be an American!
I believe that all of our Patriotic Americans have to stop this GOP, totalitarian regime, while we still have Time!
We have to restore our government back to a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
You are far from alone
The thing is, what can we do about it??? I make phone calls to senators and congressmen DAILY, telling them they need to remove Trump, impeach him, kick Musk out of the White House, etc. They are not nice phone calls either. How many other people out here are trying to get him out of office???
Yeah, I cannot call, so I email my officials a few times a week. Last night I also emailed the Felon-In-Chief, his flunky, Shady Vance, and I sent an apology to the Ukrainian embassy
I do the same. Good idea sending an apology to the Ukrainian embassy, I will do that too. It might help them to understand that most of the American people support Ukraine.
Doing the same. And posted the suggestion on Facebook.
I too sent an email "I stand with Zelenskyy" in the subject like and apologized for the rude treatment her received. I think Z outfoxed Trump and Vance as he wanted security guarantees they ignored. How many times has Putin ignored security guarantees. Trump and Vance wanted Zelensky to sign on the dotted line and accept the trap they set. He out maneuvered them and exposed the thugs in the White House.
Trump is a psychopathic criminal. No surprise here. He has been emboldened with a lack of consequences from our gov’t & so called military who watched a coup and did nothing!
Thank you doing that.
I have been looking for the contact info for the Ukrainian Embassy, but the email doesn't seem to work. I wonder if they have disabled it? What contact did you find? Has worked so far. Great idea!
I used the one on their website and it has not bounced back.
Will be writing the Embassy today.It's such a joyful thought to know our fellow Americans will warm his heart.
I was wondering how to send a letter of apology to Zelensky, but thanks for providing another route.
Good for you, Rocco! How do I send my apologies to the Ukranian Embassy? I want them to know that American people absolutely do NOT agree with that orange POS!
I found the website and immediately sent my apologies. He needs to know more American people stand with him and Ukraine than with that orange smear!
FYI: The address for the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, D.C. is 3350 M Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20007.
Thank you Rosemary.
Thank you, Rosemary!
I told Robert that weeks ago but he told me I was a little over reacting at that point. I'm just disappointed that the guy that grazed Trump's ear was such a bad shot.
It was fake. Nobody heals as fast as that conman claims to have healed.
Perhaps we need a Luigi. He didn’t miss.
Trump was shot and wounded in his upper right ear by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, who fired eight rounds from an AR-15–style rifle from the roof of a nearby building. Crooks also killed one audience member and critically injured two others.
People died including the only 20 year old sadly misinformed man that tried to kill Trump. This kind of violence and loss is never the answer. I agree Trump is vile, but if we w at to live in a civil society, then we have to find a way to use the law to defeat him.
What I still find laughable is all the magas that wore sanitary napkins on their ear "in solidarity"!
Total fake-out!
Rocco,so right.It is amazing that 71% of people polled thought that Luigi did the right thing.
I think he was a great shot, Harvey. It was never intended to seriously hurt Trump.
Precisely!! Any decent shooter with a AR15 should be able to hit a target as big as trumpie boy at 150 yards. And who does a fist bump if you know that someone just tried to kill you? Not a coward like this fat fart.
Regardless, I have the badge from my time in the military. I wouldn't have missed.
Trump was shot and wounded in his upper right ear by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, who fired eight rounds from an AR-15–style rifle from the roof of a nearby building. Crooks also killed one audience member and critically injured two others.
If he hadn't just turned at the last
before the bullets went past
He'd now have his schnoz
all covered in gauze
and be thinking of wearing a mask.
He was hit by flying glass from the monitor in which his speeches scroll, he was not grazed by the bullet.
Then he could have gotten the nose job he always wanted.
We have all wondered that for months.
Klare--What did the people of Germany do during the 1930's. Nothing--look where that mind set got them. I hope we have learned from history.
Remove the wingman.
I have been writing letters and calling. I am starting to feel desperate about not doing enough to stop them. Our elected officials don't seem to be able to do it. WE HAVE TO DO IT.
go to local protests with your own sign... be ready to talk about why you feel the way you do.
sign up with and find out where you can go and who to meet up with.
Pamela…that’s the truth. Disgraceful that he wasn’t put away for Sedition like he should have been!
Our elected officials don't WANT to do anything about Trump, or else they would have by now!
Certainly not the Republicans.
MY US Reps and U Senator are all Democrats...and good people. We have a nightmare as trump wants to be like Putin and NOT listen to the Democrats in the House or Senate.
Robert make an important point about the thousands of elections that are coming up. People need to mobilise and get out and vote in every election they can, and ensure others vote. I would say vote for anyone other than the fascists Republicans but that is too dangerous. Whether you are a Democrat or not, if you oppose the fascists then you need to vote Democrat. Trump & Co won the 2024 election in no small part because they relied on voter apathy and complacency: people didn't vote, people spoiled their ballot papers or voted for some 3rd party. The Republicans will do their best to cheat; gerrymander; challenge and disenfranchise voters in every election they can. The only way to stop them is to knock on doors, encourage people to vote (Democrat) in every election they can and probably in person since the USPS is going down the tubes.
The other thing is more economic blackouts, I disagree with Robert on that one, one day is not enough. Only continuous action works. Do research and pick companies that support, hire and donate to Republicans. Boycott those. Once a Republican is voted out of office, keep the boycott going, these people need to held to account for their treason. Make sure they never work again and never get a chance to get their snouts in the trough again.
I take issue with the idea that Trump won the last election fair and square. Musk's money and the profiles of voters in the swing states made a big difference. Remember the Cambridge Analytica scandal that used private data used to target voters -- could that be why Musk and is data brigade are collecting names to buy the next election via ads that push people's buttons.
I believe Musk is already doing that. I also believe he interfered in this election. No forensic recount was called and prior to the election Trump declared that he’d win even if you didn’t vote.
He DID NOT win. The voter suppression did that for him & Putin, Musk et al. Greg Palast has reported on this.
i agree with you on voting with our wallets. there is a great app called Goods that shows you who is donating to whom.
Thank you. Keep calling! I am too. They may be throwing gut punches, but I'm staying up as long as I can. I have children and grandchildren and I want them to enjoy the freedoms we had and more, working towards a more equitable and compassionate world, not move backward.
Send money to their embassy! Grump has stopped, but we don't have to!!
What do we do? We don’t give up and we don’t give in. I’m a veteran who often hears “Thank you for your service.” You don’t have the wear a uniform to fight for freedom, to fight for democracy. We’re all in service when we stand together against tyranny. We support each other and call out those corrupted by this cult.
Klare, I make those calls, too! I write letters, sign petitions and write post cards every single day!
More than we think.I cld. my Republican(thug) to me yesterday about my heart condition,my income(Social Security),and my food assistance(food stamps.I even teared up when I was talking.I wonder if anyone will notice.
I notice! We will continue to fight. Stay in the light!
Klare K - I haven’t stopped emailing all of my repubs in years even though I know that they are not being read. It makes me feel better anyway. I save calling for certain occasions because my disability has affected my speech and most times people assume I am deaf. Love it when they raise their voice - I am on the phone people (!) and if I was actually hearing impaired I would have used TTD. But I called the other day after the sh*t show. I think I was the one raising my voice in that call.
Klare,thank you for calling and trying to mobliize others to do the same.What do you think about getting the advertisers on Fox,calling them to say,we are going to have a Nationwide boycott of their products. Do you think people will participate?
It's 75%-76% that are NOT supporters of the Alzheimer's-RAVAGED man-toddler.
(Pancha Chandra): Donald Trump has lost the plot. He and J.D. Vance have shown their rotten instincts!
The rift with Zelenski will be difficult to mend. Shame on Trump!
They do not want to mend anything. They are backing Putin.
(Pancha Chandra): Donald Trump is enamoured with dictators like Putin! He will never change!
Donald Trump just told the nation and the world that he rules Oceania. That the world is divided between himself, Putin, Xi, and Mohammad bin Salman.
Not to mention all of our other allies.
I don't think we have any allies anymore. :(
During Trump running off in the mouth, I thought, many times that I would have got up and walked out, Trump still blathering. I think Vance can hang it up ever getting elected to anything ever again.
I’m not so sure they are worried about free and fair elections happening.
Trump and Vance showed their true colours at the White House meeting with Zelensky.
I fear that “ leaders” like Trump & Vance will one day get us involved in WW3.
Trump and Vance are ignorant and very dangerous men who have been entrusted with the fate of the world community!!!
Your proud Canadian neighbour, Harriet Slimovitch!!!
You are absolutely right here. As long as Trump is pulling the strings, we will eventually end up in another war. I hope not. The American public has to wake up first and stop it. So far Trump is going slow enough to even fool the MAGAs. The voters have their fingers crossed hoping and still are denying what he is doing. I put his goals together this morning in another post. check it out.
He needed vance to back him up becauae Trump could not deal with Zelensky on his own or honestly even with Vance. T and V looked weak.
When Trump has to declare how strong he is, that is a sure sign of weakness
Steve,Trump is a 4 time draft dodger.When he realized he mjght get drafted during Vietnam,he wet his pants.He then went to daddy who helped get a deferment for heel spurs,written by a podiatrist in Queens New York. No heel spurs.
Remember, David...the " bully felon" learned cowardice from his grandfather who left his native German to avoid the compulsory draft. you think there exists a paternal line DNA draft dodger gene in that corrosive family...???
Absolutely disgusting and embarrassing to be an American right now. And what’s even sadder is the trash that voted for this trash in the White House is loving this. Just horrific and so ignorant.
Agree 100%.
Sen. Linsey Graham led the pack yesterday. Another Fascist scumbag of the first rate. GH
Do you have any idea how many Ameicans,Europeans,Asiasns,Indians,hate Donald Trump. The # s are staggering.
That's a pleasant thought.
For once ALL CAPS is appropriate~
Foul smelling caps appropriate, Mr J????
I don't understand your question, Lynn. I was responding to Klare K.
Just suggesting that any case letters.. Upper!lower where pino is concerned should be thought of in terms of " foul" caps.
Sorry, Louis....should have used a more understandable wording.
My apologies...mea culpa 😔
If ever I found the command to love one's neighbor difficult, it is now.
Also having a HARD time forgiving those who trespass against us.
When those words, love thy neighbor, were written the world was a much different place and neighbor had a much different meaning.
1700 years ago, when those words were actually written, your neighbor was your tribal kinsman, shared race, ethnicity, religion, you even worshiped at the same temple. Food for thought.
True, but then Jewish missionaries went to Anatolia and Arabia to convert them into good neighbors. They succeeded beyond their imaginations.
Jewish missionaries (we give them names like Peter, Paul, Luke, Timothy,Matthew) had success in Anatolia, But not in Arabia.
The Arabs were well acquainted with the Jews, before Muhammad, and he had his troupe behead the members of the Jewish Tribe Quaryza because he coveted their wealth.
But the Arabs knew nothing of Christians until after his death, when the Successors flew out of the desert waving scimitars on the backs of horses and camels, then they came up against, what they call in the Quran, Rum, the eastern Empire, Which was, at that time in Anatolia, fat, dumb, happy and lazy, and unprepared to deal with a bunch of scimitar wielding Arabs, and that is how and when Islam came in contact with the Jewish export cult called Christianity.
It was during the Rashidun and Ummayad Caliphates, my guess is the Ummayad Caliphate that the Quran was actually written as well as many of the haddiths.
It was during the Abbasid caliphate that ibn Ishaq wrote "Sīrat Rasūl Allāh" (Life of the Messenger of Allah) the biography of Muhammad, which taken with the Quran and hadiths form the basis of Shariah (Islamic jurisprudence)
J D Vance is just as bad or even worse.
I, too, was repulsed by Trump's despicable behavior in the oval office, so much so, that I made a donation to United 24 for the war effort. If Trump won't help Ukraine, we must do it ourselves and hope we and they weather the storm.
Your passionate comment brought a huge smile to my face. For many politicians on the opposite side of the fence, while not in agreement I was previously alright in hearing another perspective. But Trump is something entirely different. The rage and disgust I feel about this low-life, self-serving, EVIL, greedy, narcissistic sociopath must register at the pinnacle of the Richter Scale of FASCISM. I actually find myself wringing my hands as he rapidly destroys our democracy each day, step by step. How in the world did so many ignorant Americans fall for his malarky?
I had to smile at your last word. I haven't heard that one since my mom passed away. It was one of her favorites. :)
Call your congressional representatives 202-224-3121 and voice your concerns/outrage, I'll do the same. Support Ukraine, no on budget that will hurt the most vulnerable people of our country just to give tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. No extension on tax cuts. I too am mad as hell! Impeach the two idiots that bullied Zelensky, our ally; they are pukin sympathizer.
By his own choices he is doomed to hell. Just like Pharoh, Trump will doom himself and his legacy by the actions he takes - if we believe it to be so.
Agreed...Trump is not fit to tie the shoe laces of Zelensky!
I am sure you know ALL CAPS is shouting. It's not time to get angry. It's time to get even. First, put all the resources you can into Dems winning the upcoming special elections so we might retake the House before 2026. Then, contact your (however) elected representatives and hammer them with your concerns. Jam the phone lines. Visit the offices (I did and left my rep a model of a spine I had made as she obviously needs one!). Finally, keep the faith and do your best to stay calm under duress.
fightfightfight-never surrender-you,zelenskyy-never fight-always surrender-join me in moscow
Thank you! You said exactly what I am feeling and so perfectly. How can we get your message to President Zelensky? I’m not on X.
Make a small donation to help Ukraine. If we all gave $5, Zelenskii would have enough to win. There's several charities both here and in Ukraine, with the only difference being that donations to US charities are tax deductible. I got my list from Timothy Snyder's Substack "Thinking About....Ukraine"
Thank you so very much.
You can only deduct charitable contributions if you itemize your deductions on schedule E, Very few have enough itemized deductions greater than the standard deduction.
It was easy to itemize deductions, before Trump 45, during Trump 45 Congress passed a budget bill that eliminated the mortgage interest deduction.
Primary designed to punish blue states. Rural America has a higher percentage of property that is not mortgaged due to it being passed on to heirs, and the lower mobility rate. Also property in rural (red) America is not so expensive, not to the extend that the mortgage interest is such that mortgage holders are incentivized to itemize deductions on schedule E.
In other words red state America didn't notice the change, so didn't complain because red state America doesn't itemize (Schedule E)
The mortgage interest deduction is still available for those that file Schedule I, (for business, including landlords) as a business expense.
Valuable information, William, very perceptive. My opinion: Businesses get many deductions they don't deserve. University students should get tax credits for investing in their education..
Great idea Paula! Thank you for this information. I will make a donation in support of Ukraine and pass this information on to my friends.
Thank you so very much for the link, Steve!
Wish we could, perhaps, devote a specific date for a collective donation to Ukraine. Yesterday we resolved to NOT subsidize big about a day devoted to raising money for allow the World to see just what Americans are all about....the REAL heart & soul of Americans !.The World sees only the bully boy lying grifter in chief....why not show the world what Americans ....the real grass roots Americans who care deeply about our world neighbors...this is who WE REALLY ARE AS A NATION.
Am I only dreaming here...???
Love this idea..I'm all in.
No,you give a wonderful choice for people.
I just wonder if money will really help that much. It seems like weapons is what's really needed.
I fully admit that my knowledge of warfare is extremely limited. Regardless, I'll donate to Ukraine!
I donated with my son. I told my husband when our neighborhood has its annual garage sale, we will sell stuff we don't need and donate all the proceeds to Ukraine.
that is BEAUTIFUL!!!
or a large donation
I made a donation to United24 (Ukraine House DC Foundation) -- email:
SPOT ON..Paula!.
Thank you so very much for the information 🤗
Tell the Ukraine embassy.
I would hope the rest of the free world would organize and help Zelenskyy kick the Russians out of Ukraine. It's obvious that our President and his DOGE henchmen will do all they can to counter any effort to help anyone except Trump. It's all about the money to them.
Harvey--NATO has everything to lose, it's their move to put Putin in check. They really don't need Trump, or his toys. Russia has been severely weakened by the war they should have never started. The threat of WWIII has been held over our heads long enough. It's time to force the bully to stop bullying. NATO can do it on their own.
Agree!!! Now would be a great time for the European NATO countries to band together bolstering Ukraine and when the opportunity presents itself, take out Putin and neutralize Russia. Russia is weak and will work to rebuild as soon as they can. Putin needs trumpie boy to help him.
After WW2, General Patton said that while we have the armies in Europe, we should move against the Soviet Union. There were so many cries against that. There was a German tank commander who wrote a book on his experiences in the war. He talked about Stalin building a war machine that would go through Europe to the Atlantic Ocean. That is why Hitler launched operation barbarossa. Unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the author. My neighbor at that time who is Russian had the book written in Russian or German.
Hitler envisioned Slavic Eastern Europe as part of Germany's "manifest destiny." He launched Operation Barbarossa at the time he did because he saw the window of opportunity closing.
Yes I know. We formed NATO way back to counter the USSRs push trying to advance their ability to take over different parts of the world aa their own. That is why Putin wants to do away with it. I guess he figures that if we pull out the rest of the world will pull out to.
Right now Ukraine is not a member. That is why we haven't stepped in to defend them. I wonder if it is possible to accept them now. We could move in and kick Russia out then. I don't think Russia stands a chance if we move in to help them. I figure Putin will run like hell then.
It takes a 100% vote by member states for a nation to enter NATO Harvey.
Finland and Sweden were estopped by Turkey, until concessions could be made, namely criminalize burning of the Quran, and putting the Kurds on the terrorist list. In that regard Turkey is, and always has been, an enemy of the west. It committed genocide of the Armenians, and is ethnically cleansing the Kurds.
Armenia and Russia are both members of a military alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), along with four other ex-Soviet countries
The Kurds were a major ethnic group that should have their own country, Kurdistan, that occupies North East Turkey, northern Iraq and north western Iran.
They were cast aside when the present countries were created in the debris of WWII.
Salah al din, righteousness of the faith, whom we know as Saladin was a Kurd.
I didn't know it took 100% vote for a country to become a member of NATO. Wow! it sure makes it hard to become a member.
Isn't Turkey where that turd that comes to the CPAC meetings and tells the MAGAs how he was able to throw out democracy?
I don't watch CPAC, just snippetsfrom MSNBC, and I think it might have been Orban.
There is an Orban -Turkish connection. The cannon maker that built the Canons used by the Turks to bombard Constantinople was a man named Orban, the ancestor of Viktor Orban, dictator of Hungary?
I totally agree Donald, and Estonia, the smallest of the Baltic states has led the way.
If all of Europe, without invoking art 5, of the charter (which would be estopped by the two stooges of Hungary and Slovenia), would send troops and material to Ukraines aid, they would call Putin's bluff about nukes.
I personally doubt that Putin's nukes will all fly, or that they will detonate, because the components degrade, and it has happened in America, we lost the knowledge, and tools to build plutonium pits, a basket ball sized, hollow sphere, because the production was halted with the end of the cold war. The Pentagon had to contract with Livermore Labs to rediscover and reinvent the technology.
Russia is worse off because of corruption and inefficiency, even their army is in worse shape than it was in WWII, poorly, equipped,poorly trained, poorly led, the only tactic that Putin has is the one Stalin had and that is to send in wave after wave of Cannon fodder, and even then it was no help, so he has had to rely on specially trained and brainwashed North Koreans.
If Europe stepped in,hell if the Baltics, Poland stepped in, the fight would be over in a week. Ukraine would be saved,Europe would be saved, and Trump and Musk would be gone.
i agree-but they're afraid of a paper tiger-they won't-sometimes the best defense is a good offense
The only defense is a good offense. There are times in history where a city held out against a siege, but when the siege was lifted, half or more of the city was dead, and cannibalism reigned.
The defense of New Orleans was not a defensive victory, but loss on the part of the British, poorly led, bad decisions, and no knowledge of the terrain.
The Baltic states aren't afraid of Putin, they see clearly his weakness, and that his only strength is mass assault pushing bullet absorbers ahead until the opposition runs out of bullets are is overwhelmed. Problem is that Putin has one hell of a large front to contend with, at the moment it is too oblast in Ukraine and the intrusion into Kursk, he can't handle the Baltics and Finland as well, not at the moment, maybe if Trump and Europe give him a couple of years to regroup and rebuild.
Logistics and communications, We beat Germany because Mrs Jones was able to send a chocolate birthday cake to her son in the Huertgen Forest.
maybe it's a hangover from the days of the ussr-i should've said wariness-but they have to be convinced of russia's weakness,and that'll take some doig
He is doing Vlad’s bidding.
On a lighter note.Since all this DOGE insanity,I read somewhere to call the major credit bureaus (Experian,Transunion and Equifax)Request a credit freeze on your Social Security #.
Where will this mess ever stop that Trump brought with him to the presidency? All I can say, at this pint, is to "Vote Blue!"
Keith--Zalenskyy and Ukraine are like we were when George and the colonies had their hands full with the British. Freedom comes at a cost, it's too bad all Trump wants to donate are the pennies he feels we no longer need.
Thanks, Donald. Trump is even more vile than George III. He is a complete extortionist and racketeer. His berating of Zelensky was classic, reverting to his 2018 form and worse, when he attempted to extort false accusations on the "Biden Crime Family" from him in exchange for "protection" in the form of armaments to protect Ukraine from Russian aggression. He is one of Putin's mob cronies. The word to describe Trump's species of quasi-leadership is called 'patrimonialism', described by the German sociologist Max Weber 100 years ago (link to Atlantic archives). This is a primitive form wherein all political power flows from the patriarch of the tribe and allows for no dissent.
With Trump and Putin, we are reverted to Attila the Hun. All of us who value freedom need to pull together with Europe's non-fascist nations and support them to integrate Ukraine into their Union. Zelensky will be at the vanguard to push Russian aggression back to Moscow. There will be no deal for Ukrainian minerals, that's another trumpian scam.
Trump, Republicans, and oligarchs are conducting an insurrection that violates federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383) which defines a felony crime as “whoever assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof”. The insurrection wants to take America back to before 1776 with a KING (Trump as KING) and run the country as the old South which provided all the wealth to rich white men as property holders who exploited inhuman cruel slavery and treated white women as slaves.
William, excellent point. I would like to know which Federal court might display some legitimacy and support a lawsuit by the American People in order to topple these transgressors from power. Millions of us must be ready to stand up.
Jamie Raskin,who is so knowledgable and has so much integrity,mentioned we might be able to do a class action suit on Muck because of this DOGE stupidity he has done.That would be divine!!! I saw the kids with bookbags walking into the bldg. the other day.Since when did we ever have anything like that happening.
Dennis - No federal court while Trump in office controlling the DOJ. The solution is enacting and enforcing a new state law modeled after the federal law (18 U.S. Code § 2383) in 7 states where Democrats control the state government. California could be the first state to enact and enforce the law within 90 days which would remove the 9 Republican representatives from California in the Congressional House. The House would then have a Democratic majority of 2024 to 2009 with Jefferies as Speaker of the House to control the budget and make sure Ukraine and Medicaid are fully funded and there will be no tax cuts for the rich. Maryland, New Jersey and Colorado could follow to collectively remove another 8 Republican representatives in the House and then also remove 4 conservative justices from the Supreme Court changing the Court to 3 liberals and 2 conservatives to block any more conservative Court actions favorable to Trump, Republicans, and oligarchs.
The Constitution in Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 allows members of Congress to be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection that violates state law enforced with imprisonment up to ten years with mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
The Constitution does not establish judicial immunity for any judge including federal judges or Supreme Court Justices. Therefore, Supreme Court Justices can be arrested, indicted, and convicted for the felony crime of insurrection and enforced with imprisonment up to ten years and mandatory permanent removal and prevention from holding office.
How can we make this happen? Copy and paste to our governors?
Thank you, William, I suspected so about the trump DOJ. I will supply your take on this to my Dem Gov. Tony Evers here in WI, since our state legislature is controlled by the far-right.
Except Ukraine was not a colony of Russia, Donald.It is Putin's mythology that Ukraine is and has been a part of Russia.
Historically Lyiv was the trading post of the Swedish Vikings, the Rus. The Russians aren't Rus sians, they are are Slavs, Turks, Bulgars, and Asiatics.
Zelensky has had to deal with Ukrainian and Russian generals who are a lot more forceful than the two puddles of fat that attempted to bully him. Trump gets a soundbite victory yet Zelensky stood up to the corrupt leader of the US. Thats honorable and brave. I and his people and most of the world will respect him for that.
Since yesterday, America has become a pariah nation, and I am no longer proud of being and American. This should solve the immigration problem, who in their right mind would want to immigrate to hell, maybe it is not so hot on the fringes of hell, as it is in the center.
William - The only people that they want to come to America are the Tate brothers (thanks to T pushing for it). Nothing like claiming that they are deporting criminals from other countries because they are parasites but the welcoming of the brothers makes me sick. But they are his kind of people - rapists and traffickers. Sure makes me feel safer for my family (sarcasm).
An abomination Anon, and yet despite (maybe because ) of Trump's perversions, criminality and amorality the Catholics, Evangelicals love him.
That tells you all you need to know about religion, and what religion is really all about, it has nothing to with saving souls, morality, a safer more humane world, it is about patriarchal privilege and dominance.
And so many of us will be writing the Embassy to thank him .
I think Trump is really jealous of Zelensky. He knows Zelensky enjoys great respect and an approval rating in his own country that Trump will never achieve. He knows that Zelensky obtains help due to the righteousness of his cause and the power of his personality. Trump, in contrast, can only get what he wants by bullying and force. On a subconscious level he knows that he is not loved or respected by the multitudes.
Yes, Carolyn, and he never will be, either. Zelenskyy stands head and shoulders above him. An inspiration to us all.
My response to today's question was "other" because the convicted felon currently occupying the Oval Office is a long-term Kremlin asset. I'm including quite a few links that convey my thinking much better than if I belabor you all with 5000 words in support of my assertion. I urge you all to review them. But to cite things we already know because they happened in plain sight:
He publicly called on the Kremlin for support in the '16 election campaign.
Among his first acts as president after winning the '16 election, he hosted an unchaperoned meeting in the Oval Office with Lavrov and Kislyak along with their entourage of Kremlin agents in the Oval Office, with only Russian foreign correspondents, and where no US personnel were allowed.
And that's only the things we have >all< seen him publicly flaunt as we averted our eyes, our wits, and our common sense, since it was all taking place within a proliferation of conspiracy theories and Q-anon slogans that distracted attention away from what was happening in plain sight, and to suggest some kind of "Manchurian Candidate" at that time came off as just another conspiracy theory.
Please review and consider the following items:
Included per Penny's suggestion in her response below: (Let me remind you that RICO tracks patterns of crime)
It is established in the clips that his KGB codename is "Krasnov," but I suspect he later decided to have it changed to MAGA, possibly to flatter himself:
MAGA = мага =
He likes to in include MAGA as his signature at the end of his "tweets."
Just as an afterthought to all this, back in the '90s I saw on the McNeil, Lehrer News Hour an interview with Oleg Kalugin, the former Washington KGB Bureau Chief. What I found disturbing is that he studied as a journalist for his graduate training, after graduating from KGB spy school, at Columbia University School of Journalism - which gave him access to a lot of budding US journalists, the way CIA always accessed others, such as William F Buckley when he was young. I could >easily< suspect a budding Faux news connection.
Kalugin later made a number of appearances on the News Hour.
And finally, not to put too fine a point on it, this guy can definitely see the political vector being established in the agency head appointments:
Rachel Maddow’s show last night did a good job of connecting the dots, as well.
Thanks. I'll see if I can dig it up and include it. 👍
Question: Why is it important for Zelinski to wear a suit instead of his wartime attire, when Musk dresses much the same daily "to the office" - and with a hat - for no reason at all - contravening standard government dress codes - and is never questioned about it?
Senior military leaders show up to high level diplomatic events all the time, neatly dressed. Zelensky in his statesmanlike garb was more impressive than any of the Washington thugs in their zoot suits, because he has command while they have blubber.
Yes! He was in the oval office with a t-shirt and ball cap. How hypocritical.
DZK - I said that same thing before I started to read all of the comments.
I think that T knows that he would never look good in an outfit like that and it hurts his fragile male ego. ;)
DZK July 1987: Trump and his wife, Ivana, who speaks Russian, make their first visit to the Soviet Union (which included the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [RSFSR]). They scout potential construction sites for a Trump Tower Moscow.
In 2013 he brought Miss Universe to Moscow.
Perfect settings for cultivating an asset. Money, business opportunities, plenty of quid pro quo. That alone is plenty of компромат. So we've been worrying about pee-pee tapes ‽‽
I appreciate the congressman characterizing Vance as a "pogue" in the clip Popok uses in his piece:
It's a word I've never come across before, so for everyone to whom the word "pogue" is new, per Wictionary:
1. A kiss.
2. A purse; hence money.
3. A young, male, passive homosexual.
I think it's hysterically funny - Vance as definition 3!
I wonder how his wife felt about his behavior yesterday.
I'd put his pillows and blankets out in the yard!
She should put the pillow over his face as he sleeps!
DZK - Made me snort laugh!
RedElisa - Adam Kissinger had an interesting video about their behavior. Basically he said that if your best friend was married to a guy who acted like they just did wouldn’t you encourage her to get away from them as quickly as possible.
I wonder what she thinks about his conversion to Catholicism.
I just came across this piece and find it instructive. The thing I find peculiar about it is that it targets Musk - not the Oval Office:
Interesting is that he brings up a TV series I simply can't watch, that is literally set in a neighborhood where I lived at the time the series is to be taking place.
My money is on Musk being Chinese. He appears to hold current production assets there beholden to Beijing, although he's also financially connected to the Kremlin. By my reckoning, he appears to be a double agent for both Beijing and the Kremlin, perhaps with stronger ties to Beijing.
DZK, this is an intriguing article from a Russian expat. I suspect that Faelon is in the pockets of both Vlad and Xi. Soon may they all die.
Slava Ukraina
All true and well said. However, Zylensky played his cards well and Trump knows it. That’s why Trump lost his cool. The Ukrainian President is heading to Europe and will seal the deal as he sweetens their pot with rare earths.
" He who angers me...defeats me..."
Good saying, Lynn.
trumpie is a mafia guy. Russian mob and has been for several decades. This is how he got all the financing he needed after going bankrupt so many time. We need a coup to take all the maga guys out and put them in a prison cell for the rest of their days. Maybe a good use for Guantanimo.
What was the White House shit show all about yesterday? Trump is attempting to oust Zelensky.
Trump the actor forgot a fundamental rule in theater: you rehearse first.
Did anyone else notice that the failed casino owner currently occupying the Oval Office was badgering Zelinski with references to "cards" and "gambling?"
Trump gambled and lost, because he was certain that "the little guy" would surrender in front of the cameras. Patriots don'g gamble.
Slava Ukraina!
Keith, I cannot agree more. What tRump and vance did in that staged press conference was deplorable and against everything this country used to stand for.
I think we need to plan for tens of thousands of us in the streets or they will take us over completely.
It makes ME proud to be a New Yorker! We hated it FIRST AND STRONGEST before ANYONE knew it's name.
The following is truth:
The worst part is that if you look at this young man and get a sense of where he comes from, you'll realize he runs a high risk of being deported, just to put a cherry on top of his experience.
Olbermann gets impressively frisky about all this, today:
Thanks DZK, Keith speaks for me. I am only a few minutes in. That MSNBC fired him was evidence long ago of the corruption of Brian L.. Roberts, Vanguard, Blackrock and State street., then they fired a black girl Tiffany Cross, then Joy Reid and Katie Phang. I wonder how much time Rachel has.?
As usual, we seem to be on the same page!
Trump was never going to come to an agreement with Zelensky. It was an argument just for show -- a disgusting show befitting a bullying mob boss. It accomplished what he wanted: to have an excuse to side with Putin and make it palatable to Republicans in Congress. Look at how many did a 180 when Zelensky left: from a welcome to a cold shoulder. Trump knows how to manipulate his cowed "loyalists." He's with Putin all the way.
By this point I think Zalenskyy knows that as long as Trump remains in power that all is lost here. The rest of the "FREE WORLD" has told him they are still behind him in his efforts. I hope they will organize and help him withstand the Russians till we throw Trump and his henchmen out of office. Trump has assured us that him and the Republican Party will not retain power, no matter who helps them run for any office,
The two misguided megalomaniacs running our country are in it strictly for profit and power.
Don't Forget Mini-Me JD... As the Buddhists would say... JD has no 'Center'...
I call my two Senators up almost daily to let them know we are unhappy. Maybe this will help convince them we are right. One of my Senators,, Cancun Cruz, is in the same boat as Trump, a MAGA. He's been sucking up to Trump for a long time. For Cornyn it's the power. He wants the position of leader of the Senate. So you see, it is sort of a loosing battle for me in this state.
I sold my house and moved out of TX. I'm lucky to have that option. I'm a rat fleeing the sinking ship in a desperate bid for survival.
No I don't think so. I would if I could also. I sold my house too but I moved into a senior living facility.
Keep pushing those 2 regardless. Particularly Cruz...what a putz
Raleigh NC
They don't even respond to my calls to Washington anymore.
Right now I'm responding to Gov. Abbott's (Tx) determination to give taxpayer money to private schools vouchers. I keep telling them it would help to give that money to the teachers salaries. I read that Texas was among the lowest paid teachers of the states.
The two misguided megalomaniacs RUINING our country
...with guidance from Putin...each and every day!
Scratch " guidance" ...insert " orders!".
They definitely need a brain twist!
Trump may be dancing to Putin’s tune right now, but do the oligarchs really want that too? It seems there’s likely to be major economic fallout of one sort or another in the very near future and the billionaires don’t like the way that will look in their portfolios.
Surely there’s some pragmatic billionaires out there who know that the best way to protect their wealth, and of course, democracy if they care about it, is to push members of the House towards #PresidentialCensure.
And let’s see if we can include a deal that Trump needs to agree to or face another impeachment. How about kicking Musk to the curb and undoing everything that DOGE did without legal authority?
Maybe eject a few of the unqualified cabinet picks too…
I back all your suggestions completely. We've got to change the direction that Trump and he DOGE bunch have steered us into.
Harvey...." Suggestions" sound great....however...
Cannot foresee. congressional " pino" synchophants moving one bloody inch off their entrenched " brown nosed " posture. Cowards...unprincipled craven cowards...the lot of them! Traitors to the oath they swore to " protect and defend the ..
Constitution of the United States of America
Do you really expect them to desert the " gold escalator gravy train" they jumped on so williinglly and with such gleeful avarice?
They've made their deal with " the Devil known"... bought & paid for with their backbone askewed ...integrity/ legacy in putrid tatters...for all the world to see!
Boy, you hit the nail on the head completely with every word here. I think I am going to use your words when I call my senators office the next time. Thanks Lynn.
Am blushing, Harvey! Welsh temper rants on sometimes.
.....releasing a Celtic pressure valve every once in awhile seems to
maintain sanity...or not🤗
Well you just go ahead and vent a little. As you can see, this is the place to do any venting. I do it all the time.
Thank you, my friend!
As long as my nonagenarian carcass allows🤗
He laughs in the face of impeachment. It's not going to work.
Maybe impeach it EVERY day for 47 months straight? 🤔
The way that trumpie - muskrat are going, we will soon have a depression. These guys know nothing about governing a country or an economy.
Michael - Apparently they are still in the “concept of a plan” phase. He just can’t get past that.
Constructive plan to rein him in while working to impeach him.
Do you know how impeachment works Achieving? The House of Representatives brings articles (charges) of impeachment against an official. Learn more about the House's role in impeachment. If the House adopts the articles by a simple majority vote, the official has been impeached. The Senate holds an impeachment trial.
Who controls the House? Answer: Trump and his MAGAt's, who controls the Senate? Answer Trump and his MAGAts.
Conclusion: Impeachment is not even a hope.
What I’m saying is that there may be four or five House Republicans, who are willing to put their careers aside to save us from fascism and the complete collapse of the American dream.
I think that less than half of them truly support what’s going on but the others, the #SecretSaneGOPCaucus, might join the revolt after the first one stands up.
If none do, then, they and their families will be marked as complicit until the end of civilization, which may only be a few decades away.
Possibly Achieving, but have you seen any signs of a Republican with backbone, that will honor their oath of office.?
The one that bucked Mike Johnson, was a radical who wanted even more an deeper budget cuts.
Absolutely and amen to that.
The Trump and Vance bushwhack yesterday. Despicable and loathsome. I’m still angry.
"Bushwhack" is perfect. "Ambush" also. They set up the trap for Zelenskii, and sprung it on live TV. Sickening and dishonest, but par for the course with tRumPutin. It will backfire....if there is a god.
That they did this on live TV may not have gone in Trump's favor.
Trump seemed to think it made for “great TV”. He gave the game away saying that.
I think he thought he was expecting he could use it to brag about his dealmaking skills.
Paula, we will make it backfire by never resting until Zelenskyy is validated! We have conversations and they spread - as fast as the damn TV!
Paula Dean - It was an ambush - it’s why they had a Russian reporter there.
I think Vance can hang it up. Even in his home state will they ever back him for anything ever again. The whole world already knows that Putin has Trump in his back pocket.
fingers crossed.
trump and musk appear to enact every America-weakening agenda item Russia's Vladimir Putin has for America. They took out our effective military leadership. They undermine and destroy confidence in the Federal Govt, agency by agency. Efficiency? DESTROY it complies with Putin's agenda! Ukraine and NATO? Russia benefits!! The sold-out and spineless MAGA-led GOP AND Right-wing media echo every word of anti-America pro-Russia disinformation/ misrepresentation/distraction/denial/defiance to WEAKEN America. SCOTUS? They have long defended trump's authoritarian America-weakening behavior and agenda. The Federal Courts appear to stand as Democracy's last hope!
I contend America was duped by Russian disinformation to get their Russian asset and useful idiot donald trump elected president. Our elected president behaves like a traitor.
Congress needs to arrive at this insight.....immediately.
Don't hold your breath with these craven cowards!.
mc connell did his job much too well!
It would not surprise me if the Russians don't have compromising intelligence over Trump. But you don't need to suppose this to explain Trump's behaviour. He is instinctively totalitarian: he likes and admires others of the same ilk. He makes the assumption that in a totalitarian system of government, he would be a favoured person: he ignores the treatment of Russian oligarchs by Putin. And Musk will go the same way, whether it is imprisonment for crossing Trump or an unfortunate fall from a building.
When he accuses Zemlinsky of being a dictator, he (and Vance) mean the opposite: he is feeble because he is the democratically-elected leader of a state, but has not enlarged his powers to become a dictator. So he is a failure. Not worthy of joining the club. There may be martial law in the Ukraine at the moment, that is true, but that is a legal stricture rather than the naked [ab]use of power on the Presidential signature which characterises the US at the moment.
My wife adds that the dig at Zelenskyy's yacht should be reversed: he is useless because he hasn't got one, not that he is corrupt because he has.
There's something humiliating from before he was president. It has to be big, like child pornography or secret footage of him in some compromising situation. Putin putting nude pictures of trumps wife on the Russian news was a message to him that he owns him.
The pee tape!
Read the article in The Hill.
Which one? Give me a title.
Kamala Harris warned us that all of this would happen.
Hilary Clinton gave us the first warning.
Growing up, my children learned that you can't make yourself look bigger by trying to make someone else look smaller. It's too bad Donald Trump never learned that important lesson. Trump is a little man, trying to come across like a tough guy. He is more like a spoiled toddler, grabbing at shiny things, screaming "mine"! What goes around, comes around.
Exactly! He never grew up.
Trump seems to enjoy humiliating, demeaning others. I never watched his TV show. Wasn't it about making him appear tough and strong by being cruel to others? Is this why he supports Musk's firings? His wanton disregard for due process is leading us toward a constitutional crisis, and chances are, he will ignore the Supreme Court.
It was hard to get out of bed this morning , the day after the so-called president of the United States totally abandoned this country’s principles and values and attempted to bully a courageous ally into submission to his craven will. It made for good television alright. So good that it exposed him for exactly what he is — a wannabe Putin. Let’s hope it’s a wake up call to the misguided many who voted for him and a giant step toward the unraveling of his and Vance’s regime.
Let's start calling Trump "Krasnov".... his KGB code-name. Why not? It's where he's at.
WHO SAW THIS!? (A big news day means Trump WILL ALWAYS try to slip something past us...)
"Trump’s ‘bald power grab’ could set US on path to dictatorship, critics fear
Little-noticed order that gives US president powers far beyond mere oversight denounced as ‘breathtaking’ "
"Joe Morelle, the top congressional Democrat on the committee on house administration, wrote to Trump on Wednesday denouncing the order as “an unprecedented violation of American rule of law” that “opens the floodgates to political corruption and immeasurable money in politics”. "
"The paragraph has alarmed even some constitutional conservatives who otherwise agree with many of Trump’s actions. Other critics characterise it as another step toward an American brand of despotism."
"But critics have further warned that, taken with other measures, the directive poses a more fundamental threat to democracy as it advances the Republican right’s “unitary executive theory”, which casts aside the constitution’s checks and balances in favour of a claim that THE PRESIDENT'S AUTHORITY IS PARAMOUNT" (emphasis added)
"Bowman said the section amounted to a declaration that the president’s opinion on the law overrides everyone else in government."
He's just putting in writing what the Supreme Court bestowed on him - absolute immunity for official acts.
Respectfully, Cindy,
I'd like to see more evidence that the word "just" has ever yet applied to Trump.
Project 2025 is predicated on making Congress ineffective thereby requiring the President to assume extraordinary powers. Now you know why Republicans have made Congress ineffective.
Republicans MUST tell their representatives and senators that they want them to push back against trump on the Ukraine 🇺🇦 issue! Republican lawmakers have to feel their constituents’ support so that they feel confident to support President Zelensky! We all have to pull together on this issue!
Like! (My like button doesn't work.) But what I hear is there is big, loud support for Ukraine along with the WTF outrage against Musk's scorched earth program. Polls over 80% for Ukraine. Seeing some clips of the so-called "representatives," it looks scarily like they are truly high on the koolaid. Some truly evil people have been elected.
Individuals can support Ukraine and it really does make a difference. Come Back Alive provides no ammunition or weapons. It supplies helmets, vests etc. No contribution is too small and at least one feels like one is doing SOMETHING!
Absolutely, by the uninformed or misinformed, uneducated, gullible maga voters. Hope they wake up soon before it's too late and their benefits are gone, their jobs are gone, their homes are gone, cars are repossessed, etc. WTH people wake up!
Re: your poll, it’s obviously all four of the choices you gave us! Putin helped him get elected, has something on him, wants to carve up the world together and of course will make him richer. The two of them together are definitely an axis of evil.
I think Trump, a hollow person, would like to be Zelenskyy. Jealousy... Vance is all performance art and ignorance. Stupidity... So this morning, I looked around. There is so much. I cruised the internet archives to see what is lost and what is true coming from so many diverse voices in our history telling our story. Then I took a look at the White House website. Gross... I saw that the Spanish language version is 404. Frightening...Didn't Noam Chomsky say something once about a terrible coherence? Then there is the vote in the House. Heartbreaking... Then of course, the total destruction of federal agencies and the deliberate isolation from allies - both of which reminds one of the profile of domestic abuse, which includes gaslighting and isolation, applied to a whole country...With all this evidence, I can only ask Congress, the courts, and the rest of us...why are these guys still around.
Unless the Republicans take actin to reverse anything Trump has done to this point, the party is doomed to ever get anyone elected again, regardless of how much money they throw into the picture.
I hope you're correct, but I fear we may be past the tipping point. Free and fair elections in my opinion are in jeopardy.
I'm wondering if we will ever be able to vote again? The Republicans in this state (Tx) seem to be trying to make us carry a birth certificate in to be able to ever vote again.
I remember several years back when I went in to renew my drivers license. They wouldn't do it without a birth certificate so I drove back home and got the only birth certificate I had. Drove back and presented that. They wouldn't accept that either because it came from the hospital I was born in. Then I drove back home and got my passport. They accepted that. They told me that the election boards used that to issue ballots to be able to vote. Now I understand that we have to have a birth certificate to vote too. I have a cousin that has no birth certificate because his mother gave birth to him at home.
I vote by mail but I have to reregister every January.
I wanted to smack trump and jd so badly I almost broke through the TV. How dare they get so smug. Neither of them has even a tiny smidge of the courage and brilliance that Zelensky does. Made me angry and broke my heart at the same time. 💔🤨
Trump is Putin's useful idiot. Putin couldn't care less about that slavering moron. When Dumpy Donnie is confronted by an intelligent person, he has no other means to respond other than insulting and demeaning the persons intelligence. Leaders support their people, unlike a bully like Trump, who is nothing more than a perforated colostomy bag. He only cares about himself. He has never has had "it" together and he never will. This was a battle between leadership and bullyship.
We've got the mid-term elections coming up soon. We can start then to throw as many as possible out of office. Just maybe they will wake up and change course from backing Trump.
Remind those poor fools that a vote for Trump is not only a vote for Musk, but also one for Putin.
Yes, I'm sure political season will be coming up soon too. We need everyone to keep reminding them that a vo0te for the Trump candidate is a vote for a Putin follower.