Like. Sticks in my (female) craw that women didn't get the right to start with until 1920. (for Pete's Sake!) 50 years after ex-slaves who happened to have penises at least were authorized on paper.
Like. Sticks in my (female) craw that women didn't get the right to start with until 1920. (for Pete's Sake!) 50 years after ex-slaves who happened to have penises at least were authorized on paper.
@ Mmerose. If Trump vowed to restore Roe v Wade and support Medicare for all, he'd still be a raving lunatic, con man, rapist, convict, incompetent to stand trial, let alone get a security clearance.
Hmmm.... If I were braver, I might answer 'sometimes' to that last bit. As it is, I'll shut the f*ck up as I'm too scared of all those intelligent women on this blog that are voting for Kamala!
And penises do come with a list of other advantages too! Higher salaries, more promotions, far less criticism from others, getting away with lower standards of behaviour,......... the list goes on and on.
Like. Sticks in my (female) craw that women didn't get the right to start with until 1920. (for Pete's Sake!) 50 years after ex-slaves who happened to have penises at least were authorized on paper.
@ Mmerose. If Trump vowed to restore Roe v Wade and support Medicare for all, he'd still be a raving lunatic, con man, rapist, convict, incompetent to stand trial, let alone get a security clearance.
Look up his diagnosis:
Malignant Narcissist AXIS ll Cluster B-4
There really are no meds for this cluster-f--k of disorders.
He is certifiable and belongs in a locked psych ward.
Hopefully she will win. and then? The country better start giving major psych evals to anyone who is serious about running for office.
and I'm not referring to the MAN, WOMAN, PERSON, CAMERA, TV eval my mum at age 89 took to live in assisted living independently.
45 was groomed from an early age to be a Con.
When has he done anything for anyone unless
"there's something in it for him?"
True, but a Savior no more.
Hmmm... Just to clarify, does that count as Voting Envy or Penis Envy?
Just an old bloke trying to keep up with the latest psycofads. ЁЯШм
No penis envyтАж we have brains and we use them!
Hmmm.... If I were braver, I might answer 'sometimes' to that last bit. As it is, I'll shut the f*ck up as I'm too scared of all those intelligent women on this blog that are voting for Kamala!
Well, darn, I guess if a girl likes that she can vote, she kind of envies a penis just in case! (But I don't hold it against ya, bloke.)
Good answer!
And penises do come with a list of other advantages too! Higher salaries, more promotions, far less criticism from others, getting away with lower standards of behaviour,......... the list goes on and on.
Oh yes, it's good to be a bloke! ЁЯШм
Tall, too. Tall is good.
Oy! Yeah, that, too!
BUT, short is OK, also.
So you are a woman AND you're short? Wow, what a bummer!
What does your therapist say about all that?
Therapist retired burned out years ago. I have long since embraced my Neanderthal genes.
Glad to hear your inner Neanderthal is ascendant. Yes, that's another thing we can get away with - hairy armpits! ЁЯЩВ
Too much information? Huh! I have to go see if it turned gray under there too.
What armpit hair? Don't old people lose that? I don't have any! And I don't mind.
I do hope we are still talking armpits!!?
Yeah tall is good and taller is better.
HA-ha-ha-ha! Touche тАж OH, maybe no touche. No touchie. Too funny, though.
Mmerose, Women were chattel.
In a lot of places they still are. If a political candidate says they have to vote for their candidate against her wishes. Then weтАЩre still chattel.