The supreme Court has saddled this country with decisions that imperil our democracy. Citizens United ended any attempt to control political spending. The Heller decision unleashed a flood of guns into the country which has destroyed the peace and security we used to enjoy. The Dobbs decision has killed women. God save our country from this Supreme Court.

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I picked other because the last three choices were all good. We definitely need to get rid of Citizens United, get rid of the justices on the Supreme Court who are corrupted and have caused Americans to lose respect and faith, and full disclosure and transparency with money going to our politicians. Until, we get a handle on the fact that money and corporations are NOT in fact, people, our country will continue to spiral out of control. Listening to the Coffee Klatch this morning, I began to feel so helpless!! Not because of Professor Reich or Ms. Lofthouse but because it seems sometimes that the little orange man and all the evil people are absolutely getting away with their crap!! For every step we take in cleaning up the corruption, it seems they knock us back three!!! Like Professor Reich, I am old enough to remember when politicians had a sense of decorum, class, and dignity to handle losing and the peaceful transfer of power. One spoiled rotten arse-hole took that away and continues to stomp his little toddler feet all over our Democracy!!! We are teaching our children that if you don't win, then you lie, cheat and scream unfair at the top of your voice to get your way. That's some kind of lesson to be teaching our children!! Instead of teaching how to lose gracefully, we're teaching them how to lie, cheat, and steal to win at all costs!!! How did this happen? What the hell has happened to our country? It seems sometimes that I blinked and everything was out of control!! Were we so secure in our Democracy that we did not notice things changing? Professor Reich and Ms. Lofthouse talked about the poll where the response was the election decision would be taken to the streets. It is a scary thought. This TikTok business is also a little concerning. They have voted to ban it here in the United States. How? How? How? Some of these laws they are passing I honestly do not know how they will enforce them!!!! How are you going to check to see if every single person has stopped using TikTok?? How will you be able to enforce laws concerning abortion with every single woman in America?? How will you determine if a child is reading a banned book with every single child in America?? I don't know, I'm just sounding off.

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What the Supreme Court has decided is that America should be a Feudal System run by the ultra wealthy Aristocratic Overlords according to their dogma. The Citizens United decision paved the way for the takeover of our democracy. The common people are priced out of free speech and denied the truth. They are drowned out by the big money. The path to the destruction of our democracy is no accident.

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My son co-founded American Promise. It's an organization devoted to bringing an Amendment to reform campaign finance. Nearly every solution to our myriad problems begins with getting money out of politics. https://americanpromise.net/

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Overturn Citizens United for starters.

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2 musts: higher taxes on wealthy both individuals and corporations, and more restrictive antitrust laws rigorously enforced

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I'm not having coffee this morning on this topic. I'm going to drink the rest of last night's wine...

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America’s biggest corporations have been the marionette masters throughout the century, having Republican leadership dance to their continual parade of billionaires tax cuts at the expense of the middle class’s financial security.

This fervor to appease their donors demonstrates that the “family values” party doesn’t value families in the slightest - unless they are white and likely GOP voters. And that value is only in their gleeful susceptibility to manipulation.

In fact, all the GOP’s policies prove them to be #ProSTRIFE - even with 95% of their supporters. They are willing to inflict economic and physical harm if that furthers their goals.

They are not conservative, they are #CORPservative; in servitude to their corporate and billionaire donors. And now, well outside the bounds of popular opinion, they must dump democracy for #RepubloFascism.

And in doing so, all will see their willingness to squander America’s greatness to plunder the bottom 90%.

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Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has made a brilliant contribution on how to move forward with cleaning up the mess left by a corrupted court. His analysis is that many decisions, e.g. Dobbs, Citizens' United, etc., are based on a "false facts" or made-up ideas about history. https://youtu.be/hFIq3LypWSw?si=ODD2QueFhO8LDMu8

Appellate legal processes are not designed to do fact finding. That is the job of the trial court and should be done at that level using the rules of evidence.

Expanding the court to perhaps 15 members, instituting term limits, and imposing a strict code of ethics would allow reconsideration of the numerous "false facts" cases through more neutral jurists.

When that starts to happen, things like the intended meaning of a "person" for equal protection as a natural person not a legal fiction come out. Also the true intent of the 2nd Amendment to protect slave patrols comes out. Textualism also goes into the waste can because its very intent is to open the door for false facts of historical fiction.

Getting to a better judiciary should be a key goal of electing the right people.

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I vote other. Heather and Robert should be obsessive compulsive,

We can have all we want. First we have to win BIG. We have the capacity to overwhelm the forces of evil. In my state approximately 900,000 women, who heavily trend Democratic are unregistered,

It's March. We have to start NOW.


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There is just no way to regulate this. We need an educated electorate. There will always be money out there to flood the airwaves and social media. The real effort needs to be to block lobbyists from using money and influence for pork barrel projects or favored rulings or to create laws that advantage certain groups unfairly. Dark money of that type is the real problem in my opinion.

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Mar 16Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Bobs said it beautifully. Bernie sounds radical until people stop to think about his ideas.

Not stopping to think, not having the time nor inclination nor thinking skills makes Americans too dumb too reactionary for decent democratic decisions. A four-day work week would give more leisure time-free time for Americans to engage in civics. This coupled with better public education on civics would go a long way. Celebrating Democracy with a day off work-National Election Day every four years on the first Tuesday in November would be a good start, increasing the chances of making American Democracy more participatory.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16

""The Billionaire takeover of America" is pretty much an insurrection! From Federalist Society judges on the Supreme Court and other courts to the former ,'president' who is running Congress through his sycophants. I say it's time for President Biden to invoke the Insurrection Act! They have telegraphed that they Intend to fight their way back into power, even if they lose in a landslide! They want to be dictators on day one, and plan to ride roughshod all over US with retribution! Why not defend US and Democracy while President Biden is still in office!?? They don't care if their policies are killing women and girls! That affects more than half of our population!

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Mar 16Liked by Heather Lofthouse

And yes, "WTRX" would be the Flint station's "call sign." (Stations east of the Mississippi are assigned "W" --and those west "K." -- after 1923.) There are about a dozen stations in the west that start with W.

In March of 64, a band from Liverpool would have been hitting the charts heavily. Motown was on the rise too. It was a fun time for music.

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Mar 16Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Heather, I know you know this, but the reason they got the term “disk jockey” is because they were spinning disks (vinyl records). Silly.

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Mar 16Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Professor Reich and Heather Lofthouse: your discussion of your first jobs has motivated me to tell you about my first job: i was a groom and exercise girl at the local racetrack. one of my horses was the winner of the governor's speed handicap -- a great source of pride for me at the time, despite the fact that i was most interested in longer distance races. this was the most interesting and enjoyable job i'd had before i got my graduate degree.

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