Blimey, David!! When you put it like that, I can't help but wonder if this train wreck will ever be worked out!! I only hope and pray that in November, America will decide not to let the little orange man back into the White House. If we think things are bad now, it will be nothing compared to that!!
Blimey, David!! When you put it like that, I can't help but wonder if this train wreck will ever be worked out!! I only hope and pray that in November, America will decide not to let the little orange man back into the White House. If we think things are bad now, it will be nothing compared to that!!
Blimey, David!! When you put it like that, I can't help but wonder if this train wreck will ever be worked out!! I only hope and pray that in November, America will decide not to let the little orange man back into the White House. If we think things are bad now, it will be nothing compared to that!!