Karen, it makes me smile to remember my father's idea back when people were worried about Nikita Khruschev, former leader of Russia, who infamously said "We will bury you!" He said that both leaders, of Russia and the U.S. should put on boxer shorts and duke it out, instead of starting a war, when tensions were getting high during the "Bay of pigs" situation. (Kennedy may have lost, but he WAS younger. What a sight gag!). My father had served in the U.S. Marines during the Korean war era.
Instead it's the world leaders that are protected from the punches, and the ordinary citizens that get killed or maimed in these ridiculous wars. (the "suckers and losers")..
I also wish he had enforced the 14th Amendment, Section 3 of the Constitution against Trump & other traitorous members of Congress, & investigated the 2024 election results.
Too many of us peons are unwilling to riot in the streets over certain billionaires and, more importantly, the Supreme Court's horrific Citizens United decision allowing billionaires to run our country.
I hate the Supreme Court even more than I hate Crossword puzzles.
I understand that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (my hero) from RI on the Senate Judiciary Committee is working on it, especially vis-a-vis Thomas and Alito.
It is a complicated mess and extremely hard to take down infiltrating big-money crooks who pay those two guys off.
I like Sheldon Whitehouse's work, and enjoy seeing him on MSNBC talking about matters pertaining to the Court, especially the Supreme Court. It's refreshing to hear about the happenings concerning ethics, or remedies to the lack thereof. So many of us find "justice" impenetrable. should not be so opaque.
Trump's best use of donors' money was to buy the Supreme Court. He will never have to "raise" another $. Whatever currency he decides will be legal tender will pour over him like baptismal waters.
I have had similar frustrated feelings about not enough pushback, but really, I don't think I would go out into the streets to angrily protest, and risk being attacked. I did things like that decades ago. I do call my representatives, and demand (hahaha) that they not certify the disabled felon, criminal.
Thanks for correcting me for saying "rioting in the streets." That was more of an emotional reaction on my part. That is, I wouldn't do it, especially at my age, but I would like to,
Those of us who can't keep up as well as the young can still show up in our reps' phone messages, or better yet, speak to their human assistants. I have read that the message is much more likely to get to the representative if someone tells them or has a record written down. Getting swamped with calls gets attention.
I was out in the 60s and 70s as well. Worked for women’s rights and civil rights and continue to do that. It is scarier today because people tend to think violence is legal tender Instead of conversation and debate. I think I’m Getting old enough now that I need to make a decision as to be noisy
On this day, Jan. 6, at 4:00 this morning, I began calling all of the representatives and U.S. senators from my state, telling them not to vote to turn over the Electoral College vote for Trump, and telling them HOW MUCH I HATE TRUMP and HOW MUCH I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SOMEONE STEPPING FORWARD TO ASSASSINATE TRUMP, HOPEFULLY TODAY BUT DEFINITELY BEFORE JAN. 20 CAN COME TO PASS.
Maybe it's time for a Gentleman Justice with no blinders. Sorry, I just had to say it. Bad joke, I know. :-) I prefer our Lady Justice, even with blinders.
Ladies should rule, with or without blinders. Any "Lady" would beat the "Gentleman"? about to take over and potentially destroy our Justice Department.
After a certain age, it's more experience and knowledge, and perhaps, love for one's children, and grandchildren, or just the innocents of the world, young and old. It's a good thing that making babies has a time limit, or "shelf life". LOL!
Good question, Laurie. I was talking about *ladies* ruling. MTG is no lady.
According to Webster, a lady is "a woman of refinement and gentle manners," such as you are. MTG is anything but a lady. I will stop there before I lose my temper just thinking about her—yuk/gag.
Just because lady Justice has on blinders doesn’t mean she can’t see or hear in many ways. But she has to interpret things as to what’s fair and right and just for all of us. I’m really concerned about what they’re doing to crucify her in that regard with the orange guy Having Teflon when it comes to being held accountable.
Your phrases "invited back" and "to give it another go" are fascinating, but they are hard to get off my mind. They may cause me to have nightmares. Thanks for nothing. :-)
Cognitive dissonance sets in again for another at least four years. I do not understand at all why he was elected the first time and I’m terrified. He actually was elected a second time. And this time he has a playbook and he also is a felon and is made of Teflon apparently when it comes to the legal system.
congrats again,Karen-this is becoming a good habit-and the envelope,please-the answer is-voters who didn't realize the consequences of what they did-wait,we have a tie-also,potential voters who didn't bother to vote
true-but voters and non-voters alike shouldn't be absolved from the duty to be informed and to participate,at least to the extent of voting wisely,in the affairs of their nation
Elon Musk isn't an American, although he conducts his business like he was one. Elon has his tongue in the President elect's ear and what Mr. Trump is hearing isn't in the best of this country. Trump is like a lovesick puppy tagging along behind his master. Musk has his fingers in the economic mud of so many countries it is difficult to keep tack. I'll lay even money on what he tells Donnie Boy is being said out of self-preservation with his economic interests being of primary concern. Their relationship is a poisonous one. Trump loves money and as a result Mr. Musk is a huge target of his affection. Trump is too weak of a personality not to fall in line with whatever Elon suggests. Take his position on the H-1B visa issue, even Bannon is discussed with how things are shaping up on that front. There is dissension in the ranks, and Trump is a poor handler of that absence of loyalty. Musk, even with all his money, can't serve two masters. In the end he'll grow tired of a convicted felon whose criminal status holds his first name.
Musk has no loyalty to country. He is transactional, just for himself only (just like Trump). He has interests in China & Russia & a special relationship with Putin (again like Trump), with whom he conspired to rig the 2024 election for Trump.
While I could agree that Musk is not an American in thoughts, value and patriotism, he is a naturalized US citizen. His interest anywhere in the world has nothing to do with the betterment of that part of the world but only how much money he can make. His thought process is only on money and the supposition that everything has a price and he can afford it all. But with my last breathe I will not let him buy me and where I can I will dispute all his rhetoric and lies and condemn his stain on humanity.
I wanted MAGAs but you’re probably right. However, this isn’t a real crossword without 5 more down clues for NQ, AA, ZN, IO, and SN. Russian zip codes maybe?
wouldn't it be awesome if all the tesla cyber trucks drove themselves to their nearest trump tower at the exact moment of the inauguration on 20th January and set themselves on fire? That would be a true celebration.
It makes me cross that the Electoral College can vote for a completely disqualified felon, who would have had many more serious convictions had he not been able to stack the Supreme and other courts, and threaten judges and block prosecutors.
We must impeach the little orange guy ASAP. I fear for our Democracy.
P.S. I’ve spent a lot of time reporting a troll on your fantastic page, Professor. Each and every snarky comment…. Only to find “it” comes back with a vengeance — *sigh* so petty
Anne, what of those 'trolls' got to me and I responded. I never should have! I was still so animated about it, I was mean to someone who I thought it was and it wasn't! I won't fall into that trap again!
Here's the real puzzle:
A man who tried very hard to tear it all down, but failed, is invited back to give it another damned go.
Can you figure it out?
Karen ; Two words : Citizens United.
Just made me think, Laurie, how he succeeded on two fronts : "Citizens United" and citizens divided.
He likes the un-eds, as in uneducated, and he loves chaos and division for sure.
Pit them against each other, so they don't see what we're really up to.
Karen, it makes me smile to remember my father's idea back when people were worried about Nikita Khruschev, former leader of Russia, who infamously said "We will bury you!" He said that both leaders, of Russia and the U.S. should put on boxer shorts and duke it out, instead of starting a war, when tensions were getting high during the "Bay of pigs" situation. (Kennedy may have lost, but he WAS younger. What a sight gag!). My father had served in the U.S. Marines during the Korean war era.
That's my response to all wars. Let the leaders duke it out.
Instead it's the world leaders that are protected from the punches, and the ordinary citizens that get killed or maimed in these ridiculous wars. (the "suckers and losers")..
Karen, Distract deflect and project.
Pay to Play, alright.
Them that got the gold makes the rules.
Of the dollars, for the dollars and by the dollars.
That makes me so CROSS!
So much corruption. So little truth.
Play. Don't play. Lose either way.
Yup. Trump!
I wished AG Garland would have gone after trump a year earlier.
I also wish he had enforced the 14th Amendment, Section 3 of the Constitution against Trump & other traitorous members of Congress, & investigated the 2024 election results.
Why do you think he didn't?
Karen Cooney; Too many billionaires.
Too many of us peons are unwilling to riot in the streets over certain billionaires and, more importantly, the Supreme Court's horrific Citizens United decision allowing billionaires to run our country.
I hate the Supreme Court even more than I hate Crossword puzzles.
There should be consequences for those on the Supreme and other courts who are obviously on the take and dishonorably working for tRUMP.
I understand that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (my hero) from RI on the Senate Judiciary Committee is working on it, especially vis-a-vis Thomas and Alito.
It is a complicated mess and extremely hard to take down infiltrating big-money crooks who pay those two guys off.
I like Sheldon Whitehouse's work, and enjoy seeing him on MSNBC talking about matters pertaining to the Court, especially the Supreme Court. It's refreshing to hear about the happenings concerning ethics, or remedies to the lack thereof. So many of us find "justice" impenetrable. should not be so opaque.
Trump's best use of donors' money was to buy the Supreme Court. He will never have to "raise" another $. Whatever currency he decides will be legal tender will pour over him like baptismal waters.
Whitehouse really has it together. My hero too.
Yes, he "has it together". I appreciate his being calm, cool, rational, deeply serious, and convincing.
I have had similar frustrated feelings about not enough pushback, but really, I don't think I would go out into the streets to angrily protest, and risk being attacked. I did things like that decades ago. I do call my representatives, and demand (hahaha) that they not certify the disabled felon, criminal.
Thanks for correcting me for saying "rioting in the streets." That was more of an emotional reaction on my part. That is, I wouldn't do it, especially at my age, but I would like to,
Dr. Robert Bloxom; Same here!
Together we are strong! The more of us there are the better for All. If we don't get out there-the swaggering swindlers will think we've caved.
Those of us who can't keep up as well as the young can still show up in our reps' phone messages, or better yet, speak to their human assistants. I have read that the message is much more likely to get to the representative if someone tells them or has a record written down. Getting swamped with calls gets attention.
I was out in the 60s and 70s as well. Worked for women’s rights and civil rights and continue to do that. It is scarier today because people tend to think violence is legal tender Instead of conversation and debate. I think I’m Getting old enough now that I need to make a decision as to be noisy
On this day, Jan. 6, at 4:00 this morning, I began calling all of the representatives and U.S. senators from my state, telling them not to vote to turn over the Electoral College vote for Trump, and telling them HOW MUCH I HATE TRUMP and HOW MUCH I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SOMEONE STEPPING FORWARD TO ASSASSINATE TRUMP, HOPEFULLY TODAY BUT DEFINITELY BEFORE JAN. 20 CAN COME TO PASS.
Dr. Robert Bloxom, do you know why they call us peons? Because the 1%, no matter what we hope will happen, will ultimately decide to pee on us.
Audrey, my answer to your question is no. I had a failure of imagination not to have associated peon with pee on. I smiled at your discernment.
I find it apropos to "trickle down!" 😏
I suppose that is better than "streaming down".
Dr. Robert Bloxom, your last line gave me a chuckle. Thanks. I need all the laughs I can get right now.
Nancy, it never "crossed" my mind that anyone would find my comment amusing because I was being serious.
Both finding and sending an unanticipated laugh is one of life's great pleasures. Your reaction pleased both you and me. Thanks for letting me know.
Lady Justice needs to remove her blinders...
Maybe it's time for a Gentleman Justice with no blinders. Sorry, I just had to say it. Bad joke, I know. :-) I prefer our Lady Justice, even with blinders.
Ladies should rule, with or without blinders. Any "Lady" would beat the "Gentleman"? about to take over and potentially destroy our Justice Department.
I just wish people could start learning to think with their rational minds rather than their gonads!
Tell that to our next Commander in Chief.
After a certain age, it's more experience and knowledge, and perhaps, love for one's children, and grandchildren, or just the innocents of the world, young and old. It's a good thing that making babies has a time limit, or "shelf life". LOL!
Huh? even Marjorie traitor Greene?
Good question, Laurie. I was talking about *ladies* ruling. MTG is no lady.
According to Webster, a lady is "a woman of refinement and gentle manners," such as you are. MTG is anything but a lady. I will stop there before I lose my temper just thinking about her—yuk/gag.
Just because lady Justice has on blinders doesn’t mean she can’t see or hear in many ways. But she has to interpret things as to what’s fair and right and just for all of us. I’m really concerned about what they’re doing to crucify her in that regard with the orange guy Having Teflon when it comes to being held accountable.
Georgia h Barwick : well said!
One of them is halfway to Trillionaire.
Actually, Musk is on track to be the world's first trllionaire by the year 2027.
Your phrases "invited back" and "to give it another go" are fascinating, but they are hard to get off my mind. They may cause me to have nightmares. Thanks for nothing. :-)
This truly is the stuff of nightmares, Robert.
Karen, it's reassuring to learn I'm not the only one likely to have nightmares. Thanks.
Dr. Robert Bloxom; It was, and is hard to see the big money enabling tRUMP and his sycophants, but the truth will set US free, even though it hurts.
I'd like to think so.
Cognitive dissonance sets in again for another at least four years. I do not understand at all why he was elected the first time and I’m terrified. He actually was elected a second time. And this time he has a playbook and he also is a felon and is made of Teflon apparently when it comes to the legal system.
congrats again,Karen-this is becoming a good habit-and the envelope,please-the answer is-voters who didn't realize the consequences of what they did-wait,we have a tie-also,potential voters who didn't bother to vote
Thank you, Brooks. Indeed a failure of those in a position to let the truth be known to communicate to those who could stop it.
true-but voters and non-voters alike shouldn't be absolved from the duty to be informed and to participate,at least to the extent of voting wisely,in the affairs of their nation
If Trump screws up this country, I'm going to have a few "Cross Words" for him.
Don’t you mean when.
Steve--- time is really irrelevant. We both know he'll do everything within his power to bring about that end.
“Time is an illusion, and lunchtime doubly so.” (Ford Prefect)
Kommencement of the Klown.Kar😵
Fox News Headline : Democrats are destroying America with left wing crossword puzzles! Robert Reich is one of the main culprits!
Good one. But, I have seen many better jokes.
You are so funny, why don't you try your act in a comedy club. Phuckwit.
In Afrikaans?
Elon Musk isn't an American, although he conducts his business like he was one. Elon has his tongue in the President elect's ear and what Mr. Trump is hearing isn't in the best of this country. Trump is like a lovesick puppy tagging along behind his master. Musk has his fingers in the economic mud of so many countries it is difficult to keep tack. I'll lay even money on what he tells Donnie Boy is being said out of self-preservation with his economic interests being of primary concern. Their relationship is a poisonous one. Trump loves money and as a result Mr. Musk is a huge target of his affection. Trump is too weak of a personality not to fall in line with whatever Elon suggests. Take his position on the H-1B visa issue, even Bannon is discussed with how things are shaping up on that front. There is dissension in the ranks, and Trump is a poor handler of that absence of loyalty. Musk, even with all his money, can't serve two masters. In the end he'll grow tired of a convicted felon whose criminal status holds his first name.
Donald - I imagine musk’s tongue is in more places than just trump’s ear. :0
Musk has no loyalty to country. He is transactional, just for himself only (just like Trump). He has interests in China & Russia & a special relationship with Putin (again like Trump), with whom he conspired to rig the 2024 election for Trump.
While I could agree that Musk is not an American in thoughts, value and patriotism, he is a naturalized US citizen. His interest anywhere in the world has nothing to do with the betterment of that part of the world but only how much money he can make. His thought process is only on money and the supposition that everything has a price and he can afford it all. But with my last breathe I will not let him buy me and where I can I will dispute all his rhetoric and lies and condemn his stain on humanity.
Musk had lots of contact with Putin in the months just before the election.
When the constitution is abandoned hi can be whatever he wants.
If I may, a small revision to your comment:
WHEN he's finished screwing up this country, I'm going to have "Cross Words" for him.
I just wish the person counting the likes would get their act together.
if…??? more like when…trouble is him and Elon have the power to screw up the whole planet…
Get you pen ready !!
Musk, Trump, KKK, Nazis, Qanon? (I wish I could post the filled out crossword but I can't figure it how to post a pic)
You could substitute GOP for KKK at this point.
I wanted MAGAs but you’re probably right. However, this isn’t a real crossword without 5 more down clues for NQ, AA, ZN, IO, and SN. Russian zip codes maybe?
NQ - Not Qualified, AA - Alcohol Addicts, ZN - Zero iNtelligence, IO - Infuriatingly Offensive, SN - Selfish Nincompoops
Brilliant, Cathy.
You are a cruciverbalist!
Correct answers... sadly. What a mess.
wouldn't it be awesome if all the tesla cyber trucks drove themselves to their nearest trump tower at the exact moment of the inauguration on 20th January and set themselves on fire? That would be a true celebration.
Great idea!
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell
The only right answer to this puzzle: Resist
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The ministry of "Faux."
Crossword? More like Curse words!
It makes me cross that the Electoral College can vote for a completely disqualified felon, who would have had many more serious convictions had he not been able to stack the Supreme and other courts, and threaten judges and block prosecutors.
Boy! That's true! We're broken!
'Just' because they call the vote manipulator a college does not erase their responsibility to choose qualified candidates. Talk about the elites!
(Muskrat, trump, KKK, Nazis, Qanon) — how sad.
We must impeach the little orange guy ASAP. I fear for our Democracy.
P.S. I’ve spent a lot of time reporting a troll on your fantastic page, Professor. Each and every snarky comment…. Only to find “it” comes back with a vengeance — *sigh* so petty
Which one is that? (There are many on here.)
Anne, what of those 'trolls' got to me and I responded. I never should have! I was still so animated about it, I was mean to someone who I thought it was and it wasn't! I won't fall into that trap again!
I have many cross words to say about the way this whole election is coming down and across!
I know they're all Russian to be Putin in the last word for democracy.
Pretty easy...
Half the population still doesn’t know the answers,even though they’re right there in front of them.
Crossword Clue: Symptoms of inequality
O T R ...C
N ... I . . A
O . ..C . .N
U . ..A . T
S . ..N..🤮
More like Burning Crosswords!