Robert Reich works tirelessly to keep us informed and to inspire us to action. I am looking forward to all the videos that he will be posting.

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Yesterday Heather Cox Richardson and Dan Rather wrote extensively on the uncovering of Russia’s campaign to skew OUR election towards Trump and the specifics outlined in Project 2025. I would not be surprised to find that Putin has surreptitiously funded and supplied staff to project 2025. The implementation of Project 2025 makes the U.S. government more in alignment with the Russian government.

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Wait, WHAT?! Are they trying to get us to elect Trump or Putin? Because these days it's hard to tell the difference.

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It’s not so hard, Trump is the stupid one whereas Putin is KGB trained and groomed.

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Marc, spot on. Putin’s tentacles run long and far. The KGB had already spotted Trump way back in the ‘80’s. They already had lots of Kompromat on him. When Putin came in late ‘90’s he followed that thread until he got his perfect puppet. Just like Hillary Clinton told us. In 2018 Craig Unger wrote a NYT best seller House of Trump, House of Putin: the Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia. Putin got to where he is now by joining forces with the Mafia. The book is an eye opener. The Mafia State is another excellent read to understand Project 2025.

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We should make “Project 2025” and what it would do a central, repetitive talking point and hammer it incessantly every day between now and November. Take a page out of the Republican playbook (But her emails!) and turn it right back on them.

Most of us here have probably known about Project 2025 for quite a while. But the gullible/misinformed/disinformed potential voters — readers, listeners and watchers of corporate media have not. They need to know what Trump and MAGA has planned for them.

Here’s something for the underinformed: "The People’s Guide to Project 2025" 👇


This "Reject Project 2025" t-shirt is great, too 👇


Project 2025 is and has always been the Republican party’s dream of what to do to remove all public assistance programs from Americans. That includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Snap, Obama Care, and you name it.

EVERY Republican in office needs to be asked where they stand on Project 2025, specifically the show trials, the stripping away of Constitutional rights, the religious takeover of our secular government structure, and the underlying mindset that White Christian Males have ANY call to “privilege” over everyone else.

There is nothing about this 2024 election that is "politics as usual". A vote for Harris and all Democrats on the ticket is a vote to save this country & our freedoms.


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An online and voice education camp such as this one by R. Reich is essential in the 2 months we have left, to throw the repugs' sick ideas back in their faces, with rebuttals. Demonstrate to the people that our strength lies in union, not division.

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A lot of people have not heard of or read project 2025 - Fox News watchers ….

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FOX NEWS VIEWER: Wow, Mabel, take a gander at this here Project 2025! Can you believe all this sh1t??

MABEL: well, wha'cha gonna do?

VIEWER: I'm gonna vote for our guy, Donald J Trump, I reckon!

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This one by Applebaum is so good, about a beginning and potential end of our

democracy. At Valley Forge in 1778, a group of Washington's officers performed a play, one of his favorites, called 'Cato, A Tragedy' which delineated the fall of the Roman Republic. This, the first episode of 'Autocracy in America':


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Good luck, when my local news reports that dem "claims of P2025 are false because Trump says so"

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Yes and the same when 'fact checkers' deny Democratic statements of what Trump means when he spews his word salads. It's both frustrating and infuriating.

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Putin doesn't even need to. Reichwing billionaires are the real puppet masters (look at the corruption from those 6 sociopaths on SCOTUS!) and reichwing politicians take their orders from them.

Fascism is pro-Putin, anti-American and fits in exactly with what all reichwing billionaires have had wet dreams about since the late 70s & what Project 2025 or Agenda 47 is.

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A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.

DOJ indicts former Trump campaign adviser, Russian intel officers in new cases. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/4864244-justice-department-russian-charges/

The enemy of our enemy is Ukraine.


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Daniel, this is a good link. the DOJ makes it clear how far up the MAGA ranks Putin has reached with his moles.

"The Justice Department announced additional actions against Russian figures Thursday, filing charges against a former Trump campaign adviser and his wife…"

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Agreed. drumpf may have the worst day of his political life coming on Sept. 26,

when Jack Smith and his team will call him on the carpet for his crimes, and shame the 'obscene 6" drumpfists of the USSC. The U.S. Constitution will still be in play for the remainder of this presidential term, or... See this piece from

L. O' Donnell.


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Putin is using the Lenin playbook of proposing what he opposes. IOW Reverse Psychology.

He has endorsed Harris, and the media says it is jokingly, no such thing, and of course Trump pretends to be livid.

This comes at a time when Russian Trolls and operatives are being exposed, and there is more than a few of them commenting on Robert's substack.


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The more I read and the denial of Trump, I believe that the Heritage is perhaps un-American at best. I believe that it is really Russian based, as it started right after Reagan stopped the Cold War, and afterwards the first writings were presented to Republicans under Reagan.

Now the Russians have stated they did meddle in the 2016 elections, Trump called on them to find Hillary's Emails in front of the World, He denied Collusion or anything else with Russia, yet he praised the dictators of how smart and strong they were ruling their countries, introducing them with speeches.

The extremes that Trump went to bury anything and everything that had ties to Russia, including his losing in 2020, when Putin with held moving on to the Ukraine, while Trump tried to say the election was stolen and continues. The ties to the dictators are running deeper every day. As with the money given by them to Trump and Family. And Heritage stating people have been placed within our government, as MTG said at rally, when someone in an interview asked when Pelosi and Pence could be hung.. She said people were being placed to get the job done.

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In 2017, we did not elect Trump, the Heritage was elected, as he had no idea how to run the government and he was being investigated for ties to Russia. And he with held allocated military funds from the Ukraine, while Russia attacked.Also tried interference within the Ukraine elections as he did in Mexico and Venezuela(project Gideon, which failed, allowing 400,000+ unvetted Venezuelans refuge in the US.

America and Americans have been used as pawns, now that the Heritage has spoken up about their role in our government.

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Of course we are being played. Clearly, Trump is Putin‘s proxy as are his MAGAts, the right wingers of the Republican Party, the traitors of the Heritage Foundation and their dark money lords. With our tacit cooperation, they are the cancer consuming this country that must be neutralized because you can bet that Putin‘s long game plan is to eat parts of the US, one state at a time from within. The war in Ukraine is just his appetizer. What we need is an army of Jack Smiths and a strong President/Congress that will re-codify our laws to protect our country and the American common good. The original altruistic idea of free speech has been twisted beyond recognition and weaponized by all of these bad actors. It is time to end our tolerant complacence and muzzle them all.

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Yikes. That angers me

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Well Putin would have if he needed to. Unfortunately the US has enough of its own fascist types. Putin thinks himself oh so clever. Do any of the Putin types have any idea what ridiculous even pathetic figures they are? Hah! He could have made Russia something. Just not in the cards with his background and training I guess.

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Blue tsunami to reject Putin.


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WOW so I guess by Putin backing Kamala that’s how it will work huh?

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We know this is a keep the king Maggot out of jail tour, while wanting to absolutely take all we have, so he and his anchor babies have all, and let’s also never forget his 7 recorded plane rides with his best friend Epstein. And his 3rd wife never showing how she really became a us citizen with such ease. And Ivanka’s White House emails on her personal server, I want to see all of this. So hide your daughters from the pedohitler, continue to identify his unstable mental abilities, as George Conway does with his facts, and certainly be “terrified” that King Con would make law Project 2025, as our next VP states, “if you write a playbook…”

It’s time for this crook to go to jail.


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May your name, ITS NEVER HAPPENING be placed in stone! Well said, frightening, but well said.

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Professor Reich: project 2025 update. okay, i am astounded at the petty cruelty of trump (and his brainwashed minions at BLM) in SPECIFICALLY targeting wild horses for slaughter. i am well aware of the arguments -- a few thousand horses "destroy" public lands -- whereas millions of cattle do not? um?

anywho. this video is great (i think) because it points out the depths and details of trump's hatreds and depravities, but it also intensifies my anxiety attacks and nightmares to the point where they are nearly intolerable. but i guess it's time to put on my big girl pants and start reading it anyway.

for those of you who still haven't downloaded or started reading Project 2025, here's a link to a PDF:


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GrrlScientist, thank-you for the link to this summary of Project 2025. I do not have the fortitude to read the whole 900 pages, but I believe that Democracy Forward has done an excellent job of highlighting some of the most important points. Additionally, Inequality Media has been doing a superb job or utilizing a variety of media to reach deeply into American society. Personally I am supporting them financially on a monthly basis to keep this project expanding. Even small monthly donations help and the increasing number of supporters is a real morale booster to staff.

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Marc, it is a hard read! To be honest, even though I trudged my way through it, several times I did a quick scan. It sickened me and made me extremely angry! I have taken that anger and channeled it into my work to get Kamala Harris and Tim Walz elected. That anger helps me when I am tired, depressed and wanting to just quit. It helps to reenergize me to do the work needed. I will be damned if I would ever allow that orange man to enact Project 2025, Agenda 47 or the AFPI blueprint in our country! We will NEVER go back! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Anger is a good motivator.

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I am finding that to be so true, Gloria! It sure has lighted a fire under my tookus! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Joyce Vance is doing the same in her Substack. She’s also selecting the most egregious points from a legal point of view. I”m printing each essay as I get them.

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You don’t have the fortitude to read the document that you claim to be terrified about and that Trump has taken no responsibility for or praised. How thoughtful of you.

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Substack participants, one thing that makes a TROLL so obvious is that they attempt to incite adversarial comments. It is best to IGNORE TROLLS. We can talk about trolls but it is best not to directly respond to their comments.

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True. I have read it in the great lines, as well as a number of summaries. I have also read the 'Republican platform'.

The two are quite similar in their *goals* except that the 'platform' was written for public consumption, for a public that has already bought in to the BS and drank the KKKool-Aid whereas Project 2025 was written for the cadre behind the platform by puppeteers who know what they are doing.

Here is the link:


Note the 20 statements in screaming all caps after the preamble and then the Table of contents in 10 points that seems unable to follow through on the first 20.

It is like someone started screaming in slogans and then noticed "Hmmm, that's not going to convince anyone who isn't already convinced", so they made an effort to be more appealing by popping some demagoguery to be more appealing to the masses who are not yet totally convinced.

There is an awful lot of pablum there such as #10: return to peace through strength: (Building up weaponry and running your mouth makes other nations fearful, and nervous not respectful). There's also lofty goals we already know they are against such as #6: protect seniors. (They have tried to kill/ privatize social Security pretty much since its inception!).

In short, their "platform" is the Cliff notes to Project 2025.

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Cecile, thanks for the link. It’s amazing that it takes research to even find the official Republican platform. It is some pretty crazy stuff!

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It's amazing you manage to get both legs into your pants by yourself.

Took 3 seconds:


"Our Platform"


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"There is an awful lot of pablum there such as #10: return to peace through strength"

Right..."Joy" is so much more detailed...

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You just made me realize I don’t know how to access the Democratic Party’s platform—and have seen nothing about it though I

subscribe to 3 newspapers & listen to NPR. I realize that it could be reduced to STOP TRUMP, but it shouldn’t be as there will in fact be life after this election is over—with any luck a life in which the Dems will need a platform to get started!

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"Ask and you shall receive":


You will notice that it is organized in 8 clear goals and that the subdivisions explain better how to achieve these goals.

IMHO, Dems would do well to promote the clear points they make on their platform and oppose them to the cruelty found in the Republican nonsense platform.

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So true, Marc! Sometimes they are quite comical and provide a good chuckle. Most of the time they are just weird and boring!

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Agreed. I've yet to see one looking for a discussion or asking a question in earnest. If I sensed genuine curiosity or confusion I might engage, but that hasn't happened yet. Good night/morning. (I really mean it this time.)

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"Chuck" from Vladivostok.

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Sure, sure, sure. Because your orange hero knows how unpopular HIS P 2025 is, that even reichwing voters are recoiling from hearing the gory details of that crap, that NOW, coward that he is, Dumpty wants to hide and lie and claim he knows nothing and has nothing to do with HIS P2025.

And you believe him...LOL.

You are funny.

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Don’t talk to trolls.

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I know not to feed them. But I'm pissed & I want to throw it back.

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I know, I know.... My teeth clench and I feel a rock in my stomach whenever I see these. But it's part of a system of attracting clicks and responses, which in turn attracts advertising $s, thus promoting divisive articles in news outlets. So I sit on my hands till they stop twitching!

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GrrlScientist, it is a very hard read, but I made myself do it. I have to know what I am talking about when dealing with the huge amount of republicans I live around. My daughter and I visited a friend out in Cody, Wyoming. She is a nature photographer and also works with a group that oversees the wild horses roaming in her area. She took my daughter and I out to see the herd and to check on them. It was a memory that will stay with me forever! The stallion in charge stood outside of the ring of females constantly circling the ring. One of the mares had a baby and the other mares had surrounded her and the baby. Our friend took a lot of pictures. All I could do was stand there mesmerized at that family of wild horses! For the orange man to want to slaughter these truly magnificent animals puts the spotlight on his depravity! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Trump HATES most animals and cannot see the beauty in anything

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I saw him strangle a kitten once.

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And that right there is another reason no to vote for the con man! Animals are great judges of character! I trust my dog and my cat's instincts. When someone comes around that is not of quality character, ,my dog and cat will not engage. Let someone come around that is a good person and they are all over them!

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Peggy Freeman, thank you so much for the picture of beauty of wild horses you painted.

I agree about the depravity of what's his name and his motley crew wanting to slaughter beauty. Those who are so delusional to think they are more important than all of nature, and so, brutally destroy it, without any regard for the harm and suffering they create, should set off warning bells in our heads. They are disconnected, unable to feel and so, we should be very wary of trusting them to do what is right, just and humane in any relationship or position of power.

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You are welcome, M Tree! They are so majestic and beautiful! The orange man simply has no soul. Anyone who would want to destroy Mother Nature's handiwork is depraved beyond measure! The orange man and his cult must lose in November. He must be brought to account and our government must get busy to fix everything he has broken in our Democracy!

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couldn't have put it better-no soul

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@PeggyFreeman @RobertReich this

p 528 needs to be in an ad. It is unbelievable. It’s paving the way for expansion/control of more land. Next, slaughter all the ___dogs? Trump hates dogs, as we know. Now, we know he hates horses, too. Attachment failure.

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@PeggyFreeman we need an ad, just like you described showing what he’s calling on slaughtering. Unless people see this, they won’t believe it. There are many who love their horses who are those independent voters of concern and conscience.

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“There are 95,000 wild horses and burros roaming nearly 32 million acres in the West—triple what scientists and land management experts say the range can support. These animals face starvation and death from lack of forage and water.”

Do you dispute that? Or do you have a plan to mitigate their suffering, and the ecological damage they do? Got anything?

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GrrlScientist, I totally agree, my PTSD is off the charts because of the orange Mussolini and his sociopathic fascist Maga cult members.....dear God 😭

I cannot fathom the depths of their depravity.... how the hell do some people become this way????

Thank you for the link to the Tome of the 2025 Hellscape....a manual for the destruction of our beautiful country and world. I'm going to have to read the whole thing, after I take my anxiety Rx. Take care 🙏💕

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that link that i shared leads to a 48 page PDF that summarizes Project 2025, which is almost 1,000 terrifying anxiety-inducing pages long.

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Why not a PDF that reprints the text verbatim?

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Calm down ma'am. Take a Xanax and open that fresh box of wine. You'll be fine.

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Thanks for talking me off the ledge. Lol 😉💕

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Wow, what a resource GrrlScientist has provided here in The People's Guide to Project 2025!

This easily shareable PDF is one of the best descriptions of the dangers of the Project I've seen. It's "in your face" accounts bring together much of what the public may have heard about it tangentially in a forceful manner that needs distribution.

While you are sharing Robert's fantastic videos, (and please do!) be sure to also include a copy of this terrific guide.

Here it is again:


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GrrlScientist ; Thank you for this.

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great find !

i looked briefly on their website but couldnt find a particular resource...namely did Trumptards already try to enact any of the shit listed in this agenda?

from what i can grasp it is a "make-your-own-distopia" manual that aims to regress the government only to the task of keeping control over the masses while the oligarchs have free reign and can forget about the plebs... (only stick, no carrot.... or healthcare or education...)

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GrrlScientist, thanks so much for the link. It's excellent.

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but cattle are income-producing and have a large,probably largely Republican,and voluble constituency-reminds me of those who know the price of everything and the value of nothing

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Thank you so very much for shining a light on the horror that is Project 2025, and for not letting up on it.

I can't wrap my head around the arrogance of Project 2025 and those who wrote it and work for it and want to inflict it on all of us. Who the hell do they think they are?

It has clarified things for me a bit though. The real divide among Americans is not urban v rural or red v blue or conservative v liberal or any of those things.

Project 2025 simplifies things. Unless we accept it, and of course we will never accept it, then we are all being forced into a battle.

The battle is between those who believe in tolerance, compromise, the rule of law, the Constitution and that the country comes first. It's "We the People." It's country over party. It's those of us who insist upon tolerance, compromise, and respect for the rule of law versus those whose only interests are money to gain power to get money to gain more power... It's us against those who would impose their will on everybody, at any cost, even if they do not even win the election!

I don't like framing things as us v them but here we are.

The good thing is, I know there are way more of us than there are of them. And learning about what Project 2025 wants to inflict on us makes people think. When these plans get through to people, they're generally disapproving, even horrified. So we all must keep sharing this hideous plan.

To avoid giving into despair, I just keep telling myself there are more of us than there are of them. Some of them just haven't learned yet that they're us.

Sorry for the rant. I promised myself I would write without edits. I'm pretty much gagged here. I live among Reds, some more zealous than others. It's stressful and so lonely. I appreciate this space. Good night all. Or good morning, as it is 4:55 AM..

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JIll, I agree with your sentence" It's those of us who insist upon tolerance, compromise, and respect for the rule of law versus those whose only interests are money to gain power to get money to gain more power..”

It took a lot of money to write Project 2025. I’m just glad they were stupid enough to publicize it so well.

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That's one thing reichwing billionaires have an abundance of: too much corrupted taxpayer $$$$ in their bank accounts. So the money is hardly an issue with them.

Reichwing billionaires are the real problem we have in this world. The rw politicians are just their sock puppets. Clarence Thomas and his 5 other sociopaths on SCOTUS can attest to that.

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They publicized it so well, we can read the text verbatim. That isn't something you want.

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Jill, that was an absolutely beautiful rant! You are so right in everything you shared! Don't despair! Every time I start feeling that despair and hopelessness, I get away from my computer and post cards and just unplug for a while. I go for a walk, work in my garden, read a good book or grab my friends and go for lunch. Once I have overcome that feeling, I get back to work. I use the anger that the orange man causes me to work even harder for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Keep doing what you're doing, Jill. Remember, we will NEVER go back! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Excellent video on Project 2025. I will share it with everyone I know and that includes my Republican neighbors.

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Keith ; would you have to drug the MAGA neighbors , like in the movie A Clockwork Orange?

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"Real horrorshow."

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A real 'clockwork orange', and maybe worse.

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Keith, I just read your substack for today and suddenly feel optimistic about our country's direction after Harris wins, as I believe she will. I thought Hillary would win at this point in the campaign, but I didn't feel excited about it like I do thinking about the Harris/Walz win. Biden has begun ending Neoliberalism and set the stage for the Harris economic policies that will continue the progress of FDR's New Deal for working people. Working people are everyone who earns a paycheck through their labor, not people who take the surplus created by the labor of others.

I am rereading Thom Hartmann's "Hidden History of Neoliberalism: How Reaganism Gutted America and How to Restore its Greatness." It's a short book but says more than words about the class struggle, which is the history of human civilization. Joseph Stiglitz's "Road to Freedom" covers much of the same ground in more detail about the 20th Century economists whose theories were used to justify changing FDR's economic policies to benefit the greedy few. Stiglitz suggests policies should be made with John Rawls' "Veil of Ignorance" philosophy, where policies are made by imagining herself not knowing where she is born, who her parents are, and what economic status she has.

Because you dare to write in the substack format, Keith, I may follow your example and do the same. How does "Healthcare for Sale; Why the wealthy live longer than the rest of us," or something like that? As a nurse, parent, family member, and patient, I have horror stories about the mess we call a healthcare system. I would start with my current struggle with trying to get the co; continuous glucose monitor that may save my life that has gone through two appeals, finally approved by government contractor Maximus over my Medicare Advantage Plan, and is now being reconsidered by Maximus, a government contractor paid 6.6 billion dollars to oversee Medicare and approved for nine more years.

What do you think? I would invite others going through similar ordeals to tell their stories. Would anybody be interested in the history of employment-based health insurance in the US and how neoliberalism lost jobs along with healthcare and resulted in early deaths for so many? At the same time, nurses struggled to save lives without the staff and resources we should expect in the wealthiest country in the world.

If I could do a fraction of the good that Professor Reich and others have accomplished with this format, I should try. I look forward to the rest of Reich's series. I am grateful for the "Wealth and Poverty" course, which was eye-opening.

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Gloria J. Maloney, yes, write away. I feel like we are living in a time of a great awakening, that I believe for many, including myself, started with the big bailouts of scoundrels around 2007 - 08. Many started waking up to the enormity of politicians' lies, just how grossly rigged the system was, and that we needed to search for and learn the truth. So, yes, add more truth, Gloria. This is the time, when many people are interested in and open to the truth.

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Deja vu all over again. First things first. V=Concentrate on a sweep.

E.g. During the 2010 legislative session, Democrats had enough votes to pass Medicare for All, at least starting with people 62, but Obamacare was fashioned as a "compromise" attempt to attract Republicans. Within the Obamacare discussion was the ideal of a "public option" in the nature of a Medicaid extension. Constitutional challenges to Obamacare went to SCOTUS, where it was saved by one vote. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Federation_of_Independent_Business_v._Sebelius

The makeup of the court has since changed.

Before we start making any changes, need to win big. ,

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Daniel Solomon, thanks! I always admire your tenacity.

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I agree with you that step number one is a Democratic sweep. Then we need to go to work. The ACA was and is a massive gift to the insurance/finance industry and another neoliberal blow to the people and their right to healthcare and to live as long and healthy lives as their genetics and desire allow.

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Despite its flaws Obamacare has saved millions of lives. Virtually anybody can afford it. Consider what it would be like to live in a red state like FL or Tejas, here the state is in denial about stuff like COVID, reject federal funds.

I keep asking Dems to go to bankruptcy court to enlist Republicans. Everyone in healthcare is screwed, patients, medical providers and even insurers.

IMHO the homeless problem was created by Reagan withdrawal of funding for heath care, especially mental health care. 90% of homeless are entitles to benefits of some form or variety, most that will provide the necessities of life. I am an advocate of priming the pump at the grass roots level. Here in Florida we are losing hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs because our state doesn't have the same extended benefits you have in Illinois.

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"Virtually anybody can afford it."

Oh yeah? Then why is it so heavily subsidized?

Have you seen what it covers/does not? How about the deductibles?

It is shit coverage that destroyed millions of quality plans others, like me and my family had. I have to pay for extended coverage to compensate for things my company plan was no longer allowed to cover.

And you say Florida is losing jobs, and Illinois is rolling in green grass? Then why did Illinois lose more than 141,000 people in 2022 alone, while Florida gained 700,000 that same year?

You people have no idea what you're talking about 95% of the time. Just mindlessly spewing the lies you've been told.

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"Virtually anybody can afford it"; Not true. And even when you are insured, it's a struggle to get them to pay for anything, even when the doctor orders it. Medicare now spends billions on private contractors to deny claims. The Medicare gap costs lives and bankruptcies. I could go on but it's time for the grandkids.

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If I brought P2025 to make sure my (R) neighbors knew about it, they would deny it was true, and deny that P2025 has anything to do with their orange hero.

Fortunately, I don't have to deal with that BS because the day Dumpty stole power, I cut all ties with these idiots.

And yes, they are idiots as they continue to vote for him regardless of all his crimes. You can't be more dangerous and stupid than that.

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Keith, sharing with republicans is very hard. Some are willing to listen, but they are the ones that are shaking the cult and coming out into the light. Others get so mad and scream at you that the orange man had nothing to do with Project 2025. I have sent it to my friends and family. Good luck sharing it with your neighbors! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Why not sit down with your Republican neighbors and go through the actual document? No one is going to want to listen to Reich's bullshit, and it will tank any credibility you might have.

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We have approximately 2 months between election and the swareing in of the next president.

I can only hope that there's a plan of action to stop Trump from damaging our country before being sworn in, should he be placed in office.

Can't say elected, because that didn't happen in 2016.

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What did Brazil do when their fascist leader Bolsonaro--a Dumpty wannabe, tried to takeover after the Brazilian ppl voted him out?

The new president ordered his military to jail all the Bolsonaro supporters that very same day--unlike America & Merrick Garland.

Hell, Garland hasn't even touched those 140 or so reichwing congressional bastards after they aided & abetter Jan 6th domestic terrorists!

America is far from ready!! So that better not happen.

What are YOU doing to make sure our side wins? Get organized!!

Democracy isn't a spectator sport!

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I'm going to vote and hope like hell that Harris wins 💙💙💙

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And you got it right when you called them the Reichwing! Hitler called his take over the 3rd Reich, and Trump running for office the 3rd time is the same, destroying human dignity and Freedoms.. Just like the Heritage and Trump's Project 47. Destroy all in power, replace them, arrange a take over, where he will take over in the chaos to claim victory by those he placed, with the help of Heritage. Heritage has injected itself into other countries also, so I wonder if these new wars within them are like American's battles for freedom of all!

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Thank you. I read it and more should because We will lose, all including those who follow.

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We must revolt against tRUMP's revolting plans in project 2025.

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Really well done. At first, I thought it was a little over the top and cartoonish. But Dr. Reich cuts to the chase, cites chapter, verse, and line, and then intwr

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What a Clever idea you've come up with, Professor Reich!! You're not only a Brilliant Economist, you're also a Cartoonist as well ! Project 2025 is a Dark, scary and Dangerous look at the warped, twisted minds of this MAGA- Republican movement, that has taken over the right. You can be sure that I'll pass this along, and talk to anyone who will listen as well. Great Job on this Video, Thank You 💯💙🇺🇸

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Intersperses his comments with Trump actually saying thoae things: No plausible deniability there. Tis said a haughty manner goeth before a fall. May that fall be precipitous.

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We thank you Professor Reich for producing this excellent video which is as you say a chilling playbook of nearly 1,000 pages on how our country, now 248 years old, will be unrecognizable and in fact may not even exist in 2025, but instead will be run by a real estate tycoon who is a liar in perpetuity. One fact that we must remember however is that despite Trump claiming that he had "nothing to do" with Project 2025, his VP back-up J.D. Vance wrote the introduction to this now very well-known and traitorous potboiler.

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Excellent video, Professor Reich! I have shared it with my friends and family. The MAGAs grow more and more irate when mention is made of Project 2025 and say the orange man had nothing to do with it. No matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary! The sad fact is his base will always turn a deaf ear to anything that goes against their leader. What I have started doing is talking to those who have broken from the cult and in turn, they talk to people who are still brainwashed. Apparently, some of the message is getting through because so many republicans are now supporting Kamala Harris and Tim Walz! For a republican, it is not easy to decide to support another party candidate. I try to be understanding even though that is hard for me. I put country over party every time. I will continue to work so very hard to get Kamala Harris and Tim Walz elected. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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All should remember Our Constitutional Laws were made and upheld by "We the People", Our Declaration of Independence, was written for "We the People", that all Constitutional Laws are to be "Of the People,By the People,and For the People", No place does it say 1 person or party is to rule, as when they were written there were no parties, and all power was invested in Americans, those who immigrated from other countries to escape oppression and the rights to be free and live without fear. Which Trump and the Magas,including the Heritage has delivered on to us, slowly since the Reagan Term.

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Ectopic pregnancies. About 200,000 women in this country develop this condition annually. Without a path to legal abortions Trump just murdered them all.

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Don't you mean "Ectopic pregnancy"? But yes, they are deadly.

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Andrea--You are correct, I hit the wrong key and at that time of the morning I missed the mistake. Thanks.

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I do that all the time, too! Lol.

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Done. I've sent a link to the video to friends and relations who are US citizens, so hopefully good will come of it.

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And JDVance, trump’s president -in -waiting,has much closer ties to proj 2025 and to the “Convention of states” plan to “amend” Constitution;

Vance’s endorsement was the banner on their website until recently.

Trump can hardly spell “policy”. (As john bolton said, trump does deals, not policy). Vance probably considers himself the policy wonk; real 2025ers can hardly wait to get him in the White House, i think.

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