Thx....very good info.......and now a word about cancel culture and the Age of Hate we live in: Republicans and others individuals and organizations who also face criminal, social and enviromental justice came up with a phrase designed to diminish and eliminate accountability: "Cancel Culture." It reminds me of warmongering Congressional Zionists who support Israel automatically branding any criticism of the rogue, apartheid terrorist gov't of Israel as "anti-semitic."
I predict future historians will brand the 20th century and decades beyond as the "Era of Hate" marked by societal and institutional racism and class warfare.
Carl Sagan warned us of a "future celebration of ignorance." Sounds like Trump and MAGA to me.
Don't you dare try to put your warmongering, filthy words in my mouth! Don't you dare try to intimidate me into dissolving my First Amendment Speech Rights to criticize the Israeli government!
Israel IS a rogue, terrorist apartheid government. Criticizing Judaism is anti-semitic. Only a damn fool would criticize Judaism or any religion for that matter.
Criticizing the Israeli gov't is my constitutional right and moral obligation to do so.
Don't you DARE even try to mislabel me as "anti-semitic" for criticizing the Israeli gov't.
You made a mistake trying to mislabel me anti-semitic, brocephus. That's the oldest knee-jerk reaction in the book. I am an EXPERT 1000 on this issue. I once debated Alan Dershowitz and I kicked his ass so hard with the facts re: the Israeli gov't, the man conceded to me on the facts.
I can and will fill this very thread up with so many facts re: the Israeli gov't you will probably blow a gasket. Don't do it Gomer, you know not of what you speak when it comes to the hardcore criminality of the Israeli gov't. I have 30 years of experience that says so.
I would bet you have no respect for int'l law especially as it applies to the Israeli gov't.
The Israeli gov't is the ALL-TIME GRAND PRIZE WINNER when it comes to U.N. Resolutions violated, with a whopping 77 U.N. resolutions violated since the formation of israel in 1948.
Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaimed that Israel will never, ever comply with U.N. Resolution 242, ORDERING the Israeli gov't out of the Palestinian territories and ORDERING ISRAEL to recognize Palestinians' Right of Return and ORDERING Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders. These are just a few of the indisputable facts supporting my contention that Israel is a de facto criminal apartheid gov't. I can do this all day and am more than happy to drop the facts re: the Israeli gov't here and now for all to see right here.
Go ahead: make my Day bro. That's what you get for trying to mislabel me as "anti-semitic."
My Jewish friends warn and write about the blind supporters of the criminal apartheid gov't of Israel. They taught me the old trick of trying to mislabel one as "anti-semitic" for revealing facts re: the Israeli government.
The recent Human Rights Watch report тАЬA Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and PersecutionтАЭ is a valuable piece of scholarship: 213 pages of carefully worded, heavily footnoted evidence martialed in sober, and deliberately uninflammatory, prose.
The HRW report follows on a lengthy legal brief issued in July 2020 by the Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din, that concluded that Israeli authorities were committing тАЬthe crime against humanity of apartheidтАЭ in the West Bank. This past January, BтАЩTselem, IsraelтАЩs largest human rights organization, expanded this argument by applying the term to what it called IsraelтАЩs тАЬregime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.тАЭ
JERUSALEM тАФ If being an apartheid state means committing inhumane acts, systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another, then Israel is guilty, a United Nations panel has determined in a new report.
Apartheid was a term once associated with South Africa's white-rule system, but now represents a broad term for crimes against humanity under international law and the Rome Statute that set up the International Criminal Court, said the report in its executive summary made public Wednesday.
Titled, тАЬIsraeli Practices Toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid,тАЭ the report was written by Richard Falk, a former U.N. special rapporteur to the Palestinian territories known for harsh criticisms of both Israel and the United States, and Virginia Tilley, professor of political science at Southern Illinois University.
The two concluded that Israel has established an apartheid regime aimed at dominating the Palestinians. Their recommendations include reviving the U.N. Center Against Apartheid, which closed in 1994 after South Africa ended its apartheid practices. The report also urges support for a boycott, divestment and a sanctions campaign against Israel.
I've never given it much thought before, taking my understanding of the terminology from a conventional, historical context. However, something about your comment, that I can't quite put my finger on, elicited within me the onset of "brain-lock." As a remedy, I thought a little disambiguation might be - indeed, has always been - in order. I hope my cursory investigation is in some way useful:
I now have a small measure of relief regarding mine own confusion. And let me hasten to add that I've learned enough in this life to know better than trying to pass any of that off as authoritative.
тАЬAny proposed solution that threatens the destruction of the State of Israel IS inherently antiSemetic.тАЭ Mislabeling Israel as apartheid, Zionism as racism, or any of the numerous modern day tropes are as anti-semetic as the tropes of the past centuries. The Arab reading and retelling of history is as anti-semetic as was Henry FordтАЩs Protocols. As Dr. WilfтАЩs book explains, the Arab view of the establishment of Israel is based on their tribal perspective that Jews were interlopers upon their fiefdoms. This perspective/opinion is historically false, as anyone studied in the history of the Middle East or of the Jewish people knows.
Best to engage in the public forum on issues well versed, and in this example, on topic.
Yep! You're right about that. My original comment, which all this follows, was in recommending a couple of video essays concerning the economics, religious disposition, and a later addendum concerning the quality of life of certain states to keep in mind when considering the vision for the US of their Congressional representation - not at all about anything to do with anywhere else in the world. But, hey! I'm flexible.
BTW: I've had a look at the link you provided and see the issue surrounds the Palestinian claim to a "right of return," that never seems to be mentioned elsewhere. That clarifies the whole hairball in that region greatly - at least for me - and what the ultimate "sticking point" is all about.
Yes, my тАЬon topicтАЭ comment referred to bringing the Middle East into this conversation at all by its original poster. Definitely off the topic by Prof. Reich.
Regarding the various links to the video essays, IтАЩm not sure I saw that, so IтАЩll revisit. One link was a CSPAN video of Sanders тАЬgrillingтАЭ of Bernanke. No grilling that I saw. Bernanke is a brilliant economist, and the exchange was what I expect of economists who truly have the welfare of this countryтАЩs citizens at heart. And, a careful listen will hear Bernanke agreeing with Sanders and clearly placing responsibility for changing conflict of interest laws on Congress, when it belongs. Democracies are hard thingsтАФprobably why Lincoln and others have referred to ours as an experiment.
I have been a progressive my entire life, and have a long record of voting for great, patriotic candidates that were defeated by authoritarian, anti-labor, war mongering opponentsтАФstarting with my first vote cast for George McGovern.
I say that because all high-level, detail-driven discussions of economics much be couched in pragmatism. Having great ideas is a start, but implementing themтАФand agreeing on the terms of implementationтАФin a democracy, is the crux.
ItтАЩs our good fortune to have someone like Robert Reich, singular or notтАФpropose and guide discussions as this. What I refer to as the 21stC American salonsтАФdigitized facsimiles of FranceтАЩs salons of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Make sure to expand my comment by clicking on that grayed-out text at what initially appears to be the end of my last comment. I want to make sure neither of us have to suffer through any more confusion in this distraction from my original reply to Paula.
Just to save you a nuisance of combing up the thread tryin' to figure out what I'm talkin' 'bout, here's the post I was replying to:
Paula Nov 29
Honestly, it boggles my mind that Mitch McConnell wants his grandchildren to live in a dystopia like the one heтАЩs creating. If he truly cared about them heтАЩd be working to build a better society. The cognitive dissonance is massive.
This is my reply in support of her observation:
DZKNov 29
Any thoughtful person should consider these two essays:
Let me hasten to add, the indentations group replies to a specific post together. Notice how each of my responses to you here - 3 of them - are indented following your comment:
"Yes, my тАЬon topicтАЭ comment referred to bringing the Middle East into this conversation at all by its original poster. Definitely off the topic by Prof. Reich.
(BTW: Bringing the Middle East into this conversation was off topic to both Paula and me, as well! I think he was intending to go after AOC and some of the more left-leaning Democrats.)
I think IтАЩm glad I identified his confused thinking and called him on it.
I donтАЩt think his posts about Israel (and obviously the human beings who live there) were anything but one falsehood after another. A collection of falsehoods that would lead anyone reading to the conclusion he drew after I quoted him.
His vitriolic response showed something else all together.
My contemporaneous thoughts on this tangential thread. Now, back to the ReidOut!
I was on topic regarding the comment by "Paula" at the very top level of this thread concerning ol' Sen "Chins" McConnell, to which I was replying.
The links I use are at the top of this reply to Paula are on topic, and are strictly u-tube productions of an independent fellow interpreting data he cites as coming from the US Census - the premier statistical data collection agency in the world. As a former Regional Survey Manager for the Philadelphia region on the ACS survey - the monthly survey that keeps Decennial census data up-to-date - I was charged with gathering and protecting that very data for the Philadelphia region at that time. Of course, that time was over 10 yrs ago. I have no reason to doubt it's integrity for no longer being personally involved with gathering it. Further, you can track down the data and verify what he cites for yourself at . And just between you and me, I was a bit taken aback by the tirade about Zionism, that I decided to figure out what I was missing in replies to >my< post that had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
Any thoughtful person should consider these two essays:
Concerning economics:
Concerning religious beliefs:
Now consider their Congressional leaders - past & present - and draw your own conclusions .
Thx....very good info.......and now a word about cancel culture and the Age of Hate we live in: Republicans and others individuals and organizations who also face criminal, social and enviromental justice came up with a phrase designed to diminish and eliminate accountability: "Cancel Culture." It reminds me of warmongering Congressional Zionists who support Israel automatically branding any criticism of the rogue, apartheid terrorist gov't of Israel as "anti-semitic."
I predict future historians will brand the 20th century and decades beyond as the "Era of Hate" marked by societal and institutional racism and class warfare.
Carl Sagan warned us of a "future celebration of ignorance." Sounds like Trump and MAGA to me.
Consider looking at my earlier comments (below) concerning "become[ing] far less equal as a society" - from the last ┬╢ of Mr Reich's theory.
Any proposed solution that threatens the destruction of the State of Israel IS inherently antiSemetic. Suggest:
Don't you dare try to put your warmongering, filthy words in my mouth! Don't you dare try to intimidate me into dissolving my First Amendment Speech Rights to criticize the Israeli government!
Israel IS a rogue, terrorist apartheid government. Criticizing Judaism is anti-semitic. Only a damn fool would criticize Judaism or any religion for that matter.
Criticizing the Israeli gov't is my constitutional right and moral obligation to do so.
Don't you DARE even try to mislabel me as "anti-semitic" for criticizing the Israeli gov't.
You made a mistake trying to mislabel me anti-semitic, brocephus. That's the oldest knee-jerk reaction in the book. I am an EXPERT 1000 on this issue. I once debated Alan Dershowitz and I kicked his ass so hard with the facts re: the Israeli gov't, the man conceded to me on the facts.
I can and will fill this very thread up with so many facts re: the Israeli gov't you will probably blow a gasket. Don't do it Gomer, you know not of what you speak when it comes to the hardcore criminality of the Israeli gov't. I have 30 years of experience that says so.
I would bet you have no respect for int'l law especially as it applies to the Israeli gov't.
The Israeli gov't is the ALL-TIME GRAND PRIZE WINNER when it comes to U.N. Resolutions violated, with a whopping 77 U.N. resolutions violated since the formation of israel in 1948.
Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaimed that Israel will never, ever comply with U.N. Resolution 242, ORDERING the Israeli gov't out of the Palestinian territories and ORDERING ISRAEL to recognize Palestinians' Right of Return and ORDERING Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders. These are just a few of the indisputable facts supporting my contention that Israel is a de facto criminal apartheid gov't. I can do this all day and am more than happy to drop the facts re: the Israeli gov't here and now for all to see right here.
Go ahead: make my Day bro. That's what you get for trying to mislabel me as "anti-semitic."
My Jewish friends warn and write about the blind supporters of the criminal apartheid gov't of Israel. They taught me the old trick of trying to mislabel one as "anti-semitic" for revealing facts re: the Israeli government.
The recent Human Rights Watch report тАЬA Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and PersecutionтАЭ is a valuable piece of scholarship: 213 pages of carefully worded, heavily footnoted evidence martialed in sober, and deliberately uninflammatory, prose.
The HRW report follows on a lengthy legal brief issued in July 2020 by the Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din, that concluded that Israeli authorities were committing тАЬthe crime against humanity of apartheidтАЭ in the West Bank. This past January, BтАЩTselem, IsraelтАЩs largest human rights organization, expanded this argument by applying the term to what it called IsraelтАЩs тАЬregime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.тАЭ
The Washington Post reports: Is Israel an тАШapartheidтАЩ state? This U.N. report says yes.
JERUSALEM тАФ If being an apartheid state means committing inhumane acts, systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another, then Israel is guilty, a United Nations panel has determined in a new report.
Apartheid was a term once associated with South Africa's white-rule system, but now represents a broad term for crimes against humanity under international law and the Rome Statute that set up the International Criminal Court, said the report in its executive summary made public Wednesday.
Titled, тАЬIsraeli Practices Toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid,тАЭ the report was written by Richard Falk, a former U.N. special rapporteur to the Palestinian territories known for harsh criticisms of both Israel and the United States, and Virginia Tilley, professor of political science at Southern Illinois University.
The two concluded that Israel has established an apartheid regime aimed at dominating the Palestinians. Their recommendations include reviving the U.N. Center Against Apartheid, which closed in 1994 after South Africa ended its apartheid practices. The report also urges support for a boycott, divestment and a sanctions campaign against Israel.
I've never given it much thought before, taking my understanding of the terminology from a conventional, historical context. However, something about your comment, that I can't quite put my finger on, elicited within me the onset of "brain-lock." As a remedy, I thought a little disambiguation might be - indeed, has always been - in order. I hope my cursory investigation is in some way useful:
I now have a small measure of relief regarding mine own confusion. And let me hasten to add that I've learned enough in this life to know better than trying to pass any of that off as authoritative.
Thank you for your measured comment. I too have learned enough to know when to pass references as authoritative, which Dr. Einat WolfтАЩs book is,
So too was my statement that
тАЬAny proposed solution that threatens the destruction of the State of Israel IS inherently antiSemetic.тАЭ Mislabeling Israel as apartheid, Zionism as racism, or any of the numerous modern day tropes are as anti-semetic as the tropes of the past centuries. The Arab reading and retelling of history is as anti-semetic as was Henry FordтАЩs Protocols. As Dr. WilfтАЩs book explains, the Arab view of the establishment of Israel is based on their tribal perspective that Jews were interlopers upon their fiefdoms. This perspective/opinion is historically false, as anyone studied in the history of the Middle East or of the Jewish people knows.
Best to engage in the public forum on issues well versed, and in this example, on topic.
Yep! You're right about that. My original comment, which all this follows, was in recommending a couple of video essays concerning the economics, religious disposition, and a later addendum concerning the quality of life of certain states to keep in mind when considering the vision for the US of their Congressional representation - not at all about anything to do with anywhere else in the world. But, hey! I'm flexible.
BTW: I've had a look at the link you provided and see the issue surrounds the Palestinian claim to a "right of return," that never seems to be mentioned elsewhere. That clarifies the whole hairball in that region greatly - at least for me - and what the ultimate "sticking point" is all about.
Useful, but half a world away from "on topic."
Yes, my тАЬon topicтАЭ comment referred to bringing the Middle East into this conversation at all by its original poster. Definitely off the topic by Prof. Reich.
Regarding the various links to the video essays, IтАЩm not sure I saw that, so IтАЩll revisit. One link was a CSPAN video of Sanders тАЬgrillingтАЭ of Bernanke. No grilling that I saw. Bernanke is a brilliant economist, and the exchange was what I expect of economists who truly have the welfare of this countryтАЩs citizens at heart. And, a careful listen will hear Bernanke agreeing with Sanders and clearly placing responsibility for changing conflict of interest laws on Congress, when it belongs. Democracies are hard thingsтАФprobably why Lincoln and others have referred to ours as an experiment.
I have been a progressive my entire life, and have a long record of voting for great, patriotic candidates that were defeated by authoritarian, anti-labor, war mongering opponentsтАФstarting with my first vote cast for George McGovern.
I say that because all high-level, detail-driven discussions of economics much be couched in pragmatism. Having great ideas is a start, but implementing themтАФand agreeing on the terms of implementationтАФin a democracy, is the crux.
ItтАЩs our good fortune to have someone like Robert Reich, singular or notтАФpropose and guide discussions as this. What I refer to as the 21stC American salonsтАФdigitized facsimiles of FranceтАЩs salons of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Make sure to expand my comment by clicking on that grayed-out text at what initially appears to be the end of my last comment. I want to make sure neither of us have to suffer through any more confusion in this distraction from my original reply to Paula.
Just to save you a nuisance of combing up the thread tryin' to figure out what I'm talkin' 'bout, here's the post I was replying to:
Paula Nov 29
Honestly, it boggles my mind that Mitch McConnell wants his grandchildren to live in a dystopia like the one heтАЩs creating. If he truly cared about them heтАЩd be working to build a better society. The cognitive dissonance is massive.
This is my reply in support of her observation:
DZKNov 29
Any thoughtful person should consider these two essays:
Concerning economics:
Concerning religious beliefs:
Now consider their Congressional leaders - past & present - and draw your own conclusions.
The comment you reacted to followed immediately after the comment above.
Counterintuitively, because of all the back and forth thereafter, the addendum follows >below< the current exchange:
AND it's addendum:
DZK 4 hr ago
While I'm at it, quality of life:
That will make it a 4th comment indented under your last comment.
Let me hasten to add, the indentations group replies to a specific post together. Notice how each of my responses to you here - 3 of them - are indented following your comment:
"Yes, my тАЬon topicтАЭ comment referred to bringing the Middle East into this conversation at all by its original poster. Definitely off the topic by Prof. Reich.
(BTW: Bringing the Middle East into this conversation was off topic to both Paula and me, as well! I think he was intending to go after AOC and some of the more left-leaning Democrats.)
Think the guy was just trying to cause a distraction because my response to Paula "hit a nerve?" Just wonderin' what you think.
I think IтАЩm glad I identified his confused thinking and called him on it.
I donтАЩt think his posts about Israel (and obviously the human beings who live there) were anything but one falsehood after another. A collection of falsehoods that would lead anyone reading to the conclusion he drew after I quoted him.
His vitriolic response showed something else all together.
My contemporaneous thoughts on this tangential thread. Now, back to the ReidOut!
I was on topic regarding the comment by "Paula" at the very top level of this thread concerning ol' Sen "Chins" McConnell, to which I was replying.
The links I use are at the top of this reply to Paula are on topic, and are strictly u-tube productions of an independent fellow interpreting data he cites as coming from the US Census - the premier statistical data collection agency in the world. As a former Regional Survey Manager for the Philadelphia region on the ACS survey - the monthly survey that keeps Decennial census data up-to-date - I was charged with gathering and protecting that very data for the Philadelphia region at that time. Of course, that time was over 10 yrs ago. I have no reason to doubt it's integrity for no longer being personally involved with gathering it. Further, you can track down the data and verify what he cites for yourself at . And just between you and me, I was a bit taken aback by the tirade about Zionism, that I decided to figure out what I was missing in replies to >my< post that had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
While I'm at it, quality of life: