How on Earth did Donald John Trump become our 45th President of the United States? There are many reasons and one of them is the fact that our society has fallen behind intellectually starting with education.

Even though the U.S. has the number one education system in the world, we rank just 14th among 38 countries according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

An intellectual is a person who engages in critical thinking, research, and reflection about the reality of society, and who proposes solutions for the normative problems of society. The intellectual participates in politics, either to defend a concrete proposition or to denounce an injustice.

(From Wikipedia)

Is the United States number 1 in anything?

Sure, the United States is a global leader in some categories including international businesses, athletic endeavors, global innovation, military spending, billionaires and wine consumption. The U.S. also comes out on top in some not-so-desirable categories like obesity, incarceration rate and soda consumption.

What does it say about our society when 74 million Americans voted to give this knucklehead another 4 years?

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Another diversionary controversy to keep our minds occupied while the biosphere burns up and the plutocrats take control.

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The “Republicans” have all taken themselves down to scum level with trump and will stay there because none of them have any integrity or balls. They are such cowards and chose their own destiny when they did not hold trump accountable from day one. Biden, however does have integrity and class and loves his son more than they have the ability to recognize. They have no agenda, no policy and no party other than to hate and say no to everything and go after the Biden family. Most Americans see through this nonsense and know they have two choices. A sociopath or an old man who knows what the hell he is doing. Thank you Joe!

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The system really is broken, but the cause is deeper. Any system that reverses the popular vote is broken. The Electoral College is an anachronism, and has no business being incorporated in the machinery of American Democracy.

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There is definitely a double standard in our justice system. Anyone else would already be in prison for all the crimes Trump has committed in his life. The rich and powerful seldom if ever go to prison in America.

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I’m reminded of a story told by my favorite composer, Miklos Rozsa. In 1967 he was hired to write the music for an MGM film called “The Power,” and was told by studio executives that it was a very important picture (one you’ve likely never heard of, the reason for which is to come) because its star is engaged to the president’s daughter. The star was George Hamilton, and the president in question wasn’t the head of MGM, but Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President of the United States. The bride-to-be was his daughter, Lynda.

Rozsa then noted that, suddenly, the wedding was off, and “The Power” just as suddenly became much, much less important, so unimportant that the movie, a rather confusing tale of telekinetic mayhem, was given almost no advertising support and vanished soon after its release.

Well, it’s kind of like that with Hunter Biden: he’s important to Republicans only because they think he can be used to discredit his father, the 46th President of the United States (or 44th, if you care to dismiss George W. Bush and Trump as the equivalent of anti-popes, illegally occupying seats of power they never earned [see Bush v. Gore, and also the minutes of the recent trial convicting former NSA translator Reality Winner as to the contents of the classified document she retained and disseminated]; the moment Joe Biden leaves office, Hunter becomes an irrelevancy, especially since the Republicans are constantly ginning up fake conspiracies, controversies and crises to lay at the feet of Democrats, their own form of telekinetic mayhem, and just as bogus.

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There are no longer any 'average Americans'. Republicans will believe the allegations against Hunter Biden either because it suits their purposes or because it coddles their 'outrage'. Other Americans will hopeful see through this.

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Sadly, Trump supporters and most right wing Republicans will believe the double standard charge. They have lost the ability to see Trump for what he truly is.

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There is a double standard of justice in this country and Trump has been the beneficiary. Any other common thug who committed the array of crimes Trump has admitted to would have been tried, convicted and sent to Gitmo long ago. Yet this Orange Anus continues to walk free and spew poison.

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The real double standard is that Trump has not yet faced charges for January 6.

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If my memory is correct, Donny boy could have pled guilty but decided not to follow his lawyer’s advice. The nature of the crimes cannot be compared. The GOP is clutching at straws.

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Paranoia is a direct result of the MAGA kool-aide. It has rendered Republicans lunatics. Trying to reason with them with TRUTH is pointless.

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Actually the correct answer is both #1 & #2 but that was not enabled on this poll.

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The answer as to whether average Americans will accept the GOP claim of a double standard is both yes and no. There's too many ardent Trump supporters to argue they don't represent average American--or at least a large population within the general public. Many of them will openly accept the claims.

One of the powers of cult control is that in order to escape from the cult you have to admit you were duped. Most of those who would admit that have already done so. Those that haven't have swallowed years of lies. They wouldn't just have to admit to themselves they were duped, but duped at a staggering level. Leaving a cult means internally someone must self-incriminate themself as being deceived and that's a hard pill to swallow--particularly for people of a personality bend that tends to view things in oversimplified black and white terms.

Many American's won't fall for the GOP's claim. Unfortunately, this will likely just further splinter the country, because then you'll have two groups hardened on both sides of the issue. That's another power of a political cult. The ones that haven't been duped will take an I-told-you-so attitude with the ones who have been duped. That makes it even harder for the duped to admit they've been duped, because they face both an internal conflict as well as a potential loss of face.

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We have known for years that Trump has two sets of ethics - one for everyone else that they have to obey the law, the other for Trump that he is so wonderful and such a gift to humanity that of course, nothing he does would be considered a crime [including shooting someone i broad daylight on fifth Avenue NYC] The only thing Hunter Biden did wrong was in not requesting an extension for filing his taxes. Since he did pay all that he owed (and probably the penalties and interest) I had a lady doing my taxes for twenty years, She too sick in 2022 and filed for an extension, so my taxes weren't filed until September that year. I am deeply sorry for the Biden family that Hunter turned to addictive chemicals to ease his pain. He lost his mother and sister when he was very young. He lost a beloved brother to brain cancer. I know from personal experience how devastating such tragedies can be for younger members of the family. I am proud of Joe and Jill Biden who released the statement that they love their son and will stand by him.

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The party of Nixon, a clinical paranoid, and W, a shadow of a person, just do not like any democrat. The plumbers really tried to illegally steal a presidential election but somehow it is forgotten. A lifelong second rate human being like 45 remains popular by pandering to the paranoia of voters who don’t want to consider issues but who resonate to the dog whistles of their fears. Tell them that the country of their parents can actually become a fascist dictatorship and they do not have the ability to comprehend. Tell them that we can see returns of the robber barons or the McCarthyites and they probably don’t know what it means. They still expect wealth to trickle down from the untaxed. We have bounced back from the edge of the abyss in the past but that is certainly not a guarantee we can do it again.

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