Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

I believe the biggest reason tfg is throwing a rod at all this,is because he's never been held accountable for anything in his miserable life.When he was younger,his old man bailed him out,got him out of military service,etc.Then as an adult,he either sued the people he owed money to,or filed for bankruptcy.Again,no accountability.

So now he's being made to face the music.And despite all his screaming in Caps or threats towards the people who have his ass dead to rights,it ain't working out like he's used to and guess what, y'all,he is scared shitless.The thoughts of prison and being powerless and without all the control over everything is just terrifying to him.And it serves him right.I hope they throw the book at him,and then pick the damned thing up and throw it at him some more.

If this was any of us ordinary working class slobs under the same accusations as he's under,hell,we would have already been told we're gonna face a firing squad or spend life in Leavenworth,if not both.At the very least,he deserves the latter.

Hoping they give him everything he certainly has coming to him.

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Trump has pushed the GOP so far out on the limb of tenuous credibility that no shred of integrity can be found in almost any legislator seeking to stay in office. Simply put, they can’t make it past the primaries without his blessing, or withstand his ire.

Without Trump bolstering this imperiled limb through the sheer power of his myth, no politician would’ve been so brazen as to supplant democracy with #RepubloFascism on their own.

It takes a special kind of crook who sees himself as impervious to law to normalize hatred and blatant lies as a foundation for a political party, one willing to operate for many years without a set platform to run on.

Wouldn’t it be nice if Trump soon found himself

facing a quintet of juries? Might he then flee to Hungary to avoid cuffs and bars?

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

I was raised and abused as a Southern Baptist female. I was groomed to “willingly submit” to God as my heavenly “Benevolent Dictator” and to the men in my family and church as “my very own Benevolent Dictators.” In 2021, I read a quote by a MAGA-T cultist and Republican lawmaker who called Trump “our country’s very own Benevolent Dictator”. Christofascism is not new. This is not a bug, but a feature of this coalition of cults. It is time to stop viewing this as religious freedom that operates within the laws of democracy.

My poll vote is all of the above.

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The DeSantis comment can be roughly translated as "Who you gonna believe, me of your lyin' eyes?"

My lyin' eyes tell me that in the end, Trump, DeSantis, MTG, Boebert, Goetz, McCarthy, and Uncle Tom Cobley and all, will actually be good for America.

We have to remain steadfast, and not waiver. "Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud hatch out."

Go Jack go.

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Trump’s nomination will result in a landslide victory for us. I believe we will take both the House and the Senate. ($17 hour living / fair wage passed?) He will pass an embittered, ranting old man. Which he probably already is.

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One area to watch is just how much this unfolding socio political crisis will serve to highlight just how the fourth estate and mass media have been hijacked by transnational criminal mobsters, like Rupert Murdoch and other fellow traveller hostile state players.

This elucidation of widespread corruption and abuse of media powers is not unrelated to the Hollywood strike and various violent culture wars within the mass education system.

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Trump's WH legal advisor says "It isn't illegal to be crazy" in defense of the former President's actions. I completely agree with his thinking but when the craziness causes an individual to act in an illegal manner society is forced to take action. No one is above the law, crazy or not. May Mailman, who heads "RITE," an organization that is attempting to restore integrity to our elections, says 56% of all Republicans no longer trust the DOJ and the FBI. That thought is in line with the percentage of that party who blindly still follow Donald Trump. It's sad that those people cling to the misconception that Trump in all his glory had the 2020 election stolen from him by factions within our government that wanted to remove him from power. The movement wasn't from within our government it came from our population itself. The people were sick and tired of his childish antics and hateful rhetoric. Trump is a low-class person trying to hold on to a high-class image. Someone please throw a bucket of water on this man, let's see if Dorthy's accident is worthy of repeating itself. It really doesn't matter how the other side views the efforts of the DOJ, distasteful or not when the law is broken society is forced to take steps in order to maintain its rectitude. To step aside for Trump and excuse his behavior would degrade the rule of law this country functions under. The DOJ is doing what Trump has forced them to do, like it or not the 56% that find it difficult to see the truth will have to settle for the "dunce hat" if it fits.

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Trump, other MAGA politicians and their supporters are revealing themselves to be outright fascists.

And, as you observe, his oncoming Federal indictment will only increase the fervor of his base.

And more indictments are in the pipeline, such as in Georgia, where Trump's desperate and ridiculous lawsuit was correctly thrown out.

I also am pleased that in once-red Michigan, sixteen election deniers are being charged for their complicity in attempting to overturn the 2020 general elections results.

While this all this news is pleasing, we're still a country where red states are becoming quite fascist, like Florida, Tennessee, amongst others.

So, we've still go a long ways to go, but Trump's many legal problems brings a big smile to my brain and face.

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I vote other.

I still think he'll split. Compound his criminal liability by the fact that he will be facing civil judgments that will humiliate him.

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My dearest cohorts and siblings,

We are truly Generation “F”!

Under our watch, we allowed the corpirates of Fascism to steal our Constitution and to make their money and their power magically become their protected “free speech”!!!!

The spirits of the framers of our Constitution can have no peace until we pass HJR54, the We the People Amendment. It’s the only way to reverse Citizens United and all related SCOTUS rulings that rigged our system.

Generation F has but one chance to redeem ourselves. Time is running out. Better call your Congressional Reps now! Let’s end this corruption so that never again another Trump!

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(Pancha Chandra): America is considered to be a nation of sound laws where democracy flourishes with clock-work fairness! However, when a pompous ex-President rides roughshod over long established rules & goads his supporters to insurrection, he should be charged with treason!

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I don't know how this will play out. Im bewildered that Speaker McCarthy is ignoring the facts and attacking the DOJ. Seriously? I'm afraid this could lead to more violent acts, like J6 and threats to the President. It's sickening.

The Speaker of the House is obstructing justice and fermenting violence against the government by perpetuating dangerous lies. It's totally reckless. It's a new low for the Speaker and House.

I've said it before and I will say it again, Pelosi should push for a bi-partisan investigation into the GOP allegations of election theft. Let's see what the Cyber Ninjas and the Pillow Guy have to say and show.

I think the only way to address the false allegations of election theft are to shine a whole lot of light on the issue with a Congressional hearing and investigation. "Put up or shut up." Clearly, many people need to see the facts and hear the truth.

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How will America choose? That is a frightening question, given so much lack of clarity in the voting public. And the chance of a third party spoiler candidate entering the race adds another level of worry. As to whether we will be stronger from this experience, the short answer would be (hopefully) yes - because we can shore up any aspects of our election process that might need it. But the caustic rot that seems to grow around Trump and his supporters - this is going to require time and patience, clarity and good leadership to cleanse and work itself out.

I feel very grateful for our democracy, with all it's imperfections, and I am appalled (and offended) by Trump's brazen ways. That power corrupts is an old truth; to experience this corruption is deeply disturbing.

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Well, it's been a long time coming, but I think we're going to find out how much, how wide, and how deep his support is. I think it is going to be a rough ride, but at least it's out in the open. In the short term, I worry about all those guns out there.

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Justice is blind. Its time to bring back the application of law to everyone equally.

It matters not that you have several billion dollars to your name. Break the law and the consequences apply equally to you as someone lacking any wealth.

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I too, believe these trials should be televised. Perhaps then, his blind followers will understand the truth of his criminal behavior, which includes duping them of their hard earned money. And when he is in prison and election time comes, they will think hard about who they vote into the Congress.

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