Most human beings actually want the same things - to live in safety, to have some joy and comfort in life, and to offer a promising future to their children. Focusing on the differences on how to attain these basic human rights only creates polarisation. The US has regressed into polarised lunacy in the past decades, influenced largely by forces like Steve Bannon and all he represents. “Follow the money” and we’ll find the source of this polarisation. We have been fools to worship money beyond all else, allowing elections to become dependent on absurd amounts of money rather than on candidates debating actual issues that affect us all.

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We are lucky to have Biden with sanity and concern for the future of our country. We must continue to believe that we can move toward a more perfect Union and world. Vision and hope can sustain our democracy.

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Kathleen, I do believe you are right about needing to work with Biden for a "more perfect union." So many of us are so wrapped up with our own wants that we pretend the others don't exist or that their existence is an impediment to our own success. We really do all need each other and I sure wish I knew how we can get people to see it and believe it.

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Dirty dirt.

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

5:24 AM (0 minutes ago)


With the train wreck in Ohio, a new problem has popped up, one that authorities might want to sweep under the rug. Everyone in the know understands thousands of metric tons of contaminated dirt, containing toxic chemicals have to be removed and replaced with clean fill. Ohio borders the Southern shores of Lake Erie, please tell me all that dirty dirt isn't destined to wind up somewhere in one of our Great Lakes. If not there where? That soli has been deemed toxic, where do you dump that amount of an unusable substance? An issue that should be considered relevant. "Inquiring minds want to know." What movie?

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It’s likely that dirt will end up in a hazardous waste landfill (not a municipal waste landfill or a construction debris landfill). Such hazardous waste landfills are permitted by EPA under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1970s). Haz waste landfills are excavated or engineered sites where non-liquid hazardous waste is deposited for final disposal and covered. These units are selected and designed to minimize the chance of release of hazardous waste into the environment. Design standards for hazardous waste landfills require:

- Double liner

- Double leachate collection and

removal systems

- Leak detection system

- Run on, runoff, and wind dispersal


- Construction quality assurance


Operators must also comply with inspection, monitoring, and release response requirements. Since landfills are permanent disposal sites and are closed with waste in place, they are subject to closure and post-closure care requirements including:

- Installing and maintaining a final


- Continuing operation of the

leachate collection and removal

system until leachate is no longer


- Maintaining and monitoring the

leak detection system

- Maintaining ground water


- Preventing storm water run on and


- Installing and protecting surveyed


The Ohio dirt will be placed in a Subtitle C landfill that meets the standards listed above. EPA will manage this effort.

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Are these rules maintained, adhered to? Is this not the function of government, are we not relieved that we have one? The function of government is to protect the citizens, not transfer wealth from the public to the private sector. We need ethics training for all. Small corporations, dedicated public sector, transparency and accountability. Let's institute a corporate death penalty and jail board members and executives when corporations commit crimes that merit annihilation. Cash fines don't do the trick. My apologies, i digress, but it does all glom together.

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Anna, I agree with you concerning the role of government, something most people are totally unaware of yet depend on every single day of their lives. We do need more education about that for everyone and basic ethics for everyone. We lost a lot of those ethics when we permitted corporations to become huge and conglomerates, to abuse and underpay workers, to charge tiny fines for huge crimes by corporations, and more. I like your idea of shrinking corporations mightily and holding their boards responsible since our ignorant Roberts Supreme Court declared corporations to be "persons." Limiting lobbying and keeping lobbying from being tax-deductible by corporations would be steps in the right direction too. How do we get "red" America to see that they have more in common with "blue" America than they do with the rich corporations that are trying to take over their lives and enslave them to what they provide and the prices they demand for it.

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THe original sin of race based slavery colors our entire economy and culture. Failing to address that has corrupted every movement since. Capitalism based on human chattel is what undergirds most successful institutions before and since, as the capital accumulation permits activity precluded to the former chattel supressed by various other methods after actual slavery was prohibited, to the current day.

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I agree completely. And those rules are maintained and enforced by EPA. Fortunately, we have a Democratic administration in power.

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Why are you evading the topic at hand -- possible secession?

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

9:12 AM (25 minutes ago)


Where on Earth did this woman come from? At least she can see the direction this country is headed in when it comes to Trump's civil war. The discontent in this country is basically housed within the Republican party, primarily among the MAGA element that can't see past their own noses. I get the feeling a manufacturing facility that produces equestrian blinders is experiencing a huge increase in profits as of late. MTG wants to help this country avoid a civil war that she is convinced is in the offing. A good starting point would be for her to tell the truth about what is taking place in this country in regard to the fool that was our last President. The turmoil Trump stirred up through the ridiculous lies he used to degrade the trust in our government is still eroding the relationship we as a people had with one another. If a drunk threw up in Georgia there is probably an ordinance in that state that forbids a clean-up prior to its examination to make sure MTG isn't swimming in it. She is a major causative effect contributing to the social unrest this country is currently experiencing. If she really wants to do something let's start by telling the Republican Party what a degenerate Trump is, there's no need to speak to the Democrats because we already know. MTG still doesn't understand why after speaking to herself in the mirror her reflection doesn't speak back. Therein lies the problem.

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Forget Greene and address the topic at hand -- possible secession.

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Donald, great comment. I think Margie Green needs to just shut up. She has nothing positive to offer anyone except the white supremacists and other scared white folks who are desperate for someone they can look up to who claims all kinds of horrors on the part of people who are not them, someone who is just as ignorant as they are. Another fool who needs to shut up is Ron DeSantis. He may have gotten a "high-class" education at Yale, but it is clear he didn't learn much about this nation and its people. He must have hung out with the white contingent who trained him well, letting him ignore his Italian roots when Italians were not considered white, and that wasn't too long ago. I hope it was not his parents who led their Ron to crave whiteness so much he can't appreciate anyone else and just MUST hurt anyone who is not rich, straight, pseudo-Christian, white and male. I hope his mom is not proud, but I bet she is, and makes all kinds of excuses for her son's cruelty.

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Tom Johnson: will blue and red states share the costs of all that monitoring , installation and protecting?

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Laurie, I suspect "Blue" America will pay most of the cost as usual. I just had a thought that maybe the reason "Red" America is so poor and struggling is that those who have conditioned their voters to only vote "R" want them poor and struggling so they won't have the energy, resources, or desire to challenge anything they do or say. Their "managers" will lie and cheat while gaslighting them by telling them what is happening to them is the fault of "Blue" America when it is they who are causing the pain and lack of fulfillment. It's hard to be happy when those you have been trained to trust keep you in such pathetic conditions while stoking hatred to people who did not cause them or even try to maintain them. I don't know how to reach those folks with the truth or the urgency of voting for a different letter candidate.

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Ms. Sheets, you are exactly correct about Red america. Their "managers" have mastered the "art" of othering, scapegoating, blaming real and/or imaginary boogeypersons. So much so that it becomes an article of unquestioned faith. We really do have an enormous number of probably permanently damaged people, unable and unwilling to question their assumptions. oh well.

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No. The railroad will pay. See my commentary.

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If the US splits into two nations, then each of the new nations would have all relevant responsibilities.

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In theory

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Not gonna happen.

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Excellent question. The corporation (railroad) is responsible for paying all costs of cleanup and site monitoring. If the railroad fails to do so, EPA will assume the responsibility of paying for all cleanup costs. EPA will then charge the railroad TRIPLE THE COST and will take them to court if necessary. (In other words EPA will not let progress on site remediation stop or slow down because of the monetary inaction or negligence of the responsibility party.)

Concerning the haz waste landfill, they are privately owned and operated and must comply with EPA’s strict regulations for such facilities.

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Tom, I'm happy to read your words. You seem to know the rules. How can people like us help to make it happen?

Stephanie 2/23/23

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1 of 867


Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

2:57 AM (12 minutes ago)


The train derailment that took place in Ohio recently was poorly handled. Where was President Biden? The Republicans have beaten Biden into the mud because of his absence at the crash site. It's the duty of the commander and chief to visit these disaster sites and ease the fears concerning the cleanup and public safety. Our current President has dropped the ball, where has he been? Mayor Pet showed up and did a great job explaining everything to the locals. Donald Trump made an appearance as well, considering he was the root cause of the accident. President Obama required railroad companies to change over the 150-year-old breaking systems to the new fail-safe air brakes where all cars would brake simultaneously. However, Donald Trump in his infinite wisdom rescinded President Obama's order and stopped the refitting of all rail cars with the new safer braking systems. How odd, an Ex-President who was directly responsible for the derailment showed up to add immoral support but where was President Joe Biden? Oh by the way, did you hear about the chicken in Georgia that was killed while crossing the road in an effort to get to the other side? This is an accident site our President must make time to visit, along with all the other deceased chickens found by the wayside. How could he not show up to express his condolences to the grieving flock? How stupid can you get? The president doesn't visit every last accident site under the sun just because the Republicans enjoy being short-sighted and ignorant. The far right is in trouble with respect to the 2024 election. Their approach is to find fault with the way Biden shaves. The petty alarms they raise about the ridiculous things the Democrats supposedly do is nothing more than a weak attempt to discredit the current President because they have no creditable of their own. President Biden has better things to do than to visit every accident site that takes place in this country. It's naive of the Republicans to even bring these issues to the forefront. On the other hand, the people responding to the allegations with disdain are non-other than Trump's children, the MAGA crowd. These lost individuals soak up the fake stories that spew from Fox News and applaud the degenerates who spill the lies out over the airways. Our President has people he can designate to visit these lower-level issues so his agenda isn't clogged with incidentals. The people's needs will be taken care of and all will again be well in the state of Ohio. As for the dead chicken in Georgia, it will give MTG something suitable for her to handle. The pathetic chicken that lives within her seems to lose an egg every month.

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Donald, you pose a really good, important question about what to do with the dirt from the train derailment. It is clear the railroad corporation has no clue and really doesn't care as it blames everyone but itself for what happened. We sure need research that can help us figure out how to deal with such contamination. So many folks think just dumping the dirt will make it all disappear with no real impact. They're wrong, but a lot of those "hide the stuff" folks are rich Republicans who don't think they have to care, so they don't, and continue to oppose regulations that could make those spills extremely unlikely instead of more likely than is safe.

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EPA knows how to deal with contamination like this. They will force cleanup and the company will pay. If the railroad fails in its legal obligation, EPA will take full control and charge triple the cost to the railroad. EPA will go to court to recover treble costs, if necessary.

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Tom- I head ya but the question still remains where are they going to put the stuff. I know a good spot to be Putin it.

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The dirt will end up in a hazardous waste landfill (not a municipal waste landfill or a construction debris landfill). Such hazardous waste landfills are permitted by EPA under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1970s). Haz waste landfills are excavated or engineered sites where non-liquid hazardous waste is deposited for final disposal and covered. These units are selected and designed to minimize the chance of release of hazardous waste into the environment. Design standards for hazardous waste landfills require:

- Double liner

- Double leachate collection and

removal systems

- Leak detection system

- Run on, runoff, and wind dispersal


- Construction quality assurance


Operators must also comply with inspection, monitoring, and release response requirements. Since landfills are permanent disposal sites and are closed with waste in place, they are subject to closure and post-closure care requirements including:

- Installing and maintaining a final


- Continuing operation of the

leachate collection and removal

system until leachate is no longer


- Maintaining and monitoring the

leak detection system

- Maintaining ground water


- Preventing storm water run on and


- Installing and protecting surveyed


The Ohio dirt will be placed in a Subtitle C landfill that meets the standards listed above. EPA will manage this effort.

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just use it for landfill for highway construction in poor/ minority neighborhoods. that's what we've always done.

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...more appropriate for the greens at Mar-a-Lago 😎

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Tom-- that 's what bothers me.

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Ruth-- Good thinking I just hope those in charge use the same tools we have.

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(My commentary reposted)

It’s likely that dirt will end up in a hazardous waste landfill (not a municipal waste landfill or a construction debris landfill). Such hazardous waste landfills are permitted by EPA under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1970s). Haz waste landfills are excavated or engineered sites where non-liquid hazardous waste is deposited for final disposal and covered. These units are selected and designed to minimize the chance of release of hazardous waste into the environment. Design standards for hazardous waste landfills require:

- Double liner

- Double leachate collection and

removal systems

- Leak detection system

- Run on, runoff, and wind dispersal


- Construction quality assurance


Operators must also comply with inspection, monitoring, and release response requirements. Since landfills are permanent disposal sites and are closed with waste in place, they are subject to closure and post-closure care requirements including:

- Installing and maintaining a final


- Continuing operation of the

leachate collection and removal

system until leachate is no longer


- Maintaining and monitoring the

leak detection system

- Maintaining ground water


- Preventing storm water run on and


- Installing and protecting surveyed


The Ohio dirt will be placed in a Subtitle C landfill that meets the standards listed above. EPA will manage this effort.

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What an utterly absurd concept. Let Marjorie submit a 1,000-page (grammatical) document explaining how such a division could be implemented financially and in law without blood running in the streets. Maybe that’s what she wants. Who has to move? Who helps them pay for the move and then find a livelihood in an undeveloped area? Any plan would have to take decades to implement, and by that time supreme Dictator ChatGPT version 50 would be mulling over whether humans were worth the trouble of keeping around.

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Call/write/email your Congressional reps to demand the Miss Taylor be removed.

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The idea is just another BS idea that she lies awake at night dreaming up. Her mouth is all about attention getting. We should completely ignore her and the rest of the Nit Wits who serve in Congress today. As always it is the responsibility of every one to become informed and VOTE the crooks and liars out of office!

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Don't ignore her. She wants her opponents to roll over and die. Call/write/email your Congressional rep today and demand that Miss Taylor be removed -- not just censured. Her husband divorced her rather than put up with her destructiveness. Now it's our turn.

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This is irrelevant to the topic at hand - possible secession.

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Already answered this.

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White Noise, based on Don Dellilo's 1985 novel I don't think it's available in theaters (yet). Its at Netflicks. You can see previews on U-Tube. The precipitating train wreck of the novel's (1985) "airborne toxic event" is astonishingly accurate -- though created last year during movie production.

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We lucky to have Biden over Trump for sure. But we are not lucky to simply have the lesser of two evils.

The press lied to us about the electability of Sanders who pulls votes from the left and the right.

His policies would unite voters against the donor class and he would have crushed Trump in the general election.

The media refused to talk about health care costs (to not offend advertisers) the power of corporations (not to offend advertisers) and how the Child tax credit ended poverty for millions of children. Had they talked about those issue like they talked about “Russia Gate” which Mueller proved was wildly over hyped, Sanders would have easily won the primaries and crushed Trump in the General.

And Sanders, more than Biden, United red and blue Americans.


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I agree with you, Michael. I was a strong Bernie supporter and wish he had won. May we soon move more in the direction he would have taken us!

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

9:16 AM (0 minutes ago)

Russia wants military armaments from China. Explain to them if that happens, Ukraine will get F-16s from the US. We are about to step onto the pervertible escalator. It was foreseeable from the start.

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Have you considered that what we're seeing now is more like the flareup of a disease we've had since before our founding? It comes and goes but its a virus we can't quite find a remedy...a cure.

$$ is certainly part of the problem but racism and fear of the "Other" have been such a large part of the American experience I find it hard to say that $$ is the root cause.

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I agree. One only needs to watch old footage of mobs attacking black Americans for wanting to do simple things like go to a beach, swim in a pool, go to schools, universities, eat food, sleep in a hotel, etc to see how racist this country was in my lifetime. As if those horrible people have just gone away. No they have bred racists and many are still alive and voting. This country has a huge racism problem and inequity. Huge!

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The most watched TV is F (fear) O (outrage) X (xenophobia).

They are willing to lie.

We reap what we sow

Sorry to be so dark but that’s where we all are.

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Robin, you are right about the blatant racism in our own life times. That is, I believe, why Ron DeSantis of FL doesn't want kids in his state learning about Black history and anyone reading about the Black experience in HIS state. The little dictator does not care about anything but money and power and how much of both he can collect and how gullible the people of FL are that they would vote for him and his pathetic mostly white and white wannabee state legislature. Funny how no fraud checks have been done in FL to see how the elections have been run. They distract everyone by pointing to the "Blue" or "Purple" states while wanting a private election police to intimidate voters. That is racism and his anti-women stuff is as misogynistic as it gets. It just proves that the descendants of recent immigrants can be as racist as the white guys who have been here for many generations. Nikki Haley is another of those white wannabees who are OK with the racism and misogyny of white America even if it is directed toward her because she thinks she has the anti-everyone-but-white-male-America stance down pat, and I think she is right that she does. Disgusting!

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Perhaps if we just don't talk about, teach about or otherwise mention it..... I guess that's the plan. Seems so childish. At least not very responsible adult.

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Terry, you've put your finger on what is really going on, or at least part of what is going on. Republicans choose to be and vote for child-men and child-women who are selfish, self-centered, unable to empathize with anyone, and connected to a childish version of Christianity that they have created to support their own childish behavior, their whining, tantrums. rudeness, and greedy gimmy gimmy approach to everything they do. Pointing it out to them just causes them to double-down on their childishness claiming that their actions are all for this country instead of the truth that it is all for their own comfort and enrichment.

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Terry, you do have a good point. Racism and misogyny have been powerful elements in our cultural development, but money has always been tied completely to both. Women were not allowed to work in most places until recently although raising kids and caring for hubby and the home was enormous, totally unrecognized work. People of color of all kinds were kept down as much as white men could manage beginning with enslavement of Black persons, followed by near enslavement of Chinese and Irish railroad workers, cultural destruction of Native cultures, Japanese internment and loss of homes and property of Japanese Americans, and poorly paid and abused Latinx farm workers. The fact that some men of color were able to be recognized and own land was remarkable. The efforts to keep people of color down continues to this day. Just check out the zip codes where people of various races live is a good indicator. Women scare white men even more than people of color do which is why so many efforts to keep women "in their place in the home" have been part of our history from day 1. Despite sufficient states ratifying the ERA, Congress just can't bring itself to get rid of the unconstitutional time limit on the ERA passed by a scared white Congress nearly a half-century ago. Women still earn far less than white men and people of color earn even less than white women. More women and people of color are in Congress and state legislatures than ever, but the really bad laws that discriminate against women and people of color are being introduced all over the country, mostly in "Red" America, but some in "Blue" states too. It is disgraceful, but how do we get to a place where we can get white men to relinquish some of their power and the hatred, fear, and anger that go along with it? The Marjorie Greenes of our nation are just pathetically trying to get their piece of the pie when the best they will ever be able to get is a few crumbs from the crust. And, she and they are truly unworthy of much more than that because they have nothing positive to offer anyone but the rich white pseudo-Christian males in power. We can stop this insanity if "Red" and "Blue" America came together for the common good. We'll see.

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Ruth, I agree except I am not optimistic about the red and blue finding each other . My focus is to get as many progressive candidates elected so that progressive legislation will be passed. And to get as many progressive judges confirmed especially women and people of color as possible. White people, Christians, men will continue to be threatened, so we will have to continue to keep pushing. I am heartened by young women, young people of color who are rising to leadership, influencing the dialogue, and hopefully opening possibilities. FRCC Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, for example, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last week. That gives me hope.

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Donna, I, too, am hopeful concerning our young people. The trick, it seems to me as someone working in a public school as a volunteer tutor, we need to find a way to give the young people of all economic levels a purpose they can hold as a goal for their lives and that purpose needs to be related to making the world better. I have found that since COVID, a lot of younger young people, young teens, are not feeling that anything they do will ever make a difference. I am working in a disadvantaged district where poverty is endemic and most of the students are people of color. Teens should be hopeful, but a lot of the students seem to have given up on hope. I want that hope back for them and am not sure how to make it happen. Some other interested parties in my district are thinking about this challenge too. I hope we can, with the help of the students, find ways to make purpose happen for them.

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Yes, Ruth. My experience is if children (or adults) feel heard and respected, and they learn to trust their feelings and their perceptions, and the situation helps them learn to have healthy boundaries, that is the greatest gift you can give them. My first career was teaching in public schools with poor and working class children of color, many of whom were struggling with school subjects. My second career was working with survivors of sexual abuse. Both very vulnerable populations. With clear expectations and feeling respected, their natural capacities guide them to their purposes. Enjoy them. It's lovely that you do that.

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good ideas, but will that desired “unity” ever be achieved. (I am cynical.)

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As for the issue of "fear of the "Other" ", I refer you to the election last night in Wisconsin, two progressive candidates against two right wing conservatives. The report in this morning's NY Times glows about the progressive who won almost half the electorate, having spent millions blanketing the state with ads and fliers and gaining name recognition. The two regressives, having bloodied each other pretty thoroughly in this campaign, split another 46%. The fourth candidate, a Black judge, a very decent yet vastly underfunded progressive was mentioned only once in the Times' article. In the course of the campaign, as I participated in phone banks and web meetings with Democrats, like nails on a chalkboard, there was a hushed undercurrent implying that after supporting Mandela Barnes for US Senate (who came closer than any other senate candidate contesting an incumbent) that somehow a Black candidate could not be viable for statewide election in Wisconsin. It is disturbing that this happened; disturbing how the muted undercurrent of universal understanding among the electorate that a Black man is not a viable statewide candidate in Wisconsin was not even hinted at in the Times.

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btw, thanks for doing the phone work. Got a feeling there will be much more called for in the coming months.

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The NYT has good election coverage, not good candidate coverage, unless they're local. I always try to go to the local newspaper or at least one in the general area of the district. They're far more likely to know the district and the candidate.

Mandela Barnes lost his election so people will always try to come up with a reason. In his case its because he's black in a very white state. Not that it's true but that's the narrative. At least until he wins one.

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Terry, Mandela came within a few points in that race. Evidently millions of white Wisconsinites voted for him, despite the republican ads against him which were viciously racist. They relied on scare tactics that worked well enough with voters who were looking for an excuse not to elect Black man to the US Senate.

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I understand. I would have voted for him and did give a small donation.

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The NY Times has turned into a garbage rag. Run by racists and their corporate masters. They love to believe that they are the most legitimate news source but every time I read something about a subject I’m extremely well educated on or have been involved with as a participant they get it so wrong. Very wrong. Sloppy writers and journalists.

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The NYT is contradictory, I would say. Have you listened to the 1619 podcasts? They are staggering, powerful; they go the distance. It is amazing that they are free online.

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I watch the documentary on Hulu. It’s wonderful.

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Sorry, I haven't listened. I know a lot of people love podcasts, but I just can't. Now if it were a video of some sort, yes....I'm all in, especially on YouTube.

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I prefer videos, too, Terry, but I decided that it is important for me to learn as much as I can about the dark and dusty corners of racism. I listen while I am doing mindless household chores. If you decide to risk it and are willing to choose one episode, I highly recommend #5 Part 2, The Land of our Fathers.

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HULU has a 1619 project documentary series and it’s great.

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Lazy is the word I use.

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What are your news sources?

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For ?

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All major news sources and also international.


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Which ones do you trust?

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I agree with you, Terry. Our history is a roller coaster ride of blocks of time of illusory quiet interrupted by flare ups precipitated by some focusing event. Half of Americans want gun safety laws; more than half want safe access to abortion; more than half say that voting is a fundamental right, and according to the internet, 80% of Americans "like" Social Security. Then a major focusing event occurs followed by a flood of ads and sound bites that instantly explodes those ideas from the rational to the knee-jerk emotional, and confuses the issues.

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90% of all Americans, including gun owners, want gun safety laws.

The problem is, as my o'l pappy used to say, structural because in the flyover states trees and cows out vote senators from blue states.

When our country was founded, the authors of the Constitution knew that there was an underclass, and decided not to give them any rights. Native Americans, per the Constitution could not be citizens. Slavery was grandfathered. The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were, especially due process and equal protection, in large part, not incorporated to the states until about 1965.

The current SCOTUS sent us backward by refusing to accept the Voting Rights Act.

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Donna Robin Lippman: Those with more money than brains have Big speech powers. That is part of that explosion. They have their 'dog whistle' issues which boil down to racism, and classism. They want to deprive the 'entitled' of benefits to which they obviously do not agree they really are, in fact, every wage earner is entitled. Social Secuity, for example, is something every wage earner pays into. Now, these workers are treated like bums looking for a 'handout'.If only we could do that to the obscenely wealthy when they want 'a break'.

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I agree, Laurie. The "more money than brains" crowd is very slippery and willing to stoop low.

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When dollars were flowing to all Americans such that our incomes were all going up at the same pace racism was reduced in this country. The Civil Rights bill got passed with strong support when incomes for all were rising.

40yrs of declining incomes caused by rich Americans funding law makers to shift GDP from the middle class to the rich has shattered american families and lives. And it is in that environment that racism thrives stroked my a little propaganda. It has happened through out history.

The rich steal GDP from the poor and then fund media to “blame” anyone else.

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Yep, I agree with your observations.

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The money issue makes our politicians ripe for the plucking by the highest bidder. Of course other factors are at play, as you say. In some parts of the world there is a cap on campaign spending, so candidates can use their energy to discuss issues rather than focusing on fundraising. In this case, voters are more likely to be well-informed on the issues rather than reacting to knee-jerk slogans and wild rallies.

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Actually limiting campaign spending really won't change anything. The outside $$ will still be available and our politicians will still be "ripe for the plucking". They would now have a guaranteed source of income in addition to everything they have currently.

How does it work exactly that providing this $$ to politicians makes voters more well-informed and less susceptible to knee-jerk slogans and rallies?

Sorry, but I just don't get it.

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Campaign gifts are not allowed with this system. Without the hype that accompanies big money, including celebrity shows and big rallies, voters are more likely to focus on what the candidates are actually saying.

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Everyone on this planet realizes on their deathbed that they can’t take money with them and they can’t buy health. Ask Steve Jobs. It’s too bad we can’t send a message earlier to some people on this planet.

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SueLou, I think most people don't really contemplate their mortality until they are actually faced with a serious health condition. I have met some well-off folks who say they know they will die someday, but really think they are somehow going to outlive everyone else and have their money forever. If they have kids, they plan to someday pass it off to them so want no estate taxes because a dynasty is so much better than dying in obscurity (yeah, the obscurity of still having a few billion). They are child-adults who want only what they want and they want it now. It is rather like a 3-year-old. It is cute sometimes in a toddler, but never cute in an adult, but somehow, people vote for these child-adults, let them run huge corporations with only the bottom line as their guide. How do we show voters and legislators that being adults is far betteter than the whiny children that some child-adults are because they never had to grow up and be accountable for anything?

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Judy, you are right about the money corrupting nearly everything. We the People have allowed economists who worship the bottom line to determine what our businesses will be like and who gets to benefit. Our media has decided that truth is optional if you can get a story that is exciting and does a lot of frivolous blaming. We have decided that loud mostly ignorant white men have more to offer than anyone else who actually has positive ideas. We have decided that "free speech" means small conservative white men and a few similar women can smear the airwaves with insane claims, insurrectionist speech, and just plain lies that hurt a whole lot of people. Regulation is sneered at by rich white folks and some others even though it is what keeps disasters like the train derailment in Palestine, OH from happening and all of us free from food poisoning, and on and on. It is "red" state "conservative" white folks who don't want regulation, then when a disaster happens, they lie that no one from the government came to help them. OK, it happened after Hurricane Katrina, but that was under the presidency of an ignorant "Red" stater, W.Bush, not Biden of DE. Should "red" America split off, the rest of us would be at risk because of the massive pollution they would unleash on the rest of us and on our planet. They, the fossil fuelers simply do not care about global warming or anything else but MONEY, and we return to the point of your very astute piece. Where do we go from here? Divorce, a foolish idea put out there by fools who have no clue about the complexity of life and our interconnectedness. Why anyone even listens to Greene and her ilk is beyond me. I get it that she does fake anger really well, but her ignorance and unpreparedness show in every statement she makes.

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Judy, A wonderful response. I could not ( did not) put into words what you have said so eloquently. Thanks.

My Mother said many years ago that we are too big to be represented by so few.

Last night my husband and I watched Ken Burns “ Benjamin Franklin”. What a fabulous film depicting our journey into a “Revolution. It had so much going on that is happening today. The film is a must.

United we stand as a people who want to be safe and free of dictators and hate. May we journey forward to reach that goal!

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Machiavelli makes the argument in The Prince, that that is what most people want - just to be left alone. But, what he calls "the Great Ones" are those who want more - they want power. That small number will make an inordinately loud push to have more - more than anyone else. Professor Reich makes the point similarly, with his comment that Money is not a zero-sum game, but power is.

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Excellent comment Judy

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It's the loud voices that want "divorce," without concern for the collateral damage to those who are quietly living their American lives, anticipating an ongoing right to the written promises of their forefathers -- however badly they are being interpreted by the Law of the Land. Securing the popular vote as the will of the people seems important to consider at this point. And undoing Citizens United.

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Our country desperately needs a consistent national presence available to us that follows the tenants of our Constitution and more than that, a voice that consistently represents our heart felt desire to live, raise our families and work in an environment of not only peace but cooperation. Right now all we got is President Biden. We need more than one symbol of unity and someone who is willing to stand up to political and profiteering opportunists like MTG, Trump, DeSantis, Musk, and all the rest, who set their sites in the wealth of our country. People like this will always come and go. Giving them credence and space to spew their insanity is what’s causing the problem.

Those that control a large percentage of the money and power in this country through corporate holdings hide behind these disruptive people and don’t want unity if any kind for the majority of us.

They want to divide the people because they have no desire to contribute to anyone but themselves and their interests. This is our true enemy— division.

Our power as people lies in our sheer numbers. Allowing a bunch of paid for reps to control and manipulate the minds and hearts of the public and destroy what we’ve built for ourselves, all of us, is not only a waste but ludicrous.

Like everything else now things seem to be snowballing and being built upon specifically to cause more and more dissension and suspicion among us. And it’s for sure the whole world is watching what’s happening here.

We need more unifying voices to listen to that bring back confidence and our courage to support what truly feels right and supports the common good. Money can’t just be siphoned off to a bunch of con artists and leave the rest of our population bereft of choices. Honest, consistent people with courage exist out there, have always existed. We need to find and support them.

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G.P., you are so right about needing more people who stand bravely and loudly for unity. The forces of money are surely doing their best to divide and ultimately enslave all of us to their whims. They will select someone like a Putin to rule on their behalf because they think that would work for them. They are wrong, but these are not the brightest bulbs in any string. They are generally lucky men who were able to take advantage of their luck. They did not get where they are because they are so brilliant or care so much about this nation, or anything else except money and power, for that matter. Why would anyone want to follow such jerks? We see what has been happening to the oligarchs in Russia lately. When Putey is finished with them or they displease their master, he has them killed by other expendable people. That is not what we need here. We need a united group of people working to keep our Constitution relevant. We need judges and courts that actually care about who is guilty and who is innocent. We need a Supreme Court that is not totally blinded by its conservatives' own biases and actually give a damn about the law and keeping the Constitution relevant (there is no such thing as originalism. It is just another word for lying, racism, misogyny, favoritism, and religious bigotry). We need to be done with all that and demand more of our courts and our legislators. And, we have to demand more of ourselves, more thinking, more reasoning, more understanding, more caring, more encouraging, and more unity.

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More caring is most important. Our Country is worth fighting for with clear voices and strong reasoning!

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Excellent commentary G P

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I agree, with the Reagan years we have let corporate capitalism take away our democratic capitalism base. What is the solution? I am not certain but maybe a taste of what it means to not have federal support of large issues. For example. what happened in Ohio. Or perhaps what is still occuring in Florida with issues of climate change. They pay their own way for 5 years. unfortunately that leaves us vulnerable to the bad actors internationally. We need to continue to muddle along as best we can as we attempt to go back to democratic capitalism.

Perhaps all top management of companies that do not sign on for democratic capitalism need to be moved to Red states and have limits on their travel and availability of blue state experiences and lives. No travel not arts no discourse. Their properties in blue states forfeit. No international travel. Live in the states they have created.

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Interesting, but irrelevant to the issue at hand here -- possible secession.

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A worthy comment for everyone to enjoy: https://youtu.be/5O1ezj7qcwQ

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I would disagree about what most humans want. It's nice to think that, but I'm no longer convinced that it's true. There seem to be too many people hell-bent on nearly the opposite goals, which brings us back to some basic differences that have never been resolved, only swung back and forth. The differences are real, basic, and determining. I am getting to the point of thinking a separation might be better for all concerned.

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Well said Judy. And perhaps I'm swinging after the bell here, but when one follows the money ( at least a significant portion of it) we will find who our true enemies ( to our constitution, the republic & democracy) are, I believe.

My other thoughts just now, elaborating on what you've said are, can we allow for all the unintended consequences & untold suffering that would follow with a truly divided nation? Albeit in some circumstances in life, I believe in the value of object lessons in learning opportunities, largely red states now, have the highest maternal & infant death rates (especially with respect to minority women), poorest results in education & health care & some serious infrastructure issues i.e. failing water plants. ( Look at Mississippi's extensive boil water orders around the state..Detroit's issues. Texas' electrical grid.)

In many instances republican majority led legislation is already attempting to circumvent our constitution in many states; respect to contraception & choice - which impact women most. (Can we imagine a "Handmaid's Tale" come to life, given how obsessed some republican leadership is; concerned with the decrease in white births & being a minority in the next 25 years?) Minorities, gay & trans communities, the most vulnerable & elderly, those who worship differently ( other than evangelicals) specifically might be targeted by draconian laws. The impoverished left to languish. Those unable to afford to move elsewhere would be virtual prisoners. We might also be ripe for the picking from a military standpoint...even if it's a foothold largely in red states, as many might find themselves susceptible to funding from other nations. And dare I say, much of the current " red" or maga leaning leadership appears to have more dictatorial tendencies ( otherwise why not put some of their recent state bills/laws to the test; passed to the voters first). Some appear to be more susceptible to ( shall we say) whimsical & what many of us might term "criminal" or "trumpian" impulses. (Might I comment that some may have become emboldened by the slow deliberations on part of the DOJ, certain decisions of the largely partisan Supreme Court & some other federal courts & "rogue" justices.)

In many instances we see the results of unintended & intended consequences of decisions/ choices that have not all been reasoned through, by those often lacking in particularly good critical thinking skills. ( Voters & legislators alike.) In part, you can thank the low priority put on education in much of the South, decades ago, as evidenced by comments like MTG'S. Florida, imo, is certainly heading back in that direction. But this craze about not teaching the truth of our national tragedies & failings is very concerning, especially in Southern states. Whitewash history & you erase opportunities to learn from it.

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Bonnie, good comment. It is worrisome that it is the former Confederate states that are trying so hard to wipe out their history of use and abuse of Black Americans, even long after the end of slavery. They want to pretend their Civil War soldiers were fighting for a great cause which, of course as was stated by each state as it seceded, the defense of slavery. They still care little for Black Americans or anyone else who works and lives there who is not white, straight, pseudo-Christian, and male. And, they have intimidated those others so they won't vote or in any other way get involved with trying to bring about change. They keep poverty alive and well, and pollution so high, folks won't have the energy, health, or will to fight what is being done to them and which is clearly wrong. Trying to hide a history of abuse, oppression, lynching, general intimidation, and more is a way to lie to themselves that white people really didn't do that stuff they actually did. We need to find ways to educate all our kids about our blunders and ways we have tried to fix them and where we stand currently in our rather pathetic attempts. Kids do want to know. It's their parents who are afraid to think their kids will see them as the torch-bearers for those who participated in the violence against Black Americans and others who just didn't fit, and blame them somehow.

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Excellent analysis, Judy. The issue of money is the most divisive factor in our society, from the kitchen table squabbles over household budgets to gridlock and influence peddling at the highest levels of government. The medium of exchange has "trumped" a divine Creator as an object of reverence and deliverer of the goods because it works. One may pray for something until fast food becomes healthy but the answers we seek rarely show up. But lay down the cash and, presto, instant results.

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I strongly agree with you that most Americans, deep down, want the same things

However the cause of division goes much deeper than the Steve Bannons on the right!

Trusted media such as NYT, WaPo, CNN and MSNBC convinced Americans that there were WMD’s and that Obama was right to bail out bankers and shareholders while leaving under water home owners to twist in the wind. And during presidential primaries they convince democratic voters that M4A is a losing issue for a presidential candidate. All lies that our friends on the left have been fed and fallen for.

People that don’t think like or like Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton can come up with rational reasons to consume media that refuses to discuss the damage law makers like these two have done to this country.

Granted the media they consume instead lies to them too and turns them into misinformed citizens who don’t seem to value democracy or truth.

The cause of division is media on the left and right and it is because both are funded by the donor class in one way or the other.

Let’s not hate the misinformed on the right anymore than the equally misinformed on the left.

Let’s instead fight to insure our own fellow liberals are less misinformed and as such willing to elect law makers that serve all Americans not just the donor class like the aforementioned law makers

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Michael, but interestingly enough, you forgot to mention the Jim Jordan's, Matt Gaetz 's, Mitch McConnells ( who stonewalling bills for how long & helped load the courts for trump- who's attorney back in the day, Roy Cohn - of Senator Joe McCarthy's red- baiting interrogations of the 50's, helped, through his ties to the Reagans, get Donald's sister appointed as a judge) & Lauren Boebart ( who ironically was living a little differently prior to getting her GED & running for office, yet now has a reported net worth of...$40m??.

The " donor class" as you call it, has made inroads there as well. And was it President Bush or his VP Cheney, or both, who lied about weapons of mass destruction to all? And Halliburton made how much; at least $38B in the Iraq war. How was Cheney tied to that?

It's always good to second guess a President i.e. Obama, about how he dealt with the major economic crisis he was left with, after two terms of Bush & the resultant deregulation of the financial industry & Wall Street, that in part created the recession/ depression of 2008. BUT...didn't Paul Ryan & McConnell stand on the steps of the Capital..(was it) & say publicly, Obama was going to be a one term president & we will do all possible to stop any agendas he might have going forward...paraphrased? What happened to the spirit of co-operation & reaching across the aisle? Yet..that was the republican plan from before he stepped into office. Never about the American people.

I'm sorry, but I can't buy much of what you're saying. But we can agree to disagree, as an Independent here to your Republican stance. It's still a free American, with respect to opinions.

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What MTG suggests is treasonous. She swore an oath to protect the Constitution and has been gleefully breaking that oath without consequences over and over. While I logically agree with the choice that everyone is protected by the Constitution and that we should remain one country, I am feeling really pissed off this morning. So I checked Yes, let the deplorables go. I am sick and tired of them.

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For shame! Abraham Lincoln is rolling over in his grave. Do you not realize how many “red” voters are in the “blue” states, and how many “blue” voters are in the “red” states. Thank god Lincoln was not so easily pissed off, especially by a numbskull like MTG.

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Greene shows that those that don't read history (or don't read anything at all) are doomed to repeat its mistakes. This country is the United States of America. United. We often disagree, schisms are often deep and wide, many here still have not achieved full access to the promises enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. All of that being true, as bad as unserious troublemakers representing seemingly equally unserious voters are, the country has endured and withstood because of the occasional movement of all of its people and might in the same, correct direction.

We can't let mouthbreathing miscreants destroy an imperfect, fragile but evolving democratic experiment. Besides, who gets the kids in this divorce? The kids being our military, highways, SS funds, space program, satellites, intelligence agencies and on and on and on. As others have said, they have the majority now, so let's see actual governance; not treasonous suggestions, theatrical committee performances and using Twitter as a nonsensical suggestion box.

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Great concise comment and spot on. As a whole we can tamp down the $$$ influence that keeps us hating& fearing each other.

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Not just money!!!!!!!! It's that collective racist subconscious. It's in the amygdala.

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Don't worry. Deep down I don't think the country should "divorce". I'm entitled to be pissed off and sick of tRumpers/QANON/MAGAs

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So true. We live in a gerrymandered red district in the middle of a blue state. Should we sell our home and move? She we do nationally what the India did in creating Pakistan to provide two countries for two religions where the people of the country migrates?

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I live in Fascist Florida. I'm not going anywhere.

Our would be Fuhrer has successfully convinced many "anti-woke -- anti "other"-- anti tax - anti vax people to relocate from blue states.

In our recent local elections our choices include a broken down ex-judge who has questionable ethics, a possible agent for the Colombian government, a lobbyist for developers, another with ties to big pharma, etc. In other words, no choice.

20% of our population are not US citizens. Another 20% have been waiting for a caudillo -- and DeSantis will do.

IMHO our recent residents from the north or California do not know the lay of the land and that by supporting El Tipo DeSantis are oblivious that they are in effect supporting Fascism.

We feel that we are part of the resistance -- like the White Rose in Germany who opposed the Nazis.

We need help. The DNC wrote us off in the last election.

[We] have a white rose to tend

In July as in January;

I give it to the true friend

Who offers his frank hand to me.

And for the cruel one whose blows

Break the heart by which I live,

Thistle nor thorn do I give:

For him, too, I have a white rose.

Jose Marti.

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We can't turn into red states, so to speak, because liberals and progressives still live there, and we have yet to get rid of the electoral college. That's not what America is about. From your comments, I know you believe that also. Some days, I myself would like to throw in the towel. There are red Senators and Congressional representatives who agree wiih the Democrats. They don't want their children to die in a school shooting or go without SS or health insurance and... We have to find a middle ground for all.

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How does one compromise with tyranny, autocracy and fascism? Short answer is one can't therefore one doesn't.

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Kathryn Sullivan : It looks like there are more people who vote blue. Why would everyone turn red? That does not add up. Numerically or morally.

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I totally agree with you. I am so sick of them, let them go. They won’t survive without the blue stat tax money

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Ha! I did the same. I'm so tired of these MAGAs and their garbage.

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Not so much Treasonous....not yet anyway. But she's certainly working on it.

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Terry Franzman: Didn't MTG say that she will he armed next time there is a coup attempt? She wants to carry now. In the Capitol, while doing her Congress job! She looks treasonous to me!

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I keep wondering what it'll take to bring these assholes to heel.

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DZK ; Justice! Wake up, DOJ!

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Irishcoda; Problem is, they will never be far. I wonder about purple states too. Which side gets them?

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When they see the bottom line ....red......they'll all stick with the blue.

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As usual, your comments are thoughtful and spot on.

The basic problem with MTG's suggestion is that we fought a deadly Civil War specifically for the purpose of holding America together and granting all citizens the right of self-government via the Constitution.

Since then, "states rights" have always been a rallying cry for those who, like MTG, don't want all Americans to have the full rights and protections accorded by the Constitution, and who don't believe in the equal protection of the laws.

To be sure, we exist in a federal system, in which the states play a large role — and there will be differences in state laws, reflecting differences in the wants and desires of voters in the various states. But we continue to be one nation, under one national Constitution, with one Bill of Rights, and one national government. That is every American's right, and responsibility.

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Throw the traitors out of Congress. They took an oath and oaths mean something, not just a bunch of words. Brought up in a military family of immigrants who believed in honor and your word as gold. As a nurse, I took an oath and I still live by it. To take an oath is to pledge yourself and your sacred honor. If MTG doesn’t like it here then she should leave, but you can not violate your oath and get away with it. They don’t own the states they live in. If these MAGA republicans like Putin, move to Russia.

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Molly Ciliberti : yes, I'm sure Putin would love some new conscripts !

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or Hungary... or Syria... or Belarus-- where their political sympathies and disgust for other people's happiness converge.

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How absurd to even consider dividing our country by red and blue states. Another Civil War? MTG needs to go back to school and learn geography, history and civics. Read a map. Read the Constitution. What’s really troubling is that she and many of her colleagues believe that we cannot work together and states should secede. And her country will be white Christian families with Dad at work and Mom at home. Except for one or two repub women who get special dispensation to work outside the home. Listen up, MTG and friends, the people who live in this country are not red or blue. States are populated by humans with experiences, beliefs, commitment, needs that transcend political party. Repubs need to stop wasting time and start governing, if they can figure how and why.

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The truth is the south just ignored any protections for former slaves and the racial premise of dividing people was a lever that never stopped working, to this day. Anti racism is necessary, we need to teach history that is distressing because the fundamental conflict for this country is still in play. Are we committed to the common good where all boats rise, or do we want to exploit each other for those with concentrated wealth, supported by maintaining a Horatio Alger myth and punitive morals that equates wealth with virtue and poverty with lack of gumption. My God, imagine this country (and Central and South America!) without ever having slavery, who would have performed the labor? Every institution is sullied by slavery throughout the western world. It's a moral failing we all need to mourn and face up to.

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True, we have to start dealing with the truths of our history, painful as they are. The more we try to hide from it or whitewash it, the less we're able to heal as a country. And systemic racism will just continue

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Excellent! We need to take responsibility for the past, present and future. And Act!

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Nailed it, Irenie! 65% or so of the electorate reside between Center Left & Center Right, yet the loudest voices in the room are from the extremes. I'm sick of the duopolistic, zero sum BS game being played. Problems are not solved under this arrangement. Forward Party as a solution? I wish but the current system makes it impossible for a 3rd party to gain traction.

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I like what Rev Barber and Don Lemon suggest: a fusion party, one made up of the under-served and neglected, poor people, white working lower middle class, immigrants, Blacks, LGBTQ, elderly, disabled...That would be voter power all right

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National ranked-choice voting would help.

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I take exception to the identifying all things Christian along with these extreme dingbats!

Of course I don’t consider the Southern version of ‘Christian’ in name only as valid.

In fact a true Christian is the exact opposite of the crazies!

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Absolutely! Well said.

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Hear hear!!

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If they did split, we Canadians would be glad to welcome the Union of Blue States as new provinces. That would keep them from being geographically separated and give us access to some nice California sunshine without having to leave the country.

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Haha ingenious! If the blue states become Canadian provinces, we eliminate the separation problem. Canada’s a democracy and, especially of late, more civilized than we are with no threat of fascism taking over. I’m from Massachusetts and I’m game!

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I appreciate your sentiment. There's only one problem - and nobody seems to have mentioned it. Those "red states" will eventually convince themselves that the "blue states" were "stolen" from them, particularly from an economic standpoint. Then will come a "Take Back What's Ours" movement. The red state mentality has been banging on about taking back this and taking back that for half a century! It shouldn't take a Ph.D. to figure out the ramifications of such a split - what they'll be frothing at the mouth to take back next.

That would put Canada at risk, as well, and probably even if they didn't admit the blue states as provinces. Otherwise, they'd probably go after Mexico first. Remember "Manifest Destiny?"

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DZK ; They would just "pull a Putin". Attack anyone on your borders, claiming to feel threatened, or having been robbed of territory.

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Yep! Although "drug cartels" is the obvious excuse, and that could give cause all the way down to Tierra del Fuego! Manifest Destiny, remember? All they'd have to do is package it as a holy crusade, and they'd have every southern-fried Baptist church preaching join the army from the Sunday pulpit. "Got'ta save them souls" - like they >always< did. Of course, they'd have to "Take Back America" first - in case you might wonder about the next >Confederate< move in said "national divorce."

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As a further thought: who do you think would be on their borders in a secessionist scenario? Look to my other comments to identify their very first target.

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DZK ; Yes, Mexico !

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I was thinking California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, New York and states north of New York. The Blue States! >Then< Mexico and points South.

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DZK ; I'm sure wherever they can.

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Also: You may appreciate the hour you spend on this. It discusses history and how it was in the antebellum US. The bible banshees of NH are now southern fundamentalists:


>This< I've banged on about for years. The private sector is >definitely< not our savior.

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Do the red states take the US military with them?

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First, they take all the missile silos that the world-famous balloon overflew, that Biden critics have been on about. Also, there are all the huge military bases from Texas and throughout the red state area. Then comes the question of loyalty in the ranks. For example, it is said that Robert E Lee, originally a Union commander, resigned his commission from his loyalty to the state of Virginia - of course, it could have had something to do with his Virginia land holdings that stretched from Arlington all the way to what is now West Virginia.

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Mostly about slaves.

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Indeed. Property, actually, and slaves were property.

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Upon reflection, the "Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness" seems to have been compromise wording based on Locke's original "Life, Liberty, and Property." Property is a big thing with that ilk. They're dead set against any thievery perpetrated by anyone other than themselves - and they want to own any kind of gun they can lay their hands on to protect their property.

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Jacko ; if the US military allows it

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A further though: That's how the Civil War started. Sumter was a US military base situated in the throat of Charleston Harbor. Lincoln indicated he had no intention of abandoning it, whereupon the Confederate shore battery "lit them up:" https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Fort-Sumter

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They did in the Civil War. The moment the Confederacy secedes, the military bases are sitting on hostile, foreign land. The "foreigners" will be "invited" to be deported willingly, unless they pledge allegiance to the Confederacy. Make no mistake. MTG represents the same Confederates that - to Ohio's shame - Sherman didn't make a proper job of when he marched to the sea. It's the "family values" of their great grandchildren.

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Dzk ; plus, where would they go? The ones with all the money. They want clean water and hood schools for their kids. Science must be taught.

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Buy an island and hire tutors? Build orbiting mansions? You don't seriously believe that the plutocrat gives a fiddler's fڡϿk what happens to the countries they despoil, do you. They're only interest in countries and their populations are as properties to be exploited.

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Exactly! The wealthy will benefit .

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What will all those people do without new grievances to cling to and whine and fight about?

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"What will all those people do without new grievances to cling to and whine and fight about?" Very simple. They'll invent some more grievances to moan and groan over.

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Their grievance would be what was stolen from them: the blue states. Take Back what was Stolen, or Take Back what's Ours would follow closely behind.

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Cheerio : They would have witch hunts of anyone suspected to be violating their belief system : Anyone with whom they disagree about anything. LBGTQ etc, religion, just about anything. ,: teletubbies; tan jackets. Free love, no limit to the imagination.

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First, they'd go after and purge anyone who they claim is "woke." Think the Chinese "Culture War" - ahem, excuse me, "Cultural Revolution." (I hope you don't wear glasses - a "sure sign" that you're an elite intellectual!)

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Think " internment" camps again, for red states undesirables. ( shiver)

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>Exactly!< Then comes the "re-education" - probably for whites only. What likely happens to everyone else is history.

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I wear glasses... but not because I am an elite intellectual... I'm just getting old.

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Cheerio : Same!

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The Chinese cultural revolutionaries didn't see it that way. I'm sure something just as ignorant could come down with MAGAs.

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As a US citizen with family in both San Francisco (where I live) and Vancouver, I could go for it. Canada would then be the biggest economic power on Earth.

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A further thought, that echoes an earlier response to someone else. I think that if the US should come apart in a sectionalistic way, the red states would eventually want to "take it back" regardless, if the blue states >didn't< become part of Canada. That would >really< resemble Ukraine. They just wouldn't go after Canada - immediately. (Besides, last I checked, Canada is still in the British Commonwealth, and that's a whole different kettle of fish.) If Canada wasn't interested in annexing the blue states, then the "new USA" would look South, relying on drug cartels as an excuse they could use - as I say earlier - all the way down to Tierra del Fuego. Never underestimate the ugliness of the Manifest Destiny doctrine - or the extinction of those who still embrace it. Indeed, there are a lot more prime land and natural resources to the South than to the North. Should any of that come to pass, I'm sure the blue states would welcome any international support they could get, short of annexation, which I think would be ill-advised.

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Exactly why I think the red states would want to "Take America Back," and go after Canada. It would look a lot like Ukraine.

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Given that, outside of the larger cities, the red states are pretty poor, how could they "take back" the blue states, much less Canada? Americans have tried to invade Canada twice without much luck; I doubt the red states would have the resources to invade again, much less successfully. Admittedly, the have the majority of US military bases, but, once they used up the munitions they have, how would they replace them?

Furthermore, Canada is part of NATO, so we could count on our fellow members of NATO to defend us. I don't understand what you think our being part of the Commonwealth has to do with it? It's not a defense pact.

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I thought of you immediately when I saw this and thought you might be interested: https://youtu.be/78GK_ynrTSc

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Thanks. This is why I said they couldn't afford to try to "take it back," though I suspect the Blue States would have to be watchful for Red State terrorists trying to sneak in to take revenge. The

Blue States would also have to set up procedures for dealing with undocumented Red State workers and with Red State asylum seekers.

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Agreed! Glad you liked the clip.

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This is off-topic, but I'm directing it to you mainly because we've been having a nice discussion. I'm keeping it around for a discussion forum topic where it's actually relevant. However, months ago, I characterized myself as a social democrat - as opposed to a democratic socialist. I don't think I was able to clarify my position as well as my favorite commentator, who has >consistently< expressed the same views I hold. He also goes into why I've banged-on that there is no Left in this country - particularly when the Q-publicans bang-on with their disinformation that Democrat = Socialist. I hope you enjoy these 12 minutes of a US citizen with whom I'm like-minded. Beau nicely explains what I consider a native US style of social democrat to be: https://youtu.be/h6XiJh2_lQ8

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Then again, I didn't say they'd win, did I? Note also the word "eventually." Also, I didn't bring NATO into the scenario because Britain and Australia have more stake in Canada than - say - the European states. I also said it would look like - interpret that as "resemble" - Ukraine. Clearly, the Russians don't seem to have had the resources to pull that off, either, yet the damage they've wreaked in the process is undeniable and will take decades for Ukraine - and Russia - to recover from.

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Europe has a stake in Canada: after all, we would be Russia's second front. .

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True enough. But notice I said that Britain & Australia has >more< stake in Canada than the EU, who would be dealing with their own, Eastern front. Of course, Britain pulled out of the EU, as well. From the EU perspective, that 2nd front would more resemble the Japanese Empire in WWII than the European theater. In this case, the EU would be more focused on their Eastern front. China is an unknown factor, here, as well. I'm guessin' they'd be more interested in consolidating their regional interests, should such a fracture and subsequent conflict arise. They'd probably decide to let the West squabble among themselves, and good riddance.

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Here's a little something from Duetsche Welle I just came across, that gives a better answer to your question, that's not simply my speculation: https://youtu.be/Xs3Kk4oF5H8

Also, here's a little something else I just came across, from a former British PM that expresses his misgivings about the whole BREXIT. Both of these links support, and were part of my thinking in my earlier responses to your concerns.

Bottom line, the EU has its own priorities, even within the context of NATO, while Britain is left to fend for itself, with regard to the EU.

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I might add, I'm considering the optimistic case. Such a split in the US would fracture US power so badly that the East could decide the moment had arrived to simply >eliminate< any future former US threat. The rest would be moot.

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I have decided I want to move to Gander. So I fully support this idea. (I currently live in NYS, a beautiful place but... I find community cohesiveness not a strong point here).

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Why not stick around to help organize a resistance cell, should something like that appear to be imminent?

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Maureen, would they really? Shamefully, what I know about Canada would fit on the head of a pin and still leave room for angels to dance. Are there no provinces that lean, or are, conservative and wouldn't appreciate being inundated by an enormous bunch of freakin' liberals?

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I lived in Canada for 6 years. While that does not make me an expert, I know that the middle of their country (mostly Alberta) is very conservative, but not nearly as right wing as the center of our country.

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I live in Alberta, and, yes, it is conservative, but, as you say, Scott, not nearly as right-wing as the centre of the US. Right now we have a real nut-case right-wing Premiere (though still not as bad as the worst of the States, but we have an election coming up in May.

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I understand they're not overly wild about US citizens immigrating to Canada, as well. It's a universally conservative thing.

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Maureen : I wonder about smog and pollution! How would polluters be held accountable?

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Maureen ; As a resident of MA, I am in what locals call "the tailpipe of the nation", as pollutants in the air come drifting in from the West. I am not aware of what is being done about it, but as we know, there are Red states that do not seem to care about issues like that. I can't help but wonder if it would get worse in this 'two state' scenario.

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It might well. Even if the Red States cared, I doubt they could afford to limit pollution.

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I'm not sure why you ask this. Do you think polluters are not held accountable in Canada? Or are yo suggesting that polluters are not held accountable in the Blue States? Could you clarify?

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It's not quite so simple. I can't cite numbers off the top of my head, but there's a lot more purple in the picture than the division into red and blue states implies. Take California: although it has been reliably blue in presidential politics and in electing Senators, there are red counties and districts. And many elections are close. Is Arizona a red state? Or did it turn blue when Democrats won some races by razor-thin margins?

Marjorie Taylor Greene is not famous for accuracy or depth of analysis. She needs to go somewhere and sit on her hands with her mouth shut, while taking some time to observe and think.

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Truthfully, she needs to be ejected from the House with all her other merry election deniers

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I agree! I'm in Colorado which is bluish-purple, as is New Mexico oft-times. MTG is simple, oops, I mean states it too simply.

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She is a very well-resourced person in regard to the amenities of wealth and upbringing, has never been poor, never had to struggle. She is a spoiled brat who feels that people are not paying her enough attention in her perimenopausal years, an angry chancre. She first tried to assuage this need with physical exhibitionism in the CrossFit world, then with extra-marital affairs... and on social media. Finally she found some podunk district to stay in and run for office (not where her primary home was nor where she raised her kids). I feel sorry for her kids, to have a narcissistic mother like that.

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Ick, this explains a lot, everything you want to know about MTG but we’re afraid to ask 😅🙄.

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Mostly not at all interested in knowing. Alarmed at how her sad needs get met.... me Me me me Me me wah 😩 I

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Wow! But of course. Sad woman who needs to be nursed by her Mother.

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“podunk”...a bit condescending, don’t you think?

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Well observed and stated!

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Send sweet MTG to Russia, that will fix her right up. She’ll be running back to the good old USA whistling a different tune. One could only hope!

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No chance of her thinking Of that I am sure!

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“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” <cf President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, Nov 19 1863>

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Education, that's what MTG and so many of her cohort are lacking despite their college degrees. I think it was the 6th grade when I first heard the Gettysburg Address. We memorized it and had a pop quiz that had us put it into our own words. The Declaration of Independent, the Preamble to the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address should be required reading for all of us. And I think that all members of congress should be required to pass the test required of immigrants seeking citizenship. Maybe then there will be fewer MAGA members in Congress.

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John G. Ata ; If we can have 'a new birth of freedom- and that government of the people, by the people. for the people, shall not perish from the earth". If this means human people, with a functioning DOJ, It could work.

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Indeed sir!!!

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New boss is _definitely_ not the same as the old boss in this case. 😑

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On the other hand there's no point in beating a dead horse.

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As usual, your comments are thoughtful and spot on.

The basic problem with MTG's suggestion is that we fought a deadly Civil War specifically for the purpose of holding America together and granting all citizens the right of self-government via the Constitution.

Since then, "states rights" have always been a rallying cry for those who, like MTG, don't want all Americans to have the full rights and protections accorded by the Constitution, and who don't believe in the equal protection of the laws.

To be sure, we exist in a federal system, in which the states play a large role — and there will be differences in state laws, reflecting differences in the wants and desires of voters in the various states. But we continue to be one nation, under one national Constitution, with one Bill of Rights, and one national government. That is every American's right, and responsibility.

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Dr. Reich, I think you overlook the enormous increase in individual happiness on both sides that would be the product of a divorce. No one enters into marriage intending a divorce, but sometimes things evolve such that it is really the best path forward.

Republicans, who are now almost entirely Trumpists, disagree fervently with my values, as do I with theirs. I cannot see any compromise that would not leave both sides believing they had betrayed their values.

I believe it is naive to keep keeping on. On a personal level we do that sometimes for the sake of the children. There is no such analogy here for the United States, which have become so disunited and are childless.

The division of the country into Red and Blue Unions would be difficult, for sure. But generally, the idea is to let domestic matters be the province of each Union and let foreign matters and issues between the Unions, be within the purview of a much-reduced Federal government. We are a smart people; it can be done. If we keep doing what we have always done, we'll keep getting what we've always gotten.

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Please show all the blue and purple dots especially the urban areas and suburbans and even rural enclaves found in red states. You'll find it a very messy poxy divorce. We need to stop the "OR" narcissistic culture that everything is extremely bifurcated - us versus them - and focus on being an "AND" egalitarian culture of supporting and assuring each others' rights and freedom. Let's bake more pies together rather than argue about who gets the biggest slice of a fixed sized pie. We, the People, all of us this time!

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Cathy Learoyd (Texas) ; Do the ones who clean up get an equal slice?

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I would say an "equitable" slice. A slice that creates well-being for each person and their families and communities. I'd measure the government by a well-being index WBI where all legislation must show how it enhances the well-being of all people. There are already countries doing this like Great Britain.

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Interesting to know that, Cathy. So many smart and good people In this world, and innovations to help the common good. There is hope, which drives actions that can help, with any luck! It would truly be great to spread this kind of wealth. It's priceless.

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I like the Native American philosophy which measures wealth by a person's generosity to others so the entire tribe thrives. the Iroquois Great Law of Peace dating back to 1142 influenced the early formation of our democratic government.

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The idea is so ridiculous that I don't even want to bless it with a comment. I applaud the person who reminded us of Lincoln's admonishment at Gettysburg. This country has seen traitorous politicians in the past, and almost certainly will see many more in the future. The important thing is for good people to stand up and continue to insist on honesty, integrity and inclusiveness among those who serve. If we fail to do that, as a people, then we probably deserve what we get.

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I think we really need to hang onto our common sense a little bit here -- we are not the first Americans to have to put up with non-sense pushers like MTG, and I'm pretty sure we won't be the last. We need to call out the nonsense for what it is, as Mitt Romney and other did today, and move on to other more important issues, like protecting SS and Medicare, meeting our national payment obligations, and building a better enviromnet for all Americans. It's called "governing" and good people are working on it and deserve our support. MTG's comments are not worthy of anything more than a reference to "loonyism" and move on. The ridiculousness of her comments keep getting her attention and help her raise money. But her comments, coming from one so shallow in her thinking, are not worth stressing over. Were it not from someone elected to Congress, I'd suggest a good laugh, instead.

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Would that be by county or by state? Most cities are more blue than red. I think Georgia is going blue...Purple states would bounce from country to country, and border issues would make Brexit look like a cake walk.

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I’m from very blue Colorado, but it still sent Bobert. The upside would be Bobert and Green would have to move, and I wouldn’t go to DisneyWorld any more, just Disney Land in CA.

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LOL i agree. Said it better than I did. Yes it would re: brexit

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Diane ; Yes ; the combined borders of the two countries would be much longer than the southern border, and Canadian border.

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The Atlanta metro is going blue. The rest of Georgia is a bright red. The net result is a very narrow blue margin.

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Columbus, Savannah, Augusta, even Albany are typically painted a bit more blue - not by huge margins like Fulton County, but still. Like every state including Illinois where all the red is between Chicago and East St. Louis, we make your and Diane’s point if I’m reading everything correctly.

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On one hand I would love to do that but our country is very diverse! Especially the southern states. The death cult has cheated, lied and gerrymandered everything so even if more democratically (progressive) leaning ppl vote! We need to make them, the death cult, aware that this is the United States! If they don’t like it go back to Europe, whatever white country will take them...Hungary, Russia, China (Lmmfao) ... because the other white country’s are democracy’s where they take care of everyone! Healthcare, jobs, homes. Maggie traitor is seriously an idiot. It’s embarrassing that ppl voted her in office!

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And let's not forget about the newly elected liar George lol

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What ever happened to the notion of a more perfect union? The MTGs of the country just reflect sort term ignorance that has always been with us. We are better than that--ignore her.

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Sorry, I meant short term ignorance! Darn that auto correct 😜

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You can edit by clicking on the 3 black dots.

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Thank you

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I never see an option to edit when I do that??

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The edit choice is only available via the web, not the app. I have to switch many times to edit my comments. Don’t know why the app lacks the edit choice.

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Thanks for clarifying this. I’m more often on the app where the edit option is not available with the 3 dots. You’d think that would be an easy fix. Honestly, with a paid subscription, what are we paying for if this can’t be remedied?

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I only use the web, and the problem is cropping up there, as well. Those 3 dots seem to vanish. Indeed, they've vanished on my previous comment here, and I suspect they'll have vanished at the end of this edit.

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I’m guessing, but if someone replies to your comment, you probably can’t edit it for obvious reasons. I noticed after your reply to me, the choice went away.

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I've noticed that recently, too. I copy what I can't edit, then delete the comment that needs to be edited, then post the comment again and continue editing.

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Only available for what you wrote.

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Not a “reply” that I wrote?

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And only for your most recent, apparently although don't quote me on that.

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I live in Cincinnati. A very blue city in a blue county. But Ohio overall has been shifting red. I will not live in a MTG red country. I love living in Cincinnati and will not move. Do cities like Cincinnati become like Berlin during the Cold War?

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In all likelihood, there are enough Red voters in Ohio that aren't so extreme they'd opt out. Mississippi and down south, the 'taker' states might. That is until they're shown their bottom line...which is also red......after they cut the ties.

Blue states control the purse.....not Red....maybe Texas....but Texas wouldn't do so well if all the military bases closed down and Texas had to buy them if they wanted to keep them open.

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But remember, Ohio voters are responsible for Jim Jordan, and from my contact with them, he serves them well.

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Jordan just represents his district, not the Gerrymandered State of Ohio. Almost all rural farm country. Just small towns, no cities. Mansfield is the biggest ....@ pop 48,000. The dregs.

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Ah!! Best insight here!!!

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Why do so many people pay attention to the imbecile of the House, MTG? She has nothing of value to say, and she has no idea what she is saying. She likes attention, and she learned that by saying outrageous things, she will get the attention she craves. But she is an imbecile. We have netter things to do than quoting her or listening to her. Why give her coverage like Trump got free coverage in 2016 and look what that did. Just ignore her.

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The problem is that she could well be Trump's next running mate. And as much as we'd all love to hope he couldn't possibly run/win again, we do so at our peril.

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The true picture of state identity is much more complicated than red vs blue. Gerrymandering in red states makes them appear more red. What we need is voting rights and reducing disinformation.

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I live in NC. In statewide elections results are often close to 50-50. But NC acts like an extreme red state because of gerrymandering and because, once Republicans gained control of the legislature, they changed many rules to solidify their power. For example, they made judicial races partisan and, just this month, they eliminated the rule requiring 48 hours notice for votes on veto overrides (the governor is a Democrat).

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Yes. Many of these “very red” states still have substantial blue voter turnouts.

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