Those who have died in service to this country since World War II were the pawns and victims of our own misguided government. Individually they still deserve our respect and we should honor them.
Those who have died in service to this country since World War II were the pawns and victims of our own misguided government. Individually they still deserve our respect and we should honor them.
I know they were pawns. However, any acclaim they receive should include the statement that they were misused, because otherwise if we thank them for their service we are thanking them for fighting in support of hideous American imperialism. Too often the statement is sweetly repeated with hand over heart--тАЬThey made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, for democracy, for freedom.тАЭ A HIDEOUS LIE! It means that the innocent civilians they killed, the homes they burned, the treasure they looted and destroyed, were all wasted for the sake of freedom, the American flag, and all we hold dear. AWAY WITH THAT HYPOCRISY, THAT FILTH!
Wars are fought by the poor who get drafted. The moneyed and educated wiggle out any draft and in the end the war fighters are scorned as brutal bullies, drug addicts (wwII methamphetamine, wwI drunks, Korea just ignored, Vietnam pot heads heroin, atticтАШs and consciously portrayed as baby killers scum and untrustworthy by the organized anti war college educated peers)
BTW Jane Fonda only stupid move was her photograph sitting in a north Vietnam anti aircraft gun that gave a Nixon dirty tricks guys a political opening they exploited Jane was young and just as na├пve as the poor soldiers, who actually ended up fighting the war, Jane Fonda has ever since that moment been nothing but supportive and apologetic to all veterans now I admire her willingness to start and FTA and help young men avoid the draft and the criminal meat grinder that was Vietnam. Most soldiers just did their assigned tasks to the best of their ability in support of their fellow soldiers.
There are no political discussion when your getting shot at and friends get wounded or killed you shoot back and seek revenge human traits manipulated by militaries since the beginning of time.
I never even mentioned I was veteran until Bush the Dead on rehabilitation of Vietnam era veterans just prior to the first three day war in Iraq.
God bless all of you who were lucky enough to return live well!!!
Those who have died in service to this country since World War II were the pawns and victims of our own misguided government. Individually they still deserve our respect and we should honor them.
I know they were pawns. However, any acclaim they receive should include the statement that they were misused, because otherwise if we thank them for their service we are thanking them for fighting in support of hideous American imperialism. Too often the statement is sweetly repeated with hand over heart--тАЬThey made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, for democracy, for freedom.тАЭ A HIDEOUS LIE! It means that the innocent civilians they killed, the homes they burned, the treasure they looted and destroyed, were all wasted for the sake of freedom, the American flag, and all we hold dear. AWAY WITH THAT HYPOCRISY, THAT FILTH!
Wars are fought by the poor who get drafted. The moneyed and educated wiggle out any draft and in the end the war fighters are scorned as brutal bullies, drug addicts (wwII methamphetamine, wwI drunks, Korea just ignored, Vietnam pot heads heroin, atticтАШs and consciously portrayed as baby killers scum and untrustworthy by the organized anti war college educated peers)
BTW Jane Fonda only stupid move was her photograph sitting in a north Vietnam anti aircraft gun that gave a Nixon dirty tricks guys a political opening they exploited Jane was young and just as na├пve as the poor soldiers, who actually ended up fighting the war, Jane Fonda has ever since that moment been nothing but supportive and apologetic to all veterans now I admire her willingness to start and FTA and help young men avoid the draft and the criminal meat grinder that was Vietnam. Most soldiers just did their assigned tasks to the best of their ability in support of their fellow soldiers.
There are no political discussion when your getting shot at and friends get wounded or killed you shoot back and seek revenge human traits manipulated by militaries since the beginning of time.
I never even mentioned I was veteran until Bush the Dead on rehabilitation of Vietnam era veterans just prior to the first three day war in Iraq.
God bless all of you who were lucky enough to return live well!!!