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There is no question that Donald Trump is guilty of seditious conspiracy. It has been clear since the events we all watched real time on January 6, 2021. The fact that Trump isn't already behind bars speaks volumes to the cowardice of our elected officials, from Joe Biden, to Merrick Garland his appointee, to pretty much every member of congress. They fear the backlash, political and otherwise, should Trump be punished for his crimes. And if he is punished, it will be at Mar-A-Lago in a felt ankle bracelet that will tinkle, should he wander off the back side of his golf course. As a Veteran, I have never felt more ashamed of this country than I am this Memorial Day.

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Sedition and seditious conspiracy are tough to prove.

IMHO the low hanging fruit, i.e those who asked Trump for pardons, those who admittedly have perjured themselves, are jailbait, should be over by now. They should have been investigated as soon as Biden was inaugurated. Several are members of Congress.

Garland took the position that we would look like a banana republic if we prosecuted the last administration. It took him a year, until the House Jan 6 committee embarrassed him to act.

The Mar a Lago case looks easy. I think the fraud of Trump's own donors is even easier. He and his family pocketed the money. It happened when he was Citizen Trump, no longer president. He did the same with Trump U, when he had to pay $25 mil and the Trump Family charity, that stole from donors, and beneficiaries like kids with cancer and disabled veterans.

It's possible that he will be the defendant in 6 separate criminal cases and in more than 25 civil cases. He has an October trial date in the NY tax fraud case that could bankrupt him and his organization. $250 mil in liquidated damages.

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In business I always had it in the back of my mind that lawyers get paid by the hour. If you want something to move along to a conclusion, you have to stay on it.

We have harrumphed ourselves along for two years, into the next presidential campaign season, where convention has it that nothing gets done lest it somehow upset that sacred ritual. Candidate Trump will ask, and get, suspension of his legal entanglements because, you know, "democracy".

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He is materialistic. He's been making more from his foreign interests than his domestic investments. Huge judgments can force his hand....

The most recent developments are that he and his son in law will be investigated for the Saudi/Middle East connections. They were supposed to be working for the government when in fact, they were self dealing. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2020/10/trump-foreign-business-deals-1020/

According to the media, subpoenas to get financial info were sent months ago.



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I’m with you Bob but, we harrumphed with this lunatic long before January 6. I suggested it started, say from the moment he rode the escalator. The press telling two sides of the story with equal import and co-conspirators from his party carry much shame and culpability. We must admit however, time has made him more vulnerable because his schtick has worn thin as additional evidence comes to light.

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If there was truly a will there would be a way. Let's hope we don't go down in history as a failed 'experiment' in Democracy. I don't believe that Democracy has anything to do with not bringing this in before a jury. Rationalization can make anything seem inevitable or reasonable. If Stewart Rhodes can be held accountable ; tRump certainly can, if there is justice.

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Laurie,, you've said it all, in fewer words than I ever could. Thank you.

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We’ll look like a banana republic if we DON’T prosecute the previous administration!

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I too, am a veteran. Biden, Garland and Smith are doing the right thing. They are using the democratic system and that system takes time.

We are fighting the Strongman Revolutionists Party and cannot sink to thier level of corruption, power by dictatorship and lies.

We must put them in jail using existing law.

While that takes time, let’s use it wisely. Focus on electing democrats everywhere, supporting efforts with money, our time and our tongues.

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Mr Collins,

Is executing existing law in a timely fashion "sink[ing] to their level of corruption"? Trump escaped not one, but two impeachments due to the craven behavior of the Senate not because laws were not clearly broken. Time and again, things stall out until the short attention span of the typical American is exhausted. I, for one, am sick of it.

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And the reason Trump escaped was because we spend time bitching to each other with the end result we don’t get a solid majority of patriotic democrats to make an impeachment stick!

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justice delayed is justice denied. quick execution of the laws and their consequences would have done immeasurably more to save this democracy than the fearfully timid approach of garland. the whole world saw drumpfs crimes. he did it in the open. if i threaten a judge and his family, would i be walking the streets? this is insanity or worse. collusion comes to mind.

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I agree, we need more patriotic democrats. Go support one or more of them. We need a super majority. All I see here are complaints, we collectively need to work our asses off and get rid of the damn turncoats! It’s not Garlands fault, it’s not Biden’s fault, it is our fault!

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I challenge that, because voters came out for Biden and we won big in the midterms, too. I wish the story of George Santos and his murky campaign and legal money donors was clearer. There are others in Congress with resumes like Santos', full of lies, and stories that some of the candidates he shared dirty money with made it into seats. If what I have read is true, we know Santos is clearly not legitimate, there should be an investigation. Did the MAGA republicans really win Congress? Or was it stolen? there are plenty of Patriotic Democrats! Far, Far more than there are truly Patriotic Republicans! Their leader called those who serve, Suckers, and P.O.W.s Losers! That is NOT Patriotic! Voters are gerrymandered and purged from the rolls; made to stand for hours in lines, no matter their ages, or conditions or whether they have young children or nursing infants, in all kinds of weather. Even if they could lose their job, or much needed income! The Democrat voters showed up!!! And they will again!

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Laurie, our votes nationally are pretty much split 50 D and 50 R. That is not winning. When you need the votes of a low life like Joe Manchin to get 50 votes, we have nothing!

We need super majorities. We also need more states to be held by Democrats in all their powerhouses, the Governor, the senate and the house of each state. Right now republicans control 6 more states than democrats control.

We need goals the middle class can believe are both necessary and that they are attainable and will encourage fair minded people to vote in support of the goals.

We need to be better defined and better marketed to get massive votes to vote us into a super majority.

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It does take time, and while time might be infinite, we don’t have all that much more time to prosecute a man who has been able to wiggle out of every effort made to bring him to account. I want no further thought about optics — just what is true, what he deserves to answer for, and make it so!!!

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The clock is ticking. Delay works in *Rump’s favor. Garland will be responsible for the end of democracy in this country if *Rump is not held accountable, finally. Unless there is a huge penalty for seditious conspiracy it will be encouraged. The Brits understood this very well, historically. A sentence of ‘drawing-and-quartering’ was imposed, basically butchering a living person, as a deterrent.

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Thank you.

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Merick Garland's stomach must be a crystal cave, for all he holds in until the time comes for the former president. I continue to believe that when Trump's turn comes up, Garland will have him cornered and naked. We have to be willing to wait a little while longer. Garland is busy blocking off all the escape routes. I must believe this. I must . . .

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LeMoine, I'm a vet too. THANK you for your service. It mattered. I struggle with the trump idiocy, too. I feel stained by his treasonous behavior...and still unpunished and crimes. We must still fight for the values our constitution stands for. They are still worthy, and matter, imo.

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