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Professor Reich: i'm currently reading a book that details the last months (mostly day-by-day) before hitler siezed control of 1920s germany, which was a functioning, abeit imperfect, democracy (quite like america today, actually). although the author never mentions modern america in the book, he doesn't need to because this is parallels what we are experiencing first-hand. truly the stuff of nightmares.

for those interested, the book is takeover: hilter's final rise to power by timothy w ryback (amazon US link: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0593537424/grrlscientist-20/ )

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We just watched the new six part series on Netflix that shows the why and how Hitler got power in the first few episodes. It is frightening how similar Trump is to Hitler.

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Hi, I think I saw that on PBS a couple of years ago. Very eerie how much alike those and these times are.

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Wasnt there a National Geographic series?

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Name of series?

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Perhaps this explains our infatuation with Zionist and Israel.  As I see it Israelis are closest to the Nazi than any other group.

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Mehrdad, someone once asserted: "Whatever you defeat, you become."

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Of course the Islamist would pipe in with that b.s. DAESH, HAMAS, or Hezbollah.

Doesn't matter that you have a 1400 year old war of extermination against the Jews, does it, playing the victim,as you aggress and wipe out or subdue the infidel is the leitmotif of Islam.

At least the Saudi's don't hide it, they have a sword in their flag.

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And I thought this thread was about the MAGA cult and their flirtation with "alternative facts"

With your mindset, you will fit just at home with the MAGA cult.

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I calls i as I sees it. You injected Israel into the conversation, .

I am what I am, an independent minded person. I am able to admit that a broken clock is correct twice a day, once a day if on a 24 hr clock as I am

And while I am a progressive in most things, I will not eat the whole pizza or pie. And I am not an ideological purist either. So know I don't fit just at home with MAGAts anymore than I fit at home with Leftists.

But I do know that I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Biden, just to keep Trump out of office, even if sends 2,000 lb bombs to israel. Those that won't are voting for Trump

How's them bean Yahya.?

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You got one thing correct, you are who you are and your comment{S] here has been a good indication of that.

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And that is your problem not mine, because I don't give a shit what you may or may not think. Your problem, not mine.

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I believe Hitler took full control in 1934.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Jun 8
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i agree -- trump himself is rather stupid, but he is the front man for a much larger nazi conspiracy -- but in this book, hitler does not look like a brilliant or politically astute man, either. he rather bumbles along, a petulant toddler, really, screwing up frequently, but LEARNING FROM HIS MISTAKES, unlike the government and other authorities of the time, who refuse to look at what's happening in front of their very eyes.

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"Bad Faith" is a documentary that can be rented from Prime video for one dollar. I recommend it because it shows the history of the Christian National movement since before Reagan that has led to them wanting to destroy democracy. It was an eye opener for me. Hartman recommended it in his report yesterday and called it brilliant. Now I need to find Robert Reich's video on fascism. I learn so much from the substacks and the participants in the comments.

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Trump is really pretty simple to understand. He just wants to be KIng. But the people using him want so much more and they are the scary ones. https://newrepublic.com/article/167499/new-apostolic-reformation-mastriano-christian Feel free to reply and add any new names you come across.

If Trump succeeds in becoming King, the Christian Nationalists (really the New Apostolic Reformation which is actually more than Christian nationalism) will get rid of him at their first convenient opportunity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Apostolic_Reformation.

You know some of these folks already. https://hartmannreport.com/p/america-is-under-assault-by-a-cancerous-ceb (Leonard Leo, https://newrepublic.com/article/167499/new-apostolic-reformation-mastriano-christian

And for those still involved with religion, regardless of faith, there's this:


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Thank you for sharing.

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"Bad Faith" is free right now on Tubi with no commercials. Everyone needs to watch this documentary.

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Fortunately the Constitution is very specific about Treason:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

That's it.

What you likely mean is Sedition. "Sedition is inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority to destroy or overthrow it."

But I'm not sure that only the FBI can be the investigating agency....the US has many law authority agencies capable of investigating and arresting although the FBI is primary as it is an arm of the Justice Department.

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Trump is trying to place key people in places of authority to stop any Justice investigation if he gets in office

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Yes, but so much more. He wants to essentially nullify the Legislative branch....and the judicial. Within the Executive branch he would be all powerful with the ability to hire and fire with no oversight. In other words, Trump wants to run the US as a business. The model is his business which has no board of directors. Within the Trump Organization Trump is KING. That's the model he will use to remake the US.

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And, of course, the king has control of the treasury

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He reminds me of King George III. And his business model is about as successful .

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Did you know George 3 suffered from a disease that made people think he was "Mad' ?? Not dementia. And he peed purple.

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So what is the definition of war nowadays? It seems that there’s a propaganda war going here. We used to think of war as using deadly weapons.

I suppose it must be declared to be a war.

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Jun 8
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From today's WP


Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending

Trump really doesn't need Putin. If the voters here elect him in November, much as Napoleon did, Trump will crown himself King

Of course that presents other problems/issues but Trump is pretty easy to read.

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I voted for <Trumpism is more dangerous to America> because his victory would allow Putin & Xi free reign to use their superior supersonic missile technology against Europe, Taiwan, us and the rest of the world. Trump's rabid MAGA supporters will unleash terror on Americans worse than the KKK did. And, Putin's drone-supplying Ayatollah pal, and his minions, will unleash the Armageddon fight Evangelicals want against Bibi & his ultra-orthodox bloc

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What you describe is not improbable, hopefully sanity will prevail…but I would offer these few observations:

* Nature is a self correcting system

* humans are best understood as the latest in a constantly changing hierarchy of predator and prey. We are the current “alpha.” Collectively…

Since we, the human race, seem intent on damaging the essential life systems of Gaia, we should expect a correction which may be one more mass extinction

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Mass extinction is where we are headed, either from nuclear war or climate change. The politics, the self-centered ideologies, and the financial incentives are there.

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Humans are quite numerous, but it doesn’t take a mass extinction for just one species to die out!

In earth’s evolution, it’s all in a day’s happenstance.

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Yep, there's no upside to a 2nd Trump presidency......except possibly Christian Nationalists. These folks are already at work preparing to the day after. Once Trump is elected he will swamp the Executive branch with True Believers of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) whose job it will be to convert America to a Christian Nation. You may know some of these people already. Leonard Leo, Mike Flynn, Marsha Blackburn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tim Scott....a very long list.

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It seems that Christian Nationalists have nothing to do with Christ. It must be a convoluted belief system.

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I think it's figure out where you want to go then pick and choose among the texts to find the justification. Again, not really sophisticated as most followers are not raging intellectuals. Just has to pass the smell test of a dolphin (hint: they can't).

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Az, The problem is that Russia has not been declared an enemy. You can declare an enemy without a war. Witness Al Qaeda, DAESH, ISK.

There is a difference in definition between Treason and Sedition, though they both be inspired by the same actor (source).

Trump committed, commits, Treason for Putin, for transactional reasons.

His followers commit sedition, out of loyalty to Trump, who commits Treason for Putin.

All roads lead to Putin, but the intermediary is Trump. Even though the MAGAt crowd are Putin partisans.

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Much of the Trump Putin sniveling started with this lie.

Putins contempt for NATO was due in large part to the 2014 coup that overthrew Ukrainian democracy in favor of a Victoria Nuland appointed turd. The United States military got its ass handed to it in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Both Sargent Billy and the United States are great at starting things they can’t finish.

But if they would admit when they lied or were wrong that would be a good idea.

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I expect that Melania is tfg’s day to day handler, and she answers to someone near Putin.

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I agree with you. There could be a blitzkrieg of an insurrection this time, so fast it will make our heads spin.

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That's assuming that he doesn't win. Which, terrifyingly, he might, given those who can't bring themselves to vote Democrat because they "don't like" the present leader or have preferences stronger than the need to keep Trump out. The same people who "didn't like" Hilary Clinton and gave us Trump the first time.

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Yes- if you notice the non committed don’t want to talk politics in casual conversation - I always point out that staying at home and not voting is a vote for Trump - that usually scares them .

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I watched Stephanie Rhule, on the 11th hour last night, I never watched it before, but caught it and it was a round table of average persons, demographcally split by generation, gender and race.

There was the young black guy, made great points, but got hung up on race and white inustice to blacks. His points were valid, but not his conclusion that blacks were justified in sitting out the election. Nobody,not even Stephanie raised the issue, that not voting was in fact a vote for Trump.

Maybe not voting doesn't count in blue and red states, but in swing states and here are only five this election, AZ, NV, MI, PA, WI AZ has 10 electoral Votes, NV 6, MI 15, WI 11, PA 19.

The election is going to be decided in MI, PA, WI, three states that have a Muslim Population in the 100,000's who have threatened to sit out the election, and MI and PA have black populations over 20%, and many also threaten to sit out the election, to give Biden the fingr and punish the Democrats.

But they are only punishing themselves, if Trump wins, then there will be no chance in 2028 to undo the damage that they did, and when the hammer of Thor, wielded by Trump and his white christian nationalists come down on these people, it will be too late to have their regrets.

I am sure there were millions of Germans who regretted voting for Hitler in his referendum. He was not elected as Chancellor but appointed by Bismark, but was confirmed by a referendum.

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Billy, you’re a liar and you deserve to lose. The reason Trump is going to win is because you’re delusional. The 50 lying snakes at the FBI that swore that hunters laptop was a Russian hoax crapped on this country’s credibility. The j6 hearings where no one can say exactly how many agents were in the crowd. Were they instigating the violence. The DOJ has brought no charges against Trump in 3 plus years. Either Garland and Biden have failed to prosecute the most heinous crime in our history (except for that nastiness in Dallas) or they both know if you start peeling that onion, even you will be crying.

The trials have been a sham. The one I have always wanted to see was Georgia and somehow the left crapped their pants on that one. Every goddamn one of them comes up in the election year? Thats the most banana republic thing ever.

You guys can clutch your pearls. It’s going to be painful. But if we get to2028 and don’t live in post apocalypse caves, maybe just for a second ask yourself, In the face of the new Hitler, how did you nominate a genocide loving, geriatric moron like Biden and only a heart beat away is Kamala Harris. I don’t know how you can be so stupid and indignant at the same time.

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With people like you to confect idiotic outbursts of synthetic bullshit, the USA is finished anyway, by arid stupidity.

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Chuck, C., I don't know where you get the idea that Biden is weak or "genocide-loving". Likely it's his interaction with Netanyahu, which, if you look at the whole picture, there's an image of Joe Biden walking a tightrope. Biden is enforcing our alliance with one of the many "western" countries sworn to support each other. If the USA fails to support Israel will he then begin to betray France, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Finland, and on and on? Of course not, but that's not how the NATO alliance will see it. The alliance is important to maintain. The children in Gaza need protection that Biden can't provide, whether he helps the Yahu or not. We're all appalled at how Israel is conducting the war. I've written to Biden to stop sending weaponry, but in my gut I know he has no real choice. If we withdraw our aid, defying NATO, Israel will sink back to the familiar forever conflict with continued occasional bombing in Palestine, and the children of Gaza will not be made safe, regardless. By providing armament, perhaps the hardships there will end sooner. Think it through, as Biden has. It's a first-class tragedy, but get it right.

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Chuck, Kamala Harris is smart, experienced, and qualified. Your misogynism, racism, and cynicism are contemptible.

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Not "Bismark", actually Bismarck, but by von Hindenburg.

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Right, my fault, I keep getting them Germans all mixed up

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REcent report in The NY Times that many new American citizens, former migrants themselves, plan to vote for Trumpty , as they think he will be border tight. They cite folk pouring over the border since Biden's Presidency, only now slowing down. This is so dangerous. Many are from Catholic, conservative social backgrounds, coming to the US and dragging us backwards. What a joy..

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Among those Vicki, is Mayra Flores, herself an illegal immigrant, now a Congress critter for 18th US District, She is about as far right as you can get and she isn't alone. It seems that the worst of the anti immigrant crowd are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants be hey Ms Flores, Nimrata Halley or Vivak Ramaswamy.

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Sally, I don't like or trust the Clinton's but no way could I have voted for Trump.

In fact 2016 is the first time I registered to vote since 1968, just because of Trump. My mind was made up when he came down the escalator and opened his filthy mouth.

Unfortunately I am not voting for. I am voting against and it is not the lesser of two evils. I don't consider Hillary or Biden evil either. I have issues with both, but I have a bigger issue with Trump. I pegged him for what he is, and what harm he will do, the moment he opened his mouth. And I knew nothing about his history in New York., New Jersey or business.

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William, I agree. I was turned off by Trump from his "Apprentice" days; I couldn't watch him for more than five minutes. I like your view of the regular democrats you've named, but I urge you to take a more thorough look at Biden before you dismiss him as the candidate you're only voting for in order to defeat his evil opponent. Biden has done a spectacular job as president, and he also carries an understandable disrespect for public relations, in which he fails at every turn..

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Upon reading all your posts, was wondering if I have an alter ego out there 😉

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Jun 8
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Trumpism is indeed fascism. He may be too ignorant to realize that because of his greedy reptilian pea brain. (Sorry to all peas out there).

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And you might consider apologizing to the reptiles, too.

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To a lesser extent, perhaps. Mea culpa, reptiles!

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They're owned too. No one can save America, unless...... Biden can be a dictator first, before the election. Trump can't be allowed to control our military. And like you said, Trump isn't smart enough to pull this off by himself. Some accessories are obvious, but others are devious. I'd say your definition "trumps" Klaire's.

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How long can we let this go on? Come on USA get it together!

It’s such a shame that we can’t enjoy such heartfelt moments which President Biden currently delivers in his speech last week. Without being overshadowed by this felon who appears unstoppable!

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Az: YES! TREASON! I wish more of us would pull that word out of its hiding place!

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It’s called Project 2025 written by the folks at The Heritage Foundation.

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I think I just read that the CEO of that org announced he will be retiring but first they are looking for a replacement. The right wing keeps the young inflow, just like they did with the Supreme Court. The Dems need to be mentoring and preparing more young people. They have not kept up and now we have a very old presidential candidate!

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