Fortunately the Constitution is very specific about Treason:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Cour…
Fortunately the Constitution is very specific about Treason:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."
That's it.
What you likely mean is Sedition. "Sedition is inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority to destroy or overthrow it."
But I'm not sure that only the FBI can be the investigating agency....the US has many law authority agencies capable of investigating and arresting although the FBI is primary as it is an arm of the Justice Department.
Yes, but so much more. He wants to essentially nullify the Legislative branch....and the judicial. Within the Executive branch he would be all powerful with the ability to hire and fire with no oversight. In other words, Trump wants to run the US as a business. The model is his business which has no board of directors. Within the Trump Organization Trump is KING. That's the model he will use to remake the US.
I voted for <Trumpism is more dangerous to America> because his victory would allow Putin & Xi free reign to use their superior supersonic missile technology against Europe, Taiwan, us and the rest of the world. Trump's rabid MAGA supporters will unleash terror on Americans worse than the KKK did. And, Putin's drone-supplying Ayatollah pal, and his minions, will unleash the Armageddon fight Evangelicals want against Bibi & his ultra-orthodox bloc
What you describe is not improbable, hopefully sanity will prevail…but I would offer these few observations:
* Nature is a self correcting system
* humans are best understood as the latest in a constantly changing hierarchy of predator and prey. We are the current “alpha.” Collectively…
Since we, the human race, seem intent on damaging the essential life systems of Gaia, we should expect a correction which may be one more mass extinction
Mass extinction is where we are headed, either from nuclear war or climate change. The politics, the self-centered ideologies, and the financial incentives are there.
Yep, there's no upside to a 2nd Trump presidency......except possibly Christian Nationalists. These folks are already at work preparing to the day after. Once Trump is elected he will swamp the Executive branch with True Believers of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) whose job it will be to convert America to a Christian Nation. You may know some of these people already. Leonard Leo, Mike Flynn, Marsha Blackburn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tim Scott....a very long list.
I think it's figure out where you want to go then pick and choose among the texts to find the justification. Again, not really sophisticated as most followers are not raging intellectuals. Just has to pass the smell test of a dolphin (hint: they can't).
Much of the Trump Putin sniveling started with this lie.
Putins contempt for NATO was due in large part to the 2014 coup that overthrew Ukrainian democracy in favor of a Victoria Nuland appointed turd. The United States military got its ass handed to it in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Both Sargent Billy and the United States are great at starting things they can’t finish.
But if they would admit when they lied or were wrong that would be a good idea.
Fortunately the Constitution is very specific about Treason:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."
That's it.
What you likely mean is Sedition. "Sedition is inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority to destroy or overthrow it."
But I'm not sure that only the FBI can be the investigating agency....the US has many law authority agencies capable of investigating and arresting although the FBI is primary as it is an arm of the Justice Department.
Trump is trying to place key people in places of authority to stop any Justice investigation if he gets in office
Yes, but so much more. He wants to essentially nullify the Legislative branch....and the judicial. Within the Executive branch he would be all powerful with the ability to hire and fire with no oversight. In other words, Trump wants to run the US as a business. The model is his business which has no board of directors. Within the Trump Organization Trump is KING. That's the model he will use to remake the US.
And, of course, the king has control of the treasury
He reminds me of King George III. And his business model is about as successful .
Did you know George 3 suffered from a disease that made people think he was "Mad' ?? Not dementia. And he peed purple.
So what is the definition of war nowadays? It seems that there’s a propaganda war going here. We used to think of war as using deadly weapons.
I suppose it must be declared to be a war.
From today's WP
Trump plans to claim sweeping powers to cancel federal spending
Trump really doesn't need Putin. If the voters here elect him in November, much as Napoleon did, Trump will crown himself King
Of course that presents other problems/issues but Trump is pretty easy to read.
I voted for <Trumpism is more dangerous to America> because his victory would allow Putin & Xi free reign to use their superior supersonic missile technology against Europe, Taiwan, us and the rest of the world. Trump's rabid MAGA supporters will unleash terror on Americans worse than the KKK did. And, Putin's drone-supplying Ayatollah pal, and his minions, will unleash the Armageddon fight Evangelicals want against Bibi & his ultra-orthodox bloc
What you describe is not improbable, hopefully sanity will prevail…but I would offer these few observations:
* Nature is a self correcting system
* humans are best understood as the latest in a constantly changing hierarchy of predator and prey. We are the current “alpha.” Collectively…
Since we, the human race, seem intent on damaging the essential life systems of Gaia, we should expect a correction which may be one more mass extinction
Mass extinction is where we are headed, either from nuclear war or climate change. The politics, the self-centered ideologies, and the financial incentives are there.
Humans are quite numerous, but it doesn’t take a mass extinction for just one species to die out!
In earth’s evolution, it’s all in a day’s happenstance.
Yep, there's no upside to a 2nd Trump presidency......except possibly Christian Nationalists. These folks are already at work preparing to the day after. Once Trump is elected he will swamp the Executive branch with True Believers of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) whose job it will be to convert America to a Christian Nation. You may know some of these people already. Leonard Leo, Mike Flynn, Marsha Blackburn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tim Scott....a very long list.
It seems that Christian Nationalists have nothing to do with Christ. It must be a convoluted belief system.
I think it's figure out where you want to go then pick and choose among the texts to find the justification. Again, not really sophisticated as most followers are not raging intellectuals. Just has to pass the smell test of a dolphin (hint: they can't).
Az, The problem is that Russia has not been declared an enemy. You can declare an enemy without a war. Witness Al Qaeda, DAESH, ISK.
There is a difference in definition between Treason and Sedition, though they both be inspired by the same actor (source).
Trump committed, commits, Treason for Putin, for transactional reasons.
His followers commit sedition, out of loyalty to Trump, who commits Treason for Putin.
All roads lead to Putin, but the intermediary is Trump. Even though the MAGAt crowd are Putin partisans.
Much of the Trump Putin sniveling started with this lie.
Putins contempt for NATO was due in large part to the 2014 coup that overthrew Ukrainian democracy in favor of a Victoria Nuland appointed turd. The United States military got its ass handed to it in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Both Sargent Billy and the United States are great at starting things they can’t finish.
But if they would admit when they lied or were wrong that would be a good idea.
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I expect that Melania is tfg’s day to day handler, and she answers to someone near Putin.