Let’s make America Politically Correct again!

The 2024 Presidential Election will be a vote for either Human Decency or hateful rhetoric, Ukraine’s sovereignty or Putin’s Russia, facts backed by data or alternative facts backed by disinformation, country over party or party over country, policies that help everyday Americans or hypocrites who refuse to govern, an 80 yr old who works for all Americans, or a 77 yr old petulant child who couldn’t care less about anyone else!

Intelligence vs Ignorance! Being Kind and Respectful vs being Rude and Disrespectful

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Why is clause 3 of the 14th amendment enforced on every member of Congress who took part and/or aided and abetted the insurrection. People like Stefanik and Johnson, as well as others need to be held responsible for their actions against the People, and against the Constitution which they took an oath to defend and protect.

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Michael Johnson and other House leaders must pledge to certify the election results

At a minimum, bring a House resolution to that effect. Record the vote.

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It seems to me that those who refused to certify the election were also involved in in the insurrection plot and are serving illegally now. Am I missing something?

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wow, Professor Reich. you are scaring me! yet more fodder for my middle-of-the-night (nightly) anxiety and panic sessions.

i'm absolutely godsmacked that the so-called "liberal media" have not investigated and reported this extensively. why not? where are these liberals-in-accusation-only when we, the public, desperately NEED them to tell us the TRUTH? besides voting and donating funds to those candidates who are in close races throughout the nation, i've no idea what to do to help people learn about and understand this terrifying possibility. shall we all resign ourselves to the likelihood of a nazi amerikkka and government by and for the obscenely wealthy?

NOTE: edited to repair all my panic-driven typos throughout.

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This is a really important posting. Bob has clearly described a real possibility based on past actions of the extremist republicans.

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We’re already seeing the shenanigans play out in Arizona, where a state legislator (election denier) wants to change the law to allow the legislature to decide whether to certify an election or not.

Given the state legislature is republican led, we all know what the outcome of such a bill means.

Bottom line: 2020 was a dry-run for very bad things to come. We’re already suffering a shortage of veteran poll workers and election officials because they’ve been threatened with death, SWATTED, and DOXXED.

How this will affect the election is hard to say. Can the election deniers take advantage of a novice and inexperienced group of poll workers and election officials? It remains to be seen, but these fascists will be attacking this election from every vantage point.

We’ve already seen over 24 red states remove themselves from Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which makes sure voters who move from state to state, are removed from their last address, so they can’t vote twice.

2024 will be Stop the Steal on CRACK! We truly need to be vigilant because these “true” believers are ruthless, as much as they are relentless, and will stop at nothing to turn this country into a theocracy; based on a demented version of Christian Sharia Law.

Make no mistake; this is a war of attrition, and while most of us are exhausted, the religious fanatics and fascists never sleep. Its one endless scheme after another.

Let that sink in!....:)

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This has been my worry all along. Gerrymandering has ruined the concept the founders put into place in the House of Representatives. Now we have districts (on both sides of the aisle) who are so completely "locked" in to a particular party that voting in those districts doesn't matter. Furthermore, the concept of the Electoral College is prime for minority rule. Mike Johnson and his comrades will not allow anyone other than DJT in the White House come January 2025. That plan is baked into the mess we are witnessing right now and is completely supported by Fox News and others. Sad but true.

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We who are "BLUE" must fight like hell.... I'm not sure as to when Republicans lost their common sense and now seem to think that the election was full of fraud and was stolen from Trump...they all were saying everything was great when they "WON" but they lose and it was stolen???? That statement just shows how mentally unbalanced the entire Republican party has become since the spoiled, rotten, sexual assaulter, bully came down the "GOLDEN ELEVATOR!" Come on people can't you see that across the country you're helping a MAD MAN destroy America? Look already what the RED states have made into laws....taking away rights from people that we've all grown up with...taking away child labor laws, heat protection in hot states, telling women you'll have that baby even if your slimy uncle raped you, only to have that child killed in school later because it's ok for everyone and anyone to have an AK-15... I've never been more afraid of anything in my life than I'm right now with TRUMP and all you blind sided Republicans following a genuine MAD MAN..who doesn't care about America...he just wants REVENGE and he'll get it any way he can!!!!

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We have to get out the vote and create strong showings across the board. Phone banks to voters all over the country are proliferating already. Find one and make a commitment.

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I have nothing but feelings of ominous portent. This country and the world are doomed and we are headed for a violent internal conflict. I have no other planet to run to.

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Because our media is owned by corporate billionaire promoters of authoritarianism...

Repeal citizens united...

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These people are pig devils and all should be in prison. Actually, pigs are smarter. Watch Frontline on pbs. Where is Liz Chaney?

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

It's not being reported because we don't have the liberal press in this country that the Republicans always claim we have. As a matter of fact, more and more newspapers (and magazines) are going out of business or cutting staffing. Adding to the idea of not getting honest and truthful news.

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These are very important questions. I think it's fair to assume that they have not apologized for their J6 insurrection support because they are not sorry.

One reason exists why they refuse to accept the 2020 election results. They don't want to take on Trump. If they really think the election was stolen, they'd be having a hearing on the Big Steal rather than Hunter.

This is very dangerous. How long until their lies incite someone like Timothy McVey or Eric Rudolph? Why is the House not investigating the stolen election? Hunter Biden is more important than our Democracy?

Most importantly, why is the media normalizing the stolen election accusations that are eroding faith in our Democracy?

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I wish Karma would step in and take Trump and the rest of the TRAITORS to the middle of a black hole somewhere. I have never been so scared, frustrated and disgusted during an election as I am now. I never knew there were so many ignorant people who are still supporting the worst candidate ever. Do they really want to destroy our Constitutional Democratic Republic and replace it with the Fascist dictatorship Trump and the Christian Nationalists are planning?

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