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Gern geschehen mein Herr

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I'm very pleased to see that Ms. Paula Dean is just as appreciative of your comments as I am, WF, while hopefully that is the case with many others at this site. Your reference to 'Vichy America' is a tour de force, while I now look forward to quoting you re: that term, and this as we here in Australia continue to dissect this result - indeed one which effects us 'down under' just as much as it does the USA, and not only as this relates to 20% tariffs!

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Thanks Marcus, when America sneezes, Australia catches a cold, as does much of the world. That is about to change in then next year.

America will experience the Trump effect, it will spiral down until it is one of Trumps shithole countries. TheChinese Yuan will replace the dollar, if China doesn't screw it up with their imperialistic, and inferiority caused, ambitions

China has a massive inferiority complex, America an undeserved supriority complex., I expect a 180 degree swamp

Trumpism with its racist, religious underpinning and the "I want the world plus 5%.now billionaires, will kill the very thing that made America the worlds leader, it' s diversity and social freedom, a demoralized and intimidated, fearful America where one lives in actual fear of their neighbor and the government, is not a productive nation.

I am loathe to call the ruling class, capitalists, because a capitalist invests in the means of production.

The Musks, the Thiels, the Dimons, the Bezo's are not investing capital into producing anything but profits, they are simple using money to organize resources into a money making and power,same goes for the tech industry.

Capitalism and communism are archaic early 20th Century terms, and we are hooked on them still use them because we are lazy and those are the only conceptual tools we have.

It is like living in a 2 dimensional world., that's all we know, so that is all we see.

The world described by Karl Marx and Adam Snith, no longer exist, but telling that to those that have been nurtured on them is harder than weaning a baby from the teat.

As they say, when the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.

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I like your references to the two CC's being archaic terms, William, while I'd now argue that we inhabit post cap. and com. worlds as these relate to the 'nouveau capitalism' that was spawned in our now post neoliberal world, with this having been fully nurtured by technology as it relates to the 'processing culture' which we all now labor under etc. Trump will of course assist to further consolidate all of this (despite his total ignorance of bitcoin), with the economic stratification in your country set to become far worse as it pertains to widening inequalities etc. Suffice to say that one can only continue to quote the great Pablo Casals: "The situation is hopeless, we must take the next step". With best and thanks again!

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We live in a 2.0 or 3.0 world and are using 1.0 concepts to discuss, bloviate, argue and we think fight, we really aren't, we are just making ourselves feel empowered or something.

We need new, accurately descriptive concepts, even post capitalism or nouveau (neo capitalism) does not work, We are way past all of those concepts now, and that is why we find ourselves treading water, and flailing our arms, to no effect.

We are fighting phantoms, will o the wisps. we are Romans quarreling over which god is more important Priapus or Scabies, while Jewish agitators are preaching the story of Yeshua in the market place.

By the way this is no stab at the Jews or a trope. Considering what Rome did to the Jews, how they plundered them and enslaved them to build the Coliseum and temples,and that massacred them and went to the extreme of posting a hole legion around Masada and building aramp which can still be seen to the top to wipe out Jewish resistance,

I think it was brilliant on the part of the learned Jews, the Pharisees, to come up with a scheme to do internally, what they couldn't do externally and destroy Rome, a power built on militarism, by preaching pacific ism and damn it worked, but it took almost 400 years, from Rome to go from offensive to defensive, but that was what the Jewish heresy of Christianity did.

Fucking smart, bravo,bravo. and it is still doing it's work today, convincing fools to bow in submission. Although that was not part of the plan, no one can read the future and there are always unintended consequences.

Prince of peace, the peace of slavery.

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