The problem is money in politics and it is not a new problem.
The Republican party was formed in Ripon, WI from the bones of the Whig party, it was financed by big money from the east. At first it was a coaliton of abolitionists and financial powers..
The Democratic party was the party of slavers, plow boys, share croppers and labor in the…
The problem is money in politics and it is not a new problem.
The Republican party was formed in Ripon, WI from the bones of the Whig party, it was financed by big money from the east. At first it was a coaliton of abolitionists and financial powers..
The Democratic party was the party of slavers, plow boys, share croppers and labor in the north they were called Copper heads
And so it stayed until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and his Great Society Program.
Although I was in the military, I often visited my family in north east, Lousiana.
My uncle was a racist Southern Baptist preacher, and I asked him point blank in 1964, why he voted for Democrats. At that time the entire south was Democratic.
After that the racist southern Democrats bolted to the Republican party, and into the arms of the corporations, the financiers, the money powers.
That left the Dems with blue collar voters, and a big portion of the blue collar voters were in the south, but the major portion were in the great lake states
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania an the western side of NY.
If it weren't for NYC , New York would be red.
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The Great Migration was a period of mass migration of African Americans from the South to cities in the North, Midwest, and West, including those on or near the Great Lakes, that took place between 1916 and 1970:,
Manufacturers in the north actually recruited and advertised for African Americans to move to cities like Flint, Michigan and to great lakes cities. Cheap labor
In the quest for ever more profit (reducing variable expense, meaning labor), by the time that Bill Clinton came to office, they came up a plan NAFTA and a new version of GATT, that gave them tax breaks and the incentive to ship factories to Mexico, (maqilladoras. Ironic in that Mexican standard of living has improved so have wages and regulations, and these companies now ship their factories to Asia.
The blue collar workers, now part of the middle class, in those states lost their jobs, and towns became shells and husks, factories fell to rust and decay, and the workers haven't forgotten that it was Bill Clinton and the Democrats.
The once solid blue states are now purple states, with the exception of Ohio, and it appears in the future Pennsylvania, which is now Ruby Red.
It is said that only (anti communist Republican) Nixon could go to China and meet with Mao, and by the same token only a Democrat (Bill Clinton) could sign NAFT and GATT, and Obama tried to compound that error by pushing to pass the TPP (Transpacific Partnership Program)
The only beneficiaries of NAFTA, GATT, TPP are corporations and the billionaires, the victims were the working class, blue collar, miiddle class who,unlike the rest of America, has long memories when it comes to who is responsible for their economic distress.
Clinton was well rewarded for selling out, He left the WH broke and in debt, and was gifted a non profit called the Clinton Global Initiative and now he and Hillary are worth millions.
By the way his CGI is responsible for the mess in Haiti. Here is why, Shoe manufacturers moved in to take advantage of cheap Haitian labor, however the laborers became wealthy, in comparison to their neighbors and those not lucky to get a job.
People line up to get a job, but no jobs were available, jealousy did the rest, civil unrest because of disparity in income and lifestyle. and here we are.
William, I am often amazed by how well informed you are. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I have learned almost as much from you as from Heather Cox Richardson and Robert Reich.
The problem is money in politics and it is not a new problem.
The Republican party was formed in Ripon, WI from the bones of the Whig party, it was financed by big money from the east. At first it was a coaliton of abolitionists and financial powers..
The Democratic party was the party of slavers, plow boys, share croppers and labor in the north they were called Copper heads
And so it stayed until LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and his Great Society Program.
Although I was in the military, I often visited my family in north east, Lousiana.
My uncle was a racist Southern Baptist preacher, and I asked him point blank in 1964, why he voted for Democrats. At that time the entire south was Democratic.
After that the racist southern Democrats bolted to the Republican party, and into the arms of the corporations, the financiers, the money powers.
That left the Dems with blue collar voters, and a big portion of the blue collar voters were in the south, but the major portion were in the great lake states
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania an the western side of NY.
If it weren't for NYC , New York would be red.
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The Great Migration was a period of mass migration of African Americans from the South to cities in the North, Midwest, and West, including those on or near the Great Lakes, that took place between 1916 and 1970:,
Manufacturers in the north actually recruited and advertised for African Americans to move to cities like Flint, Michigan and to great lakes cities. Cheap labor
In the quest for ever more profit (reducing variable expense, meaning labor), by the time that Bill Clinton came to office, they came up a plan NAFTA and a new version of GATT, that gave them tax breaks and the incentive to ship factories to Mexico, (maqilladoras. Ironic in that Mexican standard of living has improved so have wages and regulations, and these companies now ship their factories to Asia.
The blue collar workers, now part of the middle class, in those states lost their jobs, and towns became shells and husks, factories fell to rust and decay, and the workers haven't forgotten that it was Bill Clinton and the Democrats.
The once solid blue states are now purple states, with the exception of Ohio, and it appears in the future Pennsylvania, which is now Ruby Red.
It is said that only (anti communist Republican) Nixon could go to China and meet with Mao, and by the same token only a Democrat (Bill Clinton) could sign NAFT and GATT, and Obama tried to compound that error by pushing to pass the TPP (Transpacific Partnership Program)
The only beneficiaries of NAFTA, GATT, TPP are corporations and the billionaires, the victims were the working class, blue collar, miiddle class who,unlike the rest of America, has long memories when it comes to who is responsible for their economic distress.
Clinton was well rewarded for selling out, He left the WH broke and in debt, and was gifted a non profit called the Clinton Global Initiative and now he and Hillary are worth millions.
By the way his CGI is responsible for the mess in Haiti. Here is why, Shoe manufacturers moved in to take advantage of cheap Haitian labor, however the laborers became wealthy, in comparison to their neighbors and those not lucky to get a job.
People line up to get a job, but no jobs were available, jealousy did the rest, civil unrest because of disparity in income and lifestyle. and here we are.
William, I am often amazed by how well informed you are. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I have learned almost as much from you as from Heather Cox Richardson and Robert Reich.
And I admire Heather Cox Richardson, she obviously has an eidetic memory and such a well organized mind, I can't believe she is human.