Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

It never ceases to amaze me how little thought do many people worldwide put when electing their leaders. The first time good liars can fool voters; but once an elected official has shown his or her true colors, why do people keep reelecting them is beyond comprehension.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

The news daily inspires disgust, horror, and fear. Reich and other speakers of the truth inspire hope. Carry on!

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

While I know the Republicans and Manchin conspiring with Hungary to not have a global corporate tax isn’t treason in the literal sense, it sure feels like it is.

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Thank you for banging the gong, Robert. I don’t understand what you say about the Great Depression and WW II in your penultimate (next-to-last) sentence because I don’t know the details, but I’m angry as hell about what’s going on. I also don’t quite get the connection with Hungary’s authoritarianism, but I know that evasion of global corporate taxation is evil, period.

That White Christian nationalism has nothing to do with what Christ taught; in fact, it’s the opposite.

I will share your warning with others. as I’ve often done.

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🧑🏻‍🦳 This just “makes me wanna holler” as Marvin Gaye sang. I get so worked up over this. What can I do other than vote?

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There are even more remarkable parallels between today and antebellum times when the Know Nothings controlled California and numerous other states, from the evidence to divert attention from the unfair economic advantage certain people held. The major slave owners made sure that everyone in southern states paid taxes to support the police state that tracked down runaway slaves, rather than a slave tax that would have been shouldered by those who reaped the benefits. The remarkable thing was that people never seemed to connect the dots.

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omg, this is like the backdrop for Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games or the reality described in Cormac McCarthy's The Road. not only is this a blatant, unforgivable betrayal of democracy, of USA and of each and every decent citizen on this planet, but this looks like a lead-up to the last great war -- where the entire planet will end up enveloped in a post-nuclear dystopian hell, and all its life forms will have been wiped out, except rats, cockroaches, a myriad of single-celled life forms and a few uneducated stone-age people that hunt and eat each other because no plants grow anymore in the aftermath of our greed and religion-fueled hatred and violence. i'm simply stunned.

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Another great lesson professor! Thanks for your wisdom. We who outnumber the oppressors will prevail. As history teaches us, remember history!

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Here's my comment. I'm glad you're in the world, Robert Reich, teaching bright young people what the real score is. We need you badly. Bless you.

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Robert, you need to get on network news programs to reach more people. What you have to say and how you break down the noise to reveal the reality needs to be heard by more people. I think this may help them to pay more attention to who they vote for. It's worth a try, no?

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The Republican cartel of mean-spirited lunatics, Victor Orban, and the usual groups of GQP hangers-on and brainless idiots is moving together, whether they all realize it or not, toward the death of democracy and the rebirth of fascism on a global scale. In the process, they're sweeping away vestiges of democracy and disempowering government that's getting taken to the cleaners by huge international megacorporations.

I'm afraid that our children and grandchildren will look back one day and ask "why didn't they do anything about it back in the '20's when the signs of autocracy and fascism were all around them?"

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Thank you for this essay, Professor. You almost always shine new light on what is before my very eyes, and once in a while you make everything crystal clear, as you have today. (Admittedly, I read this three times before commenting, but that’s nothing new.)

This White Christian nationalism is scary indeed. It is reminiscent of the 1930’s and 40’s in Europe. This culture war is nothing more than inciting fear, if you ask me. I have family members that want our borders closed. They are on the opposite end of (our) political spectrum, too.

Do we not see how much we benefit from a diverse society? Are we not the melting pot of the world anymore? Don’t get me wrong - There should be steps taken for anyone and everyone to introduce themselves to a new country however, naysayers who condemn literally everyone who are “different” than they are seem to be living in a time warp. Feeling sick & tired of corruption and a little embarrassed about my own ancestry today…


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How can we get major media...NY Times, WSJ...to do stories on this?

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Republicans: Hungary is what they aspire to.

Manchin: It's ALWAYS the money. It's only mildly hyperbolic to suggest he would have sold Heather and Brook into prostitution if he thought he could make a buck. (OK it's very hyperbolic. But still. . .)

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So why aren't Democratic leaders calling these Republicans out as the "global elitists" they really are? The only prominent Democratic leader that seems to want to bring the knife to the knife fight is California governor Gavin Newsom (along with independent Bernie Sanders). We know the elitist Republicans, many of whom have degrees from the elite universities they disparage, care only about acquiring power and money for themselves, but Democrats aren't doing enough to oppose them.

In the closely divided House and evenly divided Senate, corporate bribers know they only have to bribe one or a few Democrats to get their way. I hope that, if Democrats do manage to keep the House and win more Senate seats, the corporate bribers don't just find other Democrats to throw sand in the gears of Democrats' plans.

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Shivers along my spine. Duplicity, lies, businesses, narcistic leaders like Orban, Trump's revolt...

And the upcoming elections promises the christian nationalists a victory on top of all that. Is there an appealing candidate left in the Democratic Party? And some strategic instinct? Can we help in Europe?

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