I am appalled at the media’s coverage of the Republican convention, and their immediate turn back to Dems who are trying to push out Biden. Where is the in-depth analysis of Project 2025, lies and cronyism on full display, and detailed questions about Trump’s medical condition? The RNC is as fake as the WWF wrestler who made a spectacle at the convention, and the media is playing along with it. Democracy ends when our media serves up entertainment, not truth.

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You're exactly right! The media is normalizing the hate, failed coup and lies by not speaking up for the truth. It's crazy town.

This was a great discussion. I love how RR and Heather go back and forth. Heather cracks me up with replies like, "with Nazi quotes," and a colonoscopy "would've been faster." Lol. Touche!

But seriously, the 24 hour prep period before the colonoscopies of Ronald McDonald and the Hamburgler combined would've produced less manure than Trump's hour and a half on stage. Talk about full of it! Lol.

Regarding "How could a convicted felon who attempted a coup be leading candidate for President?" That's a really good question. The answer is easy. To Republicans, "it's a witch hunt," and the coup was justified to "stop the steal." To us, it's amazing that Trump can be leading. But we must realize that half the voters have a faux news based reality and the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

On top of the 33% of kool-aide drinking republicans, many independents don't follow policy decisions coming out of DC and just see grocery prices are high and hear the country is being invaded. Plus, over 10% of working class people who should support Biden's record don't realize that we have a two party system and a third party plays the spoiler in tight elections, like in 2000 and 2016.

I predict that the independents will be absolutely critical this election. They always are, but how they view "Stop the steal" and the J6 failed coup will determine who they think is more fit (unfit) to lead. Kennedy could very likely swing states to Trump, IMO.

Biden has been the greatest President ever, but nobody his age can do the most demanding job ever and campaign across the country for months. Plus, too many unfairly people blame him for Gaza. Plus, Netanyaho and Putin will figure out how to help Trump even more during the closing months of the election. The former and the latter negatives are nearly erased by Biden stepping down.

This is the only way crucial independents can and will focus on policies rather than Biden's age and Netanyaho's Gaza. A new candidate will bring back some of the Kennedy voters who just want someone new. Did anyone catch Bernie on Colbert after the RNC? I think he sat down and joked "Sanders 2024." Perhaps Dems need put up a real populist who can dismantle Trump in a debate?

It's possible that NO DEM can win when the DNC has no spokespeople. Where is DNC Chair Jamie Harrison? Is he really going to ignore all the lies about Biden's record? When former RNC Chair Michael Steele says more to defend Biden on MSNBC than all the current DNC voices combined, you know Dems have a messenger problem. This is a major problem if Joe is not energizing younger voters and the base. It's not a winning combo.

The DNC Chair needs to be a spokesperson or have spokespeople making the rounds. I suppose RR is right, and the party is not a party, just a fundraising apparatus. Perhaps this is THE problem? Whatever happened to Dean's 50 State Strategy? I don't know, but Joe's biggest problems are no DNC messengers and Kennedy, IMO.

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The voters will vote for change , which is a way of saying the voters will vote for hope. Dems need to give it to them with a fresh ticket IMO.

Any half-way capable white centrist middle aged guy at the top will win this for Dems.

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Nonsense. “Just replace Biden with any centrist GUY. Doesn’t matter that they’ll have no money, no national name recognition, a hostile press to deal with, won’t be on the ballots in every state, will start in the hole because they’ll have pissed off millions of primary voters whose votes they’ve just thrown out, and will have lost women and minority voters because they just pushed aside Harris to pick some random GUY. Just replace Biden and pigs will start to fly.”

Anyone notice how the “Biden should step aside.” crowd NEVER has any plan beyond that?

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Allow me to ease your fears and explain the scenario. You don't have to worry about "some guy" stepping in and giving Harris the bump. To suggest such a thing is really not fair to party leaders' etiquette and VP Harris' achievements and abilities. Allow me to help clear the air for you.

First of all, Harris is first in line. I don't know if a decision tree is needed, but it might help. Let me try.

Every name is in a big box, big enough to list candidate profile pluses and minuses.

First we have President Biden. I'm going to skip the pluses and minuses because we know he's going to step down. Under Biden is the VP Harris box with pluses and minuses. Dem leaders have polled Dems to see if she's "acceptable." She is. Then they polled independents in swing states to see if she's likeable and acceptable. To my understanding, the result of that poll is that she is liked by Independents in the swing states.

It appears that party leaders have concluded that VP Harris has the two qualities needed to win. She can turn out the base and win a majority of Independents. This brings us to a couple of questions that only VP Harris can answer.

One, does she really want to run for President and fight hard to win. If so, who does she want as a running mate and how does that ticket poll with the base and Independents. I believe the process is at this point, but I could be wrong. I believe it's common knowledge that Harris is looking for someone to balance the ticket, like "a Midwest white guy Gov." This makes total sense, IMO.

This is not some secret process. It's a matter of logic. Hell, Gov Christie even said after the RNC convention that she has two choices. According to Christie, it's Gov Shapiro from PA, or Gov Bashear from KY. It's hard to argue with this logic.

IMO, VP Harris is looking at the two boxes under her name. One is Harris/Shapiro, the other is Harris/Bashear.

While you suggest that the process is about bringing in some rando guy to bump Harris, that's not the situation. To my understanding, the ball is in Harris' hands. IMO, Harris is likely looking at polls with both Josh and Andy as running mates.

VP Harris has to make the most important decision of her life. Does she think that her ticket can beat Trump/Vance, OR is it best for the country that another ticket takes on Trump/Vance. Sadly, a ticket that is not subject to the prejudices of gender and her California background might do better in swing states. I was sad to see the strong sexism against Hillary in '16.

I have complete confidence in VP Harris' decision. Personally, I think she realizes that her longevity is much longer if she defers and opts to be on the short list for SCOTUS. She would be awesome! We need her on the SCOTUS.

I don't know if people can fully appreciate how demanding it is to be President, and how you're running for re-election on day one. It must be a very difficult choice because if she runs and loses, she's out of politics and her and Joe's legacy is damaged. Then what happens to the USA, 330 million Americans, and the World?

As a Supreme Court Justice, her life would be much less stressful, much healthier, and she'd never have to worry about running for election again. The latter is the safer choice that would likely add years to her life.

Again, I have faith in her decision. I think a Harris/Bashear or Shapiro ticket can beat Trump/Vance... IF the DNC gets their act together and harnesses the new party energy with Harris at the top of the ticket, and aggressively addresses Putin's number two American, Kennedy.

But what do I know? Only that you don't have to worry about some rando guy bumping VP Harris and Dems losing their money. It will be an orderly process, but dramatic enough to stir up some missing passion, IMO. I hope this plan being hashed out by elected World leaders who have earned* the right to make these decisions is satisfactory to you. That's the simple plan, Stan, for the "Biden should step aside crowd."

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Good analysis Danny. to which I add this observation.

Om 2016 Trump carried Mi with I0,.704 votes in 2020 , Biden carried Michigan by 85,000 votes https://www.cookpolitical.com/2020-national-popular-vote-tracker

Swing state Muslims threaten to vote against Biden: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/swing-state-muslim-voters-threaten-vote-against-biden-rcna122870

The Muslim population of Michigan is over 240,000

I've performed a similar analysis with every Swing state that it in place in 2024, and there is only five of them AZ, NV, MI, PA, Wi

The Swing states of 2020 are no longer in play in 2024, in large part because of voter suppression legislation passed by Republican legislatures, voter caging, voter intimidation and a more effective rerun of the Fake Elector scheme. This time the Republicans have drawn up their fake electors and have a lawyer standing on the steps of the courthouse.

Oh did I mention 100,000 armed poll watchers being trained as we speak.

We have to fight fire with fire this is no time for passivity, we are at war.

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Danny, IMO sadly you are correct about K. Harris having to stand up to a wall of misogyny, racism, and California-ism should she be selected and also choose to replace Joe on the ticket. However, I do not question her

resolve as well as her ability to stand up to the Repugnicon haters who will assault her inherent traits and her character, out of the gate. We of right mind must recognize that our Repug opponents are reptilians in human

skins who lust to rip apart gentler folk with venomous lies, all for the gain of their tribe of sycophants taken from the top with herr drumpf. Whether with Harris or another well-heeled candidate, knives have to come out to expose the guts of these monsters for what they are. We need to have an orator who is capable of slaying the viper, and a Roosevelt or a Churchill

has not emerged to the fore. We need the best we have now.

What about Sen. Mark Kelly (R-AZ) for VP? A high-integrity person, astronaut, and combat vet who puts syco J.D. Vitus Dance to shame, he could provide the impetus to swing AZ and other states to reason!

for what they are.

knives need to come out at all levels

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It seems highly unlikely to me that Harris got as far as she has without tremendous ambition whiich would extend to her running for President.

I trust more in the delegates to nominate a strong ticket than I do a single person, especially Harris given the stakes for her, or any tight coterie. Let the people/their delegates decide.

Harris doesn't have a real choice to be a SCOTUS justice-- no one knows how things will turn out on anything at this point.

Putting a ticket together should be only about what ticket is most likely to win. Any other considerations, like fairness or etiquette, are keying on the wrong factors. People need to get real.

Finally, no woman has ever been elected in the past 59 presidential elections. It's true times have changed. But are we justified in feeling Harris or any woman has a better shot than a man? No it's not fair. See prior remark.

I'm reminded of the experiment where a group A is given a task to complete. They are told that other groups like theirs took about 4 hours to complete the task. But group A members, looking at things from the inside, understanding what has to be done and knowing what capacity they have , still believe they can do it in half the time. But of course they don't, taking about 4 hours like the other groups.

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How it should be and how it is are two different things. Everyone wanted Biden to run, but his health has become a question after the primaries. The plan has changed since the debate, unfortunately.

I have no opinion on who I trust more to pick the candidate, "one person" (Biden?), or DNC delegates. Do you know you're DNC delegates? Have you ever reached out to them? I did in 2017 when some progressives led by Heather Booth ran Kieth Ellison for DNC Chair. Im sure you are not surprised to know that delegates are not poor, if you know what I mean.

That said, if you're talking about trusting delegates over Joe, as the "one person," I'd pick Joe because I think Joe thinks more about getting legislation passed and helping people, where as delegates likely think more about their access, Ambassador posts and such. I trust Joe over delegates, and opening up the process completely could turn into a shoe show.

Biden, backed by the NSA, knows that Putin's and Netanyaho's actions stand to make him less popular before the election. They can put him in a no win situation to help Trump. Considering what Netanyaho has done to Gaza, he doesn't care about Biden's job or peace. His agenda is only enabled by Trump. Sadly, Joe can't win with Putin and Netanyaho prepared to really destabilize the Middle East to help Trump. It's fair to say the Netanyaho will go after Iran. Gas prices would spike. Joe would unfairly be blamed at the polls.

Joe already said that the only way he steps down is if he learns he can't win. Joe knows his health is a concern to voters. As RR and HL said, Joe is not a narcissist like Trump. They're right.

Now then, just because VP Harris answered the call to help Biden win and further Obama/Biden's legacy, does not mean that she has unbridled ambition to become President. VP Harris understands the sexism and factors that stopped Hillary. Hillary was a much more qualified candidate than Trump, so it's not a race based on qualifications.

VP Harris knows that another ticket could be stronger due to voter prejudices. Like Joe, she is not a narcissist. If she wants to be President, she will weigh the polls and chances. She understands that she has more Gaza baggage than other candidates. She is not going to run if she doesn't have a strong chance of winning. The last thing she wants is to ruin the Biden/Harris legacy by losing, and go into retirement like Hillary.

I respectfully disagree that nobody knows about the SCOTUS. If she steps down for a slam dunk ticket, she would definitely be on the short list for the SCOTUS because IN FACT she is most qualified and perfect. Perhaps her ambition is to fix the US justice system and equality by sitting on the SCOTUS? She can arguably make more lasting change on the SCOTUS for the rest of her life rather than be stymied by a Republican House or Senate for 4 years. Keep in mind, running for re-election constantly is no fun and stressful. It's nearly impossible to always win too. If I was her, my ambition would be to sit on the SCOTUS and never have to make another fundraising call for the rest of my life.

Can you imagine what a cush job SCOTUS is? I was parking once and saw the Notorious RBG drive by in the back of a limo. She didn't need a motorcade like the President and VP. Believe me, a SCOTUS in DC has a great life filled private parties and country clubs. Politicians have a much more stressful and demanding job that always is in jeopardy.

Anyways, VP Harris has a very difficult decision to make. I thank her for answering Joe's call so Joe could carry on Obama's legacy. I respect her decision based on what she wants to do, and what she can do. I'm sure she knows details that we cannot imagine. I trust she will make the right decision. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to wind up like Hillary. She has cards to play that could be a no win, or land her on the SCOTUS with the best legal job ever. I know what I would do... But I don't know what sexism, racism, and tough grueling for years as VP is like.

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Whoever ends up on the ticket , we have to hammer home the dual threat we face from a corrupt

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dangerous wannabe dictator and a corrupt far right majority SCOTUS that lock in step to dismantle our democracy.. Project 2025 rejects the core principle of a functioning democracy the separation of church and state . The far right. SC under Justice Roberts have been undermining this principle with zero accountability. The R's have no problem with divine intervention in our government, just ask their anointed leader.

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I wish the DNC Chair would tweet: "How about: Harris/Cheney'24! Never forget J6!"

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Well here we are. Biden just stepped.down . Trump 's response only magnified how despicable and dangerous he is as a wannabe dictator.

Crooked to the bone, the pathological liar projected all that he is himself unto Biden. And yes, we cannot forget the the failed coup and violence he he incited on Jan 6.

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The Plan is to unite the Democratic Party around the biggest issue we got-Abortion. The best spokesperson for that is well known-VP Harris.

VP, former Senator, (former AG for CA, bigger than most countries)won the delegates along with Biden. We voted for a ticket, Biden-Harris. She was a prosecutor w/ experience in sex crimes—against the rapist? She will be Key to reforming the Supreme Ct!

Harris can implement past legislative wins in the US. She needs a running mate who can deliver the rust belt, serve as President of the Senate, etc.

I like Sherrod Brown(Ohio). Jay Inslee(WA Gov, former House member),

or Julian Castro, a great communicator, former HUD head, and Mayor of San Antonio.

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I haven't heard Gov. Inslee, but he's capable. His only down side is that it would be a West Coast ticket. They know they have to appeal to crucial swing states in the Midwest. It's a thing.

Sen. Brown is great, I agree. Usually, legislators have a harder time because they've taken a lot of votes that can be easily manipulated in ads, especially with unlimited dark money. However, two things make the usual negative of being a Legislator not so negative with Senator Brown. One, he doesn't have many votes that can be manipulated because he's the real deal. Respect! Two, he's from an important Midwest state. In fact, Senator Brown would be one of the best to expose the faux populist ticket of Trump/Vance.

If they can hold his Senate seat with a replacement, I imagine he's on Kamala's short list. But that's a big IF.

On Castro, he's good, but it's not a balanced ticket needed to win swing states.

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Yes, Bashear, Shapiro and Brown are all top choices for the ticket. I know there's a lot of pressure to pick 'next in line' Harris (non-swing California), although that doesn't really reflect electability. She fumbled her immigration assignment - a hot topic, now. Her alternatives are good ones - SC or a little more grooming as VP. I like your pragmatic thinking, though - lots of respondents are just willing to go with lame tradition.

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Put Brown at the top of the ticket! If that's who the delegates like.

If a man heads the ticket then a woman likely needs to be the VP nominee. Pritzger is worth a look. Comments on him ?

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Brown at the top of the ticket would be great. That could get everyone's blessing, including VP Harris. Honestly, HE is what Team Biden and the USA needs.

JD is great. He has done great things as Gov. But the perception of IL does not help his cause. (Gov Newsome has this issue too, IMO.) JD is turning Illinois around, but it takes time. He's a work horse, not a show horse. While this is great for getting things done, I don't know if he has the charisma that younger voters and women go for. (Gov. Newsome has charisma.) JD would definitely make a great Dept of Transportation Secretary, or something like that.

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Just super-wealthy.

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People's personal economic situation is the top issue. It's true Harris will be very effective on abortion IMO.

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I think jumping ahead on Harris's career, putting her on the "supreme" court, is far-fetched and definitely not on topic. We need to stick to the upcoming election for now. There are many very likeable men in office or governorships. Beshear is tops, having won in Mitch McConnell's red state Kentucky twice! Keep in mind the area of the nation that needs the most influencing.

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Sadly, your "Any half-way capable white centrist middle aged guy" comment may be true. I'm referring to the "guy' part. I like Kamala Harris, but I don't feel that we've seen enough of her in consequential action over the last few years to exemplify the concept of capable female leadership. That's one thing I'd fault Biden for. She needed more opportunities to be front & center. Then there's the whole male dominance issue so prevalent among the fundamentalist & evangelical community.

Actually though, as a whole, I have a difficult time citing anybody that I feel could measure up, although I'm sure there are some who could grow into the job, especially with a well-chosen cabinet.

Bottom line is that I'll support & vote blue.

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You are right. Sadly, you had to say "white," a shameful aspect of US politics. Were Cori Booker white he would be hard to beat.

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Agree. I'd love to see Booker debate Trump.

Booker is the kind of person you know can stick it to the other side. Biggly.

Not sure Booker will fit on any ticket. Not the top. Maybe a Whitmer/Booker ticket? That should be why we have delegates to make decisions instead of just rubberstamping.

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See my above comment to Victor K.

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Booker voted AGAINST something very important to his own state, I can't recall what at this moment. So, since you seem not to have heard, he's already been discounted.

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It's 130,000% because Bunkerboy is a DEATHCULT LEADER. Why "DEATHcult?" Look at the disparity between covid-19 deaths in the north and the south.

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and here is the map and stats showing covid mortality by state- with Kentucky OKLA and WVA the worse. This can reflect a number of things-not just cult--like the weakness of the healthcare system in a state.


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I agree with most you have written yet, I’d give the independents like me more credit: “many independents don't follow policy decisions coming out of DC and just see grocery prices are high and hear the country is being invaded”

I have always been independent because I don’t believe in blind faith. I vote with the facts, my heart and the big picture: global impact of the role the US President has and needs to play in this very complex world. He can’t be having afternoon naps as the world turns. That’s a fact and it is not a 9-5 job. Granted there are cabinet advisors around him and he should have groomed them. Leaders implement succession plans well before their retirement age. It’s called leadership.

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I will excuse your illogical and insulting assumption that being a Democrat means I have "blind faith." I have you know that I'm a lot of things... And blind faith is not one of them. It's really not a matter of faith.

It's a matter of social justice, labor justice, environmental justice, and party platform. At no time in history have I ever seen a Republican out perform a Democrat on these issues. Never! Never have I seen a Republican fight more than the opposing Democrat for people's rights.

In fact, in all my years lobbying for these issues and the public's best interest, the Republicans are ALWAYS in the pocket of big business and anti-labor. Sure, some Dems are weaker than others. But they are the choice of their constituency in a more conservative area. If the district could have a more progressive candidate, they would. You see, district are very different. Personally, I highly respect the fighters who can endure the fights against big money and take their state forward.

Three come to mind: Senators Brown, Kaine and Durbin. Please don't be offended when I say the problem with the Democratic party is that more people like these Senators, along with Sanders and Warren, have sat out cynically and not shown the courage to fight to reform the process and party.

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Wow what’s with the defensive outrage 🤷‍♀️

I only underlined a sentence that you wrote which could have led to the belief that independents were not well-informed. My use of the word blind faith meant having to accept without question a candidate I might not have chosen. Our exchange is a sad glimpse into the divisiveness and tension where dialogue is virtually impossible.

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It's not outrage at all. In fact, I said "I excuse you..." for your backhand insult. It was like saying, Ive always been an independent because (insent any put down of democrats, and makes you above the political process.) Its nice to hear you don't think Democrats have "blind faith," or rather that's why you're not one, because that's what you wrote.

I wasn't outraged. I was insulted because that's what you wrote. Sorry, I don't have much patience for Independents' insults. One Independent by the name of Ralph Nader thought he was above Democrats and ran as a 3rd party in a two party system and was the spoiler. He didn't see much difference in the two parties. But I think after a few years he saw the huge war and major destruction and thousands of people killed and more blown to pieces. It appears Ralph had a hard time living with himself after enabling the war in Iraq and the lives lost. So please excuse me for being insulted by an independent insinuating that Dems are "blind."

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I hear you but....

the big picture right now is if you vote Republican, at virtually any level, you are voting to empower Trump and nefarious GOP policies. Certainly true in Missouri.

I can't disagree about Biden, though naps are not so bad.

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DJT is the preferred candidate of Putin, and Netanyahu... He abets their interests... Putin wants the destruction of Ukraine, and Netanyahu wants to stay in power, and avoid Prison, as does DJT ... The widespread, indiscriminate destruction in Gaza is an atrocity... Biden is beholden to old thinking... Bernie has more Enlightened view on Gaza... People want change... A.I. is coming... Climate Change is happening... People want a Better World...

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Orange Guy should found his own television ministry. He could offer Whine & Cheat communion,personalized gold bibles, and subjugation to his cultees., who have already drunk from the Orange Trumpet. Then he could mismanage, declare bankruptcy, and go to begging on the corner with his monkeys (family).

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LOL! Good one! He would be a good tele-evangilist... Like Jim Bakker. He's no Joel Olsteen. If only he wasn't so hateful. But can you imagine his rambling sermons? Oh brother!

On second thought, he would be a better WWE ring master of ceremonies. He is best as leader of the FEE FAUX WRESTLING world... just not the for real free world.

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I think you have hit the nail on the head!

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New note: he learned from Jim Jones that you have them drink the coolaide before you toss them aside.

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I can't make this up:

"Which is incapable of salvin' even the swollest, smallest problem. We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on. And they calmly walk to us see, and ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. They've only got 17 seconds to figure this whole thing out. Bomp. Okay. Missile launch, psheem, pfoom."

Danny, This is a quote from a "speech" Trump recently made in New Hampshire. We kid you not! The leading MAGA Republican candidate for President is in rapid mental and physical decline — and it's obvious to everyone not blinded by fascist extremism. We need to repeat it: Trump is a clear and present danger to our democracy and grossly unfit to hold any elected office.

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This is the moment for a "gray horse" candidate: No negative baggage, only hope.

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Hope with Tangible Change for the Better... Weren't we sold Hope before?

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They just announced Joe is stepping down. I miss him already. He really has been the Best President EVER. Let's see if the Dems have any good speakers to frame the 2024 debate. If not, Jamie Harrison needs to step down too.

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The majority of Trump's followers are positioned near or at the bottom of the educational gene pool. These individuals compose the bulk of the MAGA movement and sadly they can't tell the difference between night and day even with their eyes open. The Republican party is breeding ignorance and believe me they're doing a great job. If the farm boys are satisfied with a figure as poorly qualified as Trump than they're just stuck with the guy. The next election will come down to a vote over which is stronger, Trump's desire to initiate the 4th Reich or our determination to keep this Democracy alive and well.

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I only have three college credits and I wouldn't vote for Trump.

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JD Vance is a Yale grad, and TFG is a Penn and Wharton alum. I'm pretty sure Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz are Ivy Leaguers as well. Ascribing morality and a sense of justice to educational achievement is an example of tribalism and is not helpful in winning over support.

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George Washington was not a College Grad... He is still considered the Greatest President since he led by Example & Character & Accomplishment... He was an exemplary Leader who had a Stellar Track Record as a Leader before there was a United States... Article-II of the United States Constitution was written with George Washington in mind... The Creators of the Constitution would have Rioted over the Thought of someone like DJT becoming U.S. President... The Ivy Leagues don't teach Character... DJT is no Washington...

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MANY people have college educations AND morals, standards, values, and principles that remain intact and which they carry with them throughout their lives and pass on to their children. The people you use in your example were tainted assholes before they ever entered any college!

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Gloria: Exactly. This has nothing to do with level of education nor with economic class. There are plenty of well-heeled ivy league graduates among them - look at the Supremes. They are right-wing Christian Nationalist Taliban white supremacist (except some delusional kool-aid drinking POC) neo/paleo-fascist @$$h-les. We can't let them or anybody forget what they are.

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Education is more than book learning and college credits, Gloria.

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Thank you! I wish more people were like you. I take it that your folks are smart and you don't watch faux news?

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No. The Republican appeal is to those who don’t want to think about the difficult problems the world has. If you just say you believe in Trump, all your questions are easily answered because there are no longer any questions. Not ignorant but see no evil.

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Alan--Don't evil and ignorance go hand in hand? One is dependent upon the other to spread its message.

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Yes; you are correct that deliberately seeking ignorance because you don’t want to think is evil

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yes.. think you are correct.. I think also that JOE can do more great things in last term..

to secure public ed, address loss of healthcare at a time when the boomers are just starting their years steady physical decline, ENVIRONMENT and

a shortened work week with community building.. I have HOPE if 🧢 goes forward.

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They are willfully ignorant and in denial about climate change and much else--easy pickings for predators such as Trump.

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Home schooling is just another method of MAGA grooming. Remember the creepy show 18 Kids & counting? Where are the pedifiles ind inbreeding found most often? Maybe Red States? ( I still think the MAGA states should be relabeled Orange States. The Extreme Court should wear Orange Robes and MAGA MOCs should wear orange ties.)

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What is a MOC?

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Member of Congress (both House and Senate.)

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I live in The Town of Tonawanda, New York, just outside Buffalo. As we are New Yorkers, we are LARGELY educated enough to know the scam Bunkerboy is running.

The ONLY person I know that SUPPORTED said Alzheimers patient AFTER his first month is a high school dropout! What does that show you?

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Then why did New Yorkers vote for Elise Stefanic?

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She changed her stances on a lot of things after she got into office, going from more left to right.

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And still got reelected

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It shows the fallacy of relying on a small sample size with confirmation bias to boot.

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Not entirely. Many are middle class but most are gun owners who don't like any kind of regulations. They also aren't curious and live on a diet of Fox News. They live in a white world with no social interaction with Latinos or African Americans.

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This election transcends the people involved. What happens will determine if we enter Trump's envisioned autocracy which he will ease into a full-blown dictatorship, or will we find a way to repair this country and our people. I really don't see a problem in making an intelligent decision, go-Joe!

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Please stop running this over and over again!

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As always Heather Cox Richardson has brilliantly interpreted the fiasco that was the ultimate night(mare) of the Republican convention for us. Think WWF and you're close to the essence.

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HEY! WWF fighters are STARS! Trumplicans are TERRIBLY stupid TRAITORS.

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Ultimately, the narrative is set by the candidates. I love Joe, he has been a great President, but he is the one who has lost the narrative. It isn't something that he can fix.

The press didn't "go after Joe". His DISTURBING debate performance did that.

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So very true. Thank you, Jodi!

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Vote like you’re angry.

The GOP wants to run our lives. The only way to stop them is to vote Blue!!!

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The Media, Jodi, is made up of corporations. Corporations have one purpose to make a profit (Dodge v Ford, Michigan).

However corporations are composed of individuals and he primary instinct of all living creatures is to survive, and corporations survive by making a profit and being winners.

All of life, all of existence is competition. For someone to win another has to lose. With exceptions this is true of dating and mating.

The corporations, more exactly the board of directors of the corporations that control the media, it's CEO's read tea leaves. They read the polls before we do, and cast their lot with what they think is the winner, especially one that has a cult following, and is backed by the wealthiest men in America who see themselves as the beneficiary of the new regime.

They don't care about anything, not democracy, not human rights,nothing except their own money, social standing and power.

Les Moonves was the CEO of CBS , and in during the 2016 Campaign he told the Board of Directors that Trump was bad for America but good for CBS and the board chuckled.

And there you are Jodi, a peek behind the curtain of the media.

Oh yeh, there are those with their own agenda, like Rupert Murdoch, as to his agenda, I can only speculate, all I know is that what he has done to the USA is the same as he did to Australia and Britain, and Australia declared him persona non grata.

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Trump's formula for success was to turn politics int wrestling matches. To make publicity and attract viewers one of the wrestlers is made into an absolutely evil guy, almost invincible, but the good guy is tough, and he will fight with no holds barred. Lying and demonizing the rival is part of the game-and much of the excitement. Trump is to politics what the Hulk is to wrestling. How do we counter this self-generating publicity? Boring Biden is a loser. Replacing him with another male? Josh Shapiro would be a strong challenger. A female rival, on the other hand, would change the nature of the contest and would open Trump to ridicule. Liz Cheney would be formidable and would make Trump poop in his pants. Whitmer would be strong. Harris is indispensable because of the Black vote, but her amiable personality does not help in such a contest.

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The whole wrestling thing was really weird. SNL should start a skit of the RNC Convention like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Do-do-do-do. Lol.

I'm surprised "the Party of Family Values" doesn't think grown men wrestling and groping each other to get on top isnt kinda homo-erotic. What former RNC chair came up with the wrestling theme? "And that's okay," like Seinfeld said. Lol.

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Great call;...Your comment on the similarities is fully developed by this beautiful article from the NYT todayhttps://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/20/opinion/biden-trump-campaign-reality.html?unlocked_article_code=1.8k0.AudN.ws-GhERtjlZA&smid=url-share

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If we had had today's media at the time, we would never have entered WWII, and the media would have made sure we elected a president who would gleefully hand Hitler the keys to America the first time he came to visit.

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Jodi, you are right about our media and their pathetic bowing and scraping to Trump and now Vance. Neither of them is worthy of such adoring coverage, but alas, I guess it doesn't matter what they are worthy of if the media has motives we know nothing about or if they have a desire to put a con artist clown back into office. It might be either of those reasons or both.

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Billionaires own the RNC and the media. The media is bias.

I have to laugh at the Right wingers when they cry about "the liberal media". Liberal media, really? Please tell me where this liberal media is.

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Well said Jodi. Why isn’t the media focusing on Biden’s accomplishments. He was bullied during the debate and has never been a public speaker. The media just wants to sell it’s newspapers at this time. Even our prized New York Times.

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Perhaps it might be called “collective action” but the opposition to the fascist movement needs to unite behind a few points of what and why rather than always being in an opposition. There is adequate independent media with the plethora of blogs, YouTube channels, Substack, Facebook, etc. A simple positive and forward-looking platform is needed.

Labour in the UK did this masterfully with Kier Stammer. We would study the playbook.

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MOSF 19.6: Media Biases 2024: Hysteria, Hype, and Hate https://eastwindezine.com/mosf-19-6-media-biases-2024-hysteria-hype-and-hate/

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The vast majority of women are not dumb. Talking to women privately about what will happen to women if Trump and his followers take over (well,it will be a disaster for women). We have a secret vote and we are taking it. Trump is toast.

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How could a convicted felon who attempted a coup on America be the leading candidate for president? Ans Because scapegoating works.

Women. I have been a texting fool asking nonregistered folk to register Democrat. We get some "opt out" responses. The number 1 expressed by women: Abortion is killing babies. No 2. Hate for homosexuals.

Never mind that Trump is a convicted felon and attempted a coup. A thief, grifter and a rapist. An orange blaspheming antichrist. A psychotic narcissist. A tool for Putin.

See for yourselves. https://www.fieldteam6.org/all-volunteer-ops

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I know some of these fearful women, it going to be impossible to change their minds. Unfortunately this is what happens when you don’t educate women. My own observations are that the women who only grad HS or had a couple years of Jr. college were the most unreceptive to change. Most female college grads are more open minded, unless they went to an extremely religious institution.

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Some of these women ARE educated. It’s just that they went to a religious school that brainwashes them as much as watching FOX news does.

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Did you read the last sentence. It’s not just Fox, it’s Turning Point USA, The Federalist media news feed, they have upped their ground game to include youth and young professionals. We won’t win this by attacking each other.

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The pathetic thing, Mr. Solomon? Unborn clumps of cells are NOT babies! But that juat proves my and other's point: Lack of education makes TRUMPLICAN TRAITORS. A person who graduated high school with a 'D-' is too smart to join the "Deathcult."

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Don't get discouraged. Consider what happens to those babies once they are born.

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Disagree. Sorry. I live in the south. A disproportionate percentage of women here (white anyway) are not so big on the notion of women's rights. They were born into a world where women are subservient, are used to to it, and are OK for it to continue. They have their place. And BTW - they are willing to see restrictions on abortion.

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I understand Catholic and other religious positions opposing abortion. I just disagree about where (weeks?) you impose your beliefs on others. LGBTQ? The religious right also believes in shrinking the "govamint" "my individual rights to....guns." Sorry you can't have "stand your ground" AND make it your business what a consenting somebody else does in the privacy of their own home. AND make it your business if their kid has purple hair.

Women are people too and just as irrational. So you get MTG acting like Godzilla.. undermining women's rights...adored by their patriarchy

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They will also vote based on their husband’s vote. No individuality.

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I don't "like" it, but I agree.

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James has got it

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I have spoken to women I respect in more ways than one and in the end the belief that the ability to have full term abortion trumps (pun intended) their belief in women’s rights.

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Exactly. I am not a woman. And I am not an expert on the abortion issue. I believe that there are two important issues at play with abortion. One is the concept of a soul, and human viability. This I believe can be satisfied (again) by a restoration of Roe or something very close to it. Viability a soon as the sperm penetrates the egg - that is untenable and will never fly. Never. Except in a Gilead world. And two - given a fetus that is "viable", what is the latest allowable elective abortion. I believe the statistics that nearly all late term abortions are medically necessary to save the life of the mother. Or conversely - there are practically no late term abortions that are done electively - because the mother changed her mind. THAT is what sets conservative hair on fire. They think it's a thing. So, let's propose some legislation here. I do not mind seeing some sort of law that prohibits abortion later than "x" weeks after conception, if said abortion cannot be deemed medically necessary. It would eliminate a major (non)issue that haunts Democrats. And, I also recognise that if this were easy, it would already have been done. Let's reconsider it.

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Yes, they’re afraid they’ll have to go to work or worse be drafted into the army where they believe they’ll be raped regularly.

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Only if more women know what you know. Put up a good poll. Things I've seen show Dems have like a 5 to 10 % advantage with women--if I recall correctly.

There are many younger women who have no idea of what rights they will lose.

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My god, I HOPE you are correct. I've met many women who go all dewy-eyed about babies then shake their heads sadly and look away when I mention reproductive rights, as though I were trying to talk about my morning's bowel movement.

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"good little submissive women"

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Jul 20
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You have the capacity to send this as a letter to every editor in the country. Forward it on social media.

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To "Sean Sheeter" with the one track mind:

Yeah, and quit bugging us about it!

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ONLY if Democrats don't vote. Trump can't beat Democrats when they turn out in force to vote. The problems I foresee are the purging of people from voter rolls, and closing down many former polling places. Those are ways to cheat Dems out of voting. Also--READ PROJECT 2025, or at least know the main points of it!!!!! THEN go vote BLUE.

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Speaking of ways to cheat Dems, don't forget to include self-defeating, high-profile, blithering idiot Democrats calling for Biden to step down instead of uniting behind him!

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Dems and independents are asking Biden to put the future of America first. Younger generations can’t relate to an elderly statesman as the future of their country. I am appalled and saddened, even angry that Biden is not taking into account what the future of America needs today.

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Jul 20Edited

The time for that has long passed, and timing is everything in politics. It's time now to support Biden, focus on his vision and accomplishments, and remind everyone that voting 3rd party or even not voting at all is a vote >for< Project 25. (Of course, that's not to mention the little matter of the 34 times convicted felon - each crime cited in the original indictment representing a >jury< conviction - as well as adjudicated rapist and slanderer he's running against - the practiced liar whose greatest political allies and confidants are dictators of foreign, $#!7-hole countries!) The stakes couldn't be higher and it's >now< time to stop shillyshallying around with self-defeating subjunctives and unite behind the legitimate Democratic candidate, who was overwhelmingly nominated in the primary elections - Joe Biden. Besides, if for some reason Biden decides to step down after elected, or becomes in some way incapacitated, the VP has his back. At least show a modicum of confidence in Kamala Harris to be abreast of events and be able to step up and >do . . her . . job< upon Biden's disability! That's what the devil a Vice President is for! That's what Kamala Harris is for!

Full stop!


ANOTHER immanent, discomfiting consideration: https://youtu.be/sIv5RyTxXqo?si=al78r1P_UPdr3C3L Who's a gon'na seat the next SCOTUS justice ‽‽‽‽

A LIGHTER VIEW: https://youtu.be/9BFr4chBbDM?si=3vp6LlW3twbuc0Dc

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Why didn't people think of this before voting for him in the primary? The right wing talk people down years and years before an election. After a while seems even democrats are brainwashed.

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Independents don’t vote in primaries- just saying. You really don’t know what going to happen. Democrats in my state stacked the deck with only ONE candidate. Had there been another option, I would have voted, which would have declared me Democrat, ( then I have to ask the Board of elections afterwards to change me back to Independent). Independents are going to decide this election- Dems better wake the heck up and start LISTENING….and stop demanding blind allegiance.

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Wow! I have never experienced anything like blind allegiance as a democratic. I have been a member of the democratic party since I was old enough to vote. I am not a follower and follow my own path. Now had you said that the republican's demand blind allegiance I might take you more seriously.

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Jul 20Edited

Y'mean voting and standing >against< Project 25, a fascist ideology created by his cohorts specifically for the aid and comfort of the 34 times convicted felon - each crime cited in the original indictment representing a >jury< conviction - as well as adjudicated rapist and slanderer, who is a practiced liar whose greatest political allies and confidants are dictators of foreign $#!7-hole countries is >blind allegiance, the likes of which Project 25 advocates ‽‽‽ Who knew ‽‽‽ I'm so blind! I'm so ashamed of my failure to meet >your< exacting standard of what >you< consider independence! I'm totally mortified!

🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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We didn't have a primary. It appears the plan was to win with Biden/Harris, but that all changed when Biden got bullied by Trump, couldn't articulate a good argument for his re-election, and showed signs of Parkinson's during the debate.

Trump is really not a good debater. He doesn't have the facts. Most people should've dismantled Trump, but his gosh gallop was too much for Biden. Afterwards, Gov Newsome showed how easy it is to repudiate Trump. In short, Biden list our confidence during the debate. I'm sure he didn't plan to stumble so bad. He's been great so this is not easy for those of us who totally respect him.

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👍 But see my reply to maureenbridget here.

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CNN Projection




promo image

Democratic pledged delegates

Candidate 1,976 to win (out of 3,949) Pledged Delegates

Joe Biden


3,867 ahead



Jason Palmer


Dean Phillips



Projected Winner

Checking for updates in: 05I am a believer in accepting responsibility for one's decisions.

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DZK, I would click a thousand more "likes" if they would let me! It's my BIGGEST frustration with our National Democratic associations and frustrates me wiith many Dem candidates I otherwise support! If Joe WANTS to quit this THANKLESS, FRUSTRATING JOB, SO IMPORTANT TO OUR NATION, I will sadly accept his preference to relax and enjoy life, but I would be disappointed. It could cost us the chance to prove to the MAGAs & the world that GOOD Beats EVIL in America!!

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👍 I don't think he should. See my response to maureenbridget.

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Oh, DZK, I agree -- I don't want him to drop out! I worked on Elizabeth Warren's campaign -- she is SO fantastic -- but actually saw our need for Joe-- He was our chance to regain sanity --a kindly uncle who would make things okay. I cheerfully voted for him in the general and this primary and I see that we STILL need that GOOD, HONEST, KIND man to keep us hopeful and positive and a real UNITED States. But how sad it must be to have to fight against a MAGA house and a essentially MAGA senate and the WORST, most partisan SCOTUS and US judiciary ever. And,when using his skills, he manages to get important legislation, needed programs, the best economy in a long time, return of jobs, and get no publicity or reward or acclaim because most MSM doen't report it (too busy reporting partisan "polls") and MAGA politicians brag and claim credit for the things he fought so hard for and they fought so hard against! He is a far stronger and understanding person than most of us could be!! JOE FOR 2025+!!

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What people don't realize, and/or refuse to look at and acknowledge, is that Biden may not have a choice. Pat, you make it sound like a picnic -- ". . . relax and enjoy life"?? If he can no longer fully function as an autonomous person in his own right -- keeper of the most serious duties in the world -- then he should not be pressured into doing so! Sick of "diehard Democrats" and their selfishness. Time for fresh faces and energy! MANY of us have been saying this for WEEKS. TIME IS MARCHING ON, AND THE IDIOTS AT THE TOP OF THE DNC ARE BUNGLING THIS SITUATION RIGHT INTO TRUMP'S LAP BY N-O-T ACTING DECISIVELY!

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I love Joe. I am so proud of his record and service. He is the best President of my life. However, nobody at his age can do one of the hardest jobs in the world AND campaign long hours across the country. Plus, a new candidate would have a clean slate on Gaza and other issues. Personally, I'm afraid Joe has an early stage of Parkinson's. I know the signs from a family member.

Regardless, NOBODY can do that exhausting job AND campaign across the country. Thank about it: Up before 5AM. Reading National Security briefing by 6AM. Meetings and appearances all day.

Then, instead of going to bed at a decent hour, he has to campaign across the country, state to state. If you really think Joe can do that, I don't think You're being honest with yourself about how demanding the job of President is, AND how demanding a National campaign is.

BTW, the WH reported that Joe's doctor said he needs to get to bed earlier after the poor debate performance. So Joe should not listen to his doctor? Besides, we need a candidate with the energy to crush it in a debate. It's going to be a long 4 months.

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ConDon does not read , or prep, or study issues he doesn't present speeches he has the same scrambled rants almost the time and is a tv watching Potus who has ZERO interest in the job, just the attention it gets him..

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Jul 20Edited

See my reply to maureenbridget here. No sense in repeating.

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A critical concern and Inagree about the need to vote blue on the whole ticket. An even bigger concern is that it may be too later to put a new Democratic candidate on the ballot in some states. And the Republicans can slow the process through slow walked court challenges. Dems may be shooting themselves in the foot by replacing Biden so late in the game.

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ElaineG I agree--If we were going to float a new candidate, it should have been months ago. Choosing a new candidate now will make for a chaotic convention, and no clear candidate who could beat Trump. DEMS must unite behind Biden, and VOTE for him.

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But months ago, Biden's cognitive decline was not on display for the whole world to see.

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I'd take Biden in cognitive decay and day over the facist Trump and his cronies. Biden's team - especially Kamala - is capable of carrying out the mission of the administration.

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As would I

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(any day)

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It wasn't so obvious a month or so ago because so many media are now broadccasting ever little minor moment, when we only hear about Trump's unbelievable screw-ups almost NEVER (and all he has to do with his time is play golf and meet constantly with his "advisors" who write out what he is to say, while Joe has to keep our country safe, meet constantly with NATO & American supporters) . If Joe gets us through this time, we can start taking back control and gain justice. We just need time for the MANY solid indictments to be tried to overcome the MAGA, The Heritage Foundation, Federalist Society, Project 2025, Putin, our overwhelmed "Justice" system. If Joe is tired after 2025 & wants to retire, we still have Harris -- unquestionably better than either TRUMP or the Hillbilly!!

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That's because MSM is trying to "normalize" the orange stain and gaslight Americans! They're owned by the right so they will find every little thing they can wrong with President Biden and amplify it while lying about the orange man and making him appear normal and sane! Don't let them gaslight you! Vote Blue, America! Vote for Democracy!

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Exactly. Biden’s advisors knew they had a problem, and kept him away from unscripted situations. Why they pushed for a debate is beyond me. Of course, if Biden stays on the ticket, we’ll all vote for him, because the dangerous and unhinged Trump is a far worse option. Joe is surrounded by smart, experienced people who will advance his agenda and protect our democracy. But the big question is: will he win? That possibility is getting less and likely.

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How "SMART" are his "advisers" if they kept Biden's true mental and physical conditions under wraps? They sound like a bunch of losers to me!

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“less and less likely”

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Look at trumps cognitive decline if you want to have your pants scared off

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸VOTE Joe 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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It is too late. I ignore all "whatabout" chatter now.

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Exactly! 👍👍

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It is SO important for Dems to check with their county registrars several times to verify their registration to vote, even if they voted in the primaries! I check every month or so -- it's free and takes just a second. (and, if you have any time to devote, working to get people registered is vital! We can do this -- we just have to work a little harder -- but we are GOOD at that!!

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Repubs can't win any other way. Their policies are not what America wants.

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They WILL win unless the Democratic Party unifies around a candidate who can prosecute the case against Trump and for democracy!

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Jul 20
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Among the many dichotomies that Heather mentions (strong vs weak, etc) the most potent is Truth vs Lies. One of the lessons that Joseph Goebbels taught is that if you repeat a lie often enough and loudly enough, people will begin to believe it. Trump has understood this instinctively (I doubt that he has even heard of Goebbels) and hammers away insistently at half a dozen or so key words that he knows he can make resonate with his core supporters: "rigged", "stole", "invasion", "crooked", etc. Surely the antidote is to take a leaf from the Trump playbook and hammer away at a few keywords, above all the word that best sums up the essence of Trumpism: Lie. The greatest dichotomy of all isn't male vs female or democracy vs autocracy but Truth vs Lies. Trump's lies must be pinpointed and countered at every opportunity; the word Lies must become the first thing people associate with Trump when they hear or see the word. Trumpist propaganda is aimed at creating an alternative reality, one that no-one in their right mind would wish to live in. And repetition is the modus operandi.

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Scapegoating. I.e. Trump scapegoats immigrants exactly the same way Hitler scapegoated Jews. Never mind that he is the poster boy for sanctions for using illegals on his job sites.

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Rene Girard's book Things Hidden Since The Foundation of the World, which explains the SCAPEGOATING mechanism, on full display here. Republicans in a trance, preparing to carry out the violent event that will bring peace without justice.

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Thank you Bernard! Trump had no need for Goebbels (a ruthless, horrible monster, but far too intelligent for Trump). He had "Mein Kampf" (his first wife reported it was always in his night stand) and then Roy Cohn took over, his mentor and idol & lawyer whose #1 rule in life is "Lie, Never admit guilt, Lie". And now he has all his advisors -- Miller, Bannon, Giuliani, ad infinitum!! Makes one wonder if he EVER spoke a truth, would his new toupee or nose fall off!? (Joking)

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Jul 20
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Stop your self-aggrandizement! Write something NEW, for godsake!

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Democrats have been outperforming polls for years. Remember the red wave that didn't happen? If the democratic party can stop undermining our successful incumbent we can win big. If we keep trying to insist that we have to create some clusterfk second striger mess we can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Abortion, 2025, Epstein files, court reform and Bidens record will all boost us. Jumbling around looking for a perfect candidate that doesn't exist will sink us.

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Jul 20
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I have reported you to Substack, and they took down one of these long diatribes. Wish they'd take down the rest of them! Has anyone ever told you that you are SERIOUSLY ANNOYING???

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Jul 21
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You know what it's like; you go looking for something and find something completely different?

Here's a reply from a nameless Brit to a question posed online, "Why don't the British like Trump?"

Titled “British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read,” here it is, unabridged...........

"A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.

There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.

And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff – the Queensberry rules of basic decency – and he breaks them all. He punches downwards – which a gentleman should, would, could never do – and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless – and he kicks them when they are down.

So the fact that a significant minority – perhaps a third – of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that:

• Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are.

• You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.

This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of sh*t. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump.

And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: ‘My God… what… have… I… created?’ If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."

Yep! Says it all!

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Please thank the writer for me. I could not have said it better.

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Someone on Quora asked "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?" Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response: https://www.redlakenationnews.com/story/2019/10/21/features/british-writer-pens-the-best-description-of-trump-ive-read/84189.html

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thank you

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Jul 20
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Trump is the epitome of uncouth.

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Az: LOVE IT! That is one of the best things I have ever read! It should be sent to every editor in America for publishing as a centerpiece in every major newspaper in the country! PRONTO!

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Az: Have you got any ideas who the nameless Brit might be?

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Someone on Quora asked "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?" Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response:

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Marsha: Thanks for the answer! Good investigative reporting.

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Jul 20
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Someone on Quora asked "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?" Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response: https://www.redlakenationnews.com/story/2019/10/21/features/british-writer-pens-the-best-description-of-trump-ive-read/84189.html

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Voters will realize whoever the Democrats run will be better for the nation than Trump with his tax cuts for billionaires, inflation promoting tariffs, isolationist foreign policy, abortion limits and cruel border deportations.

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It's the culture, stupid. "Trump hates dogs" works. https://rvat.org/

"Not suckers or losers" works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY_tc-qxwPc&t=5s

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I think a new ticket that breaks from the past will help voters with that realization.

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They will???? Polling suggests otherwise. And before you say we cannot trust the polls, note they are going south on us, and were never good before they went further south. Methinks you have put too much trust in American voters. Full disclosure - I live in the south.

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If we can't have trust in American voters, America is doomed "on the first day", with nowhere in the world to run to, once Project 2025 hits in December & January. Where could we run when Putin, Xi, Kim & the others take over? Pray & work our tushies off & VOTE -- our only hope for ourselves & our offspring.

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Unless the "elite donor class" and congressional Democratic "backstabbers" have a very much better candidate and running mate and message, Trump could win because the voting Democrats, Independents, blacks, youth, and women will soon become so fed up with the backbiting to care. This is what the Maga crowd is hoping for—they are quiet while the Democrats run for fear toward the cliff edge. Biden and Harris could win if all this BS would stop and everyone calling him to drop out would stand up for Biden and Harris 100%.

This is the problem with big-money-PAC-funded political races. Fearful Big Money PACs must be removed from our election process. The media is also not helping.

Last year during the primaries was the time for this fight. Not now. There are legal issues involved in a ticket change — Congressional Republicans are already set up to fight any presidential ticket change.

The voters wanted Biden and would continue to vote for him—as long as his party stood 100% by him. Why aren't they? The constant reference to polls? The talk about Donors freezing funds? The polls have only a slight change in the weeks since the debate. Why have the polls changed? May because of the overwhelmingly negative news about anonymous negative leaks, and reports that PAC donors are withholding funds until Biden steps down.

The news should focus much more on the Trump agenda, the goals of Project 2025, and the real state of what could be our future if they win. Trump is old, very ugly in mind and spirit, and a dictator with eyes glued on taking over the U.S.A., and, once again, bringing shame to the U.S. on the world stage. It is laughable, the Maga Republicans have so many bigger-than-life villains of democracy in their ranks, and yet the Democrats are about to throw their King of Hearts under the bus.

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There will be a discernible hype gap down the stretch. Republicans will still pretend to be fully committed to #DonaldDuce despite knowing in their gut that they’re clinging to his lead coattails in vain. Because of that unwavering loyalty, they will see their careers dragged down the drain too as Trump’s whirlpool of lies finally sinks the party for a generation.

Despite that inevitability, the media will always find some lemmings cleverly adorned to gush their endless admiration to make it look like a close race,. But women all over the country and working class men will finally realize that the Project 2025 platform will handcuff their families’ future.

You can put lipstick on a pig all you want, but eventually you run out of pig.

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YES!! You also only have to look at Trump Supporters -- SO many in jails & prisons, so many with Records, so many under indictment, so many losing law licenses!! His smart "followers" are now Never-Trumpers, Lincoln Project & Meidus Touch supporters or just quitely out of politics! And the MAGAs, broke from donating and buying "gold" everything, keep donating their low wages and attending his rallies, not contimplating what Project 2025, 2026, 2027 + will mean for them and their families . TRUMP? Richer than he has EVER been, promising "Donate One Billion to me and I will institute the laws you want" to the rich, while designing his crown, setting up his dynasty.

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I have to believe that ultimately, enough people will vote against DJT, regardless of who that means they vote for. I have to believe this because otherwise, I will go mad. Today I finally cancelled my subscriptions to NYT and Washington Post. Since I am EU, not US, these sources were, I thought, keeping me apprised of what was going on. HA! I will miss Wordle but I simply cannot read the interpretive nonsense anymore.

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I read The Guardian to get a better point of view

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Thanks, Susan. I read the Guardian but not faithfully. I intend to pay more attention to it and maybe go back to Al Jazeera. I was hoping that my post would lead to some recommendations. I appreciate it.

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There is a free Wordle app you can get at the Apple store (if you have an iPhone). I'm guessing there's also an Android version.

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Thanks - I do have an iPhone. Now I won't miss NYT at all!!!

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Yaaay! Glad I could help. 😀

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It depends on turnout efforts like we’ve never before done.

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Jul 20
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Thanks for elaborating in such great detail--very useful!

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If Biden stays the course and we do our part, we win. If an attempt is made to change candidates 100 days before the election we lose the election and the country.

The polls stopped being a reliable indicator some time ago.

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Look what other countries in Europe have done. Read @Az comment below

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If Biden puts his ego aside & leaves the Democrats to choose another younger candidate, yes Trump could be trounced. The change in focus from Biden’s age & unlikeability, to focusing on Trump’s age & despicable persona would be remarkable. GOP 2025 platform could also be really discussed & disected.

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Rick: You nailed it!

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Jul 20
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Commitment to a mental institution time!

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Someone mentioned that the former party of Ronald Reagan has some "elder statesmen -- a living former president, three former VPs, a few Speakers -- NONE of whom were at the freak show in Milwaukee. Instead, we got a Botoxed Matt Gaetz talking about AI sex robots, Hulk Hogan ripping off his shirt, and the Prince of Fools himself.

CNN gathered a group of Wisconsin undecided voters to watch Trump's address -- and they were overwhelmingly disgusted with it.

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The Democrats who call for Joey B's backing out have me totally baffled. In unity there is strength. In disunity there is folly. The national electorate, sad as it is, is NOT going to elect a woman of color. To change horses in mid-stream is more folly. They are playing into the hands of the fascistic, oligarchic, corporate threat to us all. Whose got the cattle prod ! ? Let's wake the hell up ! !

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Changing from Biden—who can’t win—to someone new who can energize voters, including youth, and who can strongly and clearly take in Trump in a debate, might be the very thing that allows Dems to win! It’s got to be a good communicator, someone who can articulate the differences between Dems’ policies and Trump’s!

I don’t know if that is Harris.

Harris would get the women’s vote and Black vote and most Dem votes but maybe Newsom more so.

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Ellen: Harris can get the job done. She's not my fave but she's got the experience now plus name recognition. Definitely better than Newsom for the reasons you mentioned and with Biden's blessing she's got it made. Plus she'll have the Biden campaign money to draw on. A lotta pluses to her candidacy.

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Yes i hope so…

If only we had National Popular Vote, our chances would be so much better! There may still be time especially if many people would support the campaign to get few remaining states onboard!

The other huge problem regardless of which Dem is candidate is VOTER SUPPRESSION ON A MASSIVE SCALE, unlike anything ever seen before. Please get this crucial info from investigator journalist Greg Palast at gregpalast.com about the hundreds of thousands of “VIGILANTE CHALLENGERS” being deployed by MAGA to all swing states to purge voter rolls of all likely Dem voters, esp targeting Black, POC, youth, etc.

Then help those who are fighting this, especially: voteractionproject.org




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Jul 20
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Do you enjoy being annoying? Do you enjoy repeating yourself over and over and over again? Someone should have you committed!

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Jul 20
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Someone should have you committed!

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Even the Wall Street Journal says it could happen IF Biden is replaced.:

“If and when they make the switch, everything is going to change,” warned Republican Gov. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire. “It’s going to get very close in a lot of those tighter states.”

"Democrats could wind up with “a strong potential ticket that just surprises and re-energizes the party,” depending on Harris’s choice of running mate in that situation, said Sununu, speaking at a Politico forum. Independent voters might reward the party for breaking free of the widely disliked options of Biden and Trump, he said.

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The Wall Street Journal is right wing. The Dem donors pushing for a switch don't want Harris. There is no concensus plan for the switch, so it is a plan to fail.

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Jul 20
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You have just made an excellent case for replacing Biden with a younger person who can then do to Trump what the right has been doing to Biden. The image of a smart former prosecutor and two-time attorney general like Harris in a debate with Trump Is quite appealing.

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