Elise Stefanik might be the worst person in America. She is a whip-smart, highly educated professional who started her political career with legitimate centrist conservative values and soon sniffed the aroma of opportunism. Knifing Lynn Cheney in the back, signing up for the Trump cult, and cynically seizing every moment to engage in intellectual dishonesty and awe-inspiring hypocrisy, she is Newt Gingrich on steroids. She has no moral compass, no adherence to the Constitution, not an ounce of devotion to country above personal advancement. She knows better. But she wallows in the dark and slimy mud of fascism. Her kind is the worst.

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She wants to be his VP choice. She has sold her soul, if she had one. A deal with the devil is never a win.

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Is she blonde?!? That is 90% of what is needed by Herr F_hrer!

Sure, Bunkerboy's 1,000,000 murdered by surrendering to covid-19 is a rookie number compared to Hitler's 6,000,000+, but give him a second term and he WILL beat his idol.

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Almost nobody connects Orange Face with the fact that the US death rate during Covid is the highest in the industrialized world. When they were lining up tractor trailers to place the bodies in he was saying it was nothing ,it will be over by Easter .When he got sick he was air lifted to Walter Reed where an army of doctors saved him with the latest science available . Where was the media ? Even Democrats say nothing . For years during the Aids Epidemic our nation ,and the media mostly ignored the devastation in the gay community . Nobody will say it but they didn't care if gay people died . We went to war in Iraq with full knowledge that there were no WMD and Iraq had no connection to 9/11 but they waved the flags . I am 76 ,a third generation American a veteran and it hurts me to come to this conclusion, but I was wrong all my life . The only people who count are the rich and powerful . The rest of us can die like flies s long as it doesn't hurt profits.

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You are very correct. It was the same sort of realization for me when I left the Army after serving 3 years in Korea in the 1970's and 3 years in Germany later, during which the Iran Revolution happened, I looked back and realized all that all of us had endured, and everything I and so many others had accomplished during that time was all for nothing...it took me until the mid-2000's to overcome the suicidal thoughts and then act as a soldier to speak truth to power as I had during my time, to be able to accomplish the mission successfully, to stand up to Congress people, the VA, and local legislators to tell them if they don't start acting on what we need, they won't be in their place very long. I'm 70 now, and I'm not as strong as I was earlier, but as I can, I keep up the fire...

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Dave: My 1st grandson was born mid-Sept, 2002. When he was 6 months old, I wrote a note saying “If you see this, I’m dead but this BAD ‘war’ isn’t.” Finally he & I are the only ones here.

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Many best wishes and thanks for responding to me. I have several relatives who are gone, who served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, and my dad, who was 29 years older than my mom (she was 30 when I was born) served in WWI in the Navy in the north Atlantic; he was recognized with a presidential citation for saving 13 crew members of a Norwegian freighter that had been torpedoed by the enemy. Two of my sons served in the Army, one as a medical officer in the National Guard, and the other served as a communications specialist in Afghanistan, on the Pakistan border. I respect and honor all who have served in our national interest, but not the politicians who have engaged us in conflict just for politics and money.

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I'm sorry you were used and abused, but I'm glad you are recovering. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you. I am still active with a number of issues, some regarding the VA and others like the damaging pipelines being forced through private land and Indian Country, and extremist politics. I'm not as able to be there in person anymore, but I still write and call...

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Agree that we DEMS were asleep at the wheel for a while. Most of us didn't see the nefarious behind-the-scenes manipulation. Speaking for myself, I worked 40 years as an RN, much of it in Critical Care, helping others through the worst days of their lives. Followed rules, paid my taxes, volunteered in my community, and voted faithfully. Not just voted, but researched the candidates and issues so I considered myself an "informed voter." Maybe once or twice, wrote a letter to my Senator or Congressperson.

Back then, trusted that as I was doing my job, they were doing theirs. Naive. Ignorant even. So ignorant.

My eyes are open now. The 40 year Heritage Foundation 2025 project is common knowledge. Dark money and how it works to corrupt. (Thank you Mollie Ivans, miss you so much.) How a minority of voters can be manipulated to elect radical anarchists.

At first slack-jaw, astonished with this new education. Then angry. Now, energized! Actively working to make sure a Repub can't even get elected as a dog catcher. Ohio in general, and my Summit County, specifically, voted straight Dem. Even dumped incumbent Repubs. To quote a famous movie line "We're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore."

Check out Activate America for ways you can contribute your time, energy, and money to create a blue tsunami. As Joyce Vance says "We're in this together!"

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Just finished an in-depth magazine article in "The New Republic" about the Claremont Institute that gave me the willies - a bunch of billionaires using their money to support right wing anti-democratic fascistic-tendency thinking. The crazies have found the credentialed to give them an intellectual patina. Educated tomfoolery knows no bounds.

And, I miss Molly Ivins' acerbic wit immensely. She was proof that not ALL Texans are nuts.

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Brava, Cheryl! Rock on.

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The media and Democrats need to point out the facts and the history of Trump over and over again. That's what it takes to persuade a population these days. We are all attuned to the Media Marketplace. Perhaps those of us who want integrity and decency over fascism need to tell the media and Democratic leaders this on a daily basis to persuade them to broadcast the truth over and over again.

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Those physicians at Walter Reed had their chance, and they blew it.

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I agree

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didn't Brazils leader brought up on charges of 'crimes against humanity?' they lost 600,000 people. It's a good idea to document dumps reckless regard, for "posterity" (hah) at least.

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Norman, I’m sorry you had to be hurt by political reality. But welcome to the light, & sincere thanks for your service.

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Even the rich lack power if they are not organized. They know that, hence they are well organized. But if Trump gains a second term even their organizations might have to kneel.

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Better late than never. You can still vote, and I'm sure you will.

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Daniel, or at least Trump will try, and his scared white goons will love it until they start losing their own family members and they themselves are accused of not being loyal enough and are "in trouble." Hitler and his friends did enormous damage to people who were once loyal to them, but they came to not care for those former loyalists any more. This kind of insanity is what one can expect from people who don't understand history beyond what they heard someone tell them. I don't care how "smart" those around Trump are; they are pretty ignorant of so much. And, they ignore the destruction of war while they are calling for it. They should be made to go to Gaza or Ukraine and hang there for a while to see what it is they are actually calling for. They are hopped up on testosterone and we need some good drugs to bring them down to some kind of normal range of maleness.

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Ruth, not just go to Gaza. Let’s offer to send them there in exchange for hostages. 🤗

I met a friend at a local temple this morning. There’s a scrolling tv screen in the lobby with pix & info of hostages. The youngest is 3 months old. Heart-wrenching

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Jan, an interesting thought.

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The term 'toxic male' does not come even close do justice in describing their violently aggressive, evil, genocidal intent. :( :(

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They are all hellbent INTENT on making the Holocaust seem like a picnic by comparison, if installed back into power, forever this time.

What the effing POS ANTI-SEMITES in this land fail to realize, and are way too stone dumb and extreme rightwingnut brain washed to cognize, is that (S)Hitler and his pure EVIL, demonic crew butchered almost 6 million 'others' who were NOT Jews, as well.

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She hasn't a chance; she's not blonde.

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None of these supporters have a soul! 😕

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Erica Wolf:

It's never a win because sooner or later the devil comes round to collect and he is expensive.

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A female version of the man himself..

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I spend my summers on northern Lake George and am very familiar with the area of New York State that she "represents". It has a depressed economy with lots of poverty. The people there have a hard life! She is the worst possible person to be their representative! They need lots of help from the federal government, and she provides none.

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The challenge for all of us is that Republicans care nothing for those who are struggling: poverty, disability, age, childhood, pregnancy, etc. I am still waiting for someone to name one thing Republicans have initiated in the past near 50 years that was designed to help anyone but themselves, rich corporations, or rich mostly white individuals. I have been asking friends and members of this thread for more than a hear and a half and no one has come up with one thing. I think that's because there is nothing. Yet, Republicans keep getting elected. I honestly don't get it.

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When I was a child, we were Catholic. We got a beautiful large bible that we put on a stand. It had a place for our family tree. I so wanted to read it but my mother told me not to. She said it would only confuse me. Just listen to the priest. Even at that age it didn't sound reasonable but I was a child so I didn't try to read it then. One of the factors is this Christofascist movement. They teach their children to obey what they are told, not to think. Critical thinking skills are necessary. We need to publicize these skills everywhere we can.

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Everybody knows, or should know, that the Bible is mish-mash of history, myth, genealogy, and fantasy that makes little sense to the modern mind. That’s why something called “theology” is needed to make sense of it. We can judge the value of the various Christian sects by analyzing their theology.

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Mary Ellen, as a teacher and concerned citizen, I am totally opposed to the "just listen to what I tell you" nonsense. I have always known it was nonsense because my parents read the newspaper nearly every day. My dad was visually-impaired, so my mom read it to him and therefore to those of us who stuck around to hear it. I was one of those. I liked hearing about what was going on. Then, I liked reading it too. I am back to listening now as my vision is gone, but it is critical for me to check out different sources. Every single human being should have the right to and be encouraged to do that. Then, we have to decide what is free press and what is sabotage, potential insurrection, and the like. We must explain to our young people what they are reading and how they can figure out what is true. I used to do that with my students even the very young ones, first graders who have a right to know what they can understand about how our country works. I expected my high schoolers to read regularly, online was fine if from a variety of sources that did not pass lies regularly. We owe that to our citizens and all those who live here.

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"Critical thinking skills" is what I call "C T R" = critical thinking REALITY .

When One is taught or comes to this, then they can examine and assess - what

is REAL - in this modern world and then come to their own conclusions (for the

common good one hopes) and not believe the hyperbolie and lies one hears

from - all - sides ... and not be manipulated into being a - follower of cults ~ ~ (?)

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Mary, right you are! This is why the Heritage Foundation, basically a business lobby, wants to turn education to religious schools.

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one might argue that critical thinking/abstract thought is part of what makes us human.

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That's what the electoral collage does. Its a way for the Republicans to get elected even if the real majority votes comes from the rest of the people in this land . That's why we have got to get rid of it .

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Cheating, electoral college, lies on the air waves, takeover of media by right wing, hoarding money, gerrymandering... the list goes on Ruth!

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Reptilians get elected because many voters don’t understand that the role of the federal government is to “promote the general welfare.”

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The people they represent seem to be the poorly educated that Trump "loves". They still believe Trump will harm the people they think do not help them, and that he will rescue them. They have not figured out yet that Trump could give a rat's ass about their well being. He is only interested in selling them crap like Trumpy bears.

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Susan, Trump uses them like a drug that cheers on command (or tone of voice), sends the rich guy money they really can't spare, and will vote for the one candidate who will give them nothing in return. Trump's addicted, his cult is the drug along with the power and money their adulation gives him. Shocking, but those folks seem to like being used. I don't get it.

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Unfortunately I think the only way some of them will ever get it is to begin to live under Trump's authoritarian rule for a while. They would gleefully cheer him on while imprisoning media personalities, political opponents, judges, law clerks - anyone he says is bad. They would not care if he shot them dead in the street either. Until things continue on exactly the same for them with no improvement for a few years. Only then will they turn on him.

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Susan, the problem with that scenario, we will have to live under that Trump BS too and we will be the victims while we wait around for those oblivious fools to figure out what Trump really is and that his cronies are even worse human beings than he is. They know how out of touch with reality he is and are using him to get what they want and they want power to take revenge and hurt whoever they want, to steal as much money as they can get away with, and take power so no one can tell them what to do (a bunch of adult toddlers). They will tolerate Trump's whining pushing them around for a while, but once Trump has totally lost his ability to reason, they will take over completely. I can't imagine living under a Steve Miller, Steve Bannon, or any of the Toddler Caucus in the House, and that is who would be in charge, that is until someone more disgusting than they pushes them out of the way. That will ultimately happen, but how much destruction will be done before the crazies are driven out? Check out the dictatorship world and we can see just how hard it is to remove them, particularly remove them before massive destruction occurs. We must be proactive and see that they never get power, or at least no more than they already have. I just wish the media would wake up to the insanity and address it. So little courate there!

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Because; HATE of ALL 'others', ANTI-SEMITISM, white supremacy, racism, xenophobia, misogyny (even amongst rightwingnut, Gilead demanding, WOMEN!!), and a desire for a despotic 'big daddy' to 'take care of' all of the above are very very strong EMOTIONS, it seems.

One that can be fully and completely weaponized to totally brain wash those in need themselves to 'sacrifice' themselves, and vote against their very own existence, for their evil 'causes'. :( :(

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Ruth, It's because Republicans tell them that Democrats are giving the money to others (hint: dark skin).

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They’re selfish, Ruth. That’s rarely changeable.

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*list goes on!

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And yet, that area continues to support and re-elect these ChristoFascist buttheads. Amazing how a location in Georgia and one in New York have voters of the same mentality.

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And Iowa...I have said many times, that when you think about the redneck ideology, you haven't seen anything until you come to Iowa and look around...

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I haven't been back to Iowa except for a few visits since 1980, none of those in recent years. Having been born and raised there and generally appreciating the sensibilities and general intelligence of my fellow Iowans (Go Hawkeyes!), I can't understand what has happened over the past several years. We used to laugh at yokels and rednecks, knowing that we had a few in the state. When did they take over?

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Since then...Iowa has become much more Republican in to many ways, a lot of people, including our Republican governor, savor Trump and his people, and small town Iowa has become more like Alabama or Georgia. There is a song that I have long attached to the feeling I have about the small town of Elkhart, where my wife grew up and where we lived together for a while after her mom died; the song in some ways also tells how I feel about Des Moines, too... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T80B7s7ekGo

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And I did ride my pony out of town...went into the Army, would probably have stayed in El Paso after being stationed there at Ft. Bliss three times, but long story short, I came back here, and now in many ways wish I hadn't, and don't have an alternative. But we live out in farm country with neighbors around that aren't bad, and it's quiet and calm, so I'm OK.

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People who feel that they are losers want revenge, and Trump promises it. It's what drove Hitler to power.

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Sadly ignorance doesn’t have fences, Harvey.

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Kerry, I agree with you that Elise Stefanik is an appalling human being. I find it interesting that so many women have been drawn to Trump's fascist movement. Do they forget how women are treated under fascists everywhere? Do they think that somehow they would escape such treatment? Or are they OK with it if they get at least a few of the crumbs dropped by the males on top? Some of them are now governors in states that are struggling. They pass laws designed to harm women, children, and so many other people. They are into blaming poor people for being poor and lying that Democrats have caused all the problems the people are having even though Democrats have not been in office in those states for quite some time. Doing harm to vulnerable people, lying, and blaming are Trump tropes and they are using them well for him even though they are nothing to him, just pawns he can use. Except for hurting people he thinks are not loyal to him, and taking over the presidency from Barak Obama, Trump can't remember what he wants beyond chaos. Stefanik seems to be on board for all the insanity, hoping she will escape the fallout when it comes. I hope she doesn't, no matter how "smart" she is.

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Hitler succeeded because Germany was in relative chaos thanks to the Depression. Reptilians are bent on creating chaos to usher in the would-be dictator Drumpf.

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She has a lot of company, not sure how many have a similar education.

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Stefanik is not a lawyer -- can't be disbarred.

But she is a member of Congress. Engoron is a state judge. Abuse of her position.

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Don't worry about Elise Stefanik. She is a disgrace to her gender, too smart for her/our own good. Enticed by her proximity to power, she is unable to see that she will meet her political and professional end at Trump's toxic little hands.

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Yes, yet more 'performative' BS from yet another fascist POS, for the sake of proving their love and loyal devotion to their putrid orange fuehrer.

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Excellent commentary. I agree Stefanik is a horrid puzzle and the pieces do not fit together very well.

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She's got company in the worst American slot.

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It is a shame, really, about that giant, gaping wound in the center of her face. In fact, I've yet to see a photograph of Stefanik with it shut. She spews the most hateful garbage from it. Pity, really.

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Is she following the example set by Roy Cohn, and described by Reich, as I understood his last quote of the T-lump: having no principles whatsoever, but unwavering loyalty to an idol?

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No she is not the worst. There is alot of Stefanik in most of us, looking for opportunity and willing to make compromises. Okay, she took things farther than most. But we should not kid ourselves about ourselves. Oh, except for you of course.

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Hostile much? Or is this just projection?

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Frustration with the way people lie about themselves . it’s always the other isn’t it? It’s just the way things are.

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Same as Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis. I do not right now understand how Sidney Powell even cut a deal since she is not even remotely remorseful.

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Don’t sugar coat it .

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Beautiful synopsis.

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All The American People need to do is listen to the people of New York because they know Trump better than anyone !

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If the people of NY know Trump, why did they elect a MAGA like Stefanik? The MAGA virus is strong in voters. It is hard to keep hope for 2024.

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He as a make up TV character that the country outside of NYC did not know the real person. How a person of such low character could become president screams volumes as to the real and deep problems this country faces.

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Anecdotally, when I was able to show MAGATS that Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes, some of them "converted" :

He cheated kids with cancer, widows and orphans, disabled veterans. https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation


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My auto body guy had no idea about the tormenting of the Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss and that gave hm pause. So much of what Trump does that is foul is not known to people because they have limited sources of information.

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Face to face, they wilt like yesterday's onions.

90% of Trump voters were screwed by his "tax cuts."

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Do they know it though??

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Or, the sources that SHOULD be covering this stuff are not reporting it.

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Yes, that’s one of our biggest problems - the media.

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Absolutely. The under covering of Trump's behavior, and the smoothing of it as well, is egregious. He is an unhinged danger but represented as just a bit silly, if that.

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Bingo, T L!

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I talk to people who don’t even know about the $2 billion from Saudi Arabia.

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Yes. I have a new neighbor who is a kind and decent person but she told me she used to be a Dem but now is Republican. How is that possible? She thinks that Biden is 'ruining the country'. No doubt she is watching Fox. Or worse.

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Gina Ramson:

Here's what I consider a good idea: Get a movement afoot to encourage all who are subscribers to cable television to get Fox propaganda channel off their service and if their provider refuses then cancel the service and enroll elsewhere. My friends often say, "I watch Fox cause I want to know what they are putting out," but I don't

watch and I get all that via osmosis; I will not tolerate any of my money going to Fox. It's called voting with your wallet. They haven't taken that away yet. A rather simple concept, hey what?

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Gina, she may be watching Fox, but she may also be watching the prices at the grocery store and the gas station. Nothing easier and more effective than blaming Bidenomics for high prices.

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I have heard that mantra too. Biden is ruining the country. But amazing from a former Dem!

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That is encouraging. We need to spread the truth about how Trump's actions harm people.

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Daniel, Thank you. I've posted this to my FB page/story and all of the bullshit that people who can't throw out the trash once and for all use to make themselves feel good!!! Maybe more of us will throw out the trash and let it rot there!!!

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This reminds me of the Sackler Family who didn't give a hoot about how many people died from oxycontin. King James Version 1 Timothy 6:10: "For the love of money is the root of all of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

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Of course, the ChristoFASCISTS will twist, and pervert that into some screed which fully enables and supports their 'Prosperity Gospel' total BULLSHIT. ;) ;(

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Good luck with the proselytizing venture! I can’t abide those morons.

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I am in discussion groups....all in that MAGA group were college graduates. Although many believe the defamation abut Biden, they no longer are MAGA cultists.

When I made calls for Biden. I discussed benefits. Never Trump.

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Thank God for your efforts, but you are just one person. Negative information about Trump covered in today's forum needs to be widely distributed. Maybe Mr. Reich could produce some videos if he hasn't already?

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Sadly a college degree doesn’t mean an educated grad.

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Hmm... yep; no integrity or moral compass at all.

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Thanks for sharing the 2 links Daniel. Quite the read. Thanks for continuing to provide to us factual information to use as we do what we can personally.

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Good job, Daniel

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That’s something to be proud of, Daniel.

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Wow! I did not know this. Thank you, Daniel.

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Trump struck me as a conman & a jerk first time I was exposed to him back in the 1980s. It's so obvious to me from the beginning, I have been puzzled as to how so many people can't see it.

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Me too, Jaime! I never saw him till I watched an “Apprentice” episode to see what the fuss was about. Came away wondering what the fuss was about. 🙂

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I never watched that show. I think the only show I ever watched featuring Trump was a documentary about him & his golf course in Scotland built in a location where it was unwanted by the residents & which caused environmental harm. He was very hostile to the locals but he bribed his way through some corrupt officials. A total jerk who was very dishonest, confirming an impression I already had of him.

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I read about the Scotland course after the fact; sounded just like what he'd do. Most of his courses get high marks for quality, but none of them seem to be profitable, which makes me feel good all over.

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SOOOO obvious!

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If only he could have been stopped back then and disappeared.

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Well, I have thought that psychopaths & sociopaths like Trump should be identified & caught early enough to prevent them from rising to the upper levels in any corporate, government, military, religious or entertainment field. I believe there exists that capacity based on what is known in the psychological fields.

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Why isn't this negative information about Trump more widely known? He's been on the national political stage for 8 years now, but I don't recall reading or hearing these things from the national news media, or from the Democratic Party campaign literature. If these things were more widely known, it might cut into his support among the less crazy MAGA crowd.

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Exactly right. Trump is a symptom, a nexus for the many issues that divide these Untied States.

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Almost makes me wish we had Nixon to kick around some more.

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She is of upstate, not the city. A different world.

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NY City - not NY State’s Far North

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And Atlantic City as well...

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She didn’t start out that way.

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Yes- she’s been brain fogged by Trump for $$ in her purse

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So, “We know what kind of person you are. We’re just haggling over the price.”

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Ambition. Desire for power, prestige, money. To be a player. She found over time that Trump was her best ticket to the game.


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Even Arizona voters saw through Kari Lake. so there is hope.

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It's typical rural vs. country. Upstate NY is very MAGA in areas.

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Upstate New Yorkers are deep red conservatives and are insulated from the most egregious of Trump's antics by hundreds of miles of red, rural countryside. Elise the Climber was elected to represent that part of New York State. Unfortunately for the rest of us.

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Elise Stefanik lives in Saratoga Springs, NY not Swastika, NY. Truly ! There is such a place !!! Saratoga Springs is lovely, urbane , sophisticated, great horse racing season, great Center for the Performing Arts, site of a decisive battle of the Revolutionary War etc. plus drop dead gorgeous ! The rest of the place is pretty MAGA but they are the gun owning MAGA types. All they knew about Donald Trump was that he was a TV star and very rich snd could say anything he wanted. I guess that counts. Elise wins big up there and if Donald Trump does not choose her as VP I will be shocked. I still don’t understand why she is not the current Speaker.

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The recent wins in ohio, Kentucky, Virgina, School boards-rejecting the moms for “liberty” were big wins for Democrats in Conservative states (except Virginia). This is a preview of what is waiting for the republican fascists.

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Correction; 'Moms For Fascism' ;)

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NYC knows Trump.

New York state , especially upstate, is another story…

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LeeAnn. We should petition the NIH to develop a mRNA vaccine against that deadly MAGA virus.

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I think Keith was referring to the people in New York city…?

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What park of New York does she even run? I was under the impression that she was just another "daddy's liddle girl" who was gifted a fortune! [sic]

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The district she represents is made up of several rural areas in Northern NYS. It's the largest district in the Eastern US and ruby red.

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Not helpful LeeAnn Young...I can't hear your suggestion to make our lives better only acceptance that some people don't care about doing that!!! Excuse me but if you want a better life, if you want democracy, you must be ready to fight to get and keep it...

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Interesting comment. I fight by voting for people supporting the Constitution. I fight with donations whenever financially possible to those politicians fighting for Constitutional democracy.

But what other fights do you suggest? I live in Texas so I have quit trying to individually educate MAGAs since it’s like that old saying of trying to put lipstick on a pig!!!

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I didn't see any of that in your negative, discouraging earlier comment. I was criticizing being negative when so many people need encouragement. Please forgive me if I've offended you, but I do expect that negative comments about our possibilities of restoring the quality of democracy to our country have negative consequence!!! SO, LET'S GO FOR IT BECAUSE FOR MOST OF US, THERE ARE NO ALTERNATIVES TO FREEOM OF BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT!!!

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And so many pigs are packing heat these days

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Nov 13, 2023
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I greatly miss Mollie Ivins. She would be writing inspiring columns telling the truth about Texas (and the rest of the country) politics if she was still alive.

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Elise Stefanik was far from a MAGA when she was elected! When the GOP needed a replacement, for Liz Cheney...she saw her chance at power and $$$$, and took it! She is a turncoat on the people who voted for her, thinking she could turn things around with her youth, and enthusiasm! Now she is just another MAGA traitor!

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I do believe that Keith is referring to greater NYC, and it's boroughs, and NOT to the (mostly/generally) 'peckerwood' areas once one gets outside of the major cities, and suburbs/exurbs in that state, as in ALL states in this land, sadly.

But as Lawrence O'Donnell has pointed out, there are still MANY who have voted for SCUMp in even Manhattan proper, and all of the surrounding suburbs, even in my 'very bright blue' state, just not a majority, like the 85% MAGAt, ignorant shitbilly areas.

The county and district right next to mine is basically 'Lindberg fascist' (he lived there), and they are all too happy to loudly and proudly tell you such, with their "F*CK JOE BIDEN", "TRUMP WON/2024", "Don't BLAME ME, I VOTED FOR TRUMP", and co-opted Gadsden flags out in their yards, or hanging from their porches.

So sadly, NO area is immune from the SHITler/fascism love, no matter HOW bright blue. :(

I really want to move to Vermont, but even there, in the 'land of Bernie' one has to be quite careful WHERE they elect to settle, as there are strong enclaves of extreme rightwingnuts about. ;)

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Donald Trump has been charged with 91 criminal indictments in recent days and I feel we should add one more to make it an even number. From the annals of Ms. Ballbricker and the fact that the big guy is indeed "Porky" let's slap him with the fitting charge of "Moral Turpitude."

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Donald-allowing trump to continue to stand in front of a microphone. As you said, he already has 91 indictment! He is more dangerous the longer justice is delayed.

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Seeking--Our form of government gives personal freedoms to everyone not to be cut off unless the rights have been abused, like Trump does. They say the wheels of justice move slowly and for good reason. His day will arrive and when it does the man will cry.

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Hope you are correct. I fear the wheels may be stopped if they don’t reach their destination before the election and he (by hook or by crook) wins.

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Neita--Knowing how much he enjoys the company of his friends, Trump will no doubt pardon everyone currently behind bars. It will be a reunion of sorts, 1/6 back together again.

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I would say to take away the POTUS's god-like pardon powers permanently, by LAW, but that will not stop that POS fascist despot from doing it anyway, immediately upon being installed into power for LIFE this time. :( :( :(

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Donald, 3 years after a deadly coup attempt plus numerous other crimes is nothing short of reckless. That is unacceptable if it is to be called justice.

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Seeking--I take it you were referring to the unceremonious manner which saw Trump leave the White House. The justice you seek is in the wind.

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Donald I’m referring to the deadly coup trump incited and every single other crime committed. He is fully qualified fir the death penalty but nothing is done. Garland was a total failure in addressing the sedition. No other politician in US history has been as deadly and insane as trump. He is a national security risk and a danger to the public. If you think justice for it is in the wind, it sounds like you’ve settled in to Fascism. Outrageous!

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Donald, crying only if tantrum-tears are something besides thwarted rage.

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Jan--The man is truly a mess.

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Truly. It’s hard to find enough negative superlatives for him. 🙂

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The people pretty much hated him.

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His supporters are most likely NYC haters.. 💯😞

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How could ANYONE, any single person, want this scumbag to represent the USA?

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How? It is not trump, it is that there are so many who support him -THAT IS THE PROBLEM. In another era the likes of someone of such low character would have been ignored. But money buys a large megaphone.

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Therein lies the rub! Money is the root cause of all our problems. The greed of Capitalism is destroying the country. Everyone wants to be rich, not nice!

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That’s our system. Money-based, oppressive, denying the voices (votes) of the majority, and pushing private ownership instead of common good. It’s called Fascism.

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We are taught, cajoled, prodded and even demanded of to be worshiping and deifying towards those who are pig filthy rich wealthy, right from an early age here in this land, regardless of how abjectly, vilely EVIL, let alone merely amoral, or 'screwing over everyone in sight' psychotically, megalomaniacally GREEDY those monied elite are. :( :(

So, it is no wonder that the peckerwood rube MAGAts can be made to worship their SHITler, even though he has NOTHING BUT disdain, insolence, and loathing for THEM!

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Well said David G H! Wealth and greed and power are presented as desirable. The big-mouthed ass is considered to have good “leadership ability”. Parents put their kids in sport camps so they can be number one at school. But they rarely discuss curriculum or ask about it when choosing schools. On and on…a culture of selfishness.

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Many in what I call the greedy rich moocher class supported him because they thought he would be a tool to advance their agenda of government deregulation. Many of them have since withdrawn their support because he is too unreliable and unpredictable. The poor things are in a quandary because they can't find a candidate they want to support.

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Trump could become reduced to a gelatinous mound of babbling pudding and not lose any supporters. MAGA: you'll be fine, man. Walk it off.

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“… could become…”?

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Greg: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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tRump hates those the MAGAts hate.

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Blows my mind how many believe he’s the best thing that ever happened to our country! I just don’t get it.

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Brain SCRUBBING is a POWERFUL tool, especially when used on the weak-minded/willed and proudly ignorant.

Most especially when they are told precisely what they want to hear.

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That's the question! But there are answers. 2500 years ago Aristophenes wrote: "“Demagogues are like fishers for eels; in still waters they catch nothing, but if they thoroughly stir up the slime, their fishing is good.” And 5 years ago Madeleine Albright wrote: "Fascism is about stirring people up and giving them someone to hate."

Plus, he celebrates their identity as "Americans" - look how his true believers dress themselves in the flag. For people are scared of losing their place and their identity (as Number Ones!), Trump gives them someone to hate, someone to blame. He also gives them licence to hate, and to express their hate. To Trump's true believers, he is their savior, America's savior, and we (non-MAGA-Trumpers) are all baby-eating satan-worshipping vermin.

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This turns my stomach. I will never understand how anyone can support this sorry excuse for a human being.

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Me neither. But they happen to be our fellow Americans. They might as well be good little Germans in the 1930’s.

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“ fellow Americans”?? Immediate family for many of us.

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Yes, quite TRAGICALLY.

Their SCUMp has hurt/destroyed even MORE than our country and democracy, and NO ONE AT ALL should EVER have that much power!!

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Elvia, Greed, ignorance and racism are the magic mix for these kinds of people

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Why do so many Americans support him? Lots of reasons:

He celebrates their ignorance, he legitimizes their racism, he reinforces their identity as "Americans"; he gives them scapegoats to blame for being "left behind"; he (and his followers) are the "good guys" wrapping themselves in American (and Christian) symbols and slogans; he offers them a community (a "movement") where they belong and where they feel strength in numbers. He's the Master Conman: he tells them what they want to hear, and they buy it.

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This is what happens when the only defense that the GOP has is to double-down on the lie. The only way to get any notoriety is to lie bigly. So no matter how absurd the premise, standing strong on bullshit actually earns them points within the narrow world of #Trumplodytes.

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It is also what happens when they supported this liar. They have backed themselves into a corner so rather than admit they made a colossal mistake, they start attacking. They use projection because they realize the lies and threats aren't winning them any voters so they say the Democrats are lying, cheating, and have no morals. It makes me think about in the schoolyard as kids when someone was targeting another for some perceived slight. "You're mean!" "I know I am but what are you?" Taunts back and forth to elicit a response.

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I agree. The public discourse seems to have devolved to jr high or lower level

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Mary, it seems to me that his base are quite immature so naturally they respond with immature acts. It takes a group of them, though. When I have confronted someone who defends Trump no matter what and it is just one on one, many times that person will back off and refuse to say anything else. But if that person were with a group, the rhetoric becomes vile and threatening. They need each other to feed off of!

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Mob or group mentality...it's a primate thing, innit? Trumphumpers have retreated to their tribal/primate clan brains because of fear. The same fears that the Repubbies have been fomenting for decades. Fear makes people irrational.

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Sturmabteilung (brown shirt) mentality.

Also more likely/prone to be violent towards any 'others' when in a group.

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And when the 'others' have been eliminated, who will they go after next?

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Who's next? Usually, when dictatorships run out of external enemies, they turn on internal enemies. That's what Trump has been saying out loud lately.

But at a later stage, they turn on themselves! And that seems to be happening already in the Republican-led House.

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I have been amazed at how much mileage they get out of “I know you are, but what am I “.

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As often happens, I get up in the middle of my night to urinate. often I go back to sleep. Sometime, well too often I doomscroll. To day, I read your post. and it sucked me in.

I am younger than you but in much worse health.

I became a lawyer in 1982. I practiced law, on and off for almost 40 years. i spent time in many court rooms, although I never clerked for a judge.

Thank you for reminding me what happened when I was very young and not paying much, if any attention to the outside world.

Those were bad times. I suspect these are worse.

I thought, Nixon was a bad president.

I thought Reagan was a bad bad president, maybe worse than Nixon,

I thought the Bushes were bad presidents.

Trump seems to be much worse.

I worry for the USA. I worry about the state of the world.

You have suggested that it is ok to think that what I do, will make no difference either to myself or the world. but it is not OK at act as though I believe that.

So in a few hours, I will get up, attend a virtual meeting about healthcare and homelessness, then get ready to to a in person rehearsal where I and others who have been asked to preform will work on improving our performance for a festive gathering on December 15.

I will then meet with some friends and discuss creating a joint living arrangement and drink great coffee.

Thank you for work on this, and more important for your work on behalf of part of my chosen family.


However Trump is by

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I'm 63 and often find when I get up at 5:00 in the morning I start my day "doom scrolling". I tell myself I have to quit as I have both anxiety and depression and it can really do a number on me. Never do I ever remember being this frightened for the future of our country and what may be left to my grand daughters.

After reading about Trump's vermin comment and what he has in store for this country (massive deportation, Muslim travel bans, tent cities for the homeless, an "only 2 genders" executive order) he reminds me more and more of Hitler. I feel dread and doom more often these days and know I must continue the fight for the country I love and for future generations. It truly is a frightening time to be an American.

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It is, Pennie, and yet you are not alone -even if your worries make it feel that way. There are many, many Americans who are adamantly and outspokenly opposed to all that Trump stands for and proposes to unleash. The media portrays a weighting toward Trump; my own observations reveal the opposite. We must take comfort from one another and learn the art of standing ground, reaching out, and calling out fascism as it appears in the moment.

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So true, Lark! We must stand united against the forces that want to take away our Democracy! I may be an old woman but I will always speak out against wannabe dictators and their minions! I write letters, sign petitions, and make many calls. It is important for everyone who values America and Democracy to do what they can. It is very easy to become worried and depressed. I am sure many of us are feeling scared that we may not do enough to keep the unthinkable from happening but we must stay the course and never give up - never give in!

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Spot on Lark. Please remember the media conglomerates are owned by the right wing. Trump isn’t leading or even close! Everyone needs to come back to reality! Biden won by almost 8million votes BEFORE women’s rights were removed against 70% of the peoples voices! LGBTQIA (a massive population) are threatened, brown people are threatened, migrants, Jews, arabs, in and on! None of these people will vote for the monster! We will shut them out. If the MAGAs are so threatening, bring out the National Guard!

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I am 68, and find myself refusing to watch any political TV on the weekends, AT ALL.

Yes, I will check my emails for Robert's substacks, and comment on them (I even try to avoid DKos, as much as possible!), but that is it!

I NEED that break from MSNBC, and the mostly horrid news for at least that time frame in order to preserve what is left of my sanity, and stave off chronic major depression.

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I am sorry you are ill. I'm 66 and ill, too. It's drag. The influence of Donald Trump worries me greatly. I've had dreams where flags of countries are outlined on a huge mahogany conference table. The flags are swooped down on the table and there is no United States. In horror I ask where's the USA, the voices of heaven's elites say, there will be no United States. Africa, China, the M. E., and Russia is the last flag laid down, but it's an old flag from the 50s. They are gaining but have not won. I am somber and quake to the realization of what maybe... everything goes dark and I'm sucked away in reverse. I've never shared this publicly. I have had what some call

prophetic dreams. I was told by the ancients in my dreams I could make a lot of money with my knowledge. I told them I didn't want to make money off of tragedy and terrible messages. Plus, dreams are just dreams, right? Well, I'm praying hoping that's all that it is. I did dream about 9/11 years before it happened. When I told the story at my Church, I cleared the whole room. People got scared. Later, when it all actually happened people wouldn't even talk to me. I don't have so many of these dreams anymore as I am old and sick. But, I pray for our country, and our world, and hope Donald Trump never gets elected to be president.

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From one Cassandra to another. Seeing a dark future unfolding and having no one willing or able to heed that warning is a heavy heart burden.

Best wishes.

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Moninna, you're right, the burden is indeed heavy when people fail to heed the warnings.

And there have been many warnings: here are a few books that I reviewed (in my Substack newsletter (https://neofascism.substack.com/s/book-reviews) that are prophetic in describing the dangers America faced in the past and present:

"It Can't Happen Here" Sinclair Lewis (1935)

"The Radical Right" Daniel Bell, ed. (1963)

"The Paranoid Style of American Politics" Richard Hofstadter (1964)

"On Tyranny" Timothy Snyder (2017)

"Fascism: A Warning" Madeleine Albright (2018)

"Strongmen" Ruth Ben Ghiat (2020)

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Thank you for sharing. I just don't understand. How is it possible to have dreams that come true in such a way? It's peculiar. I've had dreams about places I would have visited later in life. Sometimes it was silly and not very important like when my brother who was living in TN remodeled their home and added a sun room. In casual conversation with my SIL, I gave her the exact details of this beautiful room I just dreamt of the night before. She said, "Wally, Lucy is explaining to me what our new sunroom looks like and we hadn't even told anyone we did it." Weird.

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I don't have dreams about it, but I saw back in the 1990s that the Republican Party was gradually turning into a fascist party, & if nothing intervened to change its course (& nothing has), it would become like the German Nazis of the 1930s. All it needed was a devious, charismatic leader. I also saw early during Trump's administration his resemblance & affinity to Hitler. Again nothing has intervened to stop Trump, besides the indictments (but note that no matter what he says or does, despite proving himself to be both a public & national security risk, which would put anyone else in jail, he hasn't been punished in any meaningful way). So here we are.

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Hi Fred! I remember you from earlier posts. I hope all is well with you. Doomscrolling can cause fear and anxiety but it seems you have a handle on that! Good luck to you and have a great day!

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Trump & his ilk represent a modern day pressure test for US democracy. They do not have any decency, nor as so many of you have pointed our, are they wed to principles or ideology. Their only commitment is to power, without regard, or shame. As someone who is observing from across the pond, i fear we may all be sliding toward a similar fate, unless the vanguard of democracy stands up!!

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Don't you worry, A Ellis-Dunn! We Americans value our Democracy and will fight in every way we can to keep it!! Any time I have been faced with horrible things happening and begin to worry 24/7, I think about my mom and what she would always tell me when I was anxious and worried, "This is just a glitch, it's not a catastrophe!" We are facing an enemy within but we will fight to hold on to our Democracy!

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I am glad (and hopeful) to see that at least Spain and Poland have recently rejected overt fascism.

It would be GREAT if the rest of that continent followed suit. ;)

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I'm in the UK at the mo David & it was just announced yesterday that David Cameron has been given a life peerage to enable him to return to the cabinet. Truly, a looking-glass moment.....we have officially run out of talent!

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That would be us. WE who still believe in deomracy!

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Take your pick:

"All's fair in love and war -- and this means war!"

"Winning isn't everything -- it's the ONLY thing!"

"ALWAYS kick a man when he's down... because he might get up again."

"Whatever it takes."

"It's not personal; it's just business."

Trump & Company have no lack of rationalizations for their abhorrent behavior.

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How about “You knew I was a snake 🐍 when you picked me up.”

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Some of those quotations are familiar, some are new to me. All are perfectly outrageous and very funny.

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Taken right from the "unfettered capitalism" playbook, I'm sure...

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People can and do RATIONALIZE anything.

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Just like the 'good people' of 1940s Germany rationalized the stench of burning human flesh coming from their local death camp's crematoriums.

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I remember a terrific scene in The Big Chill where Jeff Goldblum argues that rationalization is better than sex. Look it up on YouTube; it's well worth watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdmXf0UIAmA

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I love your commentaries. It's a shame that only people who agree with your viewpoints are reading them. Personally, I read your essays to boost my spirits and to know that I'm not alone in this fight for social and equal justice in the US.

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Trumps does not have the ability to be Truthful only knows The art the make lies sound like truth

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His :Truth Social" should be dubbed "Untruth Unsocial"

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Read between the Lies.

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Reich writings are out there in the news media as well. But your general point is right.

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Agreed / these online communities (Robert, Jay Kuo and HCR ) that I follow confirm the country isn’t totally crazy.

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We NEED to know that, in order to NOT totally give in to hopeless despair. ;) :)

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Un- effing believable. How far will we sink? Trump is just foul. Can’t we exile him to a tiny South Pacific island somewhere? One with rising sea levels.

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First - we need to organize and vote blue

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"rising sea levels!"

Oh, the IRONY!!

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What a good idea ! ...... if they accept him there!!!

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And to think that for some of the EVIL scum of this land (and planet), HE is not nearly NAZI ENOUGH for their 'tastes'. :( :(

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No, He is of your making. Deal with him yourselves!

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Former guy's definition, it seems: Loyality = people who are just as corrupt as me, who constantly & gleefully lie, are unfair, unjust, uncaring, reject equality of human value and democracy, believe in power by any means necessary, and the ability to be cruel is definitely a bonus.

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A dishonest man will not surround himself with honest men. Thus, DJT 2.0 will be much more destructive. He will have his mob carefully selected and all will gleefully loot and destroy together. This is why I think Biden’s age is nearly irrelevant. As a patriotic, moral man, his team is likewise. We aren’t just voting for one candidate, we are voting for the people they will appoint.

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Marge Wherley, shout that from the rooftops! I agree, it's very important to see the president, as he and his team, effecting (not perverting) the mission of the agencies, departments, and programs they lead, to benefit (not detriment of) the American people.

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M Tree, like Stephen Miller? He's a horror I don't want to see in our government!

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Peggy Freeman, exactly! SNL always had someone dressed in costume as the grim reaper to play him. In fact, I think that's what they named him. Just read an article about his interview with New York Times. Enough to frighten the hair off your head! He openly talks about deportation camps for immigrants, gang members, etc. along the border on open land in Texas. Of course, we all know, that for those who crave power by any means necessary, there are no bounds to other, the enemy, or undesirables. The beginning is just a warm-up.

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This is why I hate to see Blacks, Asians, Muslims, LGBQT+ supporting him!! They don't realize that people like Trump and Stephen Miller will do horrible things to them!! If he gets back in the White House, those same people will be wondering what the hell happened? They think by supporting him, he won't do anything to them! It is frightening to say the least!

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Peggy Freeman, it is odd that people believe that they will be exempt from harm. I have always wondered about and thought it so crazy that the former guy's grandchildren and son-in-law are hated for their religion/ethnicity by some of his most violent supporters. We easily connect the dots and have concern for their safety, why don't they?

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Probably how most people are able to get through life. Self delusion, as long as it can be maintained, that the bad stuff happens to others not them. People believe climate change is going to be bad, but not that their town will be impacted for example.

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Stevesndjanereed, yes. I think you are right. Perhaps, for some, it is a strong aversion to fear. So, their minds won't let them go there and think about the reasonable, rational, outcomes that may befall them. Whereas, probably others like you and me don't have as strong as an aversion to fear in the particular future forecastings that you mentioned. But, I am just seeking to understand by speculating.

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His violent supporters could very easily turn on his grandchildren and son-in-law. If trump disappoints them or angers them, they are the type that use mob mentality (not like the mafia mob but a mob of people) reacting to what the whole group reacts to! January 6 you saw that mob feeding off each others' anger and hate. No one is exempt from harm when a group of people attack together. It is extremely scary!

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Peggy Freeman, yes I am concerned for everyone's safety, too. You're right about a mob. Research has shown that some people will commit egregious violent acts, that they would not otherwise do as an individual, when carried away by the emotional energy of a collective group.

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Even women , who will be treated as 2nd class citizens or worse (servants) in a fascist regime. If all women of all colors voted against Trump & the GOP as they should, we wouldn't have to worry about any other group.

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Same here, and probably the most perplexing phenomenon I have ever tried to figure out, at least ten thousand times more so than the piss poor lily-whites who worship their SHITler who loathes, and wants to hurt them as well.

SCUMp and his evil minions LITERALLY want to DESTROY them, and yet they vociferously support the fascist NAZI movement in this land.

Truly mind boggling.

Also, WHY so many southwestern Asian (from India) supporters and lovers of the putrid orange fuehrer (equally as perplexing, as well)?!?

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What will be so sad is if Trump, God forbid, gets back into the White House and carries out everything he is threatening right now, those same people will be crying for help and there won't be any!! I wish they could see that!

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AGAIN, a reincarnation of Goebbels, DESPITE his upbringing. :( :(

The disgusting fascist scum even LOOKS a bit like the 'original'.

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Well said.

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Democrats finally seem to be waking up to the fight they have on their hands. You cannot SHAME Trump and his minions in to decent behaviour. They have no sense of right and wrong. As the old expression says Beware the man with no Shame. The best way forward is to appeal directly to republicans to expect more from their party. Trump is nothing special and once they realise it, his days are numbered

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Woah, a lot to think about and ingest. You've done a wonderful job, Robert. When will the madness end? Personally, I don't think there are as many MAGAs as the media wants us to believe there are. How so? It seems the media is perpetually pumped with money and who has that? The very wealthy. They may be the outliers in the background that are watching and waiting. To them, money is the all-important goal. They know they'll be okay whatever happens so they are seeding discontent about Biden behind the scenes and in front of the scene, so to speak. They want to continue their billion-dollar tax breaks. In the meantime. the MAGA devotees are so embedded in their hate and distortions they quickly accept whatever Donald Trump says. The problem lies in integrity something Donald Trump never had. So I wonder when the walls start falling down around them what they are going to say and do because Donald has in mind to put opponents in jail, run down in cold blood any protestors, and just do whatever the hell he pleases. This means no more Social Security, EPA, FDA, or a justice system that for the most part leans on fairness. He also plans to open up mental institutions. I wonder how many innocent souls will end up there. For those looking at Christian Nationalism to save them they sure have another thing coming to them. It is so disappointing to see that someone as stupid as Donald Trump is leading America and its people toward destruction. It's amazing and mind-boggling at the same time.

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As I've followed Dr Reich, HCR, Thom Hartmann, and Brian Tyler Cohen's videos, I've noticed these trends:

1. The GOP acts ONLY in it's own best interests.

2. The GOP's first and primary "go to" tactic is to act in BAD FAITH.

3. Follow the Money.

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Unfortunately there may not be as many MAGAS as we are told (as you said) but plenty of them are in leadership roles - from local, to state to federal, which is very discomforting.

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The most incompetent & corrupt & least patriotic (despite what they call themselves) are in leadership roles.

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Engoran should have used a bigger 🔨 🛠 hammer on DT and his lawyers, bigger sanctions, broader gag orders, contempt and jail time for violations. Overall, the tone he said was too lenient and these folks did not get the message or they decided to cost-benefit was worth it.

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Jim, Judge Engoran is handling as he has to! He must be careful of doing anything, making any ruling, that could be used to win any appeals. The Right Wing's decades long drive to control the judicial system in joining with the Federalist Society, has resulted in a court system that frequently reflects rulings opposed by the majority of Americans. (Witness the MOST corrupt, illegal, anti-American "President" appointing THREE Supreme Court "Justices" in 4 years, as well as a heavy concentration of Appelate judges and others ("Loose" Cannon comes to mind)). I thank God that Engoran is not falling for Trump attorneys' obvious traps. Sadly, it requires him to allow disgusting behaviors of the defense attorneys to prove lack of prejudice.

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Pat, that is exactly what I though after the Judge sat back and let Trump speak. He rambled, accused, called everybody thugs and scums! The bottom line? Judge Engoran had already said he was guilty of fraud and such. This hearing is to determine how much he will have to pay!! In my book, it is wise not to piss off the person who is going to determine if you will have any money left!! Judge Engoran played it well by not giving trump's lawyers anything to appeal! Well played, Judge, well played.

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I think Engoran is getting played emotionally. I don't think it wise to get argumentative. Just let all know what he will do if they don't conform and when they don't, take action. No more banging the desk. This video posted by Bruce Bartlett on what this defense attorney thinks (near the end) the judge should do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-L1FKjpxOs

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Trump and his ilk are very "strategic" about who they target, going after the clerk as opposed to the judge (although they're run right up to the edge there), going after Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman. Ruining lives. What heartless cowards hiding behind the false bravado and violence of others who end up doing the dirty work thinking they are committed to a worthy cause. .

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We all refer to “them” and “they” with regard to decency or lack of it, but as long as Trump is the head of the Republicans Party, as long as we elect the Stefaniks and the Mike Johnsons of our nation, and as long as a massive percentage of our voting population supports these awful people, then we are them and they are us. Please, let’s vote in epic numbers to end this scourge..

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