Professor Reich: i can hardly wait until kamal harris is voted in as president. i also admit that your argument for mark kelly as Kamala's VP running mate has sent me to teh googlz to better formulate the details of your argument for myself. you changed my mind: i agree that mark kelly is our guy!

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I'm totally behind Harris, but I don't think Mark Kelly is the best choice for VP. He was elected after his wife, Gabby, was tragically disabled by a bullet. It comes to my mind that George Wallace's wife was elected Governor after a bullet disabled her husband. Would Kelly have run if not for what happened to his wife? I'm not saying he isn't qualified, but I think a Governor from the Rustbelt would be a better choice, especially since JD's response to how the victims of neoliberalism in the Rustbelt was that they would have been better off without any government help. Those who lost their livelihoods when their jobs went overseas needed more help, not less help. A Rustbelt governor with a good progressive track record would be a better choice.

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Hmmm... Gabby -- back on the national stage... What a perfect semi-constant reminder of the need for gun legislation!

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It is a miracle that Gabby lived. It was another preventable tragedy because of our lack of adequate gun control. Gabby might have eventually run for US President herself.

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As a Brit I find the U.S. gun culture baffling, but I understand the argument for not pushing for more restrictions too hard at this point in time. However I can’t help thinking that there would be a powerful message sent by the Democrats pushing for a change that would have prevented the Republican candidate being shot and that being opposed by the very person who would have benefitted from it.

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Let me help to set you straight, Ms. Ann Higgins, about gun culture in the U.S.

The prevalence of weapons of war being available on the street to any person who can present a fake ID or not, is central to the extreme right agenda of enabling the seizure of government by force, should open and fair elections turn them out of office. This lawless stance takes precedence over the life of any

individual person, even their prime candidate to seize the government, Herr drumpf. The civilization that you left in Britain, where firearms are mainly banned from private ownership, does not exist here. Correct me if I am mistaken, about gun fatalities annually being in double digits in the British Isles, aside from terrorist attacks. Here, more children are killed by gun violence than by any other means. This is more than just a gun culture, it is a gun death wish

fueled by animal cruelty.

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Libertarian billionaires control our national dialog, and they oppose most governmental controls, gun ownership included.

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To put it another way, the national power-driven monologue of mind-control as foretold in Orwell's dystopian vision of Oceania,

places increasing doubts about their sanity into the minds of the susceptible. Three and a half months left to mount a firewall of resistance.

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What the heck is a libertarian billionaire? No such animal but Megas so they don't have to pay taxes and obey environmental laws.

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Thanks for the mansplaining, Mr King, and for entirely missing my point, as well as the fact that whilst you may be able to launch such forthright attacks on your own society it does not behove me to do so, even if personally I fully agree with you.

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Allow me please to clarify a bit Ms. Higgins, since I have a long history of handling many firearms safely. Also, may I allow myself to attack the segment of my society which is engaging to subvert it to a totalitarian state. I personally have much at stake here, since my dad and two uncles fought tooth and claw to drive the fascists back where they came from in WWII. Dad and one uncle did their maneuvers on the Salisbury Plain prior to D-Day, and mom lost a fingertip whilst building B-17 bombers in Willow Run, Mich. Now that they are gone,

I will carry on as their stalwart voice until my last breath. Doesn't have to do with being man or woman, simply humanitarian. Please enlighten me as to how many gun deaths are there in Britain annually? And be grateful that we may still have democratic republics

in Europe, as we may be about to lose ours here!

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Mr Dennis… I see and understand your explanation here as well as Ms Ann. Many many folk have a good understanding of for firearms. I was an OR nurse( now retired) I can attest to what gun violence will do , can do and different types of gun and ammo effect the human body differently. We all benefit from learning more and the law in different lands.

But we each have a journey to share that we all can respect.

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Seems we like guns of war and war itself for small countries...spending billions on unending war and then still losing. Heck with our seniors and children at home. We go broke for other countries agenda. Help is one thing...doing it all on our own is crazy. It is folly.

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Miss Ann… you have the ability to place in words how I feel. Thank you for doing so!

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Kelly and Gabby would definitely bring a powerful message to an issue that most Americans agree needs fixing.

But there are other considerations for VP (like winning rust belt swing states).

But even if Kelly isn't her VP pick, I suspect Mark and Gabby will be front and center on the campaign trail.

Kamala is much more in tune with the majority of Americans than Trump.

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29 homicides involving guns in the U.K. in the year 2022-23. After the school shooting in Dunblane about 30 years ago we banned hand guns, leaving shot guns as the only firearm that may we may legally possess and only then after applying for and being granted a licence. For that you need to have no criminal record, a character reference and agree to keep your gun/s locked in a special cabinet and your ammo locked away somewhere else.

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Thank you, Ann. This as you know is a miniscule rate per capita of what we have in the U.S. The employment of extreme violence in an attempt to resolve political and social differences goes back to the 1600's when Whites first enslaved Blacks here, and when genocide was implemented by White oligarchs

and Pres. Andrew Jackson to drive the indigenous peoples from their native lands.

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Thanks Dennis and apologies for my somewhat overheated response to you before. The internet is a very imperfect tool for communication I find. The cult of the gun in the U.S. is truly frightening and I know all too well how lucky we are not to share it.

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Greetings Ann, no harm, no foul. Maybe I stuck two feet forward when I might have just put one. Only wish to decry political violence invariably employed to subvert the 'will of the people'.

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I disagree. Despite our hopes, focusing on gun control is a losing issue. Lots of folks marched across FL, and DeSantis won the FL Gov. race with enough assembly support to stifle future elections. Booker made it his focus in the 2020 primaries, and he exited the campaign quickly

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Then don't focus on it. But just having Gabby there with her husband can be a subtle, silent reminder. Sometimes, that's more effective.

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in that sense, I hope Kelly is not the VP pick, so he and Gabby can focus exclusively on the gun issue, while the Kamala and her VP can focus on the other issues

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I wasn't necessarily suggesting gun control as a campaign issue. Rather, my concept was having her ever present in the Washington scene.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Gun control is NOT a losing issue, but it must be brought about patiently and sensibly. Because it is not possible this year or next doesn't mean that we can't make progress.

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"Gun control" is a Republican term. What most of us want is Gun Safety.

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and Mark Kelly and Gabby Gifford could be the perfect messengers on that election

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Gun control is a reasonable point to include in national politics and the point was that Gabby Gifford would make a good symbol to include as a talking point. Mark Kelly has been in politics for awhile now, is a national hero and has represented the people of Arizona well

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Gun control as a top-priority is a losing issue in current American politics. If Harris wants to make a bold statement about character, leadership, strength and Bipartisanship, she should pick Lt Col Adam Kinzinger, from the Jan 6 commission!! He also was deployed on the US-Mex border

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Just because he didn't drink the MAGA coolaide and has integrity doesn't make him better than countless Democrats for the #2 position in the world. It only makes him much better than countless MAGA koolaide drinkers who are out of touch with moderates and independents.

However, Kinzingers' integrity makes him qualified for a post in the Harris Administration that focuses on democracy and misinformation in media. Until then, he should talk about the threat to democracy in swing states.

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That and ending the conflict in Gaza. Netanyahu a war criminal.

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I love Adam Kinzinger! Hope he at least runs for office again!

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I respect your opinion, but I disagree.

1. FL is kinda nuts. I met some kids there when I was 12 or 13 who were my age and they seemed nuts. And I wasn't sheltered.

2. Elections in FL were really rigged in 2000. I don't know if it's changed, honestly. It's a two prong strategy. Suppression and the count. Ironic, I know.

3. Those kids who were scared are voting now. It's a big deal to many. It's much important than immigration and climate change. Amazing because they have a lot of low coast line. Parkland changed a lot of minds there.

4. The NRA from years past is gone. That could indicate a culture and power shift unfolding.

Honestly, I think we could be on the brink of change.

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Obama took military grade guns off the streets by Executive Order. It is so important and a danger to many who continue to die at the hands of shooters. Why can't Biden issue an Executive Order also? HIs games have me angry of an office to control guns, etc. It is an emergency no other country in the world experiences. Ya...same ole rule of doing nothing.

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there will be a lot of key issues: inflation, abortion, border, voting rights, democracy, and yes, guns.

I expect Kelly and Gabby will be effective in dealing with that isse.

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Our own party politicians are keeping us from picking our own president and VP. Like Harris or not it is not democratic or wise to have just Schumer decide for us all. Our Convention is near and should not be a pep rally only. We vote on platform, candidates, discuss important issues, etc.

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Judith, Joe accumulated enough Delegates through the primary voting system to get the nomination. When he dropped out, those same Delegates, on Joe's suggestion and their own decision, passed their nominating votes over to Kamala Harris. So the people who were chosen to nominate the candidate nominated Joe, and when he stepped aside, they nominated Kamala. That seems like a fair, and practical, decision.

Then it's always been up to the Presidential candidate to select her running mate.

So it isn't perfect, and this year was topsy turvy, but the point of the whole thing is to select candidates who will WIN, who will Defeat Trump, and Kamala seems to be the right candidate at the right moment.

It's not a perfect system, but it seems to be giving us a candidate who can beat Trump, and that's Job One.

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Randy, Gabby Giffords is in favor of responsible gun control. I'm keeping in mind that she was a member of the National Rifle assn.

She is also of Jewish heritage, and according to my friend who is a member, Gabby Giffords is a member of Hadassah in Arizona.

Harris has many good candidates to choose from for VP. I like Mark Kelly.

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Kelly and Gabby will bring a powerful message, and the majority of Americans favor safer gun laws.

But there are other considerations in picking K's VP.

I'll trust Kamala and her team - they clearly know what they're doing.

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I tend to agree with you Gloria. I think Mark would be a great candidate but a Rust Belt swing state candidate would be the best. Preferably a Governor!! I'm really fired up for Kamala though!!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Now VP Harris and her team must pick a running mate that best compliments her.

VP Harris needs someone who eliminates her military background weakness. She needs someone who mobilizes volunteers for an issue other than reproductive rights, like responsible gun reform, since she has reproductive rights covered. She needs someone who can attack the Trump/Vance weakness of faux populism and liars. For these reasons, Senator Kelly is the clear choice.

Today, VoteVets asked her to pick a Vet as VP. After Vance attacked Biden's military at their convention and showed his hand, I think military experience will be important this election. Sen. Kelly is likely one of the highest raking former military members in Congress, and has the most experience on VP Harris's short list.

With Putin and Netanyaho stirring up endless wars, I think military experience is crucial this election. Without it, Trump and Vance will control the spreading global chaos narrative. The subject is very important for swing state independents. Kelly is the best choice.

Also, Mark and Gabby have a unique experience that talks to the reasonable gun reform crowd. As I mentioned, I am surprised to meet so many younger voters and activists who think gun control is the most important issue. Many swing state suburban soccer moms agree.

Considering the toxic masculinity of Trump/Vance, the best way to not be bullied BY the military and guns is with Senator Kelly on the ticket. Gabby and Mark are a two-fer on the matter.

While I'm usually a fan of White House candidates with Executive experience as Governor, I believe this election is unique because VP Harris HAS Executive experience. Also, Trump and Vance are trying to portray themselves as populists. Somehow they've made some people believe they're populists. Their lies and aggression cannot stand. A US Senator with a military background has the unique ability to shut Vance down by pointing to his votes and party votes.

In closing, I see why RR iadvocates for Senator Kelly. After much consideration, I totally agree. I hope YOU will join us in lobbying Kamala, party leaders, and delegates for Kelly as VP. It's most important to not think about just who WE WANT. It is more* important to think about who VP HARRIS NEEDS* to WIN. ****HARRIS/KELLY '24!****

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Danny, you nailed it. J D Vance has already been touting is "Service in the Marine Corps."

Well, he was a Marine. But from wiki-"Vance joined the U.S. Marine Corps, where he served from 2003 to 2007 as a combat correspondent, with six months in Iraq."

While Senator Mark Kelly's Wiki- "Kelly became a naval aviator and received initial training on the A-6E Intruder attack aircraft. He was then assigned to Attack Squadron 115 (VA-115) in Atsugi, Japan, and made two deployments to the Persian Gulf on the aircraft carrier USS Midway, flying 39 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm. After receiving his master's degree, Kelly attended the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School from 1993 to 1994. He has logged more than 5,000 hours in more than 50 different aircraft and has over 375 carrier landings.

Kelly has received two Defense Superior Service Medals; one Legion of Merit; two Distinguished Flying Crosses; four Air Medals (two individual/two strike flight) with Combat "V"; two Navy Commendation Medals, (one with combat "V"); one Navy Achievement Medal; two Southwest Asia Service Medals; one Navy Expeditionary Medal; two Sea Service Deployment Ribbons; a NASA Distinguished Service Medal; and an Overseas Service Ribbon."

And then there's the NASA astronaut stuff....which is very cool.

I'd say Kelly has a more distinguished military career. Kamala really needs that because Europe is on the verge of war.

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Without denigrating Vance's service, let me just say the Mark Kelly did the most dangerous stuff and has an unmatched record of service. Carrier landings are the hardest thing in aviation. And the shutlle pilot missions, wow.

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I agree, someone with Stellar Military Experience would 'Balance' the Ticket... That is why I like Seth Moulton.... From Wikipedia: "After graduating from Harvard University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science in physics, Moulton joined the United States Marine Corps. He served four tours in Iraq and then earned his master's degrees in business and public policy in a dual program at Harvard. He entered politics in 2014, when he was elected to represent Massachusetts's 6th congressional district."... One should read the details of his Military Experience... He is the 'Real-Deal'... He has also appeared several times on National TV, NPR, and has Gravitas... He is involved in Veteran Affairs...

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He sounds like a good person, but I have never heard of him. Is his name known elsewhere? What is his experience other than the military? I thank him for his service.

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Wow! Thanks for this information. Vance's service doesn't even touch Sen Kelly's, does it? If he is chosen as Kamala's VP, I hope he really plays up the importance of the dichotomy of their service records.

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“Vance's service doesn't even touch Sen Kelly's, does it?”

Is that kind of insult really necessary? If a person enlists in the service and chips paint or peels potatoes their service is somehow less?

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Kelly may be the best choice, but the experience you mention is largely irrelevant. Harris has the national security advisers and Defense Department to assist her. A VP has no say on policy.

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Hello Victor... There is nothing like 'Having Been There & Done That'... Seth Moulton has led Troops in Combat... He received numerous Combat Medals including the Navy & Marine Cross... He also served directly under David Petraeus at one point... Seth Moulton comes to mind as J.D. Vance stresses his USMC Service... Mark Kelley deserves commendation as well...

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We saw Vance play his hand that they will attack Biden/Harris on the military. Its wrong because Trump set the timeline for getting the troops out that set the stage for the awful Afghanistan airlift. Ironic, right?

Regardless, it's about perception. A West coast minority needs a non-minority from the middle states to have a diverse ticket. Dems claim to embrace diversity. I'm great with Harris/Warren, but I'm unique. If diversity is going to be a thing, it's got to be shown. Biden did really good with this too.

I never thought about it, but perhaps Biden (DE) was a good pick for Obama (IL) because it was a minority/middle states and East Coast/non-monority. I don't know, but it was diverse and worked.

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Yes, his military experience was one of the reasons I thought he would round the ticket out nicely. That, and the fact he's experienced gun violence first hand. I think we'd have all bases covered.

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I don't think that military experience is all that important in 2024, it may in fact be a handicap.And I am an 85 year old retired officer. I try to look at the electorate.

I don't think that Vance's credentials are going to help him

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I disagree, we are near the threshold of war with Putin, the middle east is a mess, and some dummys are turning China into a military threat, where the real issue is economics.

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Danny Piper, I agree completely with your pertinent and thorough position endorsing the Harris/Kelly ticket as the strongest path to a win. I will add one more thing if I may. What a commanding presence they will make as they walk into a room together. Visuals are so important in our world driven by media and instant image. They will own every setting they enter! KAMALA/MARK 2024!!!

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Marc Kelly may be the right choice, but if anyone has a military background weakness it is Donald Trump, a draft dodger and defamer of veterans. Harris has attended national security meetings for the past four years and is current on all the major military issues facing the country.

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And, I'm sure Kamala reads briefings, which the Convicted Felon never did.

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Donna - “like” Nor did he give them back ;)

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Victor - “like”

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Correction- three-fer on the matter. I would totally go see Scott Kelly speak!

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Great points Danny!! Never really looked at it like that.

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Pete Buttigieg would be a perfect VP. I would love to see the MAGA cult's collective faces turn purple at a ticket with a woman of color and a gay family. (But I would never want to subject his husband & kids to the danger.)

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Let's not push our luck. A non-white woman is risky enough in the US. Her VP must be a straight white man with government and military experience, which is a bonus.

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I agree Nancy. In a perfect world, Pete Buttigieg would be great. But we don't live in a perfect world and furthermore, the Democratic Party has forgotten about middle America while focusing on the 1%'ers . I personally don't care about what consenting adults do behind closed doors.

That said, Kamala's ticket must focus on the majority of America. Not the 1%'s or for that matter the 5%'ers. We need over 50% to win.

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If he was on her list, tne ongoing mess with airlines took him off it. As I wrote, it's best to think about what she needs* for balance than what we want*. Heck, I want Bernie... But she needs Kelly to win.

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I tend to agree. Kamala's weak link is foreign policy and national defense. Kelly fills that void perfectly. He would be a trusted advisor and a person who could carry some of that weight.

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Biden will be a cell phone call away.

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True, but her opponent is such a vacuous ignoramus that by comparison she is an expert. She is smart and can learn the campaign messaging points. His continued Gish Gallop verbal assault masks the fact that he doesn't know anything substantive about anything.

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Kamala Harris has been on something like 20 foreign junkets. She has been heavily involved in foreign diplomacy and been to at least 20 foreign countries.

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Crowdstrike’s failure left airlines , banks , retail etc unable to operate, not Pete Buttigieg.

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As well as the disaster that is Amtrak, despite billions in funding.

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Sorry. Kamala used up all the diversity chits for this ticket.

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Buttigieg for President 2032!

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I agree. I’d like to see a governor

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I would like to see the BEST person they can agree on!

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Which is as Professor Reich said, “Mark Kelly.”

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If he picks Kelli we lose a Senate seat to a wack doodle.

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Gabby Giffords was a US Congressperson and was wounded in 2011 and left her seat in January 2012. Mark Kelly didn’t run for office until 2020 for the US Senate. So it isn’t as if he rode her coattails. He has a rich background as a veteran, astronaut, anti-gun activist, author and the junior US Senator for the state of Arizona.

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Terms such "anti-gun" and "gun control" are Republican terms. Don't use them! Gun Safety is what we need.

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Victor, how about “Gun Responsibility”?

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Stephanie, The Second Amendment presumes that guns will be used responsibly, and we have laws that prohibit gun ownership to individuals with proven irresponsibility, such as criminals and convicted drug users, also individuals with severe mental illness. Clearly, more legislation is needed.

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Mark is a Real man, what a contrast to the 2 fake ones he and Kamala will have running, away in shame for the blowhard, hollow creeps they are, when exposed by a real, genuine, hero, honest man and feminine and strong confident accomplished woman both tell it like it is.

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What Tim Ryan from Ohio? He would have beat Vance for the senate seat if Dems would have poured some money into that election.

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Id like to see/hear some numbers. That's interesting. Usually the only way they don't pour money in is if they can't win.

I am amazed to see how much money is being thrown at races to beat progressives. I think Citizens has changed everything, and it's getting worse than we can imagine. Cori Bush is being attacked with two ads per commercial break. One from her opponent and another from a super pac. I predicted a few years ago that the day could come that big money pro corp pacs would pump money into primaries so the true progressive was defeated, or ran out of money in the general. It's disgusting to watch. It's a shame too. Ryan was great!

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And the Wesley Bell ads are frequently on my social media -I'm in the adjoining district. I hope Larry Lessig attempt to get superpacs shut down works though with this supremely absurd Supreme Court it seems a long shot. Here is the plan. Pass ballot initiative in Maine to shut them down, then a RW challenge in court then leads to it going before SCOTUS most likely.


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I have no faith in SCOTUS as an institution of probity, fairness and as a bastion of liberty. MAGA has turned it into a political entity.

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The majority on the court has turned into what the founders of the US fought against.

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I like Ryan, but you can be sure that Trump will call him a loser, and it may stick.

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I heard that Peter Thiel's money got Vance in. Thiel and Musk are immigrants who are screwing America. GQP is okay with immigrants as long as they are rich, white, and fascist

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You can add Rupert Murdoch to the list.

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Absolutely! I heard his Fox propaganda machine is banned in Australia, land of his birth. They must be so happy he left there

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Tim Ryan has been an impressive messenger... he can come off as a bit brusk and demanding at times. He could fill another role in the cabinet or agencies and bring good things.

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Tracy - “like” I feel the same about how they let down Ryan and hoping that they don’t make the same mistake by not helping Brown out as much as possible.

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His late entry into politics is a perfect contrast to Harris. He’s not a “career politician” but rather a man who spent his career being an American hero. His devotion to his wife is admirable and a sharp contrast to the senile old felon. He comes from a swing state with a Democratic governor who will replace his seat. Kristen Sinema’s seat is in play, and he would help to bring voters to the polls. Everyone loves astronauts, and he brings himself (four trips to space) and his twin to cover more ground on the campaign trail. You have someone not running who spent a year in space. I’d go see that non candidate, too. As far as I know, he is squeaky clean, too! I hope she chooses Kelly.

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Great point! Thanks!

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What is Kelly’s voting history? What I read does not sound great, except for his support of gun control.

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He has a fine record. Regardless, the VP does not set the agenda. The VP compliments the President and carries out the President's wishes. Now then, please remember that ALL legislators can ONLY be as progressive as their district and state. People remember that elected leaders must represent the views of their constituency, or they won't be re-elected.

What I'm saying is that you can't just judge Kelly by his voting record because his job was to represent the moderate state of AZ. They loved Senator McCain. You can't expect a legislator to have a progressive East/West Coast voting record when they are not East/West Coasters. So Kelly's voting record really should not matter. All that matters is that he wasn't a sell-out like Sinema. BTW, he has a 94 LCV score.

Senator Kelly has proven his integrity his whole career. His military experience will give Harris the 1,2,3 knock out punches: women's rights, responsible gun control, and real populism for a stronger USA and safer World.

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I was watching a well-done documentary on the Columbia shuttle disaster from 2003 recently, and learned something about Senator Mark Kelly that I didn’t know and made me respect him and which also made me solidly behind him in any endeavor he would choose to follow because of what it showed about his character and respect for others.

Within minutes of his learning of the breakup of the Columbia on reentry over east Texas and the loss of his co-astronaut team, and hearing from a source on the ground that their bodies were located, he pulled strings to get a helicopter and pilot to fly him to the location where the bodies were still untouched by local law enforcement and had them all protected and covered and then organized the local coroner/mortuaries pick them up and taken to a secure place. Bless his heart forever for this awful task.

This incredible act of respect and love and dedication cemented, for me, that this is a man who is a true leader and so incredibly special and good and loyal and who I could support wholeheartedly in any political office he was interested in. I did vote for him as senator from my state because I liked his moderation and his strength in fighting against the huge and unconscionable influence of the maga movement and hoped he would one day run for higher office. I saw this documentary last spring, as this election was heating up and wondered if he would or could ever get as far as the White House and decided probably not. This is an exciting opportunity in my mind.

Contrast his character with that of the horrible example of the convicted felon we now have in our faces 24/7.

Mark is and always will be my choice for higher office.

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Mark Kelly is the counterpoint to toxic masculinity! He represents the best of his gender and will be an excellent example of being manly without the narcissism and misogyny in you-know-who! He's a great role model for young men (and women). He's patriotic and compassionate at the same time. He gets my vote!!

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Exactly! Mark Kelly has amazing skills and the personality to match. His accomplishments are inestimable. Contrast that with these toxic types who haven't done anything of note and turn their energies toward mistreating women and minorities

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Wow...brings a tear to my eyes. That is awesome. Kelly is 'one of the good guys."

And I promises you, there aren't a lot of good guys out there anymore.

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That's awesome! Thank you!

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Thank you for the story. I have been thinking Mark Kelly would be perfect, also. I wish someone could speak to his relationship (if any) to Kamala. Joe Biden knew Kamala through his son Beau. VP Harris needs to also have that relationship along with a competent person who compliments her.

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I'm glad Sen Kelly represents his constituency. In my current US Congressional District in North Carolina, Rep Kathy Manning has done a great job in representing our interests and values. However, with our Republican majority led Legislature, new electoral maps were drawn for this election cycle, and supposedly for the next 10 years, and they were gerrymandered to the extreme,11-3 or 10-4, R to D. (The newly elected Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court, a R, along with a new R majority-led NCSC, approved the new maps even though there was absolutely NO new evidence presented for the change. It was strictly political and quite obvious to anyone who was paying attention. In 2022, it was 7-7 with court-ordered maps by a non-partisian, neutral committee, resulting in a fair election in our purple state.

The composition of most of the newly formed districts is a joke. The beliefs and values of a great many people in NC will no longer have any meaning. Rep Manning did not run for re-election because she knew there was no way to win, the same reason President Biden just dropped out of the Presidential race. It will be SO important for EVERY Democrat to vote in November and take nothing for granted.

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Ken, you can see any Senators voting record by just looking it up. You wanna stay engaged then take the bull by the horns and don’t ask others to do your homework for you. All these decisions are important.

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The person saying they would be better off without government help has never been poor enough to need it. Not everyone can bootlick Wall Street and Silicon Valley for their bread and cheese.

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While I don't disagree fully with your analysis, I think the Rust Belt is not winnable at this time, so a VP pick from there won't help in Electoral College votes. Long term, Dems need to message much better to that region to show the fallacy of Vance's position. I read his book before he ran for office and find it ridiculous that he turned out to be an arch conservative after so many in his community benefitted from entitlements.

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I agree the messaging needs to improve. After thinking about it in another thread, what if the root of the problem is tons of dark money to defeat Ryan, elect Vance, and make a great legislator like Sherrod Brown in a fight for his political life?

Brown is what Ohio and US workers need. But tons of dark money gave us a faux populist like Vance. Weve got to change the big money game. Frauds like Vance are being elected with hoards of money to advance corporate agendas like P25, strip workers of rights, and deregulate so corporations can pollute communities. Enough is enough!

Ironic that Trump said Biden was turning the USA into a 3rd world country, isn't it?

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I'm convinced that a lot of Trump's donations are from dark money originating from Putin's FSB/KGB. Might even be some Iranian money. I can't wait till the Orange man loses and his money spigot from Putin dries up. I'm betting Putin will even call in his loan he co-signed to bail out Trump. Of course I'm speculating. But time will tell.

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Yes, dark money and counterintuitive conservative judge rulings like Citizens United have tilted the playing field, which is the only way the GOP can continue to win. Other dirty tricks like voter suppression, fake electors, and their Gish Gallop of lies also work. Of course, nearly everything trump says is a projection. Conservative fiscal and taxation policy really ramped up under that SOB Reagan, ravaging the middle class and pushed us more and more toward a Third World wealth distribution

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What do you mean entitlements?

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Everything "Mamaw" needed so she could raise her grandson and her daughter could get treatment and survive.

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Gubmint "freebies" meant to help the underprivileged. With ya know, small stuff like food, housing, being able to live

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Right Gloria. Let us remember it was Nixon and Kissinger who went to China to kiss Mao's commie ass and "open" it up for trade. There was no reason for them to do this at all. China was a third-world country economically and militarily. No threat to us. It was the huge egos of those two traitors who wanted to be seen as "great foreign policy wonks" that caused them to go there. Along with the encouragement of our own greedy anti-union GOP businessmen. Trade came to mean that the greedy American CEO's, 85% who were Republicans, began sending those great "Rustbelt" jobs to the Commies. Reagan's union busting helped ramp up even more jobs sent to China and other places. JD is a know-nothing about labor history in this country. It has been and always has been the Republicans who have beaten down and cheated the working class people of this country. If they would just open their eyes and minds about the real facts they would never vote GOP at any level of government. I still remember the famous photo of N & K with their shit-eating grins standing next to the dour faced Mao and his "cat that just ate the two Canaries" little smile. Our next few presidents will be faced with a more aggressive and expansion minded China thanks to the unmitigated greed of, mostly GOP, American capitalist traitors rum amok for the almighty dollar.... to put in their pockets.

Go Kamala..... Cheers... GH

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Gary, well said!

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It's ironic Republicans are complaining about China after Nixon "normalized" the relationship and enabled the situation.

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As an Arizonan, I know that Mark Kelly is more than a sympathy senator. He has a strong and inspiring background, is very level-headed, and has made some very significant contributions as a senator.

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There is no comparison between Mark Kelly and a southern wifey, from a different era. None at all. Mark Kelly, an astronaut, is one tough guy more than able to wrap faker, wimp, whiner Donald, who just wanna looks like he’s a strong guy. But give him a poke, and all the gaseous hot air whooshes out, he’s one fat “cheeto” of puffed up air, topped with fluffy, whipped hair, and make-up. The illusion will fizzle.

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The comparison with George Wallace is a false equivalency. Mark Kelly is a good choice - sunbelt voters are a huge group. Rustbelt gov may look like pandering, and not an equivalent to Vance, really.

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He had a valid and remarkable reason to go into politics though. I don’t think he’s a coattail-riding spouse at all.

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I agree rustbelt gov seems the obvious choice.

More centrist than progressive. Or centrist with some economic populist flare. I hate saying that but we need to win those independents in the middle.

Government as enabler to the working classes who are the champions who make America run.

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I tire of congressmen, governors and celebrities. When I heard that only 4 of his 40+ cabinet members endorsed him and no Pence, my immediate thought was a Mayor! Mayor Pete, I love the guy and would go a long way with the marginalized, too.

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In fairness, I think Kamala, as a minority female, has the marginalized covered. Her only glearinging weakness is military experience and someone to literally enter a cage fight with.

It's not what I look for... But my neighbors in the Midwest are different. We're insecure. We don't want to be bullied, so we will pick the biggest bully to defend us.

Besides, Pete's DOT is not going smoothly. Plus he has one of the worst last names in history. I know it's not fair.

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Kelly and his dear wife are both American heroes- but I’m convinced that Josh Shapiro is her best choice. He’s also a rockstar like Kamala, from Pennsylvania- (we need Pennsylvania to win! ) and would be an amazing candidate in 8 years 🥇

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you for stepping up, RR, and speaking truth to power. It all seems so obvious now that Kamala needed to take over. Biden has been the best EVER, but NOBODY at that age can do the most demanding job in the world AND campaign across the country non-stop for four months. Now VP Harris and her team must pick a running mate that best compliments her.

VP Harris needs someone who eliminates her military background weakness. She needs someone who mobilizes volunteers for an issue other than reproductive rights, like responsible gun reform, since she has reproductive rights covered. She needs someone who can attack the Trump/Vance weakness of faux populism and liars. For these reasons, Senator Kelly is the clear choice.

Today, VoteVets asked her to pick a Vet as VP. After Vance attacked Biden's military at their convention and showed his hand, I think military experience will be important this election. Sen. Kelly is likely one of the highest raking former military members in Congress, and has the most experience on VP Harris's short list.

With Putin and Netanyaho stirring up endless wars, I think military experience is crucial this election. Without it, Trump and Vance will control the spreading global chaos narrative. The subject is very important for swing state independents. Kelly is the best choice.

Also, Mark and Gabby have a unique experience that talks to the reasonable gun reform crowd. As I mentioned, I am surprised to meet so many younger voters and activists who think gun control is the most important issue. Many swing state suburban soccer moms agree.

Considering the toxic masculinity of Trump/Vance, the best way to not be bullied BY the military and guns is with Senator Kelly on the ticket. Gabby and Mark are a two-fer on the matter.

While I'm usually a fan of White House candidates with Executive experience as Governor, I believe this election is unique because VP Harris HAS Executive experience. Also, Trump and Vance are trying to portray themselves as populists. Somehow they've made some people believe they're populists. Their lies and aggression cannot stand. A US Senator with a military background has the unique ability to shut Vance down by pointing to his votes and party votes.

In closing, I see why RR advocates for Senator Kelly. After much consideration, I totally agree. I hope YOU will join us in lobbying Kamala, party leaders, and delegates for Kelly as VP. It's most important to not think about just who WE WANT. It is more* important to think about who VP HARRIS NEEDS* to WIN. ****HARRIS/KELLY '24!****

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*Harris/Kelly* I like it!!

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With respect for all you've said, I am feeling run over with this rush to nominate Kamala, without some sort of open primary process to give other takent a chance to get in it. She has great experience, etc., but without seeing here vs other talented candidates, leaves me quesy. Biden delaying his exit has made it easy to want a quick decision. It leaves me disappointed in the whole process. I feel pushed and cajoled.

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Marilyn D,, you are not alone. Dems must be careful!

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Thank you for that! We can so easily slip energy to Maga, unintentionally.

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Marilyn D, I have been thinking the same thing, but figured I'd get run over if I said it. In fact, when I saw her campaign address from the White House, was it (?), yesterday, I was completely turned off. Probably only a woman would say this, but to me, she looks like she's had too many face jobs and her skin is stretched really tight from her forehead to her chin. When she opens her mouth to speak, her mouth looks so tight, I don't know how she gets the words out. She looks like it is painful for her. I'm just plain not excited about her and never have been. I so wish we could just have an open convention, so others could present their talents and backgrounds.

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Karen, I don't care what anyone looks like. It's what's in their character that is paramount. Second is experience.

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My name is Klare. And I very much care what someone looks like if I have to look at them for the next four years. To me Kamala Harris is . . . I'm not sure what I think about her. I like Gretchen Whitmer better. She is a strong, robust woman. I would feel safer with our country in her hands.

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Sorry, Klare, I posted your name incorrectly.

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Yes. For example, this evening I watched an interview with Gov. Walz of Minnesota, being considered for VP. I was very, very impressed! Who else has an impressive background/presence? I also saw a remarkable wave of excitement surrounding Kamala, the tide is rolling. My comment would be, I don't know how forceful an image of a smiling President is when dealing with Netanyahu, Putin etc. Just saying, I would like to watch them all, side by side!

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I guess I just haven't had any exposure to Kamala at all, not having had TV in years nor an up-to-date computer, and getting all my news for so long from NPR. I just feel that with Biden out of the picture, NOW is our perfect opportunity to open up all possibilities!! So many good people out there with so much talent to offer. Kamala just doesn't do it for me! I feel something akimbo in the wind . . .

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If not now, when? "They" seem to have list of who's in line, etc. I'll tell ya though, hearing Gov. Walz in just that interview, makes me uncomfortable not hearing from others, too. And of all the elections in my life, this one is maximum important, against the RedTide. My stomach hurts!

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A woman of color put John Glenn into orbit. They have only had the right to since the 60s. Now, a woman of color could be the one to save Democracy. So ironic isn't it lol ;)

God Speed Kamala. Now people, we have work to do on that phone banking.

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Yeah, Kelly Is a great person and won easily in a republican state and we'all now how important Is to get the Arizona delegates. However I would also consider the vital and existential Need to win some sliding state so I am sure Harris and her team will seriously weigh on Shapiro and Beshear (despite his young Age and relative inexperience)

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Roy Cooper of North Carolina! Smart, super likeable, long track record of serving for years in so many ways as a Dem in a Republican controlled red state. His term as governor ends on Dec. 31, 2024. What could be better? SO TIRED OF THE MILITARY INFLUENCE! DO WE REALLY "NEED" the macho image of a Navy pilot, astronaut, Kelly's father as police officer, etc., etc.??? His voting record in office DOES MATTER, no matter what someone else has stated to the contrary in this line of comments.

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I think because of this very reason we have to show electorate that a man can be very well accomplished professionally without being a bully and a show-off.

His compassionate approach as "an accomplished man" will give a different perspective to all the men in US and a green light to them that IT IS OK TO BE GENTLE AND SENSITIVE SUPPORTIVE AND CARING TOWARDS WOMEN OR OTHER PEOPLE - AS A MAN.

I think we had enough of this toxic masculinity that messed up so many people's lives.

Humanity should be the key word for this campaign ... seek and find the Humanity in every single individual and together we can build a better World 🌍 🙏❣️

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From your mouth to women’s ears all over the US, Roxana.

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Great statement! Thank you, Roxana.

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We all need to consider who we are removing from a crucial spot. Choosing either Mark Kelly or Roy Cooper wouldn't leave a crucial opening behind. Roy Cooper is term limited so he'll be out of the North Carolina governor seat in January anyway. Mark Kelly is from a state with a Democratic governor. The governor would appoint his replacement and that person would serve the rest of Kelly's term.

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With so much time left in Kelly's term, an appointment would serve only until a special election could be held to serve the remainder. Kelly is popular in Arizona, but could another Democrat hang onto the seat? Or would that put the seat at risk? We really can't risk losing the Senate. Any problems Harris encounters with the legislative branch (budgets, debt ceiling) will be blamed on her gender, not on an obstinate Congress.

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Yes, at this point I think we need that image… that true image of what dedication to country looks like, and I think Mark would be perfect for the role.

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It is too bad that "dedication to country" always involves endless wars! THE WORLD is in desperate need of a paradigm shift! Your story about Mark's dedication to the astronauts who died on the Columbia is very admirable.

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Pols play the games they have for ever.A road to catastrope with climate change. Time for a paradign shift or possible extinction at the extreme end.

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Steve, sadly, voters don't seem to care, at least in 2024.

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Cooper has not endorsed Harris yet. He has a mixed record in NC and doesn’t have the kind of energy and fight in him that I think is needed. He’s more of a negotiator and compromiser.

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Cooper endorsed Kamala Monday morning on MSNBC and CNN. Said this week is for Kamala, not speculation about his potential position as running mate.

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Imo there are lots of good options for a VP choice, which is great.

Don’t forget that in 2008 the Jr Senator from IL (only 2 years in DC) came from nowhere to win the nomination. It worked out ok.

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Cooper is already 67, so he wouldn’t be in Dems’ plans following two Kamala terms.

He might help in NC, but that’s a long-shot.

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Cooper would be 75, and who says Kamala would be elected to a second term anyway? What difference would it make? The Dems would have other choices: Whitmer, Buttigieg, many people. Let's not project too far into the future, shall we?

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Dude, everyone loves Astronauts. Tgis is such a no brainer, but I'll be happy with anyone she picjs off the short list, they are all people of substance who know how to govern, unlike Trump and Vance.

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In his SECOND term as governor of the state of Kentucky.... A successful Democratic governor in a RED state. I'd say he has more than enough experience to become a VP.

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With respect to vice president, I prefer Sen. Elizabeth Warren's approach, that she should choose someone whose policy preferences align with hers and with whom she can work well. Other than the person not being from the same state due to constitutional considerations (I can't believe the news media was mentioning Gavin Newsom), I don't know that geography matters that much with regard to voter preferences. And taking a senator from a swing state out of the Senate does not seem the wisest course of action.

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We must win Pennsylvania, however. Shapiro is very popular there. But I'm not sure, either.

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Why can't you wait for her to be president? What is she going to do for the people of this country?

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If she fell asleep for 4 years she would still be better for the people of this country than the T felon. Cheers... GH

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The delicious motivating prospect for many of having a black woman, and prosecutor, defeating old man Trump is another reason why Kamala might indeed be the best candidate. Campaigns run on enthusiasm and turnout.

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Oh! I was not intending to put Gabby in the senate. She is too disabled, What I intended was putting Kelly there with his wife being a DC scene presence. Thus she would be a constantly present reminder of, as I said, the need for gun control.

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Wow, you really agonized, thought deeply on this onr.

But hey, at least you agree with your Shepherd. He even gave you a big love for your comment

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The Prof has changed my mind as well. Mark Kelly👍🏻👍🏻

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Mark Kelly, Jersey Boy. West Orange. Greatness is in the water we drink.

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Glad to see you posting again...I had looked for your comments the last few weeks and was chagrined when I noticed none. I value your opinion. I think Mark Kelly would be a wise choice to balance the ticket for Lotus POTUS. And, his senate seat would be filled by an appointed Dem. at least for a year or so.

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You go Grrl!

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Professor Reich: one of my followers pointed out that they donated to mark kelly's campaign and would prefer if he stays in arizona to keep his space blue. honestly, i hadn't thought of that very valid argument until she mentioned it. what say you?

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Jul 23Liked by Robert Reich

I must admit, the immediate juxtaposition between Kamala and Trump is nothing short of spectacular. Listening to her speaking so deftly and then reading Trump’s truth social madness should give us all an early clue to the new direction… at least I hope so. And I just have to say, Joe Biden has become one of my all-time fave presidents. I respect the hell out of him.

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The exchanges between Mr Biden and Ms Harris during her speech were heartwarming and actually brought a tear to my eye.

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I first heard it in the car and I was in tears. I have so much respect for Joe Biden. He is the pinnacle of character, values, and humanity at its finest. She was a Great pic for VP and I can’t wait for her to be President. I’m literally bursting with excitement!!

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OMG! He’s supporting a genocide! Where have you been? Why are Americans so selfish and so blind???

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Get of the genocide gripe on Biden. Elect T and see how much worse it will be when he and BBN get together. As bad as the mess in Israel/Gaza is, at this time I'm more worried about the future of my country.

Go Kamala... Cheers... GH

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Trump said VERY clearly that he "doesn't give a damn what Israel does." And so doesn't his little cheerleader Miss Marjorie Taylor.

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Me too. It was beautiful. And they he calls her, kid. 🥹

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IKR? The love and respect between these two was palpable. Contrast that to with the Melon Felon's relationship with erstwhile members of his team while in office!

Enough said.

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That Joe Biden’s presidency will go down in history as one of our greatest, (written by a historian currently in diapers,) is under appreciated by many Americans.

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Absolutely. The accolades are pouring in now, so maybe awareness will finally, finally, catch up with reality. The most transformative Democrat in the White House since LBJ in terms of domestic policy. His management of foreign affairs was masterful (Israel/Gaza aside).

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Genocide Joe, anyone?

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Nope. Try elsewhere.

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Riiiiiiiiight, we love ourselves a good old-fashioned Democratic Party orchestrated genocide! Peace, bros!!!!

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RemovedJul 23·edited Jul 23
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Tom, Joe is out of the race!!! So who are you going to vote for now? And how will that person solve the Mid-East mess that hasn't been solved for 80 years? You keep barking about this and you have a point. So why don't you tell us just how you would go about fixing this mess that has actually been going on for a couple thousand years. When you come up with a solution then maybe you should run for President! Just saying.

Best to you for solving this problem... Cheers... GH

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Thank you! Biden and Harris are complicit in Genocide! What the hell is the matter with all these so called educated people? Are they blind? Selfish? Heartless? My God! I’m sick reading all these accolades! Vote for Dr Jill Stein,Green Party!! She will end the Genocide! Stop the apartheid! She will save our planet or work towards it! She’s not bought! She’s not taking money from AIPAC! She’s not a greedy power hungry self loving war criminal welcomed or complicit in Genocide!’

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A vote for Stein is a wasted vote, unless, of course trump is your goal. He would blow Gaza off the map in a second.

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Stein - whether she wants to or not -- will punt the ball over to Trump. This fantasy that she start at the top is wrong.

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I find your words equally disgusting.

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RemovedJul 23
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You want a warmonger, look to Bibi and Hamas.

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Tom, I've been told by descent people that my moral compass is in really good shape. I don't need that to say emphatically that Joe Biden has been one of our best Presidents. Ever. Your judgement of him based on his response to the middle east conflict is shortsighted and unconvincing. Your attacks on others here trying to have a discussion shows that perhaps you should examine your compass and try to raise yourself up. Also, please stop the name calling. Have a good day

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All that diatribe makes no sense at all.

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RemovedJul 24
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I'm not surprised you don't understand the cause and the urgency.

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Apparently the Trump campaign is in chaos because they couldn’t imagine a scenario where someone voluntarily gives up power for the good of the nation.

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We risk entering modern dark ages. Many of us could lose our civil rights. The right to vote. Some of us could face physical; harm. Millions of unregistered folk trend heavily Democratic. FT6 has a database containing 9 million unregistered likely Democrats in swing states. FT6 uses every outreach method there is: email, text, phone, geofencing, direct mail, targeted ads, social media storms, postcards, and live voter drives. Register Democrats -- save the world.



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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Daniel Solomon, that's it. That's the slogan. Register Democrats --- save the world.

Vote for Democrats ----- Save the world! I'd add.

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How about ? Vote For Democrats - Save Democracy - Save The World!

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Daniel Boone, excellent!

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I like it!

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RemovedJul 23·edited Jul 23
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Tom, some good points. So how are YOU going to solve it? All we hear from you is complaints and surely most are true but we never get your BETTER ideas on how you, we, can solve it! Maybe you should take a break from bashing your, our, country and head for Gaza to help in the relief effort there. I keep having the feeling you are more concerned about their country than ours. P.S. If you want to go after war criminals then why don't you spend some time chewing on Ex-President G. W. Bush, Cheney and their Mid-East war crimes?

Just saying... Cheers... GH

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I love it!

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Ugh! Dems are liars like repubs! Vote Green! Clean house. End genocide!

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Rebecca Doss, sure, a lot of politicians lie, but I'm not into bothsideisms. Republicans have many, many pathological liars, whenever they open their mouths. I can't think of any on the Dem side.

The threat of the loss of democracy in my country is more important to me than anything or anyone else. Voting for a third party in the U.S. is a vote of suicide for our democracy. ---- a win for the Republican dictatorship. It's plain to see.

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Excellent, Daniel! I used this resource and I appreciate you posting it so people know where to go to volunteer. Vote Blue, America!

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That might be good on a magnetic bumper sticker and possibly t shirts…

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Will look into FT6. I've been writing letters with Vote Forward for three campaigns now, and I would highly recommend them also.

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The risk is contrived drama about the future president. The risk was having Russia gate, documents, j6 hearings, hunters laptop, three bogus primaries blow up in the face of the unelected perma state. You have sucked, you do suck and there’s plenty of evidence that you are going to continue to suck. Be embarrassed and ashamed for reelecting a clown as president

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"Chuck" from Vladivostok.

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Chuck, I just upchucked!!

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"Chuck Campbell" wrote..."Be embarrassed and ashamed for reelecting a clown as president".

News flash!!! It is REPUBLICANS who are trying to RE-ELECT A CLOWN as president.


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And it’s the democrats that have managed to make him the favorite. You can’t assume any responsibility for the party’s failures? None?

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Hey Chuck, watch out for the BIG BLUE tsunami coming as I was in the UA campus and saw about 10 college students already wearing Harris 2024 shirts! Not a Don the Con shirt in site! The young voters are going to go 75-25 for Harris!!

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You should get one of those shirts. They are going to be collector’s items when the DNC swaps her for someone else. She won’t be on the ballot.

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Hi Chuck! How's the weather in Vladivostok? I take it you don't care too much for Democrats? That's okay. Have a great day!

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Chuck ...... with so much to be positive about you are still living under your rock. Can I convince you to become a citizen of the USSR?

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Bidens approval ratings were underwhelming for his entire presidency . Maybe you should move away.? Move to Israel where genocide is applauded. Or maybe Ukraine. Where people are being slaughtered in order to weaken Russia.

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Chuck, you are angry because the Ukrainians are fighting with resolve. Nobody is forcing them.

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Suck it chuck

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Anger clouds the mind. Putin should have never allowed the Bucha butchery.

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register anything and then vote democrat! (I'm Green)

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working voter registrations

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Little Mikey the MAGAt Speaker of the House is threatening to sue to have Biden be reinstated as our presidential nominee? They are all bat shit crazy! Kamala is Traitor/Rapist/Fraudster/Tax cheat/34X felon Don the Con worst nightmare! Go Kamala go!!!

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Mark, I am beginning to think the more nasty names and slurs that the republicans deliver, the more afraid they are! Kamala should wear them as a badge of honor! You got this, Kamala!! Vote Blue, America! Lotus for POTUS!!

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Really. And every insult will just drive up the female vote for Harris, the POC vote, the youth vote...and the vote of old white guys (like me), who are beyond repulsed by their misogyny and racism.

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I agree Peggy and she must not let these racist and anti-female attacks go unanswered! I for one believe it is way past time for a woman president after Trump (worst ever), Bush 2 (glad that Trump came along to take the heat off him), Nixon the first crook Republican president. There have been only three decent Republican presidents; Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln, and Eisenhower! That is it!!!

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I agree, Mark!

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Mark, did he happen to say who/how he was going to sue?

Bat shit crazy is right.

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No, Jan he did not!

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I didn't think so.

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It is also important to note that while campaigning, Vice-President Harris doesn't do any name calling. The republicans would use it against her. If she goes high when they go low, they don't have any ammunition! I know that sometimes Vice-President Harris gets a little touchy in her speeches, but I think it would be wise not to let her irritation show.

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Peggy, I think the name-calling that Trump goes in for is childish and insulting to the intelligence of ALL voters -- including Trump's btw -- and I would definitely hope Kamala steers clear of that nonsense.

But I think she should use Trump's status as a convicted felon in her speeches, and with a dose of humorous taunts, such as having to schedule his campaign rallies in between his court appearances. But even more than that, she should highlight his harmful policies as President, his preference for consorting with dictators and authoritarians (Kim & Putin) over maintaining good relations with America's traditional allies (Canada, EU, NATO countries).

And she should, imho, speak favorably of Joe Biden's record, promoting the image of a man who worked in the interest of the working men and women of this country, rather than working against them, as Trump would do. As one example, Trump would eliminate income taxes (saving millions for billionaires) in favor of huge tariffs on imports (costing many billions of dollars for many millions of average and low-income people, not to mention vastly increasing American indebtedness.

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She hit all these points in her speech in Wisconsin! She is going to add some fire to this election. No way would Trump stand on a stage and debate her.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you, R Hodsdon! What you have said is a common sense approach for Vice-President Harris should use when campaigning. I truly believe that she should talk about President Biden's record and how she will build on it, plus by really hitting hard on the elimination of income taxes for huge tariffs which will be a disaster for all of us except the richy rich! Great ideas, R Hodsdon! Vote blue America!

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Dude, she’s not Michelle Obama! Michelle would have had strong words against this genocide! She would never greet satanyahu and she’d demand a permanent ceasefire. Harris does not go high at all! She’s accepted thousands of dollars from AIPAC. You sir, are drinking the koi laid, this illusion of democracy.

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I think that winning the election with Kamala would go further in the direction you propose than pursuing the impossible dream of putting Michelle Obama in the White House.

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They simply cannot handle the honor and integrity President Biden has shown. Lord knows, they wouldn't have even considered doing what he did for the good of the country! President Biden loves this country and only wants what is best. I have cried a few tears but I do understand his decision. He always said he would only be a transitional president because he understood the dangers the orange stain represented. His legacy is golden! Thank you, President Biden, for your lifetime service to the country you love so much. Vote blue, America!

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I always love your commentary Peggy. Biden will be remembered in history in a way that is monumental in comparison to any other modern day Presidents. The republican's powerful "leaders" Mitch, Newt, Bush I and Bush II, the right's beloved Regan... did things - but none of them have done something of this magnitude towards a positive shift in the trajectory of the country in one fell swoop - in making a save Democracy decision right before our eyes. Did they slide under the radar of the opposition with an experienced well connected secret weapon with the chops and the talents as a nominee to upend their smuggery! They've always underestimated Biden - and now they have underestimated not only Kamala Harris, but millions of women, the growth of the democratic party, and the sea change of priorities and beliefs of our young people. They know a multicultural world, they know that climate change is changing everything... they seek ways to help each other. This energy is organically contagious and today's party is going to vote like the badass blue party we are baby! The right has proudly made their choice - We know the DON and JD TYPE. Good JOE BIDEN & COOL KAMALA HARRIS- ARE MY TYPE.

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Thank you, Magicgirl! You are so very right about President Biden. The republicans have not had a president worth remembering for a while now. We are a great party and we stand for Democracy. We will always fight authoritarianism, dictators, and tyranny from taking over our great country! Vote blue through and through, America! Lotus for POTUS!

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Imagine that. No they can't imagine anything of the sort. Sad and disgusting on their part!!

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Lisa ; they want to just gum up the works with legal shenanigans. When will Justice stop allowing frivolous lawsuits and mischief?

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Offhand, just an astounding mistake...but understandable once you consider their mental framework. If it's every man for himself, and power is an absolute value, who would ever give it up?

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It truly is telling that they can’t think outside of their self-imposed hero worship box.

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And in other news, an Associated Press/NORC poll says that 60% of Americans want Trump to drop out because they don't like anything about him. He won't, of course.

So all of a sudden this election is turning into a BLUE WAVE led by Kamala Harris which could roll down the ticket and wash out most Trump-loving Republicans running for office.

Joe Biden's selfless act has saved the nation.

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That's it - this should be in the law: no convicted felon is allowed to register (leaving alone running) for the candidacy of the President of the USA

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As more details emerge, much credit must be given to Speaker Emeritus, Nancy Pelosi. She saw the numbers and how even reliable Democratic states like Colorado and New Mexico were being put back in play towards Republicans.

A few weeks ago, she went to Biden and essentially told him: "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Biden, to HIS credit, saw the light.

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And to Biden's credit, he is the one who chose Kamala Harris.

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Douglas, I have goosebumps! This is so absolutely exciting!! The orange stain would no more think of dropping out than a donkey would decide to be a pig! President Biden is a selfless man. He devoted his entire adult life in service to the American people. He loves this country and would only want what is best. Thank you, President Biden! Vote blue, America!

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Selfless after a whole lot of pressure. We did this too. Let’s be honest.

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Wash em all down - clean their clocks - they deserve it. They are raving hypocrites setting in motion several decades to figure out how to win and stay in power when their policies resulted in less people choosing to be trumpublicans - so they had to gerrymander.. and lie, and gaslight, and count on the electoral college to stay in power. Use the state houses to play the long game. They are saboteurs. They stopped being anything resembling a political party within a democracy representing former republican priorities...They said fine kiss your A__, kiss your ring and love a false god.... someone you wouldn't let date your daughter, or walk you across the street, sell you a hotdog. They'll offer to inject disinfectant in your veins- telling you you'll be better off...

Well, not really - only better off dead. History as we know it just shifted - and due to how deep they let the rot and evil go - the dishonor of their choices will forever be their legacy.

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EXACTLY Douglas. I would say (ditto).... But really had to hold back because it reminded me of that ass Rush Limbaugh

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Sitting here in Australia, I'm thrilled by the last 24 hours or so. Great summing up, Robert. I yell from afar: 'Go Kamala!'

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I was also doing that from Perth…hopefully in unison with you!

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Me too, from Melbourne!

Canada, Australia, NZ, it seems a lot of overseas people are following this election closely with you on this site. Because, of course, what affects the US affects the rest of the world…

I just became a paid subscriber after following RobertReich for some months. What persuaded me to pay up was the quality of his posts and the unerring ethics.


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Amazing! Canning Vale.

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Wow, thanks, David! It is wonderful to know that people in other countries are rooting for Vice-President Harris! We are going to win this! Vote blue, America! Lotus for POTUS!

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I think many, many of us are very invested in the results. Trump is a disaster on so many levels that another 4 years of him (if it stopped there) would be disastrous for the world.

But we also see so many human rights under threat, that we can’t just sit back and say "only in America". This affects us all on a very human level…women's rights, LGBTAQ+ rights, anyone-who-isn’t-a-white-male rights. We are with you. We feel your pain. We see that the Republican Party has been taken over by the deepest threat to the shining light of democracy that the USA has been for years…and we are afraid. We are with you.

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WOW! Keep those good wishes coming, Robyn! We are in this to preserve our Democracy! We need all of the well wishes we can get! Every time I hear from someone overseas cheering us on, it increases my resolve and makes me work that much harder! Hopefully, the blue deluge will happen in November up and down the ballet! Vote Blue, America! Lotus for POTUS!

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Peggy, I would venture to suggest that most of the world is praying for a Democratic victory in November. We all see what a clapper and present danger Trump and the MAGAs present to the world, as well as the USA. I am so heartened by the events of the last few days…Mr Biden is a true patriot and a master chess player, and Kamala Harris is inspirational and we are cheering for her.

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Thank you, Robyn! Our president is a true patriot. His love for our country will never be questioned. He has always wanted the best for all of us and worked tirelessly to move our country forward. His decision to exit was a selfless move and we love and appreciate him even more for that. Vice-President Harris has a great record and has learned a lot from President Biden. She will continue his work and add to it. We are all behind her and will work as hard as we can to get her elected in November. Vote Blue, America! Lotus for POTUS!

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Fully agree with all you say.

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Couldn't agree more with all your sentiments. Well said.

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Clear and present danger…

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Drumpf made it all about himself, the GOP made it all about their king, so the first line of attack is clear. Now the dems must bring forward a broad, coherent, inspiring vision and organise a way towards it.

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She's a Prosecutor! All of the accumulated evidence is now campaign fodder. It doesn't get any better than that.

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Yes, TUMP did make all about himself, and posted a comment on his, ''Lie Anti-social'' 3rd rate social media site saying, ''Kamala Harris is, as he put it is, dumb as a rock.'' I have got news for the scumbag SOB, Donald TUMP is dumber than a rock. He is the lowest form of life on the planet. Even lower that the bubonic plague, or Ebola virus!

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John, Trump believes it is all about him. Imo he has nothing else.

His narcissistic grifting just ran smack into human decency. Sweet!

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Human decency incarcerated marijuana crimes and giggled about her own pot smoking. She also was campaigning hours after saying Joe was being unfairly attacked.

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Gee, I bet she knew about Biden’s plan ahead of time so she could come out the gate strong. Duh.

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Widdle Donnie, has got a scared little kid who never grew up inside. Always projecting his undealt with issues-projecting onto opponents. Instead of dealing with his own problems. That’s why so much of what he says and does makes no sense. He’s got the dough to get himself into therapy to get help for all those obvious issues, his cousin Mary a Professional, in the field he needs to seek help from, can help him find a good Therapist. He’d do the country and his family, and the world, a lot of good, if he’d get his ego out of the way, like his former rival Joe. Step aside, give himself what he really needs: time out to get help for himself. Put his money on his own genuine needs.

That’s what a Real Man would do. But that takes More Courage than most men ever have. And he’s the Biggest coward of all.

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Bubonic plague and Ebola make him look semi comatose.

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I think it may turn out to be a good thing that we’re so close to the DNC convention and the election. That puts pressure on us to get things done NOW, rather than dawdling. Yesterday’s successes ($$ raised; endorsements and commitment of delegates; 40,000 Black women on zoom) show that we are all with Kamala Harris. Now, we need to keep the momentum going. Vote Blue, for every position on our ballots. Unlike DJT, we need YOU, not just your vote.

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Timing is unexpectedly perfect! A lot of work required to undo and redo all the material.

Sure is a wonderful time! Kamala is Woman of the Year-and it is only July!

WE the People wanted a change, and here it is! VOTE Blue! Get busy and push this thru!

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I love the way Biden waited until right after the Rs spent so much time slamming him and then left them hanging. In my mind their mouths are still hanging open.

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Only comment Robert, is that you left out Trump’s character as a serial grifter, foiling any deal where he can’t rake off his personal cut. From perspective of US allies, an early commitment by Harris to live up to US ratified-treaty commitments, & to rebuild a stronger, fair international trade order with strong disputes settlement system & equitable payments regime, will go a long way to alleviating concerns about US reliability as international partner in 21st century…

Ottawa, Canada.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

“Batman versus Superman”?

“Alien versus Predator”?

“Kramer versus Kramer”?


Prosecutor versus Convicted Felon!

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“Vote for the Prosecutor, not the Perpetrator.”

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Agree 100% !!!

My hope is she keeps making "the right calls" and builds more and more momentum. How wonderful it will be to have news turn to the issues.


Saw Bernie Sanders last night on CBS streaming news; he was on the attack about the need to look at the issues you talk about: huge CEO pay; corporate tax breaks; the loss of the middle class; stagnant minimum wage; etc. etcv. etc. The need for VP Harris (and all democrats) to focus on these and other inequalities in the campaign.

Excellent; refreshing!

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Let us hope and pray she brings Trump down!

He couldn’t cope with it, (his ego couldn’t cope with being beaten by a woman and worse still a coloured woman)and just maybe disappear from sight but he has such a THICK SKIN & Is so THICK he may try to portray another STEAL!


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Please, NOT "coloured woman." That is a racist term. Harris is a woman of color, if it must be noted, and of course it will be. She will be facing infuriating, mind numbing, racist and misogynistic attacks from trump and his fascist goons. However, it will backfire because they always go too far.

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SophieM ; "Woman of color" ; "coloured woman" ; They reflect different cultures and language, but mean the same thing. there is no insult, or misinformation intended here. In a different culture it is not necessarily racist intent. tolerance is good.

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Whatever is "intended" is not the issue. Using the terms "colored woman, or colored people," is considered racist in modern culture, and no, tolerating such language is most definitely not good. Please, by all means, if you ever actually speak to a brown or black person try saying that term to their face.

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I never use that term when addressing a person of color. I'm pointing out that in other cultures it may not be considered insulting.

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Give it a rest. It's insulting. Period.

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To SophieM

Sorry didn’t mean to be racist,I am Indian,to my way of thinking expression coloured woman or a woman of colour is the same. It is pure semantics and PC correctness gone mad!

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Of course Trump will say steal. He’ll probably start soon. “If I lose, it will be because the election was rigged, blah, blah.”

Dem strategists need to remember the importance of honest elections.

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For a couple of weeks, I’ve been posting on Daily Kos the Democrats should flip the ticket and put Harris on top with Biden as VP. Boy did I get a lot of flack for that. But where we are now, that could be a very entertaining ticket, don’t you think?

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Entertaining, yes, but Mark Kelly would be an even stronger choice imo.

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He sounds like a fabulous candidate (I live in Australia so am only just getting to know some of the people mentioned as possible VPs), but I am hearing concerns about the Dems possibly losing his senate seat when it goes to a special election in 2026. Admittedly it might be worth the gamble to get him on the presidential ticket, and hope for an increased majority in the senate from November. Do you have any thoughts about that?

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The (Dem) governor of Arizona is obliged to appoint a Senator of the same party as the outgoing Senator, so Dems would keep that seat.

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At least until 2026, when the special election would be held, as I understand it. And hopefully there will be a Democratic administration with a big majority in both Senate and House who will have implemented so many good policies that the Dems will retain the AZ seat.

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Too many moving parts.

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One thought. It is necessary to balance the possibility of losing a Senate seat against the possibility of picking up Arizona's electoral votes. That's a very tricky math problem. Thanks for your interest.

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I am cheering very, VERY loudly for the Democratic ticket! The possibility of another Trump presidency is shattering for the whole world!

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Amen, Robyn.

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An AZ democrat and Mark Kelly would be a great VP. We now have a Democrat governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General. Mark’s term does not end until 2028 and the Governor under law must pick a Democrat to replace him if he becomes VP!

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Because his term ends in 2028, an appointment would serve only until a special election, most likely in 2026 (but possibly 2025).

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That’s a valid point, and a legitimate concern. But since Trump would almost certainly use the recent and absolutely horrible Supreme Court decision (on July 1) to end the Republic as we know it, sacrificing the Democratic majority in the Senate is likely worth it to save our democracy as a whole.

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Yes, I can see that the immediate priority is to stop the Melon Felon. Worth the gamble, I suspect.

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🤣🤣🤣 at the Melon Felon. That's a new one for me!!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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I wish I could claim it as mine! I can't remember where I first read it…maybe Jeff Tiedrich?

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Kelly is a very fine man. But we need to protect what is likely to be a razor thin Dem majority in the Senate. Remember that all the toss up elections in the Senate this year are for Democratic seats. Arizona is not blue yet and mid term elections are historically difficult for the incumbent party. I recommend a swing/purple state governor. Keep the focus on the Electoral College, not on candidate biographies.

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I agree Gary. Mark would be a fine candidate but a Swing state/rustbelt Governor would be best. I'm loving Josh Shapiro.

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I love Mayor Pete, but he is young and has time. Maybe Pete as Secretary of State?

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Me too- HARRIS-SHAPIRO- in 8 years he will still be young enough to run with the baton from the lotus 🪷💙🇺🇸💙🪷

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This is a major concern for me. I keep hearing that AZ has a Democratic governor, but the governor's party is moot because the governor must appoint someone from the same party as the person vacating the seat. But I don't know whether a Democrat could KEEP the seat in a special election, which would happen during Harris' first term.

As important as it is to keep Trump out of the White House, people don't seem to understand just how crucial it is to keep the Senate and flip the House. Without Democratic majorities in both, Harris' agenda will be stymied from the get-go. And failures will be blamed on her gender.

For me, Cooper seems a better choice. He's not running for re-election and his term ends December 31 this year.

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I get that. Would Pete Buttigieg be electable as VP? That wouldn’t risk a senate seat, he is amazing, it wouldn’t have the potential issues that Mr Shapiro might have with the younger generation about him being Jewish and assumptions about his view on Gaza…I don't know. Thoughts?

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I like Pete. He's a great communicator! My first choice in 2020 was Elizabeth Warren, but he was second. I think he would do well to stay in the cabinet, where he is. (I'm not sure, but I think unless Harris were to specifically ask for resignations, cabinet secretaries would remain in place; they have already been confirmed. And I think that kind of stability is another selling point.)

I could see Pete running for president in 2032 (after Harris' second term). :-)

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Mark would be a good VP I think. See how well he has stepped up to be a Senator. BUT, 2 things: if age is going to be an issue, Mark is heading more toward retirement than the White house, (I personally don't agree with the age thing), AND 2 candidates from the west. A friend suggested Jon Tester, a liberal Dem who won in a solid red state.

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Todd Telford: God, no, that was yesterday . . . Come out of the dark ages, would you? You have become redundant and beyond boring! Come into the light of day! Biden was in office for over 50 years . . . it's someone else's turn now . . . All these oldsters! Mitch McConnell half dead before he's finally giving it up! Dianne Feinstein . . . practically a corpse in her seat in the Senate! Such disgraceful selfishness! Chuck Grassley-- 95! Ruth Bader Ginsberg refusing to step down from the SC brought us the godawful conservative mess we've got now! I think you have to be joking to think Biden should be Harris's VP! I was done with Biden when Putin attacked Ukraine because he SO-O-O-O slow-walked the planes and artillery Ukraine REALLY needed! JUST NOW GETTING THE F-16s to them!!! And his "pleas" to Netanyahu to bring a cease-fire in Gaza INSTEAD OF TELLING HIM TO DO IT OR NO MORE GUNS, NO MORE MONEY! Biden is a woose and I will be glad to see him go. And don't forget --- he made it possible for Clarence Thomas to get on the SC! GAG ME!

Get it? Wake up! It's a fresh new day!

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Disagree, Todd. Biden bows out on top in a wave of affection and support. He shouldn’t creep back in as #2.

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I was saying the exact same thing. I don't think there are any term limits for the VP, so it's doable. But hey, I was also playing Fantasy Politics. I also posted how I wanted Kamala to talk Obama into being her VP pick.

Man, that would absolutely FRY the Orange man.

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But surely one of the roles of a VP is to step up to President if needed? Wouldn’t Mr Obama be disqualified from being a VP because he is term limited to be POTUS?

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I thought about that and it seems like he would be disqualified, But I am by no means an expert here. I don't think that the Constitution spells out much about the VP. And the term limits of President comes from an amendment which passed after FDR. I doubt they went into much detail since the amendment limits terms but doesn't talk about age. He served 3 terms and was in pretty poor shape for his third term.

Bottom line....We need a scholar to answer this question. But like I said, my comment was really Fantasy Politics. It would fry the Orange man to lose to Obama.

Anyway, I found this.

Can an ex-president be a Vice President?

In fact, the relevant constitutional provisions, their histories, and their purposes all point to the same conclusion: A twice-before-elected President may become Vice-President either through appointment or through election and — like any other Vice-President — may thereafter succeed from that office to the Presidency


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I think Mark Kelly is a good fit. It’s going to be interesting for sure. It is too bad the public is not ready for Mayor Pete I think they would be remarkable but the combination of them would rock the Nation. She is wonderful and deserves a great partner. Thank you for the enthusiastic article. We all needed that.

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It hasn’t even been 48 hours since Joe Biden stepped down and Trump is already getting his head handed to him on a platter. I’ll bet he’s terrified.

I hope she doesn’t pick Mark Kelly. He would be the best candidate but he is so desperately needed here in Arizona!

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You will get another Dem senator.

The governor is obliged to pick another Dem (same party as the leaving senator)

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I agree with you, Janice, that we need him here in AZ against so many magas, but wouldn’t he make a great VP?!

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Yes, of all the potential candidates, he would be the perfect choice. It would be a tremendous loss to Arizona where the likes of Kari Lake are actually given credence.

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Trump is probably thinking of his nice money river drying up. He’s just a grifter, and mega donors won’t throw money away. There may also be foreign loans in the mix.

I wonder what Putin is thinking now…

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Putin, “Trump? Never met the man.”

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If he’s that lucky,Janice. Putin seems to have a nasty way of dealing with people who “disappoint” him.

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Hear, hear... a sigh of relieve. Now the race can be about "common sense" in the American electorate. I think that is necessary. Content and arguments and facts, not sweeping statements and bribes of big money. I would be happy for the U.S.

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STOP the pathologically-descended "AmericoHitler(ian)" -- Donald Trump....

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