I can see your point about being desperate. In this country, we move back and forth between ideologies, and we are out at the FAR FAR right... in fact, in my opinion, we've moved into insanity, but that also is the hallmark of times like this. I do not agree with every democratic position, but blue politicians can be encouraged to move l…
I can see your point about being desperate. In this country, we move back and forth between ideologies, and we are out at the FAR FAR right... in fact, in my opinion, we've moved into insanity, but that also is the hallmark of times like this. I do not agree with every democratic position, but blue politicians can be encouraged to move left and to better positions. At this point, Republicans will only move further to the right, and god knows... we're WAY too far right as it is... So, "vote blue" it is I think...
I can see your point about being desperate. In this country, we move back and forth between ideologies, and we are out at the FAR FAR right... in fact, in my opinion, we've moved into insanity, but that also is the hallmark of times like this. I do not agree with every democratic position, but blue politicians can be encouraged to move left and to better positions. At this point, Republicans will only move further to the right, and god knows... we're WAY too far right as it is... So, "vote blue" it is I think...