Oh, Daniel, this reminds me... Have you heard about one of the people Trump is considering choosing as his running mate, Kristi Noem, admitting shooting a puppy (along with a goat)? You have said we should spread it around that "Trump hates dogs". If he chooses Noem, we can also add that his VP shoots puppies! Really pathetic, that pair!
Trump said that having pets is “low class.” At one point he expressed disappointment that Pence had pets. 2/3rds of American households have pets (or vice versa).
Elon is a white supremacists and emotionally a child. He forced a takeover of twitter because it supported views contrary to his own, then proclaimed himself a free speech absolutist and shut down Twitter sites that disagreed with or criticized him. He is a social cancer who needs to realize his business' are regulated by a government in service of the people.
Elon Musk would benefit from psychological counseling. His own ego is endangering him. He is at risk of becoming a Caligula, and that endangers us all.
Victor ; I hope you are correct. It looks like the supreme Court is on his side at this point! Unless there is some kind of miracle, the Court is very partisan at this point, alarmingly.
Laurie, I feel somewhat encouraged that ACB seems to oppose immunity for Trump by her line of questioning yesterday. If so, I think it's unanimous among the 4 women on the Court. Now it depends on Roberts. In any case, I am concerned about the delay.
Jaime: The best case scenario is what you describe, and Lawrence Tribe suggested that things could go much faster. There were very speedy actions to help get Republican's cases solved. They could do it!
Says a guy who supports someone who stole from kids with cancer.
Oh, Daniel, this reminds me... Have you heard about one of the people Trump is considering choosing as his running mate, Kristi Noem, admitting shooting a puppy (along with a goat)? You have said we should spread it around that "Trump hates dogs". If he chooses Noem, we can also add that his VP shoots puppies! Really pathetic, that pair!
I''ve been commenting about her on Heather's Substack.
Trump said that having pets is “low class.” At one point he expressed disappointment that Pence had pets. 2/3rds of American households have pets (or vice versa).
Good for you!
Maybe something about being born with obscene wealth. Yeah, that's a toughie.
Elon is a white supremacists and emotionally a child. He forced a takeover of twitter because it supported views contrary to his own, then proclaimed himself a free speech absolutist and shut down Twitter sites that disagreed with or criticized him. He is a social cancer who needs to realize his business' are regulated by a government in service of the people.
You would know too if you didn't insist on only watching news to the right of fox.
Elon Musk would benefit from psychological counseling. His own ego is endangering him. He is at risk of becoming a Caligula, and that endangers us all.
Paul, the genius you admire is no more.
Please list his accomplishments during the past three years.
Yes, there's plenty to criticize about all the men you mentioned as well as practically every billionaire I can think of.
Poor baby growing up with a family who owned emerald mines.
The higher you climb, the harder your fall, is a saying Musk ought to keep in mind (it's too late for Trump).
Victor ; I hope you are correct. It looks like the supreme Court is on his side at this point! Unless there is some kind of miracle, the Court is very partisan at this point, alarmingly.
Laurie, I feel somewhat encouraged that ACB seems to oppose immunity for Trump by her line of questioning yesterday. If so, I think it's unanimous among the 4 women on the Court. Now it depends on Roberts. In any case, I am concerned about the delay.
Jaime: The best case scenario is what you describe, and Lawrence Tribe suggested that things could go much faster. There were very speedy actions to help get Republican's cases solved. They could do it!
Unfortunately, the 4 fascists on the court are working for Trump & Putin, so there's no margin for error.
I'm not here to entertain small minds like yours.