Too early to predict. The best thing for all of us is that he retires into oblivion; he is a sleazeball.

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I just feel bad for the prison guards if any happen to be women with blonde hair! His teeny, tiny hands will have to be chained.

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You left us with a enticing tidbit, ”Is capitalism good for the Common Good?” My answer which I acknowledge may not be so popular is “Absolutely Not!!” It is capitalism, greed without boundaries, that is happy to have our democracy devolve into a “demonocracy.”

Corporate capitalism thrives under authoritarianism partially because the authoritarian government gets elected and stays elected with the financial support of the capitalists. They are not only the beneficiaries of false populism, with their control of the media they stoke it and the lies behind it at every turn.

Capitalism benefits those with unlimited capital. How wealthy does Elon Musk need to be to feel satisfied? His hunger for wealth is insatiable. The same is true for Harlan Crow and the Koch Klatch. Capitalism has become greed unbounded and it is not possible to put it back into a cage where it will do no harm. Capitalism and the wealth inequality it breeds is a cancer on the society.

Capitalism through Walmart and Amazon has put the small main street entrepreneurs out of business. Many small town business districts have more vacant stores than occupied so the smaller businesses that the growth of the middle class depended on, are gone.

Capitalism will fall because it is eating away at its own base, the consumers. They can only suck so much money out of circulation until we, the consumers capitalism depends on, lose our purchasing power that they depend upon.

In short, capitalism is anathema to the Common Good. We must come up with a better solution for out economic vibrancy and put purchasing power back into the hands of the middle and lower class.

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BTW Heather and Robert, your video presentation on “Coffee Klatch” is getting stronger and stronger. The wonderful relationship between the two of you and mutual respect is more than evident. Robert, I think it is time you reconsider the A-minus you gave Heather and upgrade it to an “A,” if not an A+.

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

8:36 AM (2 hours ago)

This negative movement is fostered by the minds of weak thinking individuals who, for some unknown reason, find disfavor with the hand that life has dealt them. In an effort to find justification for their situation this group has turned to the roots of a biblical struggle in order to find a suitable scapegoat. Bullies tend to pick on the weakest member of a group in an effort to find a suitable reason for their own negative realities. Throughout history the Jewish religion has been the target of various entities whose sole purpose was to eliminate this group from its own existence. Yes, this is one example where the term "Genocide" actually fits. The Jews, over time, have been exploited, attacked, and belittled in their effort to find a niche where they could find peace and a place to call home. The real problem occurred when the Jews tried to move into a neighborhood where all the lots had already been sold, in essence the wandering hoard attempted to establish a squatter's country. To expect all the existing adjoining countries to accept their presents became a bridge too far. Within the Islamic faith there exists an unforgiving body of religious zealots who views dissension in belief as a death sentence. In 79 AD, there was a mountain in Italy that could no longer control its anger, what is happening in the Middle East reflects the same abnormal amount of geophysical pressure. One force was exerted against the core of a mountain, the other against the souls of a people. The fallout from the event will redraw the lines depicting where the people of the area will be allowed to live. As long as there are people who can't find it within themselves to accept the Jewish religion, we as a people will struggle to "Give Peace a Chance." It's a shame only a music group from the 60s had the vision to see the truth.

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The videos NEVER load for me!

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Bernie's term, Democratic Socialism, is closer to what we had post WW2 through the 60s, wanining in the 70s and abandoned in the 80s and beyond. Higher tax rates with higher income, not encouraging unchecked amassing of wealth, which removes it from circulation. Much stronger checks against corporate misbehavior, through regulation and governmental oversight.

We allowed it to get away from us. It CAN be fixed if fixers themselves can see the vision. Mr. Whitehouse's expose on The Scheme lays forth a huge part of the fix. Extremely hard, but we have oozing fascism or a return to democracy as choices.

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In France we call it Liberal Socialism and it works.

People in the US have always learned the 'propaganda' Socialism/Communism is bad.

Bernie could have made it but for the DNC and Liberal Elites.

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The DNC is heavily influenced by the wealthy capitalists who expect a return on their dollar for their contributions. Bernie was not in their best interests. He likely would have won the election though. The “Liberal Elites” tend not to be the working class, but the wealthy.

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Mark Nevas : The mistake Hillary made was to have campaign functions in wealthy areas and ignore poorer inner city and rural places. The media was an enemy of Bernie, too. Owned by billionaires with their greedy worldview.

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Bill Clinton began the pull of Dems away from the original working class base. He wanted to connect with the socially liberal middle class. To do so he helped pit the upwardly mobile against the stagnant lower classes. He fought for deregulation & NAFTA. The Repub elite hated him for “stealing” part of their constituency. Workers had many reasons to not vote for Hillary.

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HENCE why THE happiest, most satisfied nations on Earth are SOCIALIST! (I'm talking Norway, Sweden and Denmark.)

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That is changing in Norway and Sweden.

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As part of “the return to democracy,” we must insure that everyone has the opportunity to earn sufficient purchasing power to support themselves in a 40 hour a week job. We cannot tolerate service industry workers earning at or below the poverty line in the United States at an average income of $30,000 per year so as to enrich their corporate employers.

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And if there are enough fixers left. Biden doing the right things mostly but you can’t turn things around in four years especially with the opposition that exists.

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My problem w/ that term'Democratic Socialism' is that many,many Latin people confuse it with the rotten govts. they fled from and some of them are so hard headed,they don't believe it if you explain it.We can't afford to lose votes because of this.

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The corporate media is complicit in stoking this and similar misconceptions. (Defund the police was also used to pretend that Dems didn’t want “law & order” but instead some money should instead go to increased aid to mental health organizations. Police were too often responding to what should have been better handled by social services.”

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Absolutely correct! Bernie tells us the truth about Capitalism in his new book.

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And the capitalist media and lobbyists did to Bernie what they will do to anyone that opposes them or dares to “tell the truth about Capitalism."

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Yes, they rule the country apparently. Maybe someday people will wake up to the damage they are doing to the government and, consequently, to the working classes while they continue to amass fortunes.

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I’m not sure they will ever do that, but if they were to develop some inner resources they might actually direct their efforts into something worthwhile. IMO they are superficial people with no inner life.

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I am looking forward to the new series on the common good and capitalism!

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Mmm, it doesn’t have to be a cancer on society. It can be controlled by having a wealth tax and by

maintaining strict regulations on all industries,

including banking.

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Despite losing a Senate seat, the Democrats at least will not have to deal with one Senator (another assuming Gallegos wins) holding the party hostage. Forget Manchin and focus on winning elsewhere!

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Manchin knows he was not reelectable. He loves money - his yacht on the Potomac is just the tip of a tidy little fortune. His daughter is the CEO of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in America and it is - just by pure coincidence of course - in West Virginia. His wife rolls lots of money on Wall Street. He owns many homes and other properties in the State, etc. He has money and property fantastically beyond anything a former Governor and US Senator possibly could have ‘earned’. Nothing like getting a national campaign fortune put together - in case he just happens to possibly, maybe turn his multi state tourism in to a run for the White House. All of this will bring out his alleged status as a devout Samaritan... Spare me. This guy is a thug - a crook. And any suggestion that he’s a centrist is sickening. He epitomizes all that is Good ol’ Boy southern politics. If the money was good enough he’d be Trump’s Vice President for god sake.

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He’s also only a year younger than Trump. Not exactly the younger leader so many people seem to want. I can’t imagine why anyone would vote for him.

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They won't !!!

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“Centrists” seem to think they are more numerous than liberal Dems in blue states AND more numerous than the far right Repubs in the red states. The media tries to convince us that hard left socialists have taken over the Democratic Party.

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Agreed and we’ll said Dr. A.

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He also owns a coal company, one thst deals in the highest polluting type of coal.

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A loss if a senate seat but hopefully another will fall the democrats way. The bigger problem now is Johnson. Default. Ukraine. They are immediately in need of solving.

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I think he’s toast, but not soon enough.

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Joe Minchin is lazy and will not do anything except make more money on the speakers circuit. Oh he will thump his chest, spew lies about Biden, but in the end he is nothing more than a troll trying to be relevant

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I will take that coal, I am a hobby blacksmith. 🙂🙂 I use both propane and coal. With coal I can get a high temperature in my steel but for most things I use propane. Good blacksmithing coal is expensive $ 850 per ton, but that is in 50 pound bags. I just purchased a ton, will last me the rest of my life. I am 78.

As to carbon foot print we are way ahead with 40 acres of mixed hardwood forest which I intend to leave undeveloped. Nor will I sell any carbon credits, need to make up for 25 years of international air travel before retirement. Life is a balance.

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Good blacksmithing coal. Most coal today is $125 per ton. Just a couple of years ago it was a third of that.


Big difference between anthracite and bituminous coal. Also metallurgical coal. Most of the companies I dealt with have gone bellyup and were purchased by the Chinese. Underground mining has a bleak future.

I was the judge in the DOL/OSHA silicosis hearings in 2014. Hope you use a helmet.

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Daniel, page down to see my reply. Some how it didn't get attached here. As to our health risks our biggest one is not coal but welding fumes.

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Totally off topic but . . . my grandfather was an engineer on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Those locomotives burned coal, and I have always loved that smell. Diesel exhaust just plain stinks. :D

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Thank you Bob and Heather, for another fact filled coffee klatch, thank you also for not mentioning the expectedly, dreary results from Mississippi. I do have a question on the probable Christmas season partial shutdown of the Federal Government (which I think is going to anger more of us than the magats think) Which Federal Agencies are likely to be shut down. And, second, when the last "Christmas Season" shut down occurred (under Trump) 12-22-2018 to 01-25-2019 arrangements were made for Federal employees to get limited funding through a few banks; will this be arranged again?

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Perhaps the folks of WVa will finally get a representative that cares about them rather than enriching himself 😔

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Not going to happen! I spent a lot of time in WV. Governor Jim Justice (former Democrat) will most likely win, and will be no better (probably even worse) than Manchin.

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Then I really feel for them...they deserve better.

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I feel sorry for them too, but isn't this a case of "you get what you deserve"? They keep voting for the wrong people who shaft them!.

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Tim Baldwin : sometimes the choice is the 'least worst'. Because there are no truly good ones.

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Yes, that is true, but some folks just seem to keep selecting the "most worst" choice for whatever reason.

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Tim ; Education is important. Maybe some of the youth ,

(or grown ups), will see a video made by Inequality Media and learn some basic facts about how our economy works.( or doesn't).

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Talk about Trump country that’s West Virginia in spades

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Unfortunately you’ve got that right. Of all the states that need some Democratic solutions, WV could easily be #1.

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Insightful and thought-provoking as usual, and I can't wait to see the common good and capitalism series. However, the phrase "gay lifestyle" always sets my teeth on edge. It is not my lifestyle, it is my life and my identity.

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Great show.

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The most backward state in the union represented by a carbon centrict millionaire. What could go wrong. A true life hunger games.

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Joe Manchin is barely known outside of W. Virginia. His family has run the state for years. The name is known by W. Virginians only and people who follow politics. That is a small percentage of the public. Again the news outlets blow this out of proportions for bait click. They didn't spend this much ink over the retirement of Ken Buck. How it would upset the balance in 2024 election. 5 Republicans have announced they are not running in 2023. Mitt Romney announcement of retirement did not predict a loss of the senate to Dem's why would this one seat mean a loss to Dem's? The media really needs to stop being so over dramatic.

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Good riddance! Joe Manchin was useless as a Democrat! He blocked everything he could, it seemed. We have too many 'enemies within' in this country! A mere placeholder not! He was against the Common Good! He hurt US!

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Good riddance and as we speak the Senate question is being worked on!

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Mitt Romney is a Republican who will be replaced by another Republican. Manchin is a Democrat who will be replaced by a Republican. Repubs only need a net of two seats, or the Presidency plus one seat, to gain control of the Senate. This is why Manchin's leaving is a big deal.

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And clearly show how Scump is dangerous for our nation,the environment and the folks!

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Truscha Q. : The media know how many resent/hate Traitor and DINO, Joe Manchin. Click bait is click bait. They thrive on hate! $$$$$$$$

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I am never going to stop calling them out, never.

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Truscha : The truth hurts sometimes, but it will set US free!

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All of the above

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Trump will lose again in 2024!

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Good blacksmithing coal is bituminous with good coking properties and low clinker. 5 years ago we could get it for $ 550 a ton. My price was delivered so that a big cost too. That price is in 50 pound bags that adds a lot of cost. Many of the mines with this grade of coal have closed and its use for blacksmithing will come to an end. We have propane and now are seeing induction which works fine except the equipment is expensive. (Industrial use of induction heating for aluminum extrusion is now the industry standard. )

I also know a few local blacksmiths who use charcoal that they make themselves from hardwood scraps. Charcoal was used for centuries and is a very clean fuel. It was used until the late 1700's for iron making and the south used charcoal through the civil war for iron production near Birmingham.

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Just last night I watched a BBC video about The Worst Jobs in Medieval England Challenge with Tony Robinson trying each of the worst jobs, and saw how charcoal is made. I had no idea. I also have no idea why partially burned wood is better than just plain old wood.

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The reason for this is the charcoal like coke is mostly pure carbon. Old records confuse many because charcoal was just called "coal" while what we call coal was called mineral coal.

At Tannehill just south of Birmingham were 3 iron making blast furances during the Civil War manned by 600 slaves. Most were used to make charcoal.

It is now a state park and worth a visit. One of these furances was refired in 1976 as part of the Centennial.

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Bituminous mines in Alabama. I assume DOL still has a lot of black lung hearings in Birmingham, Florence.

We had "beehive" coke ovens. Bituminous coal, Middle Kittanning range.

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Thanks for the clarification, Dave.

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