President Biden delivered a line that will live in infamy. I may not have it perfect but he said something to the effect that you can’t love the USA only when you win!

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Mar 9Liked by Robert Reich

President Biden was poised, affable and convincing. He acted and sounded like a President. I think he won over many voters, who were unsure about him. Bravo!

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Mar 9Liked by Robert Reich

Great is not enough of a superlative to describe that speech.

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Mar 9Liked by Robert Reich

I really enjoyed your coffee klatch today!! Your review of President Biden's State of the Union was spot on!! President Biden showed everyone he is at the top of his game. He was cogent with the points he was making, quick with the to and fro of the hecklers, knowledgeable about what is going on abroad and here at home, able to build on his past accomplishments to show everyone what he plans to do his next term and spot on when pointing out his "predecessor" and the republican party have done nothing to help the American people. He made the case for the choice we all have this November. A Democracy that works hard for all of the people or a dictatorship where we have no rights and only a few have any freedom. As for trump's bond and facing another trial, I sincerely hope he has to keep paying until he has no money left. I also hope musk keeps giving him money to help him out until he has no money left either!!! These people need to absolutely walk a mile in the shoes of the hard-working middle class, the poor, or the homeless. If they had to live like us, they might learn a thing or two. Unlike the grinch, I doubt very seriously any of them would grow a heart!!! Thanks for the conversation this morning, Ms. Lofthouse and Professor Reich. I enjoyed it!

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by Robert Reich

I answered no. 4 "Other" (currently 5 % of the answers) rather than no. 3 Great, because one word"Great" seems insufficient. Biden's speech was "Great and Classy".

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Mar 9Liked by Robert Reich

Enjoyed Joe Biden’s kick ass attacks on the Orange 🍊 Jesus. Everything you s a could ask for

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I think President Biden was great in the state of the union address, and of course that Neanderthal hag, Maggot Traitor Goon was doing what she does best, heckle and disrupt while the President was speaking. She is a disrespectful, rude, hateful, and ignorant low-life that should have been removed from the building and escorted off to a jail cell for her despicable behavior. I am almost ashamed to admit i live in Georgia because of that female baboon. She is just as bad as DJT is, or possibly worse.

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The reason we know Biden did an amazing job is watching “right-wing” media go into crisis mode, unable to attack Biden on any merit, and just throwing everything at the wall, hoping some of it will stick.

I like the pugilistic Biden, instead of the invisible Biden. He needs to keep using the bully pulpit and strike hard and often. Presidents aren’t just the Commander-in-Chief, they are the Cheerleader-in-Chief as well…:)

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The Republican side of the chamber reminded me of baseball games during the pandemic, when we had those cardboard cutouts filling the empty stadium seats.

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Field Team 6 is holding its second annual Register Democrats Summit on Thursday, March 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific. The summit will focus on registering Democrats across the country and will bring together the best and brightest minds, from elected officials to tech leaders to grassroots organizers and so much more.

The day-long summit will include dozens of terrific speakers. Speakers include Robert Hubbell, Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Jessica Craven, Simon Rosenberg, Amanda Litman (Run for Something), Leigh McGowan (Politics Girl), Paula Poundstone (Comedian) and many more


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The old coach in me says early spurts in a game or race like President Biden got in his SOTU message don’t mean much. There is such a long ways to yet get to the end or cross the finish line. It’s exciting to have that feel good spurt near the beginning, but it can also lead to deadly complacency. There’s so much at stake for America & for our grandchildren in this race, so keeping the pedal to the metal for ALL of us is essential.

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I was very pleased to see that Joe Biden used the SOTU to fire a massive, effective opening round in what actually may become a very stimulating presidential campaign. I saw some strong up-ticks in polls mentioned in real media (not faux news). I have a warning also for those who automatically assume that Dump's criminal prosecutions will harm him with the Simple People (Proverbs 1). Just think that Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, his racist manifesto, in prison! Manipulated by the Weimar bankers, industrialists, and militarists, Hitler became a martyr. I hope Dump doesn't become a martyr for corrupt causes & nonsense (like ethnic pederasts orbiting the earth in alien spaceships, molesting the children of yadda yadda...)...total nonsense, but the Simple People will swallow any koolaid when delivered with the right tone of anger and hate. We progressives, and Joe Biden, must continue to argue from positions of truth and reason. The Simple People can't be persuaded with facts and logic, but then they historically don't vote (unless led to the polls by fake evangelists flying $60 million jets etc). We have to keep our conversation going and work on the voting middle (40-60%) to raise the progressive vote above 50% at least. At the moment, Dump has been hosting Putin ally Victor Orban, dictator of Hungary (in fact if not in title) at Mar-a-Lago. One commentator calls them "Putin's Poodles." Orban has already all but destroyed Hungary's fragile new post-Soviet democracy. Let's not let USA be next. Donald Dump must go!

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Biden's humorous allusion to his age reminded me of Ronald Reagan's joke. He said (WTTE) "I remember the words of Thomas Jefferson. He said, 'Ron...'"

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It was a real barn burner which as the Dutch folktale has it, was to burn down the barn to get rid of rats.

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He was vital, strong, enjoyed the sparing and said all issues clearly. Great! His speech yesterday in Pa. was great, too. The emperor wears no clothes - meaning Trump. Now everyone has to vote. You can't love America only when you win was just one of many great things Biden said.

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The Republicans were a pathetic bunch during the SOTU. It reminded me of a Cheech and Chong skit from years ago. I changed the names to hi light the behavior.

Trump and Mike Johnson are walking on a footpath through the woods to get to the next hole on a golf course.

Trump: “Mike”

Mike Johnson: “sir?”

Trump looking down: What’s that?

Mike: Don’t know sir

Trump: pick up

Mike: huh

Trump: pick up

Trump: what’s it feel like?

Mike: feels like dog chit

Trump: smell

Mike: huh?

Trump: SMELL

Mike: sniffs and gags

Trump: smell like dog chit?

Mike: yes it smells like dog chit

Trump: taste

Mike: HUH?

Trump: TASTE

Mike: nibbles and gags!

Trump: taste like dog chit

Mike: yes it tastes like dog chit

Trump: good thing we don’t step in

Mike: yeah, good thing

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