President Biden delivered a line that will live in infamy. I may not have it perfect but he said something to the effect that you can’t love the USA only when you win!

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Not sure what this means- I don't remember those exact words and I don't think anything Biden said then or before will live in infamy. Am I correct that you intended to say something positive about Biden but it came out wrong?

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Oops, you are right. I meant it as a compliment. Thank you Richard. I didn’t know the definition of infamy!

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The only time I have heard the word infamy used was in FDR's quote about the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. I agree with you that it was a great State of the Union, and it will be remembered.

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Gloria Maloney : Liz Cheney said the attack on the Capitol by the MAGAs will live in infamy, as well.

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I know everyone loves Liz Cheney now but it's hard to forget that her father did more harm to this country than anyone I can think of..

Patriot Act coming to mind immediately but much more. I would trust her intentions more if she was honest about that.

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Lynn E Levine : While I would not vote for Liz Cheney, because she voted with tRump 94 % of the time, and I believe that some of the trouble visiting us today is a result of the chipping away at the guardrails and consumer protections, and laws that the 'right' have done; But, she gets credit for upholding the rule of law and our Constitution, and being on the January 6th investigative committee. It cost her her seat in office and she and Adam Kinzinger and their families needed protection from the bully in Chief and his thugs. I don't know why she is supposed to apologize for her father's sins.

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You have to remember that before the first impeachment, Cheney voted with the Republicans and trump over 90% (95%?) of the time. She is just as conservative as Dick was, it's just that she's a better patriot by far than that passel of trump enablers.

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I do not believe a child should be liable for the sins of a parent

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Yes. He pushed for the attack on Iraq, which unleashed so much human misery, destruction and ultimately millions of refugees from that region of the world. Both he and Bush are international war criminals, in my opinion.

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Sins of the Father's? Liz Cheney's stand deserves a place in Profiles of Courage but that doesn't make her less Conservative and she has said as such. Still, I might support her for some appropriate office in the next Biden administration.

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Liz Cheney’s experience on the Jan 6 committee, has to have given her a democratic lean which is independent from her dad. I’d like to know of his opinion of Liz.

Still, it would be interesting to learn how she became anti-authoritarian in recent years.

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Unless the sins of the father are passed onto the children, we don't tend to blame the children. Oh, it's also a logical fallacy. Save your criticism for offspring like Don Jr. & Erik who clearly took their father's corruption to heart.

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She isn’t her father.

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Would love to hear her thoughts on Republican reaction to that speech.

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She has encouraged her fellow Republicans (most were purged from the party by tRump) to vote for Joe Biden.

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From what I've seen,she is financing ads and whatever she can do for the cause!

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I agree, that Liz has done some 👍 good! Idealists are allowing the perfect to be the enemy of the good. I would not vote for her unless she made some changes in her ideas, but it is silly to expect her to pay dues for what her father did.

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A rather less illustrious "infamy" quote would be from the 1964 British comedy film "Carry on Cleo", with Kenneth Williams playing Julius Caesar in a tight spot: "infamy! infamy! They've all got it in for me!". Who needs Hollywood when we Brits have got Pinewood...

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I am one who remembers that movie. A classic beyond words. How great you remembered that line and could apply it here!

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Plus, isn't it wonderful that Romans and Greeks and God knows who else had British accents ..

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My apologies for using the wrong word. I always assumed infamy meant it was something that would never be forgotten.

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No matter how we viewed President Biden's speech half of the country hated it. Question: How do we enlighten those engulfed by a darkness only Trump can navigate.

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Donald, I no more believe that half the country “hated” Biden’s speech than I believe we can have any impact on the one-third, give or take, of hard-right extremists that did. While I understand Biden and a coterie of surrogates will be barnstorming the country over the next 8 months, each of us also must do our part to deliver Democratic wins up and down the ballot. Speaking for myself, a block I’m most interested in reaching is the largest block of 2020 eligible voters—the block that didn’t vote. Be they complacent, cynical, or whatever, one of my most effective lines originated with American novelist Rebecca Solnit, who, nearly 15 years ago, stated that “a vote is a chess move, not a valentine.” Another of her statements, particular for people who claim they’re finished with voting for “the lesser of two evils,” is that “the lesser of two evils generally is a lot less evil.”

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When I get in a conversation with a Trump supporter I challenge them to the facts that have data backing those facts. They are usually mystified and startled and hopefully they take the time to find out if it is true or not.

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The number of Republicans who approve of Trump does not equal half the country, thank goodness. But the bloc who do, and the money and influence they wield IS VERY frightening.

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The only way we can--keep shining a light for them and hope they eventually find that it is easier to navigate with the light than without it.

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Great Question. Dems need to navigate those waters, if we are to win and reunited our democracy and our country.

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Don ,

I seriously doubt half the country can

identify with MTG -

( giving a whole new meaning about

spending a fortune

to look cheap- )

and Alabama Senator Britt’s


( had she just

watched The Exorcist ) - revealing some

very disturbing

behavior to the

American people.

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That’s the question alright - how to get thru to the magas - talk about shrinkage … their brains are getting smaller daily - by November, their brains will have output of a snail

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"More than 6 in 10 Americans who watched President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address had a positive reaction to the speech, according to a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, with a smaller 35% reacting very positively."

Here's the link: https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/08/politics/cnn-poll-biden-sotu-speech-reaction/index.html

Most of the commentators I've seen agree that it's more like 65-35 than 50-50. I don't think it'll be forgotten; I think it's the jump start that will ignite the Biden campaign and carry us to victory in November.

Of course as Democrats we can't just take a win; we have to start picking everything apart immediately. How old is he again? Phooey!

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I do alot of praying(I've lived miracles,so I know that works)I pray these nitwits come to their senses and grow a conscience,how can they support all that negative,then complain that some things aren't right?.

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Keep slamming Biden's many accomplishments down their throats! Biden works for the people including magat's. Magat's don't listen to facts even when they get $100 per month in their SS.

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That's true but it lives on in disgrace! Much like trump and MTG will be remembered.

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Lives on in disgrace? Please clarify ...

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Oops. Infamy Remember the Maine vs Etenity Remember the Alamo. Its all good. I didnt get the "Everyone loves Raymond" rederence..

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I understood you completely and agree

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Keith--I always thought it meant the thought needing remembering would be done in a fiery manner.

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Live in infamy, live ignominy.

Live forever, better meaning, less resounding.

Whatever, it was a terrific line I have heard recently before. Don’t know if he was the first to say it, but it was terrific he said it in SOTU.

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Keith Olson ; It works for the "Dark Brandon" character! Remember , MAGAts are 'widdow victims'!

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It actually does. But not in a good way!

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Your heart was in the right place and so was his, but I fear his words will be forgotten. Unless. It would make a great slogan, t shirt, bumper sticker.

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LOL I knew what you meant, @Keith.

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I would like to know, who is allowing Orban to come to the home of a traitor and criminal?! WHY is this being allowed? Does anyone know who gave this permission? I really want to know. How can we allow this!?

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Trump has the gall only a crazy man would have! He would invite Adolf Hitler if he were still alive.

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I am moved to say, “It’s a free country.”

Who would stop him, and on what grounds?

Donald is still to be held ACCOUNTABLE for his treason and criminality, and for Donald, the wheels grind REALLY slowly {for some unknown reason!!!}.

Orban, I assume, can generally go where he likes.

The visit is an affront and an abomination, but what’s new, when it comes to Trump stuff?

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No Pat. Foreign leaders must have permission, typically from the State Dept. But Trump is a certified criminal not just a citizen. Free Country is mere terminology, not the reality on many levels.

I seriously want to know IF or WHO would give permission! It should be stopped. Republicans & trump don’t abide by laws so I am curious as to how this very dangerous situation could happen!

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Who gave permission for Bibi Netanyahu to visit the US, speak to Congress, and totally ignore President Obama? i dunno , but it happened.

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It looks like they can finagle with the purpose of their visit {Orban visited Trump, not an official of the US government, but that is splitting hairs}. And I’d guess even if he DID say he was coming on official business, on what grounds would he be prevented from visiting Trump?

{Copied from << https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/other-visa-categories/visas-diplomats.html>>

<< To qualify for an A-1 or A-2 visa, you must be traveling to the United States on behalf of your national government to engage solely in official activities for that government. The specific duties or services that will be performed must be governmental in character or nature, as determined by the U.S. Department of State, in accordance with U.S. immigration laws. Government officials traveling to the United States to perform non-governmental functions of a commercial nature, or traveling as tourists, require the appropriate visas and do not qualify for A visas. The fact that there may be government interest or control in a given organization is not in itself the defining factor in determining if you qualify for an A visa.>>

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It seems to me that Foggy Bottom would have an interest ANY TIME the leader of ANY foreign nation enters US territory.. There are state implications inherent in any such visit. I think the secretary could deny entry.

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KatlMarx- I agree and this is why I am so alarmed! Trump is a twice impeached rapist, with 91 waiting indictments!!! I’m thinking this would be a responsibility of Blinken…but not sure. Why would he give this a pass? Really makes no sense.

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The question is 'how could we disallow it?'

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No. Both questions should be asked, but first and foremost, WHO would have possibly cleared this!? A criminal is meeting a dictator! WTF!

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the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed:

"a day that will live in infamy"





ill repute


an evil or wicked act:

"one of history's greatest infamie

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You can “edit” your comment (or you use to be able to)

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There doesn’t seem to be a way to edit. Which is unfortunate. I have done it on other substacks.

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There’s a little string of three dots at the bottom right of all posts on my Substack pages. Hit it, and you get edit or delete for your own post.

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Nope. That doesn’t give an edit option.

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Try it. Not happening

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Maybe the word you want is posterity.

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"Thereby hangs a tale."

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Good pick-up. I missed that. However, I took Keith Olson's use of "will live in infamy" to mean unforgettable.

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MAGAs may never forget, anyway!

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You're right. MAGAs retribution requires never forgetting.

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Me too

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"Democrats run like they want to win an argument; Republicans run like they want to win an election." -- Rick Wilson, The Lincoln Project

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Democrats want to look forward and run the country. Republicans want vengeance, retribution and want to arrest progress.

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Still chills me when the predecessor talks about retribution. General Milley knows he's a target, but how many others? Maybe that's why they perform for him.

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Republicans are only interested in supporting a “ cheater”

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Maybe because they want to get rid of Democracy.

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‘Infamy’ in the mind of a certain Predecessor, perhaps.

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Yes. "A certain Predecessor" is Biden's "SOTU speak" for Trump.

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" Instead of erasing history let's make history"

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It was meant as an admonition to those who want to destroy democracy

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Keith had it right. From my perspective he hit the nail. I assume that loving the country when one loses the vote is a contrast to The Trumpster and his magas.

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So much of what he said will be remembered. I interpreted it to mean that Trump lost and in that fact he has continued to show us that he doesn't love our Country but only himself. He lost. He needs to get over the fact that not everyone thinks he's a winner. Including me who was a Republican for 60 years.

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Will live in history

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Thank you

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"You can't love your county only when you win."

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What that meant to me is that if you lose an election, you must persevere in your hope for the USA and not succumb to the usual nonsense: for example: "Oh, I hate POLITICS" "Politicians are ALL crooked." "I never vote, it's not worth my time." "I'm too BUSY to think about all that." And then we have Trump with his plans for retribution and revenge, a scenario full of cheap thrills for the ignorant and angry.

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Ignorance is bliss until it’s not!

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Keith - You can edit what you wrote and use another word than"Infamy." But yes, that was a great line!

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I don’t think you can edit once it’s sent.

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I can do it when I'm using a laptop. I just right click and the edit option pops up.

I haven't figured out a way to do it on my phone. But most people understood what you what you meant. Your intent.

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Thank you. I tried to edit with my IPad, not happening.

I hope everyone knew I meant it was a great statement.

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I have edited stuff...clicking on the little dots underneath.... but I don't know.

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The little dots below and to the right offer an edit option! I wonder if this option is always available. Hmmm?

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I'm dyslexic as hell and always have to edit everything and so far have always been able to on Robert's posts.

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Thanks worth trying occasionally misspelled or missing word to curse of trying to post at 4 am

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Exactly. Fair weather friends.

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Whatever anyone thinks of the SOTU address, this is what I have in mind for his messaging:


Well done, Brandon - dark or otherwise!

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Not to be a wet blanket here in the midst of all the euphoria about Biden's >apparently< successful SOTU address, but here's a piece that may shed a little more light on why many voters are reported dissatisfied with an economy that's >apparently< chugging right along with a low unemployment rate: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careers/i-am-losing-my-mind-behind-the-rosy-job-numbers-americans-are-struggling-to-find-work/ar-BB1jtPLR

I'm also aware of the possibility that employers frequently post "ghost jobs," positions they have no intention of filling. (It's still unclear to me why they'd do such a thing. Perhaps the reason is far too subtle for a rustic, the likes of me to comprehend unless it's a way of gaming the statistics or gaming "the system" in some other way for the purpose of gaining some other benefit.) Take that under advisement, though. It needs to be looked into and confirmed: https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/what-are-ghost-jobs-and-why-are-they-everywhere-now/435666

Here's another little piece proffering counter-intuitive results: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/the-20-happiest-states-in-the-us-ranked/ss-AA1gCuIE#image=17 (Also to be taken under advisement and looked into further.)

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I am an employer/HR manager and in 25+ years have NEVER posted a ghost job. I am skeptical of this.

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Noted. But do you speak for all other employer/HR managers? For example, I've been in many schools and on many college campuses, and in many shopping malls in my 3 score 10-1/2 years on this old earth, and never once have I personally experienced a mass shooting or some other act of terrorism. But I can speak only for myself.

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(To be fair, I've also traveled down many, many country backroads in the middle of the night and have never once been abducted by a single alien or subjected to erotic sexual experimentation by said alien or aliens, either. Then again likewise, I can only speak for myself! 😁🤣)

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Of course, judging from this piece, Biden must've delivered one hell of an address: https://youtu.be/khMLvAy32fM?si=GDhWtG9Pim9rMB1W

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Some employers are posting these ghost jobs to soothe the other employees being overworked- they say, yeah we’ve got openings but no ones applying -

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Perhaps. It also helps justify the common complaints on Nextdoor about how the homeless should get a job, by folks claiming that they see help wanted advertisements everywhere.

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Infamy-Evil notoriety or reputation;The state of of being infamous. A disgraceful publicly known act.

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Don’t think ‘infamy’ is quite what you meant … not sure why Robert ‘liked’ it.

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close, "You can't love your country only when you win." Which makes it more universal to other places although it's obvious whom he was referring to.

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I read this as a faux pas. Let's say it was one of the most memorable - and subtly pointed. I spoke to a Trump supporter who said, "I believe he loves this country." I responded with, "Yes, when it lets him get away with the things he does."

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I've seen him wrap his grubby arms around our beloved flag and kiss it and touch it w/ those filthy hands,totally nauseated me! Big time!

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Each of those banners should be condemned as tainted and respectfully burned at his feet.

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Well said !!!

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President Biden was poised, affable and convincing. He acted and sounded like a President. I think he won over many voters, who were unsure about him. Bravo!

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As a contrarian I will remind everyone that if one evening and one speech can turn so many people around, the same can happen in the other direction. Those of us who were firmly behind Biden and never on the “he’s too old” train feel he confirmed our stand and I doubt will change minds by any future flub, however the title of this newsletter worries me that even the Professor, who I admire greatly, is taking it one week and one speech at a time.

This struggle is a long game, like the metaphorical football game it. One touchdown (or home run speech) is not enough. And it isn’t only up to Biden.

And this election isn’t only about the Presidency. We need the Senate, the House, school boards and state governments to keep the country that we want.

So let’s not over celebrate. Have a glass of bubbly, and back to work

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The speech will be remembered for two things. What he did not say about Gaza and the fact he fired up his already supporters by not appearing infirm. Those praying that he does not make a big gaff. I suspect he did not win over the millions of Americans-Democrats and independents- disgusted by his handling of the genocidal situation in Gaza and the horrors of what's happening on the West bank. We Democrats are gloating here because Biden did not appear infirm this time. Pride comes before the fall.

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Did I miss something ?

Biden talked a lot about Gaza, Palestine and emphasized the need for a two state solution.

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There is truth to what you say except for the first sentence that it will be remembered for those things. Put your hand in a pail of water and pull it out. The speech will be remembered for as long as it takes the water to become still again.

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So true...Yet it will be remembered by historians as a missed opportunity and the very few that take their eyes off of social media to read history...as a missed opportunity.

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I don’t know what you think would have been the right thing to say about Gaza. Right now Hamas is saying they won’t release the hostages. They do nothing to reduce the harm to civilians. Iran is our enemy and is pulling the strings to make this a bigger conflict.

There are internal politics in Israel and here that make this a very difficult problem.

Do you suggest we give in to Hamas or do you suggest we go after them so Israel doesn’t? I think it is easy to say things are going very badly,but what will solve the problem and how will a speech make it happen? My sense is that when you push too hard publicly you are likely to stiffen people’s position.

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You have drunk Biden's cool-aide on this topic.

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The change in press coverage from negative to positive is important. I would have liked him to cut all aid to Israel until they stop the bombing of Gaza permanently, but I know, and I believe most people realize that Biden is far and away the better choice for Gaza and to work toward peace in the Middle East.

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Yes there is no doubt about the fact Biden is a far better choice than fascist Trump

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I heard a great deal about Gaza. His solution of building the port is brilliant. There are many moving parts in this problem. People keep saying to stop supporting Israel with funds, but that gives power to those who would destroy Israel. The immediate solution of the port is the perfect workaround while Biden addresses the more permanent solutions. It sends a message to Israel without making them vulnerable. "We can support Gaza if you won't." Beware we can do even more to solve this problem, so come to the table. Be patient America. This is an age-old problem. Biden has approached it with wisdom and tenacity. I feel that if anything can be done, Biden is our man to do it.

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And that we're doing,the country needed a LIFT after all this maniacy!!!

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DK "Contrarian" Brooklyn:

You are most certainly right.

Concerning the House of Representatives --

A certain "Firebrand" Re-Confederate representative from Florida's First Congressional District in early February took it upon himself to draft and submit for consideration in the House a resolution. https://gaetz.house.gov/media/in-the-news/rep-gaetz-resolution-trump-did-not-engage-insurrection

I would not recommend anyone treat it as anything other than simple-minded theater.

EXCEPT that it does invite discussion. How would you handle it if you were the Minority Leader?

Have you heard the sports expression, "own goal"?

Vince S

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And not only that, I noticed that hideous NO LABELS group is still out there and they announced they are going to run some Lord-Only-Knows-who-the-eff candidate as well!

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100% agree!!

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He definitely won over his critics in the press.

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IF they watched it at all...

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Yeah, I noticed the NYTimes was a little slow to react. Maybe some stuff was written BEFORE the speech?

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Great is not enough of a superlative to describe that speech.

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Agree!! He was fantastic!! Awesome!! Terrific!!

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and Classy

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cool/ hip

funny/ witty


professional/ statesman like/ laudatory

clear/ concise/ convincing












viral and spry

And Johnson looked like someone with ants in his pants!

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"And Johnson looked like someone with ants in his pants! "and egg on his face!"

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From the looks on Johnson's face it seemed to me like he sat through the entire speech wondering "What would Trump want me to do"? Stand up? Sit down? Frown? Stick out my tongue? or what? He never did figure it out. Dumb ass.

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Johnson was probably thinking, “Dam! As the architect of the insurrection, I’m in trouble! This guy is going to win!”

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He looked like howdy doody sitting their with a stupid smile but inanimate bc his puppet master was missing

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At least he had the class to discourage the Republicans from being disruptive.

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President Biden was the picture of confidence!

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President Biden was the very picture of the "happy warrior" when he waded into the fray, trading baited remarks and witticisms for the unruly sophomoric heckling that apparently passes for good manners amongst the House MAGAs.

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Hahahahahaha!! He did look like he was very uncomfortable - I'm thinking possible gas?

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My mother, the absolute best in the world!, raised five girls and was determined to teach us how to act like "ladies". She would not allow us to 'use profanity' and we couldn't say fart or burp. We had to use pass gas and the word belch which to me was more nasty sounding than burp!! We loved to wind her up using phrases like 'cut the cheese' or 'mouth gas' which would send her into a lecture about appropriate behavior. God I loved that woman and miss her every single day!!!

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Awesome! Like Frank in the "Everybody Loves Raymond" show, "Holy Crap Marie".

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I loved his quick thinking comments to MTG and the Republicans.

I was amazed Collins jumped on the bandwagon of not clapping for obviously beneficial plays: no lead in pipes, etc.

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I would have given him a detention for a wise guy attitude.

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I think you meant vital. And pleez don't say spry...Patrick Mahone is not spry, Joe Namath is spry. How about "quick" "lithe."

Agreed, Johnson looked like he needed to go to the john.

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Joe Namath and I went to different high schools together. 81 year olds are not quick or lithe.

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Dr. Bloxom, exactly what you want to see from the leader of our country!! A President must always present to the world class and dignity. President Biden and Jill Biden have the decorum necessary to hold leadership place.

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A true statesman.

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I really enjoyed your coffee klatch today!! Your review of President Biden's State of the Union was spot on!! President Biden showed everyone he is at the top of his game. He was cogent with the points he was making, quick with the to and fro of the hecklers, knowledgeable about what is going on abroad and here at home, able to build on his past accomplishments to show everyone what he plans to do his next term and spot on when pointing out his "predecessor" and the republican party have done nothing to help the American people. He made the case for the choice we all have this November. A Democracy that works hard for all of the people or a dictatorship where we have no rights and only a few have any freedom. As for trump's bond and facing another trial, I sincerely hope he has to keep paying until he has no money left. I also hope musk keeps giving him money to help him out until he has no money left either!!! These people need to absolutely walk a mile in the shoes of the hard-working middle class, the poor, or the homeless. If they had to live like us, they might learn a thing or two. Unlike the grinch, I doubt very seriously any of them would grow a heart!!! Thanks for the conversation this morning, Ms. Lofthouse and Professor Reich. I enjoyed it!

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Peggy ; The roaring approval and applause that President Biden received drowned out most of the negative jeering of the losers!

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I loved it, Laurie!! I had goosebumps!! He delivered a fantastic message to all Americans and put republicans in their place!

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When Sen. Shumer escorted him in and I saw those two looking so handsome and in place there,I was so proud.On the other hand, when the justices came in I cried.Who ever thought we'd have a rogue high court.How about Sotomayor when the President castigated them about Roe,she looked absolutely sheepish.

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RedElisa, she should have looked sheepish! She is the third woman, first woman of color, first Hispanic, and first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court. She should know without doubt that Roe V Wade should have been the law of the land. She should also know that following the Constitution is the reason President Obama nominated her. I have no respect for the Supreme Court right now. They appear to march to the beat of one man's drum rather than serve the people of America.

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He enjoyed it too. He recognizes this is his last great duty to our country and he’s not holding anything back. It’s all on his terms. Wonderful to see his self-assuredness in contrast to TFG and man baby schtick.

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I read that Pres. Biden mentioned that had the Orange sloppin maniac not been running,he wouldn't have either.He's actually working SO HARD to save our beloved democracy!


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Me too, and BTW, I'm with Heather on dalliances, although in retrospect, I think the word is a little too kind.

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True and welcome words Peggy! Penalize those .01% ers until they drop down so we can see them at eye level.

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I answered no. 4 "Other" (currently 5 % of the answers) rather than no. 3 Great, because one word"Great" seems insufficient. Biden's speech was "Great and Classy".

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Enjoyed Joe Biden’s kick ass attacks on the Orange 🍊 Jesus. Everything you s a could ask for

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Still waiting for the chant:


Biden loves them.

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Daniel ; It reminds me of the chant ; "New York Hates You!, New York Hates You!" as tfg's motorcade passed on its way from a court appearance

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Love this Laurie! I hope he shows up in Chicago to give us a chance to chant Chicago hates you. And we want the criminal rapist’s name off of his building along our riverfront. Of all places, Chicagoans don’t want a traitor & rapist name blighting our beautiful downtown.

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I loved hearing'4 more years,4 more years as he came in.

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Daniel, Seriously, the Dems should do an ad with Biden playing with his dogs, having them at his side and then a clip of trump shoving one away with his foot. Game over-election win for Biden can be announced! 😁😄

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Remember the clip of the American Eagle attacking tfg?

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Probably not a good idea. I read somewhere that one of the Biden dogs repeatedly bit the Secret Service people, and I'm sure Republicans saw that as well.

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Some of he secret service are MAGAs- good dog!

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Yeah - that’s a good one - dogs can smell evil … that’s why Trump won’t have any dogs around

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As if Trump didn’t smell worse than a dog? Just read Adam Kinzinger’s book Renegade. He speaks of the foul smell standing next to Trump felt by most everyone but never saying a word. Is that the reason Melania doesn’t even want to touch his hand?

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My parents advised me early on to watch out for people who don't like animals and who don't have a sense if humor. They were so right.

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But isn't into training them. O well. Can't have everything.

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Commander only bites secret service agents. The secret service has had a series of scandals, including deleting text messages from Jan 6th, suggesting some of them were complicit. Maybe commander is just a very good dog.

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G G : There was a scandal involving The first Lady's safety. There was something amiss with bad actors in her security detail. Of course, it was not covered in the news, because of security concerns. I'm sure a good dog would sense a threat.

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I think President Biden was great in the state of the union address, and of course that Neanderthal hag, Maggot Traitor Goon was doing what she does best, heckle and disrupt while the President was speaking. She is a disrespectful, rude, hateful, and ignorant low-life that should have been removed from the building and escorted off to a jail cell for her despicable behavior. I am almost ashamed to admit i live in Georgia because of that female baboon. She is just as bad as DJT is, or possibly worse.

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John T Phillips ; Take it easy on the baboons! ; They have more integrity, most likely!

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And Neanderthals as well. From what archeologists and paleontologists have discovered, Neanderthal had a well developed culture including religious beliefs and rituals for life's stages and defined roles for leaders and others in their society. I'm sure none of them would have been as disrespectful to a leader as Marge Trailer Queen was to President Biden.

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I love Marge Trailer Queen! 😄

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How about, Manure Traitor Gangrene?? I thought it was funny when Pres. Biden ignored her after the SOTU had ended. That shows what a wise man Pres. Biden is. Very crafty.

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Most definitely!

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I hear by apologize to baboons and Neanderthals for insulting them by association with Maggot Traitor Gangrene. I also apologize to Goons too. Maybe i should apologize to maggots too. Years ago, her childish behavior would not have been tolerated in any level of government.

Evidently, one of her parents must have dropped her on her head when she was a baby, or she got into the rat poison and ate a belly full of it. Lead paint chips??

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Must've been the lead paint chips; If she was a rat, she would have been done in by the rat poison.

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I agree. My first ex-wife's brother was a really strange guy and seemed off mentally. I asked my first ex about that, and she said he had eaten a small amount of rat poison when he was a toddler. MTG's behavior as a congress critter is unacceptable, and it makes me mad when she disrespects Pres. Biden and other Democratic members of Congress. She should have been removed from Congress immediately after her part in the horrific JAN 6 insurrection riot. Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Mike Johnson, Lauren Boebert should have been removed also.

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Definitely the "hall of infamers" that you just named. The old norms no longer exist. lawlessness prevails.

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I agree, i am afraid the old norms seem to be gone for good, but if we work together and get out the vote, maybe, just maybe we can make the old norms return for a long time. I am personally sick and fed up with the lawlessness of the Fascist GQP.

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She followed the wrong leader?

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She should be "escorted" out of the House permanently, just as George Santos was expelled! Thank you, Mr. Phillips from Georgia!

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George Santos is back. He is a candidate for office again. And to have allowed him to even be in the Audience ? What is wrong with us ? With Republicans ?

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OMG . . . I did not know that! Doesn't he have pending legal cases against him? Is he running in New York again? What is wrong with anyone who would vote for him?? The Republican'ts attract the SKANKY! I heard yesterday that 50 people currently in office are not running again. They're dropping out because Congress can't get anything done in this terrible current climate. We are losing the DECENT from government. So sad that the HORRIFIC are driving out the good.

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Just kidding! We AMERICANS know Trumplicans were "elected" by the 30% guilty of "High Treason." (Remember: during "The January 6th Insurrection," we were STILL in Dubbya's war. Treason during wartime is "HIGH Treason!")

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You should be ashamed to live in Georgia. And not just because of Marjorie three names. Because it’s a backward state with only a few states more Deliverance like. Gotta love the inbreeding of the IS Deep South and the world monarchies 🤢

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Only in at atmosphere like the previous administration would MTG have any traction, don't you think? She has no useful ideas, no sense of purpose or the feelings of others. She just likes attention, and maybe that's what her supporters crave, too. And she brags about the number of Q fans in her district.

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She went against House rules regarding campaigning with her attire. And ignored the Speaker’s firm instructions. I wonder if she will be censured?

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Is there Any penalty for going against those rules?

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She did get a penalty for REPEATEDLY refusing to wear a mask in the House Covid.

“'Pay up:' MTG loses SCOTUS bid to overturn $100,000 in mask fines”


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Wow Marlo! Thank you for sharing that! That’s great! I wonder if she paid yet. If not, i sure hope they take it out of her paycheck.

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They said they will take it out of her paycheck (over half, doesn’t that infuriate you she is getting $175,000 annually?)

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Yeah. In any other job-world, she'd be fired by now -- for disrupting others and not doing her job.

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There should be. But look at all the “rules” and laws Trump has broken and after decades is only beginning to be held accountable.

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Staying tuned.

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The reason we know Biden did an amazing job is watching “right-wing” media go into crisis mode, unable to attack Biden on any merit, and just throwing everything at the wall, hoping some of it will stick.

I like the pugilistic Biden, instead of the invisible Biden. He needs to keep using the bully pulpit and strike hard and often. Presidents aren’t just the Commander-in-Chief, they are the Cheerleader-in-Chief as well…:)

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I watched the SOTU on Fox, out of curiosity. Right after it ended, they cut to one of their Old Joe compilations, tripping and suddenly getting lost in thought (turned that junk off right after those two). That tells me Faux News saw the same confident, articulate, presidential leader that we all saw -- so in desperation, they threw a cheap shot.

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I like the smiling Biden. At least twice, I was heartened by his trademark grin when he knew he was pulling the chain of his unworthy opponents.

Vince S

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The Republican side of the chamber reminded me of baseball games during the pandemic, when we had those cardboard cutouts filling the empty stadium seats.

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They all looked like the "Wicked witch of the West".

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Wicked witch of the Right! ;-)

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Field Team 6 is holding its second annual Register Democrats Summit on Thursday, March 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific. The summit will focus on registering Democrats across the country and will bring together the best and brightest minds, from elected officials to tech leaders to grassroots organizers and so much more.

The day-long summit will include dozens of terrific speakers. Speakers include Robert Hubbell, Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Jessica Craven, Simon Rosenberg, Amanda Litman (Run for Something), Leigh McGowan (Politics Girl), Paula Poundstone (Comedian) and many more


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A zoom meeting?

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The old coach in me says early spurts in a game or race like President Biden got in his SOTU message don’t mean much. There is such a long ways to yet get to the end or cross the finish line. It’s exciting to have that feel good spurt near the beginning, but it can also lead to deadly complacency. There’s so much at stake for America & for our grandchildren in this race, so keeping the pedal to the metal for ALL of us is essential.

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As my ol pappy used to say, ya gotta start someplace.

Run to daylight. https://www.fieldteam6.org/volunteer-ops/actions

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I was very pleased to see that Joe Biden used the SOTU to fire a massive, effective opening round in what actually may become a very stimulating presidential campaign. I saw some strong up-ticks in polls mentioned in real media (not faux news). I have a warning also for those who automatically assume that Dump's criminal prosecutions will harm him with the Simple People (Proverbs 1). Just think that Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, his racist manifesto, in prison! Manipulated by the Weimar bankers, industrialists, and militarists, Hitler became a martyr. I hope Dump doesn't become a martyr for corrupt causes & nonsense (like ethnic pederasts orbiting the earth in alien spaceships, molesting the children of yadda yadda...)...total nonsense, but the Simple People will swallow any koolaid when delivered with the right tone of anger and hate. We progressives, and Joe Biden, must continue to argue from positions of truth and reason. The Simple People can't be persuaded with facts and logic, but then they historically don't vote (unless led to the polls by fake evangelists flying $60 million jets etc). We have to keep our conversation going and work on the voting middle (40-60%) to raise the progressive vote above 50% at least. At the moment, Dump has been hosting Putin ally Victor Orban, dictator of Hungary (in fact if not in title) at Mar-a-Lago. One commentator calls them "Putin's Poodles." Orban has already all but destroyed Hungary's fragile new post-Soviet democracy. Let's not let USA be next. Donald Dump must go!

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Biden's humorous allusion to his age reminded me of Ronald Reagan's joke. He said (WTTE) "I remember the words of Thomas Jefferson. He said, 'Ron...'"

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Any positive comparison to Reagan makes me uneasy, but I have to give this one a thumbs up.

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Me too, but can you imagine Agolf Twitler making a self-deprecating joke?

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It was a real barn burner which as the Dutch folktale has it, was to burn down the barn to get rid of rats.

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👍🏼Burn the barn to get the rats out…perfect analogy!

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Or if you are Swiss, it was a "stem winder."

Vince S

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He was vital, strong, enjoyed the sparing and said all issues clearly. Great! His speech yesterday in Pa. was great, too. The emperor wears no clothes - meaning Trump. Now everyone has to vote. You can't love America only when you win was just one of many great things Biden said.

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The Republicans were a pathetic bunch during the SOTU. It reminded me of a Cheech and Chong skit from years ago. I changed the names to hi light the behavior.

Trump and Mike Johnson are walking on a footpath through the woods to get to the next hole on a golf course.

Trump: “Mike”

Mike Johnson: “sir?”

Trump looking down: What’s that?

Mike: Don’t know sir

Trump: pick up

Mike: huh

Trump: pick up

Trump: what’s it feel like?

Mike: feels like dog chit

Trump: smell

Mike: huh?

Trump: SMELL

Mike: sniffs and gags

Trump: smell like dog chit?

Mike: yes it smells like dog chit

Trump: taste

Mike: HUH?

Trump: TASTE

Mike: nibbles and gags!

Trump: taste like dog chit

Mike: yes it tastes like dog chit

Trump: good thing we don’t step in

Mike: yeah, good thing

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And ain't that the truth of it! Johnson does ANYTHING Trump tells him to do, apparently. I wish Johnson DID have limits on what he would do for the maggot, but... we've not seen it yet! Sure wish the DOJ would get THEIR act together and indict him for the role HE played in the insurrection!

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Klare K. ; Yes, Johnson and the rest of them, too!

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It kind of goes without saying anymore, it's been so long since it happened. 😪 We are just another banana republic, I guess! I am looking forward to reading Liz Cheney's new book on how democracies fail; how OUR fragile Democracy is failing.

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Karen K. : I look forward to the end of the Electoral College! Two more states needed to ratify the interstate vote compact! I recently made a contribution to that effort. Inequality Media, Civics Action is educating those on social media about this 👏!

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So Inequality Media, Civics Action is heading up the effort to do away with the Electoral College? I would like to contribute to them too. How many states have ratified it so far? Wish they'd send out a mailer on it! They need to!

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Klare K. ; Robert Reich and Heather Lofthouse started Inequality Media. You could Google, most likely. I find them on Facebook, too. They are informing people about the effort to end The Electoral College; not spearheading it, I think. Education of the voters is not done by most media. So they put out informative videos. I actually don't know how many states have ratified the popular vote compact. But remember the statement that there are only 5 or 6 states needed to have the impact needed : 270 votes, or something like that to get what is needed to end the EC. They are on several social media sites, like Tic Tok and others this 72 year old does not even visit! They reach the younger voters!

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Hi Klare. Chiming in (though Laurie gave a terrific reply below already). We exist to educate millions of people about economic inequality and threats to American democracy through compelling digital content. We address many topics (corporate greed, money in politics, etc.) and one is raising awareness and support to end the Electoral College system. We use explainer videos and posts, working with key partners, to hasten the end the EC. Once enough states join in to add up to 270 electoral votes, the agreement goes into effect — and we’re already up to 205! We only need 5 or 6 more states to reach the critical number of 270. Politically, the odds of pulling this off before the 2024 election are shrinking every day. But if they wanted to, every single state could join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact right now. All we need is the political will. And? The stakes are simply too high to stop pushing. I will email you more! Thank you for your interest and commitment to the work!

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So right on. Yikes!

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