When Sen. Shumer escorted him in and I saw those two looking so handsome and in place there,I was so proud.On the other hand, when the justices came in I cried.Who ever thought we'd have a rogue high court.How about Sotomayor when the President castigated them about Roe,she looked absolutely sheepish.
RedElisa, she should have looked sheepish! She is the third woman, first woman of color, first Hispanic, and first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court. She should know without doubt that Roe V Wade should have been the law of the land. She should also know that following the Constitution is the reason President Obama nominated her. I have no respect for the Supreme Court right now. They appear to march to the beat of one man's drum rather than serve the people of America.
I loved it, Laurie!! I had goosebumps!! He delivered a fantastic message to all Americans and put republicans in their place!
When Sen. Shumer escorted him in and I saw those two looking so handsome and in place there,I was so proud.On the other hand, when the justices came in I cried.Who ever thought we'd have a rogue high court.How about Sotomayor when the President castigated them about Roe,she looked absolutely sheepish.
RedElisa, she should have looked sheepish! She is the third woman, first woman of color, first Hispanic, and first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court. She should know without doubt that Roe V Wade should have been the law of the land. She should also know that following the Constitution is the reason President Obama nominated her. I have no respect for the Supreme Court right now. They appear to march to the beat of one man's drum rather than serve the people of America.