All of the actions above plus use the taxation system or other means to direct the wealth to the working classes. There is no reason why any minimum wage should still be $7.25 an hour and so many people should need public help while working 2 plus jobs. It is unconscionable that we are creating a class of the disabled and poorly nourished/poorly developed and calling it God's will. These results are policy choices.

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Nothing that hard about a wealth tax.

We already have a wealth tax on the middle class for home ownership. For renters it gets passed through by the landlord. Why not financial assets?

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Wealth Tax For everything above $4 million Dollars, disallow the companies providing the outrageous benefits from deducting it in the companies taxes.

No credits or work arounds in the tax code. All compensation above $4 million dollars taxed at 40% just like the 40% the typical wage slaves pay in taxes on their wages.

Charity deductions cut by 2/3 .

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You want some good news to celebrate? Here it is! Enjoy!

"DEMOCRACY ON TRIAL" is streaming on PBS Frontline.

"FRONTLINE investigates the roots of the criminal cases against former President Trump stemming from his 2020 election loss. With the presidential race for 2024 underway, veteran political filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team examine the House Jan. 6 committee’s evidence, the historic charges against Trump and the threat to democracy."

My father was a Capitol Police Officer when I was child. I remember meeting his boss and co-workers in the Capitol. I was in awe while in the Capitol. "Make no mistake," as my father would say, J6 was a horrific, violent, planned attack on the Capitol Police, "the People's House," and our Democracy.

J6 never should have happened. Intentional lies created one of the worst days in US Capitol history. It can never happen again. We can never forget J6. Please share this program with everyone, regardless of their political party affiliation.

While very disturbing at times, it's a must see. It's very well done. Time to bring back the watch parties.

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Yes, yes, and yes! More tax on corporations, a wealth tax, and stop stock buy backs.

These monopolies make so much profit they don't need all of these other options for them to make even more. How about giving back some to employees and communities like companies used to before Ronnie and "trickle down".

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"If CEO pay is out of control, what should be done?” is the question of the day.

The villain is not Trump, Musk or the Republican party. It is the antiquated capitalistic system that rewards greed and treachery and now pulls the levers of power including Trump and the Republicans by immoral utilization of wealth and power. Rampant out of control capitalism is the demon behind the curtain that is disempowering and now even disemboweling what once was our beloved democracy. Sooner of later we must formulate and activate an economic system not built on the premise that “Greed is good.”

A wealth tax is like the preverbal finger in the dike. That we even need dikes to stay above the water is the root problem. There is no “fixing the capitalistic system.” It is a self-defeating system because it is impoverishing the consumers on which it depends. We do not fix it with a wealth tax, we look to replace it with a system that looks after the welfare of all. Most of us have children and grandchildren; we owe it to them to lay the groundwork for a system that will give them some hope for the future even if we do not live long enough to enjoy the benefits of our far-sighted plans and progress.

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The remuneration committees of big companies are meant to at arm's length from the boardroom and independent when setting remuneration packages.There is however an unfortunate Venn diagram of overlapping interests whereby rival company pay is inflated by mutual reference points not actual value delivered.Share buy backs can be good for bolstering sagging underperforming sharesfor equity holders some of whom are institutional investors who sit or recommend nominees for remuneration committees.It all becomes a vicious perpetual cycle of mutual gratification.This didn't apparently apply in Musk's case as he set his own rewards package without consultation but if he had sought approval then it would have been rubber stamped Hey ho free enterprise across the globe!

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I go with the majority so far. Tax the wealthy. Reagan really screwed us over by reducing taxes on the wealthy with his stupid trickle down economics plan. Another reason people fail to learn from history. Trickle down economics didn't work in the 20s either. What's that saying? Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Well, here we are repeating it AGAIN

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Follow the money, hit them where it hurts, their pockets.

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I don't know where the framing came from for the term "Wealth Tax" but we should do away with it. The term makes is sound like an extra tax on the wealthy, when they are not even paying their fair share. I can't imagine paying 3.4% income tax on my income like the wealthy are paying. "Fair Share" is a better term.

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It is hard to discuss the control of CEO pay when we refuse to take money out of politics and love that campaigning goes on for a couple of years because it diverts us from the mundaneness of our lives and gives the media something to write about.

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All of the above

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Feb 3Liked by Robert Reich

I enjoy listening to you and Heather. You are the highlight of my Saturdays!

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In America every citizen has the right to pay as little in taxes as the law will allow. I am sorry, but corporations are NOT voting persons and different tax liability applies no matter what Citizen's United legislation falsely and prejudiciously implies. When a business files an Articles of Incorporation it is a protection that stipulates a non person cannot be sued. A corporation must not be given a guarantee against liability as a non person and then be treated as a person when contributing to popular voting issues. Corporations can't have it both ways. It is incredulous to me that our legislators cannot author legislation that is more consistent. OOPS, my stupidity, they are simply corrupt or incompetent. Are humans so basically crooked that we cannot dispense with payoffs, loopholes, extortion and graft in our government? My belief in a two party system has been shaken by the incompetence and corrupt actions of republicans. By winning in November democrats will have the power to demonstrate to republicans that their partisan false notions of government must represent the majority if they are to have any relevance on a brutally demanding world stage. The eyes of the world are watching America and waiting for America to mature.

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The tax credit is political nonsense.

It gives nothing to the low income family that pays no income tax. Our politicians on both sides don't understand poverty.

This is simply a grandstand issue.

Forget about tax breaks they need a direct payment no strings attached.

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In Oregon, ten Republican incumbents in the state legislature are no longer eligible to run in this year's election. In Oregon, legislators often gum up the legislative process by simply not showing up. Last year, Oregon citizens drafted and passed Measure 113 which cites that any legislator who takes an unexcused absence of more than ten days is ineligible to run in the next election. Ten Republicans staged a six week walkout, and now they're gone.

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