Apr 21, 2022Liked by Heather Lofthouse

I choose Zelensky Patriotism and Reich Patriotism. What a deep, profound message today. Thank you for all of your Wise Words, Professor.

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Your comment this morning is so great it brings tears to my eyes. The fact that this is the true America that our children and forefathers fought to save sacrificing their lives for the basic reality you have described. How we have given this right away to a source in our own midst makes me wonder what have all the patriotic sacrifices of our nations lifetime journey meant to the followers of tRump-Republican party mired in Putin belief. It is imperative that we regain these fundamental aspects for our future good for America “home of the free and the brave”

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I think we need to encourage the Justice Department to indict Trump.

I think we need to get money out of politics.

I think we need to utilize the immigration policy as it was designed.

I think we need to deplatform lying, propagandist “News”.

I think we’d better act…


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I completely agree with everything you wrote, Professor Reich. As horrible and hateful as a chunk of this country has become, I believe the majority of people are good, decent, honest people who want the best for themselves as well as their families, friends and communities. Just like Putin trying to hide the death and destruction of an entire nation, you can’t keep the truth hidden forever. The truth will always come out. And love will always triumph over hate even if it feels like hate is currently winning. Thank you for another great post!

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I am sorry to disagree, but I regard this view as coming from a deep immersion in your culture - one where America is good and operates with the best intentions - this may be true at the individual level - but not from those who wield power in Washington aligned to the military-industrial complex - truly evil, they have brought us so much death and destruction. There seems a view that this war is a zero-sum game - it is not! Ukraine will lose even if they "win" - many will die, those that live will never be the same. It is zero-sum for the west; we will have some issues with inflation etc - but will make a lot of money selling more arms to a dispirited world.

The following link to a recent Chomsky interview is really worth the read (the transcript has links) <https://www.currentaffairs.org/2022/04/noam-chomsky-on-how-to-prevent-world-war-iii>

Chomsky "So I’m not criticizing Zelensky; he’s an honourable person and has shown great courage. You can sympathize with his positions. But you can also pay attention to the reality of the world. And that’s what it implies. I’ll go back to what I said before: there are basically two options. One option is to pursue the policy we are now following, to quote Ambassador Freeman again, to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. And yes, we can pursue that policy with the possibility of nuclear war. Or we can face the reality that the only alternative is a diplomatic settlement, which will be ugly—it will give Putin and his narrow circle an escape hatch. It will say - here’s how you can get out without destroying Ukraine and going on to destroy the world."

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Amen to that ! ! And incalculable shame on anyone duped by such userous and repulsive images as lil donnie hugging that American Flag. If I see it again, I'll puke . You know bone spur boy ! Can anyone say DRAFT DODGER ! ? The sellective, short memories and psuedo/patriotism dribbling out of frump supporters drooling yaps makes my skin crawl ! !

Having been seventeen years old in a submarine in the pacific, having lost his six dearest lifelong pals on a liberty ship, the old man and I dwelling on the Vietnam Conflict ,"Ahhh they use that patriotism word to stir folks up kid. Actions speak louder than words. Use yer head. War brings nothing but misery and death." Real tough guys; vlad (killer of women and children) and his idolitar lil donnie draft dodger . Neither a fraction of the man Zelensky appears.

Very good take on the whole thing Robert ! Keep it up !

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You are wildly optimistic, but WE are left with no other choice. Trump supporters have been manipulated by Russian propaganda via primarily the internet. I read that 44% of Americans get their news off the internet and social media. That means that 44% of Americans are flooded with Russian propaganda. People want simple, revelatory, emotional news and the Russians have played that to their advantage. The focus of the upcoming election should not be on political polarization in America but on Putin and what he has done to foster that polarization with well-placed propaganda.

I snipped this from Timothy Snyder's book The Road to Unfreedom. It is one grain of sand in the ocean!

"Much of what Russia did was take advantage of what it found. Hyperpartisan stories on Fox News or outbursts on Breitbart gained viewership thanks to transmission by Russian bots."

These bots sent out millions of transmissions!

Russian propaganda has made dupes of American citizens and prisoners of our Congress.

"It's Social Media, stupid."

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Thank you, Robert! I keep hoping that the blinds will come off those millions of our fellow Americans, so that they can admire and own real devotion, generosity, selflessness, sacrifice and love of their fellow humans, regardless of faith, race, gender or political preference.

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And what type of nationalism does this article invoke? Excusing a complete rejection of diplomacy and peace initiatives by the Biden administration because of McCarthyism and Putinphobia? Placing Russia's war crimes as a priority whereas ours against poor black and brown people are all but forgotten? National patriotism means sending billions in weapons so that Ukraine can fight the US proxy war against Russia? This is neoliberalism and the new "liberalist nationalism" at their finest, invoking emotion over critical thinking as we leave Ukraine to be destroyed and tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands to be slaughtered. Putin is an autocrat, his invasion is unwarranted but not unprovoked. That provocation is ours and NATO's, yet we leave Ukraine to do our dirty work and portray Zelensky as Churchill as if we're watching a war film. Doing the bidding of the defense industry and the generals is nationalism at its worst, and the continued apologies for Biden's rudderless leadership and highly suspect rejection of any notion of diplomacy will only result in two things-- complete devastation of Ukraine or nuclear conflict.

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I admire your optimism and wish I could share it, but the prevalence of recently enacted hateful laws targeting women, the LGBT community and voters rights have left me in despair. We are teetering on the brink of fascism and those of us who are fighting for democracy are now seen by the majority as being weak and ineffective, as shown by Biden's polls - despite all he has accomplished. I'm afraid that most Americans won't value our Democracy until we have lost it. We are, indeed, as much under attack as Ukraine, it's just a subtler war.

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This is a great essay, Professor Reich, that makes a strong case for the kind of commonality, community and true patriotism that Volodyrmyr Zelenskyy is showing the world almost every moment. He never gives up on his community, his nation, or on his fellow citizens, and he encourages them to stay true to their democracy even as they flee for temporary safety elsewhere. I think the actions of Ukraine's neighbors (Poland, Romania, Bulgaria) also show a decency and respect for Zellenskyy and his fellow Ukrainians. Apparently, ordinary citizens in Romania and nations bordering on Ukraine are welcoming the many Ukrainians and (please note) Russians who are fleeing the kind of terror and threat represented by Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and their "patriotism." (The Russians are every bit as terrified of repercussions caused by their support for Ukraine in its efforts to remain free. They are living proof that the major export offered the world by Russia has always been (and apparently still is) Russian people, usually the most talented, artistic, patriotic, inventive of all.) All of this positive response and true patriotism coming from citizens of many nations near and far from Ukraine is caused by the actions of President Zelenskyy, an apparently improbable head of state and one dismissed by the former 45th US president who has brought nothing but shame, dissension, economic and social disaster on our country and the world. Somehow Zelenskyy has not been enough of a national leader, not prominent or wealthy or well-known enough in Trump's eyes. (The irony is that the world will long remember and be grateful to a short, ordinary-looking comedian, who sought to make people at home in Ukraine (and Russia) laugh and forget their troubles but instead willingly and whole-heartedly stepped up to the plate to face the challenges PUtin and Trump created, all for the good of his people. That is a kind of patriotism rarely seen in America, too rarely, I believe.) If we want to choose an individual who represents true patriotism and sacrifice for the good of his people and our people as well, we could do no better than to choose Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He is not just the president of a free and secure Ukraine but, in my view, the current president of the free world, representing us all and giving us something to believe in and a path to follow. It is my hope that Ukraine will one day return to peace and prosperity; it is my certainty that the nations of the world will long remember and be grateful for Volodymyr Zelenskyy, long after the exploits and deeds of such as Valdimir Putin and Donald Trump have been erased by an example of a decent man who gave his country the best he had in him.

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Hi Robert, I have followed the news and am more than appalled at what has happened to the Republican Party. All of my family is firmly to the right, but I, being a married gay man (married to a wonderful and kind man) am quite the opposite. Though quite bruised by what the GOP has become (I have to wonder what all my deceased Republican family members might now think of their "Grand Old Party") I have to maintain some optimism as to the outcome of the current struggle. It is my belief that the greater part of the American electorate will wake up to the fact that they need to support the "American Experiment" over Putin, Xi, Trump, and the rest of the white, conservative, hateful, Christian Right. Thanks Robert - we need to work to keep our freedom!

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Our country, right or wrong

When right, to be kept right.

When wrong, to be put right

-- Carl Schurz

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Although I was born half dozen years after the end of WWII, I grew up in a household of extraordinary patriotism. My father fought in Europe, as did most of my uncles and aunts. They understood the true meaning of patriotism and love of country having seen the destruction of authoritarianism and fascism. America understood this as well, they sacrificed during times of rationing, they volunteered and participated in War Bond drives. Even children joined in.

I have absolute fate in the America people that when push comes to shove, they will fight as President Zelenskyy is doing, along with fellow Ukrainians, to protect their land and the true meaning of what it means to be a patriot. They remind me of what we once were and what we can be again.

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Professor Reich, you are as sincere as you are eloquent. Thank you. Frank

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Putin's aggression is certainly brutal but it was hardly "unprovoked" according to those who predicted it would happen as far back as 2014 and earlier. Wouldn't you have to say that there was no reason for the U.S. to worry about soviet missiles in Cuba back in the day in order to hold that Putin should be "unprovoked" by NATO on his doorstep now? Why is it unreasonable for Putin to have something akin to our own Monroe Doctrine? This all could have been avoided if U.S. leadership had just half the respect for Russian security it demands of others in the entire western hemisphere. Peace could also be negotiated now if U.S. leadership did not prefer to sacrifice Ukrainians just for an excuse to bleed Russia. Neoliberal foreign policy is no better than neoliberal economics. I would think you of all people could lay blame properly on the generation of leadership who thinks they can justify ANY level of greed they desire.

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