Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Something needs to be done to bring corporations under control. The greediness of most CEOs and the treatment of many workers is shameful worldwide

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

We have let corporations rule over everything else. They nearly run our government. Congress is so beholden to giant corporations that it can't work together to do anything that benefits the American people. Even when Congress manages to agree on legislation, protections, loopholes, subsidies and other benefits to corporations have to be included, otherwise there's no deal. Maybe there should be some punishment for corporations who negotiate with governments to the detriment of the US government. Gee, maybe we should tax them.

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Here’s the sauce, most big successful companies that do business with China are greedy. Some have no choice because that’s where a lot of items that you need to make your products are made. That does not mean we should let our companies get away with abusing workers in any country. What do we do about it? Stop buying new if you can. Better for the planet as a whole. If we base our economy on reuse instead of buy new big companies might have to change.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

Greed, ego and hunger for power are humanity's greatest weaknesses. We'll be lucky to escape this century alive.

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This doesn't sound like American policy. It sounds more like some unethical American companies. Of course, Americans could refuse to buy Chinese-manufactured Teslas. Biden could also refuse to allow Tesla the $7500 EV rebate. So far as Tesla being high-quality, I have heard quite a few complaints about them.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

Sadly, I have concluded this is who we really are as humans -- motivated primarily by greed, comfort, convenience, control, and fear. Rational thought -- to say nothing of ethics or integrity -- has very little currency in our most important decisions.

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I only power we seem to have would be to stop buying their goods. STOP BUYING.

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Reich “hits the nail on the head” once again. But Robert, please finish this piece with practical real world solutions. What can be done to change this abomination?

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

Now we get to see in full measure what Musk really >is< as a self-styled "freedom of speech absolutist." I'm sure he believes in >his< absolute freedom of speech. His damn citizenship should be revoked - as a >first< measure! As a second measure, confiscate the hostile alien's assets. There's >my< damn freedom of speech.

This just keeps a'gettin' better'n better:



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These CEOs can rhapsodize about the work ethic of exploited foreign employees all they like. Unfortunately, they don't understand that employees working for wages, don't have their hearts warmed the same way from working until 3AM to enrich a company to boost stock prices that don't come back in wage growth. This country needs to go forward and bring others with it, not go back to work conditions from 1810.

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At one time brands that had previously been made in the USA were being made in China. At work I would point out the “made in China” on almost everything in the office. It seemed to me to mean the manufacturer wanted things made cheaply and it was reflected in the quality of the product. After WWII “ there were a lot of cheap products “made in Japan” and I learned not to buy them. This is not about Chinese or Japanese workers but, it seemed to me, meeting the demands of the US manufacturers who had there products manufactured there. That is changing. Lately there are Vietnamese products being sold here which to me are of higher quality. In addition, I feel we owe Viet Nam. (read about Daniel Ellsberg’ brave disclosure ). There are articles about Americans embracing the products from Viet Nam. Maybe we will someday see “Made In the USA.”

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Elon hasn't figured out that "What goes around, comes around". Time will tell how long he has compliant workers willing to "burn the 3 a.m. Oil"! Especially for a pittance.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

Vote Яepuблikan$ for lawless law & order!

Яepuблikan$ - the coup-coup party.

This just keeps a'gettin better'n better! :





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I personally do not trust Musk. He is a diehard nutcase. It is dangerous to mess around with China especially when they have humanitarian problems which they also conduct that when they have business here. They do not treat the people fairly.

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The only thing surprising about this story is how totally unsurprising it is.

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Compliant workers? Maybe that is the appearance of things. Several months ago, a Chinese student--I teach English to second language learners online, globally--wanted to know what our US government was telling US citizens about Ukraine. For some reason, the question gave me hope. I know there are Chinese who do not swallow the party line, who question, and many who live in fear. Fear is a strange thing. After awhile, it looses its power. Listening to the comments made by many students--mine are mainly professionals, university grads or students and excellent speakers of English--living in many countries, I would say that many are quietly seeking a better way of life then living in fear and enduring horrible working and living conditions.

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