Trump admit he made a mistake? Not in his DNA!

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Aug 3Liked by Robert Reich

I emphatically agree. Trump would never admit he made a mistake and, besides, Vance is a chip off the old blockhead.

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If tRump wants to replace Vance he will make Vance quit, Vance will say he knows he is a liability. tRumpl will publicly say that he begged him not to. He knows he is losing and thinks he needs a black or women to help his failing campaign.

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I hadn’t considered Trump pushing Vance to back out. It makes perfect sense in the MAGAverse

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I don’t think he’ll pick a woman if he gets another chance…unless he chooses MTG. God Firbid.

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MTG is a chip off the old block. They know how to get attention. Be as outrageous as possible. It doesn't matter how stupid what they say is. Like Roy Cohn advised, All publicity is good regardless of how negative it is. And, you do not have to believe what you say.

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She's too controversial for him. He reportedly selected JDV to shore up support with the base. Oopsie.

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Yes but he's pretty quick to dump people who he thinks make him look bad or who otherwise get in the way of what trump wants to do..... he'll just blame him for something that's "private" and move him out of the way --

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More likely *Rump will tell Vance he has to withdraw for some fabricated reason. That gets around all the legal obstacles to changing candidates after the convention.

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Yes (and then vance will privately be rewarded in some way down the line, via $$$$$$ or the promise of a "lucrative" position somewhere a la "judge" cannon, etc.)

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The way it would happen, (and it won't) is Vance will say he has to step down for some reason. And it would have to be better than spending more time with his family.

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Aug 3Liked by Robert Reich

He might do it to get the media attention back on him. He’s so jealous of anyone getting more attention than him…even the Americans that were freed! Pathetic! He’ll go nuts during the Democratic convention.

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DJT has No Loyaty to anyone... He'll pick a Woman to counter Kamala, and a Sycophant to assuage his Insecure Egg-Shell Ego...

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Apache, Please do not slander eggs!!

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I Love Eggs... We all started as One!!!

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Keeping it light is an indication of confidence in the future. I feel so relieved to be at ease while working for tfg’s ultimate and unequivocal defeat.

Like Little Richard said, “I feel good”!!!

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James Brown...

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And he’ll think of a way to Shanghai the media attention back on him during Democratic convention. Dumping Vance then is a perfect tactic.

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There could always be another “assassination” attempt! That was good for three days or so, til he stupidly forgot to put the bandage on his ear one day!

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Trump knows how to get attention. The more outrageous the more attention. MTG knows the same trick.

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🤢The mention of her makes me 🤮

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I don't think T will, but it's not impossible for reasons you give. That would likely hurt his campaign even more.

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I agree. Judging from his aggressive and articulate convention statement, Vance is a clear threat to Trump by hogging the spotlight. Vance is not the wilting violet that Pence was.

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Agreed. But Vance should worry about the even more extreme members of the MAGAs trying to lynch him to clear the way for Trump to get a Mulligan.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

Trump doesn't have to admit he made a mistake -- other than claiming he had someone else in mind but he listened to some bad people.

See how he avoids saying he made a mistake? (He is MASTER at gaslighting and causing others to conclude that all the problems are someone else's.)

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It was his son Don, Jr. Trump was going to pick the “B” guy.

Don, Jr said, “Are you STUPID?” I always thought Don,Jr was stupid. Bet Sr. has a few choice words for his pathetic son.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

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I believe Peter Thiel had much more influence than the son. Perhaps Thiel or one of his cronies got to Don Jr. too.

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I have read that both *Rump and Vance were at a billionaire’s fundraise in California - Thiel was likely present - and *Rump asked them privately who he should pick for VP. They said Vance. But moron sons, Jr. and Eric, also seem to have a personal relationship with Vance, and went to bat for him.

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He is the master manipulator. Why do people fall for his lies.

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Because both parties spew lies. Not everyone, but a LOT.

It then becomes a matter of WHAT lies do you want to be true.

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Sure it is. He’s done it many multiple times. After he fires them he then denigrates them as “the worst ___” (fill in the blank).

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Bond! George Bond!

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Who's George Bond?

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Not the Roy Cohn way to admit a mistake. Ever.

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Yeah. That trump a-train has LOOOOONG past the "last stop." It's Bunkerboy-Vance and Harris- . . . Kelly? I'm excited for an astronaut VP.;)

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It doesn’t get more an American Hero than an astronaut. Kelly knows how to be a #2 guy and how to handle an emergency from his training. He will make an excellent VP.

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I thought the same thing...

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His ego's too big to admit he made a mistake. Besides, Vance likes him, and that's all that counts. BTW have you seen the Childless Cat Ladies on Tik Tok? It's hysterical: CHILDESS CAT LADIES Song by Cathy Fink & Tom Paxton. My cats are fired up and ready to meow their loudest for Harris.

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He’ll blame his son.

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Or blame anyone but himself because that’s what the narcissistic sociopathic conman/grifter does.

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I love that! Now, I’ll have to teach my little Boston to whoof for Kamala!

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It's common wisdom here that Vance is a big mistake. I don't know that to be true, though the liberal ecosystem seems quite certain of that.

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Vance, "Trump is America's Hitler". How does one forgive that gem? Maybe Trump saw that as a compliment.

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Aug 2Liked by Robert Reich

JD Vance had turned out to be quite the disappointment, he is the first VP Candidate in modern history to negatively affect the polls for his party's candidacy once the VP selection was announced. Vance is to Trump what Palin was to McCain.

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vance is the gift that just keeps on giving....

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Worse. Palin is an airhead but at least she is (was?) an attractive airhead.

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He will not choose a woman. He is literally more likely to choose a son

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DEI hires - Don Eric Ivanka . . .

[ Can't recall source, not me, alas . . . ]

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Unless it were his daughter...

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The one he wants to have sex with???

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Oh good Gawd, that would really be something, something even more disgusting than usual.

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Yeah...even Ivanka has dumped him.

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Jeeze you’re probably correct

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Interesting suggestion!

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Vance is competing with Trump for the stupidity award.

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No, I certainly hope not - I think he will stick with Vance - he hates to admit he made a mistake, and Vance is trying so hard to be like him! I was afraid he might be strategic and tap Nikki, but his misogyny and general feelings towards strong women would never allow him to rely on her.

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real incompatibility there with Nikki Haley ; He could be trumped by a more sane politician.

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I can't imagine Trump has any use for Haley except for a few of her voters, and that's not a big factor.

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I was afraid he would pick Haley also.

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Why? She is lightweight.

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Haley has a great many followers. She was very successful in numerous states which is why she hung around long after others dropped out.

Trump’s ratings are going down. Haley is much younger and might attract swing voters and independents. Which could be a threat to Harris who is likely to get many of those.

A YOUNG lady I spoke with 3 weeks ago wasn’t even going to vote. Now she is voting for Harris and has signed up for her absentee ballot.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

Marlo : Yes, but Nikki Haley is no Kamala Harris.

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Alot of Haley’s support was fake from Independents and Democrats who purposely voted against Trump in the primaries to make a statement who would otherwise not vote for Haley or any Republican. It was a simply a vote “against” and nothing more. We all know Haley is just another chameleon. She wasted no time endorsing Trump.

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But don’t you have to register whether you are Republican or Democratic to vote in the primary?

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Not in the county where I live in N Georgia. There were only Republican candidates so anyone could vote their choice. Biden had no competition. Different than the regular election between party candidates.

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Let's hope that his overweening ego will prevent his making what would be an intelligent move for anyone else.

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Trump is extremely narcissistic and needs Vance to participate in election denying that Pence did not do. Vance is a mini-Trump.

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Vance was Project 2025’s pick! If, God forbid, trump wins in November, the GOP will declare trump incompetent…..then America will be stuck with a really weird fascist!

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Yes. It’s not Trump’s to decide. It’s up to the Heritage Foundation etc .

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One of my relatives was big in the development of the HF, they don’t like to lose and the are definitely an insidious lot, and with unlimited coffers…and that was back in 2000 when I first learned of them. They are breeding and backing my nephew, a state Senator with lofty goals. Scary shit.

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One of my relatives is concerned about the Heritage Foundation's influence on "voucher" schools. She envisions training our youth not unlike the Hitler Youth and Bund programs did but in more subtle ways, the idea being to inculcate the next generation in extreme conservatism. These schools are beautifully marketed as "Choice." Florida and Arizona lead in these schools.

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kill the public schools. Kill PBS. All the same thread of thought.

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Tennessee is trying like hell to push the vouchers. So far the guv has not won that battle yet.

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And he won’t! What an asshole. Trump doesn’t like him anymore. All that for nothing. He wanted to be his VP. 🤣

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What state?

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No. Don,Jr insisted he pick Vance

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Marlo, as I said in a previous post, trump left the decision of his VP to his Bubble Brained, son Jr, another self inflated moron! Jr was wined and dined, by Project 2025 elite…who convinced him Vance was trump’s man! It is their intention to declare trump incompetent, and remove him leaving nut case vance as president! Imagine a chameleon like vance, constantly reinventing himself!

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Thiel has been backing Vance since he left college! He helped him get three executive positions…and he was fired from every one…..then he set him up with his own business, which he bankrupted within the year! Vance is Project 2025 choice, obviously not even the MAGA like him! P25 pitched him to Jr. built up his ego like they do with trump, and BINGO there is trump’s VP! You may wonder where trump was during this manipulation….he didn’t want to be bothered vetting a VP….he was playing golf every day!

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Vance is considerably brighter than Trump but just as manipulative.

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Much more dangerous.

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Does Robert have the time and ability to actually read these comments. If so, allow me to make some proposals should he have access to the proper sources, which I certainly don't

January 6th, was the most destructive event in my lifetime, even worse that Pearl Harbor. An assault on our Capitol, the pillar of our democracy. An assault on our founders who sacrificed so much so we can wake up every morning in safety and with opportunity.

Why doesn't the DNC show repeated clips of that event frequently and with commentary.

Also, why doesn't the DNC show repeated clips of trumps gross insult to John McCain when he. without shame, said he was not a hero because he was captured and trump did not believe that captured service people were heroes. Those clips are reflective of trump's derangement and would be effective revelations and reminders to the thinking public.

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Then there are *Rump’s description of the military fallen as “suckers and losers” as he looked at their gravestones. It is incomprehensible to me that anyone with an ounce of functioning brain cells would have anything to do with him, let alone want him as our president.

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My thoughts exactly! The Dems should open their convention with a video of Jan 6 rioters while in the background present Trump's comments to "...fight like hell..." Get that back front and center.

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I have emailed my ideas such as yours to the DNC (Googled it). I don’t know if it gets to the right people. But you might try there. Also, Whitmer is co-chair, you could also contact her.

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My comment on this week's poll? Whooooo cares! I'm enthused with Kamala Harris does. For me the perfect team would be Harris/Buttigieg but that's not going to happen. So I'd be happy with Kelly, Cooper, or Walz. No matter what trumpster/dumpster tries - he's toast. All the majority of American voters need is to hear orange lardass ramble about all jobs being 'black jobs' or claiming he was the one who passed the infrastructure law, or his great friends Putin and Hannibal Lector

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The young guy missed, but women are going to kill him in November!

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I can’t imagine him changing his mind. His base seems to love the more outrageous the better.

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He may want to dump Vance but his party has already accepted his choice and it would have to be Vance who withdraws.

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That's an interesting idea. I can see Trump manipulating that. Then it's Vance's fault.

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The RNC rules suggest that this choice is essentially a fungible one - take one out, put another in. Those rules consist of 1. Whatever Trump wants he gets, and 2. same as #1. State rules are a bit more complicated, or so I understand. The longer he waits, the less likely he is to succeed. Early voting begins in September, ballots will be printed this month (! - HOW did it get to be August already?) and Vance would essentially have to fall on his sword and withdraw or meet with an untimely end, since Trump cannot admit he made a mistake, no matter who he blames. I'm stocking up on popcorn to munch while writing postcards to swing state voters.

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Since when have rules bothered his holy orangeness?

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Exactly! And the RNC will accommodate his every whim - see Rules 1 and 2 above. It would be tougher with the states - the red ones, maybe, but universally? probably not.

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The Southern states would not like Vance being replaced.

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Trump will never admit to a mistake, unless he can blame the “victim”, in this case, Vance. Vance hasn’t done anything wrong in Trump’s view because he’s been obsequious and shown devoted loyalty.

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J. D. Vance has made his position on people without children very clear. He holds them in a negative light, because to him, they have no vested interest in this country. Well, now I know the degree to which Mr. Vance embraces human stupidity. How many kids did the boys who gave their lives for this country have? Vance is a fool who needs a good visit from Julie Newmar. If you live in this country and you abide by all it stands for, that's all you need to have a vested interest in our future. Vance and Trump deserve each other, to them ignorance is bliss, and man do they have it.

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I sure hope Trump does not dump Vance. He must balance his reluctance to admit any mistake versus his desire to be elected.

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You want Trump to be elected? That's what it sounds like you are saying.

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