Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

It is fascinating that these cult clowns find nothing disturbing about a President who pardons the cronies who were convicted of committing crimes on his behalf. That, to me, is the shining example of the reason why Washington and Adams and Jefferson risked their lives to found a government based on laws. Trump is a traitor to the most sacred ideals of Americanism.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

"Violence is possible, but there will be no civil war."

Hope you're right, but curious isn't it that Trump represents those who never came to terms with 1865.

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It remains to be seen how many Maga Republican RATS , (Republicans Advocating Trump’s Sickness), in Congress, jump ship before it sinks! As they try to save what very little integrity they have left. Once they’ve read Jack Smith’s indictment and then still support and defend the FPOTUS they are definitely complicit!

If everyone would take the time to read Jack Smith’s charging document, (45 pages), they will see how evil this man is! Most of us already knew but obviously many Americans refuse to believe it!

In a recent Truth Social post the FPOTUS ended the post “I’m an innocent man”. No

you are a completely Insane Maniac!

For those who still drink the Cruel-Aid, after all that has happened, you are not Patriots! But you know who loves you and what’s happening in our country? Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Viktor Orbán, Kim Jong-un, Ali Khamenei, etc….

It is more important now than at any other time in our history that we again become United. No one ever said our government is perfect. Government makes lots of mistakes. My Dad said many times “they say that this is the best form of government. Well if this is the best, I would hate to see the worst “! It would be great if we had some honest and impartial members of Congress

that could form a committee to make some long needed common sense amendments to our constitution for the betterment of our country.

We also have to hold our elected leaders accountable to sit down and work together as one government that works for the American people. STOP TEARING US APART !

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Hitler was quashed in 1923 in the Munich beer hall putsch. It did not deter him and he came back stronger than ever.

Don’t forget aspires to a similar form of authoritarianism and one cannot count him out. He must be incarcerated before he has the opportunity of pardoning himself. We are on track for a similar historical scenario.

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Because of people like Trump and his supporters, America has become this Australian's least favourite country.

I am angry that our own Prime Minister has committed us to a contract with what is fast becoming a very unstable country.

Never mind enemies outside of your country. It looks to me that America is eating it's own heart 🤬

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Trump is reportedly having trouble finding lawyers to represent him in this matter, with Marc Caputo of The Messenger reporting today that one federal criminal defense lawyer he contacted in the Southern District of Florida said: “The problem is none of us want to work for the guy…. He’s a nightmare client.”

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What scares me most is WHO SAW those documents that Trump kept?

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And in the meantime, all else of concern to this country goes by the wayside. tRump sucks up all the bandwidth again. Biden has done amazing things that will help Americans as they struggle toward an uncertain future economically and environmentally. The press will advantage tRump again by giving him so much attention. I wish someone would remember that narcissists die when IGNORED. And, he deserves to be ignored because everything around him is tarnished. His total focus is on himself and his grievances. Always make him 'second page' news....it will drive him crazy!

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I agree, Trump cannot push us into a citizen's war (I see nothing "civil" about war) but I am concerned for the residents of Miami. My understanding is that ONLY the State Government can call up the National Guard to protect the State. That our regular military cannot act against American citizens. Frankly, with a numbskull fascist like DeSantis as Governor, can the citizens of Florida trust such a person to care whether a few of them are killed by being innocents in the line of fire induced by Trump's MAGA herd of armed seditionists?

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you said: "Nations don’t go to war over whether they like or hate specific leaders. They go to war over the ideologies, religions, racism, social classes, and/or economic policies these leaders represent.

But Trump represents nothing other than his own grievance with a system that refused him a second term and is now beginning to hold him accountable for violating the law."

i reply: trump is a cult. he no longer is a human, he is a cult.

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Dr. Reich: I wish I had your confidence that these tRump indictments, trials, possible imprisonments will not cause a civil war. We have been fighting a cold version of the same Civil War we have been waging since the 19th century. The people who support tRump do not care whether or not they can find pplausible defenses. tRump is really not the subject of contention for his "supporters." tRump is their excuse to engage in evil rhetoric and behavior and they wuld probably have done so ooner, or later, regrdless of whether tRump ever enggaed in politics. tRump is a convenient symptom for engaging in a violent civil war that they have been hoping to wage for over a hundred years, but more so since the beginning of the greed era with the election of Reagan.

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He does represent the ideology of the confederacy... this should not be taken for granted. And we are less intelligent & educated than before...

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I am a retired, disabled veteran. I am well-educated.

I live in Florida. I am an independent and a socially progressive thinker.

I support gun ownership but oppose personal ownership of automatic weapons.

I struggle with wanting to engage politically but live in fear of these "psychotic" Trump supporters. My vehicle would be destroyed in the Publix parking lot if I put a liberally minded bumper sticker on it.

Yes, I agree that there will not be a Civil War, but how is that defined? Florida is already at war.

While I understand the rationale for a Florida venue for the Trump trial, I fear the Florida judicial system will disable the process.

Just remember, there are many of us in Florida who support democracy, equality, voting rights, and the right to healthcare, and we are searching for a way to have our voices heard.

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Anyone else think "weaponize" is the most overused and meaningless word of the year? And "witch hunt" means going after the innocent, not prosecuting criminals. The distorted, manipulative use of language -- endlessly repeated and not analyzed, exposed or corrected by the press -- is far more dangerous than we realize. I don't see civil war, but i see far too many fellow Americans unthinkingly swayed by the drama and the b.s., unwittingly following a malignant narcissist who would destroy our country, and this worries me a lot.

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If MAGA wants to start a "civil war", insurrection or some sort of civil strife, there's no more appropriate place to do it than Florida. Let them deal with it. What would DeSantis do? If they can't handle it, or they handle it inappropriately, then send federal troops to put things back in order. At least it will become clear to any rational people still in doubt what a threat Trump & MAGA are to our peace, security, unity & democracy.

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This is what you get when you believe that the First Amendment protects OBVIOUS, PROVEN LIES to be loudly, angrily and repeatedly broadcast over mass media. A significant part of the electorate will inevitably BELIEVE the lies, and vote accordingly. America is getting the results it deserves. A fundamental change in attitude toward truth is needed. And don’t fire back that “who’s to say what truth is? No one can!” That is not a argument to use when a terrorist is holding your family hostage. It is in fact a propagandist’s ploy. See “false dichotomy,” “fallacy of perfectionism,” and “slippery slope.”

There are three kinds of beliefs: true, viewpoints/opinions, and false. The first amendment protects the first two, NOT THE THIRD. Obviously some will believe (have the opinion) that the truth is false. The burden on that viewpoint is to provide persuasive reasonable evidence. Those who will not and cannot do that should be silent until they can do so. If instead they angrily insist that black is white and white is black and their saying so is proof enough, should be relegated to soap boxes in the parking lot. NOT BROADCAST INTO MILLIONS OF HOMES.

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